Mairaj in light of modern science

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Sajid Zafar
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Mairaj in light of modern science


Unread post by Sajid Zafar » Thu Nov 21, 2002 6:05 pm

How one can justify the event of Rasool's [pbuh]travel to Aasman in the light of modern science? Man has reached to moon and preparing to reach to Jupiter sometime in the near future. How does this particular event fits into the princples of physics when we know that some of the universes are located at distance of million of light years?


Can someone throw light?

asif khan
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Re: Mairaj in light of modern science


Unread post by asif khan » Fri Nov 22, 2002 2:08 pm

We ismailis (nizaris) believe that the miraj was a SPIRITUAL ascension - not a physical one on the back of a white horse w/ a female face and wings!

Bohra spring
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Re: Mairaj in light of modern science


Unread post by Bohra spring » Sun Feb 23, 2014 5:31 am

Miraj: A spiritual or a physical journey?
Abu Abdus-Samad

Many Muslims believe that Miraj of Muhammad (PBUH) was a physical journey. In contrary, Allah has said that Miraj was a vision or ru'ya (Surah Bani-Israil Ayat 60). Our dear Prophet experienced this extraordinary vision when contemporary people were relentlessly humiliating him. Even after years of his dedicated mission, only few people had accepted the Truth. In such circumstances, it is natural that anybody would be disheartened and be in a low morale. During such a period of preaching, Allah (SWT) granted our Prophet a vision that he is leading a salat where all the past prophets were attending. This vision signifies that our dear Rasul would be the imam of the whole world as all the previous prophets acknowledged his highest level of dignity and status. Thus, it can be concluded that his preaching would soon prevail all over the world. In this spiritual journey, he traveled beyond the world and observed a view of the universe. Many people of his time assumed this to be a physical journey. To correct them, our prophet said that he was in the stage of half-sleep and half-awake. When he woke up (or completed the journey), he found his seat to be warm. This attests that the journey consumed a brief moment. All the incidents that happened in this short period can only occur spiritually or in ru'ya.

The disbelievers thought that our rasul implied a physical journey and they ridiculed our prophet and demanded a book to be brought down from the heaven (Bani-Israil, Ayat 93). Our rasul replied: “but I am just a human being” (Ayat 93). This Ayat confirms that he does not possess power of a superman or is not provided with a 'burraq' to travel physically to heaven and bring a book! Unfortunately, these days we Muslims started to believe that the journey was physical.
Some Questions:

Usually, the incidence of Miraj is described vividly. In spite of that, many loopholes in the description remain. Usually, Muslims do not cast suspicion on such contradictions in the description. If you believe that this journey was indeed a physical journey, then you have to come up with some reasonable answers to the following questions. These questions are

1. Why did Angel Gabriel enter the house by breaking through the roof? Was the landing imperfect? Who repaired the breakage before others could see the defect? Another version says angels Gabriel, Mika'il and Israfil came together and they did not pierce the roof. Why is the discrepancy in the story?

2. It is told that Burraq would not allow our prophet to ride him, till Gabriel scolded it. Did Allah(swt) send a special animal that would not do its duty till scolded.

Another version says that this animal was way too eager to carry our Prophet while it was in its own heaven. Why is the discrepancy in the story?

3. How did all other prophets come to Jerusalem? Did they come in spiritual form or in physical form? If they came in physical form, then resurrection or Qiyamat had once taken place already. Because the dead prophets were brought back to life already in to their earthly bodies.

4. If the previous prophets came in physical form, what kind of transportation did they acquire? More Burraqs? Or only few large burraqs like jumbo jets? Remember that we are talking about 124,000 prophets.

5. We are told that Prophet's Burraq was tied to one corner of Masjidul Aqsa. Where did all other prophets tie their individual burraqs or their jumbo burraqs?

6. A gathering of such huge magnitude is sure to cause much commotion in the area. Did the people of Jerusalem miss such a major gathering? Not even a single person noticed 124,000 prophets and 124,000 burraqs suddenly entering their small town of Jerusalem?

7. How big was the Aqsa Mosque at that time? Could it really hold 124,000 prophets? Football stadiums in this country can barely hold such large number of spectators.

8. If you say that, all the prophets came spiritually and none of them came physically, then why did our prophet Muhammad(PBUH) make a physical journey? He could also have reached there spiritually.

9. When the incident of Miraj happened, what our prophet needed was a morale boost at the humiliating situation around him. He did not really need any physical boost. If at all Allah sent all the prophets in their physical bodies, then it would have been more helpful to send them to Makkah. These 124,000 prophets, of different races and nationality, could have camped in Makkah for a day or two, and scared the hell out of the disbelievers.

10. Which prayer was that? Isha? Or some other time? Was there an Adhan? Or Ikamat? Who gave the Adhan or Ikamat that all the prophets could hear yet none of the residents of Jerusalem could hear?

11. As we are told, our prophet then went to the heaven and several prominent prophets greeted him. We know that those prominent prophets also were in the congregational prayer at Jerusalem. How did they reach heaven before Muhammad (PBUH)? Another kind of transportation that is quicker than a Burraq? So you mean that Allah provided a slow Burraq to Muhammad (PBUH)?

12. Why did the gatekeepers enquire the identity of Gabriel and Muhammad(PBUH)? The angel gatekeepers did not recognize a major angel, the Gabriel? If the gatekeepers are so stupid or ill-informed, then they may not do a good job in protecting the heaven.

13. Allah(swt) had sent his special angel Gabriel and a special animal Burraq, to bring our prophet to the heaven. In such a special occasion, did Allah(swt) forget to instruct the gatekeepers about the very special guest? In this world, we usually send some body to the airport to pick the special guest up. Of course Miraj does not happen every day. Out of so many prophets, only our rasul experienced this miraj. In such a major event, the gatekeepers repeatedly insulted Gabriel and our prophet by asking their identity. Also, Allah(swt) probably did not install security systems where you could swipe your magnetic cards to enter, or let a scanner scan your finger prints, or a voice activated system that would recognize our prophet's voice.

14. What is the need of a gate in front of the heaven, any way? Who tries to trespass that such security is needed? Was it not possible for the Burraq to fly little higher and cross the wall without any interruption at the gates? Helicopters can do that.

15. Why did Gabriel stop at each gate? I thought his style is to pierce through the roof. Probably, the roof of heaven is made of a different grade of concrete that Gabriel would have hurt himself.

16. Allah(swt) has said that he resides close to our jugular vein. But this description says that Allah(swt) resides in the seventh heaven, behind a curtain. Does it not hit the fundamental understanding of Islam that Allah(swt) is omnipresent and without a physical body?

17. Allah(swt) said that " And know that Allah cometh in between a man and his heart" (8:24), and also " for we are nearer to him than (his) jugular vein (50:16)". If we subscribe to the story that Allah(swt) is stationed behind the curtain in the seventh heaven, then these two ayats are in serious question. Please also read ayats 2:115, 6:3. What do you want to believe? Allah's(swt) words in Quran or this story??

18. Another form of this story says that beyond this curtain was an exceptionally bright light. What kind of light was that? Electromagnetic radiation? The curtain a special grade of lead with high atomic number that could restrict the light or energy of Allah? Can some thing restrict Allah(swt)? Is Allah(swt) confined to one area?

19. Why does Allah(swt) need so much of security? Is He not the most powerful? Is there a threat of a military coup from Iblees that Allah(swt) needs the security? Security guards of our presidents are usually physically stronger, swifter, and able than the presidents. So, Allah's 'body' guards are physically stronger than Allah(swt) that they could protect Allah(swt) in case of any assault?

20. Burraq is a winged animal little smaller than a horse. It flaps its special wing to cross long distances at a fast pace. Once it crossed the atmosphere, it really did not require the wings, as there is no air to flap his wings. At that time, did he transfer his rider to another kind of animal? Or probably he manages equally well without flapping the wings. I presume he carefully covered our prophet with his wings at that time, because it is terribly cold up in the atmosphere. He might also have saved extra air or oxygen inside his wings for our prophet's survival. Probably there was no need for extra air, as it happened too fast, before our prophet needed another breath of air.

21. We are repeatedly told that during our prophet's visit to the heaven, he was prescribed with 50 prayers a day and six months of sawm for his followers. Let's just think what fifty prayers a day will do to us. Out of 24 hours a day, we probably sleep 6-7 hours. That leaves us with 17-18 hours. We spend about two hours in eating, bathing, and other biological needs. That leaves us with about 15 -16 hours. If we have to pray fifty times in this time, then we have to pray about four times an hour. Well, then there is not much time left for other things to do. We do not have enough time to go to grocery. Well, we do not need to go, because every one in the grocery store is also praying fifty times a day. Actually, the grocery store is empty. Because, the farmers did not grow any crops this year as they were praying fifty times a day. Well, we do not need grocery that much, since we are also fasting six months!!

22. Who saved us from this difficult task of 50 prayers and six month of fasting? Musa (AS)? So, Musa (AS) was instigating our prophet against the initial commands of Allah(swt)? So, we believe that our prophet listened to the "advices" of Musa instead of "orders" from Allah(swt)? While Al-Quran says in 10:15, "if I were to disobey my Lord, I should myself fear the chastisement of a great day (to come)."

23. Our prophet had to make several trips to Allah to get all the reductions and discounts on prayers and fasting. When Musa(AS) "instigated" our prophet, did it take so long for Muhammad(PBUH) to realise the burden of so many prayers and such long fasting? Was our prophet so retarded? (May Allah forgive me).

24. At the following website ... dith.shtml we find this description:
"Then Moses stopped him when the prayers had been reduced to five and said, "O Muhammad! By Allah, I tried to persuade my nation, Bani Israel to do less than this, but they could not do it and gave it up. However, your followers are weaker in body, heart, sight and hearing, (bolds are mine) so return to your Lord so that He may lighten your burden."

How true, Muslims are weaker in body, heart, sight, hearing than the Bani Israel ! Any idea who fabricated this story? You dont get an extra point if you answer it correctly. Followers of Moses are only one race of people. While a Muslim could be African, Asian, Mongoloid, Caucasian or any other race. If we believe the story as written in the above website, then Bani Israel is better than rest of the humanity!

25. Allah(swt) says that He is Rahman and Rahim. But I see that He wanted us to go through 50 prayers and 6 months of fasting. Not very Rahim, huh?

26. Only Musa (AS) had the real perception of the hardship of mankind. Neither Allah(swt) nor Muhammad (PBUH) had any clue! But again, Allah insists in Al-Quran 2:185, "…Allah intends every facility for you, He does not want to put you to difficulties…".

27. I thought heaven was very secure with all these gatekeepers. Did the security guards allow Musa(AS) to loiter around? Why did the gatekeepers allow Muhammad(PBUH) multiple revisits to Allah(swt)? Where was Gabriel at that time?

28. These days, many of us celebrate the incident of Isra and Miraj. Did our prophet celebrate this incident? Did his companions celebrate this incident? No?


If you insist on celebrating Isra and Miraj, then please read what Shaykh `Abdul `Aziz ibn Baz has to say. He wrote, “If the celebration of this night had been lawful, they (companions) would have been first to do it. The Prophet also is the most sincere in guiding people. He most truly fulfilled his mission, and performed his noble duty. If the glorification and celebration of that night had something to do with Islam, the Prophet would never have neglected it nor concealed it. Since nothing about this was narrated from the Messenger and his companions, therefore glorification and celebration of that night was absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with Islam, as Allah has perfected for this nation its religion, completed His favor upon it and rebuked and refuted the innovators who introduce into the religion that which Allah has not allowed”.

I would strongly suggest you to visit an web site Mairaj or the Ascesion. If my style of writing irritated you, you will find more polite way of writing in this web site as well as the one mentioned in the above paragraph.

There are multiple web sites that describes in detail of Isra and Miraj, as if it happened physically. I am not providing links to those sites. If you are intersted to read those sites, you can to go any search engine and enter Miraj. One site will even describe you about the heaven of burraqs where there are 40 million burraqs, each with a "La-ilaha illallahu muhammadur rasulallah" inscribed on its forehead! I do not want to speculate who did the census to conclude 40 million burraqs or who would read the Kalimah written on their forehead.


If you think that this incident of Miraj occurred in vision or in dream, and the journey was spiritual in nature, then you will find very logical answers to all the questions that I posed. If you think the journey was indeed physical, then let me know what are the answers based on Quran. Do not just say that Allah (swt) is most powerful and He can do any thing. Yes, I agree that Allah (swt) is most powerful and He can indeed do anything, but you will agree that He does not do stupid things.

May Allah(swt) bless all the readers without limit in their effort in serving the cause of Islam. Also, may Allah(swt) forgive me for my mistakes, ignorance and wrong attitude and guide me in the right path.

M Taha
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Re: Mairaj in light of modern science


Unread post by M Taha » Sun Feb 23, 2014 5:51 am

when brain and senses fails remember "ALLAH CAN DO ANY THING" he is shain kadir.

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Re: Mairaj in light of modern science


Unread post by anajmi » Sun Feb 23, 2014 12:17 pm

Meraj was a physical as well as a spiritual journey. Anyone who is looking for meraj to be explained by physical laws as understood by humans, is looking for the wrong things. Humans have to live by physical laws, not Allah!! To say that Allah couldn't do such and such because our physical laws prohibit it would be to limit the power of Allah. Allah says in the Quran that whenever he wants to do something all he has to do is say "Be" and it is.

So if you believe in Allah, the belief in meraj as a physical event shouldn't pressure your brain too much.

Of course some people will claim that since the prophet (saw) can do this, then the Dai too can. These people can be dismissed as idol worshippers.

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Re: Mairaj in light of modern science


Unread post by Qutbi-Hero » Sun Feb 23, 2014 10:05 pm

Throughout history, Allah has allowed certain "special" human beings to perform "miracles" by His power and will... and His power and will alone.

The question is whether the Bohra Dais are "special" in this way - I doubt it very much as the present regime has nothing in common with the Ahlul Bayt... but if other people have seen a "miracle" with their own eyes (not just rumours!) then I wouldn't have any problem with their belief, nor would I call them Idol Worshippers...

Bohra spring
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Re: Mairaj in light of modern science


Unread post by Bohra spring » Mon Feb 24, 2014 1:38 am

Wow what a way to wiggle out ..... Better to say I don't know and let us look for an explanation

But saying ahh just accept if if one has faith but only applies to certain cases

So what if I am searching for a logic I am unfaithful ?

Imagine if a non believer asked the same question how would you explain

Insisting it was a physical journey exposes it to physical explanation

Living it in spiritual context may be ok

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Re: Mairaj in light of modern science


Unread post by badrijanab » Thu Jun 05, 2014 6:15 am

Bohra spring wrote:
Insisting it was a physical journey exposes it to physical explanation

Living it in spiritual context may be ok
Very well said Bohra spring.

Allah can do everything, but why should he break his own laws? Suerly Allah will not break his own laws. When Allah made rules no air above certain heights and human need air to breath = Physical form of mairaj is against the rule of Allah. Same reasoning and analogy can be used in support of all points u wrote in that big post of yours.

Your other points in the previous thread were very logical and pertinent and they cannot be correctly answered with physical/material dimension of logic. However, when we correctly look at mairaj with spritual form then all things rightly fall in order.

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Re: Mairaj in light of modern science


Unread post by trvoice » Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:47 am

We humans are bound by the physics law that "we humans" have created. There are several things that I personally think are possible but not sure how due to phychological limitations we have set for ourselfs.

1. Did Ali really send Jabir from Najaf to Medina not once but twice by pointing noor from his finger. Sounds like teleportation to me which has already been proved by Einstein (google philadelphia project)
2. Buraq is plural of Barq which means lightning, so yes Rasulallah not only travelled at the speed of light, but multiple speed of light. Is it possible ? yes but how we dont know yet.
Once we go beyond quantum physics, a lot of things are theoretically possible. But its really hard to replicate the same events. Travelling at the speed of light and/or time travel is possible once you break down beyond sub atomic molecular levels. Again the how part is what we dont know yet does not mean its not possible.

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Re: Mairaj in light of modern science


Unread post by salaar » Thu Jun 05, 2014 8:14 am

when i was a young boy i used to wonder how come people see each other and talk to each other on television screens as exhibited in STAR TREK but today we talk on skype with our cell phone dont we? then the way they would stand on a point from where their mass would convert into energy and move to some other place, this is still unimaginable but once this is achieved we would probably understand MAIRAJ with more conviction.

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Re: Mairaj in light of modern science


Unread post by anajmi » Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:57 am

Allah can do everything, but why should he break his own laws? Suerly Allah will not break his own laws.
Physical laws are not created for Allah. They are created for humans.
So what if I am searching for a logic I am unfaithful ?
Do not search in the story of meraj. You aren't the first one to ridicule this story. When this story was first narrated in Mecca, the pagans had a field day. They all claimed that the prophet (saw) had gone made claiming that he had gone to aqsa and back in one night. So what you are saying is nothing new. Fortunately, the burden of proving it to you as truth is not on me. You can either accept it or reject it.

Allah says in the Quran that it is a book of guidance for those who have Taqwa. Not for those who have knowledge of physics.

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Re: Mairaj in light of modern science


Unread post by badrijanab » Sat Jun 07, 2014 1:21 am

anajmi wrote:
Allah can do everything, but why should he break his own laws? Suerly Allah will not break his own laws.
Physical laws are not created for Allah. They are created for humans.
Nature laws are created by Allah and not humans. An 'intellectually baimaan' like you cannot accept this simple and clear fact of nature that is why you are misguided like your wrongly-guided etc, etc and etc.

It is nature's law (made by Allah) that humans need oxygen and certain level above earth there is no oxygen - there were many events that took place during mairaj: Prophet Mohammed s.a.w.w. leading prayers, meeting and doing conversation with different prophets & angles on different levels of skies, meeting Allah - all these require "time" in which Prophet needs to breath BUT there is no oxygen level above the earth! A human body will die in dearth of oxygen; like previous prophet and our Prophet s.a.w.w. died because of poisons.

Non-mumineen (Abde 1-2-3) cannot rationally justify all above because their incorrect & faulty understanding of mairaj like their faulty understanding of all other Islamic matters: is against the nature's law. And why should Allah break the nature's law, the very law created by himself?!!!

Factual truths that can be verified by plain common sense: These doesn't appeal to Abde 1-2-3 idiots. And irony is they shout that Quran is only "zahir" i.e. what you can see on face and has no 'between lines' or hidden meaning - by the same token what they can see in nature that human and time-wise the physical body mairaj is not possible still they honestly have wrong-believes that mairaj was physical and not spiritual.

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Re: Mairaj in light of modern science


Unread post by anajmi » Sat Jun 07, 2014 9:58 am

Nature laws are created by Allah and not humans.
Read my post properly you moron. Nature's laws are created by Allah for Humans not for Allah himself.
all these require "time" in which Prophet needs to breath BUT there is no oxygen level above the earth!
Have you heard of space suits created by humans that allow humans to breathe in space? Humans have been living in space for years with this technology. That simply means Allah provided a space suit to the prophet (saw) to breath in space.

Believe me, your rationality is a joke.

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Re: Mairaj in light of modern science


Unread post by badrijanab » Sat Jun 07, 2014 10:50 am

anajmi wrote:
Nature laws are created by Allah and not humans.
Read my post properly you moron. Nature's laws are created by Allah for Humans not for Allah himself.
Why should Allah break the laws for human (Mohammad s.a.w.w.) that he created for human?

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Re: Mairaj in light of modern science


Unread post by anajmi » Sat Jun 07, 2014 11:25 am

To demonstrate His power. Which was the entire point of Mairaj!! Allah split the sea for Musa (as) and sent the thunder for the people of Aad. There are many examples in the Quran demonstrating Allah's power. If your Imam had not been hiding, he could've taught you a thing or two!!!

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Re: Mairaj in light of modern science


Unread post by badrijanab » Sun Jun 08, 2014 11:44 am

anajmi wrote:There are many examples in the Quran demonstrating Allah's power.
You are right, like dead-clock too is right twice everyday. Nevertheless, what is the proof that Prophet Mohammed s.a.w.w. mairaj was "jismani", physical?

Point# 1 to note) Abde 1-2-3 disgrace Prophet Mohammed s.a.w.w. by framing him to be mere common human-being.

Point #2 to note) When it comes to mairaj then they claims: Mohammad s.a.w.w. can survive in atmosphere without oxygen, he can travel faster than light-speed, though being in physical form can lead prayers of all prophets, travel hell/heaven, can break ceiling of sky to enter in different skies 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 and meet different prophets on each skies, reach level beyond which even Gabriel could not travel, meet and converse with Allah.

Hence, non-mumineen (Abde 1-2-3) have contradictory and misleading views on the Prophet of Islam Mohammed s.a.w.w.

I was searching online for the references in Hadith books of Abdes 1-2-3, and was surprise Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu Dawood and Malik Muwatta do not have even single tradition on mairaj! Bukhari has three not categorically saying if it was done in physical form. ... h_word=all

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Re: Mairaj in light of modern science


Unread post by anajmi » Sun Jun 08, 2014 1:00 pm

You are right, like dead-clock too is right twice everyday.
At least I am right twice a day. You haven't been right since the day your Imam went into hiding. :wink:

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Re: Mairaj in light of modern science


Unread post by anajmi » Sun Jun 08, 2014 1:15 pm

If it was only a spiritual journey, then there was nothing special about it. I go on a spiritual journey every night. I travel to mercury, venus, Jupiter and I even landed on Haley's comet once. I also meet morons like badrijanab and idol worshippers like salaar on my spiritual journey and tell them that I am their hidden Imam and they fall down in sajda to me.

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Re: Mairaj in light of modern science


Unread post by Hasan » Sun Jun 08, 2014 5:40 pm

anajmi wrote:
Allah can do everything, but why should he break his own laws? Suerly Allah will not break his own laws.
Physical laws are not created for Allah. They are created for humans.
So what if I am searching for a logic I am unfaithful ?
Do not search in the story of meraj. You aren't the first one to ridicule this story. When this story was first narrated in Mecca, the pagans had a field day. They all claimed that the prophet (saw) had gone made claiming that he had gone to aqsa and back in one night. So what you are saying is nothing new. Fortunately, the burden of proving it to you as truth is not on me. You can either accept it or reject it.

Allah says in the Quran that it is a book of guidance for those who have Taqwa. Not for those who have knowledge of physics.

Allah initially required us to pray 50 times (not units, times) a day when Muhammad (s) met Allah in the seventh heaven during his Miraj (ascension). But, thankfully Musa , who was residing in the sixth heaven, repeatedly advised Muhammad (s) to ask for more reduction in prayer. By oscillating between Allah in seventh heaven and Musa in the sixth five times, Muhammad (s) haggled for further discount of the numbers of prayers.

This is the longest story in hadith books, taking pages and pages, and it contains the fingerprints of Jewish storytellers. Allah never burdens a person beyond his or her capacity (2:286; 6:152; 7:42; 23:62). Claiming that Allah initially wished to impose prayer on people 50 times a day, which means one prayer for every 28 minutes, day and night, is denial of Allah’s compassion. This story also insults Muhammad (s) intelligence, yet turns him into someone like a union leader negotiating on behalf of his people against a cruel boss, with Musa as the advisor.
Moreover, sala prayer did not start with Muhammad (s) ; it started with Ibrahim (s) (17:1,78; 53:1-182:83; 2:124-125; 2:238; 11:114; 24:58).


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Re: Mairaj in light of modern science


Unread post by anajmi » Sun Jun 08, 2014 5:49 pm

Praying 50 times a day is not beyond human capacity. Consider people in Ramadan. They pray much more. On an average a prayer takes about 5 minutes to complete. Which means 250 minutes of praying which is a little over 4 hours.

Question for you, do you pray 5 times a day? I do not mean to offend you, but most often, only people who do not pray argue about the difficulties of praying.

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Re: Mairaj in light of modern science


Unread post by badrijanab » Sun Jun 15, 2014 9:59 am

anajmi wrote:If it was only a spiritual journey, then there was nothing special about it. I go on a spiritual journey every night. I travel to mercury, venus, Jupiter and I even landed on Haley's comet once. I also meet morons like badrijanab and idol worshippers like salaar on my spiritual journey and tell them that I am their hidden Imam and they fall down in sajda to me.
You travel in your imaginative thought not in reality.

Where else miracle of Mohammad s.a.w.w. is his soul (not thought) travelled in reality not in imagination.

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Re: Mairaj in light of modern science


Unread post by anajmi » Sun Jun 15, 2014 10:04 am

give proof? While the prophet's soul was travelling, what was his body doing?

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Re: Mairaj in light of modern science


Unread post by badrijanab » Sun Jun 15, 2014 10:29 am

anajmi wrote:give proof?
Quran 53:11 says in context of Mairaj: "Dil ne jo dekha woh jhooth nahi tha." Sense of seeing is for physical eyes and not heart, this verse proves that Mairaj was roohani as professed by Islam and not jismani as professed by Abde 1-2-3 and Abde-Muta'h.

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Re: Mairaj in light of modern science


Unread post by anajmi » Sun Jun 15, 2014 10:33 am

Wrong proof. That ayah is not talking about Meraj. It is actually talking about the time when the angel Gabriel approached the prophet (saw). At that time, the prophet's soul was in his body. By the way, did the prophet's heart (dil) travel with him when he went for mairaj?

Thank you for proving my point. Case closed!!

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Re: Mairaj in light of modern science


Unread post by badrijanab » Mon Jun 16, 2014 11:24 am

anajmi wrote:Wrong proof. That ayah is not talking about Meraj. It is actually talking about the time when the angel Gabriel approached the prophet (saw). At that time, the prophet's soul was in his body. By the way, did the prophet's heart (dil) travel with him when he went for mairaj?

Thank you for proving my point. Case closed!!
Moorkhanand dev,

Seeing is function of eye or heart? Eye. Does Allah doesn't know or you doesn't understand? Latter is the correct answer: You do not understand that it is an idiom, "seeing by heart" is associated with soul and not the physical heart seeing something. Many places idioms are used in Quran, they are not uncommon. So in the light of all previous posts and the latest one Mairaj was spiritual and not physical.

BTW - yesterday, in your last post in this thread, when your contention of thoughts travelling in sky was proven idiotic argument then your first reaction correcting yourself was, "my spirit travel in the sky at light speed." - so you yourself, your original reaction was to revert to "soul" that was the logical and rational explanation. Later feeling guilt of being misguided and conned by 1-2-3 dogmas you deleted your original post and replaced with "banavati" made-up useless arguments.

Be intellectually honest and not 'baimaan'. Read all posts one by one, understand them and justly think without being biased for your con-masters from 1-2-3 side. Remember you lost case of Ramdaan fixed number of fasting as commanded by Quran and followed by Dawoodi Bohras, where else all non-mumineen like yourselves are deprived to follow Quran. Like that case which you loosed but your "intellectually baimaani" kept you in fold of Satan to continue being Abde 1-2-3 idiot. In this case of Mairaj also be same Abde 1-2-3 idiot.

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Re: Mairaj in light of modern science


Unread post by anajmi » Mon Jun 16, 2014 11:56 am

"seeing by heart"
Bewakoof badrijanab sahib.

you are mixing heart and eyes and soul and body and making a keema out of religion. Let me ask you again, is heart a part of the body or the soul? If seeing is associated with the soul (nafs) then why does Allah mention heart? Is it to fool people like you? Or is it so that you can fool others? So since heart is a part of the body and your interpretation is wrong, we can conclude that mairaaj was physical and spiritual but not soulial. If the soul is pulled out of the body, the body would die. If the prophet's soul was travelling, then wouldn't his body be dead at that time? Case closed!!

Want to add this.

We have already established that Allah is not bound by physical laws. The splitting of the red sea and other examples in the Quran indicate that Allah is not bound by anything. So if Allah wishes, he can make a body travel at the speed of light or even faster and without the need for oxygen along with the soul and the heart. Allah says in the Quran that if he wants something to happen, all he has to do is say "Be" and it is. So, speed of light and oxygen are invalid arguments. If you still believe that mairaaj was soulial, then bring some other proof.