Search found 81 matches
- Fri Sep 18, 2015 3:17 pm
- Forum: Bohras and Reform
- Topic: Bohra WhatsApp Duniya - 2015
- Replies: 1241
- Views: 425195
Re: Bohra WhatsApp Duniya - 2015
South africa ma ek ek shaikh na ghre ziyafat hti, waha ek kharbujo hatu ye thodu khraab hatu, Aali qadr maula ye vo kharbuja ne kaati ne ehna slice krva nu amar farmayu ane Je slice khraab hati ye slice maula ye vo shaikh ne aapi ne tanavul krvu nu farmayu, vo shaikh ye bagair kai uzur kida lai lidu...
- Mon Dec 22, 2014 4:57 am
- Forum: Bohras and Reform
- Topic: Sticky: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court
- Replies: 3965
- Views: 1250539
Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co
Haq ni waat.... was it not your father KQ who went to the courts in the first place... Now KQ says he does not have faith in the judiciary and accusing it of being corrupt, this is contempt of the court and the Indian Law. KQ is a traitor. Did I miss something.... When did SKQ declare he does not h...
- Thu Dec 18, 2014 3:40 am
- Forum: Bohras and Reform
- Topic: Spying Apps from kothar
- Replies: 30
- Views: 10859
Re: Big brother is watching you (its52)
I am not a pro in mobile apps, but as per my experience almost all apps ask for permission to access some details from your mobile. I am sure you must have installed a few other apps before downloading ITS52 and didn't bother to read this permissions before accepting it. I think, and correct me if I...
- Thu Dec 11, 2014 7:12 am
- Forum: Bohras and Reform
- Topic: Bohra SMS Duniya
- Replies: 2710
- Views: 777743
Re: Bohri SMS Duniya
Received on Whatsapp "Maloon dawedaar yeh aaje imam Hussain thi dushmani batawi deedi. Ehna logo yeh jai ne Malaysia maa govt authorities ne inform karee deedu Ki dawoodi bohras Shia chhey, ane chehlum par imam Hussain no Maatam karse. Malaysia is d only country to ban Shias. 250,000 Shias chhe...
- Thu Nov 27, 2014 8:05 am
- Forum: Bohras and Reform
- Topic: Bohra SMS Duniya
- Replies: 2710
- Views: 777743
- Thu Nov 27, 2014 8:02 am
- Forum: Bohras and Reform
- Topic: Bohra SMS Duniya
- Replies: 2710
- Views: 777743
Re: Bohri SMS Duniya
Recd. on whatsapp
" Saeed Ul Khair Bhaisaab car accident today in Kuwait....
Minor injury only... All safe."
" Saeed Ul Khair Bhaisaab car accident today in Kuwait....
Minor injury only... All safe."
- Sat Nov 22, 2014 1:31 am
- Forum: Islam Today
- Topic: Are you shia or sunni or wahhabi?
- Replies: 58
- Views: 9439
Re: Are you shia or sunni or wahhabi?
I have read posts where the notion of being 'only muslim' is being promoted and somehow confused or negated by being a shia/sunni/wahhabi. The truth is that there is no such thing as "only muslims'. Brother Anajmi If you read these 2 sentences together it is obvious that CT is referring to peo...
- Sat Nov 15, 2014 9:51 am
- Forum: Bohras and Reform
- Topic: Qadambosy, Salam and now 'Selfie with...'
- Replies: 37
- Views: 10800
Re: Qadambosy, Salam and now 'Selfie with...'
Dear Hamd,
Can you please post pic of your ejamaat id with complete details.
I am dying to see the idiot who is asking(or should I say abusing) others identity, but is cowardly to reveal self identity.
Dum hai to sabse pehle apni identity bataa. Its a challenge to you.
Can you please post pic of your ejamaat id with complete details.
I am dying to see the idiot who is asking(or should I say abusing) others identity, but is cowardly to reveal self identity.
Dum hai to sabse pehle apni identity bataa. Its a challenge to you.
- Fri Feb 28, 2014 5:17 am
- Forum: Surveys and Polls
- Topic: A poll: Does our Dawat need Reforms?
- Replies: 60
- Views: 43397
Re: A poll: Does our Dawat need Reforms?
Question 5 feels rhetorical.
can you please rephrase it.
It is confusing if i should select yes or no.
can you please rephrase it.
It is confusing if i should select yes or no.
- Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:10 am
- Forum: Bohras and Reform
- Topic: Logical Reasons for not beleiving Shezada Mufaddal Saifuddin
- Replies: 94
- Views: 25460
Re: Logical Reasons for not beleiving Shezada Mufaddal Saifu
But Khuzaima was allegedly advised by Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA to disclose his alleged nass only after his death. Are you saying he started the preparation during hayat tayeba of the 52nd Dai RA ? Your statement reminds me of a classmate who used to say "why start studying now when there...
- Sun Feb 23, 2014 8:01 am
- Forum: Bohras and Reform
- Topic: succession video removed
- Replies: 150
- Views: 42046
Re: succession video removed
I didn't hear " Bhai Mufaddal ne Dai qayim karu chu " but I heard "Mufaddal Bhai ne Nass nu Taaj" very clearly. We really don't have same ears... :mrgreen: Seriously, I've downloaded the video when it was available on Youtube, and I've listened it perhaps 100 times, but I heard ...
- Sat Feb 22, 2014 7:01 am
- Forum: Bohras and Reform
- Topic: Taziat....What is next?
- Replies: 132
- Views: 26081
Re: Taziat....What is next?
yes I did salam empty handed because it was announced that no one should present najwa. Now are you happy. Things are not always same as you think. ok so let me put this in straight way.... you was called for taziyat, but then due to time constraints you was asked to just do salaam, and every body ...
- Tue Feb 18, 2014 5:12 am
- Forum: Bohras and Reform
- Topic: Why No one Walks the Talk
- Replies: 63
- Views: 18598
Re: Why No one Walks the Talk
Not exactly blackmail.james wrote:Sujud wrote:They are being blackmailed to go to Mumbai to do ziyarat offer gold/ money
Blackmailed with what ?
I would call it "EMOTIONAL ATYACHAR"
- Sat Feb 15, 2014 2:17 am
- Forum: Bohras and Reform
- Topic: Difference Between SKQ and MS camp
- Replies: 29
- Views: 8829
Re: Difference Between SKQ and MS camp
The only difference i see in both camps is that on the level of common bohras SMS camp has majority of bohra who have shut their minds, are blindly following him and not even ready to listen and participate in any debate. And the majority in KQ camp atleast at have kept their mind open, listened to ...
- Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:36 am
- Forum: Dawoodi Bohra religion, rituals and customs
- Topic: Innovations
- Replies: 9
- Views: 5811
Re: Innovations
The new moon may be visible from some places on earth and be invisible on other parts at the same time.mustufa_no1 wrote:From which part of earth is that visible ?
To understand that you will have to learn how moon orbits around earth.
- Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:27 am
- Forum: Dawoodi Bohra religion, rituals and customs
- Topic: Innovations
- Replies: 9
- Views: 5811
Re: Innovations
If the Islamic calendar were prepared using astronomical calculations, Muslims throughout the Muslim world could use it to meet all their needs, the way they use the Gregorian calendar today. But, there are divergent views on whether it is licit to do so. A majority of theologians oppose the use of ...
- Thu Feb 13, 2014 4:42 am
- Forum: Bohras and Reform
- Topic: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)
- Replies: 2529
- Views: 742707
Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)
Buying a domain does not mean he was planning to put claim for daiship after SMB.
They could have bought it for some other purpose and used it otherwise as need came for putting naas claim.
It takes very short time with todays available technology and skills to put up a site.
They could have bought it for some other purpose and used it otherwise as need came for putting naas claim.
It takes very short time with todays available technology and skills to put up a site.
- Thu Feb 13, 2014 1:25 am
- Forum: Surveys and Polls
- Topic: A poll: Does our Dawat need Reforms?
- Replies: 60
- Views: 43397
Re: A poll: Does our Dawat need Reforms?
There are a few yahoo groups with mass bohra subscriptions.
- Wed Feb 12, 2014 7:04 am
- Forum: Bohras and Reform
- Topic: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport
- Replies: 454
- Views: 155648
Re: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport
Maybe some of those animals will start speaking and testify how SMB came in their dreams and confirmed Naas on SMS.Al Zulfiqar wrote:
even the animals in africa are undertaking sajda marathons and frantic maatam, praying that their mubarak maut be at the hands of nabi muffy.
- Wed Feb 12, 2014 6:57 am
- Forum: Bohras and Reform
- Topic: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport
- Replies: 454
- Views: 155648
Re: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport
The reason it jumped from 52 to 54 is there are two claimants for the daiship.
- Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:56 am
- Forum: Bohras and Reform
- Topic: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)
- Replies: 2529
- Views: 742707
Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)
By coming on this site and reading and posting you have broken your misaq.hussain53 wrote:
we followers of Sayedna Muffadal Saifuddin T.U.S will always follow him.
Its time for you to take a new misaq.
Khao kasam ane karo salaam
and then sing
Ghanu chino ghanu chino.
- Mon Feb 10, 2014 2:27 am
- Forum: Bohras and Reform
- Topic: Hello & Bye Bye
- Replies: 22
- Views: 7230
Re: Hello & Bye Bye
This quote is somewhat incomplete.
I prefer,
Without religion, good people will mostly do good things and bad people will mostly do bad things. However, for good people to do bad things and bad people to do good things - that takes religion.
I prefer,
Without religion, good people will mostly do good things and bad people will mostly do bad things. However, for good people to do bad things and bad people to do good things - that takes religion.
- Sun Feb 09, 2014 4:18 pm
- Forum: Bohras and Reform
- Topic: Hello & Bye Bye
- Replies: 22
- Views: 7230
Re: Hello & Bye Bye
Before the other members object and the admin kicks us out of this site I would like to warn AI and other atheists out here that this is a Dawoodi Bohra site and we should respect and keep the discussions limited to the community. Otherwise people may think that we are trying to propagate atheism on...
- Sun Feb 09, 2014 7:59 am
- Forum: Bohras and Reform
- Topic: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)
- Replies: 2529
- Views: 742707
Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)
daawat me jo lakhpati ho usika setting hota hai
- Sun Feb 09, 2014 2:11 am
- Forum: Bohras and Reform
- Topic: Olive Branch
- Replies: 51
- Views: 13159
Re: Olive Branch
why not keep it simple.
It does'nt matter what religion or which sect you are and which way you prayed or for like of us did'nt pray at all.
At the end of all that counts is what good or bad you have done to the society.
It does'nt matter what religion or which sect you are and which way you prayed or for like of us did'nt pray at all.
At the end of all that counts is what good or bad you have done to the society.
- Sun Feb 09, 2014 1:59 am
- Forum: Bohras and Reform
- Topic: Hello & Bye Bye
- Replies: 22
- Views: 7230
Re: Hello & Bye Bye
@AI, Welcome to the forum. If i had to write an intro i could very much copy paste from your OP. You have easily witten my thoughts which i find difficult to express in words. I have adopted the same strategy that you have mentioned. Except Ramazan and Ashura i rarely enter the masjid and that too d...
- Mon Jan 27, 2014 6:58 am
- Forum: Bohras and Reform
- Topic: Bohra SMS Duniya
- Replies: 2710
- Views: 777743
- Mon Jan 27, 2014 6:50 am
- Forum: Bohras and Reform
- Topic: Who is the owner of Wakf property?
- Replies: 10
- Views: 4700
Re: Who is the owner of Wakf property?
Don't forget the 5 witnesses in london hospital taht SMS has
- Sun Jan 26, 2014 5:47 am
- Forum: Bohras and Reform
- Topic: Dream Project of Bhendi Bazar
- Replies: 976
- Views: 374910
Re: what happened to SBUT?
people who have sacrificed their comfy residence in bhindi bazaar and living in 3rd class temporary transit apartments. I don't know about others, but last time i visited my uncle in his temporary transit appartment it was much better then their previous appartment in bhendi bazaar. It was much spa...
- Sat Jan 25, 2014 7:45 am
- Forum: Bohras and Reform
- Topic: Stuck in the middle after sayedna's death
- Replies: 58
- Views: 19065
Re: Stuck in the middle after sayedna's death
jab girna hoga tab girenge,bluesky wrote:kin kin ko behkao gey...ek din khud is khadday mai gir jaogey
filhaal ye batao aap is khadde me se bahar kab aoge.