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Fixed place for praying???

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 3:40 am
by herefrombahrain
Have you ever heard of it??

Yes. But this is true. Here in Bahrain, this was done. In the mosque, in the ladies section, they were alloted a fixed place for praying on lai-lat-ul-qadr... Ridiculous...!!!! Isn't it?? Just like a piece of land is divided into plots and then one owns it by a reference number, the same way each and every line (saf) was divided into number of praying places and each was alloted to a female.

Does Islam allows this?

May I have comments on this ridiculous thing....


Re: Fixed place for praying???

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 4:16 am
by seeker110
I just dont understand why we have massallah in the masjid.We do believe the masjid is clean place to pray or dont we.I can understand massallah at home or at any other place that is not masjid.Take the massallah out of the equation,its about time.Personally I think topi should be provided in the mosque.No personal property allowed.

Re: Fixed place for praying???

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 1:46 pm
by mumin
it is beyond my reasoning also. The jamaat committee i.e the secretary and jamaat members have their place reserved in the first row . why? I think this way they think all the duaa of the bhaisaheb will come to them first and they will go to heaven first, since they will be first in line.

Re: Fixed place for praying???

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:54 am
by ozmujaheed
Sometime back I asked this question to an Amil and obviously he answered as stupidly as one would have expected:

His response implied even in Janaat there will be darajat and depending on how one does Moalas khidmat as many Mashiekos do they will be in a better location in Jannat. Even in dunia one has a better location and others leave in a slum.

So not to worry the Orthos will go to Jannat only some will have "water views"

Therefore the rest will be in hell so whether it is 500 degrees or 10,000 degrees it will still be hot!

Re: Fixed place for praying???

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:35 pm
by seeker110
Most of the Amils are not teachers or sufi in nature.They probably want to be surrounded by a flak of goons.Its scary when your back is the front of everyone else.Just a bit of protection.

Re: Fixed place for praying???

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 11:30 am
by East Africawalla
Due to a number of free dodlers coming to the mosque who pay zero contribution this is fair to a few of us who pay all the contribution for maintenance of the mosque and surroundings- so in a way its fair , no objections to it at all

Re: Fixed place for praying???

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 11:53 am
by SBM
Masjid is house of Allah and no one has to pay anything to pray. If one has to pay it SHOULD NOT BE CALLED MASJID instead they should re-name it as Burhani Cultural Center or Saifee Club House and then they have legitimate reason to deny entry.

Re: Fixed place for praying???

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 12:45 pm
by East Africawalla
Thats crap, its a masjid built with the money of the bohras who use it and they pay good money to maintain it so whats wrong in their wives getting a place in the masjid to pray instead of the bohras who are tight fisted and are free loaders who come for free food, free space and still complain

I would say in this days and world its fair

Re: Fixed place for praying???

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 9:25 pm
by anajmi
east Africawala,

You are absolutely right. Bohras who cannot pay should not be allowed to pray in these bohra built mosques. It is time they realize that a bohra mosque is a pay for pray system. If they want to pray for free, they should go to their nearest Sunni mosque. In a Sunni mosque anyone who wishes to pray, can pray anywhere they find a place, whether in the first row or the last row. If a bohri wants to pray in the first row for free, go to a Sunni mosque. These cheap bohras should realize that they are not welcome in a bohra mosque.

Re: Fixed place for praying???

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 9:57 pm
by canadian
Dear East Africawala:

So you agree that the prsent Dawoodi Bohra sect or religion or Bohra Masjid is like a club. You get privileges according to the amount you pay to the dai/jamat? In other words, during the reign of the last two dais, only the rich who pay them get all the privileges and the poor can go to hell, who cares. Oh, what a wonderful religion- pay and go to jannat.

I thought Masjid meant Allah's place. No, in Bohra religion it is owned and operated like a private club.

Re: Fixed place for praying???

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 10:38 pm
by ozmujaheed
EAW that is wrong and fraudulant, an amount to reserve masala space is being charged well and above the Sabeel which is already paid for the maintenance of facilities.

Can you imagine if your logic was used by the Muslim Ummah, Bohras would have no access to Hajj and Jeruslam places !

How can one agree that after paying for Sabeel one need's to pay for a space to be reserved for a snobish lady to come for prayers just a few seconds before start of namaaz while the rest who come every day or come ealier are herded to the back or out in the sahen ?

Re: Fixed place for praying???

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 4:30 am
by contrarydrt
LMAO, in my Masjid, they even charge money at a fixed rate in Ramadan; those who do not pay don't get a dinner pass, cannot lay their masalla in any of the rows except the last one before the children, and cannot participate in the mid-namaaz discussions. What it boils down to is this: Bohra jamaat is ruled only by two currencies: how much you kow tow to aamils, shehzaadas and dai, and how much money you give for vajebaat, darees, and so on. :x

Re: Fixed place for praying???

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 8:43 am
by SBM
"Thats crap, its a masjid built with the money of the bohras "
Most of the Masaajids are built by Individual Bohra and then are taken over by Kothari Goons under the Wakaf fraud.Usually it is one family who builds the Masjid and if that individual or family gets a preferential treatment, then it is okay even though I ALWAYS THOUGHT THAT YOU EXPECT YOUR REWARDS FROM ALLAH, again Taheri Bohras are different breed.

Re: Fixed place for praying???

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 12:52 pm
by mumin
ombharti; the people also pithch in for construction of the mosque. In the southeast of u.s. about 5 years back a sum of $16000.00 was collected from the mumineens by the local amil for the construction of the mosque. To this date no mosque yet and the markaz has been shut down by the county for gross violations. This year the Amil wants $52000.00 from each individual for the masjid project. He thinks money grows on trees. The jamat here is uneducated and are spending the mumineens money carelessly. The secretary spent the mumineens money in buying this single family home for markaz without asking any ones opinion. Buying this property at a highly inflated price with mumineen's money was the secretary's own personal decision, but the mumineen have to suffer.

Re: Fixed place for praying???

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 12:58 pm
by SBM
Dear Mumin
For those die hard Abdes, the name of the Jamaat is Atlanta Jamaat and the Markaz has been closed by County for Gross Code Violations and as of the last information, it will cost over $ 100,000 to fix the place.
I am providing this information so the Kothari Shezadas and Kothari Goons who frequent this website can take notice of this.

Re: Fixed place for praying???

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 2:31 pm
by seeker110
What makes you think they are not in on it.This is the standard way they operate.Br.Oma you keep mixing up our religion with their business.Hire a guy from the back of Oglethorpe university.They will take care of the secretary for a small fee.

Re: Fixed place for praying???

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 12:45 pm
by mumin
$100,000 is a huge sum in this recession to be spending other peoples money on renovations and what is the surity there will not be another list of corrections from the county. WHoever spends this kind kind of money on renovations on a single family home must have no sense at all. There is no accountability as to where and how the mumineen's money will be spent. This is embezzlement. Once, the rasullullah was asked this question and his reply was " if we put one of you at the head of an operation and he conceals as much as a needle or more from us, that is embezzlement, for which he will pay on the day of resurrection. The jamat books should be opened by law and it is the mumineen's god given right to know and decide themselves as to where and how their hard earned sabil money would be spent . The ignorant secretary and his goons have no right to spend the mumineen's money foolishly.

Re: Fixed place for praying???

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 2:53 am
by mutmaeen
in one his ashtara wa az syedna caorically stated that in a masjid only the place behind the imam of masjid is reserved fr a person who is qualifed to correct the imam if he forgets a surah ther than that there can be n reservations-unfortunately ths sermon is never practiced

as far as lades are cncerned n our fqeh ts stated that the last row is the most auspicious for them to pray-then why should an amils wife or anyne fight for a space n the front row?

if a muslim sits n prayers n a asjid n a space reserved for someone else can he be evicted? dont think so-i read somewhere that in surah iqra bisme rabbika an evictor of a musallin is liable to hellfire

there r some wh frequent the mosque throught the year whilst most go that way only in ramadan-who shoud get priorty?

Re: Fixed place for praying???

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 2:56 am
by Maqbool
Thats crap, its a masjid built with the money of the bohras who use it and they pay good money to maintain it so whats wrong in their wives getting a place in the masjid to pray instead of the bohras who are tight fisted and are free loaders who come for free food, free space and still complain
East africawala is right, because when the beginning of foundation of masjid starts the collection of funds for inauguration is started along with building of masjid which is almost equal to the construction cost. Now when Sayedna is charging a huge amount for inauguration why the Amils and other jamat members be left over.

The campaign of building more and more masjid is not because of bohras becoming religious but far sighted though to extract money.