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Trump copying Bohra act

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 3:15 pm
by babdeen
Breaking News: December 27, 2015

Muffatlal threatens to sue Trump for copying his act

The Bohra gossip columnist Panchat Walo claims that cult leader Muffatlal plans to either file a law suit or extort some money from Donald Trump for copying his act of mass fooling of people.

In a brief (that is where shit resides) filed in court, Muffatlal claims that Donald Trump has copied several techniques invented by his clan for fooling large number of people using hate, exclusion and innuendo. Muffatlal claims are:

(1) Muffatlal clan perfected the art of insulting everyone who disagrees with him including how to insult an uncle. Trump has taken his cunning tactic and used it against Mexicans and others. Muffadal claims since Trump has not obtained his raza, he should not be allowed to copy and use tactics invented by a pseudo Muslim like him and must pay damages for pirating.

(2) Muaffatlal, his father and grandfather invented and perfected the idea of exclusion under brand name “Barat” almost 70 years ago. Trump has pirated that idea to exclude Mexican under wall building project. Muffatlal demands a licensing fee for Trump’s use of “exclusion concept” for Mexicans.

(3) Muffatlal claims his father invented the Bohra hair do. Trump has cleverly copied the ugly facial hair and relocated it on head. Given the same ugly look and feel, Muffatlal demands a license fee from Trump for comb over. He also demands that Trump be subjected to his Misaq and an optional Khatna ceremony in Houston.

(4) Muffatlal claims that his grandfather invented the keep Muslims out strategy. He claims his clan has successfully kept all Muslims and some Bohras, who disagree with the clan, out of all Mosques he owns (sorry God). Trump’s announcement to keep Muslims out of USA is an extension of the cruel and un-Islamic practice developed by Muffatlal grandfather. He demands Trump pay a Najwa (a legal bribe doctrine) to him.

(5) Muffatlal also claims that Trump’s accumulation of wealth by any means follows the same model as used by him and his predecessors. He claims taking over trust and charity properties and associated real estate scams were developed by his very shrewd grandfather. Trump has been using similar tactics without prior approval or sharing the loot with Muffatlal.

In addition Muffatlal is asking the court to declare Muffatlal and his forefathers as the ultimate bad ass Insulters and assign Trump a secondary title of Chamcha Trump. Muffatlal is also asking the court to restrict Trump geographically and ban him from all USA cities where Bohra looting centers already exist.

Re: Trump copying Bohra act

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 11:37 pm
by Al-Noor
hhhmmm agree with it