Questions for Team SKQ

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Crater Lake
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Re: Questions for Team SKQ


Post by Crater Lake » Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:58 am

fustrate_Bohra wrote:Cratrer bhai thanks for sharing your views and experience with us.To be fair enough may be in near future i also wants to be part of kq saheb team for the same reason you mentioned in point 1.

One more question, i had also heard that kq saheb has lure people by giving shops/house in return of giving misaq to him. How true is this?

That's ridiculous. He may have helped someone who has lost his means of livelihood due to the behavior of MS followers but I have not known SKQ to be interested in anyone who is with him for the wrong reasons.

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Re: Questions for Team SKQ


Post by fustrate_Bohra » Mon Jul 14, 2014 11:26 am

Crater bhai thanks once again. I really liked the sentence that he may have helped people who have lost livelihood because of x,y, z reasons. If he keeps continuing this way inshallah slowly and steady the table will turn around.

Also i wish that the titles of Shaikh and Mulla should not be on sale but it should rather be earned by an individual and there should be no sort of discrimination between any class of people and no needy follower of kq saheb should face any humiliation.

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Re: Questions for Team SKQ


Post by Invictius » Mon Jul 14, 2014 12:04 pm

Crater Lake wrote:
MMH wrote:

Crater Lake, Although I am convinced of SKQ's honesty, I am ready to accept that maybe there were differences between him and Burhanuddin Moula. So, I thought it was possible that they did not pray fulkul hussain previously but on being criticized for was corrected and it started being prayed in SKQ's majlis. I have heard this not once but quite a few times. So please do tell if it was consistently prayed from start...
I know people whom I trust who have attended waaz by him for many years and they say that Fulkul Hussain was recited in all of them since Muqaddas Moula wrote it.
Not true. Myself, as well as the entire Toronto Jamaat will give you testimony to the contrary. In the recent Ashara by KQ in Toronto, there wasn't a single day in which fulkul hussain was prayed. My friends in the zakereen told me they had specifically been provided a script of madeh and marasiyas to pray and were ordered not to deviate. Fulkul hussain was not a part of the script. Also, whenever any of the vaaz's were relayed from Mumbai, he and his sons would leave, only to return once it was over. This is fact.

Crater Lake
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Re: Questions for Team SKQ


Post by Crater Lake » Mon Jul 14, 2014 12:42 pm

Invictius wrote:
Crater Lake wrote: I know people whom I trust who have attended waaz by him for many years and they say that Fulkul Hussain was recited in all of them since Muqaddas Moula wrote it.
Not true. Myself, as well as the entire Toronto Jamaat will give you testimony to the contrary. In the recent Ashara by KQ in Toronto, there wasn't a single day in which fulkul hussain was prayed. My friends in the zakereen told me they had specifically been provided a script of madeh and marasiyas to pray and were ordered not to deviate. Fulkul hussain was not a part of the script. Also, whenever any of the vaaz's were relayed from Mumbai, he and his sons would leave, only to return once it was over. This is fact.
Not true. In fact I was in Toronto for a day on business that year. I thought a period earlier than that was being referred to. I definitely heard Fulkul Hussain recited there. And I am not surprised that SKQ left when an MS bayan was relayed. I heard it later in another town. It was a complete waste of my time too.

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Re: Questions for Team SKQ


Post by seeker110 » Mon Jul 14, 2014 1:13 pm

Mola ni khushi nu matam after every fard prayer has to stop. Absolutely no innovations. Start praying sunnat like we used to before STS. Give more time for ruku/sujjood takbera.

Crater Lake
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Re: Questions for Team SKQ


Post by Crater Lake » Mon Jul 14, 2014 1:26 pm

seeker110 wrote:Mola ni khushi nu matam after every fard prayer has to stop. Absolutely no innovations. Start praying sunnat like we used to before STS. Give more time for ruku/sujjood takbera.
Seeker110 I am not one to object to matam e hussain when done with the proper sentiment and seriousness. In the imamat namaz that we attended with SKQ there was a short majlis after namaz where a few bayts of ya sayed as shohada and fulkul hussain were recited and we did matam. No matam after maghrib namaz but only after isha and that too with the recitation of noha. It felt right.

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Re: Questions for Team SKQ


Post by seeker110 » Mon Jul 14, 2014 3:42 pm

I dont pray often but when I do I like it to go slow and listen to every word. I to go slowly. Its not that I bow as a ritual. It is humbling and being thankful to Allah.
Matam has its own time and place. Stop doing it with every namaz and gathering. We do gather for have just pure fun sometimes.

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Re: Questions for Team SKQ


Post by Kharas_Mithas » Mon Jul 14, 2014 4:17 pm

Crator Bhai
ASAK. I got the following forwarded message which can be testified by SMB (RA) bayans. He use to say "Mumineen meh tamaro Bawa ane Maa beve chu"

As per our dawat doctrine, DAI is in the position of Bawa and Mazoon Maa. Why did SMB (RA) use to reprat the statement over and again. Didnt he wanted his mazoon in the position of Maa? Was there a hidden measage? Whats your take on this.

This question was also sent to but was never replied.

Crater Lake
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Re: Questions for Team SKQ


Post by Crater Lake » Mon Jul 14, 2014 4:54 pm

Kharas_Mithas wrote:Crator Bhai
ASAK. I got the following forwarded message which can be testified by SMB (RA) bayans. He use to say "Mumineen meh tamaro Bawa ane Maa beve chu"

As per our dawat doctrine, DAI is in the position of Bawa and Mazoon Maa. Why did SMB (RA) use to reprat the statement over and again. Didnt he wanted his mazoon in the position of Maa? Was there a hidden measage? Whats your take on this.

This question was also sent to but was never replied.
Wa alaikum afzalus salam. Bhai don't go looking for hidden messages when there was a clear one that was given to you. In a full majlis SMB RA announced SKQ as his mazoon. In another full majlis in a not too distant Ashara he said that Bhai Khuzaima ni nafs bawaji saheb ye tayyar keedhi che. Then in a very recent Eid al Adha he departed with the words Mein javoo chu aney bhai Khuzaima ne mooki ne javoo chu. Je maney kadambosi karva avaa che ye bhai ni kadambosi karey...(paraphrasing...words were to that effect)

Don't fall prey to MS propaganda. SKQ WAS present in most miqats with SMB prior to the stroke and alleged nass. He was cut out of videos so as to give people the impression that he was not present. He was also present for KUN safar of Moula RA. I know because I remember seeing him there. I have been told countless time by the MS propaganda machine that he was not present in KUN safar...When a spiritual leader stoops to lies in his propaganda, you know he is desperate.

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Re: Questions for Team SKQ


Post by MMH » Mon Jul 14, 2014 5:35 pm

Crater Lake, You are so right, I don't remember seeing him on any videos for a very long time, and then I think 4 years before Burhanuddin Moula passed away I saw a video where he happened to be seen and I must admit, he looked so distinct from the rest of the Qasre Aali clones that his image stayed in my mind. A few months later I saw a video where they showed him again and I asked my mom who was with me 'who is this' and she gave me a dirty look (because I did not recognize him) and said 'Mazoonsaheb'..I could not recall seeing him at all from all the videos/ relays/ asharas I had attended in the past that his image had completely wiped out of my memory. I had the image of a much younger mazoon in my mind!!

I think it was even propaganda that the little plastic booklets with pictures of STS, SMB and SKQ which were sold outside raudat Tahera stopped being there...I think this was a systematic way of taking him out of people's memories!

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Re: Questions for Team SKQ


Post by maxthemature » Mon Jul 14, 2014 6:54 pm

Fraudster kq and his lunatic kids were never present in any mikaats!I know cuz we were in. Touch with their kids till 2002! Evil behavious towards burhanuddin aqa ra forced me to distance myself and our entire family with them permenantly!time and again I have mentioned this
Trust me don't waste your time on these lunatics!
Even worse than reformists! Bewe mola saathe not once twice not thrice but upteen times have betrayed!
Toronto bit is true,they did in secnaderabad and in chennai as well!we were eye witness!
Khuda ni lanat on them!
No personal gain one single bit exposing them but jus so that u all know stop wastingg time to even talk abt such low stoop enemies of dawat!

Crater Lake
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Re: Questions for Team SKQ


Post by Crater Lake » Mon Jul 14, 2014 7:16 pm

maxthemature wrote:Fraudster kq and his lunatic kids were never present in any mikaats!I know cuz we were in. Touch with their kids till 2002! Evil behavious towards burhanuddin aqa ra forced me to distance myself and our entire family with them permenantly!time and again I have mentioned this
Trust me don't waste your time on these lunatics!
Even worse than reformists! Bewe mola saathe not once twice not thrice but upteen times have betrayed!
Toronto bit is true,they did in secnaderabad and in chennai as well!we were eye witness!
Khuda ni lanat on them!
No personal gain one single bit exposing them but jus so that u all know stop wastingg time to even talk abt such low stoop enemies of dawat!
Dude, reading your post was a waste of time. Write when you have something true and valuable to contribute.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Questions for Team SKQ


Post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Jul 14, 2014 7:21 pm

Crater Lake wrote:Write when you have something true and valuable to contribute.
Abdes have nothing valuable left with them as all their "Valuables" are stashed in their master's swiss bank accounts and the dungeons of Saifee Mahal. :mrgreen:

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Re: Questions for Team SKQ


Post by AmmarHussaini » Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:53 pm

Basic trick which mufaddal and his team has used from years is to show that MAZOON sahab was enemy of muhammed burhanuddin, but thosse who has brain need to understand if mazzon was really an enemy he would not be serving dawat on important post of mazoon for so many years.

clear jealousy and hypocrisy can be seen in mufaddal goondas, the way they recite lanat and the way they flooded you tube with lanat video clearly shows how much hate they kept for mazoon even when muhammed burhanuddin was alive.

clearly SKQ is only option for those who really wants to believe in office of dai, mufaddal is a bad choice and he will drag people to hell with him.

Akhtiar Wahid
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Re: Questions for Team SKQ


Post by Akhtiar Wahid » Mon Jul 14, 2014 11:45 pm

The irony of all this is that Abdes of Muffu baba are defending him upright, but till now since the demise of His Holiness Burhanuddin Moula (RA) they have not come up with one good or let us say average quality or merits of Muffu Dhongi baba guru gantal! meanwhile SKQ saheb is way above comparision!

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Re: Questions for Team SKQ


Post by maxthemature » Tue Jul 15, 2014 2:46 pm

Ideots like u will keep barking on this...specially ghulam mohammed who keeps making a fool of himself everytime he sends a for my above msg clever and smart people and whom it concerns have understood it very clear and have got it and accepted! : ) so no issues there!!

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Re: Questions for Team SKQ


Post by SBM » Tue Jul 15, 2014 3:19 pm

maxthemature wrote:Ideots like u will keep barking on this...specially ghulam mohammed who keeps making a fool of himself everytime he sends a for my above msg clever and smart people and whom it concerns have understood it very clear and have got it and accepted! : ) so no issues there!!

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Re: Questions for Team SKQ


Post by SBM » Tue Jul 15, 2014 3:21 pm

maxthemature wrote:Fraudster kq and his lunatic kids were never present in any mikaats!I know cuz we were in. Touch with their kids till 2002! Evil behavious towards burhanuddin aqa ra forced me to distance

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Re: Questions for Team SKQ


Post by Mazakyo » Tue Jul 15, 2014 3:37 pm

maxthemature wrote:Ideots like u will keep barking on this...specially ghulam mohammed who keeps making a fool of himself everytime he sends a for my above msg clever and smart people and whom it concerns have understood it very clear and have got it and accepted! : ) so no issues there!!
Yaar "Max the immature" tera clever people sey kya taluq ?????

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Re: Questions for Team SKQ


Post by alam » Tue Jul 15, 2014 5:09 pm

maxthemature wrote:Fraudster kq and his lunatic kids were never present in any mikaats!I know cuz we were in. Touch with their kids till 2002! Evil behavious towards burhanuddin aqa ra forced me to distance myself and our entire family with them permenantly!time and again I have mentioned this
Trust me don't waste your time on these lunatics!
Even worse than reformists! Bewe mola saathe not once twice not thrice but upteen times have betrayed!
You obviously believe this to be true. My question to you is if Burhaniddin Maula was well aware of this, (which I also assume that you believe), and inspite of that, Burhanuddin Maula kept the terms of the Misaaq AS IS, kept the rutba of Mazoon AS IS. With that being the case, according to your logic, Burhanuddin Maula was not very Forthcoming with the dirty laundry in his household at the expense of playing with mumineens faith and imaan,thereby misleading us.
If one does buy into your logic, it leaves Burhanuddin Maula as one who must be ultimately responsible for the "current spiritual revolt, spiritual crisis" among the mumineens.

I request to respond to this with logic and courtesy. Thank you.

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Re: Questions for Team SKQ


Post by Invictius » Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:16 am

Crater Lake wrote:
Kharas_Mithas wrote:Crator Bhai
ASAK. I got the following forwarded message which can be testified by SMB (RA) bayans. He use to say "Mumineen meh tamaro Bawa ane Maa beve chu"

As per our dawat doctrine, DAI is in the position of Bawa and Mazoon Maa. Why did SMB (RA) use to repeat the statement over and again. Didnt he wanted his mazoon in the position of Maa? Was there a hidden measage? Whats your take on this.

This question was also sent to but was never replied.
Wa alaikum afzalus salam. Bhai don't go looking for hidden messages when there was a clear one that was given to you. In a full majlis SMB RA announced SKQ as his mazoon. In another full majlis in a not too distant Ashara he said that Bhai Khuzaima ni nafs bawaji saheb ye tayyar keedhi che. Then in a very recent Eid al Adha he departed with the words Mein javoo chu aney bhai Khuzaima ne mooki ne javoo chu. Je maney kadambosi karva avaa che ye bhai ni kadambosi karey...(paraphrasing...words were to that effect)

Don't fall prey to MS propaganda. SKQ WAS present in most miqats with SMB prior to the stroke and alleged nass. He was cut out of videos so as to give people the impression that he was not present. He was also present for KUN safar of Moula RA. I know because I remember seeing him there. I have been told countless time by the MS propaganda machine that he was not present in KUN safar...When a spiritual leader stoops to lies in his propaganda, you know he is desperate.
You haven't answered the question. KQ would in each and every majlis/vaaz reiterate that he was the 'maa' of all mumineen. As Kharas_mithas said, Dai=bawa and mazoon=maa. Then why did Burhanuddin maula RA repeatedly say "Mumineen meh tamaro Bawa ane Maa chu"? Why would he say this if the mazoon=maa? It is very evident that Burhanuddin Maula took up the responsibilities of both Bawa and Maa of all mumineen and raised us like his own children, which is why our respect and gratitude towards him knows no bounds. It is true that Maula RA would shower praise on KQ in the distant past. That was when KQ was truly worthy and of the praise, and ALL mumineen happily and graciously accepted him as mazoon of dawat. Please answer the question as posed by Kharas_mithas and also point out any instances in the lifetime of Burhanuddin Maula RA (Latter part from 1990-2014) wherein he showered praise, kind words or benediction of any kind for KQ in public or private, if you can.

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Re: Questions for Team SKQ


Post by AmmarHussaini » Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:37 am

Invictius I really pity you now, according to your own logic your maa and bawa burhanuddin is dead now and you are a complete orphan, for those who believe in mazoon at least they have mother to take care of them.

now you just have a sautela baap which is muffu who will kick your ass all your life and deprive you from every thing you need. :mrgreen:

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Re: Questions for Team SKQ


Post by fustrate_Bohra » Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:47 am

Well said invictius bhai so according to you SMB had known about kq saheb niyat and kartoot long way back so instead of telling indirectly in public giving maa/bava concept why doesn't he directly remove kq saheb from post? i think it was not a difficult task to do so because kq saheb was not powerful then and not now either.

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Re: Questions for Team SKQ


Post by Ozdundee » Thu Jul 17, 2014 1:36 am

Can someone reliable explain what is SKQ position on these matters:

1. SMB sporting desire to hunt wildlife
2. Cursing or signalling cursing of the Khalifas during sermon
3. People his followers performing sajada to him,
4. His position on fgm being practised in western countries
5. Being transparent and accountable on the wajebat that he has instructed that he should be recipient, will he show where the money will be used.
6. Does he actually communicate with the Imam Zaman and can he explain how?
7. Does he consider himself as Ilah Ardh, Haqiqi Kaba, as does SMS as did SMB
8. Does he consider dreams as serious matters of public discussions.
9. Does he consider himself immortal, he has not appointed a successor in public, what happens if the most unexpected happens.

There is more doctrine questions that will come up ?

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Re: Questions for Team SKQ


Post by fustrate_Bohra » Thu Jul 17, 2014 2:43 am

Ozdundee bhai lets not divulge into questions which does not have any reasonable answer, even if he has any different opinions for your mentioned questions he wont implement because then he will be treated as non-believers of smb and sts as all the above raised questions are initiated by his father and half brother.

I think we should be more interested to know from him "How he will deals with the taxes he recd from his followers and does there is any place for normal human being under his leadership and lastly how liliency will he show in giving raza?"

If these things are address properly than most of the problem will be resolve because according to me maximum followers of our community are suffering very badly because of this.

Rest i am least interested of whatever they call themselves or how they want us to treat themselves as far as actions justify their glorification.

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Re: Questions for Team SKQ


Post by DisillusionedDB » Thu Jul 17, 2014 8:12 am

alam wrote: Max,
You obviously believe this to be true. My question to you is if Burhaniddin Maula was well aware of this, (which I also assume that you believe), and inspite of that, Burhanuddin Maula kept the terms of the Misaaq AS IS, kept the rutba of Mazoon AS IS. With that being the case, according to your logic, Burhanuddin Maula was not very Forthcoming with the dirty laundry in his household at the expense of playing with mumineens faith and imaan,thereby misleading us.
If one does buy into your logic, it leaves Burhanuddin Maula as one who must be ultimately responsible for the "current spiritual revolt, spiritual crisis" among the mumineens.

I request to respond to this with logic and courtesy. Thank you.
When the physical assault on SKQ took place in Surat several years back, I had asked a die-hard abde why it was done and he said that the he was going against Aqa Mola and "na farmani kari ne ghanu dukh pohchave che". So I asked him why then is Aqa Mola not removing him from the post of Mazoon and he was all praises saying "ej to mola ni shaan che .. jem Rasulullah e 1-2-3 ne keva sambhali ne rakha hata em jaani ne bhi ke aa loko fitnati che. Mola je bhi kare che, ema kai hikmat hoi che"
After this explanation, I felt it was prudent to shut up.

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Re: Questions for Team SKQ


Post by fustrate_Bohra » Thu Jul 17, 2014 8:24 am

DisillusionedDB wrote:
alam wrote: Max,
You obviously believe this to be true. My question to you is if Burhaniddin Maula was well aware of this, (which I also assume that you believe), and inspite of that, Burhanuddin Maula kept the terms of the Misaaq AS IS, kept the rutba of Mazoon AS IS. With that being the case, according to your logic, Burhanuddin Maula was not very Forthcoming with the dirty laundry in his household at the expense of playing with mumineens faith and imaan,thereby misleading us.
If one does buy into your logic, it leaves Burhanuddin Maula as one who must be ultimately responsible for the "current spiritual revolt, spiritual crisis" among the mumineens.

I request to respond to this with logic and courtesy. Thank you.
When the physical assault on SKQ took place in Surat several years back, I had asked a die-hard abde why it was done and he said that the he was going against Aqa Mola and "na farmani kari ne ghanu dukh pohchave che". So I asked him why then is Aqa Mola not removing him from the post of Mazoon and he was all praises saying "ej to mola ni shaan che .. jem Rasulullah e 1-2-3 ne keva sambhali ne rakha hata em jaani ne bhi ke aa loko fitnati che. Mola je bhi kare che, ema kai hikmat hoi che"
After this explanation, I felt it was prudent to shut up.
I think we should have seperate thread where in we can take inputs from like minded of what will be their response to such kind of reply receive from brain dead, of course the reply should be diplomatic and polite way, this will help others like minded to respond.

Bohra spring
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Re: Questions for Team SKQ


Post by Bohra spring » Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:03 am

There are two channels of challenge to SKQ

One from die hard abdes of SMS who will attack SKQ based on envy, hate and fear. We know these and we don't care for now.

There is a second channel of reformists or freethinkers who want to test SKQ Islamic credentials , whether he is a true ideological reformer who will change the social and Isla mic religious structure. Remove impurities of SMB era even though the is political risk, I am trying but just cannot settle that SKQ is the rightful religious alternative to SMS . Some of the stuff mentioned by others in this topic are examples of where he has not shown strong leadership.

What is disappointing is many Bohras would not be bothered if we are not progressing as Muslims as long as our cultural society remains intact.

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Re: Questions for Team SKQ


Post by AmmarHussaini » Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:21 am

from the first looks it seems SKQ will remain under umbrella of SMB era even when he knows many thing happened in his time was wrong and can not be justified, but latter on after few years SKQ will drift away from those practices.

SMB went for shikar many times (even when he was in complete senses) but SKQ never joined him in his shikaar hobby it shows he was not in agreement with this act of SMB.

apart from shikaar other biggest blunder of SMB was safai chitthi and different colors of safai chitthi which was really against the Islamic values.

travelling world wide (with reasons and without reasons) was also a act which will remain questionable specially on public funds.

giving away titles on basis of money was also a taboo on SMB era

taking multiple zyafat on same day by different parties shows it was all about money and nothing about barakat as such.

these are few things which I have noticed.

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Re: Questions for Team SKQ


Post by AmmarHussaini » Thu Jul 17, 2014 12:12 pm

I want to know this from some one who regularly attends majlis of SKQ

in last 20 days of Ramadan did he ever mentioned about the innocent Muslims of Syria/Iraq and Palestine who are facing really tough time in these days?

did he prayed for them or mentioned them?