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Surat Flood

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 1:48 am
Surat has been submerged with flood waters since last Monday .People are without drinking water and foods for sometime.There has been disruption of telecommunication and electricity.As i saw it in news this has been a record flood in terms of huge losses of life and properties.people there will need massive infusion of financial and medical aid soon-Please help out as much as you can as the qualified charities will be needing your helping hand. Thanks---
One sour note- Our Sultan-e- Dawoodi Bohras is enjoying his vacation in his luxurious bungalow in Lonavla-Khandala and cares less for the suffering of his children there! I have not seen any news on their web site!!

Re: Surat Flood

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 3:00 am
by Average Bohra

Please let us know some of the organizations directly providing aid to the affected areas and we will contribute.


Re: Surat Flood

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 5:45 am
by seeker110
The problem is Dawat will come up with a lot of Organizations collecting money for the poor masses.The last time we had problems in riots, they would show up at every party and collect money.Some people were donating thousands of dollars.When I asked the people,whose relatives were effected by the riots they said Kothar never helped them.Its better to give to the hindu charities because they were the ones who helped the people.Atleast they will see some portion of your donation.With kothar you loose it 100%.

I inquired the folks in Anjar.Maybe it was rains at that time,I forgot.

Re: Surat Flood

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 6:11 am
by profrog
Flood in Surat - Gujarat
Published by DBNet Editor (jsy) August 10th, 2006.

Surat has witnessed Never-Before-Seen floods in the history of the city. The floods has created a disaster and mass destruction of human lives and properties. For four days, pepole of Surat were stranded without food, electricity, water, telephones, mobile network etc. As I am writing this email, still 50% of surat is submerged in flood waters as high as 15 feet. After the flood water receded, the city was turned into a garbage zone. Apart from the garbage, people witnessed horrifying scenes of floating dead bodies which had swept with the flood waters. For the relatives of the people who died a natural death for any other reason, had to keep the dead bodies of their relatives at their homes for four days, as there were no provisions for burial or cremation.As per the farmaan of Aqa Maula TUS, mumineen themselves cleaned their mohallas not awaiting the governement help. Abnaul Jamea and Asateza themselves participated in cleaning the devdi mubarak and its adjecent streets like Khadi, Jamea Saifiyah Road etc.

During the floods, Mumineen recited Doa al Joshan and Azaan. Also mumineen called upon the wasila of Aqa Maula TUS and Nazrul Maqaam AS. All this was done as per the irshaad muneer of Aqa Maula (TUS), who was a great source of courage and inspiration to the mumineen.

After the flood water started receding, provision was made my Aqa Maula TUS for distribution of Food, Water, Milk, Medicines and other requirements under the observation of Husain BS Saifuddin Saheb and Taha BS Saifuddin Saheb. A Mawaid and a medical camp has been set up at the Cotton Mill compound (Khaimat ur Riyazat) to provide food and medicine to the mumineen.i would like to inform all the mumineen world wide, that during the floods..
1) Aqa Maula TUS provided us with food, before we were hungry.
2) Aqa Maula TUS quenched our thirst with milk and fresh water even before we asked for it..
3) Aqa Maula TUS provided us with medicines and other medical help so that we do not fall ill..

May Allah bestow Burhanuddin Aqa TUS, our mushfiq bawa, a long long life in sehat. Ameen.

Re: Surat Flood

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 6:13 am
by profrog
now let the sarcasm and lies by insaap mh and donkey begin

Re: Surat Flood

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 6:21 am
by profrog
Flood in Surat - Gujarat
Published by DBNet Editor (jsy) August 10th, 2006.

Surat has witnessed Never-Before-Seen floods in the history of the city. The floods has created a disaster and mass destruction of human lives and properties. For four days, pepole of Surat were stranded without food, electricity, water, telephones, mobile network etc. As I am writing this email, still 50% of surat is submer

Re: Surat Flood

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 8:53 am
by tahir
OK here comes my bundle of lies and sarcasm:

That mail was published on self back patting/sycophantic dawoodi bohra net and as such doesn't hold much credibility.

Remember, Chemical Ali of Iraq war fame?...

Re: Surat Flood

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 9:02 am
by profrog
like i said only things written by proven liars like insaap or engine hold value.this is not a reformists forum but dushmans forum

Re: Surat Flood

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 9:05 am
by profrog
all those bohras who have benifited me included in surat are liars but you very far away is telling the truth

Re: Surat Flood

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 12:04 pm
by tahir
all those bohras who have benifited me included in surat are liars but you very far away is telling the truth

I am awed by your omnipresence. You happen to have a first hand experience of everything that comes up for discussion. You knew that charitable sheikh in North America personally, you recieved kardan hasan for your business and now you were marooned in flooded surat to witness syedna's benevolence.

Now I know why no one gets anything when syedna opens the floodgates of his wealth for the needy. You gulp it all. Also it looks like syedna has bestowed you with a divine internet connection not only to enable you to keep posting on the board when all the communication lines in Surat were snapped from the floods but also to let you know that I am "very far away".

Re: Surat Flood

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 12:10 pm
by pro_pig
All bohra mohallah has been cleared up .they have been provided with food,water ,medicien,clothen and every needs.dont worry mr tahir and omji.just look at yourself.

Re: Surat Flood

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 12:21 pm
by tahir
Who 'cleared' the mohallas, syedna ? And btw, non bohra mohallas too are cleared up.

If you look carefully, all those people and organisations doing relief work have no affiliation with kothar or anything bohra. Kothar is busy collecting funds from the rich in the name of flood relief without actually wasting a single penny on relief.

Re: Surat Flood

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 12:34 pm
by Muslim First
1) Aqa Maula TUS provided us with food, before we were hungry.
2) Aqa Maula TUS quenched our thirst with milk and fresh water even before we asked for it..
3) Aqa Maula TUS provided us with medicines and other medical help so that we do not fall ill..
O' fools;

It is Allah who provided Food, Shelter and Water.

AQ was just means. Thank Allah First o' Fools.

No for Bohra their Demi-God comes first.


Re: Surat Flood

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 3:15 pm
by anajmi
If Aqa Maula had only stopped the floods before they happened!!

Re: Surat Flood

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 6:14 pm
by Muslim First
br. profrog


Who is "Nazrul Maqaam AS"?

Please educate me. Why did not they pray to Allah SWT directly?


Re: Surat Flood

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 6:48 pm
by WYP
Originally posted by Muslim First:
br. profrog


Who is "Nazrul Maqaam AS"?

Please educate me. Why did not they pray to Allah SWT directly?

Fitnat First,

Search the archives for Vasila or Intercession.

More than 5 years of fitnat on this message board and what have you got to show for it. Going around and around asking the same tired questions. Creating multiple IDs and talking to yourself.

Keep up the fitnat!

Re: Surat Flood

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 7:38 pm
by Muslim First
Dear WYP

I searched for "Nazrul Maqaam". And found it only in this thread.

A.S. to me means Alai-Salaam and in Sunni world this Honorofic title is applied only to Prophets (Prophet Muhammad being last prophet is adrresed by SAW). Therefore Hz. Ali will be adressed only as Hz. Ali RA, not HZ Ali SA.

Was there a person named Nazrul Maqaam in Islamic History?

Don't be smart. Please Give answer.


Re: Surat Flood

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 11:53 pm
by SBM
Hello Piggy and Froggy
I am glad Syedna helped in Surat flood. This is admirable. This is what a leader should do.
It is the job of a leader to make sure that all the help and relief is provided.
That is his job and he doenot need any special thanks from anyone.
Hopefully they will not be asking for new units from the community to fill up their coffers and give the money to NARENDRA MODI to win the favours

Re: Surat Flood

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 2:24 am
by pardesi
Originally posted by Muslim First:
Dear WYP
...A.S. to me means Alai-Salaam and in Sunni world this Honorofic title is applied only to Prophets....

I would like to learn the meaning of A.S. I always thought that it was more of a Dua than a title.

Re: Surat Flood

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 7:00 am
by profrog
tahir you are one very confused shaitan,or is it that you are doing it deliberatly confusing me with somebody else,i have never been to america or do not know anybody there,but keep up with your usual lies

Re: Surat Flood

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 3:22 pm
by Muslim First

A.S. is short for Alayhi Salaam

Means Peace be on Him.

S.A.W. is Short for Sal-lal Lahu Alaih Wa Sal-lam
Means Peace and Belessing of Allah be Upon Him.

R.A. is short for Radi Allahu Anhu (male)/Anha (female)
Means May Allah be pleased with Him/Her

Once again Prophet Muhammad gets SAW.
All othe Prophets get AS
All Sahabas and Saints get RA

This is practice of Majority of Muslims that is Sunni.


Re: Surat Flood

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 5:16 pm
by tahir
Originally posted by omabharti:

Hopefully they will not be asking for new units from the community to fill up their coffers and give the money to NARENDRA MODI to win the favours
They are out with the begging bowl asking for flood relief funds. The money is more likely to go into savanna butchering trips, khandala jaunts etc. than narendra modi.

Re: Surat Flood

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 6:36 pm
by pardesi
Thank you for your insight brother MF. Any history behind these extensions. Who started them and when did they become widely used. I can understand SAW being started in the lifetime of the Prophet but who suggested SA, SAW, RA etc?

And thanks for not throwing a googly at me. I was surprised nevertheless at your being so nice ;)


Re: Surat Flood

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 6:38 pm
by pardesi
"...who suggested SA,..."

Please read SA as AS (ALEHI SALAAM).
Apologize for the type.

Re: Surat Flood

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 6:43 pm
by pardesi

Sorry guys not my day today. Got a big headache.

Re: Surat Flood

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 7:10 pm
by Muslim First
Brother Pardesi

Whenever Prophet SAW reffered to Prophets before him he added AS (that is he sent Peace on them).

RA is prectice since start of our religion. That means Whenever somebody mentions noble persons who passed away he wishes that Allah be pleased with them. If you are not pleased with dead noble person you do not send curse on him but just say nothing.

Thanks for compliments.

Re: Surat Flood

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 7:19 pm
by Muslim First
Br. Anajmi

Do you know who Nazrul Maqaam AS was or is?


Re: Surat Flood

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 12:06 am
by anajmi
Br. Muslim First,

I haven't the faintest idea. What I do know is that whenever I travel or anybody in my family travels, my mother takes a coin of 25 paise or 50 paise and puts it in my luggage as Nazar Muqaam. Then when I come back, she takes the money and puts it in the donation box at some darga. This darga has some taziyas. This practice is prevalent amongst all bohras.

Re: Surat Flood

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 5:08 am
by seeker110
Br. profrog.

Last floods in gujrat the bohris suffered a lot of damage.I knew of a family in Anjar,where there was considerable damage.After the monies were collected,in their name I took upon myself to keep track of the help provided by kothar.The bohras said that they will build a town in a nearby area and then distribute the houses to the people who lost their abode.

Since you are so aware of the going ons in the cummunity,can you please tell us what happened to plans,or the money.I am sure the donations from one party was about 35k.I am not talking about pledges these were checks.This was a small gathering.So I only know about that one functoin,I am sure more money was collected from the rest of the jamat.

Please dont say it is your money and you can do what you like.This money belongs to the poor children who dont have a place to live.You wouldnt want somebody to steal from your children would you.


Re: Surat Flood

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 6:06 pm
This is what I found in
I do not know who all are getting out of 14 crores? OR this is another bogus anouncement? Please read on--Condition of our community is pathetic at best---

.Surat and bija gaamo ma Paani ni rel(Floods) ni zikr karta huwa Aqa Maula TUS ye
farmaayu ke "Ibadullah par mushkil. Khaasatan Surat ma mara farzando mumineen par ghani aafato awi. Mamlook e Aale Mohammed na dil par ghanu bhaari chhe. Tamara haq ma hamesha doa karu chhu. Sabr ane shukur karjo. Duniya chhe mehnato to aawe. Tamne su fikr hoe. Tame to Syedna Abdeali Saifuddin RA na saya ma waso chho. Madfuneen Doat tamari hifaazat karnaar chhe. Tame mara dil ma waso chho..
Sabr ane shukur karjo. Je faut thayu ehna badal tamne Khuda gunahgun aapi dese.
Mein doa karu chhu. Khuda maari doa suni le..aj na din ni barakat si Khuda doa suni lese.

Bija bilad ma bhi rel awi chhe..Koi ne nuksaan thayu hoe. Dukaan ma ghar ma vepaar ma. khuda sehel kari de. Mein aj doa karu chhu. Hallaal mushkkilat Ali AS no wasilo lai ne doa karu chhu ke mara farzando mumineen ne ghana jaldi sehel kari aapjo. Surat ni rounaq pehla si ziyada karjo

Aqa maula TUS yeh Surat na floods ni madad waaste Mumineen waaste 14 crore 51 lakh 52 hazar inaayat farmaaya ane Qardhan Hasanah 5 crore 52lakh 52000 inaayat farmaaya.