Kothar's campaign on the abuse of drugs, smoking and alcohol

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Kothar's campaign on the abuse of drugs, smoking and alcohol


Unread post by Mkenya » Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:57 pm

Khotar recently instituted a campaign among Bohras in Egypt where by farmaan a committee of Ayaans charged with instructions to visit Bohri households and inquire if the head of household or any member of his household was partaking in the use of intoxicants; such as smoking tobacco or cannabis, using Gutka, Sufuf, Qaat or drank alcohol or gambled. It is not sure if the answers were accepted as honest but rumour is rife in that blood samples were taken. If they turned out positive the household members would be asked to remove all photos, souvenirs,etc. of Dais from their homes. If they happened to be Sheikh, Mullah, etc. these titles and the privileges they had enjoyed were revoked.

In Quomi functions such as Daris, Waez, Namaaz, etc. they were relegated to the Awaam status. Information has also surfaced that the campaign had a good rate of success. How the culprits were to be re-admitted to their former status is not known. Perhaps by surreptitiously handing over large sums in restitution. In any case Mumbai has started a similar campaign and we should follow that closely.

Now in all this there are two questions that need to be addressed First, let us examine Kothar's motive. In Gujarati there is proverb which says: "Lalo laabh wagar na lote". From time immemorial most Farmaans from Kothar have always been to compel Bohras to adapt a dress code, coerce for funds; Najwa, Salaam, Wajebaat, Sabbil, Kadambosi, Galla donations and so on. This particular action cannot be dismissed without open discussion.

I was present at a Rotary Club presentation in Kenya where a renowned oral cancer surgeon presented a graphic and horribly disgusting series of photographs of his patents he had treated. They had all used contraband substances. There were men and women with half their faces, jaws and throats missing and they looked hideous. Most people in the audience were visibly shaken. In East Africa during Majlis, Daris, etc. I have witnessed young men and adults slide packages of 'Mawo' to friends who might be in temporarily need for a 'fix'.

It has suddenly dawned on Kothar that abuse of illicit substance is rampant and increasing manifold. To give Kothar kudos I venture that suddenly it has decided to act on it. That is well and good. One comic point that comes to mind is that their advise would be: "Ke jyare tame atla badha paisa awi badi ni pacher fuzul karchi nakho cho, to tame wichar ken nathi karta ke etla badha paisa tamara khicha ma hoi to tamnej faido thai". So Kothar would then conjure up to give the saved money to them.

It is learnt that the main Masjid in London suggestion boxes have been strategically placed where people are encouraged to deposit details of their witnessing someone who had not worn an Rida in public or was observed imbibing alcohol or smoking, etc. This is vendetta and is liable to much abuse. For example, malicious and false accusations can still compel the accused to be brought before Ayaans and plead his case. To put it succinctly I venture to suggest the following. Abuse of substances are rampant, not only in the Bohra community. In the western world the public health care has for ages tried to educate its populace with some success. In developing countries the efforts will never be enough due to lack of finance and inability of most not being able to afford basic health care.

I would like to make suggestions to Kothar in that presently there are two very viable, practical and effective ways to educate Bohras.
First, Kothar in the last couple of decades has mastered cyberspace and its applications to their full benefit. From emails, Irshadaats, farmaans, relaying of Waez,etc. have all been given universal coverage. Hordes of Bohris gather in mosques to listen to Waez and pay Deedar to 52nd. Dai and the anointed Dai and their huge entourages. I personally have heard people discuss in detail what the Maula had said. Such utterances are 'sar maatha per'; to be followed to the letter of the law. Kothar should use this media to insert a small info-clip in their relays about substance abuse and its ravages. It will hit the target front and square and will be upheld and followed by most as 'Aa to Maula nu Farmaan che" Substance abuse is hard to get off from but this kind of a 'Fatwa' will
shows a lot of promise.

Second, the Tiffin system is hailed to be a rousing success. It is learnt that most households receive Tiffin on a regular basis. One suggestion I have is Kothar should produce a pamphlet which outlines the effects of substance abuse; combine it with graphic photos of cancer sufferers, the financial drain it causes, not to mention the anguish and hardship of family members. Counselling, and curative services should be offered, etc. These pamphlets should be mass-produced and attached to each and every Tiffin that is distributed. Followup with feedback is vital to monitor the effectiveness.
Healthy diet is another issue which must be addressed. Whatever one consumes at home is out of public's domain but as far as food served in Bohra functions can be effectively controlled and enforced. Of course, the days of 'char kharaas and chaar mithaas' will always be there when lavish Daris, Nikah, etc. are celebrated.
I have learnt that many Jamaats in cities and small towns in Canada and USA have opted not to serve Iftaari; khajur with a cup of tea is all one gets. Also the Thaal for Iftaari has mostly baked or grilled Kharaas (not fried), sugar content has been reduced, fresh fruit instead of Mithaas is served, Fruit juices instead of soda pop, etc.

I would welcome feedbacks on this topic to facilitate further discussion. It is common knowledge that Kothar and its huge retinue of lurkers are on this site. So I invite them too to write as to what they think. Please let us know what you as insider think this is all about!

Bohra spring
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Re:Kothar's campaign on the abuse of drugs, smoking and alco


Unread post by Bohra spring » Thu Apr 11, 2013 2:17 am

Mkenya...I am delighted about your concern and your suggestions are very good.

Does anyone have stats of how big a problem of substance abuse is in the community ?

Have Kothar taken advise from local NGOs and medical profession how to eradicate this abuse ? The brute force may sound scary but let me inform you if one is addicted to narcotics like cocaine and heroine their method is reckless and not likely to succeed. Taking away a title and shaming a person will not stop heroine addiction.

Smoking can be stopped by your methods but also handing out patches...in places where there is no free medical they can sponsor people to stop smoking programs.

Alcohol is this being done from a seriuos alcoholism issue or sprititual perspective. If they want people to stop social drinking which is not harmful then would it not be better to emphasize Islamic values where Alcohol is harram and sinful.

Just makes me wonder whether any serious thought has gone into putting up an approach that is going to give results. Their current approach is more like beat the hell out of the victim and shame him into stopping it.

Tobacco, I thought India had an issue with it too where people were getting some cancer in the mouth...how are Indian NGOs going about it ?

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Kothar's campaign on the abuse of drugs, smoking and alc


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Thu Apr 11, 2013 3:01 pm

Mkenya wrote:If they turned out positive the household members would be asked to remove all photos, souvenirs,etc. of Dais from their homes.
Some non-addicts too would now manipulate their blood tests and show it as positive ! :mrgreen:

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Re: Kothar's campaign on the abuse of drugs, smoking and alc


Unread post by Grayson » Thu Apr 11, 2013 3:27 pm

Mkenya wrote:It is learnt that the main Masjid in London suggestion boxes have been strategically placed where people are encouraged to deposit details of their witnessing someone who had not worn an Rida in public or was observed imbibing alcohol or smoking, etc. This is vendetta and is liable to much abuse.
Somebody please write this (along with any other aayat, hadith, akaaleem in the same vein), attribute it to a Shia source (Bukhari would be too easy to attack for opponents), and paste it over these suggestion boxes.
sixfeetunder wrote:Ibn Abbas (RA) narrated the Prophet (saw) said:

Whoever covers the shortcomings of his Muslim brother, then Allah will cover his shortcomings on the day of Judgement. And whoever exposes the shortcomings of his Muslim brother, then Allah will expose his shortcomings until He exposes him inside his home.

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Re: Kothar's campaign on the abuse of drugs, smoking and alc


Unread post by humanbeing » Fri Apr 12, 2013 3:21 am

Dear MK

A very good write up, very well summarized with balanced thoughts.

Addictions are timless evils affecting the societies. All efforts to eradicate such menance is welcome by all.

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Re: Kothar's campaign on the abuse of drugs, smoking and alc


Unread post by seeker110 » Fri Apr 12, 2013 2:31 pm

All paid actors, good delivery of submission. Somebody, anybody knock this Amil in dirt.

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Re: Kothar's campaign on the abuse of drugs, smoking and alc


Unread post by Humsafar » Fri Apr 12, 2013 3:45 pm

If this video is not staged then it is one of the most disgusting and vile episode of public humiliation I've seen. It is a good thing to get people to give up bad habits but this is not the way to do it. Here's a grown man who must be a father, brother, husband, brother - he has self-respect and a reputation. Nobody has the right to treat him like a wayward, delinquent kid and tear his dignity to shreds. If this is an attempt to name and shame "offenders" then it proves yet again how heartless our clergy is, and how it sees itself as the moral arbiter, as the all-powerful master who must bring naughty children in line. This construct of all-knowing Dai (and his clergy by extension) as a father figure who must administer to is children is being carried too far. If it were happening within a home it would be termed as child abuse. But this is happening in a public space, and amounts to public lynching. It is as yet the first example of paternal tyranny of a feudal system Bohras have been brought up in.
Look at the docile, sheepish serfs watching the drama unfolding in stunned silence. Look at the victim grovelling his apology. I feel mixed emotions of anger and empathy. Anger because how Bohras have been brutally conditioned to take all this shit lying down. Empathy because nobody deserves to be treated like this. The "crime" of consuming tobacco does not call for this kind of punishment. Where is the balance? I knew that the clergy is ruthless but this episode takes it several levels up. Bohras are truly crushed and cursed people.

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Re: Kothar's campaign on the abuse of drugs, smoking and alc


Unread post by Conscíous » Fri Apr 12, 2013 4:20 pm

Mkenya wrote: Second, the Tiffin system is hailed to be a rousing success. It is learnt that most households receive Tiffin on a regular basis. One suggestion I have is Kothar should produce a pamphlet which outlines the effects of substance abuse; combine it with graphic photos of cancer sufferers, the financial drain it causes, not to mention the anguish and hardship of family members. Counselling, and curative services should be offered, etc. These pamphlets should be mass-produced and attached to each and every Tiffin that is distributed. Followup with feedback is vital to monitor the effectiveness.
OMG.. You can't really be serious :shock: ?? Not only is this Tiffin idea not any good but you also want to bombard everyone with sickening photos with there meal??

Maybe, you and Grayson can team up to monitor the effectiveness of this foolish idea, so he can come back and debunk the Tiffin Myth :mrgreen:

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Re: Kothar's campaign on the abuse of drugs, smoking and alc


Unread post by level_headed » Fri Apr 12, 2013 4:28 pm

guys - this is staged. see the last 45 seconds. It does mention that this is a play

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Kothar's campaign on the abuse of drugs, smoking and alc


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Fri Apr 12, 2013 4:39 pm

The video clip reminds one of the video circulated by US media wherein they showed a woman being shot in the head by the taliban at a football ground in Afghanistan. The woman lost her life in full public view and here the abde lost his self respect permanently in full public view.

One more video should be prepared wherein all the zaadas are publicly humiliated for giving their property on rent to liquor vendors and banks.

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Re: Kothar's campaign on the abuse of drugs, smoking and alc


Unread post by seeker110 » Mon Apr 15, 2013 4:12 pm

There is little difference between the abde and an addict. They both drain their bank accounts, neglecting religion, family including the future of their children all to the appeasement of the cult leader.

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Re: Kothar's campaign on the abuse of drugs, smoking and alc


Unread post by Saiyaad » Mon Apr 15, 2013 4:26 pm

To me it seems that there is bigger picture then all this campaign of drugs abuse , smoking and alcohol , its looks like kothar cleverly wants to divert the attention of masses into all this so people dont start thinking about many issues which the new administration is facing like Qutbi bohra split, saifee mahal issue , bhendi bazaar project and many more issues which we are unaware and has gone wrong , so its just politics in Play as Usual.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Kothar's campaign on the abuse of drugs, smoking and alc


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Apr 15, 2013 4:37 pm

Its like the political parties.............. When BJP wants to divert public mind it raises the Ram Temple issue, Congress rakes up the terror angle from neighbouring countries etc. etc.

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Re: Kothar's campaign on the abuse of drugs, smoking and alc


Unread post by Safiuddin » Tue Apr 16, 2013 12:01 am


Thank you for bringing the issue of substance abuse to the forefront. This is a problem worldwide, and is best addressed with
interventions targeted towards individuals and communities. Regarding Bohri diet, we already know that this is full of fried foods, ghee, refined sugar and flour,
and heavily peppered with meats high in saturated fats.
People who are reading this should know that Asian Indians (AI) suffer from heart disease and cardiovascular demise
at rates that are 3-5 times higher than any other ethnicity.
When compared to Whites, Blacks, Hispanics and other Asians,
coronary artery disease (CAD) rates among AI worldwide are two to four times higher at all ages and five to ten times higher in those under 40 years of age

Heart disease in AI is characterized by three unique factors:
1. Prematurity: AI are at greater risk of dying at younger ages (< age 40), with males having a much higher prevalence of death than females.
AI children are showing signs of metabolic syndrome, a precursor to diabetes. This is an alarming trend.
2. Diffuseness of disease: AI have heart disease which typically involves multi-vessel, extensive disease.
3. Absence of traditional risk factors such as smoking and alcohol use - Most AI do not smoke, and smoking in AI women is virtually unheard of -
though there may exist an increasing trend for these habits.

There are other novel risk factors in AI such as the presence of inflammatory proteins such as C-Reactive protein, Lipoprotein (a), and homo cysteine -
all of these raise atherogenic inflammation risk; however, it's beyond the scope of this small post for me to discuss these at length.
When ghee is heated, it breaks down into cholesterol products that are atherogenic (meaning they cause fat deposits in the arteries).
Moreover, AI in urban settings are becoming sedentary and do not get enough physical exercise, particularly the elderly age group. AI tend to cook their vegetables until they are mush - and this does nothing for the benefits of these foods. Every religious occasion is filled with fatty food and even cultural customs such as
wadhaawo, misaaq, mangni, etc. are associated with the consumption of sugary and fried foods. Hence, the Bohri diet is filled with calorie dense foods and very little physical exercise. Apart from daily tasks, employment, and namaaz, many Bohris are lacking in the recommended 30 minutes per day on most days of the week.
Thus a combination of genetic, cultural, dietary, and lifestyle changes predisposes AI to increased risk of severe coronary artery disease.
In any intervention targeted towards heart disease risk reduction, BOTH dietary modification and exercise are necessary to reduce risk levels.
I propose that exercise programs incorporate what people already know and understand: bhangra dance, bharatnatyam moves, yoga, stretching, and isometric resistance exercise. Unless physical activity is incorporated into lifestyle, I don't feel that risk factors can be sufficiently reduced. Since there are many Bohris that are AI, I say that the time to look at heart disease in this population is now. I recently conducted a thorough review of the antecedents of heart disease in AI, and I'd be happy to share that with this forum.
If someone is interested in reading the full document (39 pages), I'll be glad to post it here.

Below are some references that people will find useful - I highly recommend these for providers of health care to AI. For my friends in Canada,
I've included a 2001 study on heart disease in Canadian Asian Indians.

Enas, E.A., Singh, V., Munjal, Y.P., Gupta, R., Patel, K.C.R., Bhandari, S., Agarwal, A.K.,….
Kasliwal, R.R. (2009). Recommendations of the Second Indo-U.S. Health Summit on
Prevention and Control of Cardiovascular Disease among Asian Indians. Indian Heart Journal,
Ganie, M. A. (2010). Metabolic Syndrome in Indian Children – An Alarming Rise. Indian
Journal of Endocrinology and Medicine, 14 (1), 1-2
Gupta, M., Singh, N., Verma, S. (2006). South Asians and Cardiovascular Risk: What Clinicians
Should Know. Circulation, 113, e924-e929. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.10558315.
Gupta, M., Singh, N, Warsi, M., Reiter, M., and Ali, K. (2001). Canadian South Asians have
more severe heart disease than European Canadians despite having fewer risk factors.
Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 17, Supplement C, 226C.

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Re: Kothar's campaign on the abuse of drugs, smoking and alc


Unread post by Conscíous » Sun Apr 21, 2013 11:35 am

wewe ume kupotea kabisa huh :|

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Re: Kothar's campaign on the abuse of drugs, smoking and alc


Unread post by Mkenya » Sun Apr 21, 2013 8:01 pm

wewe ume kupotea kabisa huh :|[/quote]

Mimi niko hapa tu! Nita potea wapi. babu?
Mimi nime fuata dalili zote. Maombi yangu
bin-nafsi ana sema kama wacontributa wengi ju ya
shuguli hee tuna ongea wame rushwa angani
maoni yao . Hai ni husu ile mambo tunanzungumza.
Basi wacha tu angalie; ya Mungu nimengi.

It is always so disheartening to read exchanges on
mostly all topics where innuendos, verbal venom,
semantic debates, scoring points, etc. have hijacked
important topics. A cursory review will reveal the culprits.
I fail to understand why people indulge is such activities.
Let us hope that saner heads would prevail.

Bohra spring
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Re: Kothar's campaign on the abuse of drugs, smoking and alc


Unread post by Bohra spring » Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:58 pm

Malaika nakupenda malaika ....Basi to wa onyeshe hawa wajinga chemchamkuti, hawa walimu wame tu fwat sis huko Africa na kuleta dini ya banyani pesa na urongo, wazee wetu walikwa na amani , halafu 1960 hava walimu walikuja ku fwata pesa, leta ujinga yawo...tuli toroka ulaya waka fwate sisi hata hapo...to towe kiboko

hawa sasa wame kaa kabisa hatuwezi towa..wana jenga jamea yaou, wana chukuwa paspoti, wana honga serekali....tamasha ime anza tu tafute continenti mpya

Na kumbuka zamani ma Bohora, Ismaili na Khoja Ithansheri tuli kuwa tuna ka na udugu , tuli kwa tuna enda miskitini yao, wali kwa wana kuja harusi yetu ku kula Biryani...tulikuwa na kaa kwa amani...halafu huyo Najmudin alileta tabia yake ati tuko tafauti, tusi ongea nao.

Lakini sasa mashkio iko wazi, macho iko wazi, akili ni mali...UHURU tuta pata ....

Muffy Arudi Uhindi , Mwanainchi Apate Uhuru - MAUMAU

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Re: Kothar's campaign on the abuse of drugs, smoking and alc


Unread post by Haggi » Mon Apr 22, 2013 3:10 am

mkenya and Bohra spring,
nime furahi kusoma mlioandika, tafauti na maandishi zinazo andikwa hapa mara nyingi.
Kiswahili yenu ni nzuri na amini mna toka Mombasa. Ahsante sana.

Nice to read of what you have written, different than dialogues written here on this forum many a times.
Your Kiswahili is very good so I believe you originate from Mombasa.
Thank you.

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Re: Kothar's campaign on the abuse of drugs, smoking and alc


Unread post by Conscíous » Mon Apr 22, 2013 3:02 pm

Mkenya wrote: Mimi niko hapa tu! Nita potea wapi. babu?.
Labda, ume enda safari, gadhi yako khusha harbika, labda samba na fuata wewe ne wewe kusha poteya in the jungle :roll:
Mkenya wrote: It is always so disheartening to read exchanges on
mostly all topics where innuendos, verbal venom,
semantic debates, scoring points, etc. have hijacked
important topics. A cursory review will reveal the culprits.
I don't know whom your talking about but you have the option in the control settings, so there posts may not be visible to you.. and you are not the first person and I'm sure you'll not be the last.. For the time being, this is the way this forum rolls and in a way, I'm happy the way the administration is running this site and I'm sure if you stick here long enough, you'll get the hang of it.. I hope all this does not discourage you from discussing and sharing your thoughts withs us..
Sawa :wink:

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Re: Kothar's campaign on the abuse of drugs, smoking and alc


Unread post by Mkenya » Tue Apr 23, 2013 12:33 am

Huku Canada si jangal lakini wengi wetu (Wabohora) ni Jangli au waoga. Uki nzugumza na hao uta pata jawabu ya khanisi kama: "Kom ma rehwu che ne kom ma marwu che. Lachari che pun shu kari shakye!" Mimi nilizaliwa Mombasa (Old Town) na kila niki fika kule na kumbuka sana maungano ya waze wabohora na maoni yao. Sasa hee haipatikani. Masheke wengi wako wakora na wanaendelea na kazi yao ya kuhonga, kufanya biashara na maali iliyo ibwa na kazalika. Hawa ni watu ambayo waminifu wata kata kabisa ku kopesha pesa.


Here in Canada is is not a jungle but the Bohras here are Jungli. If you initiate a discussion the typical impotent reply would be: "Kom ma rehwu che ne kom ma marwu che. Lachari che pun shu kari shakye!". I was born in Mombasa in the Old Town and everytime I visit there I remember so vividly the older Bohras of the bygone days giving valuable and practical advice and guidance. This is no more, they have departed. Today many of the umpteen Sheikhs are crooks, corrupt, trading in goods that has been illegally acquired. These are the types of people who would not be lent any money by people who are privy to their dubious activities.

Bohra spring
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Re: Kothar's campaign on the abuse of drugs, smoking and alc


Unread post by Bohra spring » Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:22 pm

Mkenya Salam kaze .mtoto was mji wa kale...kibokoni ndiyo mahali wazee wetu wali Anza mapigano na YN na sisi tuli kata kupatiya Hawa nafasi....sasa badaya miyaka 30 maneno yako in kwelli.

Maneno ya zamani hiata leta nafu, takuje pamoja to jilinde kesho, tusaidiye wenzetu kupata uhuru. Hapa ulaya serekali zetu Ziko tayari kusaidia Hawa walimu waki Anza zulumu. Wajinga hawezi honga au tumia ukora.

Kwaheri ya kuonana wacha naota Mahamri, mbazi, kababu ya rekoda, bhadali bhajia. :lol: sikuizi in krispy kreme kalamati

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Re: Kothar's campaign on the abuse of drugs, smoking and alc


Unread post by wise_guy » Wed Apr 24, 2013 12:59 am

Bohra spring wrote:Mkenya Salam kaze .mtoto was mji wa kale...kibokoni ndiyo mahali wazee wetu wali Anza mapigano na YN na sisi tuli kata kupatiya Hawa nafasi....sasa badaya miyaka 30 maneno yako in kwelli.

Maneno ya zamani hiata leta nafu, takuje pamoja to jilinde kesho, tusaidiye wenzetu kupata uhuru. Hapa ulaya serekali zetu Ziko tayari kusaidia Hawa walimu waki Anza zulumu. Wajinga hawezi honga au tumia ukora.

Kwaheri ya kuonana wacha naota Mahamri, mbazi, kababu ya rekoda, bhadali bhajia. :lol: sikuizi in krispy kreme kalamati

muchuiu mmucchii simaya bunenae chuchchu dalelea purela marela sugvela .... did u understand this ? I also didn't understand what you wrote ! Please write in a common language in which everyone can understand on this public forum.

Bohra spring
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Re: Kothar's campaign on the abuse of drugs, smoking and alc


Unread post by Bohra spring » Wed Apr 24, 2013 1:25 am

Oops I am so so sorry forgot not everyone can read local dialects, you should have brought this up long ago.... I really thank you for reminding us this is a public forum what have been thinking . :idea: .is it ok next time I include اُردُو or ગુજરાતી caligraphy ..

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Re: Kothar's campaign on the abuse of drugs, smoking and alc


Unread post by Conscíous » Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:13 pm

Br MKenya,,
I hope that I've not given the wrong impression that I can speak Swahili, which I don't.. I've managed to pick up the language ( a few words and sentences )while traveling a lot to east Africa with my parents.. I'm willing to bet, you miss the bhajia made by this one old lady or the mandhazi and barazii which you get in the early mornings on Sunday's?? In a way, it was disappointing to hear, that you don't leave in Kenya anymore because I was hope you could give us some ground news from there..

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Re: Kothar's campaign on the abuse of drugs, smoking and alc


Unread post by Mkenya » Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:26 pm


muchuiu mmucchii simaya bunenae chuchchu dalelea purela marela sugvela .... did u understand this ? I also didn't understand what you wrote ! Please write in a common language in which everyone can understand on this public forum.

Most immigrants from East Africa to foreign lands have always have such love of the our language Swahili.
We learnt it in school and incorporated it liberally in our daily lifestyle. In fact during conversations we inserted words, phrases, etc. in that language which were so precise to the topic under discussions. Other forum participants and myself nostalgically got carried away and I am sure my counterparts will support me in offering a profound apology. As a footnote others and I might revert to that language from time to time but we promise a transalation will always accompany.

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Re: Kothar's campaign on the abuse of drugs, smoking and alc


Unread post by wise_guy » Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:42 pm

Mkenya wrote:wise-guy

muchuiu mmucchii simaya bunenae chuchchu dalelea purela marela sugvela .... did u understand this ? I also didn't understand what you wrote ! Please write in a common language in which everyone can understand on this public forum.

Most immigrants from East Africa to foreign lands have always have such love of the our language Swahili.
We learnt it in school and incorporated it liberally in our daily lifestyle. In fact during conversations we inserted words, phrases, etc. in that language which were so precise to the topic under discussions. Other forum participants and myself nostalgically got carried away and I am sure my counterparts will support me in offering a profound apology. As a footnote others and I might revert to that language from time to time but we promise a transalation will always accompany.
I didn't mean to sound as a moderator or police here ! It is absolutely fine to express yourself in your language. Just that an english translation would have helped !

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Kothar's campaign on the abuse of drugs, smoking and alc


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Fri May 10, 2013 6:03 pm

Burhani Guards Trust-Pakistan Moharamaat Seminar at Jamea-tus-Saifiyah Auditorium Karachi-Pakistan

27th Jumadil Aakhar, 1434

Location: Jamea-tus-Saifiyah Auditorium, Karachi, Pakistan.

May 05, 2013 – As an extension of our training program and the ongoing campaign against the use of Moharammaat (intoxicating substances), an awareness seminar was held at the Al-Jamea-tus-Saifiyah Auditorium in Karachi yesterday. Presided by the Chairman BGT Janab Nooruddin Bhaisaheb and Amil Al Mohallatul Burhaniyah Shk. Taher Bhai Rasheed, this seminar was attended by all members of Burhani Guards Trust Pakistan.The program opened with recitation from the Holy Quran and tilawat of Marasiyah. Shk. Shabbir Bhai Sadriwala gave a brief introduction of the topic, followed by audio/video excerpts of Syedna Muhammad Burhanuddin (T.U.S) and Syedi wa Maulaya Ali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin (T.U.S) in which both of them strongly prohibited the use of Moharamaat.Also included in the program was a rare audio recording of Amir-ul-Jamea Al-Muqaddas Syedi Yousuf Bhaisaheb Najmuddin in which he also strongly condemned the use of Moharramaat and highlighted its disastrous effects.Next in line was an address by Al Ustad Al Shaikh Mustansir Bhai Rangoonwala, whose discussion was more tilted towards the harmful effects of Moharamaat on ones soul and religious beliefs.Dr. Ismail Hirani, a renowned ENT surgeon, highlighted how usage of Moharamaat leads to cancer, its symptopms, ways of diagnosis and precautionary measures. Lastly, Shk. Zoeb Hyderi gave tips on defending the urge and enhance self control.Shk. Abdul Hussain Ratlam wala, Operating Trustee of BGT-Pakistan closed the seminar with his thanking remarks to the chief guests and speakers.

"The Pot Calling The Kettle Black"-------- Yusuf Najmuddin (Father-in-law of Mansoos) who was the co-owner of Hotel Ambassador, Churchgate, Mumbai in which Alcohol was served freely has the audacity of giving lectures on the ill effects of Intoxicants !!! Height of Hypocricy.

Al Zulfiqar
Posts: 4618
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2006 5:01 am

Re: Kothar's campaign on the abuse of drugs, smoking and alc


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Fri May 10, 2013 6:11 pm

even the excessive love of money and ayyashi, being treated as 'royals', is a powerful intoxication and moharramat!

can we please have muffadal mola give some lectures on the same, following which he takes a resolution no longer to take fakhir najwas and salaams from abdes, not to sell bogus titles for crores, and stop charging for pagla, kadambosi, salgirah gold guineas etc? can he also please circulate this misaal shareef to all the amils worldwide?