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Re: Dawat in Pakistan?

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 6:46 am
by Nafisa
It is better to correct our Tasawwur as per the guidance of Qur'an and Sahib al Qur'an. In Sabaq,given by Mullas and Shaikhs, trained by Jamea preaching Shirk. They are creating army of Mushrekeen through brain washing sessions. In Sabaq of Haqaiq they explained that Allah means Sahib az Zaman and today's Sahib az Zaman is Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin. We have no concern with other 10 following Gods,known as Hudud Ruhaniyyeen:
1). Al Aql il Awwal
2). Al Aql as Sani
3)Sabat il Uqool- seven Uqool one after the other
10). Ashir Mudabbir - Creator

This ten number Aashir Mudabbir is addressed in the Qur'an as Allah, but we Mumineen have no concerned with Him as His representative on earth is Mustaqar Imam and in the seclusion of Imam his Dai exercise with ilahi powers, so for us Allah is Al Dai al Mutlaq. If I am wrong then join Haqiqat Sabaq you will learn chapters of Shirk and Kufr in every session. Qasim Hakimuddin and Ali Asghar Kalimuddin conducted series of Asbaaq and turned thousands of innocent Dawoodi Bohras mad for nefarious purposes.
CDs of Haqiqat Asbaaq are available for sale to Mr. Attarwala of Gulistan perfumery at Mumbai, son in law of former senior ustad of Jamea, Shaikh Ahmed Ali Raj. Purchase it and listen correct Haqaiq.

Re: Dawat in Pakistan?

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 7:00 am
by natkhat pari
Online sabak. Haqiqat sabak cd.ikwanus safa in pdf.800 majlis of syedna mohiyad on amazon. Com welcome to 21 century

Re: Dawat in Pakistan?

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 7:06 am
by natkhat pari
Is this sign of zuhoor of imamum us zaman qaiumale zikres told by our nabi saheb 10 sign of quamat and coming of last imam

Re: Dawat in Pakistan?

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 8:48 am
by Saeed al Khair
Imam uz Zaman is different and Qaim Ala Zikrehis Salaam is different personalities. Do not mixing them.

Re: Dawat in Pakistan?

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 8:53 am
by Saeed al Khair
It is informative if learned like Nafisa and others start posting on Haqaiq Biyaan. Many people can understand the hidden knowledge of the Ismaili Dawat in this way.

Re: Dawat in Pakistan?

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 9:26 am
by natkhat pari
We have heared many times in waaz 59 imam will come andremove avaland sani from zabar right and left from rasullahs sa zabar
questioned them right to duried with whoes permistion

Re: Dawat in Pakistan?

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 11:15 am
by Rebel
SBM wrote:
Rebel wrote:@Nafisa. Can you send me links to some dawat books in PDF format. For example, daim Islam books. If you have PDF format you can email me the books itself.
These are some tactics which kothar uses to control us from further educating ourselves from reading dawat literature.
some of these books including Nahjul Balagh is available in PDF format on this forum Look for them under Bohra Litreture
Thanks, will lookup for the literature that you suggested.

Re: Dawat in Pakistan?

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 4:09 pm
by ghulam muhammed
To add on to Sister Nafisa's comments on Sabak, I found something similar on another thread which is as under :-

I recently met a young man in the prime of his life, well-educated, qualified, well-behaved and having a good respectable family background. This young man is employed with a world class auditing firm, is well travelled and spoken. From all outwardly apperances, a well-adjusted westernised young man. We started talking about his life, his friends and society etc, as his family is well known to me. The conversation somehow turned towards our jamaat and bohras and I was surprised to note that he was very involved with his jamaat and attended every function, majlis and urus etc, but that was understandable as he was staying alone as his parents and siblings stay in a different country. Our small bohra community where he lives, is his only support network as he is a paying member and a good source of home-cooked meals for a non-cooking bachelor!

But where the talk suddenly took a surprising turn was when he told me that he attended sabaks twice a week, and taawil once a week. He had been roped in by his local amil and as he had the natural curiosity of a western educated youngster, he joined up and as I gradually discovered, has been so brainwashed and influenced by all the b.s served upto him, that it was shocking to discover that this apparently affable young guy held such dangerous and subversive thoughts. Here are some of the things which were revealed by him, most of it perhaps due to his naivette in front of a father figure, things which a more wily adult would not. Now many of these things are well-known to most of you thinking people, but a lot of it was also new and very disturbing.

1. All those who attend such sabaks and taawils are sworn to secrecy on pain of baraat. they have to swear total allegiance to syedna and imam, over and above the misaak they have given at adolescense.
2. They are told that the ilm that they are being given is because they are the chosen few. it is a divine intervention and syedna's doing that they came forward to seek knowledge. Thus they are above and different from the masses.
3. It is emphasised upon them that with the hidden knowledge they receive, they are now way above the others in terms of understanding, intellect and faith. They are told that as they climb to higher and higher stages of learning the taawil and the hidden truths, they are now becoming superior beings and closer to Allah and his chosen representative on earth, our syedna.
4. On the one hand they are told to be prepared to be able to handle any type of questions put to them by the unbelievers or those of weak faith and the dawat na dushmano, on the other hand they are told to observe, analyse and refrain from engaging in debates with ignorant people of lower intellect and understanding.
5. It is drummed into their brain time and again right from day one, that we as human beings have been put on earth to serve Allah and then (with the help of a series of lectures which links Allah with the Dai), they are told that the dai is the veritable presence of allah on earth. He is the present and reality and any disobedience to his farmaans is a disobedience or denial of allah, which means an instant rejection of the divinity of the imam, his dai and thus allah himself.
6. They are also told that based on the Daim ul Islam, the dai is a mere figurehead, a tool only in the hands of the imam. A dai can be any pious person of impeccable character, it is the imam's prerogative to choose a dai and if the imam chooses a succession of dai's from one family, then again it is divine will acting through the imam.
7. In another curious twist, they are told that the whole world around them is an illusion, everything as it appears is only superficial and the reality is completely opposite, it is hidden and deep below the surface. It is beyond the understanding and intelligence of the untrained eyes of unbelievers. The world is a contradiction, our deen is in itself a conundrum and a puzzle for the uninitiated. Only those who have been invited in, or who have professed their love for their leader and the imam are privileged to know the deep secrets of what the reality is below all the maze of contradictions.
8. And perhaps the most sinister and novel argument perfected perhaps in the last 2-3 decades (?) is that these gullible are informed that as the world is rapidly evolving and the pace of change is accelerating, eg. as communication technology has grown more in the last 50 years than it did in the past 5000 years, whatever happened with our deen and the dai's of the past is now defunct and outdated. World conditions and the threats to our faith and deen are changing so fast that whatever steps the dai takes, whatever new farmaans he issues or changes directions maybe bewildering to the non-believer and weak of faith, but the faithful know that it is all for the good of our mumineen. Whatever the actions of the present dai, he does not have to be influenced by the behaviour and policies of past dais, every era from now on may be different. In fact even within the zamaan of one dai, he may change course in a completely direction...! so quoting that the previous syednas did this for several centuries etc is not important and thus not neccessarily mean that the present dai also has to do the same. The dai is like a skilful captain of a ship with the added divine backing of an imam who is steering the safina of our deen as per the latest weather conditions and benefit of our mumineen..
9. Those who have faith in syedna are living confidently knowing that the captain is taking them to heaven, they are peaceful and in bliss, but those who doubt him are living a miserable life, full of self doubts and torment in their souls. All such people have no understanding now and will never understand even in the future. They are all following the islam of the first 3 khalifas who betrayed the prophet and ali and the ahlul bait and committed treachery. Their knowledge is superficial and they accept the superficial and illusory as reality.

I was quite aghast and left totally speechless on hearing these distorted views coming from the mind and tongue of this outwardly modern and educated young man. The first thought which crossed my mind was, is the kothar creating a new Nazi order or another militant RSS type outfit, full of poison and hatred and sinister thoughts, to be unleashed onto the world when the time is ripe? or is this a grass roots indoctrination scheme to further entrench their hegemony and turn us all into zombies?

Brothers, as u can see from all the above, and I am sure there is a lot more, the conclusions we can derive are obvious.

1. We as a community are being instilled with a false sense of superiority complex. This is a dangerous and self-serving strategy on the one hand, because when a group starts to feel this way, they will passionately adore their leader who gives them that feeling of false comfort; but on the other hand this superiority complex will lead to our destruction and eventual wipe-out because of the false sense of complacency it induces.
2. We are becoming a secretive community indulging in subterfuge, cunning, hypocrisy and lack of ethics, speaking in forked tongues and pretensive behaviour, as is evident when we are told how to behave in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, etc. and how we behave otherwise.
3. We are being very cleverly led away from the true islam by making us believe that ours is the true islam, all this while they are distorting islam, vilifying it and perverting it, in fact exploiting it for personal gain.
4. They are creating and crafting clever arguments against the vastly more knowledgeable reformists, who have carefully preserved and documented our past history, by claiming that past dais' practices and traditions are now defunct and irrelevant in face of evolution and divine guidance of imam.
5. The whole attempt clearly and patently obvious here is that these are classic strategies in creation of a cult and to raise the status of the dai to the level to a cultist divine being, who cannot be touched or doubted in any way, to the pedestal of a divine being.
6. Equating all hated figures in shia islam and particularly in the warped view of our syedna and his kothar, viz. the first 3 khalifas, shimr, laeen, yazeed, moawiyah, the other muslims, the reformists and those who defy them, all of them into one neat bundle and say laanat on them as Allah na dushman and dawat na dushman.
7. The creation of new practices and innovations based around maatam-e-hussain and ratcheting up of the shrill rhetoric against the sahabas is a glaringly obvious strategy to implement the above and to constantly hammer the feeling of insecurity into our psyche, as if the events of kerbala happened only last night and we the chosen are under threat from the infidels ourselves.

I was able to pry most of this information out of this boy by very skilful and adroit questioning, some innocent, some provocative, some challenging.. I also asked him how the matter of the syedna hunting and killing wild animals for sport fits in, as well as why he has never heard syedna mentioning his mother ever, why he keeps a rumaal on his hand when u have to support him, but offers it freely when u are doing salaam to him with money etc. he was naive enough to offer to find out, but did mention, as would be expected, that there must be a taawil behind it, which is something I would not understand.
I used to go to sabaq, I was even elevated to first level of taawil. The guy you talked to is first level of taawil, there are numerous, once you complete the 1st level then your are elevated to 2nd and I dont know how many are there. Because they dont tell you.
What he told you is exactly the 1st level teachings. There are only a certain no of student assigned to one ustaad. Their intimacy is very phenomenal. And there are women who are elevated. The group I was in had more women than man. Having said that after this level they narrate the creation, Adam and eve, the universe in a very hypothetical way. Adam and eve are first of humans but Adam the prophet was not the first human. Well anyways What ever they say they do not quote any refrence for that, there is no citation of any book or source for their teachings.
The whole theory is based on total submission to dai. Sabaq is very intelligently created to hypnotise and brain wash a believer. They make you to believe that sole purpose of creation of this universe was to bless present royal family. Nothing beyond and above.

Re: Dawat in Pakistan?

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 5:14 pm
by Ozdundee
GmBhai what a fantastic investigation and am grateful you have summarised it for the reader. The question always bothered me what is the source of this rigid ideology or spell that even sane impressive youth are falling for. And was sure there was something more sinister and stronger than misaq or general faith. I now realise iman and misaq are only the first 2 gates into this other forms of dungeons where our youth at their parents ignorance or desires are thrown into it and the way out is almost impossible. We as a community have turned smart beings into zombies.

What is driving or motivating these practises it the system or is it a team of very evil wretched men in Kasre Ali. Was it STS or YN who like the mafia brotherhood or Freemason wanted ensure their cult survives and created self feeding self sustaining practises. What you have described is not far from how devil worshipers I have read about operate. The outcome is more than greed and wealth..It is power , control, is a big part.

It also explains why abdes even after our perceived oppression and persecutions do not feel as victims. It is those outside the spell who feel uncomfortable . And your research also explains why there are only fewer reformists or liberal Bohras . These are the ones who exit or do not go for sabaqs.

To be honest by reading your statement and as you have stated they have made counter arguments to reformists moves I have momentarily been stunned and shocked . I for sure and us have to reassess our next moves otherwise we will hit walls and not make progress.

What you describe also helps one understand why SKQ will not succeed wining hearts of the masses. So that will need consideration is a strategy is to extract a few people, salvageable ...we may need to turn the focus to a rescue operation rather than a conquer . Also we should be prepared to live behind the slaves who do not wish to be saved.

It has crossed my mind and does now , are these people under such powerful spells worth reforming , and it is good to reassess our objectives and approach . But a statement from one of SKQ camp that I associated to similar discussions rings a bell. We are duty bound as Muslims when we see evil to expose evil and restore truth and take count of success later . Or a security operation I worked recently on, the captain reminded us that every soul every being or life child women saved is a life saved even when we see many more destroyed victims around that we cannot save we need to know our limits and save what we can . Such words inspires my motives of resistance and avoids me focussing on vast number of dead souls we will not be able to save. Hence is all this time and effort delivering dividends yes one dividend in a million is worth it. Yes! To my point reformists will need to replan their methods and I don't know what that is but is good homework for a few weeks .We should continue until we find a substitute our current process so we don't loose momentum.

Re: Dawat in Pakistan?

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 1:51 am
by Sufi monk
if Dai is manifest of ALLAH on earth, then from which angle Muffy or even SKQ looks or sounds like ALLAH? (nauzobillah e azim)

even dumbest kind of humanity wont agree on this theology, but again abdes are of their own kind in stupidity. :roll:

Re: Dawat in Pakistan?

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 6:00 pm
by Rebel where in the world gave this idea or the concept came from that dai is the manifestation of Allah...would Allah manifest himself in the garb of dai like 51st, 52nd and now two 53rd who will oppress and subjugate his creation?

Re: Dawat in Pakistan?

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 6:30 pm
by ghulam muhammed
Rebel where in the world gave this idea or the concept came from that dai is the manifestation of Allah
Haven't you heard of the self proclaimed title of "Ilahul Ard" ??

Re: Dawat in Pakistan?

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 6:56 pm
by Rebel
Yeah didn't TS & MB proclaim that? How can people accept this? I would feel embarrassed that I being DB and my religious head proclaim themselves as Gods...Gods who violate their own creations....isn't this absurd?

Attention Please Ulema e Islam

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 11:03 am
by Nafisa
Muslim Ulema should pay attention

I have received a gift from one of my Pakistani friends
See the attached files of Shirk of Dawoodi Bohra Mushreken
Lanat of Allah on the creator of this Bidaat and Kufr

Re: Dawat in Pakistan?

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 2:37 pm
by saminaben
Behen Nafisa
Where have you been all these years. They have been doing this Namaaz of tulul umr for almost a decade - and now last few years for Mansoos too. This ain't nothing new.

Re: Dawat in Pakistan?

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 1:10 am
by Nafisa
Dawoodi Bohras are waiting in Pakistan that when SKQ file his case in Pakistani court. They are terrorizing heavily by satanic Aamils+Jamea+Jamaat+Muallims. Except paid class and those whose bread and butter is in the hands of Mufaddal, every one sand curse upon Mufaddal and his devil force, due to great loot and Haraam Khawri.

Pakistan is a Muslim country, courts are open. The day is not far when satanic creeds of the Dawoodi Bohras shall be discuss in the court and in result the community of the brain dead slaves become worst then Qadyanis. Wake up, before the fire of anger, which will not spare.

It is better that Dawoodi Bohras in Pakistan especially should stop to entertain Aamil+Jamea+Muallims+Jamaat financially from right now. Fear Allah; do not fear demi-god Mufaddal. In fact the one who can claim demi-god is Firron Maloon of the era and his eternal “Mahal” is Hell but not Saify Mahal.

Re: Dawat in Pakistan?

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 7:50 am
by think
karachi is a city without morals. anything goes. To the extent that there are interviews of crack pots having sex with the dead in their graves. If Muffy lays down enough money ,he can buy the court system. The truth will never come out. On the other hand S.K.Q. resources may injure Muffy but if played intelligently ,it can irradicate muffy's mafia gang forever from Pakistan atleast.

Re: Dawat in Pakistan?

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 3:53 pm
by Rebel
I don't thinks courts in Pakistan can be easily bought in by deviant mullahs. Some lawyers who are not hardliners can help the MS group but there are Islamic groups in Pakistan who would oppose the Bohra Mullahs and co. It is an Islamic state, Ahmediyyahs were persecuted and kicked out of Pakistan because of their different outlook on Islam. If Talibans and other hardliners are made aware of weird rituals and practice of Dawoodi Bohras they would face extreme problems in Pakistan. Bohra Masjids and Bohra families have been targets of hardliners in Pakistan fairly recently. Several Bohra men have been killed and businesses and Bohra locality bombed in karachi as well. Many Muslims in Pakistan do not consider us to be true Muslims because of very different practices and ceremonies that we perform.

Re: Dawat in Pakistan?

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 10:32 am
by Saeed al Khair
SKQ knows well the strategy to conquer the strong forts of Mufaddali Yahud with the help of Allah and His Wali Ali. He will eliminate power of the current Marhab Mufaddal, Antar Joher and Abde Najmuddin Wad .

Those who understand the Qur'an knows how Allah turned the past large nations so these Dawoodi Bohras of Pakistan are Hypnotized class only . Soon they will wake up from the deep sleep of "Ghafil" Inshallah.

Re: Dawat in Pakistan?

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 8:29 am
by Nafisa
After killing animals of Jungle, brutal hunter, Mufaddal Saifuddin is very shortly coming Pakistan to hunt Abde animals. He will spend last week of Shabaan and 1st 10 days of Ramazan in Karachi to collect Wajebaat/Zakaat 5-10 times higher.
Mukhlessn should be ready to Fida their Jaan and Maal to this champion collector of gold and Foreign Currency.

Re: Mufaddal's forthcoming March towards Pakistan

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 8:34 am
by Nafisa
Nukars of Dawat in Pakistan are busy in planning of loot during Mufaddal's forthcoming visit of Pakistan. He will spend last week of Shabaan and 10 days of Ramazan in Pakistan

Re: Mufaddal's forthcoming March towards Pakistan

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 4:06 am
by pheonix
Nafisa wrote:Nukars of Dawat in Pakistan are busy in planning of loot during Mufaddal's forthcoming visit of Pakistan. He will spend last week of Shabaan and 10 days of Ramazan in Pakistan
Jahil Aurat... A real misnomer, this one. Nothing Nafees in your writings.

Re: Mufaddal's forthcoming March towards Pakistan

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 4:22 am
by Sufi monk
Bohra spring wrote:There is a conscious strategy by SMS to strength the his base in less democratic corrupt third world countries like East Africa , Pakistan , Sri Lanka , Yemen etc

He feels safer from law and criminal investigations , able launder money and has they type of Abdes he can preach to.

It is not a coincidence that he visits these countries more than western countries
MS is jhahil and most of his followers are jhahil as well, he has no place in develop world and very soon he will lose all his grip from develop world...

only jhahils of third world country will remain in his grip that too just for few more years.

Re: Mufaddal's forthcoming March towards Pakistan

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 4:36 am
by tasneempati
Saeed al Khair wrote:From Pakistani sources got information that around 15th April Mufaddal Saifuddin will be in Pakistan with his Choor Qafila. Purpose of his forthcoming visit of Pakistan is to protect more than 3000 Bank accounts and trusts in Pakistan. His two corrupt family members are ruling ruthlessly over Pakistani Dawoodi Bohras, Naeem Mansoor and Kumail Yunus. They are minting trillions of dollars from Pakistani sources but not spending for the welfare of the community in reality, instead they deals them as medieval era slaves.

It is correct time and someone should file case in superior judiciary of Pakistan to draw their attention towards the mishandling of the public funds on huge scale and transferring money on very large level from Pakistan. It is also necessary to inform the media regarding the creed of Dawoodi Bohra clergy propagate in Masjids, based on heresy and open shirk. Lot of materiel available as evidences in form of uttering of mulla's Sabaq, Biyaan, Waez and Mufaddali sermons. Nooruddin is a satanic representative of Mufaddal in half Karachi. Another strong representative is mustansir mansoor, a very arrogant. Both are playing with religion like concubine.
Amazing amount. I am sure if you sell whole of Pakistan it will not bring trillions of dollars. (Pakistan is already a failed state & full of filth. )

Re: Mufaddal's forthcoming March towards Pakistan

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 4:47 am
by Nafisa
After killing animals of Jungle, brutal hunter, Mufaddal Saifuddin is very shortly coming Pakistan to hunt Abde animals. He will spend last week of Shabaan and 1st 10 days of Ramazan in Karachi to collect so called Zakaat 5-10 times higher then last year.

Mushrekeen Bohra should be ready to do Sajda and Fida on him with their Jaan and Maal. He is champion collector of gold and Foreign Currency on the name of granting Jannat.

Can someone please send me addresses of some Muslim institutions in Pakistan to whom I should send latter of information of the heresy and Shirk committed by Mufaddal Saifuddin, demi-god of the Bohra cult?

Re: Mufaddal's forthcoming March towards Pakistan

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 5:42 am
by Sufi monk
Nafisa wrote:After killing animals of Jungle, brutal hunter, Mufaddal Saifuddin is very shortly coming Pakistan to hunt Abde animals. He will spend last week of Shabaan and 1st 10 days of Ramazan in Karachi to collect so called Zakaat 5-10 times higher then last year.

Mushrekeen Bohra should be ready to do Sajda and Fida on him with their Jaan and Maal. He is champion collector of gold and Foreign Currency on the name of granting Jannat.

Can someone please send me addresses of some Muslim institutions in Pakistan to whom I should send latter of information of the heresy and Shirk committed by Mufaddal Saifuddin, demi-god of the Bohra cult?
it will be much better if you talk like nafisa and not like chudail/witch, and one more thing do ur research and find addresses by ur self, "google" is best tool to use.

Re: Dawat in Pakistan?

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 10:07 am
by Nafisa
What kind of Sufi you are?

Don't you have respect to talk with any women. What do you feel if someone address your mother or wife as Chureel ?

It is but natural that a Mushrik who don't have sense of Tawheed talk like this. A Mumin Muslim can not do Sajdah other then Allah.

Dawoodi Bohra community at large are committing Shirk of Sajdah to Dai and calling Mufaddal as Baitullah al Haqiqi and kissing his hands better then kissing Hajre Aswad so is it not Shirk?

Re: Dawat in Pakistan?

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 11:06 am
by seeker110
Nafisabehan they learn from their Bawa Saheeb. He like the idea of locking up women in the kitchen everyday for few hours. With this leader it is a 50/50 innocent animals or the better half of every man.

Re: Dawat in Pakistan?

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 11:40 am
by Sufi monk
Nafisa wrote:What kind of Sufi you are?

Don't you have respect to talk with any women. What do you feel if someone address your mother or wife as Chureel ?

It is but natural that a Mushrik who don't have sense of Tawheed talk like this. A Mumin Muslim can not do Sajdah other then Allah.

Dawoodi Bohra community at large are committing Shirk of Sajdah to Dai and calling Mufaddal as Baitullah al Haqiqi and kissing his hands better then kissing Hajre Aswad so is it not Shirk?
first thing, I highly doubt u are a woman,
second I didn't called u churail but I said u sound like one,
third if u are actually a female I request u to change tone of your talking, and
fourth my apologies < if u are really a female> :idea:

Re: Dawat in Pakistan?

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 12:35 pm
by Nafisa
OK accept your apology.
Tone of Haq is always sound harsh. Amir al Mumineen says, Al Haqqu Murrun Truth is always bitter

You are using name" Sufi monk" . Imam Sadiq declared that path of the Sufya is completely wrong as well they are "Gumrah" class of people. A monk has no concern with Muslims, he should serve his Biudhist followers. For the guidance of the Dawoodi Bohras learned in the Uloom of Ahl al Bait are enough.