Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too

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ghulam muhammed
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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sat Oct 03, 2015 5:21 pm

India police officers feel targeted for offering evidence against prime minister

One police official saw his promising career flatline and was dogged by minor misconduct charges until he took early retirement this year.

Another endured a long suspension before being fired last month, but not before a sex video surfaced that purported to show him with a mistress. (Apart from the receding hairline and healthy mustache, his wife said, he looked nothing like the man on screen.)

A third faces a possible inquiry into decade-old charges of disclosing sensitive information. It could cost him his pension

The three former officials say they have been targeted for offering evidence potentially damaging to India's prime minister, Narendra Modi, in a protracted investigation into one of India's worst bouts of religious violence in recent decades.

At least 1,000 people, mostly Muslims, were killed in the 2002 riots in Gujarat state, which Modi, a longtime Hindu nationalist, led before becoming prime minister. Now, as a state court hears arguments that Modi and dozens of other officials should face criminal charges in the bloodletting, the former civil servants say Modi's government has launched legal and administrative actions against them in an effort to taint their testimony.

"They are going after one whistle-blower after another who is creating problems for them," said R.B. Sreekumar, the retired former director-general of police in Gujarat, whose pension is at risk. "They want to punish us and discourage others."

On the eve of Modi's second U.S. visit — which will include a stop in Silicon Valley to push for greater digital investment in India — memories of Gujarat have resurfaced. Last month, more than 100 American university professors signed a letter highly critical of Modi's human rights record, saying "there is still an active case in Indian courts that questions his role in the Gujarat violence."

Modi, 64, has denied culpability. Nalin Kohli, a spokesman for Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party, said there was no vendetta against the ex-police officials and the cases against them would be judged on their merits.

"These are convenient allegations, but they are not substantiated by facts," Kohli said. "If they have not flouted any laws they have nothing to fear."

Over several weeks in early 2002, witnesses say, Modi restrained police from intervening as Hindu mobs, avenging an attack on a train carrying Hindu activists, laid siege to neighborhoods dominated by the Muslim minority.

A Supreme Court-ordered investigation concluded in 2012 that there was not enough evidence to charge Modi or dozens of top officials with crimes. But an appeal filed by Zakia Jafri — the widow of a Muslim lawmaker killed by a mob in Ahmedabad, Gujarat's largest city — claims the investigating team wrongfully ignored testimony implicating Modi and 59 other officials.

Jafri's appeal, which Gujarat's high court began hearing last month, rests largely on accounts and records produced by the whistle-blowers, whose testimony has become public through leaks, news reports and court documents.

Since Modi ascended to India's top office in May 2014, the former police officials say pressure on them has increased.

"It has felt very lonely," Sanjiv Bhatt, the former senior police intelligence official who was recently fired, said in an interview at his bungalow in Ahmedabad.

In 2009, Bhatt told the Supreme Court-appointed investigators that hours after the train attack, he went to a meeting of security officials at which Modi said Hindus should be allowed to "vent their anger." To Modi's critics, it is the most damning piece of testimony against the prime minister.

But other officials have said Bhatt did not attend the meeting and that Modi gave no such order. Detractors describe Bhatt as a disgruntled, attention-seeking officer who hates Modi, whom he has referred to as "Prime Moron."

Zakia Jafri's lawyers say Bhatt's allegations should be tested in court. They contend that his account is bolstered by cellphone records obtained by a third whistle-blower, former Gujarat deputy police commissioner Rahul Sharma, which show that Bhatt was in the vicinity of Modi's official residence the night of the meeting.

In 2011, after an Indian news magazine published Bhatt's story, he was suspended over accusations that he missed work to testify in the investigations. Bhatt maintains that his absences were authorized.

The day Modi became prime minister, the Gujarat government wrote to India's home affairs ministry in New Delhi asking for the case to be expedited, according to a report in the Economic Times. In late August the ministry terminated Bhatt, an extreme punishment in India's clubby civil service.

Just before his dismissal, on a national holiday marking India's independence, two police officers showed up at Bhatt's home at 7 a.m. with a court order demanding a response to a sex video making the rounds on pro-Modi social media accounts.

Bhatt, 51, denied the man in the video was him and offered to submit to a detailed physical comparison, but said he did not receive a response.

"All this is to discredit me as cases are coming up for hearing," Bhatt said.

Like Bhatt, Sreekumar faced an internal investigation that languished until recently.

Beginning in 2002, Sreekumar, who was serving as the head of the Gujarat police's intelligence bureau, detailed meetings in which Modi and senior aides urged leniency for Hindu groups. He secretly taped conversations in which officials told him not to reveal information to investigators that could harm Modi's government.

In September 2002, after Modi described post-riot relief camps as "child-producing centers" for Muslims, Sreekumar complied with a request from a national commission on minority affairs and forwarded a transcript of the remarks.

The move angered his superiors, Sreekumar said. He was swiftly transferred to a lesser post, in an obscure division in charge of police reforms, and was denied promotions until he retired in 2007.

The Gujarat police department filed misconduct charges that sat for eight years, until earlier this month when a judge ruled that the department could launch an inquiry against him.

If found guilty, he risks losing his $900 monthly pension — which Sreekumar says is his only source of income. Sreekumar doesn't own a car, traveling most of the time in auto-rickshaws, and said he would be forced to return to his ancestral home in southern India to take up farming.

"They have not disproven one line of my evidence," said Sreekumar, 68. "They are only coming after me on technicalities."

Legal activists say India's justice system and civil service are vulnerable to pressure from political elites, with cases routinely shelved, fast-tracked or steered before sympathetic judges depending on who's in power.

Harsh Mander, a former civil servant turned social activist, said the actions against Sreekumar and Bhatt are out of proportion with their alleged offenses — especially when compared to "the range of police officers charged with grave crimes of extrajudicial killings, and indicted by magisterial inquiries, who are out on bail."

Teesta Setalvad — a human rights activist who is spearheading Zakia Jafri's case, and who also recently became the target of multiple criminal investigations — said that of all the eruptions of communal violence in post-independence India, Gujarat was the first with such a volume of testimony from whistle-blowers.

"The fact that they volunteered at great risk to their careers, and they suffered for it, gave a certain official stamp to the narrative that the government cannot deny," Setalvad said.

Former deputy police commissioner Sharma, whose disclosure of call records led to dozens of convictions in other riots cases, including that of one former member of Modi's Cabinet, was passed over for promotions and charged in a series of misconduct cases that he believes were politically motivated.

After losing his wife to a sudden illness, he requested early retirement at age 51, saying his career had reached "a dead end."

Now a practicing lawyer, Sharma does not believe Modi or his lieutenants will face charges. Because victims were mainly from a religious minority and the allegations concern extremely powerful people in India, he said, "most people are not bothered."

"We are not a nation that wants justice for everyone." ... story.html

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sat Oct 03, 2015 7:05 pm

Modi in Silicon Valley: Anti-Modi hoardings greet Indian prime minister in San Jose

Massive digital hoardings have come up in San Jose, California ahead of the much anticipated grand reception at SAP Center organised for Prime Minister Narendra Modi, accusing him of implementing "regressive" policies in India that hamper "freedoms and human rights" of Indian communities.

The hoardings have reportedly been put up by the Alliance for Justice and Accountability (AJA), a liberal judicial watchdog group in the United States.

AJA, which has teamed up with several anti-Modi groups, will also hold a protest at the SAP Center on 27 September "under the banner #ModiFail, to expose the realities behind Modi's alleged "accomplishments", the group said in a statement on its website.

"Narendra Modi is visiting Silicon Valley to talk about 'Digital India, but we are worried by his record. Digital Indians deserve strong privacy and free speech protection," Anirvan Chatterjee of AJA said.

Dozens of electronic hoardings with messages such as "Respect India #RejectModi Say no to human rights abuses" have been put up on San Jose streets. Another protest banner reads "Prime Minister Modi, Stop forced religious conversions of Christians and Muslims in India".

In its statement, the anti-Modi group said that it will be reaching out to elected officials and corporate leaders in the US to "inform them about Modi's failed and regressive policies that negatively impact human rights, religious freedoms, the environment, and overall: shrink the space for civil liberties under his rule".

"Silicon Valley leaders and the general American public need to recognise how dangerous Modi's record in office is," said Pieter Friedrich with the Sikh Information Center, also a part of the anti-Modi group.

"Instead of offering Modi and his supporters an opportunity to whitewash his past crimes and gloss over his present policies, we ask them to hold Modi and his government accountable for the severe threat to the freedoms and rights of all Indians," Friedrich added.

The group also pointed out that Modi, who was banned by the United States government from entering the country for his alleged role in the 2002 Gujarat riots currently enjoys "diplomatic immunity".

Since getting elected, India has witnessed an increase in violence against Christians, Muslims, Sikhs, Dalits and other marginalised communities, the US-based anti-Modi group claimed.

AJA emphasised in its statement that while Modi is being welcomed at SAP Center in San Jose as part of his global PR campaign, it will assemble in "safe permitted free speech areas" to tell people about the "other side of the story".

The group has also launched a expose the "false claims perpetuated" by the Modi government. ... ose-648237

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sat Oct 03, 2015 7:15 pm

Zuck, Wash Your Hands!

What will Facebook's CEO do with hundreds of bottles of Purell®?

Meet Mr. Modi, the Prime Minister of India. He was previously banned from the U.S. for complicity with genocide. He almost has us convinced that his hands are clean. But we all know how much blood is on his hands.

“[M]obs of Hindus rampage, rape, loot and kill in a spasm of violence that rages for more than two months. Mothers are skewered, children set afire and fathers hacked to pieces. About 1,000 people, mostly Muslims, are killed. Some 20,000 Muslim homes and businesses and 360 places of worship are destroyed, and roughly 150,000 people are displaced. There are widespread allegations that the B.J.P.…were complicit and in some cases instigated the mobs…The day after the train attack, for example, police officers in Ahmedabad do not arrest a single person among the tens of thousands of angry Hindus. A top state official tells one investigation panel that Mr. Modi ordered officials to take no action against rioters. That official was murdered. Thousands of cases against rioters are dismissed by the police for lack of evidence despite eyewitness accounts.”

—New York Times


Meet Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook. On Sep 27, 2015, Zuck is going to be shaking hands with Modi. Zuck, don’t get that blood all over your hands :-(

We decided to help Zuck by sending him Purell® hand sanitizer.

But there’s a lot of blood to clean.

So we decided to send a few more bottles.

But a few bottles won’t be enough when you count up all the rapes and deaths that Modi was complicit in.

So we decided to buy every bottle of hand sanitizer we could find.

Dear Zuck, we hope the Purell reaches you in time.

Last week, your concerned neighbors sent over 250 packages of Purell hand sanitizer in the mail, each containing the name of a victim of the Gujarat genocide.

Zuck, please wash your hands.

With love, from your friends at the Alliance for Justice and Accountability

P.S. Fill out this form, and we’ll send a Purell to Zuckerberg in your name.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun Oct 04, 2015 4:42 pm

Muslims should sacrifice their sons instead of animals on Eid: BJP leader

Bhopal: BJP's Indore MLA Usha Thakur has stirred up a hornet's nest when she advised Muslim community to either sacrifice their sons or give up the practice of sacrificing innocent animals on the occasion of Eid al-Adha. ... 02110.html

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun Oct 04, 2015 4:49 pm

Despite excitement at home, Modi's visit fails to make headlines in major US newspapers

The American media seems almost indifferent to the presence of the Indian prime minister on US soil.

While there is a lot of buzz and excitement in the Indian media's coverage of Modi's US visit, the American media seems almost indifferent to the presence of the Indian prime minister on American soil. Or so it would seem if one goes by the headlines and the front pages of major newspapers in the country on Friday as there was not even a passing reference to him despite his having already met 40 top executives from America, many Fortune 500 CEOs, media moguls and investors.

This is in stark contrast to the enthusiasm of the Indian media over his visit that has been propelling expectations back home from the potential benefits that will accrue to Indian commerce and industry after Modi is done wooing the American industry. More than 100 reporters along with their crews have landed in US to trail Modi as they provide live coverage to the visit which has so far failed to excite the US media.

Even though there were a few stories buried inside the papers here and there about the Modi visit, they remained conspicuous by their absence on the front page of any prominent newspaper.

While the Pope’s visit to the US captured the attention of almost all dailies, the stampede in Mecca also emerged as a front page story.

Even the last time Modi visited US, the country's press didn't go gaga over him but he did manage to make headlines in some papers for his "rock-star" performance at the Madison Square Garden in New York where he addressed the Indian-origin diaspora. However, this time around, the so-called Modi magic seems to be a lot more subdued. At least so far. ... newspapers

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by Al-Noor » Wed Oct 14, 2015 11:24 am

Responding to PM Modi's statement on the Dadri incident and Ghulam Ali's show being cancelled, Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut said the following:
"Jis Narendra Modi ji ki pehchaan vishwa mein Godhra ki wajah se hui thi, aur usi wajah se hum Modi ji ko aadar bhi karte hain. Usi Modi ji ne agar Ghulam Ali aur Kasuri ji ke incident ko unfortunate kaha hai to hum sabke liye ye baat unfortunate hai. Mujhe lagta hai ye byaan desh ke PM ka hai, humaare priye Narendra Modi ji ka nhi."
BJP's ally Shiv Sena stating in no uncertain terms that they respect their "priye" Narendra Modiji for the 2002 Gujarat Genocide. Everything else is posturing including 'Vikas'.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Wed Oct 14, 2015 4:36 pm

Modi’s/ BJP’s/RSS’s photoshop factory of lies and propaganda. Hindutvas = biggest LIARS on earth.

Everyone knows that Hindutvas are the BIGGEST BUNCH OF LIARS ON THIS PLANET. Everyday a new set of lies. Lies. Lies. Lies.

I’ve compiled innumerable doctored and false statements by Modi/BJP/VHP/RSS in my booklet here, but that doesn’t include many other mass scale lies, e.g. about Macaulay, that I’ve extensively commented upon earlier on this blog. These skunks can stoop lower than the lowest in human history. Skunks, one and all.

Someone sent me a zipped file of images that are examples of the colossal falsification that has been promoted by Modi in order to mislead the voter.

The only good thing is that one can’t fool all the people all the time. The people of India have learnt their lesson. I think BJP will never regain its 2014 electoral performance again. And, with some perseverance, truth (SBP) may indeed win.

This is a placeholder post. I’ll keep adding, time permitting.

There are just too many lies spread by this gang of rascals bereft of the most elementary ethics. This is only a small sample.

FULL ARTICLE :- ... -on-earth/

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Wed Oct 14, 2015 4:49 pm

BJP makes HUGE profits from selling beef. Its “gomata” lynchings are intended to force the price of cows to fall.

The title of this post is scandalous, but the truth must be said.

We know that it was the BJP who started the Dadri lynching.

And we know it was BJP MLA Sangeet Som who went about aggravating the situation.

And we know it was Modi who kept quiet for eight days in silent support. And when he spoke, he further aggravated the situation by attacking Lalu Yadav who said (quite truthfully) that Hindus eat beef.

Well, this report should be sufficient proof.

Al Dua’s statutory filings with the Ministry of Company Affairs show Som was a director from the time the company was founded in 2005 and remained on the board until 2008. Further, this is not the only meat exporting firm that Som has been involved with. There is also Al-Anam Agro Foods.

There is now CLEAR evidence – as clear as day – that Sangeet Som has been DIRECTLY involved in making a killing from meat, including beef. (Remember, although he was licenced to butcher buffalo beef, it is in cow meat that the greatest profits lie. There is no visually obvious method to distinguish between the two meats, so these abattoirs are almost certain to be selling cow meat as buffalo meat).

Clearly, it is ECONOMIC RAPACITY AND BARBARITY that is driving BJP’s and Modi’s public hype against beef.

In addition to huge bribes from looting India’s natural resources through Adani, Modi makes a killing from his partymen selling beef.

Each time they kill a few innocent people, a fear psychosis sets in and the poor farmer, desperate to sell his cows, has no way but to hand over his cows to BJP’s gang of cow smugglers at throw away prices.

These gangs operate under MUSLIM names, and make a HUGE killing from the arbitrage of cow meat. ... s-to-fall/

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun Oct 18, 2015 5:46 pm

When Dal was Rs.55/- per kilo during Congress rule, Actress Hema Malini (BJP MP) was out on streets.... Where is she hiding now when Dal prices have touched Rs.200/- per kilo in Modi Raj ???


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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by Al-Noor » Thu Oct 22, 2015 11:59 am

BJP Minister Giriraj Singh: Difference between Wife and Sisters is the difference between cows and goats.
BJP Minister VK Singh: Dalit killings not Govt's responsibility. Govt can't be responsible when stones are thrown at dogs.
BJP PM Narendra Modi: When Kutte Ka Bachcha comes under car's wheel, we feel pain - on 2002 riots.
Now that BJP has compared women, dalits and muslims to animals, one has to wonder as to what percentage of Indian population is Human according to them, i.e. besides the cows which of course are super-humans.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sat Oct 24, 2015 5:17 pm

Can Modi be forgiven for his crimes?

He may be the prime minister of India but Narendra Modi has committed crimes against humanity for which he must be held accountable. At the very least he cannot be forgiven.

Just because Narendra Modi heads the government of India, it would be utterly cruel to ask the Muslim community repeatedly to forgive and forget the Gujarat genocide staged by religious fanatics. How can anyone grant religious amnesty to the mass murderers who tore open the stomachs of pregnant women and flung their fetuses? How can we forgive and just walk over to a person who supported these religious fanatics just for a single reason that he happens to be the prime minister today? Who has the power to grant amnesty to such a person? Would the victims ever forgive him for such crimes?

With cosmetics rubbed on his face and costly sprays on his clothes to conceal the foul smell when meeting the media, he greets journalists with his plastic smile. Can such gimmicks help conceal the beast hidden inside him?

No one can erase the memory of the bloody Gujarat massacre that took the lives of more than 2,000 innocent Muslims. What Balkees Banu, the latest victim, reported to the media was of course a reality. She said that in her family four male members were brutally murdered. The females were stripped naked and raped. They caught her too. She was holding her three-year daughter Saloha. They plucked the child from her arms and slammed it on the ground.

She felt totally helpless in front the mob but her heart bled when she saw her kid’s fragile skull being shattered as it smashed against stones on the ground. “Four people held my hands and legs tightly. Then they started to rape me. After their lust was quenched, they shoved me away stomping on me. Presuming that I was dead after they hit me with a wooden stick they flung me into a near by bush and left.”

Bilkees went on: “They all scolded and cursed me using such filthy words that I cannot repeat. They murdered my mother, sisters and 12 relatives in front of my eyes. While they were attacking us they abused us using the foulest of sexual language. I could not even tell them that I was five months pregnant because they were pressing my neck and mouth with their feet throttling my voice and virtually choking me.”

The brutalized and repeatedly raped woman insists that her bitter encounter and horrific experience at the hands of the Hindu mob would never fade from her memory even if the rapists were identified and imprisoned. She expressed faith in the judiciary saying it proved the justice would eventually prevail. She narrated that she knew all the people that had participated in the massacre and rape of innocent people in 2002. These were people that Bilkees said she and her family supplied milk to (poor people in India earn a living by supplying milk to the people get from their cow or buffalo). She insisted these people behaved in a shameful and disgraceful manner and asked, how could she ever forgive them?

The victim Balkees Banu went to great lengths to identify the culprits. She was determined not to let go or rest despite her ordeal. It takes real courage for a rape victim—much more so for a gang-rape victim—to come out in the open. In Indian culture, rape victims are expected to endure their indignity in silence otherwise they would bring shame to the entire family. Bilkees decided not to remain silent, regardless of the costs or consequences.

It was through her determination and persistence that the culprits were identified and ultimately brought to trial. The rapists have been handed life sentences but Bilkees Banu simply forget her horrific ordeal. It haunts her every waking moment. She therefore says, she cannot forgive those beasts.

Modi who was chief minister of Gujrat at the time, think that just by his shaking hands with some unknown people wearing Muslim caps means that the Muslim community has forgiven all the bitter memories and is willing to move on by forgetting that horrific event. Yakoob Memon was implicated in the 1993 Mumbai serial bomb episode and hanged to appease the collective conscience of all Indians, while the same day, Maya Kotnanik who was charged with the murder of more than 90 innocent people in Gujarat was released on parole. For the Muslim community, this is blatant injustice meant to send a signal to them that in Modi-run India, they will not get justice.

Given the ignorance of a large majority of people in India, mired as they are in daily struggle for survival, and the media’s constant projection of Modi as a business-friendly and business-savvy politician, he was thrust into the prime minister’s post. This also had to do with the lack-lustre performance of the Congress Party in the 2014 election campaign. Modi cut his political teeth as an RSS youth. This is a Hindu fascist outfit that has made the targeting of minorities in general and Muslims in particular as its primary mission. The Hindutva campaign—an attempt to turn India into an exclusivist Hindu state in which Muslims will either have to covert to Hinduism, leave or be killed—has gained immense power since Modi’s rise to power.

The hands of India’s minority communities, however, are not shackled either. They are ready to face a thousand riots. The world’s most deadly terrorist movement is Hindutva, run by the RSS. How can anyone expect justice from a person—Modi—who emerged from its ranks and is a leading proponent of its fascist ideology?

His Ramadan and Eid greetings to Muslims fool nobody. Politicians habitually indulge in such gimmicks and hypocritical posturing while they relentlessly pursue their real agenda. Whether Modi is India’s prime minister or president, makes little difference to the Muslims. He remains a mass murderer. The Western world might embrace him for commercial gains; the West has never upheld any principles despite mouthing vacuous slogans of democracy, fairness, justice and human rights. Politics is a game of hypocrites but for the likes of Bilkees Banu and also Zakia Jafri, widow of Ehsan Jafri, the Congress Party Member of Parliament who was hacked to death by a Hindu mob, the Gujrat massacre remains a living memory never to be forgotten.

That explains why Zakia Jafri is determined to pursue her case against Modi in court. On August 4, 2015, the Supreme Court appointed Special Investigations Team (SIT) gave Modi a ‘clean bill of health’ by exonerating him of any crime in the Gujrat massacres of 2002. With the help of Citizens for Justice and Peace (CJP), Mrs Jafri lodged an appeal in the High Court for a “criminal revision application.” Legal and social activist, Teesta Setalvad is providing a helping hand to Mrs Jafri.

Much to their surprise, the court agreed to hear Zakia Jafri’s plea. This provides the prosecution another opportunity to press for a fresh inquiry and prosecute Modi and 58 others in connection with the horrific murders and rapes of February 2002. Should the court find the evidence submitted by Mrs Jafri as credible and starts a trial, it would cause huge embarrassment to Modi, his BJP thugs, especially BJP president Amit Shah, and several senior bureaucrats. If the High Court rejects Mrs Jafri plea, she could still appeal to the Supreme Court but it would take years to work its way through the constipated legal system.

The circumstances leading to the Gujarat massacres need recalling. On that day, a train carrying Hindu pilgrims caught fire at Godhra station killing 58 people. The Hindu fascists immediately accused Muslims of setting the train on fire and the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) issued a call for a strike the same day leading to attacks on Muslim colonies in Gulberg Society and Naroda Patiya in Gujarat. MP Jafri’s house was also surrounded by an armed Hindu mob howling obscenities at him and the Muslims in general. Jafri immediately called the police commissioner. He was not available. He then reached chief minister Modi who is reported to have replied, “Are you still alive?” and then hung up the phone.

The Hindu mob dragged Jafri from his house and using swords and knives, hacked him to pieces. His head was severed and then paraded on a pike through the streets before setting his body on fire. Modi made little or no effort to bring the mob under control. The police were deliberately held back from helping Muslims in distress.

Soon after the Gujarat pogroms, in an interview with Zee TV, Modi cited Newton’s third law when asked why he did not move to protect Muslims being attacked by Hindu mobs. He said: “For every action there is an equal reaction”. He was referring to the Gujarat pogrom as Hindu reaction to the Godhra train fire. He was blaming Muslims for the Godhra train fire. A subsequent judicial inquiry found that the fire had started when a kerosene cooker in one of the compartments tipped over as people were warming food and the oil spilled onto the carriage floor. The fire quickly spread engulfing much of the train. Muslims had absolutely nothing to do with the fire.

Zakia Jafri’s legal team has built its case by revisiting the SIT’s reports filed in 2010 and 2012. There are glaring contradictions in the two reports that were noted even by the Supreme Court but the final report in 2012 ended up exonerating Modi. For instance, on page 69 of the SIT report filed with the Supreme Court in 2010, it noted: “The chief minister had tried to water down the seriousness of the situation at Gulberg Society, Naroda Patiya and other places by saying that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.”

In the same report (2010), members of the SIT noted with concern some of the speeches or phrases used by Modi following the February 2002 pogroms. In particular, they made note of his September 9, 2002 speech in Becharaji, Mehsena on Gaurav Yatra in which he made scandalous allegations against Muslims. This is what the report says on page 13 about Modi’s statements: “Accusing some elements in Godhra [referring to Muslims] and the neighbourhood as possessing a criminal tendency was sweeping and offensive, coming as it did from a chief minister, that too at a critical time when Hindu-Muslim tempers were running high.”

Similar statements and disturbing remarks dot the 2010 report but two years later, the report has a very different flavor. It appears as if a deliberate attempt has been made to whitewash the crimes of Modi and company. Not surprisingly, it gave a clean bill of health to the man who presided over one of the most gruesome massacres in India history that was deliberately instigated at the official level. There are eerie similarities with what happened in October 1984 after her Sikh bodyguard assassinated Indira Gandhi. The assassination occurred in the aftermath of the assault Mrs Gandhi ordered on the Golden Temple, the most sacred site of Sikhism.

Mrs. Jafri’s legal team has used such contradictions in the two reports as well as gathered messages collected from the State Intelligence Bureau, phone call records, Police Control Room records and various testimonies given to the SIT. The 2010 reported noted the Gujarat government under Modi had either refused to provide to the investigation team or destroyed many crucial records.

Whether anything will come out of Mrs. Jafri’s plea to the High Court or not is a moot point at present. Time will tell which way the political wind blows but courts have in the past sprung surprises by adhering to the rule of law and refused to bend to the whims of politicians. Will this be the case in the Jafri case as well? ... icles.html

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by Al-Noor » Mon Oct 26, 2015 12:43 am

Su su thai che modi naa raaj maa, shame on those who vote for him....

MEERUT: An incident that took place less than 25 km from the city has shocked Talheta village near the border of Meerut and Ghaziabad districts. Unknown youths dug out the body of a woman from her grave late on Friday night and allegedly raped the corpse. The woman had been buried two days before the incident took place.

The 26-year-old, who was pregnant, died of complications after she suffered a miscarriage. The village, which falls under Ghaziabad district, is less than 70 km from the national capital. While police have said that rape has not been established, they said it was an attempt to stoke "communal violence" in the region since the woman belonged to the minority community.

In the morning, the woman's corpse was found lying 20 meters from her grave. The woman had no clothes on when she was found. Village residents immediately informed the woman's family and then informed the police.

Station officer at Bhojpur police station told TOI, "Locals have claimed that the miscreants sexually exploited the corpse. However, there is nothing as of now that can establish that fact. We are still investigating and looking into that angle. It is certain, however, that the woman was dug out of her grave. We have sent the body for postmortem and we cannot file a case of rape until it can be ascertained via the postmortem report. The CMO of Ghaziabad district has said that it is highly improbable that someone can rape a corpse after it has been in the grave for a full day."

When asked what other possible theory the cops have, the SO said, "Since the woman who was dug out belonged to the minority community, we think it is an attempt to stoke communal violence in the village. The miscreants had even robbed the woman of her clothes. We are keeping a close eye on the situation and are investigating the case. We registered a case under sections 295 A (deliberate and malicious acts, intended to outrage religious feelings) and 297 (trespassing on burial places) of the Indian Penal Code. The investigation will move forward once the postmortem report is back."

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Oct 26, 2015 4:47 pm

Al-Noor wrote:Su su thai che modi naa raaj maa, shame on those who vote for him....
When pregnant women can be ''gangraped'' and their stomachs slit open and fetus thrown in fire, when trishuls can be inserted in women's private parts and when Ehsan Jaffry's head could be severed and hands/legs cut off and then thrown in fire during ''Gujarat 2002 Mass Genocide'' engineered by Modi when he was only a ''Chief Minister'' so worse things can now happen as unfortunately he is now the ''Prime Minister'' !! Even after seeing such barbaric acts, the Bohra Dai felicitates this Yazid in a Masjid, drapes a shawl around him and gives him a cheque of more then Rs. One crore, the 53rd Dawedaar Dai (Muffy) goes further and gives over 200 crores to BJP. Shame on the Dai for supporting this present day Yazid and then shedding crocodile tears and making rova jevu muh in Mohurrum !!

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by Al-Noor » Thu Oct 29, 2015 3:13 pm

Our Prachar Mantris 5 Year Plan :

Available days 366 x 5 = 1830 Days

1) 30 states in India, 15-25 days spent campaigning in each state where elections happen once in 5 years, 30 x 20 = 600 Days
2) 1 Sunday in a week spent in inaugurating UPA Schemes earlier criticized, 1 x 52 x 5 = 260 Days
3) 5 days per month spent in visiting foreign countries, 5 x 12 x 5 = 300 Days
4) 1 Day in a week spent in inaugurating stuff in various states which will never be built, 1 x 52 x 5 = 260 Days
5) 3 months of Campaigning for the next Lok Sabha election, 3 x 30 = 90 Days
6) 1 day in a month spent on some Indian festival or the other, flying kites with Salman, bursting crackers with Jaitley, playing holi with Smriti, doing rakshabandhan with Anandi, 1 x 12 x 5 = 60 Days
7) 1 day of time equivalent in a week spent on an average in one sided Mann ki Baat, Tweeting Birthday greetings, New outfit trials with tailor, Reporting to Khakhi Chaddis, Changing outfits 3 times a day, Spa treatment for Facial, Hair Transplant, etc, 1 x 52 x 5 = 260 Days.

So total is 600+260+300+260+90+60+260 = 1830 Days.

Ab kya
[*]Ghanta raj hoga?[/color]

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by Al-Noor » Sun Nov 01, 2015 12:38 am

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ghulam muhammed
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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun Nov 01, 2015 6:30 pm

India's government criticized over growing religious tensions

A leading economic analysis group warned Friday that rising communal tensions in India were damaging Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s reform plans and could scare off investors.

A report by Moody’s Analytics said members of Modi’s governing Bharatiya Janata Party, or BJP, were fueling strife with provocative comments, an apparent reference to recent controversies over beef consumption and other domestic issues that have riled minorities, particularly Muslims.

“While Modi has largely distanced himself from the nationalist gibes, the belligerent provocation of various Indian minorities has raised ethnic tensions,” the group said. “Modi must keep his members in check or risk losing domestic and global credibility.”

The comments by Moody's Analytics, a research division of the corporation that operates a separate credit rating agency, add to a growing debate in India over Modi’s policies and allegedly pro-Hindu rhetoric. The Indian leader took office in May 2014 promising to focus on economic growth. However, his conservative party, which has ties to hard-line Hindu groups, has garnered more headlines for pursuing laws seen as catering to India’s Hindu majority and for questionable statements by its politicians.

Some BJP-led states have banned the consumption of beef on the grounds that it’s offensive to Hinduism, which regards the cow as sacred. In September, a Muslim in northern India was lynched by a Hindu mob on suspicion that he ate beef; eight of 11 men accused in the death reportedly are relatives of a local BJP worker.

A BJP lawmaker, Sakshi Maharaj, said afterward: “We are ready to kill and get killed for cows.”

Modi did not appear to help matters when he finally spoke on the issue three weeks later, calling the killing “sad and undesirable” but saying his political opponents were trying to exploit it.

In recent weeks, scores of leading scientists and artists have returned awards given to them by government bodies in protest of what they call a growing climate of religious and cultural intolerance.

In August, a 76-year-old secular writer and critic of Hindu fundamentalists, M.M. Kalburgi, was gunned down in his home in southern India. This week, students at the prestigious Film and Television Institute of India finally called off a strike they launched more than four months ago in protest of the government’s appointment of Hindu conservatives to lead the institution’s governing body.

Modi, a canny communicator who has cultivated a relationship with Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, has sought to project an image of a muscular, modernizing India, which plays well among his many middle-class supporters as well as audiences overseas.

But the Moody’s report, titled “India Outlook: Searching for Potential” and written by Sydney-based economist Faraz Syed, could rattle Modi’s government by drawing a connection between the sectarian strife and India’s lagging economic performance.

The report said India’s economic growth rate of 7.3% in September was “below potential” and the country’s exports could be hurt by a slowdown in global demand. It also noted that India’s stock market, which boomed on excitement over Modi’s victory, has fallen 11% because of the government’s “consistent failure to deliver key economic reforms.”

Modi faces another key test in early November with elections in Bihar, one of India’s largest and most impoverished states, where the BJP is locked in a tight battle with a coalition of rival parties.

Modi, who has campaigned vigorously in the state, drew criticism this week when he told a rally that the BJP’s opponents would take affirmative action slots from Hindu lower classes and give them to “another community.” Commentators said it was an unspoken reference to Muslims, who make up a large minority in Bihar and about 14% of India’s 1.2 billion population.

“Overall, it’s unclear whether India can deliver the promised reforms and hit its growth potential,” the Moody’s report said. “Undoubtedly, numerous political outcomes will dictate the extent of success.” ... story.html

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun Nov 08, 2015 6:17 pm






(Modi with his Mother)

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by zinger » Mon Nov 09, 2015 2:20 am

I propose that the topic of "Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too" is over a long, long time ago.

May i propose that this topic be renamed to whatever Admin/Moderators feel fit?

Just a suggestion. Because the current content has gone completely away from what it was begun with the intention of

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by SBM » Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:14 am

Agree.May be it should be locked.

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by zinger » Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:14 pm

in hindsight, you are right.

a lot of the posts here could be considered anti-national in sentiment and given the "wave of intolerance" in India at the moment, this could backlash.

Admin, may i suggest we delete the entire thread for some time? just in the interest of harmony

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by humanbeing » Wed Nov 11, 2015 6:56 am

keep the discussion and multimedia limited to interaction of BJP / Modi with bohras only .. other Modi Mockery is waste of space ..

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by Biradar » Wed Nov 11, 2015 1:36 pm

zinger wrote:in hindsight, you are right.

a lot of the posts here could be considered anti-national in sentiment and given the "wave of intolerance" in India at the moment, this could backlash.

Admin, may i suggest we delete the entire thread for some time? just in the interest of harmony
You are not serious. Even though I do not agree with everything posted on this thread, it has a right to exist, as it clearly points to the dangerous and nefarious forces of Hinduvata which threaten the secular and religious freedoms in India. Modi is the face of the tyranny which killed thousands of Muslims and destroyed thousands more businesses, broke up families and caused mass migration from Gujrat.

Just because you think "this could backlash" we should delete it? Thats exactly what Modi and his RSS thugs want, i.e. to have no one criticize them, no one have a forum to express their view. While we are at it, how about you recommend just getting rid of the whole board as it causes plenty of backlash among Abde Bohris? Your More-la Muffy will be so pleased. Grow up, please, and grow a spine.

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by alam » Wed Nov 11, 2015 6:55 pm

If anything should be done perhaps the title of this thread can be modified. It's not just Bohras who fall at Namus feet - but majority of india. He is still influential and has a right to be a subject of a conversation.

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Re: Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by zinger » Thu Nov 12, 2015 11:41 pm

Biradar wrote:
zinger wrote:in hindsight, you are right.

a lot of the posts here could be considered anti-national in sentiment and given the "wave of intolerance" in India at the moment, this could backlash.

Admin, may i suggest we delete the entire thread for some time? just in the interest of harmony
You are not serious. Even though I do not agree with everything posted on this thread, it has a right to exist, as it clearly points to the dangerous and nefarious forces of Hinduvata which threaten the secular and religious freedoms in India. Modi is the face of the tyranny which killed thousands of Muslims and destroyed thousands more businesses, broke up families and caused mass migration from Gujrat.

Just because you think "this could backlash" we should delete it? Thats exactly what Modi and his RSS thugs want, i.e. to have no one criticize them, no one have a forum to express their view. While we are at it, how about you recommend just getting rid of the whole board as it causes plenty of backlash among Abde Bohris? Your More-la Muffy will be so pleased. Grow up, please, and grow a spine.
fine. have it your way. and about growing a spine, i already have one, thank you very much.