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Bohra Sultan donates 10 million pounds to long live egypt

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 9:42 am
by accountability ... _NRUE0g8dU

Here we go again, Syedna sahib went to Egypt and donated 10 million pounds which is equivalent to 1.4 million US dollars, a very big amount. Why do we need to donate such huge amount to a country which we have no interest in. there are few thousand bohras in Egypt and lot of Kothari vested interest. Syedna sahib knows that this is not his money, he has collected it in the name of zakat, wajebat etc. ordinary bohras have to work harder to just ends meet, let alone every year they have to pay to Syedna.
Even FMB which started as a welfare scheme, is now like others. if you don't pay you don't get fed. syedna sahib since assuming the reign has not initiated one welfare scheme for ordinary bohras. Big Mumbai project is also in doldrums. Qaid Johar bhaisahib has resigned after one of his appointed cheated bohras to the tune of crores of rupees.
Saifee hospital is a 5 star luxury hotel where bohra gets nothing. though it is also built with their money. if the audience with Sisi was so important, it could have been arranged without doling out so much money. it is our hard earned money,

Re: Bohra Sultan donates 10 million pounds to long live egyp

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 10:38 am
by AmmarHussaini
this is difference between MS and SKQ, SKQ donates for Palestinians while MS donates to EGYPT who is openly supporting Israel.

Re: Bohra Sultan donates 10 million pounds to long live egyp

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 10:56 am
by JC
Easy come, easy go .............. why do they care?? :evil: they have their interests there and those need to be safeguarded ............ after Brotherhood, this so-called Sultan had to tell them 'we are with you coz we are like you' ............

Just imagine what could this money have done for the poor bohras in India and Pakistan ........... but no, they love to throw it away for their 'personal interests' .............

This is pathetic ............ :cry:

Re: Bohra Sultan donates 10 million pounds to long live egyp

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 11:12 am
by haqniwaat
So what do you expect to get from a person who is nothing more than sulaymaan, the imposter who stole dawat many years ago.

Re: Bohra Sultan donates 10 million pounds to long live egyp

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 11:18 am
by JC
haqniwaat wrote:So what do you expect to get from a person who is nothing more than sulaymaan, the imposter who stole dawat many years ago.
Sorry Bro, there was NO 'Dawat' to start with ............ Islam was completed on Prophet Mohammad. After him it is all political game for power and money.

Re: Bohra Sultan donates 10 million pounds to long live egyp

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 11:44 am
by haqniwaat
Sorry Bro, there was NO 'Dawat' to start with ............ Islam was completed on Prophet Mohammad. After him it is all political game for power and money.
Sorry that you are traumatized by what is going on right now, but there has been dawat since the time of Adam. That is Fatimid belief. If you don't believe this, then you're wasting your time on this board to begin with. And yes, please don't tell me that you have the right to be on this board. That is not the point. You are cluttering this board by denouncing the very basis of Fatimid belief, which all Bohras believe in - whether they are Alia or Dawoodi.

Re: Bohra Sultan donates 10 million pounds to long live egyp

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 11:54 am
by JC
The 'Dawat' has been a Community, a group of people with distinct culture and traditions and customs (being living in Sub-Continent); which is a mixture of various cultures and traditions. The community's religion has been ISLAM all along, balancing between Shia and Sunni school of thoughts.

On the other hand Dais who were the 'Administrative Leaders' of the community (in addition to providing 'religious' guidance) turned this community into cult and have been harping it to be Dawat ......... Fatemi Dawat so to say .......... and now are trying to turn this cult into altogether another religion.

We have everything to do with this Community; we will be here and we will not let people 'hijack' this community and turn into a separate religion. This community has been made 'Baap Dada Kee Jageer' and we are resisting that. We are a part of this Community and going no where ............ LEAVE this community alone and go create your cult somewhere else.. :evil:

The Dawat from Adam's days was really ISLAM which culminated and ended at Prophet Mohammad. There has been no other Dawat ......... Islam is the end product of all the religions of this world. And NOBODY has the rights of admission reserved on this Dawat of Islam...!!

Re: Bohra Sultan donates 10 million pounds to long live egyp

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 1:44 pm
by morela
This should be condemned , Egypt is a military dictatorship against Islam. The devils of the same color flock together!

Re: Bohra Sultan donates 10 million pounds to long live egyp

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:38 pm
by SBM
morela wrote:This should be condemned , Egypt is a military dictatorship against Islam. The devils of the same color flock together!
When SMS can hug Baba Ramdev, shake hands without Rummal with NaMO, give Shawaal to Bal Thackrey, then what is wrong giving money to SISI,
he is high price Gangster and can not be pleased with Shawaal and Hug, atleast he says he is Muslim :evil:
One more thing to remember, Kothar is very much afraid of ISIS and Muslim Brotherhood and this is the price they have to pay as protection money.

Re: Bohra Sultan donates 10 million pounds to long live egyp

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 8:48 pm
by seeker110
Speak softly Modi is listening. Awaiting his turn.

Re: Bohra Sultan donates 10 million pounds to long live egyp

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 9:05 pm
by anajmi
That is Fatimid belief.
Fortunately, Islam was completed before the invention of Fatimid belief.

Re: Bohra Sultan donates 10 million pounds to long live egyp

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 6:00 am
by morela
They are all afraid of Isis

Re: Bohra Sultan donates 10 million pounds to long live egyp

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 6:36 am
by humanbeing
Donations to Egypt Govt is a ploy to secure their real estate investments as well as to secure religious tourism to various masjids and roza.

First of all this 10 million comes from abde tax payers pockets .. and more 10 million will be recovered from bohra tourism to Egypt.

SMS ka kya jaata hai … konse uske kamaye huve paisa de rahe hai ! he would not even bat an eyelid before throwing off monies to his whims and fancy !

Egypt is no need of foreign funds ! specially at the time when they are in political turmoil and there is chaos when it comes to accountability. How insensitive SMS is, if at all anyone needs support are the people in Palestine or millions of poor destitute in his own home country !

Re: Bohra Sultan donates 10 million pounds to long live egyp

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 8:09 am
by truth seeker100
haqniwaat wrote:
Sorry Bro, there was NO 'Dawat' to start with ............ Islam was completed on Prophet Mohammad. After him it is all political game for power and money.
Sorry that you are traumatized by what is going on right now, but there has been dawat since the time of Adam. That is Fatimid belief. If you don't believe this, then you're wasting your time on this board to begin with. And yes, please don't tell me that you have the right to be on this board. That is not the point. You are cluttering this board by denouncing the very basis of Fatimid belief, which all Bohras believe in - whether they are Alia or Dawoodi.
haqnidawat this is a public forum and everyone has the right to express their opinion. we have all asked you for proof about your Fatimid doctrine, but you never do. please show proof or I suggest you stop wasting your time on this forum

Re: Bohra Sultan donates 10 million pounds to long live egyp

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 6:48 pm
by haqniwaat
truth seeker100 wrote:
haqniwaat wrote: Sorry that you are traumatized by what is going on right now, but there has been dawat since the time of Adam. That is Fatimid belief. If you don't believe this, then you're wasting your time on this board to begin with. And yes, please don't tell me that you have the right to be on this board. That is not the point. You are cluttering this board by denouncing the very basis of Fatimid belief, which all Bohras believe in - whether they are Alia or Dawoodi.
haqnidawat this is a public forum and everyone has the right to express their opinion. we have all asked you for proof about your Fatimid doctrine, but you never do. please show proof or I suggest you stop wasting your time on this forum
What proof do you have that there is Allah? From the Quran and prophets. Well our proof of Fatimid doctrine are hundreds of pages of Fatimid literature and 21 Imams and 53 Da'i.

Re: Bohra Sultan donates 10 million pounds to long live egyp

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 6:59 pm
by anajmi
Allah says in the Quran in Surah Al-Baqara ayah 2 - 4 that this book is a guidance for the muttaqeen. Who are the muttaqeen? These are the people who believe in that which was revealed to you (the prophet Muhammad (saw)) and that which was revealed before you.

There is no need for a muttaqi to believe in that which was created after the prophet (saw). Fatimid belief and Fatimid literature came after the prophet (saw). There is no need to believe in it. Of course, this is Islam. If you want to believe in some different religion called bohraism, or fatimidism, then you can believe in whatever you like. Islam is not Fatimid belief and Fatimid belief is not Islam.

Re: Bohra Sultan donates 10 million pounds to long live egyp

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 7:00 pm
by anajmi
Allah says in the Quran in Surah Al-Baqara

الم ذَلِكَ الْكِتَابُ لاَ رَيْبَ فِيهِ هُدًى لِّلْمُتَّقِينَ
الَّذِينَ يُؤْمِنُونَ بِالْغَيْبِ وَيُقِيمُونَ الصَّلاةَ وَمِمَّا رَزَقْنَاهُمْ يُنفِقُونَ
والَّذِينَ يُؤْمِنُونَ بِمَا أُنزِلَ إِلَيْكَ وَمَا أُنزِلَ مِن قَبْلِكَ وَبِالآخِرَةِ هُمْ يُوقِنُونَ

Allah says that this book is a guidance for the muttaqeen. Who are the muttaqeen? These are the people who believe in that which was revealed to you (the prophet Muhammad (saw)) and that which was revealed before you.

There is no need for a muttaqi to believe in that which was created after the prophet (saw). Fatimid belief and Fatimid literature came after the prophet (saw). There is no need to believe in it.

Re: Bohra Sultan donates 10 million pounds to long live egyp

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 9:17 pm
by truth seeker100
What proof do you have that there is Allah? From the Quran and prophets. Well our proof of Fatimid doctrine are hundreds of pages of Fatimid literature and 21 Imams and 53 Da'i.
and what proof does this so called Fatimid literature have from the quran?? the quran is the word of god so we completely trust in it. what reason do I have to trust in these Fatimid books? are they written by god? noso I suggest you try harder to prove your Fatimid beliefs and come up with better proofs

Re: Bohra Sultan donates 10 million pounds to long live egyp

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 12:00 am
by zinger
truth seeker100 wrote:
haqniwaat wrote: Sorry that you are traumatized by what is going on right now, but there has been dawat since the time of Adam. That is Fatimid belief. If you don't believe this, then you're wasting your time on this board to begin with. And yes, please don't tell me that you have the right to be on this board. That is not the point. You are cluttering this board by denouncing the very basis of Fatimid belief, which all Bohras believe in - whether they are Alia or Dawoodi.
haqnidawat this is a public forum and everyone has the right to express their opinion. we have all asked you for proof about your Fatimid doctrine, but you never do. please show proof or I suggest you stop wasting your time on this forum

This is a Dawoodi Bohra forum, not one for Sunni beliefs. so take up your own suggestion and you stop wasting your time here.

Re: Bohra Sultan donates 10 million pounds to long live egyp

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 4:04 am
by humanbeing
Donating 10 million to Egypt government from a religious leader of Indian nationality should also raise some political questions. Unless the 10 millions was given to a private NGO but not through political fan fare with premier of the country. Morever whose political future is unstable !

Aa sab hikmat ni waato che … apne na khavar pade. Maula to ghaib-na-jankaar che !

Re: Bohra Sultan donates 10 million pounds to long live egyp

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 7:29 am
by truth seeker100
oh really zinger. that is what you abdes are really good at. calling other people names like " wahabi " and " sunni" when you fall short of arguments. and actually I would rather be a sunni then be a bohra who believes in pure fiction calledfatimid beliefs.

Re: Bohra Sultan donates 10 million pounds to long live egyp

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 7:31 am
by truth seeker100
also if you read properly, it clearly says " speak you mind" below progessive dawoodi bohras, so that is what I am doing

Re: Bohra Sultan donates 10 million pounds to long live egyp

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 9:18 am
by system5
Seeing the madness of his acts one after one since 53rd has come to rule, I too am slowly loosing my confidence in his leadership and as a result my belief in fatimid teachings. By the way Haqniwaat could you teach us what Fatimid doctrine is? Don,t tell me to go and attend sabaq . I think truth seeker 100 is right that sunnis are better then us.

Re: Bohra Sultan donates 10 million pounds to long live egyp

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 11:31 am
by accountability
I have also come to know through very reliable sources, when syedna sahib visited yemen, lot of money was paid to tribal warlords for his safety and smooth journey. Also the govt officials were bribed for facilitating his arrival and departure. A Yemeni was go between guy. I do not understand why it is so important to undertake such tours which requires such unethical and criminal deeds, if you are not ready to take the risk. if you are on haq, then you need not to be afraid, why buy artificial security. we narrate imam hussain's martyrdom day in and day out. we are told to follow his path. well hussain did not bribe shimr or ibne ziyad or anyone for his and his family protection.
you can do it because you have unlimited wealth, which is collected in the name of religion. Syedna sahib during his Karachi visit in a waaz said, that we don't need your money, but we take it to purify your wealth. I wonder that is how it is being purified. I would suggest that administration stop buying protection and exhibition. this is not only unethical and criminal, but it serves as a blackmailing tool for unscrupulous elements after he is gone.

Re: Bohra Sultan donates 10 million pounds to long live egyp

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 12:12 am
by zinger
truth seeker100 wrote:oh really zinger. that is what you abdes are really good at. calling other people names like " wahabi " and " sunni" when you fall short of arguments. and actually I would rather be a sunni then be a bohra who believes in pure fiction calledfatimid beliefs.
i thought wahabi and Sunni were sects of Islam, just like Shia.

I didnt know you would get so insulted if i referred to you by your sect. :shock:

And since you would rather be a Sunni, why waste your time here? seriously? have you nothing better to do in life? make a living, spend time with your family, this will serve you better. Get a life outside this forum my friend

Re: Bohra Sultan donates 10 million pounds to long live egyp

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 3:50 am
by Saeed al Khair
This Sultan's Shaan is Nirali, Bechara get so-called protocol and security after huge payment from the Wajebaat fund. Ajab Nirali Shaan Chey.

Re: Bohra Sultan donates 10 million pounds to long live egyp

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 6:17 am
by voice
Sisi, the present dictator of Egypt is criminal. He is killer of thousands of innocent Muslims. He misused his power against the democratically elected President, Mohammed Mursi. He is puppet of Israel and America. He destroyed all tunnels connecting Gaza to Egypt. He favored Israel in Gaza conflict and list goes on.....

Now for such a criminal, SMS has gifted him such a huge amount. Its like two Firauns meeting and sharing there gifts with each other.

Favoring Sisi will make all of us labelled as enemy of Islam against common masses of Muslim world. The outcome of such foolish mistake will make all of us pay high price in future.

Even in India if such news get propagated than its for sure that SMS can be questioned for loss of foreign reserve of our country.

Re: Bohra Sultan donates 10 million pounds to long live egyp

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 7:04 am
by progticide
anajmi wrote:Allah says in the Quran in Surah Al-Baqara ayah 2 - 4 that this book is a guidance for the muttaqeen.
Since when did "Zalekal Kitab" become "This Book" instead of "That Book"? But then, you and your likes translate "Imamin Mubeen" into "Roshan Kitab". And you accuse others of biddat.
anajmi wrote:There is no need for a muttaqi to believe in that which was created after the prophet (saw).
Thanks for providing this rule of thumb. Let's first judge you by your own rule. So since you believe in 1/2/3 who ofcourse were created after the Prophet(SAWW), you admit to being not a Muttaqi since a Muttaqi would not believe in 1/2/3 because they were a creation after the Prophet(SAWW).

Hence, as per your own admission above, all those, including you Anajmi ofcourse, who believe in 1/2/3 do not have Taqwa.

So, now since Anajmi has eliminated approx. 1.25 billion out of the approx. 1.5 billion Muslims as not being Muttaqi, including himself, we can ask Anajmi to get lost since services of someone who does not have Taqwa are not required. Now the remaining 250 million Muslims who do not believe in 1/2/3 will sort out by themselves who among them are Muttaqi and who are not.

ADMIN: Can we request your support to finally cleanse this forum of self-proclaimed infidel Anajmi.

Re: Bohra Sultan donates 10 million pounds to long live egyp

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 8:49 am
by truth seeker100
progticide wrote:
anajmi wrote:Allah says in the Quran in Surah Al-Baqara ayah 2 - 4 that this book is a guidance for the muttaqeen.
Since when did "Zalekal Kitab" become "This Book" instead of "That Book"? But then, you and your likes translate "Imamin Mubeen" into "Roshan Kitab". And you accuse others of biddat.
anajmi wrote:There is no need for a muttaqi to believe in that which was created after the prophet (saw).
Thanks for providing this rule of thumb. Let's first judge you by your own rule. So since you believe in 1/2/3 who ofcourse were created after the Prophet(SAWW), you admit to being not a Muttaqi since a Muttaqi would not believe in 1/2/3 because they were a creation after the Prophet(SAWW).

Hence, as per your own admission above, all those, including you Anajmi ofcourse, who believe in 1/2/3 do not have Taqwa.

So, now since Anajmi has eliminated approx. 1.25 billion out of the approx. 1.5 billion Muslims as not being Muttaqi, including himself, we can ask Anajmi to get lost since services of someone who does not have Taqwa are not required. Now the remaining 250 million Muslims who do not believe in 1/2/3 will sort out by themselves who among them are Muttaqi and who are not.

ADMIN: Can we request your support to finally cleanse this forum of self-proclaimed infidel Anajmi.
I think progiticide is getting a little nervous. after all abdes like him have never really understood meaning of quran. for them it is just " maula maula"

Re: Bohra Sultan donates 10 million pounds to long live egyp

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 11:44 am
by think
does anyone ever wonder the big price abdes have to pay for mffuy's security in karachi. big under the table cash is given to m.q.m.