Ashara 1436 Surat

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Mon Oct 20, 2014 12:36 pm

if there was any doubt why hussain and his tragic band of shohodas died on the blazing sands of kerbala, hungry, thirsty, humiliated, insulted, deprived, tortured and finally beheaded, then here's why:

Shahadat Menu.jpg

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by SKQ Fan » Mon Oct 20, 2014 12:39 pm

Whilst the true Dai of Imam Hussain prepares to do buka and zikr of our beloved Imam, within the somber and simple settings of Dar Us Sakina with a handful of dedicated and true followers, the imposter and daweedar Muffadal BS is preparing for his tamasha in Surat with hordes of gullible followers most of whom are there just to be socially accepted be seen , and gorge on the delicious food that Surat is famous. It almost seems that Muffadal BS revels in all the pomp and glorification ,and makes use of this holy month for self gratification to extract , extort all that he can from his gullible followers. Be prepared for 10 days of feasting and crocodile tears being shed by this imposter and his gang , wierd un islamic fatwas being issued( karso ke nahin, nai to su this jaa se ) , whilst laughing inwardly at yet another successful scam perpetrated in the name of our beloved Imam Husain

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Oct 20, 2014 4:39 pm

Mohurrum has yet to commence but the money making rackets have started immediately after Muffy landed in Surat...... The first Ziyafat was hosted by one Khuzema Shk Haider Poonawala yesterday itself (the day Muffy reached Surat). He is the same guy who had hosted Ziyafat for SMB on the very day that his father died !!

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by JC » Mon Oct 20, 2014 4:57 pm

To Abdes and Amtes, Hussain, Ali and Mohammad may do SHEFA'AT to 'anybody' on Roz-e-Qayamat but they will definitely DO NOT do this for you bohras ....!!! No one, no one, I repeat NO ONE has misused and abused their name as bohras .............. they have indeed brought shame to these great souls .............. :(

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Oct 20, 2014 5:05 pm

I had posted the below mentioned article long back but as it is relevant to the thread I am posting it once again :-

What Is An Abde's Significance Of Mohurrum ?

The sanctity and importance of the holy month of Mohurrum doesnt need to be specified as all right minded muslims cutting accross sectarian lines acknowledge the same. However different sects commemorate it differently. What about the bohra sect for whom this month is of utmost importance (and rightly so) and what are the 'dos' and donts' specifically carved out for them by their clergy ? Lets examine the activities of bohras in this month in the absence of which Mohurrum is 'Incomplete' for an average bohra (abde) :-

1) The diehard abdes wait anxiously for the Dai to announce the venue where he decides to deliver the sermons. The edge of the seat suspense which is kept alive till the last moment enables the clergy to gather momentum and create an unprecedented demand for the dai's sermon. The dai finally discloses the name of the city which he prefers over the others after making sure that the jamat pays the highest amount towards his fees which runs into several crores. Abdes are anxiously waiting to explore a new country in guise of mohurrum vayez as it gives them an opportunity to visit a new destination at highly subsidised rates which comes with free food and lodging although the same is recovered from them much earlier and far in excess via various unislamic taxes imposed on them. It is pertinent to note that the focus is the venue and 'Mola's bayan' rather then gham-e-hussain. Although there are many amils who deliver much better sermons then the dai but the abde prefers to tag along with the dai as it has been drilled into his mind that there is more barkat in dai's vayez. Regarding the contents of the bayan, the less said the better bcoz the bayan revolves only around him and his bawajisaab and hardly 10% of the time is devoted to Imam Hussain (a.s.) for whom the vayez is supposedly dedicated to.

2) Abdes rate the vayez on the basis of 'Intezaam" by the local jamat rather then the contents of the bayan as the topic of discussion is the type of food served to them and the accomodation provided, rest is all secondary.

3) Mohurrum is incomplete for them without the incessant matam which is actually used as a medium to wake up the sleeping abdes who doze off due to boring bayans. Matam needs to be done in a synchronised manner and at many times after the bayan wherein they form circles and compete with each other as to who beats his chest the hardest. A lot has been discussed regarding matam on another thread hence I wont elaborate but rather wish to draw the attention on the ritual itself which is supposed to be an act performed in extreme grief and that too spontanously without any prior instructions. Now it is for readers to decide whether a synchronised matam, a matam done in circles or done after suddenly waking up from deep sleep fulfils the criteria of extreme grief.

4) The sad event of Mohurrum is commemorated by women attending the vayez in expensive and colourful ridas which is not repeated the next day.

5) Right from childhood, bohras are told to switch off their TVs and radios during Mohurrum and only news channels can be watched. This is done in order to observe gham-e-hussain although jokes are cracked in abundance right after or even in the middle of vayez. With the advent of technology, abdes are now seen fiddling with their cell phones during vayez duly playing games or chatting online with friends.

6) The bayan lays stress on the hardships faced by the shohadas in the scorching sands of karbala when they went without food and water for 3 consecutive days, this bayan emotionally charges up the abdes, an emotion which soon vanishes when he sees the thaal moments after the bayan. He pounces on the thaal like there is no tomorow and one wonders as to what happened to the grief which was displayed just moments before.

7) Abdes are instructed to close down their business and children are instructed to skip schools and even exams on Ashura as the bayan is more important then anything else but what does an abde finally gain after attending 9 days of long bayans ? The answer is obvious and for the readers to conclude.

8) Mohurrum is also incomplete for an abde unless he pronounces laanat on 3 khalifas and ummul mumineen.

The above are the 'Dos' and 'Donts' in a nutshell.................... Did Imam Hussain (a,s.) gave his life so that his supreme sacrifice could be commemorated in the above manner ?

It is a universal truth that Imam Hussain (a.s.) gave his life for Deen-e-Islam and that "Islam Zinda hota hai har Karbala ke baad".
What is done by the Dai and his abdes to keep Islam alive ?
What are the dai's instructions to strengthen Islam which is facing one of the worst troubled times today ?
What are his instructions to his abdes with regard to the plight of palestinian muslims, the taliban atrocities in pakistan, iraq and elsewhere, the massacre of muslims in gujarat, iraq, syria and africa ?
How does he instruct his abdes with regard to world muslim unity when it comes to the above issues ?
How many times has he protested against the demolition of babri masjid and various dargahs of awliyas in gujarat, karnataka and MP ?
How many times has he protested against the demolition of the holy places in Saudi Arabia ?

In short, what has he done so that 'Islam Zinda Rahe', a slogan which was the very purpose of Imam Hussain's sacrifice ?

The abdes gain nothing, just nothing from the rhetoric bayans as they remain spiritually bankrupt because the very purpose (Maqsad) of the battle of karbala is not spelled out to them, rather the focus is completely shifted in glorifying the dai and his father. I dont want to sound harsh but the Mohurrum vayez for an abde is no better then the Ram katha of hindus because in both the cases the orator plays with the listeners emotions. The battle of karbala is understood just as a story like in the case of Ramayana and Mahabharata wherein the intricacies of the manner in which the battle was fought is explained in minute details but the message behind it is sadly missing as it is DELIBERATELY not explained as the same would raise many questions when it comes to the very character of the preacher himself !!

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Oct 20, 2014 5:17 pm

As the current Mohurrum Tamasha is taking place in Surat, let us refresh our memories with what happened in 2012 :

Mass Destruction Of Bohra Graves In Surat Qabrastan.

by ghulam muhammed on Tue Sep 11, 2012

The residents of surat and bohras from other parts of the world visiting the city must be aware of the mass destruction of graves in the age old qabrastan in the vicinity of the Roza of Syedna Abdeali Saifuddin. It is shocking and sad that the graves of hundreds of bohras, some of which are over a century old have been razed as part of a masterplan of the wicked kothar. Every single grave with the exception of a couple of it belonging to a qasre ali member (probably some dawoodbhai saab) and that of the mother of the 52nd dai have been razed to ground level. The grave of the qasre ali member is covered with a chhatri but the grave of the dai's mother is left open like any other grave of an ordinary bohra. The reasons for the unlikely treatment to the said grave and the insignificance of the same is well documented on this forum.

As per some reports, this destruction started a few years back and the contract was given to a rich bohra from south east asia (probably Hongkong) who took it upon himself to "beautify" the roza by destroying the other "insignificant" graves by laying an exquisite marble flooring. The abde felt indebted to the dai for giving him the "azeem-us-shaan" sharaf of carrying out this inhuman act in the guise of beautifying the roza and its sehan.

It is reported that the abde later on contracted severe diabetes due to which both his legs were amputed, he died a few months back. His son got married some time back and had given a ziafat to the dai for performing his nikah. Needless to say that the late abde must have been given the title of shaheed for getting martyred in the way of Allah (swt), an idiotic solace which is provided to some brainwashed abdes who die in exceptional circumstances.

What is more surprising is that NONE of the effected families whose ancesteral graves have been desecrated has raised a voice of protest !!!! The victims include some prominent families like Hajooris, Kinkhabwalas, badri etc. who at one time had financially helped the earlier dais upto Syedna Taher Saifuddin. This is what they got by way of reward !!!

Slavery has penetrated so deeply in abde's phsyic that they not only refuse to raise words of protest against illtreatment of their ownselves but even to that of their dead relatives. It is shameful and disgusting when one sees such meek and gullible people in this modern world who are worse then cowards as they do nothing to prevent mass destructions of the only last visible signs of their ancestors.

These are the same people who raise a hue and cry when graves are destroyed in saudi arabia but when it comes to their beloved dai and zaadas they become "bheegi billis". Its high time they stop blaming talibans as they have a much deadly version ruling over them in their own community.

There is no doubt that this mass destruction was done only for monetary benefits as kothar now has a vast tract of open land at their disposal which they can exploit commercially. What a better way to pump in their illgotten black money then to invest it in the business of real estate, a sector which is bound to grow irrespective of a market slump. Land is scarce in big cities of India hence bohras should now be prepared to see many such mass destructions especially in lucrative areas like Naryalwadi Mazgaon, Charni road and other qabrastans in major Indian cities. Many more ventures like SBUT Bhendi bazaar redevelopment project should be in the pipeline as there is a major problem of "Chronic surplus" of funds giving sleepless nights to the zaadas in saifee mahal due to the record breaking numbers of ziafats, hadiyats, mafsusiyats, nikahs, wajebats, mohurrum sermon FEES, masjid waqfs etc etc. Someone needs to invite the officials of the Federal Reserve to saifee mahal for lessons in turning their "Chronic" deficits into "Chronic" surplusses !!

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Oct 20, 2014 5:18 pm

Continuation of the above post............

I recently bumped into an old bohra gentleman from Surat who was in his mid 80's who said that there was a grave of one of the 4 wives of Taher Saifuddin saab just outside the roza of Syedna Abdeali Saifuddin which too was demolished alongwith other graves in order to beautify the sehan and exploit it for commercial use. When I asked him as to why the grave of the Dai's wife was not spared, he said that she was the same woman who was accused of having killed the infant child of one of her souten, a mention of which was made earlier on this forum by some senior member. In the early days bohras were hesitant to do her ziarat as rumours of her haunted spirit doing rounds were spread by some vested interest in saifee mahal !!

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by dawedaar » Mon Oct 20, 2014 10:52 pm

(9.05 MiB) Downloaded 3465 times
See this video.. heights of foolishness and stupidity among abdes... Total contempt/behurmati of matame-hussain... On the flip side, the commotion must have driven the shit out of non abde passengers...

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by zinger » Tue Oct 21, 2014 3:28 am

WiththenameofAllah wrote:The stage is decorated with flowers ? is it a wedding session? May Allah really guide these blind bohras. I do nto believe in SMB also but i think he was one percent better than this SMS or may be he was same in his early dai stages as i have not seen that era. Shame on SMS ! Imam Hussain A.S must be crying seeing how his name is being misused by bohras and their leaders for entertainment,
sister, stop posting stupid things without thinking.

he might have come to Surat for Muharram, but Muharram has not started yet.

decorating a stage for welcoming someone is not wrong. please do not try to make an issue where none exists. you sound like like an empty vessel otherwise, sorry to say

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by JC » Tue Oct 21, 2014 9:38 am


I am sorry to say you are a fool ...!!! MuffatDal CLAIMS to be Dai of Hussain, and see what is he doing, he is NOT practicing what he is preaching. As simple as that. Think for a minute, could he have NOT done all this pomp and show as he was 'in fact' coming for Moharram??

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by SBM » Tue Oct 21, 2014 11:09 am

he might have come to Surat for Muharram,
Br Zinger
What do you mean by he might, it is not might but only for Ashra Tamasha, he is coming to Surat
May be you mean he is showing his MIGHTY presence

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Tue Oct 21, 2014 11:27 am

here's another reason why hussain and 72 of his valiant followers accepted shahadat:
Bhagwan's Moharram Celebration.mp4
(6.11 MiB) Downloaded 2993 times

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by Critical_Thinker » Tue Oct 21, 2014 12:14 pm

Intriguing thread.
One person spreads a total lie, and another calls him out, using admittedly quite angry language.
The person who lied is not questioned, however the one who got angry about the lie is criticized.
What a sad state of affairs.

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by SBM » Tue Oct 21, 2014 12:30 pm

Al Zulfiqar wrote:here's another reason why hussain and 72 of his valiant followers accepted shahadat:
Bhagwan's Moharram Celebration.mp4
That is how Yazid's army welcomed Yazid
And this is what they will be showing thru the Muharram Video relays

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Tue Oct 21, 2014 12:46 pm

this is also how yazid's army was welcomed when it returned from the battle of kerbala holding aloft the severed heads of the shohodas on the ends of spears...

now we travel full circle and the impostor blackguard who purports to narrate the painful events of kerbala is welcomed too by exotic scottish bagpipes and drums belting out western marching music, with fireworks, lavish feasts and gilded air-conditioned carriages....

makes you wonder. is it yazid incarnated who is narrating the sad events of kerbala and then capitalising on it??

SBM wrote:
Al Zulfiqar wrote:here's another reason why hussain and 72 of his valiant followers accepted shahadat:
Bhagwan's Moharram Celebration.mp4
That is how Yazid's army welcomed Yazid
And this is what they will be showing thru the Muharram Video relays

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by Biradar » Tue Oct 21, 2014 5:23 pm

When I see such videos I don't know if I should laugh or cry. I mean, Bohras have really crossed the limits of fanaticism. And, Mr. Muffadul (LA) plays them like a well-tuned fiddle. How anyone can shout and scream "Mola, Mola" while holding up their hands, pushing each other, and creating a bedlam and nuisance, is beyond my comprehension. Allah has turned these people into monkeys and baboons, truly.

As our friend methist said, the resemblance of Abde's with North Koreans is merely coincidental. Long live Kim Jong Muffi!

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by zinger » Wed Oct 22, 2014 1:07 am

JC wrote:zinger,

I am sorry to say you are a fool ...!!! MuffatDal CLAIMS to be Dai of Hussain, and see what is he doing, he is NOT practicing what he is preaching. As simple as that. Think for a minute, could he have NOT done all this pomp and show as he was 'in fact' coming for Moharram??
JC, i dont give 2 hoots what you think of me. you are in the same boat as her for making a mountain of a molehill

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by zinger » Wed Oct 22, 2014 1:10 am

SBM wrote:
he might have come to Surat for Muharram,
Br Zinger
What do you mean by he might, it is not might but only for Ashra Tamasha, he is coming to Surat
May be you mean he is showing his MIGHTY presence
Might was used wrongly, thanks for pointing it out, im not a writer like you so i will make mistakes

yes, he did come for Ashura. but welcoming is a COMPLETELY seperate issue from what you are linking it too

come to think of it, being a writer yourself, you should see how senseless the whole discussion is

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by humanbeing » Wed Oct 22, 2014 1:31 am

zinger wrote:[he did come for Ashura. but welcoming is a COMPLETELY seperate issue from what you are linking it too…………come to think of it, being a writer yourself, you should see how senseless the whole discussion is
You are too convulated for your own faith. Seriously ! I have either come across wahabi extremist abdes who find nothing wrong with anything that Muffy Does, understanding their upbringing, background and blind faith I sympathize with them. On other sides there are mixed people from liberal, tolerant, compromised minds up to total Muffy+kothar haters. But you on other hand is difficult to understand. Your flip flops are consistent with that of Muffy’s !

The gala extravagant welcome accorded to SMS is indeed senseless and insensitive that does not befit this religious leader who proclaims to be hussain-na-dai with rova-jevu-moo ! his welcome tamasha was mixed with gam & khushi with people doing maatam to welcome him, how disgusting and senseless ! such grand tamasha is an abuse and insult of Imam hussein’s sacrifice in karbala. Least this attention hungry DAI can do is, let the moharrum and specially onset of Ashara be sober. He can have his tamasha all year around wherever he gallivants .

Abdes deserves this yazeed as a leader !!

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by WiththenameofAllah » Wed Oct 22, 2014 1:54 am

I hope zinger brother you got your answer. When you are forced to take this man as your religious leader who claims to be dai of Hussain and follower of ahlye bait, his life style compared to Mola Ali A.S. , one does question about this hypocrisy. On one hand people are paying qarz e hasana , wajebat from their low incomes to gain love of Allah this man on the other hand is travelling in luxurious wagons. I am not only against this decoration but also against this welcome .Is there a need of such a grand welcome?
When you start questioning it does not matter big things or small. you never know even a small piece can lead you towards truth.

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by SBM » Wed Oct 22, 2014 9:48 am

yes, he did come for Ashura. but welcoming is a COMPLETELY seperate issue from what you are linking it too
Imam Hussain came to Karbala, did he receive Band Baja and air conditioned 6 horses silver Baggi? Should the Dai of Imam Hussain emulate how Imam Hussain arrived or should he emulate how Shimr arrived in Karbala?

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by JC » Wed Oct 22, 2014 11:18 am


Bros Humanbeing, InthenameofAllah and SBM have replied you; hope you get the idea now of what we are talking about.

Muffta is NOT practicing what he is preaching ....!!!

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by think » Wed Oct 22, 2014 11:27 am

na hey eptida mere ishk ke na he inteha mere ishk ke
mera ishk he mera khuda mujhe aur koi khuda na de.
mujhe baar baar sada na demere hasratoon ko hava na de
mre dil me aatishe ishk he mere aag tojhe ko jala na de
me gadaa nahain hoon fakir hoon me kalandoroon kaameer hoon
mujhe tujhe se kuch nahi chahai mujhe mangne ke ada na de

Ummul Bani
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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by Ummul Bani » Wed Oct 22, 2014 3:15 pm

Al Zulfiqar wrote:
this video should be played pari passu (side-by-side) with mufatlal's kufr filled, scam ridden, money-oriented bayans every day so that bohras can understand the massive con that is being perpetrated on them in the name of imam hussain and kerbala.
Just watched the video. Thanks for sharing.

The speaker discusses how a few spiritual leaders choose to speak only about certain events that will ensure their followers remain gullible, overshadowing other important events and milestones.

From a psychological perspective, this is considered one of the mind control techniques that is largely capable of impacting the psyche of a person. Some leaders use this under the false pretense of " ensuring salvation" but the underlying agenda or motive is to always gain more power, control, and money.
The worst part is, people do not even realize they are being controlled. Such people are incapable of questioning the wrongdoings and tend to accept everything they are told. That is precisely why these kind of celebrations in the month of Moharram go unnoticed too!

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by thesource » Wed Oct 22, 2014 3:20 pm

Why this pomp and show put up at the time of MS's arrival in Surat?
Its a fact that the residents of Surat are cursing MS for arriving as the whole schedule of their routine work is upset except for those who are going to make money by involving them in several committees.
I being a Kapadwanji and Sidhpuri from my both the parents' side have always noticed that the real Surtis try to stay away totally and those involved like Sh. Mazhar Motiwala, Yusuf Jelly, Tapia, Limewala, Imtiaz Kherulla, his brother, Mustan Motiwala, Vasi brothers, Imtiaz Shipchandler will
Make a fortune.

Vasi brothers, Imtiaz Shipchandler handle Crores of investment of MS in their business. Motiwala brothers in estate business in Alibaug. Imtiaz kherulla is known swindler who has duped new mukasir saheb and other people in Stock Market. Also known for swindling Sh. Mustafa Godhrawala, one trader in Bhajipala, Mumbai for 32 Lakhs and Sh. Abdulhusain Sh. Ebrahim Yamani saheb of eighty lakhs.
Now in Surat he bosses over all the Surtis for issuing Passes of Esufi Hall (Airconditioned) specially for reserved for Surtis who come begging to him for passes. Why such importances to Surtis? Why this discrimination?
This is the time for these Surtis to make most in Ashara.

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Wed Oct 22, 2014 3:43 pm

Ummul Bani wrote:
From a psychological perspective, this is considered one of the mind control techniques that is largely capable of impacting the psyche of a person. Some leaders use this under the false pretense of " ensuring salvation" but the underlying agenda or motive is to always gain more power, control, and money.
The worst part is, people do not even realize they are being controlled. Such people are incapable of questioning the wrongdoings and tend to accept everything they are told. That is precisely why these kind of celebrations in the month of Moharram go unnoticed too!
dear sister ummul bani,

precisely what i have written in my thread "maatam for mind control and subjugation" .. its all a clever form of hypnosis and emotional blackmail designed to empty your pockets and make you into a stupid, retarded, quivering jelly!

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by dawedaar » Wed Oct 22, 2014 5:26 pm

ITS broadcast message

Due to the ongoing issue of dengue in Surat, we request you to kindly take a note of the following points:
1. Please use mosquito repellents.
2. Please avoid water accumulation around your surroundings.
3. Kindly cover overhead water tanks
4. Visit medical center if you suffer from symptoms like fever or your body turns red or food intake reduced or body pains.

The should have simple said... 'Don't come to Surat' :P

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Wed Oct 22, 2014 5:36 pm

thesource wrote:Imtiaz Shipchandler handle Crores of investment of MS in their business.
thesource wrote:Imtiaz kherulla is known swindler who has duped new mukasir saheb and other people in Stock Market.
This Imtiaz Khairullah is the same person who had come all the way to Kausa qabrastan to stop Saifuddin Kopti and his son from entering the grave of Saifuddin's father who expired some time back. Although Kopti has good relations with almost all the qasre alis and zaadas but recently he had been reprimanded by MS for being a well wisher of SKQ, this was another way of putting pressure and a stern warning to SKQ followers !!

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Wed Oct 22, 2014 6:40 pm


ghulam muhammed
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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Wed Oct 22, 2014 6:47 pm

watsup message:-

Forwarded as Received :

Railway line laid for a Mini Train to transport food for the hungry abdes after they get exhausted doing purjosh matam and gham-e-Hussain and are now ready to pounce on 2 kharas 2 mithas like a pack of wolves. Sir Adamji Peerbhai's family needs to take action on Kothar for copying the Matheran Railway Line made by Sir Adamji ! :lol: :lol:

