Sticky: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Feb 24, 2014 7:08 pm

“How did the Amils’ end up with all this financial power and independence?”

One incident which shows the clear difference between the community’s well-wisher philanthropists in times of Dais before Sayedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb and opportunist rich donors today.

The great philanthropists, Sir Adamji Peerbhoy purchased the “Sanatorium” land in 1883.
As he was loyal and faithful so he brought 47th Dai Sayedna Abdulqadir Najmuddin from Surat to Bombay for laying down the foundation stone of sanatorium and paid a huge sum of Rs. 50,000 to him as “Salam”. (Then in 1884, a sum of 50,000 rupees was a very big sum). The young Adamji Peerbhoy was not concerned with the controversy of “Nass”. He therefore most faithfully went on helping Sayedna Najmuddin Saheb financially which the Sayedna needed to manipulate his opponents.

In 1886 the sanatorium building was ready. He again brought 48th Dai, Sayedna Abdulhusain Husamuddin Saheb to inaugurate and paid him Rs. 25,000 as “Salam”. After inauguration Sayedna Husamuddin stayed in one of the rooms of the sanatorium and Adamji took good care of him.

One day when Sir Adamji was having a meeting with some businessmen sitting in Sanatorium garden Husamuddin Saheb sent one Lukmanji and demanded Rs. 3 lakhs. Adamji asked him the reason for demanding such a big sum but Sayedna Husamuddin most arrogantly said “Don’t you dare me ask any question”.

Sir Adamji immediately pushed the Sayedna out of his sanatorium along with his luggage. The Sayedna said sorry but he did not care. As news spread among Bohras no one was prepared to give shelter to Husamuddin Saheb in Bombay. He then went to “Daud Baugh Jamatkhana and stayed there for 3 days and then left for Surat.

Nothing happened to Sir Adamji even after this incident. He remained in good books of Dawat and 49th Dai, Sayedna Mohammad Burhanuddin Saheb gave him the most prestigious title of “Rafiuddin” (The high in religion) and when he died on 11th August 1913 the Sayedna walked bare-footed from Adamji’s resident at Malabar Hill “Peerbhoy Palace (Now Saifee Mahal) to his sanatorium at Charni Road in the funeral procession.

The Dai were not involved in worldly matters. They had not amassed wealth so they were not harsh or arrogant. There was no compulsion of Raza, Misaq, Baraat or Amil as a middle man.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Feb 24, 2014 7:13 pm

It is interesting that the 49th Dai, the grandfather of Sayedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb was Sayedna Mohammad Burhanuddin and today’s 52nd Dai; son of Sayedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb is also Sayedna Mohammad Burhanuddin. One Mohammad Burhanuddin was indebted and other is a billionaire. And since 49th Dai was poor and indebted his Amil even tried to put him in Jail but since present 52nd Dai is a billionaire his Amils are quoting numbers of Quranic verses revealed 1500 years ago, when there was no concept of Imam or Dai and claiming that they were revealed in his praises.

Let me begin with one documentary incident brought to the notice of Justice Marten of Bombay High Court in famous Chandabhoy Galla case.

“In Cambay (Khambat) in India a charity box (galla) is kept at the Dargah of Kaka Akela and Kaki Akeli. It was managed by the local Dawoodi Bohra Jamat without any outside interference. 49th Dai and father of Mullaji Taher Saifuddin, Mullaji Mohammad Burhanuddin spent Rs. 145 from the amount placed in that galla for hosting a feast (Jaman). The local Jamat first wrote a letter on behalf of the Jamat and the manger of Dargah, Esuf Aly Kikabhoy with signatures of more than 100 elite Bohras to the Mullaji Saheb asking him to return that money. Some of the names of the signatories were advocate Hasan Ali, advocate Nazar Ali, Dr. Jeevakhan Cheenwala, Shaikh Abdul Latif, Miya Saheb Shamshuddin Gulam Husain etc.
When nothing was heard from Surat from the Mullaji Saheb the local Jamat filed a case against him to recover the amount. Ultimately a settlement was reached when the Mullaji Saheb paid back Rs. 77 and submitted a written apology in the court.”

The Chandabhoy Galla Case was filed in 1917 two years after Sayedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb occupied the seat of Dawat. By November 1918 he succeeded to have management of galla of the Dargah of Kaka Akela and Kaki Akeli in his control. Off Course he had to give a security deposit of Rs. 25000 and an undertaking that he will not use the amount placed in galla without the prior consultation and approval of the local Jamat.

This incident shows that:
Till then Amils had no say in the Jamat affairs as they were appointed and paid by the local Jamats. The Dais never exercised and misused their religious position in the secular affairs of local Jamats.

In case of Amil Sheikh Abdul Tayyeb who had the audacity to take 49th Dai to the court of law for recovering his loan and put him in jail Justice Marten had remarked:

1. Not a word was then said by the Dai that he was the master of the priest’s (Amil’s) body and soul and owner of his property,

2) It is, I think, to the credit of then Dai that he did not even excommunicate this audacious priest,

3) The Dai even did not ask the local Surat Jamat to remove him from services and stopp his wazifa.

The above incident and the remarks of Justice Marten show that the Dai and Amils before Sayedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb were powerless and the local Jamats were supreme in worldly matters.

It was because the Dais till then never claimed that they are “Religious as well as Temporal heads of the community”.

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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by james » Mon Feb 24, 2014 7:52 pm

As received :

One incident which shows a similarity between the community’s well-wisher philanthropists in times of Dais before Sayedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb and mumineen mukhliseen today.

The philanthropist, Sir Adamji Peerbhoy and abd of Duat e Hind purchased the “Sanatorium” land in 1883.
As he was loyal and faithful servant of his Dai he requested the 47th Dai Sayedna Abdulqadir Najmuddin to come from Surat to Bombay for laying down the foundation stone of sanatorium and offered a sum of Rs. 50,000 to him as “Salam” and begged his Moula to accept his salam. (Then in 1884, a sum of 50,000 rupees was a very big sum for awam ). The young Adamji Peerbhoy was not concerned with monetary issues. He therefore most faithfully went on aiding his Moula Sayedna Najmuddin Saheb financially which the Sayedna accepted benevolently.

In 1886 the sanatorium building was ready. He again requested 48th Dai, Sayedna Abdulhusain Husamuddin Saheb to inaugurate and offered him Rs. 25,000 as “Salam” and fell to Sayedna's feet to have his salam accepted. After inauguration Sayedna Husamuddin stayed in one of the rooms of the sanatorium and Sayedna took good care of Adamji by nurturing his soul.

One day when Sir Adamji was sitting at the feet of Sayedna Husamuddin Saheb in Sanatorium garden when his son came and demanded Rs. 3 lakhs. Adamji asked him the reason for demanding such a big sum but the son arrogantly said “Don’t you dare me ask any question”. Sayedna Husamuddin Saheb saw that Iman was removed from the son's heart and tried to intervene. The madness of son made him abuse Sir Adamji and Sayedna Saheb too.

Seeing his Moula abused , Sir Adamji immediately pushed the son out of his sanatorium along with his luggage. The son said sorry but Adamji did not care. As news spread among Bohras no one was prepared to give shelter to the son in Bombay. He then went to Bangalore .

The karam and nazarat of Sayedna Saheb was still there on Sir Adamji even after this incident. He remained a khidmatguzar for Dawat and 49th Dai, Sayedna Mohammad Burhanuddin Saheb gave him the most prestigious title of “Rafiuddin” (The high in religion) and when he died on 11th August 1913 Sayedna Saheb walked from Adamji’s residence at Malabar Hill “Peerbhoy Palace (Now Saifee Mahal) to his sanatorium at Charni Road in the funeral procession.Sir Adamji was blessed to have a Moula like Sayedna Saheb .

Bohra spring
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by Bohra spring » Mon Feb 24, 2014 11:31 pm

now I know what role some die hard abdes have in the kothar...sneakily changing history to sing their songs and brainwashing.

If I had not read GMs story initially a naive mind would have read James version as fact and got brainwashed.

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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by james » Tue Feb 25, 2014 8:09 am

Bohra spring wrote:now I know what role some die hard abdes have in the kothar...sneakily changing history to sing their songs and brainwashing.

If I had not read GMs story initially a naive mind would have read James version as fact and got brainwashed.
A naive mind is the mind which accepts ghulam mohammed's nonsensical article as fact.You have got it all wrong. :wink:

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Feb 25, 2014 4:24 pm

james wrote:A naive mind is the mind which accepts ghulam mohammed's nonsensical article as fact.You have got it all wrong.
Please don't exert yourself as this forum is neither the Khatmul Quran Majlis where everyday some guy pops up out of the blue with the sole purpose of singing Muffy's praises and verifying Nass neither is it a Sabak where every crap has to be accepted without questioning or interactions with Muffy where everyone has to lighten their pockets......... This is a forum where everyone has the right to THINK and analyse and then follow what seems to be rational and what is acceptable to a rational mind, this is not a place for bunch of slaves (abdes) to do "Ji Hajoori" of every command issued by their masters.

BTW, The articles posted on this forum are from various other members of this forum so no need to give credit or discredit to me !

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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by james » Tue Feb 25, 2014 5:04 pm

ghulam muhammed wrote:This is a forum where everyone has the right to THINK and analyse and then follow what seems to be rational and what is acceptable to a rational mind,
Take heed Bohra Spring.
BTW, The articles posted on this forum are from various other members of this forum so no need to give credit or discredit to me !
May Allah Ta'ala give you a long life well into the nineties . May he keep your fingers working . 5 years down the line, when you do a rehash of Archives of Archives , could you repost the article posted by me on this thread ? It is alright if you don't give me credit for it as I only received it and it was written by someone who has seen both the 51st Dai RA and 52nd Dai RA era .

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Feb 25, 2014 5:15 pm

james wrote:when you do a rehash of Archives of Archives , could you repost the article posted by me on this thread ?
I will definitely post anyones article including yours if it is worth it !! Till date, we have yet to come across such masterpiece from you. I think you can do a better job if you step down from the Kothar office as you seem to be on their payroll and have come here as their mouthpiece !

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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by james » Tue Feb 25, 2014 5:42 pm

ghulam muhammed wrote:
james wrote:when you do a rehash of Archives of Archives , could you repost the article posted by me on this thread ?
I will definitely post anyones article including yours if it is worth it !! Till date, we have yet to come across such masterpiece from you. I think you can do a better job if you step down from the Kothar office as you seem to be on their payroll and have come here as their mouthpiece !
So basically you don't want to offer the readers a fair chance to analyze and think and then follow what suits their rationality . Instead you regurgitate the same bullshit over and over again with ludicrous articles spawned from like minded fantasist like you . In the same breath , you have the nerve of accusing me to be a mouthpiece . Would you be pot or kettle ? Black nonetheless.

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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by anajmi » Tue Feb 25, 2014 5:47 pm

So basically you don't want to offer the readers a fair chance to analyze and think
Most people are here because they have started analyzing and thinking. Some are actually here to prevent them from analyzing and thinking with statements like - "Nothing like that ever happens..... in my opinion"!!

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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by SBM » Tue Feb 25, 2014 5:49 pm

What are you afraid of Why would not you put your real name, Is your name James given to you by your MoreLa SMS,
It seems the SMS is more comfortable with NaMo-Ramdev and that may be the reason he christened you with JAMES instead of any Ahle Bayt name

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Feb 25, 2014 5:50 pm

james wrote:you regurgitate the same bullshit over and over again .
Now this is "Pot calling the Kettle Black " !

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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by james » Tue Feb 25, 2014 5:53 pm

SBM wrote:James
What are you afraid of Why would not you put your real name, Is your name James given to you by your MoreLa SMS,
It seems the SMS is more comfortable with NaMo-Ramdev and that may be the reason he christened you with JAMES instead of any Ahle Bayt name
A Classic Troll example if there ever was . :roll:

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Feb 25, 2014 5:53 pm

SBM wrote: James
What are you afraid of Why would not you put your real name
Wait for a few more days and you will see a Christian in Saifee Masjid, testifying Muffy's Nass in his dreams and lo behold, it will be our very own James !! :D :D

Bohra spring
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by Bohra spring » Wed Feb 26, 2014 3:14 am

James are you trying to drive a wedge between self and GM , divide and rule does not work

Attacking GM one of the most season ed reformist is futile

Stay with me I am fresh if you go past me then you may need to go through someone else and someelse .....

I remember asking you sincerely admit no kasre Ali dips into the dawat funds

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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by zinger » Wed Feb 26, 2014 3:53 am

SBM wrote:James
What are you afraid of Why would not you put your real name, Is your name James given to you by your MoreLa SMS,
It seems the SMS is more comfortable with NaMo-Ramdev and that may be the reason he christened you with JAMES instead of any Ahle Bayt name

stop diverting the topic. stick to it please.

Thank you

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Fri Apr 11, 2014 6:46 pm

Behind the unholy mask lies a calculative and shrewd leader who never misses an opportunity to rub shoulders with the corrupt and goonda politicians, the ones who have inflicted immense harm on the muslim ummah. He takes great pleasure in self glorification which proves that he is a man with an inflated ego. All these qualities can never qualify him of the title of a 'spiritual leader'. Needless to say that religion is a business and all the great luminiaries of the islamic world are the 'brands' which he uses to market his faith which in fact is a business. He takes pride in calling himself a 'spritual leader' and 'ambassador of peace' but simultanously joins hands with the most violent people in the garb of protecting his 'micro mini faith'. He claims to have the universal approval of all the muslims but what has he done when it comes to raising his voice against the atrocities committed on the muslim ummah by his well wishers? Let us examine a few and one can easily conclude that he is a selfish person who is NEVER concerned about the ummah at large.

1) Has the Dai raised his voice against the USA for attacking Iraq (which is supposed to be the 2nd holiest place for followers of his faith) and thereby causing deaths of millions of muslims ? The country is in great turmoil till today.

2) Has the Dai raised his voice against Israel for their illegal occupation of palestine lands and the continous embargo and bombings which has left millions of palestinian muslims dead ?

3) Has the Dai raised his voice against the corrupt Hosni Mubarak who has looted egypt by joining hands with the anti-muslim zionist regime of Israel ?

4) Has the Dai condemned the murderous acts of Talibans who have killed not only the europeans but also muslims ?

5) Has the dai voiced his concern with regard to the mass destruction of holy sites in Saudi Arabia by the wahabi king ? In this case he readily fools his abde followers by promising them to build a 'Gold Zari' on the shrine of Fatema-tus-zahra (a.s.) thereby collecting tonnes of gold since years and turning saifee mahal into a virtual Fort Knox but if God forbid the shrine itself is demolished then where will he build the 'Gold Zari' ? Needless to say that he will laugh all the way to the bank at the expense of the poor and gullible abdes. It seems that he is more worried, should the shrine NOT be demolished.

6) Has the Dai protested against the riots carried out by Bal Thackereys shiv sena in Mumbai whereby hundreds of muslims including bohras suffered heavily and lost their lives ? In fact he takes pride in felicitating him.

7) Has the Dai raised his voice or carried out a protest against Narendra Modi's govt for carrying out mass genocide of innocent muslims wherein thousands of muslims were killed, their females were raped, brutally tortured and in some cases trishuls were pierced in their private parts, their shops were looted and burnt and many were hacked to death piece by piece and some were burnt alive. In fact, the murderer Modi was felicitated in a Masjid, had a shawl draped around him and given a cheque of more then Rs.One crore, the shaitan's birthday was celebrated sometimes by the chennai jamats and at times by his own zaada son, Huzaifabhai saab who took immense pride in cutting the birthday cake with him and chanting 'Allahu Akbar'.

By any yardstick, do the above acts qualify him at all of being an 'ambassador of peace' least of all of being a 'Spritual Leader' of an ISLAMIC SECT ?

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Fri Apr 11, 2014 6:52 pm


Dawate hadiyah has almost completed negotiations with the Brihan Mumbai Dabbawala's Association to have Dabbas delivered to each and every Bohra household in Mumbai at a very special price. There are quite positive signs and possibilities that they may even deliver the dabbas for free if the High Power Commitee can manage and convince the Dabbawalas to convert to Bohraism. Some reports are filtering through that the Dawate Hadiyah (henceforth to be known as DEH) are contemplating a piece of land in Dharavi where they can build very low-cost housing for these dabbawalas and guarantee their loyalty and allegiance to mansoos mola.

DEH has also signed a contract with the BMDA (Brihan Mumbai Dabbawala's Association) to impart their training and expertise to bohra jamaats around the world so that the same model of dabba home delivery can be implemented. It has been reliably learnt that one of the shezaadas has been nominated to study the BMDA model and acquire a certificate from them, so that he can be fully qualified and prepared for achieving this noble goal of having each and every abde and his family eating the same menu around the world no matter where they reside. This would be the single most unifying factor for all bohras and unprecedented in human history. This shezaada is presently taking practical lessons and experience by working incognito as a dabbawala, travelling on local trains, cycling to people's houses, collecting tiffins and scampering up and down stairs and lifts in pursuit of this amazing dream.

As the "Koi Bhi Momeen Bhuko Na Suey" (KBMBNS) tiffin service gathers momentum around the world in all the Vatans, Bilaads and Mozes, the KBMBNS scheme is getting refined by the hour. The High Powered Commitee at Dawate Hadiyah under the auspices of the manhoos... oops! mansoos, is adding on additional services and perquisites for the elite amongst momeneen, i.e. the NKD's, MKD's, Sheikhs and Mullahs, not forgetting to throw in the Hudud Kiraam Qasre Aali zaada celebrities for variety. It has been realised by the shrewd Marwaris who sit on the High Powered Commitee, that sooner rather than later the elite will rebel being lumped together with the ordinary hoi poloi Batliwala, Tyrewala and Dogchainwala dal-chawal-palidu, run-of-the-mill abdes. They will need to satisfy their need to be different considering their status.

Some of the ideas proposed to add value to the humble tiffin are the following:

1. Regular tiffin, aluminium dabba- 3 compartments, with 3 rotis, kachumber, a slice of limbu, one dry veg, one non veg curry and plain chawal.

2. Silver class, steel dabba - 4 compartments, with extra roti, 2 slices of limbu, achaar, kachumber, 2 veg, one non veg, and zeera rice.

3. Gold class, steel dabba - 5 compartments, with 2 extra rotis, fancy salad, 2 veg, 2 non veg, peas pulao, and seperate pouches containing papad and mithaas.

4. Platimum class, insulated thermos dabba, with 10 rotis, 2 types of fancy salads, achaar, papads, 2 veg, 3 non veg, everyday 1 barbequed item like kababs or cutlets or tandoori chicken, chutneys, and 2 mithaas like barfi, pista/badaam/dryfruits pak etc.

5. Diamond class - In this class the specific bhatiyara of your choosing from the talent pool of the KBMBNS committee will come to your house and cook for you the meals of your choice in the comfort of your own home. the committee will be responsible to see that he is well supplied with all the foods, ingredients and raw materials to fulfill your every command. this bhatiyara will not just cook, but also clean up after your meals, dispose the garbage and plan your meals in advance after consultation with members of your household.

Other services are also being planned, like housemaid service, janitorial service, valet service etc.

This KBMBNS tiffin scheme is meant for abdes who generally tend to find habitat close to their respective markaz's or masjids, not for a loose and rebellious bohra whose aqeeda is questionable when he prefers to go and stay 200 miles away.

The dabba menu is fixed by the High Power Commitee, appointed by the manhoos and operating out of the Bohra Military Command Centre at Saifee Mahal in Mumbai. If you subscribe to the Diamond Class service you can have the bhatiyara of your choice cooking whatever you desire no matter how remote your jungle/desert/mountain location. then you will not have to bother with all the mundane issues of the lower class abde harijans.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sat May 24, 2014 4:41 pm

Then and Now-- Where are Bohras heading ?

THEN: A yahudi woman throws garbage on Rasul Allah s.a.w.’s holy body everyday but one day when this act is not repeated, He inquires and learns that the lady is sick. He makes it a point to visit her house, inquire about her health and pray for her. This noble act has such an impact on the woman that she embraces Islam.
Message: Love towards all hatred towards none.

NOW: Burhanudin saab delays a flight and Mr.Asgar Ali Engineer objects. Goons are sent to Mr.Engineer's house to ransack his home and office. The impact is that his acts are criticized the world over. Message: Screw anyone who dare question his authority.

THEN: In the middle of night, 2 people visit Moula Ali a.s.’s house for some personal work and see that Ali a.s. is writing the accounts of Baitul maal with a lamp lit due to the darkness of night. No sooner the 2 men start discussing their personal problems, Moula Ali a.s. immediately extinguishes the lamp, the reason being that the oil which lights the lamp is purchased from the the funds of Baitul Maal.
Message: Honesty and Accountability of ummah’s funds.

NOW: Burhanudin saab and his family thrives on flashy cars, owns palatial villas across the globe, hogs the choicest of foods, usurps daawat properties all which are accrued out of daawat’s funds by way of zakat, fitr, hefty salaams etc. Message: He totally misuses the daawat funds and claims he is under no obligation to give accounts.

THEN: In the battle of Karbala Imam Hussain a.s. leads from the front and even suffers injuries on His holy body.

NOW: In Mohurrum, Burhanudin Saab incites non bohra ummah by his shower of abuses on Khalifas and Ummul Mumineen which culminates into a fight between his followers and sunnis and instead of leading his followers from the front, he escapes in a police van leaving his followers in a lurch to fend for themselves.

THEN: The battle of Karbala is fought to SAVE Islam. “Islam zinda hota hai har karbala ke baad”.

NOW: The event of Karbala is used as a tool to BREAK Islam and create an atmosphere of hate and to divide the ummah by injecting poison in the minds of bohras against non bohra muslims by way of emotional blackmail and distortion of Islamic history and ahadiths.

THEN: Imam Hussain a.s. and the Shohadas fight the battle of Karbala without food and water for three days.

NOW: Burhanudin Saab and his followers hog the choicest of food during Mohurrum and claim that Mohurrum is a month of great grief.

THEN: The great and pious Imam Jaffar Sadiq a.s. refuses to enter the the roza of Imam Hussain a.s. because He feels that Imam Hussain a.s. is so great that He is not worthy of entering Imam Hussain a.s.’s darbar. He prays and sends salaams from his waadi.(Excerpts from a bohra vayez).

NOW: Burhanudin Saab boldly not only enters Imam Hussain a.s. roza but even dares to do ‘daakhli’ (visit the actual underground shrine). No wonder during ‘daakhli’ of Hazrat Abbas Alamdar a.s., he found the area around the actual shrine duly flooded with water and hence could not reach the shrine.

THEN: Rasul Allah s.a.w. (Sarkar-e-Qaynat) and Moula Ali a.s. (Shere Khuda) lived in small houses made of bricks and mud and didnt have even the items of basic neccessity with them.

NOW: Burhanudin Saab lives in a palace spread over acres of land in the most expensive locality of Mumbai which is valued at no less then Rs.1,000 crores and proudly addresses his place of residence as “Saifee Mahal” -- The Palace.

THEN: Any needy person irrespective of caste and creed had easy access to Moula Ali a.s. and could call Him for help even in the middle of night “Mushkil Kusha meri mushkil kushai karo”.

NOW: Burhanudin Saab is totally inaccessible and the only time that his followers can interact with him is during ‘baithak’ for which one has to shell out not less then Rs.2552/- in return of which one gets less then a minute with him which is wasted in kissing his feet and legs after which one is pushed away by his STD commandos. The other interaction is by way of ‘arzi’ which is seldom read by him and which are answered only by his assistants.

THEN: Duniya ki daulat Panjatan Pak a.s. ki thokaron mein thi lekin is daulat ko unhone thokar maari.

NOW: Jis cheez ko Panjatan Pak a.s. ne thokar (laat) maari usi cheez ko Burhanudin saab ne gale lagaya aur garv se kehte hai ke sirf hum hi Panjatan Pak a.s. ke sahi maanne wale hai.

Dialogues from the film "Khuda ke liye" which are tailor made for the syedna and his corrupt kothar:-

‘deen me dadhi hai, dadhi me deen nahi‘,
‘haraam ki kamai jeb me rakhkar halal ghosht ki dukaan dhoondhte hain‘,
‘Kaheen aisa to nahi ki ham Abu Jahal bane rahe hain. Kyonki dadhi to Abu Jahal ki bhi thi or huliya bhi wohi tha

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sat May 24, 2014 6:05 pm

Understanding Dawoodi Bohra Faith - Part – I

By S. Insaf.

I have no hesitation in admitting that I am not an Islamic scholar. But since I have to defend my Faith against un-Islamic practices and innovations introduced by last two Dais, I have tried to understand our Shia-Ismaili-Mustalian-Tayyebi faith through authentic source books and discussion with learned mashaikh. At the age of 68, I want to share my understanding with other knowledgeable readers of this site.

I have come to the conclusion that we, Dawoodi Bohras are Muslims first and then Shia-Ismaili-Mustalian-Tayyebi. Islam is our fundamental Faith. All our Shia-Imaili-Mustalian-Tayyebi doctrines are based on Islamic teachings and Quranic injunctions and whatever is against Islam and Quran can not be the part of our Faith.

Fortunately all Muslims undoubtedly believe in Qur’an, which is our law-giver and the Prophet of Islam, who is our true guide. Islam as it began, was much more than a formal religion, it was a revolutionary movement which strived hard for radical social changes and threw serious challenge to the vested interests, restructuring the society.

I was wondering how the followers of the same Islam got divided into so many sects and sub-sects? It was the starting point for proper understanding my Faith.

I want to briefly describe only those aspects of the Islamic history which I found interesting and which has bearing on our present Dawat system.

Islam started from Arabia. It soon spread into non-Arab world to north and north-west Africa, Persia (Iran), Central Asia etc. The people who embraced Islam in these new regions were of diverse ethnic and cultural traditions. That gave rise to new doctrines according to then prevailing social, political and economic conditions in those regions. Their social, political and economic aspirations were obviously expressed through religious channels.

The first major split took place in Arabia itself on succession of the Prophet Mohammad dividing Islam in Sunni and Shia Islam. This split also had links with people’s religio-political aspirations.

Shias were mostly of non-Arab stock, slaves captured by Arabs during the wars. The half of the population of Kufa consisted of non-Arab slaves, who considered the Arabs inferior culturally and intellectually and resented them as their exploiting masters. It further aggravated when Umayyad rulers adopted highly repressive policies giving rise to vested interests, power politics and a class system in Islamic society. The new converts mostly non-Arab Persian did not obtained the equal rights which they expected according to Islam. Their aristocratic patrons treated them with contempt and compelled them to submit to every kind of social degradation. This exploited non-Arab lot was looking for a leader who can liberate them from the clutches of their exploitative rulers.

1) Hazrat Ali was known for his simplicity, piety, justice and scrupulous conduct. 2) He and his family members were also seen as the victims of Umayyad’s repressive regime. 3) He never discriminated between Arabs and non-Arabs in keeping with the true spirit of Islam. He paid non-Arabs their share from Baitul-mal which was denied to them. So Hazrat Ali’s personality found ready appeal among the exploited lot of Persian origin.

Again the Arabs and the Persians had different inborn traditions.
Arabs loved liberty and the principle of election.
Persians being the subjects of the age-old monarchy were accustomed to slavish submission to their rulers.

Therefore for the Persians the electing the Prophet’s successor was not acceptable. The only principle acceptable to them was of inheritance. (The same slavish submission to the authority exists in the Dawoodi Bohras today who take pride in calling themselves ‘Abde-Sayedna’, Sayedna’s slaves).

Since the Prophet Mohammad had not left any son, for them his son-in-law Hazrat Ali should have succeeded him. For them all the caliphs except Ali i.e. Abu Bakar, Umar, Usman and also Umayyads were usurpers. The incident of Gadire-Khum became very important for them and was quoted again and again.
As for Hazrat Ali is concerned he on one hand participated in the day to day affairs of the caliphate with Hazat Abu Bakar, Hazrat Umar and Hazrat Usman without any reservation. On the other hand he dealt very strongly with the Arabs and the Arab army officers who tried to persecute and dishounor the war-prisoners. This further created sympathy for Hazrat Ali and his family members among the persecuted lot.

The Persians accustomed to the slavish submission later emerged as Shias (the supporters of Ali) and they developed the doctrines of one Imam succeeding to another Imam by inheritance.

(However this rule was not applicable to the post of Dais. Any ordinary Bohra who was the most learned and was known for his simplicity, piety and just conduct was chosen and raised to the office of Dai, not by inheritance or by election but by Nass inspired by Imam and publicly declared. Hindu Raja Sidhraj Jaisingh who converted was raised to the post of Dai and had 9 Dais from his dynasty.
Now since last two Dais time because of huge concentration of wealth at the center this system of appointing outsiders to the post of Mazoon, Mukasir and Dai is abandoned and these posts have been confined to just one family without much regard for their literary and ecclesiastical qualifications.)

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sat May 24, 2014 6:28 pm

Understanding Dawoodi Bohra Faith - Part – 2

The rebellion movements against Umayyad, after the tragedy of Karbala, were spontaneous outburst and failed miserably. The failure after failure had its own consequences. The Shias split in various sect and sub-sects, moderate as well as extremists. Ishna Asharis were (and are even today) the largest Shia group but as they could not evolve a close-knit underground organization their challenge was not effective.

On the other hand the Ismaili Shias could organize their movement in proper manner through a secret network. Therefore they could challenge the Abbasids most effectively and establish Fatimid rule ultimately. The propagandists (Dais) were appointed by the Imams to carry out the work of this secret network. These propagandists (Dais) used to work secretly and most skillfully for the Imam. (As Ismaili Shias were the precursors of the Bohras, the concept of Dawat and Dai remained in this sect even after the down fall of Fatimid sultanate and the Imam went in seclusion.)

Ismaili movement also succeeded because it had its own well defined religious ideology and it worked with religious-cum-political rather than only political aim. Based on Islamic ideology and Islamic spirit the Ismaili doctrines were constituted on the philosophy and higher learning (marifa). It is to the credit of Fatemi Imam that they never compromised on their doctrines under most difficult times. The Ismaili propagandists (Dais) very carefully spread their network in areas where unrest was found but never participated in the revolts.

Imam Jaferus-Sadiq’s father, Imam Baaqir was the grand son of Imam Husain and his mother Umme Farah was the grand daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakar. Imam Jafer was the most outstanding scholar of Islam as well as modern philosophy and sciences. More than 400 books on Mathematics and Chemistry were written under his guidance. He also had great political wisdom as he had seen the reigns of nine Umayyed rulers and two Abbasid rulers and he was fully aware their designs.

Imam Jaferus-Sadiq initiated the practice of “taqiyya” (secrecy). Since then “taqiyya” has become a part of all Shia sect. Whereas the Arabs were traditionally and temperamentally not suited for secretive underground functioning, Imam Jafer could organize a successful well-knit and secret organization. This was necessary in then prevailing hostile political situation.

Though Ismaili movement was initiated by Imam Jaferus Sadiq it emerged and derived its name from Imam Ismail, his eldest son in 128 Hijri in Iraq, Kufa and Persia.

Imam Mohammadul Makhtum had to adopt certain strategy due to the controversy over his father, Imam Ismail’s death. Imam Mohammadul Makhtum founded the concept of ‘period of concealment’ , (dawras-satr) and ‘period of freedom’ (dawre-kashaf) and introduced the new doctrines of ‘Tawil’ .
Dawras-satr means: The time when one has to propagate and practice the Ismaili doctrines secretly and continue observing the shariah laws and practices openly.
Dawre-kashaf means: The period when the shariah gets abrogated and there is no danger in propagating and practicing the Ismaili doctrines in open. Dawoodi Bohras keep on insisting on Dawras-satr whereas Agakhanis and Mehdi Baugh Bohra believe in Dawre-kashaf and believe that the shariah has been abrogated and hence it is no longer necessary to follow shariah rituals.
‘Tawil’ means the esoteric hidden meaning of verses of Qur’an.
(As Ismaili movement was a progressive intellectual movement which believed in the creative assimilation of the Islamic teachings and non-Islamic teaching thus widening the scope of the Arabian Islam and enriching it with non-Arabic thought, one must understand this Ismaili doctrine in depth before passing judgment otherwise on the intentions of Ismaili Imams.)

(In India initially under Hindu rule Bohra Dais were carrying on their activities unhindered. After Muslim power in Gujarat Ismaili Shias were suppressed and persecuted and were once again compelled to adopt the practice of “taqiyya”, secrecy for self protection. Thus the mission of the Dai changed from that of propaganda to protection . The Dawoodi Bohra Dai was no longer a missionary or propagandist. With that the post of Mazoon and Mukasir also became insignificant. But on the advent of British raj in India Ismaili Bohras could freely practice and preach their religion and the strict conditions of a secret organization were no longer applied.)

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sat May 24, 2014 6:46 pm

Understanding Dawoodi Bohra Faith - Part – 3

The nature of doctrines evolved very much depends on the ultimate aim. Ishna Ashari Shias had no immediate agenda for political power because they believed that the twelfth Imam would emerge one day from the cave where he is hiding. And therefore they could not evolve the complex religio-political doctrines like Ismaili Shias. Therefore for Ismailis it was essential to organized a close-knit resistance movement. Thus we do not find very rigid conditions for absolute submission to the supreme authority of the Imam in any other Shia sect except in Ismaili sect.

The Ismaili movement was a religious mission with a definite political end. As Imam remained in hiding for the protection from prying eyes of the Abbasid rulers, the Dais played a very important role in the organizing activities in the regions under them. They appointed two more functionaries – Mazoon and Mukasir.
Mukasir was required to be thoroughly conversant in the knowledge of the religion and beliefs and the weaknesses of opponents whom he wanted to convert. He was required to argue with them cautiously in order to create doubts in their mind about their religion and beliefs. He would start debating on some principle of shariah or contradictions in the apparent meaning of Quranic verses and wait for their further interest in the matter.
Mazoon would pursue the matter with them to overcome their doubts and then reveal the inner meaning or explain the contradictions and impart them further knowledge of the Ismaili doctrines. After through screening they would be allowed to have an audience with Dai who then take the oath of allegiance (Misaq) from them.

Misaq had two parts. The first part had religious and the second part had political significance. Two historians Maqrizi and Bagdadi have given the text of this covenant in their books.
The first part giving a firm religious basis drawn from Quran begins with:-
“The praise be to God who created all the creatures for his worship ……..and connected belief in His unity with obedience with the one whom He appointed His vice-regent on the earth………………This Misaq is a mark of respect and honour to Him. ….One who breaks it, God will punish him/her and one who fulfils what he/she promises, God will reward him/her. He took the covenant from Adam and it continued……...”

It had been made very clear that the practice of taking oath began with the prophet Adam and after prophet his wasi and after him his Imams, whose obedience has been enjoined on human beings by God. It has been taken willingly and with one’s own free will. It is not forced on anyone.

Once a faithful took this covenant and affirmed his support to the movement the Voluntarism was replaced by Compulsion as then the second part assumed the political character. The faithful now required to maintain all religious as well as political secrets of the mission. Thus the second part began with:-
“And you will obey the Imam and anyone whom he orders you to obey, you will never defy him, never cheat him, never deceive him. ……..You will love whom he loves, and treat as enemy whom he declares as his enemy, fight him whom he fights with ……Say Yes."
“You will not establish contact with his enemy either through a letter, message, hint, signal, sign and inclination or trick whatever the reason or cause; Say yes."
"If anyone breaks the oath; whatever he owns from the property, assets, real estate, wealth, jewels, agriculture………………will be seized and distributed among poor and needy Muslims……………All his wives will be treated as divorced……….Say yes.”

Thus we see in the first and second part the absolute loyalty of supreme authority of Imam was must for two reasons. One, because Imam was believed to be infallible and second was ensure the success of this underground movement for political end.

But the form of the Misaq we have today is a version which has undergone many changes. This Misaq in two parts was a necessary for the movement which was underground then. Also highly centralized structure was also a political necessity.

The Fatemi Imams achieved their goal by the above strategy and established their political power.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sat May 24, 2014 6:52 pm

Understanding Dawoodi Bohra Faith - Part – 4

Misaq is not practiced by any other sect of Islam except Dawoodi Bohras who are descendants of Ismailis. As we have seen for Ismailis it was political necessity of a close-knit underground movement in then hostile condition.
Today the movement is no longer underground; the earlier mission of Dai, Mazoon and Mukasir to convert the people of other faiths to Ismailism no longer exists.

The first religious part of the Misaq states that “Allah took the covenant from Adam and it continued…….” Nothing wrong in giving the oath to Allah. But today’s Misaq altered by Sayedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb is oppressive as it binds the followers to submit to a total surrender Not to God but personally to Dai. Today’s Misaq is the most effective sanction for all kind of inhuman behavior which has changed the character of this decent, peace-loving and caring community. After the establishment of British rule in India and then the advent of Independence there remain no fear of persecution of Dawoodi Bohras and hence this oath of loyalty to central authority is no more essential.

Therefore the enforcing of the rigid conditions of second part of the Misaq of political significance and that too for Dai must be strongly opposed.

Similarly the retaining the same centralized secretive structure of Dawat must be strongly opposed.

The fact is that till 50th Dai only the first part of the Misaq which has religious significance was taken by the Bohra priests and that too for Imam, merely as religious custom. The Misaq had only ceremonial value till then.
But as admitted by our 51st Dai, late Sayedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb in Bombay High Court he manipulated the text and added several passages in order to elevate Dai’s status to that of Imam and enforce his unquestionable authority over the followers of the faith.
Sayedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb introduced very harsh conditions in the text of Misaq making it an instrument of punishment. He did this deviation inspite of clear warning in “Tuhfat-ul-Qulub” by Sayedna Hatim that: The Dai is prohibited to ascribe a single word of the Misaq towards himself.” Remember Sayedna Hatim was not a Dai during Imam’s time. He was our third Dai after the Imam Tayeb went in seclusion and the Fatimid empire had fallen down. (The text of present Misaq is there on this board.)

As Sayedna Taher Saifuddin moved unabashedly to build his financial empire he destroyed the spirit and norms of Ismailism giving it an authoritarian character which caused and still causing many problems in the peace-loving community. There is no priesthood in Islam as religious functions can be performed by any ordinary Muslim. The priesthood is absent in all other Islamic sect. The same was the case in Dawoodi Bohra community till 50th Dai. The local Mullas and Amils were appointed and paid by the independent Jamats and they used to perform all the religious functions of the community including Moharram vaiz without interference of Dai. But our 51st Dai used this centralized structure to his advantage making it more and more authoritarian by introducing one more rigid condition that of his Raza , and ultimately introducing a deadly weapon of “Jamat kharij” and its latest version “Baraat”. Thus the Ismaili mission which played a very important role by attempting a creative intellectual synthesis of philosophy and the teachings of Islam which attracts the best intellectuals even today has now been reduced to a Cult.

His son and our present Dai Sayedna Burhanuddin has further taken the community away from Islam by declaring himself as owner of mosques and sole-trustee of the community’s property. Under his ownerships Bohra mosques have become a playground for organizing birthday functions, cutting cakes, serving jamans, arranging vadhavnis, kadambosi, najwa and salam function, mass marriages, meetings of politicians, putting cinema screen and rely apparatus and video shooting, fund collection and lottery draws. Now even musalla spaces are priced and reserved thus killing the very spirit of namaz. As recent incidents indicate this commercialization of religion has turned the Bohra mosques into the battle fields.

Our Dai has given up the principle of accountability which is so central in Islam and which was followed by the holy Prophet and his Ahle-bait most vigorously.

In conclusion I feel that now having huge stakes the Dai and his family and also his corrupt administration will not like to mend their ways as they care two hoots for Islam and Ismailism. They have no concern for the suffering humanity. A systematic organized opposition by the mumineen is the only way out. The victims alone are the savior.

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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by abbasb » Sun May 25, 2014 3:44 pm

For anyone to understand in-depth the origins of Dawoodi Bohras, I highly recommend Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer's 'The Bohras'.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun May 25, 2014 6:49 pm

How can any self-respecting community tolerate this humiliation ?

By S.Insaf.

Most of the properties of the Dawoodi Bohra community in India were built and established around late 19th century, (after 1870) when the economical prosperity came in due to government’s tenders to honest and hardworking Bohras during First and Second World wars.

These properties were built and trusts were set up by the members of wealthy Bohra families in the memory of their elders, like The Husain Ali Abdul Ali Dholkawala Trust, The Noorbhai Jivanji Moriswala Trust, The Nematullah Bai Maskati trust, The Adamji Peerbhoy Trust, The Mulla Kalimuddin Amiruddin Trust, The Lukmanji Bootwala Trust, The Haider Ali Kasamji Trust, The Esmail Machiswala trust, Mohammad Ali Tawawala trust, The Adamji Mulla Hasan Ali Jhanjeria trust, The Seth Alibhai Alvi Trust, Mulla Ebhramji Gheewala Trust The Abdul Kadar Ebrahim trust, E. A. Currimji Trust etc etc. List is very long.

One can see that these trusts were established on individual names and were managed by the members of individual family in each case. No Dai prior to 51st Dawoodi Bohra Dai had ever interfered in the management of these trusts and the members of the community used to take the benefit of various Mosques, Jamatkhanas, Mazars, Musafarkhanas, Sanatoriums, Madresas, Schools, Hospital etc established by these trusts. Their use was either free or most nominal.

In the beginning of 20th century, many big cities like Bombay, Surat, and Calcutta Bachat Yojnas were started for economic growth of the community by the well-wishers of the community.

These trust properties were on 99 years lease. Leases were to be expired some where in 1970s and 80s.

All Dawoodi Bohra Dais up to 50th Dai were poor and indebted.

51st Dai late Sayedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb occupied the seat of Dawat in 1915. He was first Dai who had worldly ambitions. He set his eyes on these properties and floated various trusts in his own name such as Dawat-e-Hadiya Trust and Saifee Foundation Trust. He made members of his own family, (Ibrahim Zainuddin, Yusuf Najmuddin, Saleh Safiuddin etc.) trustees of these trust.

In 1917 Sayedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb made an attempt to seize the community’s property and claimed that he was the Owner of mind, soul, body and properties of Dawoodi Bohras. Bombay High Court rejected his claim in 1921 as he could not substantiate it from Qura’n, Hadis, Nehjul Balagha or the life history of any Dai prior to him.

Still in 1938 when Muslim Waqf Act was imposed Sayedna’s own lawyer, Bhulabhai Desai confessed that:
“Mullaji Saheb has forced his follower Bohras to transfer charitable properties of the community in his name and is about to do so in cases of many more properties. Mullaji Saheb in last 7 years by various coercive methods has got 600 hundred mosques and 60 Gallas under his control.”

As his claim of ownership of community’s property got rejected he started claiming himself as “Sole-trustee” of Bohra trust properties.

After floating trusts in his name he sent out his goons who pressurised under threat of “excommunication” the honest and innocent Bohra trustees of these trusts to take fresh lease of their property in the name of freshly formed secular trusts by Sayedna. This was done through misrepresentations and by gaining favour of government officials through corrupt practices.

Since Sayedna’s self-assumed claim of ownership was rejected by the law court, while appealing for his power to excommunicate against “Prevention of Excommunication Act 1948” he very cleverly added in his appeal in Supreme Court:
“As Dai-ul-Mutlaq and the vicegerent of Imam on Earth in seclusion the Dai has not only civil powers as head of the sect and as trustee of the property, but also ecclesiastical powers as religious leader of the community.”

“In his capacity as Dai-ul-Mutlaq, that is to say, as religious leader as well as trustee of the property of the community, one of his duties is to manage the properties which are all under his directions and control. He has also the power of excommunication. This power of excommunication is not absolute, arbitrary and untrammelled power but has to be exercised according to the tenets of the community.”
“For an offence which according to Dai-ul-Mutlaq’s religious sense justifies expulsion.”

One can see that the case was to decide whether Dai-ul-Mutlaq has a right to excommunication or not. But very cleverly late Sayedna introduced few paragraphs claiming to be the trustee of community’s properties. Entire community was kept unaware of this case. Therefore no one could challenge Sayedna. Later on referring this judgement of the Supreme Court of 1962, members of the Sayedna’s family could convince the officials of Waqf Boards and Charity Commissioner Offices to accept Dai-ul-Mutlaq as “Sole-Trustee” of community’s properties. Maximum valuable properties of the community were usurped after 1962.

Before 1962 in all court cases Sayedna was referred as “Mullaji Saheb” or “Sardar Sayedna”. The word “Dai-ul-Mutlaq” was also very cleverly introduced for the first time in 1962.

Today the family of the Dai has even taken control over Bohra mosques and graveyards and Bohras have been made absolute slaves of Dai’s family and his Amils who are dominating every aspect of Bohras’ lives. Just one conniving family has made the entire community of 10 to 12 million its slave since last 100 years by fraud.
Beggars have become multimillionaires.
Dependants have become masters.
Depriving the actual masters, (the community) of their wealth and property.

The psychology of Bohras has been so conditioned that they take pride in calling themselves as “Slaves”. They are compelled to seek the Raza (permission) of these usurpers for using their own properties. They even can not bury their dead without permission. The medieval age culture of Aqa, master and Abde, slave has been deeply rooted even in 21st century. To keep the check on the loyalty of their slaves, dress code and Identity cards have been devised.

In the modern age of science, technology, democracy and individual freedom, look at Bohras running after few individuals who openly oppress and exploit them. The well off and well educated Bohras also consider this oppression and exploitation great “Karm and Ahsanat” (mercy and benevolence) of their Aqa.

Fear psychosis imbedded in the hearts and minds of Bohras through violent attacks can be understood as far as middle class and lower middle class Bohras are concerned. But how about multimillionaires like Mumtaz/ Ashraf Dahodwala (USA), Hamid family (Dubai) and Saifuddin Khambaty’s family (Ahmedabad) etc. who are not at mercy of Dai’s family? But they are the ones who throw billions of rupees at their exploitators feet without caring for the poverty ridden Bohras in their own native places.

Like Narendra Modi in the name of development (Shado-Abaad) our Dai has taken Bohras far from the core Islamic values of adl (Justice to every section of the society), infaq fi sabiliah (Spending in the way of Allah among the weaker section of the society), La Ikrah fiddin (No compulsion in religion), Zakat, Sadqat [charity to help mustadifin (poor and needy) without injuring their human dignity and not to mustakbirin (rich and arrogant) and Jihad (as the holy Prophet of Islam says, “The best of Jihad is of him/her who speaks a just word before a tyrannical authority).

Qura’n very emphatically asserts in ayah-e-kanz “Those who hoard gold and silver (wealth) and do not spend it in the way of Allah, warn them of painful punishment.” Yet like Gujarati businessmen of Gujarat under Modi, every Bohra businessman (including the priestly class) has become selfish, accumulating more and more wealth, caring only for his near and dear ones, enjoying luxuries of life calling it “development”. They are consuming more and more while the spiritual and moral quality of their lives keeps on declining. Islam does not allow anyone to gain at the cost of others, much less at the cost of entire society. The interests of the society must have priority over the interests of the individual.

Sayedna Saheb’s filthy rich establishment has not helped any Bohra businessman or professional. Bohras are basically enterprising. Wherever Bohras through their skill and hard-work come up in life Sayedna’s establishment immediately takes credit for it. Recent Burhani Expos are evident of this fact.

I wish the thinking and intellectual Bohras to ponder over the question:
How can any self-respecting community tolerate this humiliating princely/priestly domination?

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Fri Jun 06, 2014 6:43 pm

'Abde Faatema' case of 1937.

Abdeali, son of Amiruddin Salehbhai Tayebji, senior partner of the famous firm of shipchandlers in Mumbai, was engaged to be married in March 1936 to Faatema, daughter of Abdulali Rajabali Chibawalla. Amiruddin was an active member of the group of reformists who were demanding from the Government that the stipulations of the Musalman Waqf Act should now apply to the Dawoodi community which had obtained exemption from the Act for three years and which period was now over.

Thereupon an inquiry commission was set up by the Mumbai Government for this purpose and Amiruddin was the chief witness in that enquiry. Meanwhile another enquiry was instituted by Amiruddin to find out how and where the sum of Rs 2 lakhs donated by his mother for charitable purposes was spent by Saifuddin Sahib. When Saifuddin Sahib was requested by both the families to solemnize the marriage of Abdeali and Faatema he refused saying, "Withdraw the enquiry regarding the sum of Rs 2 lakhs." This money transaction and the involvement of Amiruddin in the Waqf Act enquiry were the main reasons why the request was refused. But apparently the excuse given out was that Abdeali was not growing a beard. Abdeali tried in vain to argue that many marriages were performed where the grooms had no beards. At last he decided to have his marriage solemnized by a Sunni Qazi.

In order to avoid any confrontation with Saifuddin Sahib, the bride's father transferred his 'Vakalat' to Sir Karimbhoy Ibrahim, the well known Baronet of Khoja community witnessed by Sardar Sir Sulaiman Kasam Mitha and his son Usmaan. The witnesses who asked the bride her consent to the marriage were Abdul Husain Poonawalla and Abdul Rahim Khandwalla. Hatimali Alavi, the ex Mayor of Karachi was also present on the occasion. Upon a meher of Rs 51 the marriage was duly solemnised by Maulvi Haji Abdul Haleem on 25 February 1937.

However, in April 1937 both the bride and groom received letters from the Aamil of Mumbai stating that the marriage was illegal and that the couple was living in sin. Saifuddin Sahib approved the action of the Aamil and in August of the same year sent letters of the same tune to Amiruddin and Abdulali. Now the groom had no alternative but to file a suit in the High court of Mumbai against Saifuddin Sahib and his deputy, the Amil in Mumbai, for maligning the character of the couple and demanded from them damages of Rs 50,000 each by way of compensation. Top lawyers were engaged by both the parties. The plaintiffs were represented by advocate general M C Setalvad, Coltman, P B Vachcha and Hindade whereas on behalf of the defendants Sir Jamshedji Kanga and B P Taraporewalla gave appearance. The case proceeded and some of the pleas put forward by the defendants were that (a) according to the traditions of the Dawoodi community marriage cannot be solemnized without the prior consent (raza) of the head of the community or his deputy (b) Saifuddin Sahib has the right to refuse to solemnise the marriage if the groom does not keep a beard. However, if the groom undertakes to grow a beard and deposits a substantial sum of money by way of security Saifuddin Sahib might show some leniency and allow the marriage to be performed (c) since the marriage was not performed according to the established tradition of the Dawoodi community and against the wishes of Saifuddin Sahib the marriage was invalid and the couple were living in sin. Hence all relations with them were cut off and they were excommunicated.

The statements of the couple were then recorded and all those who were participants in the marriage ceremony appeared as witnesses and were cross examined by the defendant's barrister, Sir Jamshedji Kanga. Saifuddin Sahib managed to postpone the hearing on some pretext or the other for nearly three years. Ultimately Saifuddin Sahib had to give in and he proposed a settlement on 5 March 1940. He accepted the 'nikaah' performed by the Qazi as legal and valid (by virtue of his special powers which he claimed he possessed) and agreed to withdraw the letters issued in April and August 1937 regarding the invalidity of the 'nikaah' and the blame on the couple that they were living in sin. Perhaps he was reminded of the fact that Amtullahbai, the mother of Saleh Safiyuddin and Ibrahim Zainuddin, his step brothers, was the daughter of a Sunni muslim lady who was married to Haider Mota in Singapore and the 'nikaah' was performed by a Sunni muslim Qazi. The court pronounced the following judgement."This court states 'In Invitum' that the Qazi 'nikaah' of Plaintiff Abdeali to Faatema, daughter of Abdulali Chibawalla which took Place on 25 February 1937 is considered legal according to the laws applicable to the Dawoodi Bohra community and is valid from the date it took Place." Saifuddin Sahib paid Rs 35,000 by way of damages.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun Jul 20, 2014 5:37 pm

Can such Materialistic and Opportunistic System last for long?
By S.Insaf.

As Allah-almighty has said all human beings (including Imams and Dais) are born and grown out of a clot. Their bodies are of perishable flesh and so they also die like ordinary men and get buried.

But a mortal man becomes King because of a kingdom he/she rules. Sultan because of the sultanate he/she rules. And a mortal King or a Sultan in order to project himself superior and larger than life over the others, lives a luxurious life in majestic palaces sits on a high throne and needs making continuous show of his enormous wealth and strength.

But then there are exceptions. The holy Prophet of Islam Hazrat Mohammad (pbuh) lived an exemplary simple life and still we call him "Sarkar-e-Doaalam" (Commander of both worlds) and Hazrat Ali ibne-Abi-Talib lived a very simple life of a poor man yet we call him "Moula-e-Kayenat" (Lord of Universe).

It was because our unlettered Prophet (pbuh) was of noble birth and nobler in the grace and wisdom of human love and human understanding. He grew steadfastly in virtue and purity and worked and enjoyed in honest labour. He stood for all humanity, orphans, poor, widows, and slaves, oppressed and neglected. When wealth was within his reach, he remained happy in poverty and used the wealth for others.

The wealth and prosperity came in the Dawoodi Bohra Community during first and second world wars in the beginning of 20th century (around 1918 and 1942) due to hard work and fair dealings in trade by then Dawoodi Bohras. It was a period dominated by materialistic and worldly ambitions of late 51st Dai, Syedna Taher Saifuddin. He and his son Mohammad Burhanuddin were born in poverty and in a narrow room in a dilapidated house at Zampa Bazar, Surat. But immediately after he became Dai in 1915 he shifted to Bombay and started consolidating his financial empire. The Bombay High Court had rejected his claims of ownership of Bohra community's properties and he being accountable to non in 1917. But he had decided to impose his absolute control over the wealth and properties of the community in order to be their master-in-command. Soon he started living in Badri Mahal and Saifee Mahal. As Amir Moaviyah converted 'Khilafat in to 'Badshahat' (Monarchy) Syedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb soon converted 'Fatemi Dawat' in to his Sultanate and started calling himself as Sultan and his family members as Shahzada/Shahzadi.

Hazrat Ali ibne-abi Talib (A.S.) had two slaves Qamber and Saed. They related after the death of Hazrat Ali:
1) Hazrat very seldom gave them chance to serve him. He used to do his own work for himself, used to wash his own clothes, used to even patch them whenever needed, he used to draw water from well for his daily use.
2) Hazrat would give them good food and decent dresses and would himself eat and dress like a poor man.
3) Obaidullah-ibne-Abbas was one of Hazrat ali's Amils (governors) who ill-treated some people under him. They complained to Hazrat. He immediately warned Ibne-Abbas, "You should not ill-treat your subject. The common people should be given their due respect. You should always treat them with respect. You are representing me and your treatment is considered as that of mine.
4) Hazrat Ali was so down to earth that Hazrat Mohammad (S.A.) called him "Abu Turab.

Dawoodi Bohra Dais, before 51st Dai, as true Shias of Hazrat Ali, lived a very simple life earning their own livelihood without exploiting the common Bohras for money or service to Dai. For example even 50th Dawoodi Bohra Dai, Syedna Abdullah Badruddin Saheb initiated reforms to improve the functioning of the Dawat and local Jamats. The functioning of Dawat and local administration was corrupted since 47th Dai Syedna Yusuf Najmuddin Saheb's time as he had succeeded on the high office without "Nass-e-Jali" précised pronouncement of Nass by 46th Dai. He further curtailed the powers of Amils who had become arrogant and dominant. He also stopped the liberal distribution of titles of Shaikh and awarded them strictly on the basis of knowledge and learning. He did his best to improve the teaching standard at the Surat Daras. But his term lasted only for seven years.

Earlier Bohra Dais were known as "Mullaji" or "Bade Mullaji" or Sardar. Titles like His Holiness, Bohra Sultan, Naib-Imam, Dai-ul-Mutlaq, Aqa Maula, Dai-ul-Ajal, Maunalul-Mannan etc. were not used. There is no trace in the Bohra history or court records, agreements signed and religious text available, of even Syedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb using these titles for himself up to 1932. Only when he amassed community's wealth and property these high titles suddenly surfaced.

Syedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb's father and 49th Dawoodi Bohra Dai's name was Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin Saheb. But he was poor and indebted and like all earlier Dais lived in small dilapidated house, therefore he could not claim that he was "Dai of Hazrat Ali (A.S.) or Dai of Imam Husain (A.S.) and that Quranic verses where word "Burhan" has come are in his honour. They were in true sense Ismaili Muslims and Mumluk-e- Aale-Mohammad (Humble servants of progeny of the holy Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). Now after serious clashes and violent attacks in the Dawoodi Bohra Community present Syedna Saheb added new titles like "Ambassador of Peace".

British government had offered a title of 'Sardar' to 44th Dai Syedna Izzuddin II and then to 45th Dai Syedna Zainuddin Saheb II. Both these Dais refused the honour saying they do not care for worldly honour. But in 1866 when this offer was made to 47th Syedna Najmuddin Saheb IV (grand father of Syedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb) he accepted it with thanks.

Once, some wealthy Bohra followers came from Ahmedabad to invite 38th Dai Syedna Ismailji Badruddin Saheb for Ziyafat. The Syedna praised them for their love for him but refused their offer. His reason was that "I give religious teaching to students and study and write books on religion. If I go to Ahmedabad my valuable time will be wasted in Ziyafat and more ever the poor Bohras of Ahmedabad will feel that I hobnob only with rich and wealthy. Contrary to this today even annual examinations at Jamiya Saifia (earlier Surat Daras) named as ""Zikra Mualana Muqqaddas" has become an occasion of revelry and show of strength.

Beside this the Syedna Saheb's birthday, holy months of Moharram and Ramazan, Mass-marriages in the name of "Rasme-Saifee", Wedding ceremonies of Syedna's Royal family members, etc. all have become occasions of the rich and wealthy Dawoodi Bohras' picnic and festivities. Syedna Saheb, his Royal family members and his Amils are rolling in luxury on money extorted from the community and there is no one to care about poor and needy of the community.

Can such a System last for long?

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun Jul 20, 2014 6:11 pm

How The Dai and his subordinates have been forging and manipulating documents of Saifee Hospital premises way before even the 90s !

Syedna accused of `commercialising' charity
S Hussain Zaidi

July 9: The head priest of the Dawoodi Bohra community, Syedna Burhanuddin, and some of his relatives have been accused of forging documents to usurp a prime property admeasuring 5,278 sq yards opposite Charni Road station. The property is worth over Rs 250 crore. The property, which belongs to the Sir Adamjee Peerbhoy Charitable Trust, comprises Saifee Hospital, a sanitorium, two dilapidated buildings, the tomb of Sir Adamjiee Peerbhoy and a mosque. The trustees have been accused of trying to commercially exploit the property.

Syedna and his family members, who hold important positions on the trust, however have denied the allegations and have accused vested interests of making such charges out of personal animosity to His Holiness Syedna Burhanuddin.

Established in 1884 by a philanthropist, Sir Adamjee Peerbhoy, the trust was declared bankrupt in 1930 and was taken over by Saifee Hospital Society. Surprisingly, the trustees of both Peerbhoy Trust and the Saifee Society are the same: Sayed Ebrahim Saifuddin, Dr Yusuf Najmuddin, Ali Asgar Kalimuddin and Ismail Kanga. Most of them were either relatives of the Syedna or his close friends.

Soon after the takeover, the society interpolated two paragraphs in the constitution of the Adamjee Peerbhoy Trust. This interpolation, apart from regularising the occupation of Wing C of the sanitorium (a property of the Adamjee Peerbhoy Trust) by the Saifee society, also gave overwhelming powers to the Syedna to run the trust. It empowered him to unilaterally dismiss or appoint a trustee. Though Syedna is not part of either the trust or the society, he heads both of them by virtue of being a religious head.

Having established a vice-like grip on the trust, in 1963 (20 years before the expiry of the original lease), the trustees applied for renewal of lease on commercial terms. This was unusual for a trust which had restricted its activities to charity for a long time.

Two years later, another application was made to the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (then the Bombay Municipal Corporation) to build a commercial complex-cum-hospital. However, the plan was rejected by the BMC as it required demolition of a mosque and desecration of Sir Admajee's Tomb. The increase in the floor space index (FSI) sought by the trust by including 2,544 square yards of a Bohra cemetery and a freehold plot in the construction plan was also denied by the BMC.

In 1972, the Saifee Society sought permission from the charity commissioner to sub-lease the trust's land to it. However, this move was objected to by Advocate Abid Merchant on behalf of the Dawoodi Bohra Jamaat and a stay was obtained in 1976. However, the Saifee Society came up with a back-dated agreement with the Adamjee Peerbhoy Trust which included a clause that empowered it to lease the trust's properties ``to any person or persons, including a limited company or a cooperative housing society or other incorporated body nominated by the lessees or their assigns.''

The matter went to the high court and then to the Supreme Court in 1993. The apex court upheld the stay, which continues till today.

While the crime branch is seized of the case, senior officials are not willing to talk about it. The jamat had filed a case against the Syedna and his relatives in September last year. Joint Commissioner of Police (crime) Ranjit Singh Sharma told Express Newsline, ``The case is very much under investigation, though we have not been able to decide about the course of action to be's a sensitive matter.''

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ghulam muhammed
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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Jul 21, 2014 5:57 pm

These are just a few incidents of attacks on the supporters of the reform movement in India.
By S.Insaf

1) On 22 August 1922 in the afternoon at 2 pm the goons of Sayedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb physically assaulted Ibrahim Adamji Peerbhoy with knives on Esplanade Road in the Fort area of Bombay. It was to eliminate him as he was perhaps the first Dawoodi Bohra who courageously challenged a Dai and served notice on him for rendering the account of Chandabhoy Galla.

2) More than 15000 prominent Bohras had signed the memorandum regarding misuse of funds of Chandabhoy Galla submitted to the Advocate General (officer-in-charge of public charity then). T. Saifuddin Saheb was naturally perturbed because of this mass disobedience and so he started training his guns against the dissidents. He called a meeting of Amils and some musclemen on 28 July 1917 at Badri Mahal (his resident and office then). He for the first time in Bohra history declared “Salam bandh” against the supporters of Ibrahim Adamji and incited the participants to punish them.
A week after this meeting the Amil of Ujjain, Abdul Taiyeb Husainbhai made a very provocative speech in Navapura masjid and declared “Salam bandh” against 90-year Shaikh Ali Mohammad Ghodiwala. He then led a mob of 500 charged Bohras and attacked the Ghodiwalas. The Bohras after beating him, his son and daughter-in-law cut off his nose and left him dying.

3) The editor of Gujarati daily “Bombay Samachar” wrote an editorial “Yugdharam ne pichano vada Mullaji !” supporting the cause of Bohra reform. He was attacked by Taher Saifuddin Saheb’s incited mob headed by one Turab bhai Mala on 8 January 1960 at 6:30 in the evening. This 82-year old editor was so severely beaten that he died in the hospital.

4) Mulla Abbas Aurangabadi was excommunicated by Taher Saifuddin Saheb as he had kept four poor Bohra students in his house at Madanpura Bombay and was giving them religious education. This activity was labelled as “sin” as he was doing it without the Sayedna’s raza. Mulla Abbas was a knowledgeble writer and orator. He used to expose the un-Islamic activities of Sayedna through his writing in Urdu newspapers. After two acid attacks made on him at Bombay in which he lost one eye, he went to Karach where on 24 June 1966 Sayedna Burhanuddin’s men burnt him alive in broad day light by pouring petrol on him.

5) Murderous attack was made on the women of Udaipur in Galiakot’s mazar in the presence of Sayedna Burhanuddin Saheb on first March 1973.

6) Galiakot incident made Surat’s Jamiah Saifia a hotbed of discussion. In order to frighten the teachers and students, the Jamias rector and Sayedna Saheb’s brother Yusuf Najmuddin rushed to Surat and incited a mob which attacked the houses of four senior teachers of Jamiah on 23 November 1974. The attack resulted in the death of Shaikh Sajjad Husain Sarangpoorwala.

7) On 25 November 1974 the Bombay police Special branch, during their search seized a placard demanding the execution of four reformist leaders, Noman Contractor, Asghar Ali Engineer, Yahya Lokhandwala and Ismail Attarwala by 5 pm on 27th November.

8) On 18th January 1975 on 5th of Moharram a fanatic mob of 150 armed with knives and daggers attacked the reformists who were busy listening the vaiz in Udaipur’s Moiyadpura mosque which turned in to battlefield within no time with blood all over. 200 reformists were seriously injured while one 14 year old girl died.

9) Mr. Noman Contractor along with his daughter Yasmin and his son-in-law Rahim visited Saifee Pawaghadwala on 12 June 1977. With prior planning a mob of 3000 Bohras surrounded the house of Pawaghadwala in no time with kerosene, petrol and rags to set fire to the house. They broke open the door and attacked Contractor‘s and Pawagadhwala’s families with lathis and then set the house and Contractor’s car standing outside on fire. Bohras from adjoining houses informed the police and arrested 52 Bohras who were later let off on bail and awarded by local Amil. Curfew in Godhara city was imposed for 3 days. Citing this incident and various others Shri Jai Prakash Narayan wrote a personal open letter to Sayedna Burhanuddin Saheb. As there was no reply from Sayedna Saheb he recommended appointing an inquiry commission.

10) Several murderous attacks were made on the life of Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer at Calcutta, Hyderabad, Cairo and Bombay.

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Re: Archives From The PDB Website Concerning Bohra Issues.


Unread post by seeker110 » Mon Jul 21, 2014 6:18 pm

Many family members including the sons and fathers of the royal family has been killed by their own family members. 52nd was tortured by his sons in later part of his life. Even 51st died under mysterious circumstances. There is a lot to come real soon. Things are wobbly in the family tent.