Lots Of Palestinian Sunnis Converted To Shia Islam

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Ala maqaam
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Lots Of Palestinian Sunnis Converted To Shia Islam


Unread post by Ala maqaam » Wed Nov 30, 2011 8:56 am


good news for momeenin

http://www.jafariyanews.com/2k11_news/n ... shiite.htm

Gaza Sunnis accept Mazhab-i-Ahli Beit (AS): Report

By: Nabil Raza

GAZA CITY: Middle East Newsline reported on November 11 that Palestinians have been quietly converting from Sunni to Shi'a Islam.

According to the report hundreds of Palestinians were said to have converted to Shia Islam over the last two years.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... HxMF5M0moc

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Re: Lots Of Palestinian Sunnis Converted To Shia Islam


Unread post by anajmi » Wed Nov 30, 2011 12:22 pm

This seems like more Israeli propaganda against Iran. Israel wants the Sunni Arab regimes to fight Iran for it, and gullible morons are lapping it up.

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Re: Lots Of Palestinian Sunnis Converted To Shia Islam


Unread post by SBM » Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:30 pm

How does one convert from Sunni to Shia or from Shia to Sunni
I thought we all had the same Allah, same Quran, Same Kaaaba and same Messenger Mohammed SAW and same Shahadah
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 9160070561#

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Lots Of Palestinian Sunnis Converted To Shia Islam


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Wed Nov 30, 2011 7:20 pm

Ala maqaam wrote:GAZA CITY: Middle East Newsline reported on November 11 that Palestinians have been quietly converting from Sunni to Shi'a Islam.
According to the report hundreds of Palestinians were said to have converted to Shia Islam over the last two years.
The Palestinians badly need support in various forms to sustain themselves and fight with the Israelists. Their main outfit 'Hamas' which is branded as a terrorist organisation gets support from Iran by way of arms and money. Another Shia sponsored terrorist organisation, 'Hezbollah' too provides support to palestine. Hence Iran has succesfully infiltrated itself into palestine and manipulated the locals taking advantage of their dire conditions. Herein below is a brief on the Iran/Palestine relations :-

•After the 1979 revolution, Iran ended its alliance with Israel and started supporting the Palestinians, symbolized by turning over the Israeli embassy in Tehran to the Palestine Liberation Organization.

•As part of its campaign to export the revolution, the theocracy also aided emerging Palestinian Islamic groups, notably Islamic Jihad and Hamas. Both sent representatives to Tehran.

•Tehran has trained many Palestinian militants and provided a significant proportion of the weaponry used against Israel. For Shiite Iran, the Palestinian groups are among its most important Sunni allies.

During the monarchy, the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) had close ties with the Iranian opposition. Many Iranian dissidents trained at PLO camps in Lebanon in the 1970s. Arafat traveled throughout Iran to set up PLO offices, which members of his delegation stayed to manage for more than one year.

To support the uprising and heighten pressure on Israel, Arafat released Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants held by the Palestinian Authority. Iran lauded Arafat and his Fatah party for their resistance. In 2001, Iran hosted a second “Support for the Palestinian intifada” conference, attended by Palestinian parliamentarians and representatives from Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Ayatollah Khamenei praised the intifada for restoring Palestinian unity.

Iran’s renewed support for Arafat’s Palestinian Authority was evident when Israel captured the Karine A, a ship reportedly destined for Gaza, in 2002. The ship carried 50 tons of advanced weaponry, including Katyusha rockets, rifles, mortar shells, mines, and anti-tank missiles, that had been loaded in Iranian waters.

Islamic Jihad (PIJ) is the smallest but most violent Palestinian group—and long the closest to Iran. PIJ endorsed the Iranian revolution. Shikaki shared Khomeini’s belief that “Islam was the solution and Jihad was the proper means.” Since 1989, it has carried out more than a dozen major suicide attacks against Israeli targets. Unlike other Arab and Sunni groups, Islamic Jihad supported Shiite Iran during its long war with Iraq.

Shallah reportedly attended a meeting in Tehran in 1996, when he coordinated with the Qods Force, an elite wing of the Revolutionary Guards that handles Iran’s foreign operations. PIJ maintains a representative in Iran. Iran has armed, trained and funded PIJ, although its aid is reportedly modest compared with support for Hamas or Lebanon’s Hezbollah.

a Hamas delegation led by Mousa Abu Marzouk held talks Tehran with key officials, including Ayatollah Khamenei. Iran pledged military and financial support – reportedly $30 million annually – as well as advanced military training for thousands of Hamas activists at Revolutionary Guard bases in Iran and Lebanon. Hamas also opened an office in Tehran and declared that Iran and Hamas shared an “identical view in the strategic outlook toward the Palestinian cause in its Islamic dimension.”

When Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh visited Tehran in December 2006, Iran reportedly pledged $250 million in aid.

Iran reportedly provided military aid and training for dozens of men in Hamas’ military wing, the Izz ad-Din al Qassam Brigades. Iran also allegedly supplied much of the military equipment that Hamas used against Israel in the December 2008 Gaza war. Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal visited Tehran in February 2009, after the war ended, to thank Iran for its help during the conflict, citing Iran as a “partner in victory.”

“Our ties with Iran date back to the first days of our movement, just after the Islamic revolution took over in Iran,” he once said. Shallah is also on the FBI’s most wanted terrorist list.

After the 2006 Hamas victory, Mashaal visited Tehran and said, “Just as Islamic Iran defends the rights of the Palestinians, we defend the rights of Islamic Iran. We are part of a united front against the enemies of Islam.”

Sheikh Ahmed Yassin: Hamas co-founder and spiritual guide. The quadriplegic cleric was hosted by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and President Mohammad Khatami during a 1998 visit to Tehran. After meeting the sheikh, Ayatollah Khamenei said, “The Palestinian nation’s jihad is a source of honor for Islam and Muslims…God’s promises will undoubtedly come true and the Islamic land of Palestine will someday witness the annihilation of the usurper Zionist rule.” He died in an Israeli helicopter gunship attack in 2004.

The future
•For the foreseeable future, Iran will have the means to play primary spoiler in the Middle East peace process through its proxies in Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah.

http://iranprimer.usip.org/resource/ira ... lestinians