Learning about the Qur'an from a Catholic archbishop

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Re: Learning about the Qur'an from a Catholic archbishop


Unread post by anajmi » Sun May 10, 2015 7:55 pm

Bro javed,

I have sent at least one email to your imam or his representatives in the past but never received any response. And i am ok with that. I am sure they receive many emails. Anyway, i do not think they have any answers to the questions i raise.

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Re: Learning about the Qur'an from a Catholic archbishop


Unread post by JavedhJuma » Sun May 10, 2015 8:07 pm

I think she is mistaken but then that is her training.
That is not her training. They would not train her this way. It is impossible. I have seen their training and their curricula because I accompanied an outsider who converted to Ismailism just a few months ago. You are lying like you have done in this forum. I thought you had decided not to continue discussing anymore.

Welcome back. Did you see the pics of my Imam reciting Idd Namaz at the age of 7. Your punishment like some on this forum is the hell fire of jealousy that you are burning in. May it get hotter. Unlike you I do not point fingers out of jealousy at others. I do not lie. If I do not understand something, I check but I do not accuse people.

I leave you to God to deal with you. You are just jealous of Ismailis like some pigs on this forum.

Some people are earnest in their inquiry, others are pigs like you playing with their own filth. Good luck.

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Re: Learning about the Qur'an from a Catholic archbishop


Unread post by JavedhJuma » Sun May 10, 2015 8:17 pm

anajmi wrote:Bro javed,

I have sent at least one email to your imam or his representatives in the past but never received any response. And i am ok with that. I am sure they receive many emails. Anyway, i do not think they have any answers to the questions i raise.
I cannot speak for others. Oh no, they have answers but it depends on your question and the way it is constructed. However, I suggest you write to Ismailignoisis. I personally know couple of people there who are very well informed of our Tariqah. There are ways of asking questions: Some ask for knowledge others ask for preconceived accusations. In that case you won't hear from them because they have no time for idiots.

Some idiots on this forum, whom I choose to ignore, is not because I do not have answers but because their intention is bad and they keep asking the same questions. Their questions have been answered over and over again but they come back with the same stupidity.

If you do not agree with us, leave us alone just the way we leave you. Let God be the Judge.

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Re: Learning about the Qur'an from a Catholic archbishop


Unread post by JavedhJuma » Sun May 10, 2015 8:28 pm

LOL. Have you not heard of Holy Prophet's (pbuh) command at Ghadir E khum and Hadith al-Thaqalayn. Ahle Sunnah was created by Ummayads and Abassids to counter Ahle Bayt Imams influence.
Brother he has heard of it. Sometime back he admitted Hazarat Umar congratulated Imam Ali AS after the declaration. Now wait for him to go around in circle. Ignore him. He plays in his sty.....He has polished his English!!!! I am surprised!

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Re: Learning about the Qur'an from a Catholic archbishop


Unread post by fayyaaz » Sun May 10, 2015 8:53 pm

JavedhJuma wrote:Fayyaz:
I think she is mistaken but then that is her training.
That is not her training. They would not train her this way. It is impossible. I have seen their training and their curricula because I accompanied an outsider who converted to Ismailism just a few months ago. You are lying like you have done in this forum. I thought you had decided not to continue discussing anymore.
In that case, either she is lying or you are lying. Where do you think she got 'Ali Allah" from? She is not the only Ismaili I know who uses it.
JavedhJuma wrote:Did you see the pics of my Imam reciting Idd Namaz at the age of 7.
Thank you. I saw the pics. I am not impressed. Show me a the pic in which the 7 year old went into ruku and sujood followed by the congregation. That will confirm that he was engaged in a Muslim salaat. Do you have a more recent picture of Aga Khan in a Muslim namaaz, say in the last year? Now, that would be very impressive.

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Re: Learning about the Qur'an from a Catholic archbishop


Unread post by KA786110 » Sun May 10, 2015 10:45 pm

Muslim First wrote:
Ahle Sunnah are stuck in 1400 years old traditions. Some of them are very anachronistic.
Only Prophet and Allah can change 5 founding principle of Islam. If you change it then it Is Bidah (Innovation) and forbidden in Islam.
Salat and fast is no burden. I even pray in Public.
After Holy Prophet(pbuh) the Tawil of the the Qur'an and Faith is the duty of Imams. Imam of the time is there to guide the Ahle-Imaan according to circumstances and needs. But people who decided to ignore the last commands of the Holy Prophet(pbuh) will not and can not understand this.

Ahle-Sunnah are stuck with 1400 years old traditions. It is their choice. If they want to stay with Pre-K level understanding of the faith then so be it.
Last edited by KA786110 on Sun May 10, 2015 11:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Learning about the Qur'an from a Catholic archbishop


Unread post by KA786110 » Sun May 10, 2015 10:57 pm

fayyaaz wrote:Beliefs are fetishes. They are desires for somethings to be so. Religious beliefs in particular are like childhood fetishes. They are desires to remain attached to infantile indoctrination which is very attractive because it offers security in an imagined paradise of childhood.
But you too have those fetishes (Beliefs). You would like to see Ismaili Imam lead prayers like pesh-imams. What indoctrination you had to persevere during your infancy? :-)

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Re: Learning about the Qur'an from a Catholic archbishop


Unread post by JavedhJuma » Mon May 11, 2015 8:20 pm

Thank you. I saw the pics. I am not impressed. Show me a the pic in which the 7 year old went into ruku and sujood followed by the congregation. That will confirm that he was engaged in a Muslim salaat. Do you have a more recent picture of Aga Khan in a Muslim namaaz, say in the last year? Now, that would be very impressive.
You are a sick man and WOT. Waste of Time. I do not have to show you anything if you are BLIND! Get your eyes checked.

Muslim First
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Re: Learning about the Qur'an from a Catholic archbishop


Unread post by Muslim First » Mon May 11, 2015 8:33 pm

JavedhJuma wrote:Fayazz:
Unlike Bohras, Ismailies have abandoned ritualistic aspects of orthodox Islam.

There is no orthodox Islam because the Prophet SAW emphasized on Ibn al-Waqt.

Can you quote actual Hadith of prophet emphasizing Ibn al-Waqt?

Admin will not allow this simple question and you will not answer it since there is no such Hadith.


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Re: Learning about the Qur'an from a Catholic archbishop


Unread post by JavedhJuma » Mon May 11, 2015 8:35 pm

After Holy Prophet(pbuh) the Tawil of the the Qur'an and Faith is the duty of Imams. Imam of the time is there to guide the Ahle-Imaan according to circumstances and needs. But people who decided to ignore the last commands of the Holy Prophet(pbuh) will not and can not understand this.

Ahle-Sunnah are stuck with 1400 years old traditions. It is their choice. If they want to stay with Pre-K level understanding of the faith then so be it.
This is WOT No.2. I have been over and over again with the same stupid question.

I told him: Hazarat Umar changed the Azan. In fact the Azan that was recited during the Prophet's time has been changed. It was changed 3 years after the Prophet's passing. So nobody is reciting the same Azan.
According to the Qur'an, Karze Hasana was to be given to the poor, orphans and those who harrased Muslims.
Hazarat Uman changed the part that was supposed to paid to the enemies to keep them quiet because he said Muslims were strong now.
Imam, by introducing the the study of Islam in Universities and Islamic architecture, etc. is eradicating ignorance of Islam by the enemies of Islam.
According to Qur'an Talak was to be given in three sittings. Hazarat Umar changed it to one sitting. But the Qur'an still states 3 sittings.
According to Qur'an those who stole from people, their hands were to be chopped off. Hazarat Umar changed that because he said there was famine and people had no choice.

I would say Hazarat Umar was Ibne al-waqt and followed what Prophet SAW had taught. Hazarat Umar did not do anything wrong by changing the above prescriptions because the Prophet had asked Muslims to be Ibne al-Waqt.

I have gone over this with this man. He will go on and on. Best to leave him to stew in his own juice.

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Re: Learning about the Qur'an from a Catholic archbishop


Unread post by fayyaaz » Mon May 11, 2015 10:20 pm


Hazrat Umar (RA= May he be ridiculed by Ali Allah) is dead. You are so upset that the dead guy changed some of Prophet's traditions but totally ignore Ali Allah aka Aga Khan not following the Prophet by not praying in the manner of the Prophet at all. :lol:

Now be a good boy and provide evidence that Ali Allah prayed Fajar, Zohar, Asar, Maghrib and Isha prayers today in the manner of the Prophet or I will conclude that Ali Allah is ignoring the Prophet in this the most fundamental of Muslim rituals.

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Re: Learning about the Qur'an from a Catholic archbishop


Unread post by SBM » Mon May 11, 2015 10:31 pm

JavedhJuma wrote:Fayyaz:
Thank you. I saw the pics. I am not impressed. Show me a the pic in which the 7 year old went into ruku and sujood followed by the congregation. That will confirm that he was engaged in a Muslim salaat. Do you have a more recent picture of Aga Khan in a Muslim namaaz, say in the last year? Now, that would be very impressive.
You are a sick man and WOT. Waste of Time. I do not have to show you anything if you are BLIND! Get your eyes checked.
Some one who is Atheist and does not believe any religion You are asking too many questions.
Now prove you are an Athesit

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Re: Learning about the Qur'an from a Catholic archbishop


Unread post by fayyaaz » Mon May 11, 2015 11:02 pm

SBM wrote: Fayyaz

Now prove you are an Athesit
I never claimed I am an Athesit. Actually, I am a Buddhshit. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Last edited by fayyaaz on Mon May 11, 2015 11:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Learning about the Qur'an from a Catholic archbishop


Unread post by anajmi » Mon May 11, 2015 11:07 pm

looks like fay'sass has some fetishes of it's own. :wink:

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Re: Learning about the Qur'an from a Catholic archbishop


Unread post by fayyaaz » Mon May 11, 2015 11:16 pm

anajmi wrote:looks like fay'sass has some fetishes of it's own. :wink:
That's a good one, Yazid-lover. :P

I will wait for javedhjuma to enlighten me about Aga Khan's Muslim namaaz. So, you and SBM, scram :!:

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Re: Learning about the Qur'an from a Catholic archbishop


Unread post by anajmi » Tue May 12, 2015 12:12 am

It doesnt matter fool. You remain the same idol worshipping abde coward too ashamed to accept his own reality whether Aga khan prays the muslim namaaz or not!!

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Re: Learning about the Qur'an from a Catholic archbishop


Unread post by KA786110 » Tue May 12, 2015 12:06 pm

SBM wrote:
JavedhJuma wrote:Fayyaz: You are a sick man and WOT. Waste of Time. I do not have to show you anything if you are BLIND! Get your eyes checked.
Some one who is Atheist and does not believe any religion You are asking too many questions.
Now prove you are an Athesit
Javed kudos to you for unmasking yet another so called atheist. Outstanding. :D

Sometimes when you engage someone in a conversation long enough their true colors do show up. :wink:

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Re: Learning about the Qur'an from a Catholic archbishop


Unread post by fayyaaz » Tue May 12, 2015 2:04 pm

KA786110 wrote: Javed kudos to you for unmasking yet another so called atheist. Outstanding. :D
Credit should really go to SBM.

Yazid-lover calls me an idol worshiping abde ever willing to kiss Muffy's arse; SBM calls me atheist. Javed just thinks I am an anti-Ismaili. Take your pick.

Wahhabis and Ismailis make strange bedfellows. You might yet convert the Yazid-lover to be an abject Aga Khan lover. Abject? He is already a rabid, contemptible anti-Shia. Transformation would be an earth-shaking event. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Learning about the Qur'an from a Catholic archbishop


Unread post by anajmi » Tue May 12, 2015 3:07 pm

Actually, nothing prevents you from being all of those at the same time. An atheist is an idol worshipper as an atheist worships himself. An atheist idol worshipper could still be anti-ismaili. I think we all got it right.

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Re: Learning about the Qur'an from a Catholic archbishop


Unread post by fayyaaz » Tue May 12, 2015 4:35 pm

anajmi wrote:Actually, nothing prevents you from being all of those at the same time. An atheist is an idol worshipper as an atheist worships himself. An atheist idol worshipper could still be anti-ismaili. I think we all got it right.
Hey Yazid-lover,

You should really make your mind up! Do I worship myself or do I worship Muffy? If you think it is me that I worship then I am three in one and one in three, rather like the Ismaili trinity don't you think? I wondered why you suddenly developed affinity for Aga Khan and Ismailis. :P

So, I suggest you call me "a narcissist, anti-Ismaili, idol-worshiping, atheist". :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Learning about the Qur'an from a Catholic archbishop


Unread post by anajmi » Tue May 12, 2015 4:46 pm

You worship muffy, but pretend to worship yourself.
I wondered why you suddenly developed affinity for Aga Khan and Ismailis.
Seriously? With you around why would I want to fight with the Ismailis? At least they are true to themselves. Besides, they have a right to believe anything they believe as long as they do not use violence. :lol: :lol:

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Re: Learning about the Qur'an from a Catholic archbishop


Unread post by fayyaaz » Tue May 12, 2015 5:16 pm

anajmi wrote: Besides, they have a right to believe anything they believe as long as they do not use violence. :lol: :lol:
That is what I say. My beef with Javed is not about what Ismailis believe, it is about believing one thing and pretending to believe something else and then thrusting falsehoods onto others on this forum.

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Re: Learning about the Qur'an from a Catholic archbishop


Unread post by anajmi » Tue May 12, 2015 5:32 pm

That is what I say. My beef with Javed is not about what Ismailis believe, it is about believing one thing and pretending to believe something else and then thrusting falsehoods onto others on this forum.
I can imagine how it must be for you. Kind of like looking into a mirror!!

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Re: Learning about the Qur'an from a Catholic archbishop


Unread post by SBM » Tue May 12, 2015 9:18 pm

it is about believing one thing and pretending to believe something else and then thrusting falsehoods onto others on this forum.
This is exactly what you are doing. You have declared yourself as an Atheist but question other people specially Ismailis of their belief.
How come you are not defending your own chosen field of Atheism?

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Re: Learning about the Qur'an from a Catholic archbishop


Unread post by JavedhJuma » Tue May 12, 2015 9:19 pm

anajmi wrote:Actually, nothing prevents you from being all of those at the same time. An atheist is an idol worshipper as an atheist worships himself. An atheist idol worshipper could still be anti-ismaili. I think we all got it right.
I do not know out of the 73 sects of Islam, which Namaz is true Muslim namaz to this fettish. Guys don't waste your time with him. He sounds very unhappy and miseratble in his life, so he hangs around here trying to make others miserable. Misery loves company.

My wahabi friend, I like your sense of humor. You come up with very clever statements. :P Now fetass will say I am kissing up to you. :lol:

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Re: Learning about the Qur'an from a Catholic archbishop


Unread post by JavedhJuma » Tue May 12, 2015 9:24 pm

MF, save yourself trouble. Stop filling my box with PMs which are sitting there unopened. I have requested Admin to remove them. In the meantime, makes me feel elated that you are burning in your hell. Keep burning. Don't bother to answer because I just skip your mail. :lol: :lol: :lol: You are naqta so you will respond. That gives me pleasure because Me thinks you are burning. Your hell is here on earth.

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Re: Learning about the Qur'an from a Catholic archbishop


Unread post by KA786110 » Tue May 12, 2015 11:03 pm

Cool down guys. :)

This faith thing is very personal that is why even members of a single Tariqah have difference of opinions let alone people from different Tariqahs. (Or someone from 'No Tariqah' :wink: ).
Last edited by KA786110 on Tue May 12, 2015 11:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Learning about the Qur'an from a Catholic archbishop


Unread post by KA786110 » Tue May 12, 2015 11:04 pm

One thing has sure come to the light that the self-proclaimed Atheist is definitely no Atheist because it is evident he has very strong feelings (fetishes???) about how certain people should act or not act.

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Re: Learning about the Qur'an from a Catholic archbishop


Unread post by KA786110 » Tue May 12, 2015 11:06 pm

For the one who keeps saying ' I am ok with them as long as they do not use violence', what about other Tariqahs who are currently using violence and are a disgrace to humanity let alone the legacy of Holy Prophet (pbuh). Is violence part and parcel of the so called pure Islam (Wahabbi, Salafi, ISIS etc)? Why not raise voice against them?

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Re: Learning about the Qur'an from a Catholic archbishop


Unread post by humanbeing » Wed May 13, 2015 5:59 am

KA786110 wrote: what about other Tariqahs who are currently using violence and are a disgrace to humanity let alone the legacy of Holy Prophet (pbuh). Is violence part and parcel of the so called pure Islam (Wahabbi, Salafi, ISIS etc)? Why not raise voice against them?
What does it mean to raise voice against them ? the one who wishes to denounce / condemn such violent ideologies can do so as long as they want through media, newspapers, twitter, facebook etc etc. these violent groups and their supporters don’t really care and continue with their atrocities. To raise voice against them is to get violent against them, eliminate them ! these groups are way too stubborn and closed minded to sit and have a dialogue of understanding.

so once the violence starts and goes on ... we forget which side is wrong .. because by then both have bloods on thier hands. In fact cause of the violence is lost and men continue to fight as then it has become a livelihood for many.