Zehra Cyclewala Thunderstorms the Dais' Devrhi in Surat

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
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Re: Zehra Cyclewala Thunderstorms the Dais' Devrhi in Surat


Unread post by Abuzer » Sun Jan 18, 2015 10:07 pm

ghulam muhammed wrote:Zehraben Cyclewala makes a statement by going to the Roza in Surat alongwith Nasreenben Rajabali of Birmingham and Yunusbhai Baluwala of Mumbai without Rida and Saya/Kurta thereby showing Bohras that there is no need to adhere to the dress code which is imposed upon them forcibly and that one only needs to dress modestly and that no one has the right to prevent them from doing Ziyarat..

Did they got entry in kubba? post pics please.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Zehra Cyclewala Thunderstorms the Dais' Devrhi in Surat


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Jan 19, 2015 5:22 pm

Of course they entered the qubba although I don't have those pictures but you can see Zehraben entering qubba a few months back, pictures of which were posted on the forum.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Zehra Cyclewala Thunderstorms the Dais' Devrhi in Surat


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Wed Jul 08, 2015 7:37 pm

An old article posted by S. Insaf in April 2006 which displays the enormous courage of Zehraben and the evil, inhuman attitude of the Dai and his henchmen :-

Following is one incident from the Book 'One against All" written on the life of Zehra Cyclewala:


For the citizens of Surat that day was an usual day full of daily routine. It was the 13th day of holy month of Ramadan and believers were fasting. The heat was severe. People were tired. Some persons had taken small break from work to soothen their busy minds and tired bodies. In the midst of usual business activities there was some strange silence in the atmosphere. Some individuals seeking peace and comfort for themselves had decided to disturb the peace of others. Some individuals are born sadists who enjoy harassing and torturing others. That day there was a gathering of such sadist Dawoodi Bohras in 'Saifee Street' of Surat at mid-noon. There was loud provocation and commotion inside the Bohra mosque of the area. Many fanatics with their long hanging beards and robes were shouting disgustingly. Any civilised person with a trace of decency and sense of religion would never do any thing as heinous especially in the holy month of Ramadan. But these people were different. They, who called themselves 'religious' and true followers of Sayedna, were engaged in most unholy act of opposing the burial of an old lady belonging to their own community. They in rage were shouting " we will not allow the burial of Muddaee Fulibai's burial in our cemetery."

But Fulibai had done nothing to invite Sayedna's wrath. She was an elderly believing lady. A Dawoodi Bohra by birth who remained faithful to her religion all her life. She had expired and her dead body was dishonored. The fanatic followers of Sayedna were making all efforts to stop her burial in the community's burial ground. They were over vehemently carrying on their mission. Their noise was becoming higher each time. The Dawoodi Bohras were gathering there in more and more numbers and were creating a mass-hysteria for slogan-shouters.

But even in such circumstances most people do show their respect to a dead person. They may not attend celebrations but they hardly fail to attend a funeral ceremony. Even the last rites of a hardcore criminal are carried out as the last rites of saints and priests. Death is an event that the sins of the dead are forgiven. All the bitterness is buried in the soil or burnt in ashes. Then why the burial of Fulibai was stopped. She was not a criminal, nor she had committed any sin.

But in the eyes of Sayedna she was a 'sinner'. Her sin was that Fulibai was the mother of a girl named Zehra Taherali Cyclewala. Zehra herself was a follower of Sayedna and an ordinary kind Bohra from her childhood. But she was forced to fight a battle against atrocious and rigid religious leadership. The unjust, inhuman and exploitative leadership that had terrorized the entire community. That is why her relatives and other Bohras had disowned Fulibai on her death and had submitted to the authoritarian rule. Though bearing all odds Zehra Cyclewala had remained committed. There was nobody except herself at the time of her mother's death as her father had died many years ago. Fulibai had five children, two sons and three daughters and they were alive and grown up today. But they had no courage and self-respect to appose the exploitative leaders for fear of excommunication.

The entire scene of dishonoring Falibai's dead body was so horrifying and blood boiling that many passerby strangers cried looking at it. But Fulibai's own children had become absolutely insensitive. The fear had wiped out all humanity in them. They had no fear of god but they feared the wrath of Sayedna Mohammed Burhanuddin and his inhuman Amils.

The local Bohras and Fulibai's own children had disowned her, but how could Zehra forget her mother who chose to stay with her till her last breath. Zehra was determined to give her a most lovable farewell. So she kept her courage. She wanted to weep and cry loudly, she wanted to roll her tears down to console her heart, but she could not afford to do so. She did not weep. She remained calm and passionate but not inactive. Gathering all her courage she went to the mosque and started a logical dialogue with the Amil and community leaders. She asked them, "Have I changed my religion? No, I still follow the principles of the community based on Islam. I offer my daily prayers. I have been paying regularly my sabil and other dues. What is my fault? Why this harassment?" Zehra's arguments were logical but there was no room for logic in minds of mullas hearing them. Their conscious had died down. After hearing continuous arguments from Zehra, the Jamat members permitted Fulibai's funeral ceremony. But the Amil of Sayedna put one condition before Zehra. "Withdraw all your court cases against us. Then and then only we will permit the burial of your mother's dead body."

For Zehra, court cases were like Jihad. An ongoing struggle for the truth. Her mother, Fuliben had inspired her daughter to fight for the values of religion and truth. And Fuliben's dead body was lying in front of her as a challenge. A storm had erupted in her mind. " Can Allah ever give such inhuman orders? What sin my mother had committed against Islam? Can a true Muslim dishonour an old lady's dead body?" The cases she had filed were for her fundamental rights of life and to perform her duties as a citizen of India. At last she reached at the conclusion that Fuliben would be buried in the Dawoodi Bohra Graveyard even if she had to take the protection of police and the law! On the other hand the fanatics and selfish leaders were almost ready to throw the dead body out of the mosque. Zehra did not want to loose time. So she rushed to Mahidharpura Police station in Surat.

At police station she explained the situation to the officer in-charge, PI Shree M.G. Kaneria. She explained her stand giving some proofs of her fight for right to live. The police force rushed to the Saifee Street. Till then, thousands of people had gathered there. Hindus and Muslims were cursing the leaders of the Bohra community. The Sunni Muslims offered her to bury her mother's dead body in their cemetery but Zehra did not accept it. She had decided to expose high-handedness of the Amil and Jamat's office bearers.

The fanatics of Sayedna were aware of their unfair act. Therefore the moment the police arrived, their fury subsided. After some arguments, they agreed to permit Fulibai's burial in the community's graveyard, but again played a trick to save their face. They allowed the burial in a place, which was earmarked for the dead bodies of suicidal cases. Zehra refused the offer. As pressure built up by police and Sunni Muslims the Amil and Jamat members allowed the burial in the usual place where repectable members are buried. Thousand of Hindus and Muslims also joined the funeral procession. A large crowd had collected on the roads. Fuliben had died at 2'O'clock in the afternoon but her body was buried finally 3 o'clock at night under heavy police protection. Tears now broke down in Zehra's eyes. Her mother had got justice after a long struggle. The news had flashed in the prominent National dailies like Times of India, Indian Express, and other Gujarati local newspapers of Gujarat.

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Re: Zehra Cyclewala Thunderstorms the Dais' Devrhi in Surat


Unread post by seeker110 » Wed Jul 08, 2015 8:53 pm

Bhai GM, ye puraney zakham phir taza ho gayay.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Zehra Cyclewala Thunderstorms the Dais' Devrhi in Surat


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Thu Jul 09, 2015 4:48 pm

seeker110 wrote:Bhai GM, ye puraney zakham phir taza ho gayay.
Bhai seeker110, Duniya ko yeh dikhaana hai ki sirf is Ramzan mein hi nahi balki pehle bhi Ramzan mein logo ko isse zyaada pareshaan kiya jaat tha