Dawoodi Bohras in the media

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by adna_mumin » Tue Aug 26, 2014 4:22 pm

Building bonds with traditional fare

Chennai’s greatest strength has been its deep-rooted cosmopolitanism, its inherent ability make communities from various parts of the country and even the world feel at home. And, as this trend continues with people from all over thronging the city, communities have been eagerly pitching in to help members settle and even get a taste of traditional food.

More http://www.thehindu.com/madras375/build ... 314125.ece

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by adna_mumin » Tue Aug 26, 2014 4:25 pm

Home is where the heart is

A peek into the lives, culture and history of the Dawoodi Bohra community in George Town. (Another one from Chennai/Madras)

http://www.thehindu.com/features/metrop ... 339093.ece

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Taizoon BS


Unread post by haqniwaat » Wed Aug 27, 2014 7:35 pm

What Happened to Taizoon BS
(Observations of a khidmat guzaar in muffadal bs' office)

After being whisked away following his zahir batin website, thanks to Mumbai police support, Taizoon bs fled to the USA. After a few months, he appeared in London under Shehzada Qaiid Johar bs and his misaaq was taken in front of witnesses at the London masjid. He was to be taken to Germany, where Syedna Burhanuddin RA was present for medical treatment at the time, but nobody has any record of him actually being taken there. Of course, mufaddal bs was also in Germany at the time.

Then he was taken to Mumbai, where he spent a year under house arrest of Shehzada Idris bs. He was told to do maafi in public to all other bs. Must have been very humiliating for him, but that was the idea. Many have heard Idris bs telling him that someone 'may come and smack you because everyone is still very angry at you'.

Then one day he was brought to Badri Mahal and escorted to mufaddal bs' office, but he was apparently told that he was being taken to Huzaifa bs' office. He must have been shocked after this deception. Mufaddal bs' wife and others, including myself, were also there, but we were told to leave after Taizoon bs had done salaam to mufaddal bs and mufaddal bs left the room. I could still hear what was being said. Shk Mohammed Husain was talking to Taizoon bs and he said something about reciting an ayat (Rabbana zalamna anfusana...) in front of everyone in Rozat Tahera during the urs majlis at night. Something about so everyone can see him, what he looks like, and he is to ask all mumineen to forgive him for posting his zahir batin website.

Then Ashara was in Dubai and the Ezzi brothers were after him. They were trying to find out which hotel room he was in. We all know why. He was always under threat of violence and everyone, especially Badrul bs and Taha bs were trying to find the right spot to beat him up severely. Maybe that is why he always looked so scared whenever I saw him, understandingly so.

Finally, he was no longer seen after Syedna Burhanuddin RA went to USA for Boston masjid iftitah. He must have been freed after that, possibly because he is a US citizen, and there must have been some enquiry on his behalf.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by adna_mumin » Mon Sep 08, 2014 12:07 pm

The article is about immediate threat perception level raise in Britain. And uses a 2004 image of Prince Charles at Bohra Masjid in London.

Clearly the journalist couldn't find a better representational image for their article, it seems.

http://www.businessinsider.com.au/what- ... -uk-2014-8

P.S: I left a comment but got no acknowledgement whether they review it or what.

It was on the lines of they must reconsider using a 10 year old picture of the royal family visiting a Dawoodi bohra masjid with no language/verbiage to go with to clarify the choice of the image.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by adna_mumin » Thu Sep 11, 2014 11:51 am

The 'Borahs': An Indian minority residing in Sri Lanka

The Bohra familes Adamalee and Adamjee Lukmanjee trace their roots from Kachchh district in Gujarat. It is interesting to note that the term ‘Bohra’ is derived from the Gujarati word for trade and their ancestral livelihood has survived to this day. A visit to Pettah, the place freighted with Bazaars and markets helps exemplify the influence of Borahs in the local trade industry and they are the best known paper merchants in the nation.

The Bombay sweet marts, the haven for those with a strong appetite for sweets were introduced to the country by the Borahs who still continue the business.

The Bombay sweets are originally the delicacies introduced by the Borahs in Sri Lanka and they range from gulab jamuls, jelebi, halwa, laddoo, bhoondhi, rasagula, muskats etc. which are some of the mouth-watering confectioneries.

http://www.asianimage.co.uk/columnists/ ... ?ref=var_0

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by haqniwaat » Thu Sep 11, 2014 7:41 pm

adna_mumin wrote:The article is about immediate threat perception level raise in Britain. And uses a 2004 image of Prince Charles at Bohra Masjid in London.

Clearly the journalist couldn't find a better representational image for their article, it seems.

http://www.businessinsider.com.au/what- ... -uk-2014-8

P.S: I left a comment but got no acknowledgement whether they review it or what.

It was on the lines of they must reconsider using a 10 year old picture of the royal family visiting a Dawoodi bohra masjid with no language/verbiage to go with to clarify the choice of the image.
Until the Wahabi's stop spewing their terror around the world, Britain and all other countries will follow in restricting and investigating more and more so called muslims. The Wahabi's have hijacked Islam and they must be eradicated. Unfortunately, the media in the West does not distinguish between the radical Sunni Wahabi's and the rest of the Muslim world. So we all have to suffer due to this satanic cropping from Abu Bakr, Umar, and Usman - the fore bearers of terror to the Ahle Bayt.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by Truth-Prevails » Thu Sep 11, 2014 11:26 pm

http://www.mumbaimirror.com/mumbai/cove ... 292382.cms

Cover Page Story today in the Mumbai Mirror

Disquiet among Bohras
Mumbai Mirror | Sep 12, 2014, 01.03 AM IST
By Jyoti Punwani

Survey by anonymous group reveals...

66% of Dawoodi Bohras feel confused, spiritually paralysed or betrayed by the split in the community's spiritual leadership after the death of Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin in January

23% of them are staying on in the community out of faith; for the rest, family, cultural identity or fear are compelling them to do so

38% have given their oath of allegiance to the new spiritual head freely; the rest did so reluctantly

64% are against the uttering of laanat or curses, and declaring a social boycott on members of the community. This practice has been adopted by supporters of the current head Muffadal Saifuddin, to denounce those who do not support him

The first-ever survey of its kind among the Dawoodi Bohras, conducted online by an anonymous group between February and August this year, has revealed a divided community.

The survey's findings blow the myth of a cohesive, united community unquestioningly devoted to its spiritual head. This is the first time the closed and tightly controlled community has given vent to its feelings on the conduct of those who control it. In that respect, the survey fulfilled its purpose: "to give voice to the voiceless," in the words of Farida, the spokesperson of the group that conducted it.

Of the sample size of 659, 36% of the respondents were from the Indian subcontinent, 88 % of them were graduates or postgraduates, and 73 % were men. Significantly, many of the respondents hold high positions of authority in the community.

Conceding that the survey, like all online surveys, was restricted to the educated and computer literate, Farida felt that 659 out of a community of 1.2 million was a fairly representative sample. Sixty-nine respondents were disqualified, while 195 did not complete the survey.
The modified sample ranged from 319-399.

Why did they feel the need for the survey? "There seemed to be a lot of turmoil and unease after the split in the leadership. People were talking, but only to friends and family. We wanted to capture that, but there was no forum where people could make their voices heard effectively, in an organised manner. There's no openness in the community, we just do what we are told. The internet gave us that forum, at the same time as it gave anonymity. People could speak their minds without worrying about how they would be treated, or I should say mistreated, for doing so."

Farida was surprised by the responses, specially the extent to which the community's faith had been shaken; the majority's reluctance towards giving the oath of allegiance; and the fear that pervaded the community. That's where she feels the survey will be most effective. "Most are suffering in their private corners, fearful of what's going to happen to them. The survey will help them realise there are enough others they can identify with.''

And then what? Farida isn't sure.

"My hope, no, my dream is that those who control the community would be open and sensitive to these findings as a neutral feedback and engage in a healthy intellectual dialogue about them. They should be able to hear even what they don't want to. These findings represent the pulse of the people and I would hope the leadership would want to know that."

The trickiest question was which of the two rival claimants did the respondents accept. This was an optional question, and 266 respondents answered it. Of them, only 32 % accepted Muffadal Saifuddin, the Syedna's son, who has been anointed as the Syedna's successor by the Bohra religious establishment, while 46 % supported his rival, the Syedna's brother, Khuzaima Qutbuddin.

While the findings are shocking enough in terms of percentages, the comments of the respondents are even more revealing. For instance, on the impact of the leadership tussle on their faith, some simply said they had lost faith, while others described the situation variously as "now this is a thug business" and "in short, there is no spirituality left in the Dai system." The Dai is the head of the community, said to be the representative of the Imam. He appoints his successor. Both the Syedna's brother and his son have laid claim to having been appointed by him.

Why didn't the Syedna appoint his successor unambiguously, is the tormented question asked more than once, with two respondents even confessing that their faith in the Dai's infallibility has been shaken.

But it's the practice of uttering curses on others that has created the most self-hatred among the respondents and some of their anguished responses were -- "This is a new low for the community from which it will never recover; "The community is now shameful and inhumane," and "Right now I am extremely ashamed to be called mumeen''. Many felt that the uttering of laanats was a reflection on those who uttered them. Only 3.5 % had no problem with the practice.

Interestingly, many of the respondents wanted a broader survey on the control exercised by the religious establishment on the community, both in religious and non-religious, specially financial, matters. While the findings show little support for the way the community is run, that is no cause for comfort to those who openly question the Establishment. Barely 9 % say they have been associated with the reformists led by the late Asghar Ali Engineer.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by fustrate_Bohra » Fri Sep 12, 2014 12:05 am

Grt!! Now let see what ms side has to say on this.

Would be much better if she had mentioned this forum name, many would have come to know abt this site.

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Good Job Farida ben for exposing survey result


Unread post by fustrate_Bohra » Fri Sep 12, 2014 12:15 am

Ben farida,

Had read the article in mumbaimirror dtd 12th Sept 2014.

I really appreciate your efforts and risk taken to expose this thug in white.

Hope this information bring some change in leader or atleast bring some courage to all followers especially the one who tries to underatand islam and use their brain.

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Re: Good Job Farida ben for exposing survey result


Unread post by Truth-Prevails » Fri Sep 12, 2014 12:36 am

Also in Hindustan Times - Page 6

• 12 Sep 2014
• Hindustan Times (Mumbai)
Ordinary voices: Findings from a Bohra online poll
by Manoj Nair

A majority of the respondents said they were ‘spiritually pained’ when the dispute over succession broke out in the open. They talked about ‘spiritual paralysis and betrayal’.
The survey asked the Mumineen, the term the community uses when they talk about themselves, about their social environment after the death of their leader and the dispute. The 20 questions covered some of the most important sources of debate in the community. One issue is that of Misaaq, the oath of allegiance to the Syedna. Every Bohra undergoes this sacrament. Of the respondents who had not, nearly a quarter said they would do so reluctantly or because they felt they had no other choice, even though some objected to it on moral grounds.
Another issue that was discussed was excommunication of members. Only 3% of the survey respondents said they had no problems ostracising or socially boycotting fellow Bohras.
A fifth of the respondents said they were ‘absolutely sure’ that Mufaddal Saifuddin, the son of the last leader, is the rightful successor. A little less than a fifth said his uncle Khuzaima Qutbuddin should be the successor. One of every four respondents said it did not matter who the rightful successor is.
Among the respondents were a small group of former Bohras who left the community for various reasons, including excommunication. Of those who identified themselves as Bohras, a significant 12% said they stayed in the community out of ‘fear’.
One of the limitations of the study, the survey evaluators said, was their inability to reach out to those who do not use computers. Other community issues, like the allegations of female genital mutilation, were kept out of the survey because it was felt that this was not an appropriate subject to raise at this stage.

The survey was conducted through a portal that offers respondents the greatest anonymity possible. “Even if people came to me to ask about the identity of the respondents I would not be able to reveal anything because the portal has no IP,” says Farida.

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Re: Good Job Farida ben for exposing survey result


Unread post by zinger » Fri Sep 12, 2014 12:41 am

Is farida ben a member on this forum?

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by haqniwaat » Fri Sep 12, 2014 1:02 am

fustrate_Bohra wrote:Grt!! Now let see what ms side has to say on this.

Would be much better if she had mentioned this forum name, many would have come to know abt this site.
No, she was right in not mentioning this site. Mainstream would have dismissed the survey knowing this, and muffy and his gundas would surely have had lanat parties! They still might, anyways.

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Re: Good Job Farida ben for exposing survey result


Unread post by haqniwaat » Fri Sep 12, 2014 1:05 am

zinger wrote:Is farida ben a member on this forum?
Let's keep that a secret, otherwise they'll have an excuse to dismiss the survey! :idea:

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Re: Good Job Farida ben for exposing survey result


Unread post by dal-chaval-palidu » Fri Sep 12, 2014 2:20 am

Farida ben and team,

Good work. I hope you would have mentioned the website in the newspaper article and also open it up again now, see if more people want to take the survey.


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Re: Good Job Farida ben for exposing survey result


Unread post by DisillusionedDB » Fri Sep 12, 2014 6:43 am

dal-chaval-palidu wrote:Farida ben and team,
Good work. I hope you would have mentioned the website in the newspaper article and also open it up again now, see if more people want to take the survey.
The next survey should be done after there is some court action on the case. Then we would be able to compare the effect the court case is having on the aam aadmi.

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Top leaders responses in survey


Unread post by fiate2000 » Fri Sep 12, 2014 9:10 am

As received from 'New post on Mumineen: Make Your Voice Heard'

Top Leaders Responses in survey
by muminvoiceadmin

A question comes up when we analyze the survey data as to how much of the data reflects the leadership. While there are no hard and fast rules as to where leadership begins and followership ends, Q.12 asked for some relevant demographics about "Roles/titles" in the Bohra community, and whether any of these were directly applicable to the respondent, or in their immediate family. The theory behind these set of questions was to determine if the findings and views from the top leadership would gravitate toward one direction or another, whether it would be different or similar from the views of the sample taken as a whole. Therefore, the N=94 reflect those who checked the following Roles/Titles" as "Applies to me Personally" OR as "In my Immediate Family":


Aamil of a Jamaat

Head Moallim

Qasre Aali Family

Bayte Zainee Family

Employed with Dawat or its subsidiaries

Board Member of Jamaat

With this select group of Top Leaders the overall findings showed trends similar to the larger findings:

Q5 - When asked about their faith/imaan/aqeedo/spirituality, after wafaat of Burhanuddin Maula, 62% acknowledged feeling spiritual pain, being in a state of spiritual paralysis, feelingbetrayed, confused, quite shaken or weaker in their faith. 21% felt reassured by their Maula, and another 16% felt fine spiritually, no different from before.

Q6 - addressed the impact on their family, social and community environment. The surprising finding was that 66% of these Top Leaders were " deeply pained and hurt by hearing utterances of laanut toward anyone in their community". Even more surprising is the finding that only 5% of these Top Leaders acknowledged that they had no problems saying laanut, baraat or social boycotting on anyone from the community. It is likely that the anonymous nature of this survey allowed for such candid responding, that otherwise was not likely possible, especially among "Top Leaders"

Q7 - asked the reasons for Staying within the larger Bohra community: Of the 94 "Top Leaders", 34% staying because of family, another 16% staying because they identify with Bohra culture, 10% staying out of fear, and 28% staying due to faith.

Q8 - was about whether they had given Misaaq or Not. Of the 94 Top leaders, 70 of them had already given Misaq, of these, 49% (34) gave it freely and 51% (36) gave it reluctantly or because they felt they had no other choice. Of the 24 who had not given the Misaaq at the time of the survey, not a single one said that they would do so freely.

Q13 - This optional question asked Top Leaders whom they believed and accepted as the rightful successor to Maula Burhanuddin. 77 of the 94 responded to question on Mufaddal Saifuddin, and 68 responded to question on Khuzaima Qutbuddin. This Q.13 should be viewed as 2 separate questions, each with 4 options

Mufaddal Saifuddin (MS) (77 of 94 Top Leaders answered this question):

32% (n=25) were "Absolutely Sure" MS was the rightful Successor
13% (n=10) had their "doubts, but most likely he (MS) is" the rightful Successor
16% n (=12) were "Absolutely Sure (MS) is Not" the rightful Successor
26% (n=20) said "it doesn't matter who it is"
13% (n=10) were unwilling to disclose

Khuzaima Qutbuddin (KQ) (68 of 94 Top Leaders answered this question):

25% (n=17) were "Absolutely Sure" KQ was the rightful Successor
19% (n=13) had their "doubts, but most likely he (KQ) is" the rightful Successor
12% (n=8) were "Absolutely Sure (KQ) is Not" the rightful Successor
28% (n=19) said "it doesn't matter who it is"
16% (n=11) were unwilling to disclose

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by adna_mumin » Fri Sep 12, 2014 11:18 am

Un évènement historique pour la communauté chiite Dawoodi Bohra translates to "A historical event for the Shiite community Dawoodi Bohra"

http://www.ipreunion.com/courrier-des-l ... 27112.html
Google translation (Article in French):

The spiritual leader of the Dawoodi Bohras , His Holiness Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin , is expected in the coming days in Reunion . He who , after the death of his father Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin , January 17, 2014 , became the 53th Dā'ī al- Mutlaq - Supreme Leader - is working since then to visit members of his community , whose numbers reached a million followers spread across the world.

Thus, in June 2014, during his first voyage in the Indian Ocean as Supreme Leader that his followers respectfully call " Maula " went to Madagascar where he was received with full honors reserved for a head of state. The 6,000 Dawoodi Bohras living on the Big Island , to which a large delegation of faithful Reunion had joined , expressed their respect and devotion to that chosen by his father to succeed him , was now in charge of their spiritual life and temporal .

The Reunion is not unfamiliar territory of the 53rd Dā'ī . It was indeed part of the delegation that accompanied Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin when it came, on three occasions, honor with his presence the major events that have set up in 1990 , 1992 and 1999, the project to build a mosque the laying of the first stone and its inauguration. The Saifi Masjid Reunion , Dawoodi Bohra mosque first of France is located in the neighborhood Duparc , Saint Mary. This mosque is built in the purest Fatimid style as well as Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin wanted , very attached to the Fatimid heritage of the community and he wanted to make his major linguistic identity.

This community Bohra ( dawat ) is about a thousand people and some 310 families invested in the socio- economic and cultural life of the island. The Bohras are a business , entrepreneurs , industrialists and merchants men ; they are also doctors, lawyers, accountants, teachers ... They feel the gratitude Reunion , land of multiple affiliations and beliefs, which enabled them to live in peace and with respect for their religious identity

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by Truth-Prevails » Fri Sep 12, 2014 11:48 pm

The Hindustan Times Article

http://www.hindustantimes.com/comment/a ... 63345.aspx

• 12 Sep 2014
• Hindustan Times (Mumbai)
Ordinary voices: Findings from a Bohra online poll

A majority of the respondents said they were ‘spiritually pained’ when the dispute over succession broke out in the open. They talked about ‘spiritual paralysis and betrayal’.
The survey asked the Mumineen, the term the community uses when they talk about themselves, about their social environment after the death of their leader and the dispute. The 20 questions covered some of the most important sources of debate in the community. One issue is that of Misaaq, the oath of allegiance to the Syedna. Every Bohra undergoes this sacrament. Of the respondents who had not, nearly a quarter said they would do so reluctantly or because they felt they had no other choice, even though some objected to it on moral grounds.
Another issue that was discussed was excommunication of members. Only 3% of the survey respondents said they had no problems ostracising or socially boycotting fellow Bohras.
A fifth of the respondents said they were ‘absolutely sure’ that Mufaddal Saifuddin, the son of the last leader, is the rightful successor. A little less than a fifth said his uncle Khuzaima Qutbuddin should be the successor. One of every four respondents said it did not matter who the rightful successor is.
Among the respondents were a small group of former Bohras who left the community for various reasons, including excommunication. Of those who identified themselves as Bohras, a significant 12% said they stayed in the community out of ‘fear’.
One of the limitations of the study, the survey evaluators said, was their inability to reach out to those who do not use computers. Other community issues, like the allegations of female genital mutilation, were kept out of the survey because it was felt that this was not an appropriate subject to raise at this stage.

The survey was conducted through a portal that offers respondents the greatest anonymity possible. “Even if people came to me to ask about the identity of the respondents I would not be able to reveal anything because the portal has no IP,” says Farida.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by Truth-Prevails » Sat Sep 13, 2014 2:37 am

Laanats galore. How come we don't learn

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by way2go » Sat Sep 13, 2014 3:53 am

Truth-Prevails wrote:Laanats galore. How come we don't learn
Simple Herd Mentality.....fools will never learn!

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by fustrate_Bohra » Sat Sep 13, 2014 5:04 am

New fatwa, DONT READ MM, HT and all papers where survey is exposed because these press are with munafeeqin and wants to bring trouble in our peace loving, non-threat, law abiding daawat.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by DisillusionedDB » Sat Sep 13, 2014 5:27 am

fustrate_Bohra wrote:New fatwa, DONT READ MM, HT and all papers where survey is exposed because these press are with munafeeqin and wants to bring trouble in our peace loving, non-threat, law abiding daawat.
Don't read MM, HT .. don't read Quran .. don't read other websites .. don't let women work .. don't listen to others .. don't go to other muslim majlises .. don't open bank accounts .. don't .. don't .. don't.
Just curl up and die in your cocoon (after paying wajebaat, of course)

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by way2go » Sat Sep 13, 2014 6:40 am

fustrate_Bohra wrote:New fatwa, DONT READ MM, HT and all papers where survey is exposed because these press are with munafeeqin and wants to bring trouble in our peace loving, non-threat, law abiding daawat.
Peace Loving, Non Threatning, Law Abiding Dawat....now that is a laugh!!!
Are we really talking of the present Bohra Dawat that seems to be doing the exact opposite of the above and puts fear into Bohras every step of the way!

Crater Lake
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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by Crater Lake » Sat Sep 13, 2014 9:49 pm

Comments on the Mumbai Mirror article are getting interesting. MS haters from NYC jamaat are getting vocal. For their sakes I Hope they have not used real names!

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by alam » Sat Sep 13, 2014 11:07 pm

Don't get it why people blaming Mumbai Mirror for publishing this survey results. Mumineens.com posted these results on their website many weeks ago. Does it look like media commissioned this survey? Beyond me.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by DisillusionedDB » Sat Sep 13, 2014 11:59 pm

alam wrote:Don't get it why people blaming Mumbai Mirror for publishing this survey results. Mumineens.com posted these results on their website many weeks ago. Does it look like media commissioned this survey? Beyond me.
It's an old habit of a knee-jerk reaction by the clergy. If a newspaper sings paeans, they will "oravofy" a shawl and bestow hadiyat on the newspaper and if it publishes an article which rubs the dawat the wrong way, then it is a "dawat na dushman" and a fatwa will be passed not to read such filthy papers.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by rational_guy » Sun Sep 14, 2014 8:33 am

Someone from New york left this comment on Mumbai mirror

I am an older woman in the NYC jamaat and I can vouch that the survey reflects the sentiments of the NYC members quite accurately. In private parties and even in the Markaz (center,) the lack of qualification of the new "Dai" is commented upon, his demeanor and gaffes are mocked and more importantly, the direction that he is taking the community in, is questioned. His constant back pedaling on his original radical stance on women has become a joke in the largely young and professional female following. Even the old, unquestioning crowd is now joining the skeptics in passing the occasional snide remark. The new extortionism is becoming quite unbearable. There is a general hopelessness in the community. Kudos to Mumbai Mirror for publishing this survey. More dialog along these lines needs to be generated.

Crater Lake
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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by Crater Lake » Sun Sep 14, 2014 5:22 pm

It is only a matter of time before intelligent people start questioning if they are paying a fair price to belong to this community or if this is a community that is worth belonging to at any price! Kudos to the NYC woman.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras in the media


Unread post by Mkenya » Sun Sep 14, 2014 7:09 pm

Crater Lake wrote: It is only a matter of time before intelligent people start questioning if they are paying a fair price to belong to this community or if this is a community that is worth belonging to at any price! Kudos to the NYC woman.

How much more time do 'intelligent' people require?
To question a 'fair' price! Should there be a price for one to belong!

Just heard that SMS and entourage arrives in Nairobi (Kenya) from Tanga (Tanzania) on September 15th. A huge Kadambosi majlis is planned. Amils in surrounding towns have been coerced to travel to Nairobi with as many Bohras as possible. Cards of varying amounts are being sold. The highest (Kenyan Shillings 14,000 - USD 150) to the lowest (Kenyan Shiilings 1400 - USD 15) will determine the order. This does not include the envelope with the salaam money to SMS. Add to this the loss of wages (if employed) or revenue (if in business), plus transportation, etc.

Is this a fair or unfair' price?
Are these intelligent people or 'bobos?

Fair price or not, intelligent or not these are in the majority. People who are the foot soldiers of the Bohra community. They will attend, they will pay, come what may. They need the Bohra community with the Dai as its leader, Qasre Ali, Sheikhs, Mullahs, Ayaans, Waez, Daris, Ziarat, Mojizas, Jaman, etc. to belong to and function.