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Re: Shaikh Ahmed Ali Raj passes away.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:06 am
by SBM
I do not understand your comments. If I had not read that news I would not know anything about Shaikh.
Unfortunately, on Malumaat Group, there is one IDIOT Taheri" Abdul Kadar Saya" who has written a very spiteful letter. I thought people are not supposed to talk bad about deceased but this Taheri Moron who said Shaikh did teach various Shezadas still cursed him.
I think it was good that this news was posted here and we got the other side of the picture.

Re: Shaikh Ahmed Ali Raj passes away.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 3:10 pm
by accountability
I have heard about sh Raj saheb. He was ousted from jamia. Though Sheikh saheb remained through out the period syedna tahir saifuddin, he may be a witness to what happened to mother of Syedna Burhanuddin, but he did not raise his vioce and remained in the fold. He may have done something to earn the wrath, but the question is, was it personal or for the greater cause of justice and fairness. My intention is not at all to criticize him, but as a public figure, he may be judged by history.

May his soul rest in peace.

Re: Shaikh Ahmed Ali Raj passes away.

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:25 am
by Hussain_KSA
Brother Oma.

Please put the link of "Abdul Qadir Saya" letter here so other would know about the mentality of orthodox about the teacher of there own Bhagwan.

Re: Shaikh Ahmed Ali Raj passes away.

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:28 pm
by SBM
Please remove the last link ASAP
It is not worth reading

Re: Shaikh Ahmed Ali Raj passes away.

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 5:24 am
by Mamluk-E-Syedna
Oma Baby! You're the stupidest of all so called reformists on this board. First you post the link to Ahmak's story yourself, and then you've an audacity to request Admin to remove it!! Let the whole world know that Ahmak indeed was that, and not the pious Sheikh that you guys want everyone to believe.

Re: Shaikh Ahmed Ali Raj passes away.

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 7:10 am
by Hussain_KSA
Originally posted by Mamluk-E-Syedna:
Oma Baby! You're the stupidest of all so called reformists on this board. First you post the link to Ahmak's story yourself, and then you've an audacity to request Admin to remove it!! Let the whole world know that Ahmak indeed was that, and not the pious Sheikh that you guys want everyone to believe.
If he was Ahmak than what you will call to his student who is unfortunately your aqua (master) as you have named yourself Mamlooke Syedna.

Re: Shaikh Ahmed Ali Raj passes away.

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 7:39 am
by profrog
First ehmak was not a teacher of our moula at any one time what so ever but even if what say is true then,By your crazy reasoning if a teacher is stupid his students will also be stupid and ajger would have become an amilsaheb like his father who teached him and would not have become a snake which bit the hand that fed him

Re: Shaikh Ahmed Ali Raj passes away.

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 7:44 am
by profrog
Ehmak was a stupid teacher and thats why he was thrown out of jamea and the his stupidity was such that even the renowned(ha ha ha) islamic scholar the python(ajger) did not want anything to do with him

Re: Shaikh Ahmed Ali Raj passes away.

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 10:46 am
by profrog
For those who its bad to speak ill of the dead let me remind you that even after 1400yrs yazid and shimr na uper lanaat che,the same laanat which is going to be on ajger and insaap after their halaaki

Re: Shaikh Ahmed Ali Raj passes away.

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 2:49 pm
by Aarif

My $0.02 on this:

Comparing this dead man with Yazid and Shimer is unfair. Yazid killed imam Husain and his family and his followers in Karbala. This man has not done any such thing. If someone has a difference of opinion with you and decides to go his way it does not mean that you should compare him with Yazid. I guess this man would have some valid reason to leave Jamia and become a reformist. Unless you know the truth you should not send laanat on a dead man.

Re: Shaikh Ahmed Ali Raj passes away.

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:23 am
by Al Zulfiqar
it is events like the passing away of the ustad shaikh that brings out the best in the taheri worms and bugs which crawl out of the woodwork to utter laanats and rain fitkaar on anyone who opposes their brand of brainless slavery and exploitation.

this is of course very welcome for the reformists as it exposes the true nature of these abde's and the brainwashing they have undergone at the hands of their masters, not to mention the training in how to spread hatred and abuse on all and sundry.

by adopting this approach, the stupid abde syedna's remain true to form and play into the hands of the reformists, by vindicating the reformist's claim that the taheris are nothing but idiots and retards with an IQ of 32!

retards like mamluke syedna and frog, pig etc generally hibernate under the slime and faeces of saifee mahal and surface only when they have an opportunity to come and utter some choice gaalis, beacsue that is all that they have learnt in their sabaks. engaging in an intelligent, balanced and mature debate is way beyond their pea-sized brains.

Re: Shaikh Ahmed Ali Raj passes away.

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 3:48 am
by profrog
Any intelligent person after reading the crAZy az posts will be able to judge better about who is filled with more hatred and jealousy and stupidity

Re: Shaikh Ahmed Ali Raj passes away.

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 3:53 am
by profrog
If the present day reformists had been born 1400 yrs ago they would surely have been part of yazids and shimrs army,so there is nothing wrong in comparing them with yazid or shimr ,ajger and insaap are of the same ilk and soil as yazid shimr and wil meet the same fate

Re: Shaikh Ahmed Ali Raj passes away.

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 7:42 am
by Alislam
Yezid lived in palace and had a lavish life..Now, go and figure out who is imitating yezid and terrorizing gullibles.

Re: Shaikh Ahmed Ali Raj passes away.

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 11:09 am
by SBM
Profroggy was absent for a while it seems just like Moula who got rejuvenation treatment in Germany. Froggy got some new SABAK in cursing the dead person
who was the teacher of his Master Shezadas.
These Shezadas should now be called as RETARD,MORON,

Re: Shaikh Ahmed Ali Raj passes away.

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 11:27 am
by profrog
If a christian or a hindu teacher teaches you in school you do not become a hindu or a christian by default similarly ahmak teached very many bohras of all places before he was caught but that does not mean that they become ehmak,this type justification can only be brought by omadonkeys and his or her kind,the true ehmaks or lineage of yazid and shimr

Re: Shaikh Ahmed Ali Raj passes away.

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:44 pm
by SBM
Again talked like a MORON
A Hindu or Christian does not teach in JAMIYA and they do not teach Deeni Taleem.
So now I understand that is why they brought Narendra Modi in the masjid at the Salgirah so he can teach KOTHARIS how to be a better murders than what they are???

Re: Shaikh Ahmed Ali Raj passes away.

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 2:28 pm
by SBM
Sorry the last one was for Froggy and Not RAAZ
my sincere apologies.

Re: Shaikh Ahmed Ali Raj passes away.

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 4:27 pm
by profrog
Hey donkey you have to separate between the teacher and his knowledge ,ehmak was a stupid reformist more so because of his knowledge which at the end did him no good,and what has modi got to with the topic of ehmak only a donkey would try to join the two topics

Re: Shaikh Ahmed Ali Raj passes away.

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 4:56 pm
by Al Zulfiqar

it seems that u have not bothered to read bohra history. your closed and retarded mind knows only what it has been fed in the brainwashing sessions u call a 'sabak'.

sheikh ali raj protested the rape and molestation of innocent udaipuri women in the presence of the dai, who looked on silently and in tacit agreement. the same dai who enjoys hunting and cruelly killing innocent animals which are part of endangered species, by bribing corrupt govt officials in africa. the same dai who only visits the houses of rich taheris and ignores poor ones, who forcibly extracts money from widows and orphans, whose father was an immoral man who murdered his wife and brother, who was proven a confirmed liar in court, who sought worldly titles like sarkar-e-ali, etc etc. who illegally swallowed all bohra properties worldwide under force of baraat to anyone who resisted. these are your spiritual mentors and masters, your dai's.. and you have the temerity and impudence of a lowly, rabid dog to come and bark at the death of a great ustad who taught this same dai of yours???

atleast that ustad had the guts to speak out against injustice and tyranny, your present dai is a coward who has kept quiet at the murder of his mother at the hands of his own father!!! just so that he can continue his looting and exploitation of ordinary bohras whom he has converted to brainless idiotic taheris, of which you are a prime example.

btw, where were u hiding all this time? in the jungles of africa with yr shafeeq bawa, hunting lions and elephants and celebrating his mother's urus with 4 kharas and 4 mithaas? feasting on crocodile meat and hippo gurda kaleji?

Re: Shaikh Ahmed Ali Raj passes away.

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 6:28 pm
by SBM
Quote by Moronic Frog
"you have to separate between the teacher and his knowledge ,ehmak was a stupid reformist more so because of his knowledge which at the end did him no good"
So the Shezadas who received the knowledge have to be bigger EHMAK and their father who allowed them to learn from Sk. Rajabli has to be the biggest.......
(Out of respect for Dai's position, I would not use the language)
So you see Moronic Frog, the Shezadas who learned from him are giving out the knowledge they got from Sk Rajabali. Those Shezadas should be identified and removed from the circulation because they are spreading EHMAKI Taleem,

Re: Shaikh Ahmed Ali Raj passes away.

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 6:04 am
by like_minded

Laanat cannot be uttered on yazid leave alone the shaikh who passed away... unfortunately this awareness is not instilled in you by your masters who blatantly go about thrashing anyone who raise their voice against them.

Re: Shaikh Ahmed Ali Raj passes away.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 6:19 am
by babu
Originally posted by S. Insaf:
Shaikh Ahmed Ali s/o Mulla Qurban Husain Rajnagarwala was born ...............Blah Blah .............till Shaikh Saheb breathed his last.
Just a Small Question to Mr. Insaph , Can't you reply in a line or TWO ??? always you need a full A4 Sheet for your LECTURE ???

Re: Shaikh Ahmed Ali Raj passes away.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 11:44 am
by Al Zulfiqar

when dealing with ignorants and jaahils like you, who when given an inch, ask for a mile, the best answer as given by Insaf bhai is to deliver a well-aimed foot... of written material!

Re: Shaikh Ahmed Ali Raj passes away.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:06 am
by babu
1. If one doesn't recognize the institution Itself ( Jamea tus-Saifiah ) then how he use a prefix "Shaikh" with his name ?? (Shaikh title was awarded by JAMEA to him).

2. Mr. Insaph Put some light on the Date of Hajj Issue.

3. By Source from Udaipur : There were some differences between mr. ahmed ali and Mr. Engineer on the " IDDAT" period of waiting. and Matam too ,

Re: Shaikh Ahmed Ali Raj passes away.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:28 am
by Hussain_KSA
Originally posted by babu:
1. If one doesn't recognize the institution Itself ( Jamea tus-Saifiah ) then how he use a prefix "Shaikh" with his name ?? (Shaikh title was awarded by JAMEA to him).

A. In Arabic the word Shaikh stand for three kind of persons which is Elderly, Rich or religious personility. In Shaikh Ahmed Ali's case he was religious teacher and scholar of highest level he got the title. This title was given to him when it was not for sale like today. Can you kindly qoute me a one source which proves that he ever did not recognise the institution (Jamea ut Saifia).

2. Mr. Insaph Put some light on the Date of Hajj Issue.

A. Date of Hajj issue has been mentioned in thread "Hajj". Please show some respect and write the proper name "Insaf" instead of "Insaph".

3. By Source from Udaipur : There were some differences between mr. ahmed ali and Mr. Engineer on the " IDDAT" period of waiting. and Matam too ,
A. That is right that there were differences over Iddat Period and Matam. Kindly go through the Dai ul Islam and you will realize the truth and if you trust the that book than you will also have diffrences with all present innovation about Iddat and Matam. Religion is for you comfort and some so called and self appointed peoples are making is miserable for the common man.

Re: Shaikh Ahmed Ali Raj passes away.

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 12:17 pm
by babu
Tu to man-ne bada hi Popat laage hai

Re: Shaikh Ahmed Ali Raj passes away.

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 1:04 pm
by Hussain_KSA
Kyon Mirchi Lagi?

Yes now you are showing the true color of Taheri because you don't have anything to answer. It is not your fault as you people are brought up like this. You learned it from your childhood the same thing through Sabak and Waiz. Any one can compare your tone with one from the slum area.

Re: Shaikh Ahmed Ali Raj passes away.

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 2:46 am
by Fatwa Banker
Originally posted by Hussain_KSA:
Religion is for you comfort and some so called and self appointed peoples are making is miserable for the common man.

Have you discussed your views with the Saudi authorities, and if so, what did they say ?

Re: Shaikh Ahmed Ali Raj passes away.

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 5:29 am
by Hussain_KSA
Originally posted by Fatwa Banker:
Originally posted by Hussain_KSA:
Religion is for you comfort and some so called and self appointed peoples are making is miserable for the common man.

Have you discussed your views with the Saudi authorities, and if so, what did they say ?
They don't stop enterning masjid ul Haraam. However you are not allowed to do matam during Prayer. I think your shafeeque Maula should talk to Saudi Authorities being a Hussain na dai and having Nirali Shaan as I am a very comman man. Some had tried to act over smart in 2002 and they were kicked out. ;)