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Collection of Pictures from Life of 52nd Dai

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 4:02 am
by humanbeing
A fascinating look into life of 52nd Dai - Sayedna Mohamed Burhanudddin

Re: Collection of Pictures from Life of 52nd Dai

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 12:45 pm
by Al Zulfiqar

Re: Collection of Pictures from Life of 52nd Dai

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 11:24 pm
by LionHunter
good pictures,

soon he will bite dust with rest of all of us, only ALLAH is HAYYUL QAYYUM Mashallah.

Re: Collection of Pictures from Life of 52nd Dai

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 12:16 am
by Al Zulfiqar
no matter how much the dastardly dawat try to elevate the status of the 51st and 52nd (our modern day firauns) to gods, keep adding fancy nonsensical titles to their names, eventually they will bite the dust, be forgotten in history and remembered only as tyrants and dacoits.

i have posted this poem before, but couldn't resist reproducing it here again. its one of my favorites for its powerful imagery, rhyme, diction and poignant satire. ozymandias was the grandiose title by which the pharaoh ramses ii was addressed.


(by Percy Bysshe Shelley)

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

Re: Collection of Pictures from Life of 52nd Dai

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 10:36 am
by Shafakat
Not a single picture of him visiting disaster victims of riots or floods or earthquake or any sick person. God in earth is no where near the likes of Prophet Mohammed (pbuh), Mother Tresa, or M. Gandhi.

Re: Collection of Pictures from Life of 52nd Dai

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 1:47 pm
by Al Zulfiqar
while the haramkhors of saifee mahal sleep in air-conditioned decadent comfort, waited on hand and foot by an army of servants, fed the most labrez jamans by top class bhatiyara's, travel by chartered planes and cruise on luxury ocean liners, go on shikar trips to satisfy their blood lust and pose with their trophy lions, wild buffaloes and elephants; there are people like abdus sattar edhi of pakistan who goes around attending to sick and abandoned people lying in the alleys of karachi and other major cities, during the heat of the day and in the darkness of the night, treating them and feeding them. dead bodies are buried with dignity and poor people fed, clothed and accommodated in their thousands, nay, lakhs. i have personally seen make-shift sheds on dozens of street corners in karachi where the poor and deprived are fed a free simple meal of daal roti, mutton gravy and rice, not once a week, but everyday!

in the last 50 odd years, edhi has extended his charity to millions, his trusts run on donations from kind benefactors in over a hundred countries, who see the concrete work his trusts carry out. ordinary people donate the hides of the millions of goats, cows and camels which they offer as qurbani, to the edhi trust, which they sell to raise money for more charitable works. through all this edhi himself still lives in a humble 3 room apartment above his cycle sales and repair shop in karachi old city. he wears simple cotton clothes, has no airs and never misuses even a rupee from the crores he receives in donations. i have personally met the man several times, he is a most simple, down-to-earth, poor man, with a self-deprecating sense of humour and extremely humble. he is not surrounded by a retinue of ass-lickers or servants and he wanders around completely alone in airports and roads. he demands no attention, he eats very little, speaks very softly and with great humility and simplicity. he quietly but determinedly attempts to emulate the life of the prophet in every aspect of his own life.

he has done a thousand times more in his lifetime with very meagre resources, than both the last 2 dai's put together with all their wealth, arrogance and fawning abde's. instead of doing good for our community, (forget about humanity!) our syedna's are constantly looting their followers, mistreating them, humiliating them through their hired amils and robbing them of their dignity and money!

in this holy month, whom would you rather support, people like edhi or the mafia of saifee mahal?

Re: Collection of Pictures from Life of 52nd Dai

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 4:23 pm
by JC
I will support Edhi a million times, pray for him from the bottom of my heart .......... he IS the true 'abde Allah' and true follower of Mohammad and Ahle Bait ..........

Who are these jokers referred as 51st, 52nd and 53rd?? Bro AZ Feroan, Nimrud and Yazid are remembered to date, so will be 51st, 52nd and 53rd ............ sorry for my language but it is so hard for me to ignore the resemblance!!

And Edhi has never asked to Live Ta Roaz-e-Qayamat ........ like all Great People on this earth. And he does not want to wear Malabis-e-Fakhera as he is happy in his simple cotton clothes ......... like Our Dear Prophet!!

Re: Collection of Pictures from Life of 52nd Dai

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 6:58 pm
by LionHunter
check out history and you will see founder of good cause is always a good person, its 2-3-4 generation which is ayyash and brings bad name to founder.

same thing will happen with edhi or who ever he is.....

Re: Collection of Pictures from Life of 52nd Dai

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 7:21 pm
by think
very well spoken. Have known sattar edhi from my nicker boker days. his was a small clinic in old mithadhar. I am a witness to the simplicity of this saint. People used to bring their young and old and he has helped each and every one. He used to seat himself on a wooden stool called a (baakra) near the door of the clinic in the small stone paved lane of mithadhar from where he extended his arms to help the world. May Allah give him long life.

Re: Collection of Pictures from Life of 52nd Dai

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 11:24 pm
by seeker110
I was watching news on TV and they showed an old lady who looked like aya with several little children around her, there was one on her lap and she was rocking the child to comfort him. Some girls were playing with her white hair and one was kissing her. Kids were loud and cheerful. It looked to be a parsari in old bhoras home. This lady was Bilkis Ehdi.
Rab ne Banadi Jori.
These children were Yateem and throwaways.