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Re: London hostpital nass video and audio

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 6:38 pm
by saminaben
james wrote:
Haqq_Prevails wrote: you are the one ignoring the significance of the Mazoon.
While you're at it, could you please highlight the significance of rutba of Mukasir ?

After that, can you please list the names and significance of the Hudood Kiram of Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA ?

How many of them have accepted Khuzaima's word ?
Mukasir sahib Hussein hasusain sahib - during his prime sabaq giving days asked people in his congregation to leave his Sabak if they do not pray behind Mazoon Bhai sahib. Mukasir sahib also, in addition to Burhanuddin Maula debunked the zahir-baatin philosophy propagated by the dushmans of Maroon sahib..

HusainBhai sahebz sons and family now manipulate him while he is frail - same way burhanuddin maulas son and family manipulated him after stroke.

Re: London hostpital nass video and audio

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 9:33 pm
by Sufi monk
as far as I understand body language, both son of muffy are "bayla type" and "maa naa mawadiya".

after muffy I think some of his brother will take over and not his sons.

Re: London hostpital nass video and audio

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 11:48 pm
by Bohra spring
Can max explain why only the descendants of sts are eligible to receive Nass ?

I understand no aam admi child has been groomed , but surely the hundreds to thousand kids who were sent by their poor families from Africa, India , Pakistan , west if observed would have the intellect and capacity to be so knowledgable that they would qualify to be groomed for the imam to appoint them Mansoos, mazoon or mukasir.

Please don't break our heart that the aam admi talabats were discriminated from achieving leadership

Look I am so open to the fact that if James, Adam or Max said he was on short list of achieving diai ship but lost to a better candidate

Same to SKQ does he commit that any Bohra child will be trained to a level that he can become the next dais after him if he is better than one if his sons as he will personally guide so the imam will be impressed

Sorry ladies you are excluded from the race to the top life is not all fair

Re: London hostpital nass video and audio

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 2:14 am
by james
saminaben wrote:
HusainBhai sahebz sons and family now manipulate him while he is frail - same way burhanuddin maulas son and family manipulated him after stroke.
You are digging a bigger hole for yourself. Not that I am complaining.

You claim,

His Holiness Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA was MANIPULATED.

His Mukasir Dawat Syedi Husain Bhaisaheb Husamuddin DM was/is MANIPULATED.

You are silent on the other Hudood Kiram of Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA. What about them? Were they manipulated in your opinion?

Only Khuzaima was free from any manipulation whatsoever. I laughed again.

Out of morbid curiosity,have you heard bayan of Syedi Husain Bhaisaheb Husamuddin DM after wafat of the 52nd Dai RA ?

Re: London hostpital nass video and audio

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 4:40 pm
by Haqq_Prevails
james wrote:
Haqq_Prevails wrote: you are the one ignoring the significance of the Mazoon.
While you're at it, could you please highlight the significance of rutba of Mukasir ?

After that, can you please list the names and significance of the Hudood Kiram of Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA ?

How many of them have accepted Khuzaima's word ?
Mukasir is an aala rutba, but still superceded by the only other rutba after the dai with Mutlaq raza and that is that of the Mazoon.
You got fitting replies from @Sufi and @saminaben. Just reiterating so it gets thru your knuckle head.
BTW this whole episode of all the Hudood and family of a dai going against the mazoon was played earlier in history and we as Dawoodi Bohras sided with the Mazoon Syedna Dawood bin Qutubshah. Learn from History, don't repeat it.

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 4:42 pm
by ghulam muhammed

Here Comes The Saudi Dynasty Succession Crisis ...

Saudi royal guards stand on duty during the Janadriya culture festival at Der'iya in Riyadh

The Saudi dynasty is facing its biggest dynastic challenge in 50 years, and Game of Thrones-style cracks are showing in the imminent transition from King Abdullah’s rule.

Liz Sly of The Washington Post details growing discontent in the royal family after the contentious appointment of the king’s youngest brother, Muqrin, as the deputy heir.

The choice of Muqrin, a British-educated fighter pilot who has close ties to the U.S., is controversial partly because he is the son of a Yemeni concubine who was never formally married to his father, King Abdulaziz Al-Saud, who founded the Saudi state in 1932.

“He is not a real prince; his mother was a slave and there are other brothers who are more competent,” a former Saudi official told Sly. “Nobody believes Muqrin can become king.”

The newly-created title effectively allows Muqrin, 69, to bypass at least two other brothers, which goes against the unspoken rule that succession passes down according to age.

King Abdullah is believed to be around 90 and his immediate successor, Crown Prince Salman, is 79. Both are in poor health.

Over the last six decades, the succession mostly passed brother to brother in order of their age. But the last of the current line of brothers will die soon, passing power to the third generation of the family.

Sly explains the problem that consequently arises:

"Given that there are scores of princes in [the third generation], the potential for discord is high. Whoever inherits the throne is likely to anoint his own brothers as future heirs, thereby cutting out multiple cousins from access to the throne and the patronage it provides."

This chart from The Washington Institute lays out the line of succession up to this point (Murquin is one of the "19 other surviving sons": ... 04112.html

Re: London hostpital nass video and audio

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 2:36 am
by james
Haqq_Prevails wrote:
james wrote: While you're at it, could you please highlight the significance of rutba of Mukasir ?

After that, can you please list the names and significance of the Hudood Kiram of Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA ?

How many of them have accepted Khuzaima's word ?
Mukasir is an aala rutba, but still superceded by the only other rutba after the dai with Mutlaq raza and that is that of the Mazoon.

You got fitting replies from @Sufi and @saminaben. Just reiterating so it gets thru your knuckle head.
BTW this whole episode of all the Hudood and family of a dai going against the mazoon was played earlier in history and we as Dawoodi Bohras sided with the Mazoon Syedna Dawood bin Qutubshah. Learn from History, don't repeat it.
For the benefit of the readers,could you please cite example(s) of a Mukasir(s) gone against Dawat?

Also,during the tenure of Syedna Dawood bin Qutubshah, are you sure every Hudat Kiram of the previous Dai went against Syedna Dawood bin Qutubshah? Was it Syedna Dawood vs all the Hudat Kiram of the previous Dai + Sulaiman ?

Think very carefully and then attempt to answer.Your lies and distortion don't wash here.

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 2:40 am
by qutub_mamajiwala
this is wahabi islam

Re: London hostpital nass video and audio

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 1:23 am
by alam
Keep laughing James. You laugh a lot. That's cool bro.

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 1:42 am
by dal-chaval-palidu
A few thoughts on the 19th Rajab Nass video.

All the reference in that video is at time 26 minutes and about 50 seconds, when the claim is that Moula said “Mufaddal bhai ne Nass nu taaj”. However, at time 20:40 to 20:45, we heard Moiz BS said “Moula farmawe che ke shezada Muffadal ne, nass nu taj ehne phanavi dihdu”. Now nobody is een claiming to hear it from Moula’s mouth prior to 20:40 (see the video around that time period) and that is 6 minutes before 26 minutes. So how did he [Moiz BS] say it 6 minutes before the alleged statement was made?

Next, consider time 21 minutes to 23 minutes.
21:46 – says to increase the volume.
21:45 – 58 Maula says something which is inaudible.
21:58 to 22:12 Maula says something (not audible to me) and the physical location is Maula’s mouth, the microphone (next to his mouth) and then (further away) Moiz BS.
22:21 Moiz BS finally gets the mic (from Maula) and says “Huzurala a farmayu ke Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin a nass nu Taj tamne pheravi didhu” while Maula appears to be gesturing something with his hand.
And then further Maula is saying something (not clear to me) until 23:00 – this needs some expert’s audio/speech analysis and mouth movements. But Moiz BS appears to pull back.

Now one question is: I did not hear anything from 21:58 to 22:12, and how come Moiz BS confidently says at 22:21 ke “Huzurala a farmayu ke Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin a nass nu Taj tamne pheravi didhu”. And I mentioned the physical location for a reason. A sensitive audio receiver (the mic, which is far sensitive than the human ear) is closer to Maula’s mouth than Moiz BS. How come the mic does not catch anything and Moiz BS so confidently says this? Sorry, but that does not seem to add up. Can they explain? It makes me angry, and I am wondering: Did he just make it up? Did Moiz BS come there already having made up his mind that he is going to say these things whatever Moula says (or does not say)? Moiz BS is saying Nass on Muffadal BS at time 20:45, and then at 22:21. Even if somebody is to believe that Moula is saying at 26 minutes (which I repeated many times and I cannot hear any such words), here is Moiz BS already proclaiming Nass 4 and 6 minutes before that !!

The way I see it, Moiz BS just made it up. Sorry, but that is my sad conclusion.

And if so, the audacity of it (to snatch away a nass in that way from the rightful successor) should offend all bohras. Remember again the physics. The mic is very close to the mouth, it is still muffled and not clear. So how did these people hear so clearly and are saying to confidently? And is this any way to do a nass – we are going to rely on the inaudible muffled sound of a dai after a stroke to decide a successor?

I am sure others have gone thru this video many times and have similar thoughts to what I am saying above. If not, please go thru it one more time and see if you agree with what I am saying above.Thanks.

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 1:58 am
by Sufi monk
good points, dal chawal palida wala bhai, <lol>

SMB orated million waezez all his life, and it was so astonishing he could not declare his mansoos in public which would hardly take 10 seconds, clearly there was HIKMAT of ALLAH in this.

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 2:40 am
by alam
Good forensic analysis. You should join the legal team or be a court appointed analyst
:) :twisted:

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 5:31 am
by kimanumanu
The other bit that confused me was near the end when wadhawani rasam is performed and Mois BS tells Moula (RA) about it and I could distinctly hear a couple of "Kaun .... Kaun".

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 6:04 am
by natkhat pari
70000 hajis said "muk kun to moula ya ali un mola" after rasuallah. Only few followed ali moula. No surprise history repets itself. Even you

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 4:13 pm
by Mazakyo
natkhat pari wrote:70000 hajis said "muk kun to moula ya ali un mola" after rasuallah. Only few followed ali moula. No surprise history repets itself. Even you
Mun kunto maula fa haza Aliun maula

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 8:48 pm
by y-kuc
Mazakyo wrote:
natkhat pari wrote:70000 hajis said "muk kun to moula ya ali un mola" after rasuallah. Only few followed ali moula. No surprise history repets itself. Even you
Mun kunto maula fa haza Aliun maula
mun kunto maulaho fa haza ali'un maulaho.

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 9:26 pm
by canadian
"Mun kunto maula fa haza Aliun maula"

"mun kunto maulaho fa haza ali'un maulaho"

@ Mazakyo and y-kuc:

Pardon my ignorance. Can you translate please. Sorry, I do not know arabic nor lisan-ud-dawat..

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 10:31 pm
by way2go
canadian wrote:"Mun kunto maula fa haza Aliun maula"

"mun kunto maulaho fa haza ali'un maulaho"

@ Mazakyo and y-kuc:

Pardon my ignorance. Can you translate please. Sorry, I do not know arabic nor lisan-ud-dawat..
Canadian bhai.....When the Prophet declared Maulana Ali as his successor at Ghadir e Khum these are words he said which mean...' For whomsoever I am Master, Ali is the Master'.

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 10:40 pm
by canadian
Thank you, way2go. I got confused by three different ways the sentence was written ( by natkhatpari, mazakyo and y-kuc)

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 1:59 am
by way2go
canadian wrote:Thank you, way2go. I got confused by three different ways the sentence was written ( by natkhatpari, mazakyo and y-kuc)

Canadian bhai.....You are welcome! :)

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 2:08 am
by maddy
Just Rcv.............. :?: :?:

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 2:50 am
by Sufi monk
maddy wrote:Just Rcv.............. :?: :?:
sorry but what is it? kind of rubaat/staying facility?

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 3:25 am
by maddy
I think its nursery school of some trust..........
main think which i notice is Syedna Khuzema qutbuddin .................

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 3:32 am
by Sufi monk
maddy wrote:I think its nursery school of some trust..........
main think which i notice is Syedna Khuzema qutbuddin .................
I got confused because they talking about free tea and break fast, which city is it?

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 3:50 am
by next_generation2014
Sufi monk wrote:
maddy wrote:I think its nursery school of some trust..........
main think which i notice is Syedna Khuzema qutbuddin .................
I got confused because they talking about free tea and break fast, which city is it?
City is Dahod. I am not sure how authentic it is.

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 6:51 am
by Sufi monk
little call up with dahodi bohras and found this is fake, Someone is playing mischief!

Checked phone numbers on True Caller....not correct. One number of the two contact numbers given belongs to a Mr Harish.

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 11:13 am
by Adam
Even though you aren't on the Syedna Mufaddal side, you have highlighted the simple truth. Thank you.

If a third part proves the authenticity of the documents, then I will learn to accept SMS as my 53rd Dai.

Now that's a start! Even though your comments clearly prove that you will not side with the truth even if it's staring in your face, since you have already decided your destiny, there's nothing much to say.

Since you asked a question in Public, here is my clear answer in the public Forum:
Regardless of what any court or judge in the world says, the highest authority after Syedna Burhanuddin RA was his mazoon and today his waris Syedna Qutbuddin TUS. Unless he tells me otherwise nothing will change for me.

Thank you for clarifying your position.
1. This shows your total commitment to KQ for better or worse. Whether he is lying or not.
2. This also shows your lack of trust in the Court, which is opposite to what KQ's faith is. Quoting the Fatemi Dawat site:
"With full faith in the Indian Legal system Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin TUS approached the Bombay High Court seeking a declaration that he is the 53rd Dai"
3. Yes, the highest authority AFTER the Dai is his Mazoon. I accept that as well.
But, what you purposely forget is that it was the DAI that told you to follow Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS. He wrote it, appointed witnesses, and said it in Raudat Tahera video for all to here.
4. Even the "highest authority after the Dai", the Mazoon, accepted the Nass on Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS, immediately through his website, and also said it many times in his waaz. Why didn't you follow him then, when he WAS in the position of the Mazoon?
(He isn't anymore.)

I believe SKQ only revealed to his family that Moula had done Nass on him after Moula's demise .

You may believe what you want, but the truth is to the contrary. KQ has revealed this "secret" to many people long before Syedna's death.
The former Chief Justice himself declared that in his article.
KQ's own son Husain Q admits in his sabaq videos that they attended the waaz of Syedna Mufaddal for taqiyyat reasons, to make points against him.
Why would someone say/do that unless he was told to believe otherwise?
He betrayed Syedna's trust. Couldn't keep a "secret".

@Crater Lake
You bring some very interesting points!

In one of your earlier posts you pointed to the diary as proof of irrefutable nass. You have to be kidding me. That was a late, desperate arrival to the scene just like all the others

I am not sure which of my comments you are referring to. To clarify my opinions. The letter is just ONE of the evidence provided for the Nass. There have been witnesses, video and audio recordings of the Nass. All put together make a much stronger claim than something without any evidence.
In this day and age, even authentic documents can be proved by "authentic sources" to be fakes. Everything is relative. The Shehzadas could have also lied, it is possible. I accept that.
But one this is for sure and "irrefutable". Syedna performed Nass in Raudat Tahera, and the words are loud and clear.

Do you believe the Dai or someone else?

You know very well what I was referring to. I was referring to the jazz matazz that happened post speech-loss. Why was there not similar jazz mataaz to do nass on MS before speech-loss?......That someone who intended to do a public nass on MS would wait until his health was so far gone, in order to do it. Especially if his intent was allegedly revealed in 1388! Why would someone intend something, keep it secret for close to 5 decades and then make a very splashy but very unclear public statement about it? If he wanted to go with splashy, you could have gone for clear as well.... Way too fishy. Gotta go with SKQ.

You seem to be only looking at one side of a coin.
Instead, why don't you ask yourself the exact same questions? If Syedna RA did in fact do Nass on KQ, why didn't he make it public, even once in the past 50 years!? Why not even an iota of evidence? Even KQ says he has nothing? How could someone accept "nothing", when the Dai himself has proclaimed it?
Why blinding yourself to one sides argument and not even questioning the other?

If you ask me, Syedna chose to keep this matter private for the sames reasons we are seeing today. But at the same time, he made necessary steps well in advance, by informing his closest relatives, and servicemen, and prepared a document. The public Nass was just the cherry on top.

To question why a Dai did not reveal his Mansoos until right before his death, is in fact questioning many Dais of the past who have done exactly that. They kept it private, and at times of illness on death-fearing times the Nass was made public through witnesses and documents. The same thing is being repeated. Nothing sinister.


Iblees did not become a prophet,
Strayed sons of the Imam’s did not become Imams
Allah did not continue to keep Iblees as Angel knowing his fallacy, do not give illogical examples.

Even though iblees was an angel at one point in history, and strayed sons of Imams and "Hudood" of Imams were at one time Hudood, after their nifaq, they were removed from their positions.

KQ is another example.


I was wondering has anyone from the pro SMS group explained why only the children of the Diai are eligible to receive nass.

It is NOT necessary for the Dai to be of the same family, or sons or brothers.
But it isn't also NOT possible for it to be so.
Both examples are plenty.
The previous Dai appoints whom he sees fit. Simple.
In this case, Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin appointed his son Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin.

Is it possible there was a hikkmant in Rasullaullah for accepting 1,2,3 and even marrying their daughters and you or anyone does not know that Hikkmat and Taawil.

Yes! Ofcourse!
Whether you know it or don't. That doesn't deny the fact that Moulana Ali was Rasulullah's Mansoos. (or do you deny that as well?)

HusainBhai sahebz sons and family now manipulate him while he is frail - same way burhanuddin maulas son and family manipulated him after stroke.

No manipulation at all.
If you heard the Bayans that were relayed during the 40 Majlis. Syedi Mukasir Saheb spoke loud and clear for about 30mins. He spoke about the Nass of Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin on Syedna Mufaddal.
And even mentioned that those who don't accept this nass are worthy of "La'nat."

Check Zeninfosys if you don't believe me. It was during the first 3-4 days.

You're points about the Raudat Tahera Nass video.

You say 90% of it is un audible. No one denies it

You ask why Dr Moiz bs could hear Syedna and not you?
That's because:
A) He was standing right next to him while you are watching a Youtube video. His ears were closer than you are to your laptop speaker.
B)He is Moula's personal attendant! He has lived with him for years, and throughout the 2 weeks of his stroke, he was besides him. Someone so close would be able to understand what someone else who is unfamiliar (like you) wouldn't. You probably have family member you can relate this to.
C) You're listening to a lower quality video of the Nass and the background noise of 1000s of people, including Bhendi Bazaar buzzing doesn't add to the clarity.

But, what you deny is the fact that Syedna very clearly mentioned Syedna Mufaddal and Nass in the same sentence in the 26th minute. You can ask the members of this thread (the Qutbi Bohras), even they accept they hear it.

I have repeated over and over again, and I will continue to clarify my position of the truth.
But what baffles me is that one 1 side multiple evidence is provided, but yet questioned. And on the other side, not in iota of proof is given and the Qutbi's are quiet!

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 11:21 am
by Sufi monk

no one cares how many fake proofs MS has to prove himself Dai or what ever, biggest question is, his actions don't coincide with ISLAM and his ayyashis are mind boggling, most of his action contradicts Islam and sunnah and nature of ahlul byat.

when a leader dont follow what he preaches, obviously no one will care about his fake words.

syedi sadiq Ali says

"ilm naa saathe laazim amal che" samjho to samjhu naa samjhu naa samjhu....

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 11:44 am
by level_headed
@ Sufi Monk - please go to your masters and get a refresher course on naseehat.
Kya khichdi banayee hai.
You wrote
syedi sadiq Ali says
"ilm naa saathe laazim amal che" samjho to samjhu naa samjhu naa samjhu....
ilm na saathe laazim amal chhe - is from Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA naseehat "Allah Ta'ala no hamd tu karje"
samjho to samjhu naa samjhu naa samjhu - is from Syedi Abdeali Imaduddin naseehat "Murshid chhe logo"
and where did you get Syedi Sadiqali saheb in all of this. He wrote neither of the above naseehats. :P

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 1:08 pm
by abde53
Is it possible there was a hikkmant in Rasullaullah for accepting 1,2,3 and even marrying their daughters and you or anyone does not know that Hikkmat and Taawil.
Yes! Ofcourse!
Whether you know it or don't. That doesn't deny the fact that Moulana Ali was Rasulullah's Mansoos. (or do you deny that as well?)
Adam Bhai
So do you agree that there may be a Hikkmat in Moula Ali who we believe was Rasulullah's Masnsoos who agreed to accept the Khilafats of 1,2,3 too and did not involve in Fitnat and if you agree then why not accept the Hikkmat of the person who had the 2nd Highest Rutba after Aqa Moula RA