Some Questions about Shia Doctrine

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Some Questions about Shia Doctrine


Unread post by SBM » Fri Nov 25, 2016 5:59 pm

I have some questions and without going into Shia-Sunni Bashing I like reasonable answers.
Taraweeh was prayed by Prophet Mohammed ( not in the current form) as done by Sunni followers
Folding your hands was started by Hazarat Umer as a respect
Now the questions I have is.
Both were started by Hazarat Umer (and it these practices which Shia scholars call as Biddah) why did not Imam Ali banned these Biddah during his rule as Caliph as he came to Caliphate after Hazarat Umer.
Please do not give me explanation that Imam Ali was too busy fighting Fitnas created by his enemies since Biddah in Ibaddah is more important then fighting Fitnas
Another Question:
Everyone says that you death is pre-determined, how and when and where you are going to die. With that in mind, Why Muslims refuse to perform last rites of a Suicidal victims as may be the Suicide was pre-determined for that person. Keep in mind only person with mental issues are who commit Suicide (other then Terrorists-which I also consider as having mental issues)
I still have not heard a good explanation from Shia Scholars on this.

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Re: Some Questions about Shia Doctrine


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Tue Feb 21, 2017 4:40 am ... 88274.html

Lal Shahbaz Qalandar bombing: It's worrying that Indian Urdu press allows arguments favouring mosque attacks

On a visit to Muzaffarnagar in western Uttar Pradesh on 17 February, I picked up a copy of the Urdu daily Roznama Rashtriya Sahara. It had an article examining how to establish an Islamic caliphate in modern times, written by Professor Mohsin Usmani Nadvi, the surname denoting that he is a graduate of the Lucknow-based Nadwatul Ulama madrassa.

The worry, given the infrastructure of radical ideas spread by the Urdu media, is that such bombings can happen here to

But the question to be asked is this: Does a theological understanding exist among Indian Islamic clerics that bombing of mosques and shrines is justified? I think India is no exception to this theological principle.

In recent years, Taliban militants bombed mosques and dargahs (shrines) in Pakistan. Even in India, radical pro-jihadi groups, like the Tamil Nadu Thowheed Jamaath (TNTJ), have organised conferences and exhibitions where Sufi dargahs were dubbed as shirk (idolatry) and therefore liable to be demolished.

Additionally, a university has been established in Bihar's Champaran region in the name of Ibn Taymiyyah (1263-1328), a renowned Islamic jurist who is now known as the grandfather of jihad in modern times. Suicide bombers emerge from the intellectual world created by Islamic scholars like Taymiyyah, groups like TNTJ, and the Muslim newspapers which advocate the establishment of a caliphate.

Nadvi advances arguments at an intellectual level, and the jihadis take this argument further by advocating use of force to achieve the same objective.

The problem is that in this process, bombing of mosques and shrines is justified ... 88274.html