Reflections on the 5th Waaz Mubarak, 6th Moharramul Hara

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Reflections on the 5th Waaz Mubarak, 6th Moharramul Hara


Unread post by idiot_bohra » Wed Feb 16, 2005 6:40 am

ان صلوتي ونسكي ومحياي ومماتي لله رب العالمين

Truly my namaaz, my prayer, my life and my death is for Allah the master of the universe.

These concise words provide an entire constitution; a definition of what being a Muslim means.

In the present day Muslims are maligned and misrepresented in many ways. Some of these are blatant, some of them very subtle. Listen carefully to the media and you'll find it very difficult to hear anything positive being said about Islam and Muslims.

The words quoted above are an aayat from the Quran. These words were spoken by Ibrahim Nabi (AS) and by Rasulallah (SA). The Imam of every age is the first Muslim of his age and from the number 1 all numbers are born. As Huzurala (TUS) described, 2 is 1 twice and 3 is 1 thrice. There cannot be successive numbers without first having 1.

يوم ندعوا كل انس بامامهم

Muslims generally have interpreted the word امام as meaning "mothers" from the Arabic word ام – mother. They believe that on the Day of Judgement each individual will be called forth by the name of his or her mother. Their argument is that it is not possible for to conclusively determine who the real father is but that there is no doubt as to who the real mother is.

The truth of it is that each individual will be called forth by the name of his امام.

Every Prophet, Imam and Dai is and has been a Muslim. The people of each age who were their true followers were Mulsims whilst those that failed to accept the successive Nabi or Imam filtered off from Islam.

The situation is quite vividly shown by the meeting of Buhayra, the last ofEesa Nabi's (AS) age with Mohammed Rasulallah (SA).

Rasulallah (SA) used to accompany Abu Talib (AS) on trips to Shaam. Along the way was a small church where Buhayra (RA) lived.

On one occasion Abu Talib (AS) was not going to take Rasulallah (SA) with him and this upset Rasulallah so much that his eyes filled with tears.
Seeing this Molana Abu Talib (AS) relented and took him. The caravan stopped near Buhayra's (RA) church.

Buhayra (RA) witnessed how the trees bowed down to shade Rasulallah (SA) from the sun and the clouds shadowed him. Buhayra (RA) recognized that this was indeed "Ahmed", the Nabi whom Eesa (SA) had foretold.

The Jews also knew of the coming of Mohammed (SA). They soon gathered around the church. However they had not come to greet a new Prophet but instead to kill him.

One of the signs of Prophecy is the ability to perform miracles. In today's waaz Huzurala (TUS) narrated the miracle of انشقاق القمر (The splitting of the Moon).

Abu Jahal (LA), Rasulallah's enemy, instigated Habib bin Malik to demand from Rasulallah (SA) that he split the Moon. Rasulallah (SA) agreed but was anxious at first. He offered 2 rakats namaaz and placing his cheek to the ground prayed to Allah to fulfill His promise. Jibra'eel informed Rasulallah (SA) that the Moon would obey his commands. After all Allah has declared, "Were it not for you I would not have created the heavens."

The vast number of onlookers, who had gathered to witness the event, saw the descent of the Moon and its tawaaf of Baitullah. They also heard it bid Salaam upon Rasulallah (SA) before splitting into two.

Abu Jahal (LA), who had not believed that Rasulallah (SA) would be able to perform the miracle dismissed it as sorcery.

Habib bin Malik on the other hand, recognized the magnitude of what had taken place and embraced Islam. 600 people followed his lead and entered the fold of Islam as well - 60 of whom were leaders of Makkah.

Miracles are the preserve of the Prophets, the Imams, and the Doat (AS). They are not magic, sorcery or illusion but real events that Awliya'ullah have the power to bring about.

In our time many miracles of Huzurala (TUS) have been witnessed and chronicled. An entire book of Aqamola's ma'ajiz has been published.

Witnessing these miracles reinforces the belief of the true Mumin. The munafiq and the detractor on the other hand, will simply find an excuse not to believe in it just as Abu Jahal did.

Mumineen of the Burhani era are able to reflect on the ayat يوم ندعوا كل انس
بامامهم with gratitude and exultation. On that Day, a Day of great anxiety and fear for most of humanity, we will be called forth by the name of Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (TUS) and lead into paradise and the proximity of all the Anbiya, Awsiya, Aimmat and Doat Mutlaqeen (AS).

May Allah preserve our Moula in long life until the day of Qiyamat.


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Re: Reflections on the 5th Waaz Mubarak, 6th Moharramul Hara


Unread post by idiot_bohra » Wed Feb 16, 2005 8:29 am

Truly my namaaz, my prayer, my life and my death is for Allah the master of the universe.

These concise words provide an entire constitution; a definition of what being a Muslim means.
True it is indeed. And I pray that my every breath and my every thought be for Allah alone and for none else. These ideals are common to all humanity and if one section of people chooses this as their definition, that does not mean other people are not defined by the same purpose. The mode of expression may vary in different religions but the spirit is the same, what maters is that you should not just say these words and be satisfied that you are a Muslim, but you should implement these so that your life and your death may truely be for Allah.
In the present day Muslims are maligned and misrepresented in many ways. Some of these are blatant, some of them very subtle. Listen carefully to the media and you'll find it very difficult to hear anything positive being said about Islam and Muslims.
Politics, Religion, and Spirituality are each different things and should not be confused with each other. Politics seeks power, even if that means misusing religion, and spirituality has no religion as it is beyond both politics and religion.
The words quoted above are an aayat from the Quran. These words were spoken by Ibrahim Nabi (AS) and by Rasulallah (SA). The Imam of every age is the first Muslim of his age and from the number 1 all numbers are born. As Huzurala (TUS) described, 2 is 1 twice and 3 is 1 thrice. There cannot be successive numbers without first having 1.
I do not agree that the Imam is the first Muslim of every age as the Imam too has ancestors that went as Muslims before him, but that proves nothing and is not important. Any number system needs to have a 'one' to begin counting from, so what is the point ?
يوم ندعوا كل انس بامامهم

Muslims generally have interpreted the word امام as meaning "mothers" from the Arabic word ام – mother. They believe that on the Day of Judgement each individual will be called forth by the name of his or her mother. Their argument is that it is not possible for to conclusively determine who the real father is but that there is no doubt as to who the real mother is.

Allah needs no names to recognize his creation. Many names have you been called before this name and your ageless soul has no name.
The truth of it is that each individual will be called forth by the name of his امام.
The truth is that you want to prove that you are great, so you use whatever device you can. One can easily see that many people will have two or more imams in whose times they lived, and there were no imams before rasuallah and the last imam Tayeb is going to have a very difficult time identifying his followers. Except the bohras (and other sects that had the same roots as bohras) no one will know who their imam is so will they escape the being judged ?
Every Prophet, Imam and Dai is and has been a Muslim. The people of each age who were their true followers were Mulsims whilst those that failed to accept the successive Nabi or Imam filtered off from Islam.
Does that include Moses, Christ, Budha etc ? They may not care to know that you are branding them as Muslims, but if you would understand what they thought, you would indeed be a better Muslim.
So where do the filtered off people go to ? How come the plan of Allah failed so miserably that only a tiny fraction of people today know about the true representative of Allah on earth ? And why is this person (the Dai) not able to convert all to Allah en-mass, surely he must know his purpose on earth is not just for a tiny fraction of people, if indeed he is a true representative of Allah. Or maybe he is only making this false claim to the throne of Allah for his own selfish purpose to control his little flock ?
The situation is quite vividly shown by the meeting of Buhayra, the last ofEesa Nabi's (AS) age with Mohammed Rasulallah (SA).

Rasulallah (SA) used to accompany Abu Talib (AS) on trips to Shaam. Along the way was a small church where Buhayra (RA) lived.

On one occasion Abu Talib (AS) was not going to take Rasulallah (SA) with him and this upset Rasulallah so much that his eyes filled with tears.
Seeing this Molana Abu Talib (AS) relented and took him. The caravan stopped near Buhayra's (RA) church.

Buhayra (RA) witnessed how the trees bowed down to shade Rasulallah (SA) from the sun and the clouds shadowed him. Buhayra (RA) recognized that this was indeed "Ahmed", the Nabi whom Eesa (SA) had foretold.
Rasulallah cries because Abu Talib does not take him along. Buhayra accepts Islam because the trees bow down to Rasulallah. So what does that have to do with us ? What situation is clearly shown here - that Rasulallah was a Muslim ?
The Jews also knew of the coming of Mohammed (SA). They soon gathered around the church. However they had not come to greet a new Prophet but instead to kill him.
Some people accepted the prophet and some did not.
More history, so what is the point ?
One of the signs of Prophecy is the ability to perform miracles. In today's waaz Huzurala (TUS) narrated the miracle of انشقاق القمر (The splitting of the Moon).

Abu Jahal (LA), Rasulallah's enemy, instigated Habib bin Malik to demand from Rasulallah (SA) that he split the Moon. Rasulallah (SA) agreed but was anxious at first. He offered 2 rakats namaaz and placing his cheek to the ground prayed to Allah to fulfill His promise. Jibra'eel informed Rasulallah (SA) that the Moon would obey his commands. After all Allah has declared, "Were it not for you I would not have created the heavens."

The vast number of onlookers, who had gathered to witness the event, saw the descent of the Moon and its tawaaf of Baitullah. They also heard it bid Salaam upon Rasulallah (SA) before splitting into two.

Abu Jahal (LA), who had not believed that Rasulallah (SA) would be able to perform the miracle dismissed it as sorcery.

Habib bin Malik on the other hand, recognized the magnitude of what had taken place and embraced Islam. 600 people followed his lead and entered the fold of Islam as well - 60 of whom were leaders of Makkah.
The moon must have joined and gone up again because its still there, but what is the moral of the story ?
Allaha gives his prophets power over all things. All things are possible for Allah, there is nothing great or new about that.
Miracles are the preserve of the Prophets, the Imams, and the Doat (AS). They are not magic, sorcery or illusion but real events that Awliya'ullah have the power to bring about.

In our time many miracles of Huzurala (TUS) have been witnessed and chronicled. An entire book of Aqamola's ma'ajiz has been published.
which book is this ?
I know about
Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin: An Illustrated Biography by Al-Dai Al-Fatimi
But no miracle book ...
Miracles small and big occur every day in all our lives, it is for us to recognize the wondrous ways that Allah loves each of us.
Witnessing these miracles reinforces the belief of the true Mumin. The munafiq and the detractor on the other hand, will simply find an excuse not to believe in it just as Abu Jahal did.
I am yet to see any trace of spirituality in the chain of dawaat’s power, all I could find were money hungry politicians out to enslave people, free thinking is discouraged, questioning is discouraged, Allah is confined into a corner and Ali, Husain, Dai are worshiped. I searched but I could find no excuse to believe in the Dai, really !
Mumineen of the Burhani era are able to reflect on the ayat يوم ندعوا كل انس
بامامهم with gratitude and exultation. On that Day, a Day of great anxiety and fear for most of humanity, we will be called forth by the name of Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (TUS) and lead into paradise and the proximity of all the Anbiya, Awsiya, Aimmat and Doat Mutlaqeen (AS).
I am sure this false, but
If there is going to be such a call I will not answer, because I do not want to live in the humiliating, crawling, bowing, pushing, crowding and suffocating environment that is against my conscience. At least leave me alone in Jannat ! I would prefer to be alone with Allah by the sea shore rather than in a crowded majlis where there is no inspiration and only dry morsels of rotten food is fed in little pieces to the starving souls.
May Allah preserve our Moula in long life until the day of Qiyamat.
May Allah light the lamp of his devotion in our hearts that we may see the truth with our own eyes.

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Re: Reflections on the 5th Waaz Mubarak, 6th Moharramul Hara


Unread post by Alexp78 » Thu Feb 17, 2005 3:25 am

which book is this ?
I know about
Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin: An Illustrated Biography by Al-Dai Al-Fatimi
But no miracle book ...

-- There is miracle book. Most amils carry it. It talks about curing diseases et al. I dont know if you have been to any recent jamaats. But i have been to the smaller ones and the amil out there whipped out this thin maroon book and started narrating miracles. It was in daawat-ni-zabaan. And of course all of the stories are just that - stories. Very enjoyable though. Made for some good timepass

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Re: Reflections on the 5th Waaz Mubarak, 6th Moharramul Hara


Unread post by MOHD HUSSAIN » Fri Feb 18, 2005 1:51 am

Idiot bohra; You wil truly live up to your name! Stop worshipping your Burhanuddin god and Allah will surely reward you for a heaven--
& which book of miracles you are talking about?If Aqa Moula can do miracles ,why is he going thro expensive check up on his health in Germany & England for his neck Tumor?

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Re: Reflections on the 5th Waaz Mubarak, 6th Moharramul Hara


Unread post by MOHD HUSSAIN » Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:05 am

I am sorry Idiot Bohra--I did not realise that you were quoting the Vaez first and then analysing it! You shoud have made it clear in the beginning!

Frankly his vaezes are nonsensical broken records with no new material -He just enjoys looking at all the slaves worshipping him!

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Re: Reflections on the 5th Waaz Mubarak, 6th Moharramul Hara


Unread post by MOHD HUSSAIN » Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:05 am

I am sorry Idiot Bohra--I did not realise that you were quoting the Vaez first and then analysing it! You shoud have made it clear in the beginning!

Frankly his vaezes are nonsensical broken records with no new material -He just enjoys looking at all the slaves worshipping him!

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Re: Reflections on the 5th Waaz Mubarak, 6th Moharramul Hara


Unread post by Al-Muizz » Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:19 pm

Idiot-Bohra......As your name implies.....

I posted this on your Message about turning away from Hussein.

Here is my question for you and your fellow idiots like Mohd Hussain----You obviously took the time to read the reflections, something must have attracted you there. If you don't believe it's true, then why on earth do you even read it, moron? It's eveident you don't even believe in Imam Husayn's sacrifice, so what does it matter what the Dai says?

Here's my response to you, Mohd Hussain (another 1st class idiot), and your fellow cronies.

Husayn A.S. exemplified the true meaning of resistance. He was not after the political title of Caliph-he was concerned about keeping Muslims on the right path. Your famous hero, the bastard Yezid (God's curse on this devil) legalized drinking, prostitution, played with his pet monkey. Now, you say that you would have fought with the Imam during Ashura, yet you question his very motives for fighting against Yezid (God's curse on this devil)? Dude, STOP SMOKING THAT CRAP-IT IS MESSING UP YOUR NIMBLE BRAIN!

Husayn A.S. on that day showed the world what leadership is all about-something you will never understand in your obvious lack of it. Husayn A.S. gave PERMISSION to each of the Shaheed and then went to the battlefield to bring their bodies back to the khayma-I doubt you have to balls to even stand there when the arrows are showering down, let alone go and pick up a fallen martyr. There is NO instance in HISTORY where a leader has gone to the battlefield to get the body of the martyr. Imam Husayn A.S. elevated each and everyone of the martyrs to a high place that day.

You say you feel sorry for the shaheed. What a moron!A caravan of women and children surrounded by a vicious and merciless army and not allowed to drink water for 3 days---and you feel like laughing about that?? No wonder this world has so many issues-we have 1st class idiots like you!

When Imam Husayn's 6 mnth old son is slaughtered in his arms, you feel the whole episode is funny?? I hope to God NOONE ever feels the pain of your infant son dying in your arms,Idiot! When a child dies, how much pain do the parents feel?? And yet, you and the other idiots like you think this is funny??

Why did Imam Husayn A.S. ask for water before his shahdat? To make it CRYSTAL CLEAR that these devils had NO respect or value of Islam-why when you zabe an animal, you are required to use a very sharp knife, and give the animal water. And you think this has NO revelance right now, Idiot? You and your cronies sound like the stupid Wahabis' now, taking so much joy beheading innocent people in Iraq-God's curse on the Wahabis' the likes of Osama, Saddam, Al-Zarqawi.

Idiot, Imam Husayn A.S. asked the army to let him go if they did not want him in Kufa---The devils were after his blood-get it Idiot!

Idiot, it is people like you who celebrate when innocent Shia are killed in Iraq performing ziarat of Imam Husayn A.S.

When Imam Husayn A.S. was pleading anyone to help him, you and the Wahabis' think this was a sign of weakness? Idiot, he was thinking of the women and children who were in the tents-those very tents housing the Ahlul-Bait that you so gleefully laugh about.

Just remember this, making a mockery of Imam Husayn's shahadat will come back to you, I promise you that. Kisaas is in this world, and always fear God's wrath!