Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
Akhtiar Wahid
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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by Akhtiar Wahid » Sat Nov 01, 2014 7:52 am

Make him stay in the dilapidated flats of Bhindi Bazaar and make him feel how previous duats who endured tough times.

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by think_for_yourself » Sat Nov 01, 2014 11:05 am

MS is playing the victim card with the kids. He is playing the suffering grandfather when in the past year he has acted like anything but!!! African safaris, lavish meals and high living have been the norm. Now I am sure that the court permitted visitation of the children will be played out as a huge victory among the Abdes.

And once again MS has responded to the negative reaction in social media to his anger issues. His bhashan on the ninth was much toned down. People said "jump" and he has jumped. While controlling his anger is a good thing, it is clear that he acts more like a two bit politician responding to public opinion, rather than a Dai of imamuz zaman leading with his Ta'eed.

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by thesource » Mon Nov 03, 2014 4:50 pm

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by thesource » Mon Nov 03, 2014 4:57 pm

Part 2:
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Akhtiar Wahid
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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by Akhtiar Wahid » Mon Nov 03, 2014 6:04 pm

Khuda ni ghani ghani laanat aa malun bolnar par.....he is nothing but a hired ploy by MS clan, the way he is judging SKQ saheb who gave him the right!
He is not even a grain of sand compared fo SKQ saheb in compared to knowledge and intellect.
As said by some member in some other thread that MS is not even close to his son Shz taher BS! SKQ is far off oponent no wonder he didnt do mubadala he would have peed his susi ni ijaar right away all his waeezs are like reciting from a book like a parrot.
He is so scared of his intellect that he begged his people internationally in waaz "ke koi chala na jajo wahaan eh ghanu jadu karey che", i say you do magic with fmb and make people eat that mantric food so that they can remain in your trance

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Nov 03, 2014 6:19 pm

Akhtiar Wahid wrote:He is so scared of his intellect that he begged his people internationally in waaz "ke koi chala na jajo wahaan eh ghanu jadu karey che",
If SKQ is such a great magician that he can attract scores of abdes with his Jaadu then why cant he do the same jaadu on MS ? Why are there so less number of followers as compared to MS ? Wait....... Mola ni shaan nirali chhe, jaadu to fakat aam raiyat par chaali sake, Mola par nahi. Hence this is another way of saying that Iam haq na Dai and the jaadu waadu wont effect me and Bohras will sing in chorus "Wah Mola wah, su ajab shaan chhe aapni".... Chit bhi mera, pat bhi mera !!

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Trust In Aqa Muffaddal Moula.


Unread post by tasneem786yaali » Tue Nov 04, 2014 5:50 am

How many in Proggeresive dawoodi bohra believe in Aqa Mufaddal Moula?
Message Me.

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Re: Trust In Aqa Muffaddal Moula.


Unread post by DisillusionedDB » Tue Nov 04, 2014 5:53 am

tasneem786yaali wrote:How many in Proggeresive dawoodi bohra believe in Aqa Mufaddal Moula?
Message Me.
That's an ORDER to everyone. Get moving :mrgreen:

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Re: Trust In Aqa Muffaddal Moula.


Unread post by SBM » Tue Nov 04, 2014 9:53 am

tasneem786yaali wrote:How many in Proggeresive dawoodi bohra believe in Aqa Mufaddal Moula?
Message Me.
Can you please clarify your position and why only Progressive Dawoodi Bohras? How many followers of SMS believe in him

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Trust In Aqa Muffaddal Moula.


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Tue Nov 04, 2014 2:29 pm

instead of ordering people to pm you, just take the time and effort to read this forum in depth and you will know how many 'believe' in him or not. simple!

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Re: Trust In Aqa Muffaddal Moula.


Unread post by SBM » Tue Nov 04, 2014 3:32 pm

What is this thread is doing on Forum Issues and Feedback, it belong either in Lighter side or Here and There. This website is not run by Kothari Goons please move it to other thread
Good attempt by Kothari Slaves to promote their agenda

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by Adam » Tue Nov 04, 2014 3:59 pm

Akhtiar Wahid wrote:Khuda ni ghani ghani laanat aa malun bolnar par.....
I can't really understand what's in the clip but it's interesting to see you recite La'nat when KQ cries about it.

Akhtiar Wahid
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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by Akhtiar Wahid » Tue Nov 04, 2014 5:59 pm

Sorry to say but u muffy supporters understand only and only this laanat language....i m not in favor but to make DMBS dumb abdes understand!

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by rational_guy » Wed Nov 05, 2014 1:35 am

MS you claim that Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA has never initiated any legal proceedings. He has fought 28 court cases. Similarly Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA has initiated legal proceedings

Rasulillah SAW and Mola Ali SAW also initiated battle against the enemies of Islam.

And now you are telling that it is wrong for Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin TUS to initiate legal proceedings against you. First of all please get your historical facts correct, you have the whole of Jamea at your disposal to do your research, even then you cannot manage.

Also you call yourself Haq Na Dai, then fight for your people. Why have you made your brother QE your representative in the court. Are you scared of the taking the stand and testify.

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by fustrate_Bohra » Wed Nov 05, 2014 2:03 am

I think in 2nd waaz MS said that the one who initiate MUBAHILA has wrong intention in his heart. ( do correct me if i heard wrong).

But it is said that rasul allah himself had challanged for mubahila against christains representatives who were not ready to accept rasul allah as nabi. The participant for mubahila were only panjatan and oppositions were 60 christains.

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by haqniwaat » Wed Nov 05, 2014 3:48 am

The Seven Pillars of the Mufaddalis
1. Walaayat - hatred for Burhanuddin Mola RA mazoon
2. Tahaarat - keep your heart dirty by cursing Burhanuddin Mola RA mazoon
3. Salaat - never pray namaaz behind Burhanuddin Mola RA mazoon
4. Zakaat - muffy determines the amount, not Burhanuddin Mola RA
5. Sawm - remember to curse mazoon during roza
6. Haj - your Haj is only counted if you throw jamra at Burhanuddin Mola RA mazoon
7. Jihad - laanat on Burhanuddin Mola RA mazoon

Akhtiar Wahid
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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by Akhtiar Wahid » Wed Nov 05, 2014 10:38 am


The Event of Mubahila

The Prophet’s illustrious life was drawing to an end. Subsequent to the Farewell Hajj, in the presence of a significant crowd, Imam Ali, was declared the vicegerent of the Prophet, and the true religion of Islam was perfected, with an accomplishment of completion, sealed with the announcement of the Wilayat of Ali ibne Abu Talib.

The Prophet had invited leaders from across the globe, towards the religion of Islam, with one of his invitations reaching the Christians residing in Najran. On receiving this invitation, in order to determine whether the claim of Prophethood was one of truth or if it was engulfed in falsehood, sixty representatives of Najran, arrived in Madina.

In the presence of the Prophet, they were informed of three messages by the Seal of the Prophets. They were:

The Oneness of God, as testified by Muslims in the Kalima
The Prophethood of H. Muhammed
The belief that Prophet Isa was the servant of God, and His messenger, opposed to the belief that Jesus was the son of God. “Surely the likeness of Isa is with Allah as the likeness of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him, Be, and he was.” (3:59)
This verse explains that the likeness of Isa with Allah is as the likeness of Adam. Therefore, as the Christian church argues, if Isa was a son of God because he was born without a father, Adam deserved more to be God or son of God as he came into being without a father and a mother. Allah makes this apparent in this verse.

Despite this sound proof, the Christians stubbornly refused to believe that Jesus was not the son of God. Therefore, the Holy Prophet, invited them to participate in the event of Mubahila, to invoke the curse of Allah upon the liars. The Christians readily agreed.
The purpose of Mubahila was not to present the virtues of the Ahlulbayt, but to show the Christians the matters regarding religion which had led them away from the truth. Yet the actions of the Prophet, bringing Bibi Fatima, Imam Ali, Imam Hassan and Hussain, was to demonstrate to history that in matters of Tawhid, Nabuwwat, and the Quran, one should turn towards the Panjatan for guidance, and to consolidate the meaning of the verses of the Holy Quran. Who else to turn to in such matters than the ‘Quran-e-Natiq’, Imam Ali a.s.? Yet, in the events following the Prophet’s demise, the people turned away from the hidden message of Mubahila, and by doing so, rejected the actions of the Holy Prophet.

Yet the Prophet’s action was an order of Allah “call our sons and your sons and our women and your women and ourselves and yourselves” (3:61). This was a evident declaration that in the matter of Prophethood and the Quran, Muslims have need of the authority of the ‘Five Pure Ones’, to clarify the meaning of the Holy Quran for those who did not comprehend. A few months after this event, the demise of the Holy Prophet occurred. On 24th of Zilhajj, it became manifest that in the absence of the Prophet, in matters of religion, the people should turn towards none other than the Panjatan.There are more than 60 references in Ihqaq-ul-Haq, further explaining the relevance of this ayat, regarding the virtues of the Panjatan-e-Pak. The lengthy discussion of this ayat alone forms the basis of extensive commentary. The following is found in the commentary of Agha Pooya:
This verse refers to the well-known event of mubahilah mentioned in every book of history, traditions and tafsir written by Muslim scholars.The Holy Prophet was sending invitations to all to accept the true religion of Allah. Tribe after tribe, region after region, were coming into the fold of Islam. One such invitation was sent to the Christians of Najran, a town in Yemen, in the 9th year of Hijra. A deputation of 60 scholars came to discuss the matter with the Holy Prophet. Abdul Masih, the chief monk, asked him as to who was the father of Isa, thinking that the Holy Prophet would accept (God as the father of Isa. Verse 59 of this surah was revealed and presented to the Christians as a reply but they did not listen to reason. Then this verse was revealed to call them to a spiritual contest by invoking the curse of Allah on the liars mubahilah. The Christians agreed to this contest.

Early next morning, the 24th of the month of Dhilhijjah, the Holy Prophet sent Salman to the selected site, outside the city area, to set up a shelter for those whom he would take with him, as his sons, women and selves. A large number of companions assembled in the masjid, making themselves available for the selection. On the opposite side of the field, selected for the contest, the Christians, with their selected men, women and children appeared on the scene.

At the appointed hour, a huge crowd, standing in wait, saw the Holy Prophet coming in, Imam Husayn in his arms, Imam Hasan holding his index finger, walking beside him, Bibi Fatimah Zahra, close to his heels and Imam Ali just behind her-as his sons, women, and selves. It should be noted that although there was provision for "women" and "selves" the Holy Prophet selected one "woman" and one "self"-Fatimah and Ali, because there was no woman and no man among his followers at that time who could be brought into the contest of invoking the curse of Allah on the liars. They alone were the truthful ones. (see commentary of al Tawbah: 119).
The Holy Prophet raised his hands to the heaven and said:
"O my Lord! These are the people of my house".
The chief monk looked up and down at the faces of the Pure Five (Panjatan Pak), from whom emanated a radiant and brilliant glow; and this sight filled him with awe and anguish. He cried out aloud:
"By Jesus! I see the faces that if they turn upward to the heavens and pray, the mountains shall move. Believers in Jesus of Nazareth, I tell you the truth. Should you fail to come to some agreement with Muhammad, he, along with the godly souls with him, shall wipe out your existence for ever, should they invoke the curse of God on you."

The Christians saw the wisdom of their chief and readily agreed to arrive at a settlement. As there is no compulsion in religion (Baqarah 256), the Holy Prophet gave them complete freedom to practise their faith. He also agreed to protect their lives and possessions; and for this service the Christians consented to pay a nominal fee (Jizya). It was an extraordinary manifestation of the glory of Islam; therefore, the followers of Muhammad and ali Muhammad celebrate this unique blessings of Allah (bestowed on the Ahl ul Bayt) as a "thanksgiving" occasion of great joy and comfort.

Many Muslim scholars, commentators and traditionists whom the ummah acclaim with one voice, have given the details of this event with following conclusions:
(1) The seriousness of the occasion demanded absolute purity, physical as well as spiritual, to take part in the fateful event.
(2) Only the best of Allah's creations (the Ahl ul Bayt) were selected by the Holy Prophet under Allah's guidance.
(3) It, beyond all doubts, established the purity, the truthfulness and the sublime holiness of the Ahl ul Bayt.
(4) It also unquestionably confirmed as to who were the members of the family of the Holy Prophet.
(References:- Mahmud bin Umar Zamakhshari in al Khashshaf; Fakhr al Din al Razi in Tafsir Kabir; Jalal al Din al Suyuti in Tafsir Durr al Manthur; Tafsir Baydawi; Tafsir Nafsi; Tafsir Ibna Kathir; Sahih al Muslim and Sahih al Tirmidhi.)
A very large number of Muslims (and also nonmuslims) witnessed the contest and came to know that Ali, Fatimah, Hasan and Husayn were the "Ahlul Bayt" addressed in verse 33 of al Ahzab, known as ayah al tat-hir or the verse of purification.

In this verse, the divine command allows the Holy prophet to take with him "sons", "women" and "selves"; therefore, had there been "women" and "selves" worthy to be selected for this symbolic contest, among his companions, he would certainly have selected them, but as it was seen by one and all, only Fatimah and Ali (and their two sons) were chosen, because none of the anxiously waiting companions (among whom were the three caliphs and the wives of the Holy Prophet) was truthful or so thoroughly purified as to deserve selection for an event which was divinely decreed in order to also make known the true successors of the Holy Prophet.
The word anfus is the plural of nafs which means soul or self. When used in relation to an individual, it implies another being of the same identity with complete unity in equality; therefore, one is the true reflection of the other in thought, action and status, to the extent that at any occasion or for any purpose, any one of them can represent the other. Even if the word nafs is interpreted as "the people", it is clear that Ali alone is "the people" of the Holy Prophet.

After the departure of the Holy Prophet, within a year, the symbolic event of mubahilah was ignored by his followers. The house of Fatimah was set on fire. A well-known companion kicked the door of her house which fell on her. The injury caused by the falling door finally killed her. In view of the following saying (Sahih Bukhari-Vol. 2, page 206) of the Holy Prophet her killer stands condemned for eternity:
"Fatimah is my flesh and blood, whoso causes suffering to her in fact causes suffering to me. He who has pained me in fact has pained Allah; and, indeed, he is a disbeliever", said the Holy Prophet in the light of verse 57 of al Ahzab.

It happened when a large crowd under the leadership of the above said companion came to arrest Ali ibna abi Talib, the nafs of the Holy Prophet, his brother, his vicegerent and his successor, who was deprived of his rightful mission to administer the affairs of the ummah, after the Holy Prophet, so as to enable some to distort and corrupt the true religion of Allah and utilise its name to enforce tyranny, injustice and ignorance of the pagan days. Finally Ali was killed in the masjid of Kufa when he was praying the fajr salat. Imam Hasan was killed by a deadly poison administered by a woman hired by Mu-awiyah bin Abu Sufyan. Imam Husayn, along with his friends and relatives, was killed in the desert of Karbala, by the army of Yazid bin Mu-awiyah, and the ladies and the children of the house of the Holy Prophet were held captive, taken from town to town, tortured and harassed. The body of the martyred Imam was left unburied for several days. The perpetrators of this tyranny and injustice were those who had seen with their own eyes Imam Hasan and Imam Husayn going to the contest with the Holy Prophet as his sons on the day of mabahilah.

The followers of the Ahlul Bayt are on the path of truth, and their enemies are the upholders of falsehood, but strangely so, those who follow the true path are described as dissenters, and on this basis have been harassed, persecuted and killed by those who denied, belied and ignored not only the ayah al mabahilah and ayah al tat-hir but also many such verses of the Quran and clear traditions of the Holy Prophet. The followers of the Ahl ul Bayt have been suffering death and destruction on account of their adherence to the true path, at the hands of the enemies of the Holy Prophet and his holy Ahl ul Bayt, yet they never give up their faith because neither they longed for worldly possessions nor they feared death and destruction, in the true tradition of their Imams.

Aqa Mahdi Puya says:
(1) When reason and facts failed to convince the opponents, the medium of mubahilah (prayer to curse the liars) had to be used. It was a test of the truthfulness of the persons chosen to establish the truth and carry out the divine mission.
(2) The nearest and the dearest have to be exposed to danger.
(3) The nearest and the dearest of a prophet (who has devoted himself and whatever belonged to him to Allah and has been purified from all likes and dislikes based upon self interest, mundane desires and carnal passions) must naturally be of his class and quality in devotion and purification.
(4) According to verse 46 of al Ahzab the Holy Prophet was a summoner unto Allah by His permission; therefore, it was not his choice but Allah's will to summon a certain class of people to invoke the curse of Allah on the liars.
(5) Right from the commencement of his mission to the last moment of his departure from this world, the Holy Prophet called only Ali on all important occasions.
(a) He called the ten year old Ali at the time of making known his mission.
(b) At the time of inviting his tribe to the worship of one Allah, it was the thirteen year old Ali who gave answer to the call of the last prophet of Allah.
(c) At the time of migration from Makka to Madina, he called Ali and asked him to lie down on his bed to face his enemies, who had planned to kill him during that night, and Ali wholeheartedly agreed to give his life to save the messenger of Allah.
(d) It was Ali, who was designated, as his executor of wil1, to return the deposits entrusted by the residents of Makka to the al-amin prophet after the Holy Prophet migrated to Madina.
(e) In the battle of Badr, Ali was asked by him to fight and repulse the hordes of enemy soldiers when many of his companions were quietly watching the fighting from a safe distance.
(f) In the battle of Uhad, when the enemy had an upper hand and the danger to the Holy Prophet's life was imminent, because all his companions had run away from the battlefield and disappeared, it was Ali who stood by the Holy Prophet and brought to naught all the plans of the enemy.
(g) In the battle of Khundaq, Ali was called, as the embodiment of faith to fight against the incarnation of disbelief, Amr bin Abdwud, to win victory for the disheartened Muslims.
(h) In Khaybar, when all the companions of the Holy Prophet tried and failed to subdue the enemy, Ali was called to come to the rescue of the deficient and depressed Muslims and conquer the fort of Khaybar single-handedly.
(i) At the time of going to Tabuk, the Holy Prophet designated Ali, as his vicegerent, to take charge of the affairs in Madina, saying that Ali was to him as Harun was to Musa.
(j) Ali was called to preach the verses of al Barat which contain complete disassociation from idolatry, because only he or the Holy Prophet, according to the command of Allah, were competent to convey them to the people (on account of exact similarity or equality between the two). So Ali went to Makka and relieved Abu Bakr who had earlier been sent to do this job.

Ali, Fatimah, Hasan and Husayn, the four thoroughly purified members of the chosen group, were the "selves" of the Holy Prophet, but Hasan and Husayn, the two sons of Ali, as abna-ana (sons), and Fatimah, the wife of Ali, as nisa-ana (women) and Ali himself as anfusana (selves) came out to represent the party of Allah. In Sahih Muslim it is mentioned that at the time of coming out from the canopy, the Holy Prophet looked skyward and said:
"O my Lord, these are my Ahl ul Bayt."
Even Ibna Hazm, a staunch advocate of the Umayyid point of view, has stated that at the time of mubahilah, only Ali, Fatimah, Hasan and Husayn came out with the Holy Prophet to take part in the contest.

The enemies of the Ahlul Bayt, true to their policy of ignoring the matchless symbolic glory of the Ahlul Bayt, either have not referred to this event at all, or, in order to play down its fundamental role in determining the true faith, have made evasive attempts to give misleading meanings to some of the words of this verse, such as saying that in Arabic literature nisa has not been used for daughters. It is obvious that their knowledge about the Quran is very limited. In verses 7 to 11 of al Nisa, nisa has been used to refer to daughters. Moreover, Fatimah, in addition to her relationship to the Holy Prophet as his daughter, was also chosen as the wife of Ali, who is the self or soul of the Holy Prophet, in which case the significance of anfusana becomes more subtle, because no wife of the other constituent of anfusana (the Holy Prophet) was found competent to take part in the spiritual contest. In verse 5 of al Tahrim, the almighty Allah says that if the Holy Prophet divorces his wives, the Lord will give him in their stead, wives better than them, which implies that there were women better than his wives, but there was none better than the "pure five", or even equal to them, who could be chosen to become one of the glorious group selected for the mubahilah in spite of the latitude accorded by the plurality permitted by the all-wise Allah. Please refer to the commentary of verse 33 of al Ahzab to ascertain that Ummi Salimah and A-isha so much desired to be taken under the blanket but were refused by the Holy Prophet.

If the bat (a flying mammal) does not like the sunlight, never shall the beauty of the sunshine become dim. Likewise, if the enemies of the Ahlul Bayt try to distort the facts of history, they shall never be able to tarnish the ever bright source of enlightenment and glory which shall radiate its divinely endowed splendour till eternity. In spite of the fact that one woman, one man and two boys were chosen, the plural number is used here, because in this holy house, males and females of the class of this divinely chosen group were born to face the challenge of falsehood in the same manner and style. In Karbala, when falsehood incarnate, in its utmost wickedness, challenged the truth from Allah, Imam Husayn, the surviving member of this group, along with the souls, sons, wives and daughters of this holy house, brought down the curse of Allah upon the liars and their followers, and thus truth won an everlasting victory over falsehood.

In the light of Ahzab: 33, Ali Imran: 61 and Tawbah: 119, Ali ibna abi Talib has said:
I am the sidiq al akbar (the greatest truthful). I am the faruq al azam (the greatest distinguisher between truth and falsehood). He who claims any of these titles (other than me) is the greatest liar.
There was no genuine sidiq al akbar among the Holy Prophet's companions (save Ali), otherwise he would have been selected to accompany him at the time of mubahilah.

Ali was ten years old at the commencement of the Holy Prophet's mission and thirteen at the time of dawat al ashira, and on the occasion of mubahilah, Imam Hasan was six and Imam Husayn was five years old, yet the Lord commanded his messenger to select them for His cause and purpose as He had found in these particular children that which He had noticed in Isa, because of which He bestowed prophethood on him and gave him the book and the wisdom when he was but a baby in the cradle. Although, ordinarily, intellectual maturity, which does not develop fully in children, is essential to shoulder any kind of responsibility, there are persons who are exceptions to the common rule of nature, among whom are the chosen individuals of the house of Ibrahim-Musa, Yahya, Isa, Muhammad, Ali, Fatimah, Hasan and Husayn.

The word anfusana (plural of nafs) is used here with reference to the Holy Prophet who summons his "selves" for the spiritual contest. Whoever is identical, physically and spiritually, with the Holy Prophet, is his self or soul. No living being, human or celestial, has ever been exalted to this highest distinction save Ali ibna abi Talib. Whenever the Holy Prophet said something about his companions he did not mention the name of Ali. If asked, "What about Ali?" he used to reply: "You asked about the people, you did not ask about my nafs" Once he told Burayda: "O Burayda, do not oppose Ali, verily, he is of me and I am of him. I and Ali are from the one and the same source, whereas all other people belong to different roots." At the time of sending Ali to preach the first verses of surah al Barat, after cancelling the assignment given to Abu Bakr, the Holy Prophet had told the astonished companions: "I have been commanded by Allah that either I should deliver these verses or he, who is from me and I from him, should be entrusted to recite them to the people." Even Bukhari, who did not want to narrate, as far as possible, any tradition which glorifies Ali, had to helplessly record this event in the chapter of "Manaqib".

As has been said earlier, anfusana also covers Bibi Fatimah (as nisa-ana) and Imam Hasan and Imam Husayn (as abna-ana). Every participant of the contest is the self (or soul) of the Holy Prophet. There are several authentic traditions according to which the Holy Prophet had said:
Fatimah is from me. Whoever annoys her annoys me, or provokes her, provokes me. She is the chief of the women of the worlds. Husayn is of me and I am of Husayn. Hasan and Husayn are the (divinely commissioned) Imams, be they active or silent.
They have been clearly described by the Quran and the Holy Prophet as the people of the house- Ahl ul Bayt. They have been exalted to the highest distinction, beyond the reach of any living being human or celestial.

According to some commentators, the term sahabi (a companion who had heard and saw the Holy Prophet) does not include minors. It is immaterial whether the term sahabi isapplicable to Hasan and Husayn or not because they are the people of the house (Ahl ul Bayt) whose glory and excellence, as made known through ayah al tat-hir and ayah al mubahilah (and other verses of the Quran), are so exalted and sublime, that no sahabi can ever dream of achieving a fraction of the same. A true sahabi ishe who loves them, and the degree of his love and attachment with the Ahlul Bayt defines his nearness to Allah and the Holy Prophet. All sorts of people, good and bad, sincere and hypocritical, were among the companions of the Holy Prophet.

Source: (Shia based website)

Akhtiar Wahid
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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by Akhtiar Wahid » Wed Nov 05, 2014 11:03 am

Brief History of Imam Mansoor (AS) 13th Imam

MANSUR (334-341/946-952), 13TH IMAM
in Encyclopedia Topic
Encyclopaedia of Ismailism by Mumtaz Ali Tajddin
"He was born in 302/914 in Kairwan, the first Fatimid Imam to be born in Maghrib. His name was Ismail and kunya was Abu Tahir, surnamed al-Mansur bi-Amrillah (Victorious by the command of God). He acceded the throne on 334/945 during the time when Abu Yazid had laid a siege over Susa.

Abu Yazid Khariji traced his tribal origin to the clan of Ifran. He had a leaning towards the doctrines of the Kharijis, which he learnt from Abu Ammar al-A'ma. Abu Yazid had been elected then the leader of the Kharijis, and intended to acquire political power. He started his anti-Fatimid agitation in 316/928 in Qastila and soon procured a large following. With the Berbers moving quickly to his side, Abu Yazid engineered his revolt in 332/944, and swiftly conquered almost all the southern regions, and seized Kairwan in 333/944. He laid a siege over Susa when Imam al-Mansur ascended. Ibn Khallikan writes in Wafayat al-A'yan (1:219) that, "Al-Mansur was charged by his father (al-Qaim) to wage war against Abu Yazid, who had revolted against his authority. Abu Yazid Makhlad bin Kaidad belonged to the sect of Ibadites; he made an outward show of rigid devotion, but was in reality an enemy of God; he never rode but on an ass, nor wore any dress but woolen."

The first task of Imam al-Mansur was to relieve Susa. He himself commanded the forces and inflicted a severe defeat on Abu Yazid, and drove him back to Kairwan, then he went to Sabta, and reached Kairwan and helped the suffered people. The Imam was warmly received in Kairwan, and he also personally conducted a close chase, defeating Abu Yazid near Tubna and then around Masila. In 336/947, Imam al-Mansur inflicted a final defeat on the Khariji Berbers in the mountains of Kiyana, where the rebels had entrenched themselves in a fortress, called Qalat Bani Hammad.

Abu Yazid was suppressed and taken prisoner, but was died of his wounds. Jafar bin Mansur (d. 365/975) is the contemporary authority, who had also composed few poems about the revolt of Abu Yazid and the marvelous actions of Imam al-Mansur. Ibn Athir (7:171) tells us that, "Al-Mansur personally took charge of the military operations and put an end to Abu Yazid's menace. Had al-Mansur failed in checking this menace, it is probable that the Fatimid empire would not have survived long. With all this, al-Mansur treated generously with his implacable foe. He came to Kairwan in 334/945 and gave protection to the family of Abu Yazid who had despaired of life. He even granted his wives and children monthly allowances. He also granted Abu Yazid's request to restore his wives and children to him on condition that he would not wage war. But Abu Yazid soon broke his promise and tried to launch another insurrection." Fazal, the son of Abu Yazid continued the revolt in the Awras for a few months until he, too, was subdued and was brought to Mahdiya by Batit bin Ya'la bin Batit in 336/948. Other sons of Abu Yazid fled to Spain and took refuge under the Umayyads. The rebellion of Abu Yazid, however, had sucked away the resources of the state, forcing the Fatimids to pay a heavy price.

When Imam al-Mansur was subduing Abu Yazid's revolt, a report reached to him about a petty uprising of Hamid Bazaltain, the chief of the Maghrib, who had laid a siege over Tahrat soon after announcing his loyalty with the Umayyads of Spain. After crushing the revolt of Abu Yazid, the Imam focused his attention at the new rising, and himself commanded his army. He inflicted a defeat to Hamid and appointed Yala bin Muhammad, the chief of Banu Ifran in Maghrib.

Imam al-Mansur was unable to pay attention towards Sicily during the revolt of Abu Yazid, where Ibn Ataf proved an inefficient governor. Taking advantage of his weakness, the Byzantines stopped the payment of the tribute to the Fatimids. In the meantime, the inhabitants of Sicily also rose against Ibn Ataf, who hid himself in the old castle of Palermo.

Confronted by the chaotic situation caused by the rebellious at Palermo and Agrigento in Sicily against the Fatimid amirs, Imam al-Mansur deemed it logical and sensible to entrust Sicily's administration to those whose fidelity was proven beyond doubt, and who, moreover, could maintain a neutral stand, therefore, Imam al-Mansur appointed Hasan bin Ali al-Kalbi as a new governor of Sicily in 336/946.

Hasan bin Ali al-Kalbi belonged to an influential Kalbid family, stemming from the tribe of Kalab bin Wabara of Banu Abil Hussain. Under the Aghlabids rule, the Kalabid family began to decline from public notice, but they became the main prop and stay during the Fatimids period, and swiftly found a milieu favourable to their rise, and became a governing element of Muslim Sicily by the middle of the 4th/10th century. Ali bin Ali al-Kalbi, one of the first dynasts of the family and son-in-law of Salim bin Abi Rashid, the then Fatimid governor of Sicily, from 305/917 to 325/936, died at the siege of Agrigento in 326/938. His son Hasan bin Ali al-Kalbi, who had distinguished himself in the campaigns waged by Imam al-Qaim and Imam al-Mansur against Abu Yazid, was the first of a succession of Kalbid governors in Sicily, a kind of hereditary emirate under the Fatimids which lasted until the middle of 5th/11th century.

In Sicily, Hasan bin Ali al-Kalbi finished the internal uprisings and restored peace. He also solidified his army, forcing the Byzantine emperor to resume the payment of the tribute. On Imam al-Mansur's death in 341/952, Hasan bin Ali returned to Mansuria, leaving behind the government of the island in the hands of his son, Ahmad bin Hasan (342-358/953-969), the second Kalbid governor of Sicily.

The new Fatimid policy led to the origination of the semi-independent dynasty of the Kalbids, which ruled over Sicily for almost a century on behalf of the Fatimids, having considerable autonomy. Hasan, called al-Samsan (431-445/1040-1053) was the last Kalbid governor of Sicily. The Norman Count Roger captured Messina in 1060, and Palermo, the capital of the island fell to them in 1072. The Normans also occupied Syracuse in 1085 and by 1091 the whole of the island came to the possession of the Normans. That was the end of the Muslim rule in Sicily.

In 340/951, Imam al-Mansur was reported that the emperor Constantine VII (913-959) of France was about to invade the Fatimid territories, thus a naval forces was dispatched under Faraj Saqali. Hasan bin Ali al-Kalbi, the governor of Sicly and Faraj jointly invaded Kaloria and defeated the French forces. The French emperor was obliged to send tributes and a peace-negotiating embassy to the Fatimid court. On their way back to Maghrib, the Fatimid naval forces conquered Reggio and built there a mosque, the ruins of which have been unearthed recently.

In 335/947, Imam al-Mansur ordered yet another new capital built a short distance southwest of Kairwan, called Mansuria. It served a new Fatimid capital after Mahdiya.

Imam al-Mansur died in 341/952. F.Dachraoui writes in Encyclopaedia of Islam (1990. 6:434) that, "Mansur's personality shines with an unparalleled brilliance under the pens of the Ismaili authors, who, as also the Sunni chroniclers, show great wander in relating his exalted deeds and who dwell at length on giving accounts of the battles, rebellions and other bloody events. According to their accounts, he possessed only good qualities: he was generous and benevolent, level-headed and perspicacious, above all possessing a brilliant eloquence; since his youth, he had devoted himself to piety and study, and was deeply conscious of his high calling as impeccable Imam and of his grandeur as a monarch."

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by seeker110 » Wed Nov 05, 2014 12:30 pm

A load of useless ....................time pass.

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by Adam » Wed Nov 05, 2014 3:19 pm

@Akhtiar Wahid
Thanks for posting the history of Imam Mansoor.
Did you get a chance to call up Taher and confront him about his lies?

When his falsehood is proven, you can pray "La'nat" on him just like you did your earlier post.
(P.S The Quran instructs to recite La'nat on liars) Surah 3.

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by anajmi » Wed Nov 05, 2014 3:48 pm

Surah 3 has 200 ayahs. Which ayah are you referring to? Please post it.

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Re: Trust In Aqa Muffaddal Moula.


Unread post by Mkenya » Wed Nov 05, 2014 6:23 pm

Tasneemwhoeveryouare. Good try! What do you mean: 'Believe'? Believe that he exists or believe that he hoodwinks his followers or that .......
Go back to your masters and ask them to rephrase. Also be a more specific if they are not too busy cooking up another scheme.

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by rational_guy » Thu Nov 06, 2014 1:10 am

Adam wrote:@Akhtiar Wahid
Thanks for posting the history of Imam Mansoor.
Did you get a chance to call up Taher and confront him about his lies?

When his falsehood is proven, you can pray "La'nat" on him just like you did your earlier post.
(P.S The Quran instructs to recite La'nat on liars) Surah 3.

So Adam its OK for you to pray Lanaat and curse, when MS in his affidavit in the High Court has explicitly stated that he is not cursing or intimidating anyone.

I wonder who the liers are???

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Re: Trust In Aqa Muffaddal Moula.


Unread post by DisillusionedDB » Thu Nov 06, 2014 3:08 am

Tasneem786 ek sawaal pooch ke Tasneem9211 (nau do gyaarah) ho gayi/gaya :lol:

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by Adam » Thu Nov 06, 2014 4:46 am

First show me the affidavit document you claim to refer to.

La'nat is in the Quran.

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by rational_guy » Thu Nov 06, 2014 5:07 am

Adam wrote:First show me the affidavit document you claim to refer to.

La'nat is in the Quran.
Attaching a snippet for your review, since you have not read the affidavit. You can get the complete copy of MS's affidavit from your employers at Badri Mahal.

Agree Laanat is in Quran. So MS has taken the next step of saying you can pray Laanat on Rutba's now. He has made it legitimate. This is badaa't.
Affidavit of MS.png

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by rational_guy » Thu Nov 06, 2014 6:34 am

attaching file with content
Affidavit of MS.png

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by Adam » Thu Nov 06, 2014 10:20 am

Thanks for the image:
when MS in his affidavit in the High Court has explicitly stated that he is not cursing or intimidating anyone.

Not sure if you can read English, but the document doesn't say anything about La'nat.

Agree Laanat is in Quran.

Great! So why so serious?

So MS has taken the next step of saying you can pray Laanat on Rutba's now. He has made it legitimate. This is badaa't.

No. Khuzaima was removed from the Rutba of Mazoon.
If La'nat was being recited on him, then it was in line witht eh Quran, because the Quran recites La'nat on Zalims and Liars.
I had read an article on La'nat on one of the sites. I will post that when I find it.

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by Adam » Thu Nov 06, 2014 10:33 am

About La'nat.
Here is the article I had read: ... ation.html

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Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by SBM » Thu Nov 06, 2014 10:38 am

No. Khuzaima was removed from the Rutba of Mazoon.
Can you provide us with the date when he was removed from the Rutba as I understand laanaat had started just before he was removed. Now do not play around that SMS did not utter the laanats but his followers did and SMS has no control on them