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Ramadan Al Kareem

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 2:04 pm
by hypocritebohra
What was ordained by Allah as the most belssed of all months for all muslims has become the most stressful month for all Bohras thanks to the avaraicious and manipulative practices of the Amils. From extortation of Wajebat even from the poorest of the poor to the sale of praying spots in the masjid, the tension of finding a place to pray in the masjid , and then not being caught eating iftaar brought from home during the iftaar breaksbut forced to eat the stale biscut and cookie doled out by jamaat the average Bohra finds this month to be the most painful and unblessed of all , and who in order to stay in the mainstream has to make enormous sacrifices some times even forced to take loans or draw on lines of credit in order to cough out the amount ordained by the Amil,based on whims and fancies with utter disregard to the norms of calculation of Zakaat set by Allah.
The general thumb rule of extortion by these goons is an minimum, average of 20% over what was paid last year and then dependent on the victim's nogotationn skills this could go upto double the amt paid in prior years I for one am lookng ahead wtih dread my randezvous with my amil this year and wondering on what I will need to cut from my monthly budget in order to meet his demands
Allah must be bewlidered as to how His month of bountiful blessings for the Ummah has been tunred into a month of bounty and loot for the Kothar and the Amil goons and that too in His name .
May Allah put a swift end to this unholy practice of extortion and resotre the pristine purity of this month for all Bohras

Re: Ramadan Al Kareem

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:59 pm
by ghulam muhammed
The poorest of bohras live in Mumbra/Kausa and consist of around 2000 families and any sane person will agree that they are the ones who deserve to be GIVEN some money in this solemn month of Ramzan rather then TAKEN from, rather it is very sad that they are now being asked to donate Rs.1,000/- for the thaali scheme which was launched with much fanfare as a FREE scheme. They are also asked to donate Rs.3,300/- towards hoob for Ramzan Jaman. Other taxes are extra !! Majority of them belong to the lower middle class group who hardly earn around Rs.5000/- monthly and yet they are being asked to shell out an amount which is beyond their reach. The exploitation and unending Kothari greed has now reached a zenith !! In their evil and nefarous designs to loot the community, kothar doesnt even spare the poorest of poor bohras !!

Re: Ramadan Al Kareem

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:20 pm
by JC
Black will always remain black!! Kothar is black and evil, sooner majority realizes that better!!

Re: Ramadan Al Kareem

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:43 pm
by accountability
furthering HB's and GM's response, in Karachi situation is getting worse. first the law and order has totally broken, everyday no of bohras are looted, mugged or made to pay ransom. Business is very bad, there is no business. People are loosing livelihood. when I say people, I mean Bohras. On top of that, this thali or dabba scheme is making their lives miserbale.
At the outset of this scheme, I had whole heartedly supported it, because if Muffadal Bhai saheb was initiating something that will benefit down trodden and needy bohras, why oppose it for the sake of it. As it was to be for everyone, same food for all mumineen, regardless who can pay and who cannot. Many on this forum were skeptical, and they thought that it will not attain the purpose it is set out to do. unfortunately they were proven right. food is miserably low quality, it is not enough even for a family of four, in karachi family size is larger than four, that too for only one time. On top of it every one is made to pay 5000 to 7000 rupees. even widows, poor and destitutes have to pay. there is no exemption. lot of corruption in the whole scheme, people at helm and jamat people have found one more venue to fleece people. it should stop right away. Because instead of providing food it is depriving them.

On top of it, ramadan has come, and it becomes the most dreaded month for bohras. especially for poor and middle class, they will be made to pay what they cannot afford. back then when i was in karachi, I use to see lot of bohras who could not afford would go and seek out help to pay their wajebat and sabeel. though they might need to hurt their self respect, if they dont have to dole out exorbitant money in the name of religon. only scientolgy can match their coersion. I had hoped that Muffadal Bhai saheb in the driving seat, things would be different, and it would end. but this machinery is out of control only a surgical operation can restore it to its fundamental prupose of propagating dawat and mission of fatimid. this multi lateral sole proprietership corporation there only to lynch ordinary bohras. royal family has become too greedy and self centered.

Re: Ramadan Al Kareem

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 4:35 pm
by Conscíous
accountability wrote: I had hoped that Muffadal Bhai saheb in the driving seat, things would be different, and it would end. .
Haha.. You can't be serious :?

Re: Ramadan Al Kareem

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 5:33 pm
by ghulam muhammed
accountability wrote: I use to see lot of bohras who could not afford would go and seek out help to pay their wajebat and sabeel.
I know of a few families in Surat and Mumbai who literally take loan on interest to pay their wajebat as the pressure from kothar is tremendous and every year the amount is raised manifold irrespective of the economic conditions, there is a global reccession now but even then I bet that the wajebat collection would surpass that of last year. Kothar are no better then the tapori Hafta Vasuli goons who dont leave even the poor vegetable vendors on road when it comes to Vasuli !!

Re: Ramadan Al Kareem

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:32 pm
by accountability
it pains me a lot. what has become of us, i can not understand how could be a whole family which numbers in hundereds become so dispassionate and cruel towards the ones who have fed them nurtured them. Even medieval kings had some empathy for their subjects. teenaged boys are sitting like gods, and seniors age of their grandfather are bending, bowing before them. and they are so proud of it. i dont know who to compare them with. look at syedna saheb, he is in such a condition, but his sons instead of caring for him, are globe trotting with him in such precarious condition.
no body has control over them.
if i may reach them, i would say to them, please spare poor and needy ones. if you cannot make life easier, dont make it difficult for them. you have your coffers filled, what more do you want. look this does not go with anyone, why snatch what you wont have. try a simple humble life, you wont find any thing more pleasing and satisfying. god in only in skies, earthly gods are all demi gods. who break just after one tremor.

Re: Ramadan Al Kareem

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 3:41 pm
by jungle999
THE core of the problem is rich bohras all round the world who are spoilng the kothars and in the end poor bohras has to suffer.RICH BOHRAS what think what effect will have on poor mumen they only think of themself. the example is on malumaat.IF the bohrsa dont wake up it will be the same old record playing again and again.Hypocritebohra. wrote I for one am lookng ahead wtih dread my randezvous with my amil this year and wondering on what I will need to cut from my monthly budget in order to meet his demands . why dont you stop paying the amil and insted give it to poor people in need . this yr i will give it needi instead of the amil

Re: Ramadan Al Kareem

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 7:57 pm
by seeker110
If I had to drive half to one hour every day for Markaz or Mosque,specially after a tough days work. I would render myself worthless for my clients and family. The toll it takes sitting in traffic is unbelievable.How can I collect an honest days work without performing. Most people who I see participating 100%,are in dire circumstances, financially. There is a parade of functions where they get to go to contribute for the up keep and demands laid out by Amil. Now dont get me wrong I would be participating heartily if there were things happening for the good people of coming to the Mosque or the down trodden. All I get to hear is how much ehsan Moula is doing for all the momenien. Do a lot of matum,just enough so people know you are a sheeple too. Eat a lousy meal,at the same time watch Amil take the biggest boti in glass plates,to make it look like he is eating the same food.Which he is not. See the food everyone else gets is cold or from the bottom of the pot.

Brothers $15.00 in gas.time and all the other wear and tear is not worth the trouble. If namaz is what you say you like. Go to any masjid in your neighborhood. Go to markaz a few times a year.Less than the numbers of finger on your hands.All muslims will welcome you. Treat you like a brother.They wont rape you financially and mentally.

When ever I hear my bohri bhai complaining about money, its because he give away foolishly. Bible said it rightly 'a fool and his money soon depart. I keep a few dollars in my car,hand it to the person who is begging,the street musician or anyone asking/begging for money. I use to judge them earlier that they will spend it on alcohol or drugs. Then I realized that Allah gives gives me my keep,without judging me.For sure a ghunagar like me should be starving.But I dont. Stop being a active member of this cult. Your parents did not raised you to be a slave. Spend quality time with your family.By all means do the best in whatever life throw's at you.

Ramadan Collection Starts !

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 11:08 am
by humanbeing
Ramadan Kareem to All members

Collection Starts !

Received this SMS yesterday from Kuwait Central Markaz (Ardiya)
All Mumineen coming to Al Burhani Markaz Aridya for Sherullah are required to ensure Their Masallah & Niyaz Hoob is Paid before Tuesday, 17th July 2012, in order to get Masallah Seat

Re: Ramadan Collection Starts !

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 1:59 pm
by exploitedpocket
dear trader mahashay,

Simple solution to the problem is that namaaz space can be allotted like vaaz paasses on the basis of e : j card.

As u r a trader pls note business secret : the amount will be used for collecting maximum possible figure for najwaa ceremony in honour of kasre aali executive arriving as ramazan guest.

We r already paying monthly compulsory charges for sabeel which i think is the amount for managment for mosque n markaz. Primary purpose of mosque is namaaz. So it means they r unable to manage from sabeel amounts colllected from every individual......... Dont know whats happening.

Re: Ramadan Collection Starts !

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:09 pm
by Muslim First
exploitedpocket wrote:dear trader mahashay,

Simple solution to the problem is that namaaz space can be allotted like vaaz paasses on the basis of e : j card.
What? Is it not masjid house of Allah and should be open to all his worshippers? O I forgot. Bohras are converted to Bohrism from Hindus. Unlike other Muslim they have kept many rasams and beliefs of Hinduism.
Have you ever read 2:208?

As u r a trader pls note business secret : the amount will be used for collecting maximum possible figure for najwaa ceremony in honour of kasre aali executive arriving as ramazan guest.
We r already paying monthly compulsory charges for sabeel which i think is the amount for managment for mosque n markaz. Primary purpose of mosque is namaaz. So it means they r unable to manage from sabeel amounts colllected from every individual......... Dont know whats happening.
To my knowledge Bohras and Nizaris Ismailis run their religious places as business

Re: Ramadan Collection Starts !

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:20 pm
by ghulam muhammed
exploitedpocket wrote:Simple solution to the problem is that namaaz space can be allotted like vaaz paasses on the basis of e : j card.
Why cant it be on 'First come, first serve basis' ?? Why any sort of discrimination ? Has our Prophet (s.a.w.) ever laid such rules with regard to praying in Masjids ? The fact of the matter is that the very sanctity of a Masjid is lost when it becomes a centre of power and exploitation.

Re: Ramadan Collection Starts !

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:34 pm
by exploitedpocket
dear muslim,

They dont want open worship for all muslims n thats why their plan for masjid construction was boycotted and brutally rejected in 2008, both in parliament and court of country.

Jamaat's planning was to impose new tax in name of masjid construction on those who came across sea for livelihood in a country where masjid is constructed free of cost by ministry of awqaf.

Recently they r taking new monthly tax from every individual sabeel number holders in the name of school construction called m s b.

Re: Ramadan Collection Starts !

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 8:11 pm
by Hanif
humanbeing wrote:Ramadan Kareem to All members

Collection Starts !

Received this SMS yesterday from Kuwait Central Markaz (Ardiya)
All Mumineen coming to Al Burhani Markaz Aridya for Sherullah are required to ensure Their Masallah & Niyaz Hoob is Paid before Tuesday, 17th July 2012, in order to get Masallah Seat

What kind of religion makes distinction between rich and poor. Rich, of course can afford to buy a seat. Poor cannot so no matter how early they get there they have to sit at the back. The whole jamat now knows who the poor and rich are.

I can't believe any religion can stoop so low. What do you have to say brothers Profastin, Adam, Solar etc. Is this the Islam you call it the true form?

Re: Ramadan Collection Starts !

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 8:23 pm
by Hanif
Trader wrote:
humanbeing wrote:Ramadan Kareem to All members

Collection Starts !

Received this SMS yesterday from Kuwait Central Markaz (Ardiya)

be proud that u will pray in mosque not some where near public toilets(as most miya bhai does on jumuaa)
What is it to be proud of a "Mosque"??? that demands money to pray in it or sit at the back near the toilets.

"Miya bhai" (I don't know what it means, I suppose it is derogatory for Sunnis) sit at the back near the toilets because the Masjid is full not because they cannot afford to pay. So what? Are you trying to say that if the Bohoras do not pay they have to sit near the toilets? Please explain what you are saying.

Re: Ramadan Collection Starts !

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 8:27 pm
by Hanif
Trader wrote:
humanbeing wrote:Ramadan Kareem to All members

Collection Starts !

Received this SMS yesterday from Kuwait Central Markaz (Ardiya)
btw do u have any solution to this issue?

what shud be done to allot proper places to all momeenin?

Yes, I have a solution. Ever heard of "First come, first served". This way the lazy bums who pay for their seats may come to Masjid earlier to remember Allah SWT instead of walking in close to the prayer time and showing off to the non-payers that they are rich and privileged. Is this really Islam?

Re: Ramadan Al Kareem

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:04 pm
by Hanif
JC wrote:Black will always remain black!! Kothar is black and evil, sooner majority realizes that better!!

They have realized but do not know where to go?

Re: Ramadan Al Kareem

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:12 pm
by Hanif
accountability wrote:it pains me a lot. what has become of us, i can not understand how could be a whole family which numbers in hundereds become so dispassionate and cruel towards the ones who have fed them nurtured them. Even medieval kings had some empathy for their subjects. teenaged boys are sitting like gods, and seniors age of their grandfather are bending, bowing before them. and they are so proud of it. i dont know who to compare them with. look at syedna saheb, he is in such a condition, but his sons instead of caring for him, are globe trotting with him in such precarious condition.
no body has control over them.
if i may reach them, i would say to them, please spare poor and needy ones. if you cannot make life easier, dont make it difficult for them. you have your coffers filled, what more do you want. look this does not go with anyone, why snatch what you wont have. try a simple humble life, you wont find any thing more pleasing and satisfying. god in only in skies, earthly gods are all demi gods. who break just after one tremor.

As long as there are people like you who preach to feed the poor but send their cheques to Kothar who are well fed, they will be exploited to their last bone. What makes you support their system? If you are willing to support, then don't complain, just sit idle, don't do anything and don't complain on this forum,because you and the rest like you are their lifeline.

Re: Ramadan Collection Starts !

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 12:48 am
by humanbeing
Trader wrote:be proud that u will pray in mosque not some where near public toilets(as most miya bhai does on jumuaa)
Duhh !!

Re: Ramadan Collection Starts !

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:09 am
by humanbeing

Al Burhani Kuwait Central Markaz (Ardiya) is actually addressed as “Hussainiya” by non bohras in Kuwait, while bohras have named it as Al Burhani !

Anyhow ! This is an awesomely Spacious Property owned by a Bahraini Bohra, it can accommodate upto 8000 bohras at a given time in a Waaz. For Ramadan Namaaz, only handlful of Bohras come to Central markaz because rest go to their respective Mohalla markaz. I can ballpark numbers to 800 – 1000 bohras (Inlcuding Men, Women and Children) who attend Central markaz.

Families are charged KD 5 – 7 and Bachelors are charged KD 1 – 3 per month as Sabeel. Apart from heavy collection in Hoob, Philanthropic Sponsors lined up and heavy wajebaat collection does not make Kuwait Jamaat poor to run the show.

Being Central and spacious Makraz, Masalla Charges are very less. Can anyone from Kuwait inform what are the Masalla Charges ? last year it was KD 7 per masalla.

However the regional (Mohalla) markaz which are small go for a big bidding where First Rows are given to plum sponsors families and heavy hoob donors. Then last rows are given to those who pay nominal amount fixed by local jamaat.

Bidding for hot spots are high for Bayro Masalla Space. Hearsay is that Masalla Space in First Rows reach upto KD 120 – 180 per Masalla.

Re: Ramadan Collection Starts !

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:24 am
by humanbeing
In name of Nizam more chaos is created. People are allotted Alphanumeric Serial number designating Rows and Columns of Masalla Block. Once the Masalla Space is booked. Bohras come and spread the masalla to their allotted seat only. At the end moment of Azaan up till Iqaamat chaos ensues; silly egoistic butt headed bohras run around with their masalla to fill in the gaps in the Shaff (Row).

The main entrance of Central Markaz is bustling with counters of various kinds. Bunch of Sheikhs are sitting and observing attendees and cajoling them to shell out a Fakhera amount for Niyaaz Hoob. Apart from Sabeel-e-hussain counter, Kaffarat counter, Tehniyat Counter, Registration Counter, Niyaaz Hoob counter, Wajebaat Takhmeen counter, Sadaqa Counter to facilitate payments.

People occupying first few rows which are usually sheikhs and top jamat buddies are seated. The carpet is doubled in their area. While rest sit on ordinary spread. Tea is served from Different Kitchen.

When it comes to jaman. There is a designated areas barricaded for Sheikh Thaals. Marked as VIP Zone. It can be distinguished by Better Quality Green Color Cloth Safraa and Porcelain Cutlery and jaman served From different Kitchen. While other are given plastic safraaa and normal usual thaals with disposable plastic cutlery.

Re: Ramadan Collection Starts !

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:37 am
by humanbeing
I will tell you what I do. I m not going to pay for masalla seat. Yet I m going to attend the markaz, pray namaaz and speak, chat, back pat with sheikhs in Jamaat. I tell them on their face BS they are doing and all they can do is give an embarrassed Smile and give me a lousy advise which you have given me.

During afternoons, I m at work and we have a common prayer hall. It does not have a name plate as Shia / Sunni / Bohra masjid. So I go their comfortably and pray.

I will pay what I feel deem fit. I already pay sabeel amount, I will also be having a good time negotiating wajebaat. Others fret. I enjoy. Because this the only time I get an opportunity to confront these agents.

I m also going to enjoy fancy motivated and miraculously charged pro wajebaat bayaan and probe the mojizas from sheikhs. Some hate me and some like to prove me wrong. I enjoy the learning experience.

Re: Ramadan Collection Starts !

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:41 am
by humanbeing
Trader wrote:cool so whats the issue now?
Awareness !! :-D

Re: Ramadan Collection Starts !

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:57 am
by salim
Muslim First wrote:
exploitedpocket wrote: To my knowledge Bohras and Nizaris Ismailis run their religious places as business
Why are you pulling Nizari Ismailis in this discussion. We believe in giving and not taking. Giving to poor, giving to everyone regardless of their religion. Shukar Alhamdulillah, we run one of the largest private development networks in the world. On the day of judgement we will see what Allah will do with whom. Let Allah be the judge.

This ramadam may Allah give you freedom from your Envey -

"Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of the dawn… from the evil of envious when he envies." [Soorah al-Falaq (113): 1]
"Do they envy men for what Allah has given them of His Bounty?" [Soorah an-Nisa (4): 54]
"Do not wish for what we have favored some of you over others." [Soorah an-Nisa (4): 32

Re: Ramadan Collection Starts !

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:59 am
by humanbeing
Trader wrote:bohras are most aware, just check out other communities. start comparative religion studies, u will realize where bohra stands.

That’s a really good suggestion. Lets discuss something about Standing of Bohras. I m not against Bohras. We are wonderful people in a wonderful community. However any comparison with other sects, religion or communities would be unfair (in my personal opinion) however for a good discussion can we discuss it in better spirits; Not to degrade or criticize other communities but to learn something out of it.

So what are your parameters ? For a start I can suggest.

Comparison between : Bohra Vs others (Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Jews)

On basis of :
• Infrastructure (Prayer Buildings, Commuity halls, Welfare Centres, Orphanages, Elderly Homes, Schools, Universities, Vocational Institutions)
• Welfare Schemes (Zakaat, Sadaqa, Charity, Ration, Housing, Clothing, Medical, Education)
• Social Culture (Tolerance, Acceptance, Accountability, Achievements, Perceptions, Prejudices)
• Wall of Fame (Science, Art, Commerce, Sports, etc )

Re: Ramadan Collection Starts !

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 5:50 am
by humanbeing
Trader wrote:human being, I dont need to do any further research for any thing, I am doing this from last 7 years, and my conclusion is to stick with bohra community and accept syedna Muhammed burhanuddin(tus) as my leader and spiritual father.
Very well then ! Enjoy the Euphoria.

By any chance are you : POET, Labbaik, Revertbohra, Al Maqaam, incredible etc !

Re: Ramadan Collection Starts !

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 6:14 am
by Muslim First
This ramadam may Allah give you freedom from your Envey -
Why would I Envey a Madhab which has strayed so far from the teachings of Qur'an and Prof Muhammad that it is no longer Islam?
Allah has given me everything. Rozi, Rizzak, Family and health (with all it's discomfort).
Why are you pulling Nizari Ismailis in this discussion. We believe in giving and not taking. Giving to poor, giving to everyone regardless of their religion. Shukar Alhamdulillah, we run one of the largest private development networks in the world. On the day of judgement we will see what Allah will do with whom. Let Allah be the judge.
It may be bribe to keep corrupt Muslim regimes quite.
All religion recommend charity. Many Muslim do it too. Example Eidhi foundation, Cancer hospital by Imran Khan etc etc.

Re: Ramadan Collection Starts !

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 6:25 am
by Muslim First
"Miya bhai" (I don't know what it means, I suppose it is derogatory for Sunnis) sit at the back near the toilets because the Masjid is full not because they cannot afford to pay. So what? Are you trying to say that if the Bohoras do not pay they have to sit near the toilets? Please explain what you are saying.
Even Muslim ambesedors have to pray near Toilet if they are late. "Sunni Masjid kisike Baap ki nahi, whoh Musalmaan ke liye hey or sirf Allah ki Ibadat ke liye he"


Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:50 pm
by SBM
To All
Ramdan Kareem to all, irrespective of your leaning. May Allah forgive our sins, back biting, May Allah give us tawfiq to perform our Salah, Soyum and other Ibadahs during this holy month of Ramadan.
May Allah guide us through our fasts to think and help those who suffer the hunger and thirst everyday.
To those who were generous enough to contribute for helping people in Ahmedabad and elsewhere, May Allah reward you for your good deeds, for those who are on side line, May Allah open your hearts to help them and those who are here to criticize others for the noble cause,May Allah guide them in righteous path.