Eid E Milad celebrations

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Re: Eid E Milad celebrations


Unread post by zinger » Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:49 am

Like i said MF bhai, heaven is going to be a lonely place because only you and your kind will be there. the rest are all destined for hell.

enjoy the extra free space that you will get there

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Re: Eid E Milad celebrations


Unread post by mohamedshah » Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:01 am

Milad un Nabi should not be called Eid as it is not a religious event. We all know society is dynamic, that's why in each time period we have a guide, to enable us navigate through the challenges of our times. Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) is the messenger of Allah and the seal of Prophets and we recognize him as such. As societies became more affluent people had more time, resources and humans have a need for celebrations we are social beings, we will find events, people among other things to celebrate , remember this celebration is not worship even if the person is a religious figure. I see no reason why I should not celebrate Milad un Nabi, with my Dawoodi Bohra's, with processions by other Muslim groups, we need to relax and enjoy ourselves.

I believe this has not been prohibited. The hadiths quoted in previous posts I am aware, and I contend and inteprete them differently. Since around the 10th Century Islamic scholars have graviated to become "literalists" in interpretations, hence a highly progressive Islamic society slowly became backward by the 20th Century. I would ask regarding "Bida tag" - on Milad Celebrations what innovation? Has the Quran explicitly prohibited celebrating of human birthdays and achievements of humans and their lives - my answer - No. If we say we have to live as the Prophet and Sahaba's lived in all facets then why do we use motorised transport and not walk or use horses and camels? Society has moved. I have a theory on those who have called Milad celebrations "Bidah" - Its is controversial hence will avoid it on this post.

For the Christian's Prophet Issa did not celebrate Christmas, nor did his early followers. Today not only do Christian's celebrate - My family also does, not today but for nearly 20+ years we have special Turkey, puddings, share gifts etc- My mum used to say it does not matter whether Prophet Issa was born on this day or not, one day of the year is dedicated in his honor.

Allah is very forgiving and merciful. We all know what "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" means In the name of Allah the most beneficent merciful, before we start most things to the best of our ability to remember. Islam is a tolerant faith and way of life. Let us not make it look otherwise.

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Re: Eid E Milad celebrations


Unread post by anajmi » Fri Jan 24, 2014 10:08 am

Has the Quran explicitly prohibited celebrating of human birthdays and achievements of humans and their lives - my answer - No. If we say we have to live as the Prophet and Sahaba's lived in all facets then why do we use motorised transport and not walk or use horses and camels?
br. mohamedshah

That is a weak argument heard many times. Motorized transport was not available to the prophet and the sahaba, but birthdays were definitely available. Can you point out any great Imam/prophet/sahaba celebrating his birthday with the pomp and show that we have today? Any dua that the prophet (saw) recommended that should be recited on your birthday?

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Re: Eid E Milad celebrations


Unread post by anajmi » Fri Jan 24, 2014 10:11 am

For the Christian's Prophet Issa did not celebrate Christmas, nor did his early followers. Today not only do Christian's celebrate - My family also does, not today but for nearly 20+ years we have special Turkey, puddings, share gifts etc- My mum used to say it does not matter whether Prophet Issa was born on this day or not, one day of the year is dedicated in his honor.
Actually, Christmas represents a pagan holiday. It was used to celebrate the birthday of the Sun. You aren't celebrating the birthday of Jesus Christ. Just because you say are doesn't mean anything. The prophet (saw) differentiated himself by fasting two days in moharram instead of one like the Jews used to. You should try to differentiate yourself. Celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on 25th of July so you can be different. Don't be like the Christians.

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Re: Eid E Milad celebrations


Unread post by anajmi » Fri Jan 24, 2014 10:17 pm

Allah is very forgiving and merciful. We all know what "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" means In the name of Allah the most beneficent merciful, before we start most things to the best of our ability to remember. Islam is a tolerant faith and way of life. Let us not make it look otherwise.
Why do we always talk about the tolerance of Islam when we want to imitate the jews and the Christians? Have we ever said that Islam is a tolerant religion because it allows us to pray just 5 times a day or fast for just one month in a year?

1:6 Guide us the straight way
1:7 The way of those upon whom Thou hast bestowed Thy blessings, not of those who have been condemned [by Thee], nor of those who go astray!

According to many scholars, the condemned and the astray refer to the jews and the Christians. And yet we want to celebrate like they do, inspite of asking this from Allah at least 17 times a day!!

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Re: Eid E Milad celebrations


Unread post by mohamedshah » Sat Jan 25, 2014 8:11 am

What you are saying those who went astray refers to Christians and Jews, is this explicitly stated or an interpretation of scholars (who may be representing a geo-political stance or a power play) hence widely believed in certain quarters to be true? So Scholars (Unnamed) claim to be exclusive interpreters?

Do you believe muslim's cannot go astray it is exclusive to Jews and Christians.

Are you aware of the political underpinnings of the scholars who say Christmas and Milad un Nabi should not be celebrated, and are going about telling people if you are not following what we say is bidaa?

Are you aware of Musaylimah bin Habib Al Hanifa - the Arch liar and which part of the Arabian Peninsula he lived and the influence he had in the region he lived in and its scholars, his connection to Salafi/Wahahbi thought and the Ibne Saud's who currently occupy Hijaz after violently overthrowing the Hashimite Emirs of Hijaz who descended from Imam Hassan ibne Ali (AS)?

I agree motorized transport was due to evolution of mechanical systems and development after the prophets time, in the same vein in those days societies did not keep track of passage of time or culturally celebrate birthdays of people in general, society also evolves and develops overtime.

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Re: Eid E Milad celebrations


Unread post by anajmi » Sat Jan 25, 2014 11:29 am

What you are saying those who went astray refers to Christians and Jews, is this explicitly stated or an interpretation of scholars (who may be representing a geo-political stance or a power play) hence widely believed in certain quarters to be true? So Scholars (Unnamed) claim to be exclusive interpreters?
Have you read the Quran? Do you know what the Quran says about the Jews and the Christians? It wouldn't be too much of leap to consider the jews and the Christians to be condemned and astray, unless of course you want to be amongst those who want to imitate them!!
Do you believe muslim's cannot go astray it is exclusive to Jews and Christians.
Well, obviously they can!!
Are you aware of the political underpinnings of the scholars who say Christmas and Milad un Nabi should not be celebrated, and are going about telling people if you are not following what we say is bidaa?
Forget about the politics for a second. Can you tell me if the prophet (saw) or any great Imam celebrated birthdays? Or a dua to be said for a child on his or her birthday?

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in the same vein in those days societies did not keep track of passage of time or culturally celebrate birthdays of people in general, society also evolves and develops overtime.
So according to you birthday celebrations started recently. Seriously? For how long have Christians being celebrating the birth of Christ on the 25th of December? A little research on the internet will tell you that Christmas has been celebrated since the 4th century, well before the birth of the prophet (saw) or Islam. So it already existed and yet the prophet (saw) chose to ignore it. Forget about Christmas, he never celebrated his own birthday. That is why we are still uncertain about when it is exactly. Same is the case with the great Imams of Islam. No one has recorded their birthdays. I am not saying you shouldn't celebrate Christmas. Heck, celebrate anything you want. Just don't hide it behind "Islam is tolerant" garb!!

My personal take on muslims following Christians because "Islam is tolerant" is that they are envious of the jews and the Christians. They think - man, our eids are so boring and so much work. For one eid we have to fast for a whole month, for the other we have to sacrifice an animal and donate its meat. Christian holidays are so much more fun, with the lights and the trees and the gifts. Hey, Allah is rahman and raheem, so let us ignore everything else and enjoy!!