The "Fitnah" Behind The Present Turmoil In Bohra Community.

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ghulam muhammed
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The "Fitnah" Behind The Present Turmoil In Bohra Community.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Fri Feb 14, 2014 11:48 am

It is imperative to know the CAUSE of the ongoing war between factions of the 2 camps of Saifee Mahal which has created unprecedented chaos, mayhem and confusion in the once peaceful Bohra community. This has not happened all of a sudden but it is the result of a careful and systemic planning which started many years ago, this is the result of a great “Fitnah” created by Late Yusuf Najmuddin (YN) decades ago. YN was the son of Taher Saifuddin saab (ST) (He had 4 wives and 24 children) and the half brother of Burhanuddin saab (MB) as well as Khuzema Qutbuddin saab (KQ). He was the MOST arrogant, ruthless, cunning and calculative man who played his cards extremely well, he was also the MOST powerful man in Saifee Mahal during Burhanuddin saab’s era. It was a known fact that all major decisions were taken by him and Burhanuddin saab was just like a rubber stamp who endorsed all his decisions as no one had the might to take him head on. He was also responsible for once slapping MB, a matter which had then become the talk of the town.

YN was always eyeing for the post of ‘Mazoon’ which was denied to him as per instructions of his father, ST who had endorsed KQ’s name for the same. This angered YN no end and he made it his mission to teach KQ a lesson and at the same time settle scores with MB for denying him what he felt was his birth right. He took control of virtually all the main lucrative branches of Kothar and gained undue importance. He was also responsible for siphoning off a large sum of money collected for some fanciful scheme (Scam) from rich bohras staying in Lahore/Karachi which was then a part of the Indian state. It so happened that India got independence in 1947 due to which bohras living in parts which then became Pakistan were in no position to claim the amount as it was under the control of the Indian part of dawat headed by YN. He also became the rector of jamea Saifiyah which trained the future amils who were totally under his control.

The Mohurrum tamashas are the brainchild of YN who first “experimented” it in the 80s when he organised Mohurrum vayez in Cairo, Egypt. This was the first overseas vayez ever held by any Dai. The response to this scheme was overwhelming as thousands of bohras flocked to Cairo and seeing this, YN and other saifee mahal mafias sensed a very lucrative business in Mohurrum tamashas which then became a routine affair. YN was a very smart businessman who too wanted to encash upon this business and for which he planned to make Cairo another major hub of Bohraism and planned to settle bohras there and for which he wanted to construct huge housing complexes in Cairo. He entered into business deals with Egyptian land mafias which turned sour and due to which he was ultimately murdered although Kothar managed to hush up the whole incident and claimed that he died a natural death. His death was under suspicious circumstances which was also reported in local newspapers His body was not brought back to India but was ultimately buried in Cairo.

As part of his hidden agenda, YN also saw to it that the sons (Shehzadas) of MB didn’t pursue much education, especially Islamic and for which he engaged them in all sorts of luxuries like outings at various countries, Shikars and other ayyashis which were the prerogative of maharajas. The sons enjoyed these activities and also helped YN in keeping them away from day to day affairs and taking full control over dawat. He himself was the co-owner of Hotel Ambassador at Churchgate, Mumbai which had a full fledged bar which was then sold to the famous antique smuggler Manu Narang. He used to visit the hotel often for “Relaxing” and had a permanent suite booked in which he had his share of rendezvous.

To penetrate further into the workings of dawat and to keep a hold over its treasures, he got his daughter Zurratul sharaf married to MB’s son Mufaddal Saifuddin. His daughter has inherited her father’s genes as she too is known for her arrogance and high handedness just like her brothers Syedul Kher and Badrul Jamali who are ace extortionists and very powerful even now. MB was actually very keen in getting his son Mufaddal Saifuddin married to KQ’s daughter which he finally did but only after Mufaddal Saifuddin was already married to YN’s daughter. This irked YN’s family no end as they realised that KQ could now become more powerful and their evil plans would be jeorpardised so Zurratul sharaf saw to it that her husband divorced Safia, daughter of KQ within just 3 to 4 months of their marriage. This also helped YN and his family in straining the ties between KQ and MB’s family which resulted in KQ and MB’s sons slowly drifting apart.

KQ was systematically sidelined by MB’s sons under the guidance and pressure of YN’s daughter Zurratul sharaf and her brothers Kher and Badrul Jamali. Their vice like grip over MB’s sons and their abuse of power can be seen from the fact that when Kher was the amil of Surat he even went to the extent of orchestrating a physical attack on KQ in Surat. Although a person holding the second highest rutba (Mazun) was physically attacked by a local amil but NO action was taken against him, such is the hold and grip of YN’s family over the sons of MB. Even as soon as MB became indisposed, his sons saw to it that KQ was not given any importance as all amils were instructed to neglect him which can be observed from the recent visits of KQ to various cities when no sooner did KQ express his desire to visit a city, the local amil made it a point to disappear to Mumbai 2/3 days prior to the visit.

Hence, YN atlast succeeded in his evil designs of creating an unending rift between the 2 factions, the brunt of which is now borne by average bohras who are standing at crossroads as everyday some new crap is served to them highlighting the alleged good of MS and the alleged evils of KQ. The brain washing sessions have helped Muffy in erasing from the memory of Bohras, especially the elders, the Fitnah created by his father-in-law Yusuf Najmuddin, which is the MAIN cause of the sad present day state of affairs in the community. They even refuse to analyse a simple fact that the late MB had personally solemnised the marriages of not only one but 4 daughters of KQ who were married to his own sons and grandchildren. If at all KQ was an evil as is made out by Muffy gang and YN family then why would the 52nd Dai get his own siblings married to KQ’s daughters ? The fact remains that there was NEVER any enmity between KQ and MB but the seeds of hatred were sown by YN and his family over a period of time and Muffy and gang fell prey to its evil designs coupled with the fact that tonnes of money were also at stake !!

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Re: The "Fitnah" Behind The Present Turmoil In Bohra Communi


Unread post by think » Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:03 pm

so very true. Have seen the hey days of y.N. and can relate. He was a shrewed and cunning person.

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Re: The "Fitnah" Behind The Present Turmoil In Bohra Communi


Unread post by hasman001 » Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:26 pm

Yeah seems clear enough indeed. Bro GM has narrated it quite well. Seems like YN was really ruthless. Wonder if some of the elders on this forum can give some insight on his personality traits?

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Re: The "Fitnah" Behind The Present Turmoil In Bohra Communi


Unread post by alam » Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:29 pm

The Thread could easily have been titled as follows and still hold true:

YN & family Jealousy manipulated concept of "Dushman & munafekeen" upon wafaat of STS.

Even S.Burhanuddin was silenced. With all the power to mesmerize the masses - he was still afraid.

We underestimate the power of YN and family in steering the Bohra community toward anti-Islamic anti-Imaan beliefs, rituals and philosophies for the last 50 years.

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Re: The "Fitnah" Behind The Present Turmoil In Bohra Communi


Unread post by kseeker » Fri Feb 14, 2014 1:34 pm

Is it true that YN is responsible for the 4 teachers being removed from their posts in Surat Jamea?

Bohra spring
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Re: The "Fitnah" Behind The Present Turmoil In Bohra Communi


Unread post by Bohra spring » Fri Feb 14, 2014 4:13 pm

He was also responsible for once slapping MB, a matter which had then become the talk of the town.
Fantastic and yet Abdes will not blink ...this is treason of the highest order.

In short GMbhai has stated that for the past 50 years YN was real power and fit to say the is YNs legacy that they are following king maker, strategist, etc...SMB , SMS are just the facade. I would be rude but so what to say he almost was the Imam zaman....

To test the hypothesis of YN's are his daughters and sons married...we know one is to SMS..what about rest ?

ghulam muhammed
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Re: The "Fitnah" Behind The Present Turmoil In Bohra Communi


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Fri Feb 14, 2014 4:25 pm

Muffy's wife's name should read as 'Jawharat u sharaf" !!

ghulam muhammed
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Re: The "Fitnah" Behind The Present Turmoil In Bohra Communi


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Fri Feb 14, 2014 7:43 pm

Excerpts of some comments made by Mr.S.Insaf on various threads with regard to YN's arrogance and manipulations :-

1) In June 1966 he (SMB) went to Karachi and sent his men to kill Mulla Abbas Aurangabadi who entered his house, tied him with a chair and burnt him alive by pouring petrol on his body in broad day light. Mulla Abass died in the Karachi's Civil Hospital next day after giving his dying declaration naming Burhanuddin Maula and his brother Yusuf Najmuddin as conspirators.

2) His younger brother and political advertiser, Yusuf Najmuddin took charge of the affairs of Dawat in his name. Yusuf Najmuddin was ruthless and cruel.
In June 1966 Mulla Abbas Aurangabadi was burnt alive in Karachi in day light by goons of Yusuf Najmuddin. Sympathy for Pragati Mandal reached to the Bohras of Pakistan.
In 1967 Yusuf Najmuddin in the name of Syedna Burhanuddin Saheb forcefully imposed an authoritarian constitution on the East Africa Jamats. A large number of Bohras from East Africa Jamats joined the reformist movement.

3) In 1973 when innocent young and old Bohra women were attacked in front of Syedna Saheb and the resentment turned in mass rebellion in Udaipur. In the same year four senior ustads of Jamiya Saifia Surat were thoroughly beaten and one Shaikh Sajjad Husain was killed by the goons of Yusuf Najmuddin.

In the same year 1980, in order to rebuild Syedna Saheb's tarnished image Yusuf Najmuddin for the first time in the Dawoodi Bohra history organised a big Tamasha of show of strength in Egypt in the name of Syedna Saheb's Moharram vaiz in Cairo. For the first time in the Dawoodi Bohra history local vaiz were banned and the Amils were asked to bring as much Bohra to Cairo as possible. A false propaganda was made that Imamuz-Zaman is going to appear in Egypt and it will be big 'Sharaf' to be with your Daiz-Zaman.
After the success of that Tamasha in Cairo, every occasion was turned in to big Tamasha and every act related to Syedna Saheb a 'Sharaf'.
Both the President of Egypt, Anwar Sadat and Yusuf Najmuddin later met with tragic death in Egypt and no one remembers them.

4) Mr. Shashi Bhushan visited Surat to address a party meeting the Bohras were instigated not to allow him to enter the city. A large crowd went on a rampage and the situation became so tense that the police imposed section 144 to control it. Yusuf Najmuddin the rector of Jamia Saifia rushed to Surat and instigated a large crowd of Jamia’s students to teach a lesson to their “munafik” (hypocrite) teachers. Thereafter four senior ustads (eminent scholars), Shaikh Sajjad Husain, Shaikh Hasan Ali, Shaikh Ali Ahmed and Shaikh Ahmed Ali Raj were haunted and assaulted mercilessly by their own students under pressure from the rector.
Galiakot incident made Surat’s Jamiah Saifia a hotbed of discussion. In order to frighten the teachers and students Jamias rector and Sayedna Saheb’s brother Yusuf Najmuddin rushed to Surat and incited a mob which attacked the houses of four senior teachers of Jamiah on 23 November 1974. The attack resulted in the death of Shaikh Sajjad Husain Sarangpoorwala.

5) Sayedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb organized a one-day Convention on 5th June 1961 at Saifee Masjid Bombay. Noman Contractor and other reformists were not invited. Various schemes for welfare and economic upliftment of the community were put forward and sanctioned. Then Yusuf Najmuddin raised a question “For materializing these welfare schemes through out the community ‘large fund’ will be required, who is going to foot the finance?” Then after some close consultation with Sayedna Saheb he after quoting from Quran at length he said “Allah helps those who help themselves” and with blessings and foresight of Aqa Maula he announced a new Tax “Sabil" saying that the quantum of the tax would be decided by our Bawa Shafeeq.

6) There were two persons among many other who were hired by Yusuf Najmuddin to oppose Asghar Ali Engineer and Bohra reform movement when seatings of Nathwani Commission of Inquiry were announced in Bombay, Ahmedabad, Udaipur and Delhi. It was first time in the Bohra history that the inhuman atrocities committed, and large scale infringement of human and civil rights of Dawoodi Bohras at the hands of Sayedna Taher Saifuddin and his son Sayedna Burhanuddin were going to be recorded in black and white.
One was Maulana Atiqur-Rehman Usmai and another was Salamat Ali Mehdi. Both tried their best through their speeches, statements and writings to prove that Asghar Ali is an enemy of Islam, Russian agent to destroy Islam and another Salman Rishdi etc.

7) The word "Baraat" based on Quranic Sura "Baraat" was coined by Yusuf Najmuddin and an a practice of verbal announcement was started to avoid legal complications.

8) During 3rd World Dawoodi Bohra Conference held in Bombay in Feb. 1981, the opposition from Kothar was at its peak and was headed by Yusuf Najmuddin. It was then that he came out with two very strange logics to defend his side in the newspaper. One, that a Dawoodi Bohras is not Dawoodi Bohra by birth, but becomes one only by giving misaq to Sayedna. Second that Dawoodi Bohra community is a Club and one who agrees with the rules and regulations of the Club can only remain in the Club.
On these self-claimed strange logics the Reformist asked him through newspaper:
If a Dawoodi Bohra is not by birth why the tax on Hamal (child in mother’s womb) charged and collected, and why the kids in "birth register" and "schools" are written as Dawoodi Bohras?
Secondly every club has a constitution. Where is the constitution of the Bohra Community? Again in every Club the office-bearers are elected and the members have the right to dissent.
These hard questions were never answered by YN but since then the Kothar has taken the back seat and has stopped opposing the reformist Conferences and meetings.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: The "Fitnah" Behind The Present Turmoil In Bohra Communi


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Fri Feb 14, 2014 7:53 pm


Daily newspaper Al-Shaabi, reported on 04-22-1987 as under:
“Deal resulting in Death
On ill-faith 20th morning at around 6am, a crushed body was spotted by a Sudanian Arab visitor, lying in front of Hotel Conrad. It was hurriedly collected by Hotel management and handed over.
Brother of Daudi head was here in Cairo since 13th Feb visiting and throwing parties to several government officials. Unconfirmed reports point to some Land-deal. He also had an audience with the President.
No official comments so far.”

Al-Heddaf Daily
"The Prince’s death concealed
The dead body found on 20th April in front of a luxurious hotel said to be that of Naib Sultan Yusuf Najmuddin from India. It was in “broken” condition unable to fly to his native country. Hence buried here. The Prince was seen having some meeting at last night with some land-dealers on the 4th floor room. It is suspected that he fell down from there. The investigations by police are going on.
The Prince brother Sultan Mohammad is in London.

News in brief had also appeared in Akhbarul-Hawadis and Weekly Jaridatul-Fajar.

But News-Magazine Rosal-Yusuf wrote a detailed article describing the “strange practices of tiny sect of Shiite”, the story of harassment of the followers quoting from the report of Nathwani commission, damage done to the Egypt heritage by the desirous person of Fatimid glory and finally questioning the secrecy about the death and a complete silence on the part of the government. And why the body was buried outside the general cemetery?

viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2239&p=36961&hilit= ... din#p36961

M Taha
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Re: The "Fitnah" Behind The Present Turmoil In Bohra Communi


Unread post by M Taha » Fri Feb 14, 2014 8:41 pm

Very well written


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Re: The "Fitnah" Behind The Present Turmoil In Bohra Communi


Unread post by Rebel » Fri Feb 14, 2014 9:42 pm

Ghulam Muhammed's topic has provided very interesting information and it is sad to see how KQ and his family were victimized.

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Re: The "Fitnah" Behind The Present Turmoil In Bohra Communi


Unread post by Truth_Seeker » Sat Feb 15, 2014 5:32 am

Brother GM,

Bravo! Amazing post.

I am sure majority of the Bohras dont know this history. Knowing this will atleast sow a seed of interest in the minds of 'thinking' bohras. My suggestions are:

a. The Admin can post this post of yours on the Home page. It is quite possible that this information gets lost in the threads/discussions. So having it on the main Home page of the website will ensure better visibility
b. The message should be propogated to the masses - using press or other social networking channels like Watsapp. Any thoughts of how to do that?

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Re: The "Fitnah" Behind The Present Turmoil In Bohra Communi


Unread post by hasman001 » Sat Feb 15, 2014 6:32 am

I second brother Truth_seeker. This should be on the main page so that anyone visiting the site can see it; and the title of the article must be catchy so that the curiosity senses are tickled when ordinary bohras open this website.

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Re: The "Fitnah" Behind The Present Turmoil In Bohra Communi


Unread post by salsabeel » Sat Feb 15, 2014 4:04 pm

powerful insight into the whole situation brother gulam mohammed! You have clearly articulated dawats situation. It is depressing how one person upturned the seeds sown by STS, and bought dawat in such turmoil. YN prevented the shehzaadas from becoming educated, though he himself had no qualms attaining degrees for himself, and when SKQ's children pursued education it was labeled as 'undeeni'. He was afraid of losing his grip in controlling dawat. At every opportunity he got, he tried to taint the image of SKQ and his family, so that SKQ's image of being the immensely loved one of STS, his image of being a pure khidmat guzar of dawat and his dai, his background of the deep ilm he possesses in his heart acquired through being so close for so many years with STS and SMB, the special nazar that STS and SMB had on him would very much be forgotten. But he forgot that Allah subhanahu has given shaitan time to convert as many as he can, with the promise that he will never be able to convert the very few of His loyal believers. There will always be haqq, even if, as history shows us, there may be very few people following the right path.

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Re: The "Fitnah" Behind The Present Turmoil In Bohra Communi


Unread post by SBM » Sat Feb 15, 2014 4:42 pm

It is interesting and many knew about YN's role but once again why did not STS do anything to stop his own son from getting so much power.
The Dawat was hijacked by STS the 51st Dai. Till 50th Dai, power was not accumulated by Dai.
STS was a very smart and shrewd person, He was very knowledgeable person in Arabic Language, a gifted writer (Ya Syeda Shudai is written by him) a gifted orator and a very shrewd businessman and opportunists ( a deadly combination in a religious figure-only Hilter and Mussolini came close to that except they were not religious leasders) who saw it that entire Bohra community be brought under his command.
He took away all charitable organizations independently run by many Bohra Philanthropists from Peerbhai trust to Maskati Trusts.
He centralized the entire jamaat systems and took away independence of local Aamils. After consolidating the power, he appointed the Aamils based on their loyalty to him and not based on their knowledge, so the seed of fitnah was planted by STS. YN just go the real DNA of a very shrewd and manipulative father and he just used the training to further his own selfish causes

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: The "Fitnah" Behind The Present Turmoil In Bohra Communi


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Sat Feb 15, 2014 9:55 pm

a superb and very well written post bro gm!!

i agree fully with your assessment. i had heard from my dad when i was still a callow kid, about the evil YN and his cunning. my father had a few brief run-ins with YN in the days when sts was busy mopping up all the bohra jamaat properties and trusts worldwide.

in my personal opinion. if sts had not appointed mb, his eldest born son as his maazoon and successor and kq as the next dai - the 53rd, YN would have been his most natural and appropriate choice, for it was YN who had inherited all his father's wiles, his cunning, his strategising, his ability to manipulate, cheat, lie, bully, intimidate and use whatever tactics, immoral and unethical or by twisting scriptures to achieve his aims.

having been thwarted twice in achieving his aims, YN became extremely bitter and went on a rampage to seize control of the reigns of power. as is well-known, mb was a weakling and an intellectual lightweight, a mere shadow compared to his illustrious but monstrous father sts. it was easy for YN to shove him and the rest of the family aside with his bulldozer tactics. YN was reputed to be an iron-willed strongman who saw himself in the mould of a king maker, a' la sardarbhai patel or bismarck. he had a very strong and forceful personality and cast himself as a larger than life figure. his appetite for bruising confrontations, his lust for humiliating and intimidating people and living life recklessly, extended even to his own personal life. he was a known womaniser with a penchant for 'imbibing' in the company of powerful, but shady characters. he loved hobnobbing with political ffigures, movers and shakers. as various writers have pointed out, it is this recklessness and insatiable lust to acquire more and more power and wealth which proved to be ultimately his downfall.

with his sudden and ignominous death, his children have taken it up on themselves to avenge their father's 'rightful deprivation', as they see it. they have inherited the worst of YN and their grandfather sts.

to many readers and newer generations of bohras, all this may read like the typical stories about the scandals, political machinations, murders and debauchery of erstwhile maharaja's and kings in india or abroad about which they have read in history books. they think that hell no, this cannot be true of the dai's whom they revere and blindly follow, the dai's being religious leaders who are supposed to lead them to salvation in jannah etc. folks, wherever there is power, influence and money involved then neither religion, blood ties nor spirituality matter. its grab, take all that i can and may the devil take the hindmost. brother, father, mother be damned!

as mb buried his mother's references and consigned her to the garbage heap of history, as past dai's fought over succession, as the recent dirty and public spat shows, its only the foolish and gullible adherents of godmen who stupidly and futilely cling to divinity and all that bullshit, whilst their so-called leaders are at each other's throats over money and power.

thanks bro gm once again for taking the time to detail this sordid history of YN's fitnah. the most surprising thing is that bohras inspite of reading all this, will not change, will not show spine and will continue to misplace their faith in rascals and charlatans.

M Taha
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Re: The "Fitnah" Behind The Present Turmoil In Bohra Communi


Unread post by M Taha » Sat Feb 15, 2014 10:38 pm

single identity handled whole dawat?

so it is clear YN had some material which could black mail TS and MB regime and this is why they kept this person in dawat and feeded him with power and money.

this whole TS family is under radar of fraud and some great sin in past, other wise how could single person like YN could threaten them and hijack whole dawat for years and years?

wallah ho alam

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Re: The "Fitnah" Behind The Present Turmoil In Bohra Communi


Unread post by subcon111 » Sun Feb 16, 2014 7:05 am

Where were STS's sons Qasim BS, Abbas BS and Shabbir BS prior to the 'nass' on SMB (RA) being announced. I am a regular attendee at live telecasts and recorded replays over the last 7 years. I clearly remember that these individuals were rarely seen at major events prior to SMB's (RA) stroke in London and the public announcement on the 'nass' on SMB. Since that event they have been present at almost all major majlises and events. Even Mukasir Syedi Hussain BS wasn't seem much. This can be put down to his ill-health. Now there is hardly any majlis or event where these individuals are absent. A show of strength and support for SMS? The timing or their re-emergence and resurgence is suspect. And it coincided perfectly with SKQ's disappearance from the public eye. I can't recollect a single event that was telecast live or for which relays were show after SMB's (RA) where SKQ was present. I don't live in India so haven't attended any events there, so I can only comment on telecasts and relays shown in the rest of the world. It seems as though there has been an internal pact between the family member to stand united against SKQ and to defeat his rightful claim.

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Re: The "Fitnah" Behind The Present Turmoil In Bohra Communi


Unread post by wise_guy » Sun Feb 16, 2014 5:42 pm

YN in middle

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Re: The "Fitnah" Behind The Present Turmoil In Bohra Communi


Unread post by alam » Sun Feb 16, 2014 10:51 pm

subcon111 wrote:Where were STS's sons Qasim BS, Abbas BS and Shabbir BS prior to the 'nass' on SMB (RA) being announced. I am a regular attendee at live telecasts and recorded replays over the last 7 years. I clearly remember that these individuals were rarely seen at major events prior to SMB's (RA) stroke in London and the public announcement on the 'nass' on SMB. Since that event they have been present at almost all major majlises and events. Even Mukasir Syedi Hussain BS wasn't seem much. This can be put down to his ill-health. Now there is hardly any majlis or event where these individuals are absent. A show of strength and support for SMS? The timing or their re-emergence and resurgence is suspect. And it coincided perfectly with SKQ's disappearance from the public eye. I can't recollect a single event that was telecast live or for which relays were show after SMB's (RA) where SKQ was present. I don't live in India so haven't attended any events there, so I can only comment on telecasts and relays shown in the rest of the world. It seems as though there has been an internal pact between the family member to stand united against SKQ and to defeat his rightful claim.
Subcon111bhai - Very astute observations indeed.

I know for a fact that SH.abbasbhai Saheb and SH.shabbirbhaisaheb are or have been essentially very down to earth, low key shehzadasaheb, who work overtime in their badri mahal offices, and hardly ever accepted ziyafat invitations. The fact that you don't see some of the sahibs you mentioned above is that the the propaganda machine has been promoting certain members of the family more than Others. They show photographs of the "politically correct" bhaisahebs, and just ignore the rest. Even when mazun or SKQ would be present the cameras were trained (through Farman) to not display or take photos or videos of him.

For example, who even knows or cares to publicize the fact the ex mazunsaheb was with Burhanuddin Maula during one of the recent Kerbala trips that aqa maula did some 3-5 years ago? This is just one example. This fact has been carefully wiped out from public memory by the jealousy and hatred spread by BJ, said Khairoon, qasimBS Aliasghsr and SMS staff.

SKQ and his family and camp are not in defensive mode, from what I observe... They are not refuting each and every thing. They Seem to be completely focused on making Only relevant points and arguments to SKQ's claim for Nass/daiship, and they are ignoring the irrelevant details. Of course SMS camp believes that they can brainwash and expand their deception, lies and unrelated irrelevant details which are so childish that even a brainwashed bohra can see through.

Also, just imagine if folks here on this forum and the general public who are SKQ fans are having trouble coming out in the open to support SKQ, then even if there are members of Saifee mahal family who believe in SKQ, they would be even more troubled about showing public support - they would be and should be fearful of their lives. So I think that SH. Abbasbhai Saheb and SH.shabbirbhai Saheb are silenced, fearful, victims themselves, just as SMB was silenced for 50 years. They would find it even harder to leave the fold, and so they have to SHOW public support.

Now that I might have unwittingly exposed them, they might come under undue pressure to do laanat publicly. Hope that does not happen, unless I'm unaware, and they have already done so. Anyway, this is just my point of view.

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Re: The "Fitnah" Behind The Present Turmoil In Bohra Communi


Unread post by dawak » Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:01 pm

ghulam muhammed wrote:He was also responsible for once slapping MB, a matter which had then become the talk of the town.
when was this? i am not sure if many youngsters even know about it!!

(by the way, i agree that this post needs to be highlighted on the main page.)

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Yusuf Bhaisaheb Najmuddin (YN)


Unread post by AliZahra » Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:07 pm

I am interested to know how he died

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Re: Yusuf Bhaisaheb Najmuddin (YN)


Unread post by wise_guy » Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:35 pm

There is only information that he died under mysterious circumstances. Some reports say that he was mudered due to his alleged alliances with the Egyptian land mafia. Details are not known to anyone about any negative news/info regarding Kothar as it is surreptitiously passed under the carpet due to obvious reasons. During the recent Mumbai mishap near Saifee Mahal, the Kothar had no escape route as media presence was heavy and the stampede news was widely covered and preliminary reports by the Mumbai police pointed at the higher ups in Kothar for mismanagement.

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Re: The "Fitnah" Behind The Present Turmoil In Bohra Communi


Unread post by AliZahra » Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:49 pm

In public he was genial but in private he was ruthless
In late 60's he was responsible for taking over all assets of all Jamaats in Kenya (Africa) and Tanzania (Africa) but was unsuccessful in Uganda (Africa) because all the Bohras there rejected his evil scheme
I understand he was murdered in Cairo, Egypt - Is that true? - If so, then it ended well for this greedy monster

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Re: The "Fitnah" Behind The Present Turmoil In Bohra Communi


Unread post by wise_guy » Mon Feb 17, 2014 1:21 am

People who live by the sword, die by the sword !

btw, any idea, what was YN's age when he died ?

Well done admin for pinning this post to the top !
AliZahra wrote:In public he was genial but in private he was ruthless
In late 60's he was responsible for taking over all assets of all Jamaats in Kenya (Africa) and Tanzania (Africa) but was unsuccessful in Uganda (Africa) because all the Bohras there rejected his evil scheme
I understand he was murdered in Cairo, Egypt - Is that true? - If so, then it ended well for this greedy monster

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Re: The "Fitnah" Behind The Present Turmoil In Bohra Communi


Unread post by Maqbool » Mon Feb 17, 2014 2:45 am

I think GM has opened a Pandora box and many DB will be enlightened how mazoon has been sidelined and injected hatred against him by YN and then after his children. There is complete silence on this subject from abde is really surprising.

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Re: The "Fitnah" Behind The Present Turmoil In Bohra Communi


Unread post by shehzada » Mon Feb 17, 2014 1:16 pm

Looks like this has been emailed to the Bohra masses world wide and circulating all over the place. Great work brother GM, we should link the thread around YN's death to this so people can get all their questions answered here given several people who are unfamiliar with this website will be venturing out here.

Eye opener - Must read‏

Tasneem Ezzi (
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To: Tasneem Ezzi
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The reason behind the present fitnah in the dawat ->


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Re: The "Fitnah" Behind The Present Turmoil In Bohra Communi


Unread post by james » Mon Feb 17, 2014 1:21 pm

The thread starter could give J K Rowling a run for her money . :roll:

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Re: The "Fitnah" Behind The Present Turmoil In Bohra Communi


Unread post by trvoice » Mon Feb 17, 2014 3:06 pm

Maqbool wrote:I think GM has opened a Pandora box and many DB will be enlightened how mazoon has been sidelined and injected hatred against him by YN and then after his children. There is complete silence on this subject from abde is really surprising.

I always had my suspicions for past couple of decades, because I tried to find out the exact circumstances from a few topline people in cairo. All I ever got was them loosing eye contact or being absolute clueless. The best answer I had was YN had a stroke and there was no one to immediately help.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: The "Fitnah" Behind The Present Turmoil In Bohra Communi


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Feb 17, 2014 3:41 pm

trvoice wrote:I tried to find out the exact circumstances from a few topline people in cairo. All I ever got was them loosing eye contact or being absolute clueless. The best answer I had was YN had a stroke and there was no one to immediately help.
Controversial issues like these have always been hushed up by Kothar and they are experts in fabricating stories as incidents like these are a blot on their white clothes so one has to look out for neutral sources and nothing can be more reliable then newspapers who have no hidden agendas especially when it concerns some entity belonging to a miniscule sect. One could cry of media excesses if it involved some great and influential people but someone like YN doesn't mean anything to them.

There are far too many skeletons in Kothar's cupboards which if exposed to the outer world could create a mayhem in bohra community but Iam not dealing with those as it is not substantiated with documentary proofs although Iam 100% sure of its authenticity. To give you a few examples.......... 1) How many people know that an infant child of one of Taher Saifuddin saab's wives was murdered by another wife in Surat and the body was found in the water tank on the terrace of the building by a watchmen. The matter even went to the local police station but was hurriedly hushed up by giving a hefty bribe to the concerned officer, the bribery amount was paid by the sethias of Surat like Badri, Hajoori and Kinkhabwalas.
2) How many people know that Taher Saifuddin saab was once given poison but he somehow survived. The finger of suspicion was then raised on the late Mukasir, Salehbhai saab.

I refuse to rake up these issues as abdes will shout "What proof" ??? But I and many elders in the community can vouch for its authenticity.