Disillusionment with MS dawat, particularly madrassah

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
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Re: Disillusionment with MS dawat, particularly madrassah


Unread post by alam » Wed Dec 10, 2014 11:56 am

Dumbledore wrote:In my case wife is 60% liberal 40% fanatic...have to work hard for the remaining 40 %.
I dont think people should so much focus on finding 100% agreement between spouses. Or for that matter 100% perfection in almost anything.

Just work hard on love and respect, rest of differences can be worked through if basic love and respect exist. With working toward decent communication, it is possible to live in peace with tolerance for different points of view. Between spouses, family, extended family, in-laws, etc. Just because we as a community do not have historical precedence in doing this when it comes to matters of faith, doesn't mean it can't be done in the future. Thats how you make history happen... For all of us

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Re: Disillusionment with MS dawat, particularly madrassah


Unread post by fustrate_Bohra » Wed Dec 10, 2014 12:57 pm

JC wrote:Muffaddali Mad-Rasahs and ONLY places where children are brain washed, period. They are drilled with the idea that eventually Dai is God. This is no different than any other madrasah where fanaticism is taught. These madrassahs should be banned and locked.

So true other Madrassa teach children to killed or get killed in the name of allah and in ours they teach to give laanat and gali galoch who question DAI.

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Re: Disillusionment with MS dawat, particularly madrassah


Unread post by james » Wed Dec 10, 2014 3:05 pm

humanbeing wrote: How many devout abdes without money offering could give taziyet/condolence to SMS in this fashion ? Kissing SMS’s hands and feet come at a huge price and a hanky in between for his own devout abdes, while 2 bit hindu baba walk in to embrace muffy maula topless.
You have a nasty habit of barking up the wrong tree and trolling with childish arguments. Now that we are done with the customary insult,allow me to rip your pathetic lies to shreds. Firstly,many mumineen gave taziyat to Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS (in this fashion).15 minutes or so were dedicated to taziyat ( in this fashion). Due to the thousands of mumineen flocking towards their Dai Zaman TUS for taziyat,it wasn't possible for all of them to give taziyat (in this fashion). Secondly,money had nothing to do with taziyat as it has been proved on this forum before.Also,Baba Ramdev isn't a "two bit baba".Research some more and then offer your opinion.And lastly and the most important point,is it Un-Islamic to meet/accept condolences from members of a different community? If it's not then stop making issues out of non-issues. You should read up on Prophet Mohammed SAW's hadith teaching his followers on how to meet distinguished members of other religions/communities.

Ola Musalmaano
How would you know what is taught in the madrassa for a fact in the first place? Be more specific.What ola musalmano? Does the sentence continue with "ola musalmano pray namaz in this way and we pray this way OR ola musalmano pray taraweeh which is a clear bid'ah according to us". Try again.
Hindu na haath nu naa jamo
It's not intolerance to adhere to one's fiqh rules.Perhaps to come off as a tolerant chap you will accept pork or other non-halal meat from a Hindu acquaintance.
Don’t make non-bohra friends
No such thing is taught at the madressa.Liar.
Apne (abdes) awwal darja che, bija chota and gaafil darja che
Apne to janaat na wasaaavnaaar chem bija sab to jahnnum ma jaase
Again,it is not intolerance or disdain to adhere to one's tenets.Every sect of Islam believes they are the only ones on Sirat Mustaqeem.There are no ifs and buts.Do you have a Quranic verse or hadith to support your alleged tolerant opinion that Hindus and Christians and Jews are on the same level as the Muslims or that it's ok to be a Christian or a Jew to go to Jannat in the era of Prophet Mohammed SAW?
Bayraao ghar no kono pakde, job na kare, naa saamle to maaro, ghar thi bahar nikaali do
Bazaar ma non-rida bayraao ne tez nigaah thi dekho.
Kids at the madressa are taught "Na samle to maro" ? You're trolling in a vulgar and a crass manner.
There is ample hate mongering going on in majlises and general media. From 2 penny abdes to official position holder in jamaat/daawat are enjoying the laanat party. MSBs are fertile grounds for instilling hate for SKQ or other non-conformists. parties. Pious and auspicious mikats are also no spared to spew hatred. Children are being transformed to hate filled bigots by excessive laanat baazi and human tendency to incline towards it, which is fully exploited by deceptive Kothari SMS toli.
To call a spade a spade is not equal to hate mongering. Khuzaima become worthy of lan'at the moment he tried to claim nuss was done on him after doing iqrar for 3+ years. It is incumbent to talk about the truth so that no mumineen gets trapped in the web of Khuzaima's lies.
Only if Kothari mullahs learn from their own preaching, they shud first apply these nohas or naseehats on themselves.
What? The point is not whether the teachers apply the naseehat in their personal lives but whether such naseehat are taught in the madressa or not.Do try to keep up.
Qardan Hasana and many such other schemes, although kothar calls it a voluntary hoob or ask to pay at fee-sabi-lillah rate/unit, but these are not true, this so called “voluntary hoob” are made compulsory when a person is cornered for various raza he seeks for his life occasions. This thugs put undue influence, negotiate and even bargain to any amount to extract as much as possible out of an abde.

Mumins are cornered and made to pass through humiliating scan check points to enter masjid in pious months of ramazan, where mussalla taxes are charged. Sheikhs and mullahs socially familiar with people and cajole them to pay up, there are many stories of rogue and rabid amils mistreating people who argue on unfair demands.

Lesson on ethics must be taught to these Kothari thugs, who embezzle, misuse, misdirect qardan hasana funds which are pledged by gullible mumins into hands of these thugs.
Yet again you go off on a tangent.Let's limit this discussion to "Jumoa ni raat qardan hasana". Are you saying when a mumineen goes to take raza for his life's occasions,he is questioned by the Aamil on why he doesn't give qardan hasana on Jumoa raat?

Above example would have worked in a transparent, accountable and approachable set up, but these guys have deceptively mixed up questioning with doubting to safeguard their greed and frauds. It is better advised to handover qardana hasana donation directly to the needy. This helps in getting involved in khair-na-kaam, is more satisfying, enriching, enlightening and greater feeling of spiritual connection. One is better helping personally, than fund these goondaas..
Say,I know a mumin brother who wants to give qardan hasana to attain the sawab as prescribed by Islam.His problem is that he has just 2 Kd to give to this noble cause which is a part of his weekly savings. I implore you to find me another mumin brother who is in need of 2kd qardan on a weekly basis.

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Re: Disillusionment with MS dawat, particularly madrassah


Unread post by SBM » Wed Dec 10, 2014 3:33 pm

you should read up on Prophet Mohammed SAW's hadith teaching his followers on how to meet distinguished members of other religions/communities
Then you should direct this to your master SMS why he refused to meet SKQ and why did he not intervene when SKQ son was attacked in Raudat Tahera.
why SMS and his gang refuses to meet with Progressive leaders too
And stop comparing your worldly minded Master to one of the greatest human being Prophet Mohammed SAW. If your Master SMS followed the teaching of Prophet and his Progeny he would have stopped his surrogates giving laanats to his own family
ola musalmano pray taraweeh which is a clear bid'ah according to us". Try again.
And doing Sajda to human and doing 2 Rakat Namaz for Dai is the clear Biddah according to Quran and Sunnah. Not mentioning killing the innocent wild animals for pleasure as well living Yazidi life style

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Re: Disillusionment with MS dawat, particularly madrassah


Unread post by objectiveobserver53 » Wed Dec 10, 2014 4:01 pm

james wrote:
Don't you think their transformation has anything to do with bad parenting on your part? Parents of hate filled bigots love to play the blame game.
No I don't think so. Your unfounded attack smacks of defensiveness. Do you think that I would complain about their attitude if I condoned it or had encouraged it in any way? I wrote what I did when I found myself fighting a losing battle against the ideas they were bringing home from madrassah and voicing dangerously among friends of other cultures!
Their transformation started when they were lined up after assembly two weeks after Moula's wafat and asked to say lanat. They were systematically trained to hate children who were their best friends and classmates two weeks ago. They were asked to break contact with them. The amplitude on messages such as "Je Mufaddal Moula ni muhabbat karey che eh jannat ma jaase aney beeja sagla jahannam ma jaase." was increased. I wish the emphasis WAS on naseehats and their maana as seems to be the case on the Fatemi Dawat websites. But sadly the emphasis was on playing at waajebaat, saying lanat, chanting naaras and indoctrination of what makes us superior over other cultures which then necessitates stereotyping other cultures as BAD. Why not teach our children our values and let them judge the values of others for themselves? There are people with good morals and values in all cultures. Stereotyping Western cultures as BAD and our culture as a shield against it does not help in helping children cultivate healthy relationships outside of madrassah.

james wrote:
You seem well experienced in helping others.Out of curiosity,whenever anyone has approached you for help,what range is the amount in? 50-500? 500-5000? Say,one has only 100 to give away in qardan hasana.What do you suggest he should do to participate in the sawab of giving qardan hasana?
I gave large and small amounts, individually and as part of a larger loan organized by the borrower. I have never been defaulted upon. So yes, I have been party to a contribution towards loans as large USD 2-3 hundred thousand dollars. Having said that, I do see the value of an organized Qarzan scheme, if there was transparency and accountability around such a fund.

Regardless, you have distanced me further with your attack on me as a parent. So I am done with you brother. And very soon, done with your Moula, Inshaallah. I thank the forum for allowing me to voice my concerns and allowing others to be supportive. From here on, this is a decision for my family.

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Re: Disillusionment with MS dawat, particularly madrassah


Unread post by DB- MUMBAIKAR » Thu Dec 11, 2014 5:37 am

objectiveobserver53 wrote:james wrote:
Don't you think their transformation has anything to do with bad parenting on your part? Parents of hate filled bigots love to play the blame game.
No I don't think so. Your unfounded attack smacks of defensiveness. Do you think that I would complain about their attitude if I condoned it or had encouraged it in any way? I wrote what I did when I found myself fighting a losing battle against the ideas they were bringing home from madrassah and voicing dangerously among friends of other cultures!
Their transformation started when they were lined up after assembly two weeks after Moula's wafat and asked to say lanat. They were systematically trained to hate children who were their best friends and classmates two weeks ago. They were asked to break contact with them. The amplitude on messages such as "Je Mufaddal Moula ni muhabbat karey che eh jannat ma jaase aney beeja sagla jahannam ma jaase." was increased. I wish the emphasis WAS on naseehats and their maana as seems to be the case on the Fatemi Dawat websites. But sadly the emphasis was on playing at waajebaat, saying lanat, chanting naaras and indoctrination of what makes us superior over other cultures which then necessitates stereotyping other cultures as BAD. Why not teach our children our values and let them judge the values of others for themselves? There are people with good morals and values in all cultures. Stereotyping Western cultures as BAD and our culture as a shield against it does not help in helping children cultivate healthy relationships outside of madrassah.

james wrote:
You seem well experienced in helping others.Out of curiosity,whenever anyone has approached you for help,what range is the amount in? 50-500? 500-5000? Say,one has only 100 to give away in qardan hasana.What do you suggest he should do to participate in the sawab of giving qardan hasana?
I gave large and small amounts, individually and as part of a larger loan organized by the borrower. I have never been defaulted upon. So yes, I have been party to a contribution towards loans as large USD 2-3 hundred thousand dollars. Having said that, I do see the value of an organized Qarzan scheme, if there was transparency and accountability around such a fund.

Regardless, you have distanced me further with your attack on me as a parent. So I am done with you brother. And very soon, done with your Moula, Inshaallah. I thank the forum for allowing me to voice my concerns and allowing others to be supportive. From here on, this is a decision for my family.

One more family down....!!! It is sad to see so many DB's gradually drifting away from their community, but SMS and his cohorts (including eggheads like James and many other crazy SMS abde's here) don't give a damn and continue their extortion and illegitimate practices which are totally Un-Islamic.... Time is not far when there will be a mass revolution within this community and SMS will be dethroned (Inshallah soon).... I have already drifted far away from this "cult" and feel a lot relieved for following Islam the way it was preached by the Prophet Mohammad (SAW) and carried forward by his Ahle Bait and believe me I have have not only gained spiritually & emotionally but materially for following the true path of Islam... Allah ta'ala knows best and has been truly benevolent on me.

Dear objectiveobserver53...All the the best to you and your family on this new journey of rediscovering your true Islamic roots. May Allah always keep you on Sirat-ul-Mustaqeem and guide you till the day of judgement... Ameen.

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Re: Disillusionment with MS dawat, particularly madrassah


Unread post by think_for_yourself » Thu Dec 11, 2014 10:30 am

We hear you OO53. It appears that Kabzedar Mufaddal Saifuddin is pushing our more educated, relatively independent families away - slowly but surely. I can see how it is in his interest to keep his followers stupid and fanatical. OO53 when you feel the need for community and support, you know where to look. Wish you the very very best in your quest for sanity, peace and love (vs. hate) in religion.

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Re: Disillusionment with MS dawat, particularly madrassah


Unread post by fustrate_Bohra » Thu Dec 11, 2014 1:05 pm

think_for_yourself wrote:We hear you OO53. It appears that Kabzedar [/b]Mufaddal Saifuddin is pushing our more educated, relatively independent families away - slowly but surely. I can see how it is in his interest to keep his followers stupid and fanatical. OO53 when you feel the need for community and support, you know where to look. Wish you the very very best in your quest for sanity, peace and love (vs. hate) in religion.

So True, people who are INDEPENDENT, EDUCATED and value SELF RESPECT will slowly and gradually move away from following this FAKE dai.

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Re: Disillusionment with MS dawat, particularly madrassah


Unread post by james » Thu Dec 11, 2014 5:12 pm

objectiveobserver53 wrote:
No I don't think so. Your unfounded attack smacks of defensiveness. Do you think that I would complain about their attitude if I condoned it or had encouraged it in any way? I wrote what I did when I found myself fighting a losing battle against the ideas they were bringing home from madrassah and voicing dangerously among friends of other cultures!
Again you play the blame game by deflecting your shortcomings on madressa teachers.How many hours do your children spend at the madressa weekly as opposed to the hours spent with you?
Their transformation started when they were lined up after assembly two weeks after Moula's wafat and asked to say lanat.
So,all was hunky dory right untiil 2 weeks after wafat? Basically are you claiming you never taught your children about Iblees,Firaun,Abu Lahab,Marhab,Abu Bakr,Muawiya,Yazid,Aisha,Sulaiman's fitnat,Jafer's fitnat (to name a few) ? Did they hear the word "lanat" for the first time this year?

They were systematically trained to hate children who were their best friends and classmates two weeks ago. They were asked to break contact with them.
Bar'at is the sunnah of Prophet Mohammed SAW.
The amplitude on messages such as "Je Mufaddal Moula ni muhabbat karey che eh jannat ma jaase aney beeja sagla jahannam ma jaase." was increased.
Walayah is a daim of Islam according to Bohra Fiqh.
I wish the emphasis WAS on naseehats and their maana as seems to be the case on the Fatemi Dawat websites.
You obviously missed Husain Qutbuddin's videos.

But sadly the emphasis was on playing at waajebaat, saying lanat, chanting naaras and indoctrination of what makes us superior over other cultures which then necessitates stereotyping other cultures as BAD.
Paying zakat is a pillar of Islam according to Bohra fiqh.Distancing oneself from the enemies of Allah Ta'ala by invoking Allah Ta'ala's curse (Lanat) is sunnah of Prophet Mohammed SAW.Pick up a Quran to learn more on status of infidels and how it talks about Muslims being superior to others. Quran 2:221. Quran 3.110. You attack Islam under your garb of equality.Good thing Quran has already replied on your ill conceived opinions.Quran 39:9.

Having said that, I do see the value of an organized Qarzan scheme,
Now that you have seen the value,don't be aggrieved on next Jumoa raat namaz,
Regardless, you have distanced me further with your attack on me as a parent. So I am done with you brother. And very soon, done with your Moula,
My,my! You're fickle.Drop the charade.You could be fooling other simpletons around here but not me.You're nothing but a trolling Multi-Id.

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Re: Disillusionment with MS dawat, particularly madrassah


Unread post by objectiveobserver53 » Thu Dec 11, 2014 5:46 pm

james wrote:
Again you play the blame game by deflecting your shortcomings on madressa teachers.How many hours do your children spend at the madressa weekly as opposed to the hours spent with you?
The madrassah teachers bear the authority on religion. On matters of religion our children deferred to them. It was difficult to contradict madrassh teachers while reinforcing the value of a religious education - so their influence grew. Our eyes are open now. Pulling them out now - thank you.
james wrote: So,all was hunky dory right untiil 2 weeks after wafat? Basically are you claiming you never taught your children about Iblees,Firaun,Abu Lahab,Marhab,Abu Bakr,Muawiya,Yazid,Aisha,Sulaiman's fitnat,Jafer's fitnat (to name a few) ? Did they hear the word "lanat" for the first time this year?
No but it was the very first time that children under ten were asked to say lanat with venom on their best friends. You asked about where the hate and intolerance was - it started here. And no, all was not hunky dory before this but we were able to override the values of the madrassah teachers with our own prior to wafat. Things kicked into a higher gear after wafat.
james wrote:
Bar'at is the sunnah of Prophet Mohammed SAW.
Whatever happened to laqum deenokum waleyadeen?? That's the message we had given our children at home.
james wrote: Walayah is a daim of Islam according to Bohra Fiqh.
Then the joker should have earned their walayah rather than having madrassah teachers ram it down their throats to the exclusion of all else!
james wrote:
I wish the emphasis WAS on naseehats and their maana as seems to be the case on the Fatemi Dawat websites.
You obviously missed Husain Qutbuddin's videos.
I did see that the Fatemi Dawat madrassah is truly excellent. It focuses on all things good about our religion and culture. If they manage to keep hate out of the equation with children, the MS madrassahs could have managed to do it as well. I don't believe Hussain Bhaisaheb's videos were meant for children. Although I have not watched them, I will , now that I have your recommendation.
james wrote:
But sadly the emphasis was on playing at waajebaat, saying lanat, chanting naaras and indoctrination of what makes us superior over other cultures which then necessitates stereotyping other cultures as BAD.
Paying zakat is a pillar of Islam according to Bohra fiqh.Distancing oneself from the enemies of Allah Ta'ala by invoking Allah Ta'ala's curse (Lanat) is sunnah of Prophet Mohammed SAW.Pick up a Quran to learn more on status of infidels and how it talks about Muslims being superior to others. Quran 2:221. Quran 3.110. You attack Islam under your garb of equality.Good thing Quran has already replied on your ill conceived opinions.Quran 39:9.
Teach it in an age appropriate way. Teach it without debasing and disparaging others. Teach them OUR value system and let them judge for themselves.
james wrote:
Having said that, I do see the value of an organized Qarzan scheme,
Now that you have seen the value,don't be aggrieved on next Jumoa raat namaz.
I won't be aggrieved the day the contents of the bag are accounted for - from my wallet to a needy person. I will stop being aggrieved when my brother does not need to approach me after getting turned down by the amil.
james wrote:
Regardless, you have distanced me further with your attack on me as a parent. So I am done with you brother. And very soon, done with your Moula,
My,my! You're fickle.Drop the charade.You could be fooling other simpletons around here but not me.You're nothing but a trolling Multi-Id.
I can see that your inability to actually deal with the issues leads you to discredit them. This is typical of MS administrators and the MS madrassah teachers. This is exactly how the madrassah teachers dealt with my complaints. Deny that there is an issue. Insinuate that we are not important.

Anyway! It's all moot now. Getting out of the cesspool and I regret getting drawn into this again.

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Re: Disillusionment with MS dawat, particularly madrassah


Unread post by think_for_yourself » Thu Dec 11, 2014 6:49 pm

objectiveobserver53 wrote:
james wrote: Walayah is a daim of Islam according to Bohra Fiqh.
Then the joker should have earned their walayah rather than having madrassah teachers ram it down their throats to the exclusion of all else!
:D The joker did not have an infinite amount of time. He HAD TO get forced signatures from people pledging allegiance to him, he HAD TO ram his "greatness" down the throats of children. He had to lay kabzaa on all the properties so that people would be forced to stay with him,,,,If he had waited for the love to flow naturally, he would have had to wait forever.
objectiveobserver53 wrote: Anyway! It's all moot now. Getting out of the cesspool and I regret getting drawn into this again.
Please, do get drawn in...There are too many of james and the like and we are just a handful - an ekka dukka toli - as @UniversalDad likes to call us....

Crater Lake
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Re: Disillusionment with MS dawat, particularly madrassah


Unread post by Crater Lake » Fri Dec 12, 2014 9:27 am

Even if you don't say another word, you have done well by squashing the pompous James like a fat bug under your shoe and you have certainly put an end to Universaldad's crass jokes. Not bad for a rookie. Needless to say, eager to make your acquaintance when you come out in the open.

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Re: Disillusionment with MS dawat, particularly madrassah


Unread post by james » Sat Dec 13, 2014 4:23 am

objectiveobserver53 wrote: The madrassah teachers bear the authority on religion. On matters of religion our children deferred to them. It was difficult to contradict madrassh teachers while reinforcing the value of a religious education - so their influence grew. Our eyes are open now. Pulling them out now - thank you.
On one hand you accord the status of "authority on religion" on the madressa teachers while on the other hand you whine about them? Your criticism is justified only if you are able to prove that the madressa teachers taught Un-Islamic tenets to your children.Made haram as halal and halal as haram. Till now,you haven't be able to successfully defend against even one single point made on Walayah,Zakat,Lan'at and Bara'at.Your personal opinion on the tenets on Islam according to Bohra Fiqh doesn't have any effect whatsoever on the madressa teachers or in this conversation.You can't cherry pick tenets of Islam as per your own personal whims.One day,you could very well not see any merit in keeping awake for the whole night on Lailatul Qadr or fasting for a whole month in Ramadhan.Don't expect the madressa teachers to bend to your ludicrous expectations.

No but it was the very first time that children under ten were asked to say lanat with venom on their best friends. You asked about where the hate and intolerance was - it started here.
Let's make it simple.Prove from dawat books that praying Lanat on the enemies of Dawat is Un-Islamic.Research on what the Dawat books say about Sulaiman and Ali bin Ibrahim.Research whether if lanat was prayed on Sulaiman by the mumineen from that era till today? How is it the madressa teacher's fault that your children were besties with the enemies of Dawat? What they taught was in accordance with Islam and that is all that matters.

And no, all was not hunky dory before this but we were able to override the values of the madrassah teachers with our own prior to wafat. Things kicked into a higher gear after wafat.
So even before wafat you were unhappy with madressa teachers? How predictable. It is not the madressa teachers you have an issue with but it is Islam itself.

Whatever happened to laqum deenokum waleyadeen?? That's the message we had given our children at home.
Trust you to compare oranges with apples.Explain your children about 40 or so ayahs of Quran which speak about Lanat.

Then the joker should have earned their walayah rather than having madrassah teachers ram it down their throats to the exclusion of all else!
And now you show your true colors.You just couldn't resist,could you? Nevertheless,Walayah is part of Religious Education which you entrusted to the Madressa teachers.Stop whining.
I did see that the Fatemi Dawat madrassah is truly excellent. It focuses on all things good about our religion and culture. If they manage to keep hate out of the equation with children, the MS madrassahs could have managed to do it as well.
Have they omitted the 40 or so Quranic ayahs mentioning Lanat in their curriculum? Have they stopped teaching Surah Al Masad? If not,you should demand them to stop spreading hate lest you start whining about them on this forum in couple of months.
I don't believe Hussain Bhaisaheb's videos were meant for children. Although I have not watched them, I will , now that I have your recommendation.
Thank you for admitting that Husain Qutbuddin's videos were so hate filled that you thought it was unsuitable for your children to watch.If only,there was a disclaimer attached to it. Being the morbid chap you are,I suggest you don't watch them.Don't want to read about you bleaching your eyes and ears.

More laters,Inshallah.

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Re: Disillusionment with MS dawat, particularly madrassah


Unread post by james » Sat Dec 13, 2014 4:24 am

Crater Lake wrote:Even if you don't say another word, you have done well by squashing the pompous James like a fat bug under your shoe and you have certainly put an end to Universaldad's crass jokes. Not bad for a rookie. Needless to say, eager to make your acquaintance when you come out in the open.
Backslapping +1.

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Re: Disillusionment with MS dawat, particularly madrassah


Unread post by objectiveobserver53 » Sat Dec 13, 2014 6:35 am

I know what is appropriate for my children and what is not. The transformation that I saw in them and what I observed in the assembly and in the classrooms was frightening. The fanaticism and hatred that I observe in the masjid is not something I want to be part of nor do I want my children to grow up with regardless of how many documents you selectively pull out in support of it.

What I have also observed is that Fatemi Dawat madrasssah has steered clear of Lanat and hatred altogether. It is proof for me that our deen is much bigger than the focus on hatred that I experience on a daily basis in MS masjid. I also don't like that children are being taught "wajebaat aapo," "qarzan aapo," "Darees karo" when they do not earn. They need to be taught that having an income is prerequisite for these activities. Instead they are being taught to place pressure on their parents to fund these things for them. We were not taught these things in madrasssah and yet we did them all when we grew up and had the income.

James you are welcome to send the children in your life to those madrassahs. Mine are out.