Reflections on the 2nd Waaz, 3rd Moharram 1426 H

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Reflections on the 2nd Waaz, 3rd Moharram 1426 H


Unread post by idiot_bohra » Mon Feb 14, 2005 7:27 am

The concept of salvation is central to all faiths for it is indeed a universal truth that we mortals are imprisoned in this world and are in need of deliverance. The world attracts and beguiles; we get so ensnared in its web that we forget the Hereinafter much like one who is imprisoned so long that he forgets the bigger, more beautiful world outside.

In order to reacquaint us with that world it has been necessary for Awliya’ullah to dedicate their lives to guiding us along the path towards it. This dedication is so complete that they even sacrifice their lives for our freedom and salvation from this world. And, at a time when a super power trumpets freedom as being its gift to the world, it is well worth our while to pause and reflect on it's true meaning.

In truth this freedom can only be realized by the safinah of najaat – the ship of salvation. In the era of Nuh (AS) this was an actual ship which saved those who boarded it from the floods. Those who refused to board were doomed to drown.

A medium of salvation similar to Nuh's safinah must exist in every age. For, if it were not so, then it would not be in keeping with Allah's justice.

Today Rasulallah's (SA) Ahlul Bait – namely his son and descendant and the Imam of every age - personifies the ship of salvation. Since the Imam is in seclusion the captaincy of this ship has been given to the Dail Mutlaq who steers it through the tumultuous seas of this worldly life, protecting and preserving all those on board.

The Quran mentions the word فلك (fulk) 21 times which corresponds to the 21 Imams. The synonym of fulk, سفينة (safinah), is found four times, corresponding to Mohammed (SA), Ali (AS), Fatema (AS) and the Dai al-Satr.

Over the past nine centuries the Duat have safeguarded those on board the ship; a continuing miracle that the entire world is witness to.

And there is much to be protected from. In this waaz we learnt of how evil works to lead us astray. The very first instance is that of Nabi Adam (AS) who paid heed to Shaitaan and as a consequence was deceived by him.

In the era of Imam Ahmed al-Mastur (AS), a highly trusted and learned Dai fell prey to the guile of the Abbasid Caliph Mamun. The caliph was intent on finding and killing the Imam of his time who had gone into seclusion.

Mamun, in a speech questioned what it was that Abu Bakr was doing in the battle of Badr sitting in Rasulallah's (SA) tent instead of going for combat. This was to be one of a number of efforts to lure the Imam out of hiding.

In another such effort, he set up a conference of scholars with the intent of divorcing science from religion. In response to this the Imam published the 52 Risalah of the Ikhwan al-Safa. Every risalah established that all true knowledge be it science, humanities or the arts –will unerringly lead to the conclusion that there is One Almighty Creator.

Then Mamun handed a share of power to Ali bin Musa al-Ridha, who was one of Rasulallah's (SA) descendents. These acts gradually convinced a Dai of Mamun's sincerity. He was so taken in that the Imam decided that the only release for him would be by shahadat. He instructed the Dai to tell Mamun that he himself was the Imam and that, if Mamun did indeed hand over the caliphate to him then the Dai knew better. Sure enough, Mamun did not hand over power and executed the Dai who, in his last words, admitted that the Imam had known best.

It is worth reflecting that, as Mumineen today, we live in a world where people, ideas and cultures continuously cause us to question our belief and our faith. On board the safinat al-najat we are protected by a captain dedicated to safeguarding us. Yet, as passengers, we too have a responsibility to ourselves and to our fellow passengers not to allow onboard elements that threaten the ship's security. We must be vigilant, follow the regulations of the safinah and the instructions of its captain at all times.

May Allah Taala preserve our beloved Aqa Moula (TUS), to captain each and every Mumin to the shores of Jannat, till the day of Qiyamat.


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Joined: Sat Mar 23, 2002 5:01 am

Re: Reflections on the 2nd Waaz, 3rd Moharram 1426 H


Unread post by idiot_bohra » Mon Feb 14, 2005 8:56 am

The concept of salvation is central to all faiths for it is indeed a universal truth that we mortals are imprisoned in this world and are in need of deliverance. The world attracts and beguiles; we get so ensnared in its web that we forget the Hereinafter much like one who is imprisoned so long that he forgets the bigger, more beautiful world outside.
Yes Indeed. Except that the bigger, more beautiful world is not outside but within every person. The focus of your wayaz should be to discover and explain these truths that remind man of his purpose and take him closer to Allah, instead you focus more on history, only remembering stories that serve to prove the greatness of the dai, or of Ali or of Husain, but very seldom you find Allah anywhere in your wayaz. I am surprised that universal truths find a mention in your wayaaz !
In order to reacquaint us with that world it has been necessary for Awliya’ullah to dedicate their lives to guiding us along the path towards it. This dedication is so complete that they even sacrifice their lives for our freedom and salvation from this world. And, at a time when a super power trumpets freedom as being its gift to the world, it is well worth our while to pause and reflect on it's true meaning.

In truth this freedom can only be realized by the safinah of najaat – the ship of salvation. In the era of Nuh (AS) this was an actual ship which saved those who boarded it from the floods. Those who refused to board were doomed to drown.
Let us thank allah for having sent his messengers to us. Many people have sacrificed their life for the just cause and many more have forgotten the cause and promoted their own selfish agendas in the name of Allah. What the Awliya’ullah did is between them and their Allah, but in your present situation we can see that you are nowhere near the so called safinah of najaat – the ship of salvation.
A medium of salvation similar to Nuh's safinah must exist in every age. For, if it were not so, then it would not be in keeping with Allah's justice.

Today Rasulallah's (SA) Ahlul Bait – namely his son and descendant and the Imam of every age - personifies the ship of salvation. Since the Imam is in seclusion the captaincy of this ship has been given to the Dail Mutlaq who steers it through the tumultuous seas of this worldly life, protecting and preserving all those on board.
Allah has given a medium of salvation in the hearts of every human being. All you have to do is to look inside your heart and let Allah guide you. The voice of conscience is gods gift to every person and that he gives to us by his grace. Though man neglects to listen to this voice and tries to silence it, it is by the grace of Allah alone that no one can fully extinguish the seed of that conscience. Allah is just, it is man who neglects Allah, and still Allah is merciful to give man another, and another and another chance ! Let not any man claim to be the captain of the ship of salvation, for it is Allah who is the captain and Allah alone will lead it in the right path.
The Quran mentions the word فلك (fulk) 21 times which corresponds to the 21 Imams. The synonym of fulk, سفينة (safinah), is found four times, corresponding to Mohammed (SA), Ali (AS), Fatema (AS) and the Dai al-Satr.
Still more food for ignorance. How could allah forget husain as a synonym of fluk ! 21+4 and lo you cannot destroy the 25 ! (see wayas 1 for argument about how 5 panjatan cannot be destroyed)
Over the past nine centuries the Duat have safeguarded those on board the ship; a continuing miracle that the entire world is witness to.
Many firkas (communities)have come and gone, you just happen to be one among the many that are existing in our present times. A few centuries ago no one would know a bohra if they saw a bearded person with white saaya kurta, a special topi, and speaking in gujrathi. What you call as your safina and your identity has been formed only over the past few centuries, most of your ancestors were hindu businessmen before they converted. The jews and christians have a tradition older than ours, does that make their miracle a greater one ?
And there is much to be protected from. In this waaz we learnt of how evil works to lead us astray. The very first instance is that of Nabi Adam (AS) who paid heed to Shaitaan and as a consequence was deceived by him.

In the era of Imam Ahmed al-Mastur (AS), a highly trusted and learned Dai fell prey to the guile of the Abbasid Caliph Mamun. The caliph was intent on finding and killing the Imam of his time who had gone into seclusion.
How sad, an Imam is falling prey (being deceived). So much for the notion that noone can fool the Dai. The dai was supposed to be infallible, did this apply only to the present 52nd dai ?
Mamun, in a speech questioned what it was that Abu Bakr was doing in the battle of Badr sitting in Rasulallah's (SA) tent instead of going for combat. This was to be one of a number of efforts to lure the Imam out of hiding.

In another such effort, he set up a conference of scholars with the intent of divorcing science from religion. In response to this the Imam published the 52 Risalah of the Ikhwan al-Safa. Every risalah established that all true knowledge be it science, humanities or the arts –will unerringly lead to the conclusion that there is One Almighty Creator.

Then Mamun handed a share of power to Ali bin Musa al-Ridha, who was one of Rasulallah's (SA) descendents. These acts gradually convinced a Dai of Mamun's sincerity. He was so taken in that the Imam decided that the only release for him would be by shahadat. He instructed the Dai to tell Mamun that he himself was the Imam and that, if Mamun did indeed hand over the caliphate to him then the Dai knew better. Sure enough, Mamun did not hand over power and executed the Dai who, in his last words, admitted that the Imam had known best.
So what does that prove ? That dai is weak enough to be executed by Mamun ?
It is worth reflecting that, as Mumineen today, we live in a world where people, ideas and cultures continuously cause us to question our belief and our faith. On board the safinat al-najat we are protected by a captain dedicated to safeguarding us. Yet, as passengers, we too have a responsibility to ourselves and to our fellow passengers not to allow onboard elements that threaten the ship's security. We must be vigilant, follow the regulations of the safinah and the instructions of its captain at all times.
Your Safina is in need of repairs.
I would travel alone with Allah by my side, rather than joining a group of slaves blindly following the orders of an ignorant captain who believes himself to be god.
In fact there are so many busses, trains and airplanes that take me in the direction of my destination that I do not need your rocking ship whose passengers are more worried about staying aloft than about reaching the destination.
May Allah Taala preserve our beloved Aqa Moula (TUS), to captain each and every Mumin to the shores of Jannat, till the day of Qiyamat.

Every man must die and so will Moula. He will be responsible for his deeds and you will be responsible for yours. May Allah make us dependant on no one except Allah alone.