Sticky: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co


Unread post by Ozdundee » Mon Apr 07, 2014 11:57 pm

In my research on excommunication I have realised that taking religious issues to be settled in courts may not deliver the outcomes. Our own reformists experience over the years has been the proof.

For one our religious affairs are not managed under law or democratic principles. That is our succession and leadership appointments are by appointment . So how will the court determine the process was performed .

How will the court know who should have been the rightful Diai ?

Unless SKQ argues his case that he has a written will and documentation to prove he is the Diai and SMS has fraudulently stolen the leadership . The court will then need to jump into whether a crime was committed in falsifying documents etc.

What the best outcome will be when SMS explains how or why he thinks he is the best candidate and the basis for his selection.

What is troubling in all these 2 claimants is one is claiming to be the son of STS and brother of SMB , while SMS claims to be the son of SMB and hence the rightful claimant . This is the worst news for a liberal minded bohra where only descendants of STS are eligible for being Diai , while the rest are entitled to be followers. Is it not strange no abde or few reformists see a fundamental problem with this status quo.

SMS and SKQ may argue if asked that there is no one better qualified in the community other then them, but is it really, did we all get access to ideological scholarships like they did ?

Or they will argue that Ismaili tradition stipulates it is the predecessors decision who he appoints . If that is the case then this leads to another fund,a metal issue

Would any emotional father ever pass the inheritance to other than his son in this case.

If SKQ is STS son does it matter because it is the SMB decision.

If SMB overrules STS wishes he is challenging a Diai's desires and that disqualifies SMB as the Diai so the 50 year legacy is at stake.

If SMS goes hard on SKQ which by the way he did by encouraging lanat he has somehow indicated SMB made a big mistake of appointing SKQ a Mazoon . SMS has cast a stone in the glass house and done what we would expect a reformist to do , question SMB decision and foresight.

So there are so many permutations how these recent events have destroyed the ideological credibility, some would call it self destruction. Did we not predict this a couple of years ago when we stated it has reached the peak.

What is again I will repeat , abdes are unable or consciously denying the above events hoping they are in a bad dream and all this will go away.

SMS with his opulence and SKQ with his fight against betrayal have been our best soccer we call self goal.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co


Unread post by zinger » Mon Apr 07, 2014 11:59 pm

Crater Lake wrote:Let's see if we get an answer from the resident abdes on this one: Was nass conferred by Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (RA) on Mufaddal Bhaisaheb Saifuddin on Saturday, June 4th, 2011 (3rd Rajjab-al-Assab 1432 H) in the London hospital?

Salaar, James (who has recently been quiet) zinger, anyone? Are you all going to remain quiet now per farman, lest you slip up and add to the big ol' spaghetti bowl of lies created by your bosses?! Or are you going to repeat the tall claims you have been making for the last 3 years?

Crater Lake, since you have named me, let me answer.

Yes, until 17th January 2014, i believed Nass was done on Mufaddal Maula.

Infact, let me now put it this way, until 17th January 2014, the entire world believed Nass was done on Mufaddal Maula and which includes you and the Reformists too.

BUT now, as of today, it is up to the law to decide.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co


Unread post by Ozdundee » Tue Apr 08, 2014 12:00 am

Ozdundee wrote:In my research on excommunication I have realised that taking religious issues to be settled in courts may not deliver the outcomes. Our own reformists experience over the years has been the proof.

For one our religious affairs are not managed under law or democratic principles. That is our succession and leadership appointments are by appointment . So how will the court determine the process was performed .

How will the court know who should have been the rightful Diai ?

Unless SKQ argues his case that he has a written will and documentation to prove he is the Diai and SMS has fraudulently stolen the leadership . The court will then need to jump into whether a crime was committed in falsifying documents etc.

What the best outcome will be when SMS explains how or why he thinks he is the best candidate and the basis for his selection.

What is troubling in all these 2 claimants is one is claiming to be the son of STS and brother of SMB , while SMS claims to be the son of SMB and hence the rightful claimant . This is the worst news for a liberal minded bohra where only descendants of STS are eligible for being Diai , while the rest are entitled to be followers. Is it not strange no abde or few reformists see a fundamental problem with this status quo.

SMS and SKQ may argue if asked that there is no one better qualified in the community other then them, but is it really, did we all get access to ideological scholarships like they did ?

Or they will argue that Ismaili tradition stipulates it is the predecessors decision who he appoints . If that is the case then this leads to another fund,a metal issue

Would any emotional father ever pass the inheritance to other than his son in this case.

If SKQ is STS son does it matter because it is the SMB decision.

If SMB overrules STS wishes he is challenging a Diai's desires and that disqualifies SMB as the Diai so the 50 year legacy is at stake.

If SMS goes hard on SKQ which by the way he did by encouraging lanat he has somehow indicated SMB made a big mistake of appointing SKQ a Mazoon . SMS has cast a stone in the glass house and done what we would expect a reformist to do , question SMB decision and foresight.

So there are so many permutations how these recent events have destroyed the ideological credibility, some would call it self destruction. Did we not predict this a couple of years ago when we stated it has reached the peak.

What is again I will repeat , abdes are unable or consciously denying the above events hoping they are in a bad dream and all this will go away.

SMS with his opulence and SKQ with his fight against betrayal have been our best soccer we call self goal.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co


Unread post by alam » Tue Apr 08, 2014 12:06 am

May I humbly suggest all to refrain from :

Counting your chickens before they are hatched
Allow time for courts with their proceedings

Remember, truth is always hard to swallow, for anyone. Evidences will be refuted, and even discounted. Even if courts declare wihtout a shadow of doubt the unlikelihood of Syedna Burhanuddin ability to speak or swallow sherbet during the alleged Nass, the masses will still cry FATEHI Mubin for SMS. However, Once they start opening their eyes from the spell they are under, and start to look at the facts, sure, they might choke, they might rebel, they may get outraged, or they may just shut their eyes once again andlive in a fantasy world.

Again, I'm indulging in this counting chickens before they are hatched - just to make a point.

Now is no time for glory or gloating. The processs is barely getting started and we need to encourage patience, sound reasoning and tolerance - rather than an " I told you so" arrogant attitude. It's going to get pretty ugly, so take out your meditation mat or masallas, and pray Quran and nasrul mahaaba. Or get out on the streets and stage a protest like Tahrir Or a dandi march in Surat or Godhra.

One more thing: may I request substitute words like "claimants", and "Alleged" instead of "liars". Look, if someone (reading this here)wants to consider the facts, you don't want them to be put off with "gaali- galuchi", name calling. Instead, you want to make it possible for readers to be able to look at the facts with eyes open, rather than write all this off as "dushmani, and munafekeen", when it's really imaan and truthfulness that we are searching for.

These events are going to be very tempting for us to speculate on, and over- read, over-think whatever data and facts come to the forefront. If we must speculate, let us do so with a bit gravitas, hmm?

Bless you all.
Last edited by alam on Tue Apr 08, 2014 12:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co


Unread post by monginis » Tue Apr 08, 2014 12:08 am

zinger wrote:
Crater Lake wrote:Let's see if we get an answer from the resident abdes on this one: Was nass conferred by Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (RA) on Mufaddal Bhaisaheb Saifuddin on Saturday, June 4th, 2011 (3rd Rajjab-al-Assab 1432 H) in the London hospital?

Salaar, James (who has recently been quiet) zinger, anyone? Are you all going to remain quiet now per farman, lest you slip up and add to the big ol' spaghetti bowl of lies created by your bosses?! Or are you going to repeat the tall claims you have been making for the last 3 years?

Crater Lake, since you have named me, let me answer.

Yes, until 17th January 2014, i believed Nass was done on Mufaddal Maula.

Infact, let me now put it this way, until 17th January 2014, the entire world believed Nass was done on Mufaddal Maula and which includes you and the Reformists too.

BUT now, as of today, it is up to the law to decide.
just talk about your self, dont drag whole world into this, most people specially here were intelligent enough to know some fraud is going on.

law will just decide who will run administration/properties, but common sense has already decided muffy cant be dai or Imam representative in any case.

btw you are still calling him mufaddal "maula" without understand meaning of maula, it means no matter what happens you will remain brain washed and idiot.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co


Unread post by monginis » Tue Apr 08, 2014 12:14 am

it is also interesting to see, right now just case is filed and muffy supporters have already started to back off, all their yakin and faith on their DAI is gone.

instead of saying, we have faith in our DAI, now they want LAW to decide....LOL

muffy supporters are like RAT, they will run first when they will see ship is sinking.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co


Unread post by zinger » Tue Apr 08, 2014 12:56 am

@ monginis

i obviously did not count you when i was referring to the world because it is quite obvious you are not of Earth. Jupiter perhaps, or Neptune even, but certainly not Earth.

How did you deduce my faith is gone? i dont see it written anywhere! do you? Ofcourse, if you looked at it with alien eyes, it might!

whatever is ultimately reveled to be the truth, i know i will be able to follow it with a clean conscience which is much more than what i can say for you. the amount of flip flops you have done in each id is amazing.
from being a complete believer (labbaikya hussain, ala maquaam) to being someone who believes that Bohras are truest of God's creations (revert bohra) to being a complete anti-Bohra (incredible, khalifatur rehman etc) to being a Shia-saving-Sunni-Bashing (sufi monk) to being a benevolent Bohra (raheba solar) to being a repentant Bohra (moningis)... have i missed out some???? Ofcourse, atleast another dozen in between

atleast i know that whichever path i ultimately take, i will have no guilty conscience

BTW, you can report this post of mine and cry to Admin. i'd like to see how much support you will get from there, so... all the best

S. Insaf
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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co


Unread post by S. Insaf » Tue Apr 08, 2014 1:17 am

Religious matters must not come to court: HC judge
TIMES OF INDIA Rosy Sequeira,TNN | Apr 8, 2014, 02.45 AM IST

MUMBAI: Religious matters should not come to court, the Bombay high court said on Monday when a suit filed by the uncle of the recently ordained Syedna of the Dawoodi Bohra community came up for hearing.

Justice S J Kathawalla, who made the observation, however, later recused himself from hearing the suit filed by Khuzema Qutbuddin against the succession of Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin, the son of his half-brother, the late Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin, as spiritual head of the community.

Qutbuddin has urged for direction to declare him the 53rd Dai-al-Mutlaq or spiritual head and to restrain his nephew from acting as the Dai. He claimed the late Syedna had privately anointed him as his successor in December 1965 and told him to reveal it only at an appropriate time.

At the outset, Justice Kathawalla revealed that he had appeared for the 52nd Dai in an excommunication matter many years ago. "After the matter, the Dai gave me two shawls,'' he recollected, adding that non-Bohra advocates were present at the felicitation in a hall. He then asked if either side had any objection to him hearing the case.

While Syedna's advocate Janak Dwarkadas consented to the judge hearing the matter, Qutbuddin's advocate Ravi Kadam said he would have to take instructions from his client.

Justice Kathawalla then remarked that it would be better for the parties to discuss the matter. "It is better to sit outside and discuss. Religious matters should not come to court. Most courts are not equipped (to handle such issues)," he said.

The judge also asked if there could be a temporary arrangement pending hearing of the petition. "Is it not possible for a working arrangement?" asked Justice Kathawalla. Dwarkadas replied, "I don't think so.'' Kadam echoed his sentiments. After the court's recess, Kadam requested the judge to recuse himself from the case. Following this, the judge recorded his recusal. The suit will come up for hearing before another single judge.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co


Unread post by true_bohra » Tue Apr 08, 2014 1:44 am

@akhtiar, JC and others

Isn't this a big blow to KQ camp. When I told that the court would not entertain such petition with loose evidence and its not the matter of 700 pages petition as the court looks for testimonies, evidence and explicit statements which were absent.

Now can you bring in the backing of CJI Ahmedi into this which you were bragging about.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co


Unread post by humanbeing » Tue Apr 08, 2014 1:56 am

S. Insaf wrote:Religious matters must not come to court: HC judge
TIMES OF INDIA Rosy Sequeira,TNN | Apr 8, 2014, 02.45 AM IST
MUMBAI: Religious matters should not come to court, the Bombay high court said on Monday when a suit filed by the uncle of the recently ordained Syedna of the Dawoodi Bohra community came up for hearing.

Justice S J Kathawalla, who made the observation,

At the outset, Justice Kathawalla revealed that he had appeared for the 52nd Dai in an excommunication matter many years ago. "After the matter, the Dai gave me two shawls,'' he recollected,

Justice Kathawalla then remarked that it would be better for the parties to discuss the matter. "It is better to sit outside and discuss. Religious matters should not come to court. Most courts are not equipped (to handle such issues)," he said..[/b]
Justice Kathawalla will ofcourse advise both camps for out of court settlement, he seems biased already. And stupidity / desperation of SMS camp is visible by not objecting a possibly biased judge to sit over their case.

Dai giving 2 shawls ! wow !! .. do they call 2 Shawl = 2 khoka = 2 crores in Lisaan-e-daawat !!

Why shouldn’t religious matter be discussed in court of law ? Specially when millions of assets are under question. This particular case shall not be deemed as personal inheritance fight between two claimants, but it shall be a matter of public interest ( bohra citizen of India).

This is the outcome and state of mind of Indian Judician system. and this is why thugs like kothar prosper !

Why is court not equipped to handle such issues ? do we lack intellectual judges and lawyers to study the case from common sense, logical, practical and Laws of natural justice points of views ?

A very immature statement by honorable judge ! if such dispute could be settled amicably, they wouldn’t have approached the lethargic and defunct judicial system of india.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co


Unread post by monginis » Tue Apr 08, 2014 2:30 am

@ Zinger

dude I really appreciate you count me universal identity and not mere earthly identity, and yes you did have lost your faith by saying "LAW will decide"

I mean till now you was shouting from roof top that muffy is DAI and you are supporting it, moment case is filed against him, now you want LAW to decide and you left his daman.

I dont care your ID nor I care who you are, because you represent HEARD mentality of normal ABDES (because you are part of it), its not about what you think and say, actually it shows how most brain washed abdes are thinking and doing.
Last edited by monginis on Tue Apr 08, 2014 2:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co


Unread post by AgnosticIndian » Tue Apr 08, 2014 2:32 am

true_bohra wrote:@akhtiar, JC and others

Isn't this a big blow to KQ camp. When I told that the court would not entertain such petition with loose evidence and its not the matter of 700 pages petition as the court looks for testimonies, evidence and explicit statements which were absent.

Now can you bring in the backing of CJI Ahmedi into this which you were bragging about.
When all the cases were fought during STS time why not now?
In a simple manner this is a inheritance battle. Courts are final recourse as MS didn't agree to discuss outside it

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co


Unread post by monginis » Tue Apr 08, 2014 2:39 am

humanbeing wrote:
S. Insaf wrote:Religious matters must not come to court: HC judge
TIMES OF INDIA Rosy Sequeira,TNN | Apr 8, 2014, 02.45 AM IST
MUMBAI: Religious matters should not come to court, the Bombay high court said on Monday when a suit filed by the uncle of the recently ordained Syedna of the Dawoodi Bohra community came up for hearing.

Justice S J Kathawalla, who made the observation,

At the outset, Justice Kathawalla revealed that he had appeared for the 52nd Dai in an excommunication matter many years ago. "After the matter, the Dai gave me two shawls,'' he recollected,

Justice Kathawalla then remarked that it would be better for the parties to discuss the matter. "It is better to sit outside and discuss. Religious matters should not come to court. Most courts are not equipped (to handle such issues)," he said..[/b]
Justice Kathawalla will ofcourse advise both camps for out of court settlement, he seems biased already. And stupidity / desperation of SMS camp is visible by not objecting a possibly biased judge to sit over their case.

Dai giving 2 shawls ! wow !! .. do they call 2 Shawl = 2 khoka = 2 crores in Lisaan-e-daawat !!

Why shouldn’t religious matter be discussed in court of law ? Specially when millions of assets are under question. This particular case shall not be deemed as personal inheritance fight between two claimants, but it shall be a matter of public interest ( bohra citizen of India).

This is the outcome and state of mind of Indian Judician system. and this is why thugs like kothar prosper !

Why is court not equipped to handle such issues ? do we lack intellectual judges and lawyers to study the case from common sense, logical, practical and Laws of natural justice points of views ?

A very immature statement by honorable judge ! if such dispute could be settled amicably, they wouldn’t have approached the lethargic and defunct judicial system of india.
brother I dont blame justice kathawala, looking at number of pending cases in Indian courts, they really dont want to waste time on religion cases, they always tend to ask parties to solve matters out side the court, this is normal NORMS of proceeding, after 15 days when things wont change they will take charge in hands, and may also give stay order on bohra properties.

Akhtiar Wahid
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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co


Unread post by Akhtiar Wahid » Tue Apr 08, 2014 4:01 am

Recusing of case does not mean that the case has been dismissed, in simple words the Judge does not have the balls to take such a heavy load on him, he does not want to be the victim of hate from any followers of this religious sect. I know that religious matters in court is very complicated but I think in this case we need a judge who has a very concentric knowledge of Islam or better if he is Muslim also. SKQ sahib is doing this not for his personal benefits but for the people of this community, Muffadal Saab and his cohorts are very cruel and destructive they will tear apart everything of what is left in this community. Their hunger for money keeps on increasing day in and day out, have you seen Muffadal saab and his cohorts doing more of constructive or benevolent work recently. This type of Dawah is a bogus and fraudulent way of extorting money on the name of religion.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co


Unread post by zinger » Tue Apr 08, 2014 4:34 am

monginis wrote:@ Zinger

dude I really appreciate you count me universal identity and not mere earthly identity, and yes you did have lost your faith by saying "LAW will decide"

I mean till now you was shouting from roof top that muffy is DAI and you are supporting it, moment case is filed against him, now you want LAW to decide and you left his daman.

I dont care your ID nor I care who you are, because you represent HEARD mentality of normal ABDES (because you are part of it), its not about what you think and say, actually it shows how most brain washed abdes are thinking and doing.

i really dont wish to have any kind of conversation with you. im surprised how people tolerate you, so this should hopefully be my last response to you, unless you post another gem like this

anyways, whats with the sudden tone of voice? Isnt this tone of voice reserved for some other id? yeah, i can understand, when you operate more than 4 ids at once, the lines do get blurred. i like this tone of voice by the way, more civil. trying to figure out which id this is now (and i do mean this sincerely, not being sarcastic)

now... me shouting from the roof? Strange! i thought i quietly accepted it, like the rest of world. i really dont remember standing on top of a roof and shouting it loud.

and again... HOW DID YOU EVER DECIPHER that when i said the law will decide i lost my faith? it could mean the obvious, that the law will decide and prove that Mufaddal Maula is right, altough... it could also prove otherwise.... so im wondering how did you know what i mean

and by the way, im sure you must have HEARD about this, but its HERD mentality. not HEARD

and lastly, the feeling is mutual. i really dont care who you are either. the little bit that i do know about you is enough for me.

so, like i said, please dont post another priceless gem like this because i will be forced to reply to you and like i said, i wish to keep my conversations with you to a bare minimum

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co


Unread post by qamarlight » Tue Apr 08, 2014 7:17 am

Have been reading everyone's views ... I feel that nothing is going to come out of this cases...It will be just more of washing the dirty linen in public, some of us will hang their heads in shame, some of us will enjoy the show, the community will loose, we have a short memory, who won the Saifee Hospital case? Kothar Mubarak lost the case they had to leave the sanatorium, and a few things alone, today the irony is that the Kothar is managing the Sir Adamjee Peerbhoy Sanatorium, if u visit the website u will see the name of Sir Adamji Peerbhoy flanked by the photos of our dais. having lost also they claim they have won and what can I say about the audacity to the kothar to say lanat.
Since we are talking of the court cases would like to revive a memories with this link I belive lot of thing will come to light in this fight. But whether it will benefit the mumineen it to be seen.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co


Unread post by monginis » Tue Apr 08, 2014 7:54 am

zinger wrote:
monginis wrote:@ Zinger

dude I really appreciate you count me universal identity and not mere earthly identity, and yes you did have lost your faith by saying "LAW will decide"

I mean till now you was shouting from roof top that muffy is DAI and you are supporting it, moment case is filed against him, now you want LAW to decide and you left his daman.

I dont care your ID nor I care who you are, because you represent HEARD mentality of normal ABDES (because you are part of it), its not about what you think and say, actually it shows how most brain washed abdes are thinking and doing.

i really dont wish to have any kind of conversation with you. im surprised how people tolerate you, so this should hopefully be my last response to you, unless you post another gem like this

anyways, whats with the sudden tone of voice? Isnt this tone of voice reserved for some other id? yeah, i can understand, when you operate more than 4 ids at once, the lines do get blurred. i like this tone of voice by the way, more civil. trying to figure out which id this is now (and i do mean this sincerely, not being sarcastic)

now... me shouting from the roof? Strange! i thought i quietly accepted it, like the rest of world. i really dont remember standing on top of a roof and shouting it loud.

and again... HOW DID YOU EVER DECIPHER that when i said the law will decide i lost my faith? it could mean the obvious, that the law will decide and prove that Mufaddal Maula is right, altough... it could also prove otherwise.... so im wondering how did you know what i mean

and by the way, im sure you must have HEARD about this, but its HERD mentality. not HEARD

and lastly, the feeling is mutual. i really dont care who you are either. the little bit that i do know about you is enough for me.

so, like i said, please dont post another priceless gem like this because i will be forced to reply to you and like i said, i wish to keep my conversations with you to a bare minimum
Yes, I guess you have got enough beef on your *** now, if you again open up your lip and try to show your ignorance, you will arrest more of me, till then take charge. :mrgreen:

btw also comment on this seems dabba thali is not so hygenic as you was trying to show to the world.


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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co


Unread post by zinger » Tue Apr 08, 2014 8:13 am

is that a threat jack?

it looks to me like you are the one who has run away from answering me

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co


Unread post by monginis » Tue Apr 08, 2014 8:25 am

zinger wrote:is that a threat jack?

it looks to me like you are the one who has run away from answering me
take the way you like it, few more shocks for you and all other abdes are coming up soon, stay tune :wink:

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co


Unread post by AgnosticIndian » Tue Apr 08, 2014 8:54 am

This is what is circulating
Mubarak Moula ni fateh mubin par ...Muffadal moula Zindabad
High court refuses to accept dawedars in times of india....
To those criticizing the judge, he has acted in the best manner possible as in future people would have raised the issue.

About him asking the two sides to sort it out internally, he has at the preliminary stage done the right thing. In fact it was offered by KQ as well.

Now that the two sides have said they have says they won't do it, the case will progress.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co


Unread post by zinger » Tue Apr 08, 2014 10:00 am

monginis wrote:
zinger wrote:is that a threat jack?

it looks to me like you are the one who has run away from answering me
take the way you like it, few more shocks for you and all other abdes are coming up soon, stay tune :wink:

oh my!!!... im positively trembling :roll:

move on jack! kahan kahan se aa jaate hain yaha log :roll:

Did you forget how i got you banned as incredible? you are just another step away from it again.

anyways, like i said, i dont wish to have any kind of conversation with you so you are free to have the last words. :roll:

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co


Unread post by mohamedshah » Tue Apr 08, 2014 10:16 am

In an ideal situation this case should not have reached the Mumbai High Court, I would have preferred internal resolution (as requested by the Leaned Judge), with Shz MMuffadal stepping aside, arbitration by a panel (in order of precedence) of Ismaili leader/Scholars, Shia Scholars, Pro-Ahle Bait Sunni Scholars and Muslim Scholars who with varying degrees would be able to ascertain the succession practices.

The case has not been thrown out, only the Judge due to a perceived challenge on his partiality in the case, has excused himself out. This is normal. Therefore, the case will go on but will be heard by a different judge. So no Fateh for Shz Muffadal, if I argue like a "Abde" Shz. Muffadal lost round 1, as his lawyers wanted the judge to remain in place, it was Syedna Qutbuddin's lawyer who after consulting his client requested the judge to recuse himself from the case.

Akhtiar Wahid
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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co


Unread post by Akhtiar Wahid » Tue Apr 08, 2014 11:04 am

AgnosticIndian wrote:This is what is circulating
Mubarak Moula ni fateh mubin par ...Muffadal moula Zindabad
High court refuses to accept dawedars in times of india....
To those criticizing the judge, he has acted in the best manner possible as in future people would have raised the issue.

About him asking the two sides to sort it out internally, he has at the preliminary stage done the right thing. In fact it was offered by KQ as well.

Now that the two sides have said they have says they won't do it, the case will progress.
Abdes are dumb, and because of some of these dumb abdes this case will lose it's importance!!!

Akhtiar Wahid
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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co


Unread post by Akhtiar Wahid » Tue Apr 08, 2014 11:38 am

Is Muffadal Saab serious about this or not, at the moment he should be in Mumbai and work his way out to prove this claim of SKQ sahib to be wrong and invalid. But he is busy with his ongoing trip, right now being in Patan Jhalawar district Rajasthan, i got few pictures of him in which he has not worn his spectacles and looks a bit tensed and worried. He is trying to avoid and abscond and i am sure for a while he would not be setting his feet in Mumbai until the dust settles down for him to approach. QJ is the main culprit and contender to be fought as he is powerful with the command of language and legal proceedings.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co


Unread post by true_bohra » Tue Apr 08, 2014 11:55 am

Is Kq making his presence in person. I bet no.

So how can you say that Syedna TUS is worried.

Crater Lake
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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co


Unread post by Crater Lake » Tue Apr 08, 2014 12:15 pm

zinger wrote:
Crater Lake wrote:Let's see if we get an answer from the resident abdes on this one: Was nass conferred by Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (RA) on Mufaddal Bhaisaheb Saifuddin on Saturday, June 4th, 2011 (3rd Rajjab-al-Assab 1432 H) in the London hospital?

Salaar, James (who has recently been quiet) zinger, anyone? Are you all going to remain quiet now per farman, lest you slip up and add to the big ol' spaghetti bowl of lies created by your bosses?! Or are you going to repeat the tall claims you have been making for the last 3 years?

Crater Lake, since you have named me, let me answer.

Yes, until 17th January 2014, i believed Nass was done on Mufaddal Maula.

Infact, let me now put it this way, until 17th January 2014, the entire world believed Nass was done on Mufaddal Maula and which includes you and the Reformists too.

BUT now, as of today, it is up to the law to decide.
Quite honestly the only thought I had after watching the video relay of nas was: "I came to watch this video believing that I would hear Burhanuddin Moula do nass on Mufaddal Bhaisaheb, and I did not hear that."
I also thought: "Wow they must think we are idiots, if they think we will believe this!" I had heard the nass account in London hospital and I could not reconcile Burhanuddin Moula's state in the video, with that account. I walked away feeling insulted, betrayed and cheated after the nass relay. That was the day my distancing process began...It started getting more and more concrete as I heard MS bumble through his bayans. I am sorry, nothing that happened in the days after Burhanuddin Moula's stroke bore the noor of truth in it.
Last edited by Crater Lake on Tue Apr 08, 2014 1:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Akhtiar Wahid
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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co


Unread post by Akhtiar Wahid » Tue Apr 08, 2014 1:08 pm

okay let us assume that since this case has been filed both Muffadal Saab and SKQ sahib are the claimants and contenders. So why Muffadal Saab knowing that me being a claimant still practicing the authority of 53rd Dai-ul-Mutlaq. He is intimidating everyone and still going on with his regular collection and maqdam activities. He can put all of this on hold and when proved victorious he could do the same.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co


Unread post by true_bohra » Tue Apr 08, 2014 1:15 pm

Why should he as he is on haqq...

Seriously the indian judiciary is that simple....if a court cannot decide on this matter for 20 years, bohras should remain without the DAI.

Kq has filed the case as he is on doubt. So he may remain stick to that.

Akhtiar Wahid
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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co


Unread post by Akhtiar Wahid » Tue Apr 08, 2014 1:19 pm


Posts: 719
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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co


Unread post by true_bohra » Tue Apr 08, 2014 1:48 pm

You may remain in udaipuri jamaat or KQ jamaat then also you will be free from collection. Why not choose that..