The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by Qutbi-Hero » Thu Jan 30, 2014 7:37 pm

SBM wrote:
I personally have no benefit in guiding ppl here in the right path nor I wud gain anything personally
What makes you think that you are on the right path :roll:
What path are you on exactly SBM? Are you Shia or Sunni?

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by SBM » Fri Jan 31, 2014 12:09 am

I am on the right path and to be on right path you just have to be Muslim. Only misguided Muslims divide themselves in Shia or Sunni :cry:

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by Ozdundee » Fri Jan 31, 2014 1:40 am

This fight is a God send .

How else would we have proven that no imam u zaman exists, or the Nass is a family affair, adna mumin is worthless, the future leaders will always be family affair, the core motive is money .

What more proof do abdes need , but if this is not convincing enough , nothing else will.

The recent events has exposed in public how unnatural we think a Diai is, we are not remotely Islamic if one looks at the grand burial place and use of a dead Diai to parade and propaganda .

Has anyone wondered and be disturbed why he was buried 20 hrs after death, paraded instead of airlifted, people grieving, stampede etc.

Next came the KQ justification, notes written 50 years ago, exposing the family divide which we all suspected and discussed many times here so not surprise . What is his advantage is, he could drop his charade and be a real reformer, be different to SMB , time will tell if he is lucky . Should we reformers hedge bets on him...don't know but we have no other option other than status quo. So let's not rule that out yet.

The MS goes on character assignation plot, comparing himself and his troubles to Prophets. Lanat majlises, in one I observed they even had a marsiya discussing Iblis and his sajda. This circus will go on for who knows how long. As already mentioned the combination of QJ and MS spells catastrophic disaster in the future. An may be the abdes will really hurt and rise.

Both banking on recent traditions than Islamic fundamentals. Now this to me looks like we are so different from Islam that we are more like a Hindu / landlord cult packaged in superficial Islamic identity.

Then came the headless abdes where majority just drifted where the wind was strong. When does it sink in we may have reached a point of no return, non reformable or we wait for SM to squeeze them harder ?

I have 20 years of active life before I I invest my family time in a different Islamic destiny or try salvaging the crazy ship we are on. That is what I will be thinking through in the next few months as the drama and circus hoes through town. Being selfish looks attractive.

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by hasman001 » Fri Jan 31, 2014 2:28 am

I completely agree with brother Ozdundee's analysis. Anyone having even a pea-sized brain should be able to see what is going on with the nass drama. I too have been thinking how to convince my family to separate ourselves from this cancer and revert to true islam. I am mostly worried for my 2 year old son who is being moulded by my wife to become an abde...while I watch helplessly.
If I try to do anything about it...I risk being ostracized by every1 including my loved ones. May Allah give us strength to revert to the right path. That is my only prayer these days after namaz

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by yuzarsif » Fri Jan 31, 2014 2:52 am

hasman001 wrote:I completely agree with brother Ozdundee's analysis. Anyone having even a pea-sized brain should be able to see what is going on with the nass drama. I too have been thinking how to convince my family to separate ourselves from this cancer and revert to true islam. I am mostly worried for my 2 year old son who is being moulded by my wife to become an abde...while I watch helplessly.
If I try to do anything about it...I risk being ostracized by every1 including my loved ones. May Allah give us strength to revert to the right path. That is my only prayer these days after namaz
Bro. Hasman001,
mine was also the same situation, I started sharing with them the message of Quran, about Islam and about Allah subhanahu, life of Nabi (saw), Ali (as) and Imam(as)... and by the grace of Allah their eyes are opened now...and I pray Allah to open the eyes of your family also..don't watch helpless, make constant effort to it. don't criticize present system. otherwise they will not listen to you. there are plenty of options available in today's it out about Islam and Quran and make them understand about it.
share with you one Ayah of Quran
" O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones, over which are [appointed] angels, harsh and severe; they do not disobey Allah in what He commands them but do what they are commanded. [QUR’AAN 66:6] .

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by AMAFHH » Fri Jan 31, 2014 4:07 am

hasman001 wrote:I completely agree with brother Ozdundee's analysis. Anyone having even a pea-sized brain should be able to see what is going on with the nass drama. I too have been thinking how to convince my family to separate ourselves from this cancer and revert to true islam. I am mostly worried for my 2 year old son who is being moulded by my wife to become an abde...while I watch helplessly.
If I try to do anything about it...I risk being ostracized by every1 including my loved ones. May Allah give us strength to revert to the right path. That is my only prayer these days after namaz
Sallam o alaikum Brother
I also have the same situtaion but Alhumdolillah at present my Wife has understood that this royal family cannot give us the teaching of islam
but i fear from my relatives who donot want to think about this
inshallah ALLAH(swt) will help everyone of us and our family from the enemies of islam

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by hasman001 » Fri Jan 31, 2014 4:30 am

In my case my wife's eyes are so closed that she doesnt even want to think when i try to encourage her to atleast try...but its not her fault....we can see that the talibans are ready to kill others because they have been brainwashed from childhood...same is the case with us bohras

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by mohamedshah » Fri Jan 31, 2014 6:29 am

Lets us all re-think our faith and the basis on which it is founded. As Muslims first, then as Shia's then as Ismaili's -

Does Allah not that the capacity to protect by Divine Will the rightful line of Imam's? He does is my Belief like when he protected the Kaaba (Surah Fil in the Quran)

Why has the Nizari Ismaili Immamate line succeeded to this date, represented by the Hazir Imam Shah Karim Al Husseini ? All other Imamate line have extinguished, in a couple of generations, the succeeding "representatives" have had so many splits. Should we not lift the Purdah on our minds and capacity to think, rather than wait for an Imam to come out of Purdah?

These are my thoughts coming from deep reflection in the events after the death of Syedna Burhanudin (RA).

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by hasman001 » Fri Jan 31, 2014 9:54 am

Brother zinger

I am trying to respond to your pm but the message just sits in outbox and doesnt get delivered

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by Qutbi-Hero » Fri Jan 31, 2014 7:04 pm

SBM wrote:^
I am on the right path and to be on right path you just have to be Muslim. Only misguided Muslims divide themselves in Shia or Sunni :cry:
I see, so you love Imam Hussain and love Yazid at the same time!
You follow the Panjatan but follow 123 at the same time!
I bet you believe in Monotheism and Polytheism at the same time too lol!

Anyway, you've said that you don't belong to any Jammat (so live a cold, empty, isolated life) which means you're not really part of the Muslim Ummah... therefore you're not really on any path at all - aren't you a lucky boy lol!

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by anajmi » Fri Jan 31, 2014 11:52 pm

I see, so you love Imam Hussain and love Yazid at the same time!
They both fought, one won and one lost. Instead of crying over it, try getting over it. You beat your chest for years and still ended up with Mad Muffy and DOA Qutbi. What a set of lovers of Hussain. lol!!
You follow the Panjatan but follow 123 at the same time!
Actually a majority of the Panjatan themselves followed 123 and 123 followed the top amongst the panjatan. Better than following Mad Muffy and DOA Qutbi eh playa?? Where did you end up after following Burhanuddin? Dhobi ka kutta na ghar ka na ghaat ka. LOL!!!
I bet you believe in Monotheism and Polytheism at the same time too lol!
I bet he doesn't. lol!!!!
Anyway, you've said that you don't belong to any Jammat
Actually, a muslim doesn't need to belong to any jamaat. Anyone who belongs to a jamaat, either Mad Muffy jamaat or DOA Qutbi jamaat, is a polymonoidiotist.

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by anajmi » Sat Feb 01, 2014 12:24 am

Anyone who follows the Quran and the Sunnah of the prophet (saw) is free from being a puppet of one or the other jamaat's corrupt leadership. And they are all corrupt. Burhanuddin was corrupt and the two claimants to his throne are also corrupt. The fact that they are both calling each other liars automatically proves that they are both liars and this fact has already proven that Imamat is a fairy tale.

My advise to those with some sense, and I am not counting qulfi loldiots, is to quit being part of these jamaats that will only drag you to hell. Ofcourse, some qulfis do deserve it. lol!!!

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by AMAFHH » Sat Feb 01, 2014 2:53 am

Islam has come for the liberation of mankind both from the chains and cuffs of arrogant and #oppressive systems’ pressure on different classes of people and thus establish a just government for the mankind and to liberate [mankind] from wrong thoughts, ideas and illusions ruling man’s life(Ayatollah Khamenei)

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by anajmi » Sat Feb 01, 2014 12:08 pm

Does Allah not that the capacity to protect by Divine Will the rightful line of Imam's? He does is my Belief like when he protected the Kaaba (Surah Fil in the Quran)
Why would Allah want to protect a fictional like rightful Imam's? It wasn't Allah that created the concept of Imamat. It was humans!!

There have been a lot of discussions on this board about the Nizari Imam being the true Imam. The reason this is false is that he has given up on pretty much every commandment in the Quran except khums to himself from his community members. There is no salaah, no hajj and no sunnah.

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by juzerali » Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:07 pm

anajmi wrote:Actually, a muslim doesn't need to belong to any jamaat. Anyone who belongs to a jamaat, either Mad Muffy jamaat or DOA Qutbi jamaat, is a polymonoidiotist.
Bro anajmi, did you coined that word yourself?

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by anajmi » Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:29 pm

No. It is a scientific word used to describe a really really stupid person who is really really stupid. This word first appeared in the great dictionary for stupid people in London's medical stupidity lane where people who can't of anything to say, go to say anything they can think of. :wink:

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by JC » Sat Feb 01, 2014 2:18 pm

My concept and eman is simple (God has made it easy for us) ....... If I 'bow' to one mortal, I will have to bow to many more ........... If I bow to ONE Allah only, I will bow to ONE Allah only. Logic also demands I bow to ONE Allah only.

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by alam » Sat Feb 01, 2014 2:23 pm

The True soldiers who,are fighting this position is not the King himself.

It's Qaid johar QJ as the General and he takes orders from the King's cabinet: Malik aster, Badrul Jamali, qasim Hakimuddin, alias gher kailimuddin. And they in turn are inspired by none other than Begum johara.

The king is yet to utter laanuts, which is to be expected on the 4th. The King will finally bow to his Queen.

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by Mkenya » Sat Feb 01, 2014 11:11 pm

anajmi: I like your word - "polymonoidiotist". I like it!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is cruel the way the David and Goliath duel is playing out!
History will not be kind. It will write this unfortunate tug as a
tragedy within a tragedy.

Abh to Chelum bhi nahi gaya aur maas khane ki talab me
'gidhre" (vultures) toot parhe hein!

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Re: The Big Fight for the 53rd Position of Da’ai-ul-Zamaan


Unread post by Qutbi-Hero » Mon Feb 03, 2014 8:40 pm

anajmi wrote:They both fought, one won and one lost. Instead of crying over it, try getting over it. You beat your chest for years and still ended up with Mad Muffy and DOA Qutbi. What a set of lovers of Hussain. lol!!
We believe in RasulAllah and his Family... You believe in their Killers.
You beat your keyboard over this fact on the forum for years... and still ended up with no converts, or even know your Madhhab lol!
Actually a majority of the Panjatan themselves followed 123 and 123 followed the top amongst the panjatan.
You really should stop following Zakir Naik lol!
Better than following Mad Muffy and DOA Qutbi eh playa?? Where did you end up after following Burhanuddin? Dhobi ka kutta na ghar ka na ghaat ka. LOL!!!
You ended up not even knowing how to pray Namaaz lol!
I bet he doesn't. lol!!!!
I bet he's lonely without a Jamaat, so very lonely... just like you lol!
Actually, a muslim doesn't need to belong to any jamaat.
According to your Scholars - a Sunni must follow a Maddhab... so which one is yours lol?

Page 19 of "The Sunni Path" = ... h_djvu.txt
1) Every Muslim has to follow one of the four Madhhabs when he performs an 'ibada or an act. It is not permissible to follow any alim who is not in one of the four Sunni Madhhabs.
Anyone who belongs to a jamaat, either Mad Muffy jamaat or DOA Qutbi jamaat, is a polymonoidiotist.
Anyone who belongs to a Jamaat is part of a community - anyone who doesn't, is isolated and ignorant and very very lonely!
To the extent that they spend 13 years making thousands of posts on an internet forum... because they have absolutely nothing else in their empty and pointless existence lol!

PS: So SBM is the spokesman for Admin... and you are the spokesman for SBM - perhaps you should all swap User Names lol!