Imam Husayn's last visit to Prophet's tomb

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Re: Imam Husayn's last visit to Prophet's tomb


Unread post by anajmi » Fri Dec 10, 2010 5:55 pm

I need to make this clarification because of all the whining on this thread.

I believe that the sacrifice of Imam Hussain is a great source of learning for all of us. Unfortunately, the shia have reduced it to nothing more than ram leela. Imam Hussain died while performing sajda of the asr namaz. But has this sacrifice of his taught people like Humsafar and porus to offer the asr salah regularly? Of course not. What has his sacrifice taught these disbelievers? Nothing more than legends of sacrificial blood and goddess venus. I took this drastic step to display the idiocy of shia legends and their originators. Nothing is preordained because it trivializes human achievements. Yazeed was evil because that is what he chose. If we follow shia legends, then Yazeed had no choice. Same is the case with Imam Hussain. If we follow shia legend then Imam Hussain didn't choose to sacrifice himself for the sake of Islam and Allah. He just had no choice.

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Re: Imam Husayn's last visit to Prophet's tomb


Unread post by jamanpasand » Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:01 pm

No one give a sh-t to your clarification. Make a big batti and put on your back hole.

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Re: Imam Husayn's last visit to Prophet's tomb


Unread post by seeker110 » Fri Dec 10, 2010 9:36 pm

Najmi,go back to the hole you you crawled ..........When will you realize this is the wrong site for you.

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Re: Imam Husayn's last visit to Prophet's tomb


Unread post by anajmi » Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:17 pm

The hole I crawled out of had people performing choreographed maatam. I can't go back in there. I will be out of sync.

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Re: Imam Husayn's last visit to Prophet's tomb


Unread post by aftabm » Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:37 am

jamanpasand wrote:No one give a sh-t to your clarification. Make a big batti and put on your back hole.
I m thoroughly disappointed, Brother JP, I expected better from you. Not this, certainly not this.

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Re: Imam Husayn's last visit to Prophet's tomb


Unread post by asif786 » Sat Dec 11, 2010 6:55 am

3 Crimes committed by Yazid Ibn muwaiwah la

The First Dreadful Crime: Killing Abu Abdillah Al-Husain (as).

Yazid son of Muawiya with that inhuman and wicked qualities in his first year of his rule martyred the “Leader of the Youth of the Paradise” Abu Abdullah al-Husain(A.S.) and his family and companions in that tragic state.

The Second Dreadful Crime: Killing and raping thousands of Residents of Madina and Desecrating Masjid Nabavi

In his second year of his rule he created the deplorable incident of “Harrah” which blackened the pages of history. The people of Madinah after the martyrdom of Imam Husain (A.S.) came to know the evils of Yazid and refused to obey him and threw out the agents of Yazid from Madinah.

Yazid on previous advice of his father Muawiya, sent a heartless and bloody old man Muslim ibn Aqbah with a strong army towards the holy tomb of Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.) at Madinah. The army of Yazid in that holy city committed such heinous crimes that the pen is ashamed to describe it.

The army of Yazid confronted the people of Madinah within a mile from Madinah, at a place called “Harrah” in the command of Abdullah ibn Hanzala. A fierce battle took place. The people of Madinah who could not defend themselves took refuge in the tomb sanctuary of Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). The Syrian Yazidi army entered Madinah. They broke the sanctity of that holy place and shed the blood of the people so much so that the holy mosque (Masjid Nabawi) was filled with blood which even reached Holy Prophet’s grave.

Their horses impured the Masjid by passing urine and dung. Among the persons who killed were seven hundred people who were famous for piety and nobility. Others who were massacred consisted of ten thousand innocent men, women and children.

The Syrian Yazidi commander left free the army to loot and rape. The shameless Syrian Yazidi army began the plunder and rape. Thousands of girls and women got pregnant those newborns later called “The Children of Harrah”. It is narrated that Yazidi army even committed rape in Masjid un-Nabawi.

A Sample Yazid’s Cruelty to the People of Madinah

Ibn Qutaibah in his book “Al-Imamah va Siyasah” described:

“One of the army man entered a woman’s house who had recently delivered a baby. Her new born baby was sucking milk in the lap of her mother. The man told that lady: Have you got money? She said: I swear God, the Syrian army did not left a single coin for me.

The army man said: Bring some thing for me else I will kill you and your infant.

The woman cried: Woe upon you, this is the child of Prophet’s companion (sahabi). I also gave oath of allegiance to Prophet (S.A.W.) at “Shajara Allegiance”, and pointing her infant told: My child, I swear God, if I have something, I will surely sacrifice upon you”.

Suddenly that accursed man snatched the infant’s leg who was sucking milk and pulled him away from mother’s lap and hit him to the wall. So that the infant’s brain got scattered before her mother’s eyes and spread all over the floor.
The narrator said: As the accursed army man was stepping out of that house his face blackened at once. This incident became an idiom among the people of Madinah.

The depth of the Harrah tragedy was so much that for along period when a man wanted to marry his daughter he was unable to give the guarantee of his daughters maidenhood.

Then the Yazidi army took allegiance from the people of Madinah, to be the slaves of Yazid. It was upon his will to leave them or made them slaves. The people of Madinah though their property plundered, blood shed and their women raped and molested, all of them gave allegaince “Bayyat” to Yazid except the fourth holy Imam of the Shi’ites Imam Zainul Abedin(A.S.).

The criminal Muslim Ibn Aqbah sent slaughtered heads of the people of Madinah to Yazid at Damascus (Syria). As the heads were presented before Yazid he said: “I wish my forefathers who were killed in the battle of Badr would be alive and see how I took revenge with the Prophet of Islam and Muslims”.

The Third Dreadful Crime: The Army of Yazid Set Ablaze and Destroyed Holy Kaaba

After suppressing and plundering people of Madinah, Muslim ibn Aqabah started towards Makkah to crush Abdullah ibn Zubair.

Finally Hasin ibn Namir took the leadership of the Syrian Yazidi army and attacked Makkah. When Abdullah ibn Zubair took refuge in Masjid al- Haram and Kaaba, they stoned Kaaba with catapult war machine and with cloth in kerosene oil and what ever inflammable in hand, they threw upon upon so that Holy Kaaba was burnt and demolished.

It is narrated that the Syrian army commander ordered to hit the Holy Kaaba daily with ten thousand stones. In the meantime as the Syrian army was attacking Holy Kaaba and destroying the holy place, Allah Almighty gave Yazid no chance and took away his life. He was still under the age of forty.

Yazid in the period of only three years caliphate committed heinous crimes. In his first year of rule he martyred Sayyid ush- Shuhada Imam Husain (A.S.) and captivated his whole family. In his second year of rule allowed his army to kill, loot and transgress the chastity of women in the holy city of Madinah. In the third year of his rule he set ablaze the Holy Kaaba and demolished the holy place.

The reason for the the death of Yazid some said: He was drunk so much, that while dancing fell down upon his head and died.

Others said: He was killed buy a bedouin Arab in the desert. When Yazid got alone in chase of hunt, he introduced himself to Arab who got furiated and said: ‘You are the murderer of Husain ibn Ali’, thus the Arab killed Yazid on the spot. His body was buried in ‘Bab Saghir” in Damascus. Now that place has been changed into rubbish heap.

Masudi in “Muruj az-Zahab” said: Yazid used to booze openly in public on the footsteps of Pharoah (Firaun). Rather Firaun was better than Yazid. Following Yazid, his agents too started debauchery overtly before people. In the period of Yazid’s caliphate singing and dancing were performed openly among people. Musical instruments were in use and alcohol was consumed freely in public

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Re: Imam Husayn's last visit to Prophet's tomb


Unread post by incredible » Sat Dec 11, 2010 7:07 am

i am sure anajmi will shoot himself after reading this crimes commited by his companion yazid(la), only if any dignity left him in.

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Re: Imam Husayn's last visit to Prophet's tomb


Unread post by incredible » Sat Dec 11, 2010 7:38 am

i am sure anajmi will shoot himself after reading this crimes commited by his companion yazid(la), only if any dignity left in him.

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Re: Imam Husayn's last visit to Prophet's tomb


Unread post by profastian » Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:01 pm

anajmi wrote:I am asking simple question. Imam Hussain is supposed to have known everything that was going to happen. He had the knowledge of Ghaib. Allah had planned his sacrifice since the time of Ibrahim (as). How can you blame Yazeed (may Allah be pleased with him)? Yazeed (as) was only doing what he was supposed to do. If Yazeed (may Allah be pleased with him) hadn't acted, how would Allah have gotten his sacrifice? In fact according to some legend, Yazeed (may Allah be pleased with him) was chosen by Allah to fulfill His prophecy of Imam Hussain's shahadat.
Your question is absolutely valid. And the answer is simple. Hussain gave them the choice. He went to them and asked them to leave him. And at every point on Ashura Hussain repeated this. That is why Yazeed is to blame.

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Re: Imam Husayn's last visit to Prophet's tomb


Unread post by porus » Sat Dec 11, 2010 1:25 pm

None of my posts in this thread blamed Yazid for his role in the tragedy that unfolded in Karbala. None of the millions of words written about the episode lay any emphasis on ‘blame’.

anajmi introduced the idea of ‘blame’ to exonerate his hero Yazid by shocking the Shia into disowning teleological underpinning of Karbala which the Shia hold sacred. It is their sacred history. This is not the first time he has expressed his admiration for Yazid on this forum. He does that out of spite to spout venom against those who revere Ahl-e-bayt.

Within moral relativism, blame serves a purpose when a person who transgresses against a moral or ethical norm. That person is given a chance to redeem himself and have an opportunity to rehabilitate in society. Zakir Naik, anajmi’s other hero, almost blamed Husain for rebellion against the legitimate, although dubious, authority of a Muslim Khalifa. In order that this charge could not be justified against Husain, Husain presciently, sought enemy’s permission to be allowed to return to Madina. This was denied to him.

Since Allah is aware of all of past, present and future, human history, in one sense, is foreordained. However, humans do not have this knowledge and have a choice to exercise free will. Extraordinary human beings like Ahl-e-bayt may have prevision or foresight about how the future would turn out. But they do not control it. However, they would not give up acting according to Allah’s wishes because they have this prevision. (Mystics call this behavior “choosing what befalls us by saying al-hamdulillah”)

Similarly, Yazid had no knowledge of the future but he chose to act against Allah’s wishes. He probably thought along anajmi’s lines: “I am damned if I do and I am damned if I don’t. Surely Allah will not blame me for anything because I will tell Him He made me do it.”

Since Yazid has no chance of rehabilitation except in the deluded fantasies of Nasibis like anajmi and Zakir Naik, the whole idea of blaming Yazid would be pretty pointless.

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Re: Imam Husayn's last visit to Prophet's tomb


Unread post by porus » Sat Dec 11, 2010 1:36 pm


Thank you for your excellent input.

I like your analogy about using one sledge hammer to beat all other viewpoints. Except for one or two persons on this board, we all know that there are hundreds of viewpoints to choose from in the world and none is 'Truth'.

I have a desire to discuss nuances of the beliefs of Bohras which are rooted in taawil, a desire which I have expressed many times on this board. Unfortunately, no sooner do I put up a subject, and then anajmi disrupts the discussion by charging like a Wahhabi bull in china shop and derails every thread which has that intention. Ismaili taawil is a closed subject and has its own rules of discourse which must be adhered to progress the discussion. We are all aware that there are other Muslim metaphysical views but Bohras operate according to their own beliefs. All beliefs are true within their defined boundaries.

My contributions to this forum are based on 4 different viewpoints: science, philosophy, metaphysics and mythology.

Every culture has mythology and religions are based on them. Mythology deals with primordial symbols which are the same the world over. These have been identified, among others, by Joseph Campbell, Jung and Cabbalists in the Tarot. These drive human behavior at visceral level. Every culture uses these symbols in their variant of mythology that shapes that culture, primarily through adventurous stories involving heroes and demons.

Metaphysics drapes mythology and religion with a superstructure of consistent beliefs. These are speculations arrived at by deep analysis of mythology and religion using rigorous methods of philosophy.

Philosophy, both ancient and modern, provides a substructure of logic and language which offers methods for accepting or refuting not only metaphysics but also modern science. Modern philosophy is concerned with the use by which language of a culture can get it into logical binds and offering a way out of them.

Science is a par excellence method to split open the secrets of the universe through measurement and gives Philosophy much of its muscle. Philosophy stands guard against misuse of reason both in metaphysics and science.

You are perhaps aware of all this but I wanted to let others know that none of my contributions portray absolute truth. The latter is forever elusive, like a grin on Cheshire cat.

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Re: Imam Husayn's last visit to Prophet's tomb


Unread post by scared » Sat Dec 11, 2010 4:34 pm

Similarly, Yazid had no knowledge of the future but he chose to act against Allah’s wishes. He probably thought along anajmi’s lines: “I am damned if I do and I am damned if I don’t. Surely Allah will not blame me for anything because I will tell Him He made me do it.”
Actually, he did this because he read the shia interpretation of 37:107. He saw an opportunity to fulfill a great prophecy of Allah. He probably thought along anajmi's lines "I have been chosen to do this by Allah. My salvation and glory depends upon me fulfilling Allah's wishes. I accept shia curses for the sake of the pleasure of Allah".

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Re: Imam Husayn's last visit to Prophet's tomb


Unread post by anajmi » Sat Dec 11, 2010 4:36 pm

Actually the last post was by anajmi.

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Re: Imam Husayn's last visit to Prophet's tomb


Unread post by anajmi » Sat Dec 11, 2010 5:44 pm

None of my posts in this thread blamed Yazid for his role in the tragedy that unfolded in Karbala. None of the millions of words written about the episode lay any emphasis on ‘blame’.
anajmi introduced the idea of ‘blame’ to exonerate his hero Yazid by shocking the Shia into disowning teleological underpinning of Karbala which the Shia hold sacred.
The shias do not blame Yazid. They just curse him. What the heck does that even mean? Is it more taawil? Why do they curse him? They shias are just a bunch of morons who curse people even though they do not blame them? Yazid is not blamed for Karbala, he is just cursed for it? Has anyone noticed that shia taawil changes and introduces new interpretations everytime someone like anajmi lays waste to the last one?
Within moral relativism, blame serves a.....Zakir Naik, anajmi’s other hero, almost blamed Husain for rebellion against the legitimate, .....sought enemy’s permission to be allowed to return to Madina. This was denied to him.
Yazid had a part to play in the tragedy that unfolded in Karbala. If Yazid had been a good and righteous khalifa, what do you think would've happened in karbala? Nothing!! There would be no sacrifice and Islam would not have survived. What do you think would've happened if Yazid had been a good khalifa and not a drunkard and a womanizer? Imam Hussain wouldn't have needed to oppose him. What do you think would've happened in karbala if Imam Hussain had been allowed to return to Madina? Nothing!! No sacrifice for Allah. Islam would've been doomed.

Consider the actions of khidr (as) as detailed in Surah Kahf (18). He drills a hole in the boat of a guy who was helping them out. Then he murders a young man for no apparent reason. Then he builds a wall for people who deny them hospitality. With each one of his acts, Musa (as) looses his patience with him. Musa (as) was the prophet of Allah. Why didn't he see what was going on? Is Imam Hussain greater than Musa (as)? Do you think if the parents of the boy who was murdered by Khidr (as) had chosen to curse him, they would be justified?
Similarly, Yazid had no knowledge of the future
I have answered this in my previous post.

So what that means is that Yazid was simply acting in a manner most needed to fulfill Allah's prophecy. He cannot be blamed for it. Fortunately, the shia do not blame him. They just curse him. The reason they do not blame him is because they inadvertently they realize that Islam needs Yazid just as much as it needs Imam Hussain. Islam is doomed without either one of them.

This is my disclaimer. None of what I have posted is actually my belief. It is my conclusion based upon what shias believe.

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Re: Imam Husayn's last visit to Prophet's tomb


Unread post by anajmi » Sat Dec 11, 2010 5:55 pm

Ismaili taawil is a closed subject and has its own rules of discourse which must be adhered to progress the discussion.
Do you know what those rules are? No one should question or post anything to counter it. If you do, this Ismaili taawil blows up like a house of cards.

I will not disrupt your discussion on Ismaili taawil if you include a waiver with each such post that this taawil is not based upon the Quran or the Sunnah of the prophet but only based upon delusions of some mystics who dreamt it up and your opinions of the same.

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Re: Imam Husayn's last visit to Prophet's tomb


Unread post by jamanpasand » Sat Dec 11, 2010 7:22 pm

14 sadiyaaN beet gayeeN SHABBEER ka charcha baaqi hai !! ... re=related

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Re: Imam Husayn's last visit to Prophet's tomb


Unread post by anajmi » Sat Dec 11, 2010 7:49 pm

but Bohras operate according to their own beliefs
Sometime back we were discussing about the way bohras implement iddat and how it is against the injunctions mentioned in the Quran. Why were we comparing bohra iddat to the iddat mentioned in the Quran? Similarly, many times we discuss the practice of bohras performing sajda to the Dai and show how it is against the Quran and the Sunnah of the prophet. Why do we do that if bohras operate according to their own beliefs?

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Re: Imam Husayn's last visit to Prophet's tomb


Unread post by jamanpasand » Sat Dec 11, 2010 8:06 pm

Do not surprise if this moron gives a disclaimer that he is not a muslim while standing in front of Gurdwara for a free meal.