How I trurnedfrom Hussain

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Re: How I trurnedfrom Hussain


Unread post by anajmi » Sun Mar 13, 2005 5:21 pm


There are ways to get to Africa, but if I didn't believe it exists in the first place why will I buy a ticket to go there??

Again, I never said it does not exist, I said "I haven't seen Africa either, doesn't mean it does not exist"

"Its like telling my 4 year old boy that don't harras me and i will get you a cricket ball of space's size.The bottom line is to make him behave himself."

Exactly, now doesn't the 4 year old deserve a spanking if he still does not listen to you or believe you??

"Thats exactly what i want to tell you that Quran and hadith gaurantee you for heaven and hell so that peaople don't mis behave and don't go ashtray."

Right, and what about the people who still misbehave and go astray? Are you saying that they have managed to call the quran's bluff?? Are those who behaving and not going astray just stupid idiots?

"Killing innocent people for non existing weapon of mass destruction is wrong but beheading innocent people in the name of god(fatwa)is also wrong.Majority of people involve in beheading are following the path you mentioned do you think they will go to heaven? "

Who are the people that are getting beheaded? Are these innocent tourists in Iraq? No, these are people who are the oppressors or are supporting the oppressors. If you count the number of people beheaded it is about 10 or 20, now count the number of people blown to bits by American bombs. The people who are beheading have a reason, their lands have been stolen, their livelihoods have been destroyed!!

Now try reasoning with Average Morons and see what they come up with!!

I gave the example of Disneyland and a trip to Africa so that Average Morons could understand. Obviously they do not!!

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Re: How I trurnedfrom Hussain


Unread post by anajmi » Sun Mar 13, 2005 5:37 pm


Forgot to mention one thing, you said there is no one who can show you the way to paradise. I am afraid you are wrong.

Some posts back in this article I gave you the map to get to heaven!!

The prophet has shown us the way to paradise. And I choose to believe the prophet more than all the Average Morons put together!!

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Re: How I trurnedfrom Hussain


Unread post by anajmi » Sun Mar 13, 2005 6:18 pm

One more thing.

You said.

"Its like telling my 4 year old boy that don't harras me and i will get you a cricket ball of space's size. The bottom line is to make him behave himself."

I think space's size would be a bit of a problem for you or I, but for the Lord Almighty I don't think it would be a problem. Ofcourse all this makes sense only if you believe in HIM, which you don't and I do.

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Re: How I trurnedfrom Hussain


Unread post by anajmi » Sun Mar 13, 2005 7:27 pm

I keep looking at your space ball post and keep coming up with more arguments. Sorry about that. One more.

Let us say your son believes in you and does not misbehave, will you be able to fulfill your promise? I don't think so. So the next time even if you promise your son a cricket ball the size of a cricket ball, chances are that he won't believe you. So if you are a good/smart father, you will only promise him that which you can deliver!!

Now if you do promise your son that which you can deliver and he still misbehaves then obviously you have a right to spank his little butt.

Average Bohra
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Re: How I trurnedfrom Hussain


Unread post by Average Bohra » Sun Mar 13, 2005 10:43 pm

Again, I never said it does not exist, I said "I haven't seen Africa either, doesn't mean it does not exist"

That statement is equally moronic; perhaps you may realize that your explanations are more comedic than your original statements ????

BB posted a good analogy and caught you smoking that left-handed peace pipe again.

BB: "Its like telling my 4 year old boy that don't harras me and i will get you a cricket ball of space's size.The bottom line is to make him behave himself."

ANAJMI: Exactly, now doesn't the 4 year old deserve a spanking if he still does not listen to you or believe you??

Yippers, now we are all in agreement regarding the concept of Jannat.........bend over for some spankin' !

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Re: How I trurnedfrom Hussain


Unread post by BB » Mon Mar 14, 2005 11:35 am


you got to believe it because there are people dwelling there,you can feel the existance of Africa America India and many more places if you don't believe it then i think you are not sound
but can you introduce me to one person who can tell me that he has been to paradise.Answer is 'NO' so you can't compare existence of Africa with that of Heaven.

No I don't think i can spank him if he doesn't believe it Infact I will be speachless if he asks me to get that kind of Ball.So if Allah subhanallah said that a place in heaven 10 times that of earth that doesn't mean you will get it .Allah is trying to encourage you to behave good and have a desiplined life.

So you mean you have rights to kill people who is supporting oppression.I don't think Allah has given rights to any one to kill any human being.You mean Allah will forgive you if you kill 10-15 .Are you trying to say that 10-15 Murders are allowed?Well even Americans and Bush will pay for his wrong doings.Its not only beheading but those idiots are killing thier own people in the name of god.Do you think its ok?

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Re: How I trurnedfrom Hussain


Unread post by BB » Mon Mar 14, 2005 11:39 am

I am sorry its adressed to Anajmi and not BB :)

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Re: How I trurnedfrom Hussain


Unread post by anajmi » Mon Mar 14, 2005 4:19 pm


I keep telling you the same thing over and over again. It's not that I don't believe Africa does not exist. I believe the prophet (saw) because he told me that heaven and hell exist. Ah well, I tried.

You will be speechless if he asks you to get that kind of a ball... hmmm so let's see, he was dumb enough to believe you in the first place but you will be speechless when he asks you to get it????

So Allah is trying to con you into doing things his way just as you are trying to con your son??

As far as the beheadings go, every time I talk about the atrocities committed by the Americans in Iraq, someone brings up the beheadings, so I have to put it in context, 10 - 20 as compared to hundreds of thousands. If they get out of Iraq, beheadings of the oppressors will stop and bombing of the innocents will stop. And by the way if the beheaders are criminals then it is the fault of the American occupiers who haven't been able to establish the security infrastructure after destroying what already existed over there. I guess they are too busy building naked pyramids out of innocent iraqis to catch the criminals.

And yes, if you had read quran carefully, you would've realized that quran has given you absolute power to kill the oppressors.

YUSUFALI: They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks;-

YUSUFALI: Except those who join a group between whom and you there is a treaty (of peace), or those who approach you with hearts restraining them from fighting you as well as fighting their own people. If Allah had pleased, He could have given them power over you, and they would have fought you: Therefore if they withdraw from you but fight you not, and (instead) send you (Guarantees of) peace, then Allah Hath opened no way for you (to war against them).

One question for you, do you believe in Allah? The reason I ask is that you say Allah is trying to fool you into doing things his way but he won't give you the space ball, so it seems that you believe in him but not in his powers or are you just trying to con me now?

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Re: How I trurnedfrom Hussain


Unread post by anajmi » Mon Mar 14, 2005 4:22 pm

Average Bohra,

I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to you for calling you those names. By doing what I did I probably increased your hatred towards Allah and his followers. Inshaallah in the future I will refrain from doing it again.

Average Bohra
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Re: How I trurnedfrom Hussain


Unread post by Average Bohra » Mon Mar 14, 2005 7:08 pm


You are giving yourself entirely too much credit. Reading your posts simply heightens my intolerance toward ignorance and hyprocrisy.

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Re: How I trurnedfrom Hussain


Unread post by Africawala » Tue Mar 15, 2005 2:15 am

Dear Average Bohora, JC, BB,et al

I have been reading your posts on the "Map to Heaven". According to the arguments that are going on, I understand only Anajmi has the true map and he has promised to let us know what heaven looks like when he gets there. However, a true Muslim does not desire heaven, he desires Fana Fi Allah. Heaven will be full of people like Anajmi, suicide bombers, the 19 hijackers, people who behead people in Iraq in response to innocent killings of Iraqis by Americans and coalition forces. Now, would you all really like to go to heaven where you will meet these "characters" or will you strive to be like Mansur Al-Hallaj, Rumi, Rabia Basri, Al-Ghazzali -all of whom rejected heaven and opted for Fana Fi Allah.

Quote from Essential Sufism: One day, Rabia was seen running, carrying fire in one hand and water in the other. They asked her the meaning of her action and where she was going. She replied, "I am going to light fire in Paradise and pour water on Hell, so that both veils (hindrances to the true vision of God) completely disappear".

Think about it.

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Re: How I trurnedfrom Hussain


Unread post by anajmi » Tue Mar 15, 2005 2:52 pm

Average Bohra,

I would've believed you, but we all know enough about you now don't we!! Here is a task for you, go right a sentence with two words without the words wahabi and saudi in it!! Here's two more words that you can do without, Hypocrisy and ignorance. Don't we all just love those 4 words coming out of your mouth.

That is the only argument that you have come up with ever, saudi/wahabi and ignorant/hypocrite. I wish there was more, so that we could've had a meaningful discussion. But then if wishes were horses....


Well, God talks about people in quran, wherein he says "Hearing they hear not and seeing they see not". You fit that example to the T. I mentioned the map is easily available on, I do not have exclusive rights to it. You probably have a copy of it in your house but are too blind to see it and too deaf to hear its message. No wonder you will be out of it.

I wouldn't be surprised to see you running after some rabia to get the true vision of God even when it is right in front of you!!

Yeah, but we will not follow the map or the straight path.

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Re: How I trurnedfrom Hussain


Unread post by JC » Tue Mar 15, 2005 3:01 pm


I tend to agree with teh concept of Fana Fe Allah. The Heavena nd Hell are myths. They are NOT to be taken literally which people are taking.

Heaven and Hell are the concepts, ideas floated at some point in time when there was no way to woo people to some sort of discipline and order. It is like carrot and stick. Today we donot need that. What you sow and harvest, you will reap in this world only. You will then die for God. To me God again also is a concept, a myth.

Who created this universe, this galaxy...???

There are two answers:
a. It is automatically;
b. Created by God.

It cannot be automatic. It is running systematically for centuries. Everything has an order and discipline. There is Nature which plays its part. Nature keeps everything in balance and under control.

So it has to be God who created it.


Who created God ..... ???!!!!

HE is there all by HIMSELF, automatically ...!!!!

BUT .... i am a believer and agree that there is a God who created and controls everything because this belief is LESS ILLOGICAL AND LESS IRRATIONAL.

Both the concepts are illogical and irrational but believing in god is less illogical. Then it becomes easy to ACCEPT the fact that who galaxy is run, managed and controled by SOME ONE. How that someone came to being..... well, nobody will ever know...!!!!

So as life progresses, time passses, we become more wiser, more understanding, more adapting and we learn.

What the great people have taught us is to live in peace, progress and prosper and for that we have to make some rules and regulations and each one of us is to follow those. Once we do that we will achieve Jannah. till we donot achieve that there are so many hells around the world and we can see people burning it it - may it femine and draughts in Africa, may it be tsunamis, may be floods and earthquakes ......

End for every human being is Fana Fee Allah.

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Re: How I trurnedfrom Hussain


Unread post by anajmi » Wed Mar 16, 2005 4:00 pm


Who told you that heaven and hell are myths?

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Re: How I trurnedfrom Hussain


Unread post by JC » Wed Mar 16, 2005 6:49 pm


Only one question..??!!

it is myth as i cannot understand given my capabilites, knowledge, research etc. Once more information is available in days/months/years to come, it may change from myth to anything, i donot know.

We tend to accept this as 'reality' as prophets told us they were real and since we believe prophets were from God and telling nothing but truth, this MUST be true.

Prophets were the Wise Men for sure. they foresaw. they were given insight and knowledge by God (Nature, genetics, coincidence, Super Power or whatever). Like Eienstien, Gallileo or any other scientist who invented new things. Their sole aim was to take human beings forward, towards progress, new things ideas and prosper. They dreamed of that like some one dreamed of flying and invented aeroplane..!! for that, they had to have some order and discipline, they had no power, so they had to offer something (carrot and stick), so they offered Heaven and Hell as 'real' things lifehereafter. Though, the good deeds and discipline and order and laws paid for themselves and we progressed and live in better life with better things, at some point in time, they needed to offer something substantial.

Take a good example of a fast commonly done by bohras commonly known as 'Sawa Lakh Motee Nao Rozoo' - when e were kids, we were told that we will get Sawa Lakh Motee if we fast ....!!! and we use to fast .... even not knowing what we would do with this Sawa Lakh Motee..!!!!! BUT that carrot was for something good, FASTING is good, it has been proven, so kids fast. As we grow older and wiser and started realizing goods of fasting, we now fast for those good things.

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Re: How I trurnedfrom Hussain


Unread post by anajmi » Sat Mar 19, 2005 7:55 pm


Only one question because as you said, you do not understand.

So it is a myth because you do not understand. So if I did not understand calculus, it would be a myth!!

Then you say "Like Eienstien, Gallileo or any other scientist who invented new things. Their sole aim was to take human beings forward, towards progress, new things ideas and prosper. They dreamed of that like some one dreamed of flying and invented aeroplane..!! for that, they had to have some order and discipline, they had no power, so they had to offer something (carrot and stick), so they offered Heaven and Hell as 'real' things lifehereafter. Though, the good deeds and discipline and order and laws paid for themselves and we progressed and live in better life with better things, at some point in time, they needed to offer something substantial."

So even though you say that you do not understand, you have still managed to figure out that the prophets were just taking us for a ride in order to bring about discipline, law and order. However, heaven and hell are a myth because you do not understand.

I do not know of a single person who fasts for the good things and not because it is a commandment from Allah. Of course no doctor has ever prescribed fasting from dawn to dusk even though it is good!!

And my parents still tell me I will get sawa lakh motis because I fasted, they never said they actually conned me into doing something which was good. Did yours?

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Re: How I trurnedfrom Hussain


Unread post by idiot_bohra » Mon Jan 30, 2006 2:23 pm

Hi Friends,
Its moharram time once again and just came here to say hi, and to bump this thread for some more meaningful discussion.
About heaven and hell, well I think that the quran speaks in symbolic language ... I think heaven is right here where I am, and hell is right here because I see so many people around me suffering in hell as the consequence of their actions.
I do not think that the quran or our shariat gives us a roadmap, it only points us to the map that is already within us. If your conscience does not accept some interpretation of the quran, you will seek different interpretations, till your conscience is satisfied, so its not the quran that is the map, but your conscience that already knows the difference between right and wrong.

Recently circumstances caused me to visit kerbala, Inside the roza, I could feel the sadness in the air, tears automatically filled my eyes, not because I felt any devotion for Imam Husain, but the atmosphere was such, one has to go there to experience it. Could be because so many people have come there with sadness in their hearts, could be because the horrific events took place there, it seemed like a different plane, a different world connected to our world through our feelings. Bad things happened there and the vibrations still seem to be there, but my conclusion was, to forgive and forget.

I am still repulsed by our vayaz, majlis and chest beatings. The thought of sitting in the vayaz suffocates me. This time it was announced that no people should come to Mumbai because Moula was not well, but then he seems to have recovered so now those who can arrange their own accommodation are allowed to come.

More tamasha for your entertainment ...

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Re: How I trurnedfrom Hussain


Unread post by pro_pig » Tue Jan 31, 2006 12:36 am

idiot bohra your name is perfect idiot but the way u r not weicome to maula waaz and i read your first phase in 2002 about inam husein and u r ******* idiot that i have never ever read such things about inam husein may allah forgive u on such things. inam husein sacrifies for us and we should do matam say YA HUSEIN YA bohra r idiot people these things come in their mind only we have our maula how guids us in all the way that y we r safe hand. were is your aliasgar engineer have seen for long time and what his contact #

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Re: How I trurnedfrom Hussain


Unread post by kabeer19922001 » Tue Jan 31, 2006 8:15 am

Can some one translate what pro-pig is babbling about???

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Re: How I trurnedfrom Hussain


Unread post by Anwar » Tue Jan 31, 2006 8:47 pm

this kothari pro pig is doing what it knows best,
babbling shit like a PIG :D

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Re: How I trurnedfrom Hussain


Unread post by tahir » Wed Feb 01, 2006 7:04 am

Originally posted by pro_pig:
i read your first phase in 2002 about inam husein and u r ******* idiot that i have never ever read such things about inam husein may allah forgive u on such things.
In the same spirit, you should ask for Allah's forgiveness for the supposed blasphemy of the progressives towards the Dai. But when you choose laanats, boycotts and even physical aggression, you make it obvious that Dai is much more important to you than Imam Hussain is.

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Re: How I trurnedfrom Hussain


Unread post by idiot_bohra » Tue Feb 07, 2006 7:08 pm

Hi Pro_pig,
Thanks for your concern and good wishes, I have found my way to Allah, I no longer need his forgiveness because he is with me showing me what I should do in every step, what about you ? Are you sure Moula will raise his sleeve and put his hand into hell fire to take you out ? I know the anger you feel is like hell and I pray that you may find peace. All things are possible to Allah, just be open to his guidance.

I am not sure about Asgar Ali Engineer, I am not sure if it is him or someone else when "dushman" is mentioned in the wayaz, but I believe they are still remembered, I guess they have become immortal by their deeds. I would like to meet him myself, lets see, thanks for reminding me of him, what a brave soul.

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Re: How I trurnedfrom Hussain


Unread post by jamanpasand » Thu Feb 09, 2006 4:05 pm

Ashura stands out as an unique day. Has anyone observed that there was not post on this board from any member on February 8, 2006. Is this a coincidence ? Believe it or not there is some Hussain in everyone heart.

Muslim First
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Re: How I trurnedfrom Hussain


Unread post by Muslim First » Thu Feb 09, 2006 7:46 pm


In Shia World Ashura is on 9th of Feb. For Bohras it was on 8th.

Cheek Striking in Mourning Al-Hussein (Shiite Fatwa)


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Re: How I trurnedfrom Hussain


Unread post by jamanpasand » Thu Feb 09, 2006 9:13 pm

The site is progressive bohra

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Re: How I trurnedfrom Hussain


Unread post by pro_pig » Fri Feb 10, 2006 2:42 am

muslim first by the way we follow hijri calendar u should be knowing and we started on 30 of jan and if u count day 10 of moharrom fall on 8 of fed u first muslim by the way do u guys way any kind of majlis or any kind of inam husein nizza or just gossip

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Re: How I trurnedfrom Hussain


Unread post by tahir » Fri Feb 10, 2006 7:11 am

Originally posted by jamanpasand:
Has anyone observed that there was not post on this board from any member on February 8, 2006. Is this a coincidence ? Believe it or not there is some Hussain in everyone heart.
You must consider 'time zones' before reaching to any conclusion. This server is based in US and publishes US times with the posts. All the posts made from South Asia and SE Asia on 8th February till noon would actually show 7th February as the posting date.

That said, ideally everyone should try to live by hussain's spirit.

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Re: How I trurnedfrom Hussain


Unread post by mature » Fri Feb 10, 2006 8:51 am


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Re: How I trurnedfrom Hussain


Unread post by tahir » Fri Feb 10, 2006 10:23 am

Did you mean hippocrates - The greek guy who is regarded as the father of medicine (circa 460-377 BC) ?

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Re: How I trurnedfrom Hussain


Unread post by anajmi » Fri Feb 10, 2006 2:29 pm

Originally posted by tahir:
Originally posted by jamanpasand:
Has anyone observed that there was not post on this board from any member on February 8, 2006. Is this a coincidence ? Believe it or not there is some Hussain in everyone heart.
You must consider 'time zones' before reaching to any conclusion. This server is based in US and publishes US times with the posts. All the posts made from South Asia and SE Asia on 8th February till noon would actually show 7th February as the posting date.

That said, ideally everyone should try to live by hussain's spirit.
But everyone should try to live by Hazrat Hussain's spirit only on the 10th of Moharram. As soon as it is 11th Moharram start posting shit.