Sticky: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court


Unread post by james » Tue Mar 24, 2015 7:06 pm

kimanumanu wrote:
And this is the crux. Thank you for bringing up this example. Granted, being appointed to office does not guarantee they are perfect and your example above shows that a Dai can remove someone from rutba. Then, as Mufaddal BS claims, why was Mazoon of Syedna Burhanuddin RA not removed during his time? How do I interpret him being kept in this position - that Syedna RA did not think he was wrong? If yes, is Mufaddal BS wrong?

And yes, if Mukassir does not agree with Mazoon then where is the trust? How do I choose who to believe? Where is the consistency and fairness here?
Thank you for conceding that the fallibility of office holder doesn't equate to Imam AS and Dai Mutlaq "getting it wrong".This was the foundation of our conversation and I believe it has been sufficiently exhausted after you agreed with me.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court


Unread post by kimanumanu » Wed Mar 25, 2015 7:57 pm

james wrote: Thank you for conceding that the fallibility of office holder doesn't equate to Imam AS and Dai Mutlaq "getting it wrong".This was the foundation of our conversation and I believe it has been sufficiently exhausted after you agreed with me.
I have not agreed with you. I extended your argument by stating that if I were to agree then it leads to more questions and the inevitable conclusion that either Syedna RA or Mufaddal BS is wrong. That then is compounded further by either Mazoon or Mukasir being wrong as well.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court


Unread post by james » Thu Mar 26, 2015 3:54 pm

kimanumanu wrote:
james wrote: Thank you for conceding that the fallibility of office holder doesn't equate to Imam AS and Dai Mutlaq "getting it wrong".This was the foundation of our conversation and I believe it has been sufficiently exhausted after you agreed with me.
I have not agreed with you. I extended your argument by stating that if I were to agree then it leads to more questions and the inevitable conclusion that either Syedna RA or Mufaddal BS is wrong. That then is compounded further by either Mazoon or Mukasir being wrong as well.
You have agreed upon the fallibility of the office holder inspite of being appointed by the Dai Mutlaq with the Ilham of Imam uz Zaman AS.The fallible nature of office holder has absolutely no bearing upon the Ta'eed of Imam AS.Every person is responsible for their own actions.Rasulullah SAW did not err by keeping the likes of Abu Bakr close. The actions of the usurpers in that era had absolutely no bearing on the infallible nature of Prophet Mohammed SAW.

To summarize,at present one of 2 rutba holders whom you used to take name in meethaq has gone astray.This is a fact and there are no two ways about it.If one believes Khuzaima has gone astray,it has absolutely no bearing on Syedna's or the Imam uz Zaman's infallibility.In the same vein,if one believes Syedi Husain Bs Husamuddin DM has gone astray (Nauzobillah), it has absolutely no bearing on Syedna RA's decision to keep him as his Mukasir till his last breath.

Syedna RA's tenure as a Dai Mutlaq has been a glorious era where Mumineen said Labbaik to hundreds of Syedna's farman.Be it,purifying oneself from interest,keeping beard uncut,giving qardan hasanah,gathering for Majlis-e-Husain(AS),Wearing Quomi Libas and Rida,Muwasaat amal,Mazaraat Upkeep and Maintenance, Building of New Masajids and Renovation of Old Masajids,Adhering to amal of Zakat,etc. The list is endless.To claim that he was afraid (Nauzobillah) is absurd and downright insulting to his glorious tenure,

However way you look at it,your opinions seem illogical and devoid of any rational thought.

On one hand,you have Textual Evidence,Audio Video Evidence,Witness testimony of various Living Individuals, all in accordance with past Dawat rusumat of conferring Nass.

On the other hand,you have one fallible person saying something which is benefiting his ownself.

Some more facts for you to ponder.

The alleged Nass was supposed to be disclosed after the passing away of the Dai Mutlaq.Yet it is proven that the son of Khuzaima knew because he was doing "taqiyat" attending sermons of Mufaddal Moula TUS.Khuzaima's website was registered way before the passing away of Syedna RA.His followers were stopped at his Thane Residence and were prevented from attending the Janaza Mubarak of Syedna RA. His own daughters kidnapped the children and took them far away from the Janaza Mubarak of Syedna RA. Didn't Khuzaima and his family have full faith in the Indian Judiciary then? Did they gain full faith only when trying to fight for Dawat Properties?

If you believe that Dawat was hijacked (Nauzobillah),then Syedna RA didn't keep Khuzaima but the Shehzadas did.Don't you think they could have easily removed Khuzaima from his position after Syedna RA's stroke?

Every single argument you put forward has been easily debunked. Your goal was to cast aspersions on the Ilham of Imam uz Zaman and Syedna RA's decision making by attributing the burden of Khuzaima's actions on them.It was entirely Syedna RA's prerogative to keep him in his position.That doesn't mean Khuzaima's word is infallible or that Syedna RA was wrong (Nauzobillah).

Mumineen are in awe of the farsightedness of Syedna RA's actions.What wonderful ways he chose to do nass upon his Qurrat Ul Ain Aqeequl Yemen Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS.Only the blind,ignorant and dissidents will choose to deny Nass as it has been seen in the pages of history.

To do san'aa of the Dai Mutlaq is a great honor.Here I present the words of Al Hayyul Muqaddas Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA said in praise of his Mansoos Aqeequl Yemen Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS.
Aqa Moula al-Hayy al-Muqaddas RA mentioned these words every time he inaugurated a masjid. In fact, during the iftitah of London’s Huseini Masjid he said, “Because of the inauguration of al-Jami‘ al-Anwar our masjids have flourished, our houses have flourished, our souls (نفوس) have flourished. There is no need for an argument here – just the translation of Aqa Moula al-Hayy al-Muqaddas’s RA bayan which he delivered on the eve of the ifititah of Masjid al-Juyushi in Cairo on the night of Imamuz Zaman’s Salgirah in 1416 H. (1995).

Aqa Moula RA read a zikr from Kitab al-Taharat about a man from the Ansar of Medina who sullied the qibla of Rasullullah’s masjid with his phlegm thus receiving Rasullullah’s SAW laanat. He compared this historical occurence to the restoration of al-Jami’ al-Anwar. The riwayat ends with the actions of the Ansari man’s wife who cleaned the area and applied saffron to it. Rasullullah did dua for this woman and said بارك الله فيها! – May Allah bring barakat towards her! Aqa Moula RA then said,

“Likewise, al-Jami‘ al-Anwar’s qibla had such an amount of stench coming from it due to the excessive amount of trash surrounding it. The door of the Jami‘ had been made into a dumping ground. Every type of garbage was placed there. Then the iftitah of Moulatena Zainab’s Zareeh took place. After that, Mamluk Aale Mohammed went to Kuwait from Misr. At that moment, I told my son, the consolation of my eyes, Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS to stay in Misr. I said, “Stay here and start the cleansing effort of al-Jami‘ al-Anwar.” He himself, started to clean the trash in attempt to find the source for where the stench was coming from around the mihrab. Finally, one person said, ‘come with me, I will show you where the stench is coming from.’ He took them behind the qibla and mihrab to a wakalat where people had taken up residence. They stayed there, placed their trash there, and even defecated there. Forty families lived there and all these things would collect there.

They had dug a hole behind the qibla of al-Jami‘ al-Anwar where all these unsanitary wastes and trash would collect. When they went to take a look at it, it was so horrible that it was almost impossible to stand there because of the immense stench. An effort was made the entire day to find some workers who would clean the area, however, after seeing the state of the place even they were not ready to do anything. Then, in front of the khidmat guzaaro present at the time, my son Mufaddal said, “I will go down and clean this. The mihrab is in such a state! We were unmindful for so long. It is a grave error on our part.” So when he intended to do this, in that moment other workers also came and began to clean. The hole was between two to three meters deep. They cleaned it and fragranced it with bukhur.

From that day onwards the impact of the injustices upon this Jami‘ Anwar began to fade. Now look Mumineen! How fragrant is the mihrab of Jami‘ Anwar!

This Husain al-Hakim is honoring his Da’i with the saffron of barakaat and the sa‘aadat of misk. Today, I, Mamluk Aale Mohammed, am doing dua for the khidmat guzaaro. I am also doing dua for my son Mufaddal. As Rasullullah SAW did dua for that woman (the Ansari’s wife) and said the luminous words of “barakallaho fiha” – I, Mamluk aale Mohammed am saying that – he (Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS) did the khidmat of these Jawami‘, may Allah make his effort appreciated!” (Lailat Milad Imam iz Zaman SA – Jami‘ Juyushi – Cairo 1416 H./ August 1995) ... -al-anwar/

What a wonderful tasawur has been shared by Amate Syedna TUS Zahra! Subanallah!

While re-reading this post, a thought came to mind, and I felt I should share it with everyone

Jiware Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA ni wiladat thai, Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA ye farmayu thu ke (don’t know if these are the exact words or not) : je din si aa maulood janaya che, te din si da’wat ma barakat aam thai che.

And Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA ye jame ul anwar ni iftitah baad farmayu ke: je din si aa jame ul anwar bani che, te din si da’wat ma barakat aam thai che.

Both Naas, Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA and Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA attributed barakat in da’wat to their mansoos.
In Syedna Taher Saifuddin’s RA zamaan, nas was known from an early period, and thus He attributed it directly by name to His mansoos.
In Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin’s RA zamaan nas was not known publicly until recently, and thus the attribution of barakat in da’wat was not done by name, but deed, and was hidden, just like nas was hidden.
It is said that a meaningful gesture is enough for the wise… This is one such example.
I implore to those who do not believe Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS, please see the light and come back. Barakat is with Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS only, as is najaat.
Please come back

Crater Lake
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Joined: Thu Mar 20, 2014 10:46 pm

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court


Unread post by Crater Lake » Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:00 pm

james wrote:
kimanumanu wrote: I have not agreed with you. I extended your argument by stating that if I were to agree then it leads to more questions and the inevitable conclusion that either Syedna RA or Mufaddal BS is wrong. That then is compounded further by either Mazoon or Mukasir being wrong as well.
You have agreed upon the fallibility of the office holder inspite of being appointed by the Dai Mutlaq with the Ilham of Imam uz Zaman AS.The fallible nature of office holder has absolutely no bearing upon the Ta'eed of Imam AS.Every person is responsible for their own actions.Rasulullah SAW did not err by keeping the likes of Abu Bakr close. The actions of the usurpers in that era had absolutely no bearing on the infallible nature of Prophet Mohammed SAW.

To summarize,at present one of 2 rutba holders whom you used to take name in meethaq has gone astray.This is a fact and there are no two ways about it.If one believes Khuzaima has gone astray,it has absolutely no bearing on Syedna's or the Imam uz Zaman's infallibility.In the same vein,if one believes Syedi Husain Bs Husamuddin DM has gone astray (Nauzobillah), it has absolutely no bearing on Syedna RA's decision to keep him as his Mukasir till his last breath.

Syedna RA's tenure as a Dai Mutlaq has been a glorious era where Mumineen said Labbaik to hundreds of Syedna's farman.Be it,purifying oneself from interest,keeping beard uncut,giving qardan hasanah,gathering for Majlis-e-Husain(AS),Wearing Quomi Libas and Rida,Muwasaat amal,Mazaraat Upkeep and Maintenance, Building of New Masajids and Renovation of Old Masajids,Adhering to amal of Zakat,etc. The list is endless.To claim that he was afraid (Nauzobillah) is absurd and downright insulting to his glorious tenure,

However way you look at it,your opinions seem illogical and devoid of any rational thought.

On one hand,you have Textual Evidence,Audio Video Evidence,Witness testimony of various Living Individuals, all in accordance with past Dawat rusumat of conferring Nass.

On the other hand,you have one fallible person saying something which is benefiting his ownself.

Some more facts for you to ponder.

The alleged Nass was supposed to be disclosed after the passing away of the Dai Mutlaq.Yet it is proven that the son of Khuzaima knew because he was doing "taqiyat" attending sermons of Mufaddal Moula TUS.Khuzaima's website was registered way before the passing away of Syedna RA.His followers were stopped at his Thane Residence and were prevented from attending the Janaza Mubarak of Syedna RA. His own daughters kidnapped the children and took them far away from the Janaza Mubarak of Syedna RA. Didn't Khuzaima and his family have full faith in the Indian Judiciary then? Did they gain full faith only when trying to fight for Dawat Properties?

If you believe that Dawat was hijacked (Nauzobillah),then Syedna RA didn't keep Khuzaima but the Shehzadas did.Don't you think they could have easily removed Khuzaima from his position after Syedna RA's stroke?

Every single argument you put forward has been easily debunked. Your goal was to cast aspersions on the Ilham of Imam uz Zaman and Syedna RA's decision making by attributing the burden of Khuzaima's actions on them.It was entirely Syedna RA's prerogative to keep him in his position.That doesn't mean Khuzaima's word is infallible or that Syedna RA was wrong (Nauzobillah).

Mumineen are in awe of the farsightedness of Syedna RA's actions.What wonderful ways he chose to do nass upon his Qurrat Ul Ain Aqeequl Yemen Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS.Only the blind,ignorant and dissidents will choose to deny Nass as it has been seen in the pages of history.

To do san'aa of the Dai Mutlaq is a great honor.Here I present the words of Al Hayyul Muqaddas Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA said in praise of his Mansoos Aqeequl Yemen Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS.
Aqa Moula al-Hayy al-Muqaddas RA mentioned these words every time he inaugurated a masjid. In fact, during the iftitah of London’s Huseini Masjid he said, “Because of the inauguration of al-Jami‘ al-Anwar our masjids have flourished, our houses have flourished, our souls (نفوس) have flourished. There is no need for an argument here – just the translation of Aqa Moula al-Hayy al-Muqaddas’s RA bayan which he delivered on the eve of the ifititah of Masjid al-Juyushi in Cairo on the night of Imamuz Zaman’s Salgirah in 1416 H. (1995).

Aqa Moula RA read a zikr from Kitab al-Taharat about a man from the Ansar of Medina who sullied the qibla of Rasullullah’s masjid with his phlegm thus receiving Rasullullah’s SAW laanat. He compared this historical occurence to the restoration of al-Jami’ al-Anwar. The riwayat ends with the actions of the Ansari man’s wife who cleaned the area and applied saffron to it. Rasullullah did dua for this woman and said بارك الله فيها! – May Allah bring barakat towards her! Aqa Moula RA then said,

“Likewise, al-Jami‘ al-Anwar’s qibla had such an amount of stench coming from it due to the excessive amount of trash surrounding it. The door of the Jami‘ had been made into a dumping ground. Every type of garbage was placed there. Then the iftitah of Moulatena Zainab’s Zareeh took place. After that, Mamluk Aale Mohammed went to Kuwait from Misr. At that moment, I told my son, the consolation of my eyes, Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS to stay in Misr. I said, “Stay here and start the cleansing effort of al-Jami‘ al-Anwar.” He himself, started to clean the trash in attempt to find the source for where the stench was coming from around the mihrab. Finally, one person said, ‘come with me, I will show you where the stench is coming from.’ He took them behind the qibla and mihrab to a wakalat where people had taken up residence. They stayed there, placed their trash there, and even defecated there. Forty families lived there and all these things would collect there.

They had dug a hole behind the qibla of al-Jami‘ al-Anwar where all these unsanitary wastes and trash would collect. When they went to take a look at it, it was so horrible that it was almost impossible to stand there because of the immense stench. An effort was made the entire day to find some workers who would clean the area, however, after seeing the state of the place even they were not ready to do anything. Then, in front of the khidmat guzaaro present at the time, my son Mufaddal said, “I will go down and clean this. The mihrab is in such a state! We were unmindful for so long. It is a grave error on our part.” So when he intended to do this, in that moment other workers also came and began to clean. The hole was between two to three meters deep. They cleaned it and fragranced it with bukhur.

From that day onwards the impact of the injustices upon this Jami‘ Anwar began to fade. Now look Mumineen! How fragrant is the mihrab of Jami‘ Anwar!

This Husain al-Hakim is honoring his Da’i with the saffron of barakaat and the sa‘aadat of misk. Today, I, Mamluk Aale Mohammed, am doing dua for the khidmat guzaaro. I am also doing dua for my son Mufaddal. As Rasullullah SAW did dua for that woman (the Ansari’s wife) and said the luminous words of “barakallaho fiha” – I, Mamluk aale Mohammed am saying that – he (Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS) did the khidmat of these Jawami‘, may Allah make his effort appreciated!” (Lailat Milad Imam iz Zaman SA – Jami‘ Juyushi – Cairo 1416 H./ August 1995) ... -al-anwar/

What a wonderful tasawur has been shared by Amate Syedna TUS Zahra! Subanallah!

While re-reading this post, a thought came to mind, and I felt I should share it with everyone

Jiware Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA ni wiladat thai, Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA ye farmayu thu ke (don’t know if these are the exact words or not) : je din si aa maulood janaya che, te din si da’wat ma barakat aam thai che.

And Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA ye jame ul anwar ni iftitah baad farmayu ke: je din si aa jame ul anwar bani che, te din si da’wat ma barakat aam thai che.

Both Naas, Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA and Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA attributed barakat in da’wat to their mansoos.
In Syedna Taher Saifuddin’s RA zamaan, nas was known from an early period, and thus He attributed it directly by name to His mansoos.
In Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin’s RA zamaan nas was not known publicly until recently, and thus the attribution of barakat in da’wat was not done by name, but deed, and was hidden, just like nas was hidden.
It is said that a meaningful gesture is enough for the wise… This is one such example.
I implore to those who do not believe Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS, please see the light and come back. Barakat is with Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS only, as is najaat.
Please come back
Oh man! Is this saccharine plea supposed to convince us? To the Mufaddalies I say: We see nothing Noorani in your velan-waving, uninformed and unintelligent leader. You who have left haq ni dawat should come back. We are exactly where we were - with haq na saheb. We are with Burhanuddin Moula's mansoos, and the mazoon-e-dawat-e-garrah of his dawat of 50 years. His mazoon until his last breath and his mansoos since the beginning of his dawat.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court


Unread post by think_for_yourself » Thu Mar 26, 2015 7:33 pm

What do they mean by "Please come back?" We never left! You did. We did not want to stop talking to you or to stop visiting your homes and nor did we ever stop you from visiting ours. You were the ones that did barat on us. Following the example of your Moula, you called our homes at all hours of the night and yelled lanat! Your Moula urged you to keep your children away from us, your leaders drove a wedge through families and you want us to come back to that monster?! You were the ones who left because the "infrastructure" was dearer to you than the truth and dearer to you than your own families.

You never wanted to listen to our reasons for believing what we did. You only ever called to impose your own views and tell us how we were wrong. Well, we have listened to all your arguments and we find them hollow. We have seen the circus that goes by the name of your dawat and let me tell you that forty horses could not drag us back to do tasleem to the con-man who does ayyashi on your money, who cannot construct a single meaningful sentence on his own and who could not look like a dai without the aid of the million props purchased with big money and without control over OUR masjids. He does not look like a dai even WITH those props.

We certainly wish that those members of our families who are still in the clutches of Mufaddal Saifuddin will see light some day and come back! If not, well, two roads diverged in a yellow wood...and we took the one less travelled by. We are building new lives and Alhamdolillah we are discovering how interesting life can be ouside the oppressive pit dawat had become under Mufaddal Saifuddin in the last years of our beloved Burhanuddin Moula's life.
3ad207c15675b5c4e59f0a213a1810c2 (1).mp4
roti dawat
(12.36 MiB) Downloaded 2182 times

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court


Unread post by lawgraduate » Fri Mar 27, 2015 1:13 am

Just watched the video posted by think_foryourself, roti was burnt in the end :roll:

now those young girls who are jumping in excitement are real losers, those who will marry those girls will be in great messs, because those girls will be more interested in kitty parties and gatherings rather than raising kids and taking care of house.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court


Unread post by james » Fri Mar 27, 2015 3:24 am

Crater Lake wrote: Oh man! Is this saccharine plea supposed to convince us? To the Mufaddalies I say: We see nothing Noorani in your velan-waving, uninformed and unintelligent leader. You who have left haq ni dawat should come back. We are exactly where we were - with haq na saheb. We are with Burhanuddin Moula's mansoos, and the mazoon-e-dawat-e-garrah of his dawat of 50 years. His mazoon until his last breath and his mansoos since the beginning of his dawat.
I'm not surprised that you chose to reply to just 2 sentences of the post you quoted.After all,you have no leg to stand on. :lol:

You should stop proselytizing on this forum.Your iman is weak,blind and devoid of any rational logic.I hope you do not hound me like you did with salaar and talk about cutting my pair next.

You keep harping about the Khuzaima being mazoon for 50 years whilst at the same time you believe Syedna RA lost control of his dawat (Nauzobillah).By your admission,Khuzaima was mazoon of the Shehzada's dawat (Nazuobillah) and was at the mercy of the Shehzadas.How does it feel to be hoisted by your own petard? :lol:

As it is customary to expose the idiocy and hypocrisy,I present a snippet of Crater Lake's *cough* Iman.

Crater Lake wrote:This whole bohra thing is beginning to feel like a bunch of BS. Looks like our souls are the merchandise in someone's business. How can they lead our souls to heaven in the afterlife when they cannot even manage a simple succession? Maybe the show does end when the lights go out. Let us enjoy the show!
Crater Lake wrote: A court's incorrect judgement (IMO brought about by pressure from the White House via Modi - thanks to the Pre-presidential-visit wheeling and dealing)

Crater Lake
Posts: 362
Joined: Thu Mar 20, 2014 10:46 pm

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court


Unread post by Crater Lake » Fri Mar 27, 2015 8:07 am

james wrote:
Crater Lake wrote: Oh man! Is this saccharine plea supposed to convince us? To the Mufaddalies I say: We see nothing Noorani in your velan-waving, uninformed and unintelligent leader. You who have left haq ni dawat should come back. We are exactly where we were - with haq na saheb. We are with Burhanuddin Moula's mansoos, and the mazoon-e-dawat-e-garrah of his dawat of 50 years. His mazoon until his last breath and his mansoos since the beginning of his dawat.
I'm not surprised that you chose to reply to just 2 sentences of the post you quoted.After all,you have no leg to stand on. :lol:

You should stop proselytizing on this forum.Your iman is weak,blind and devoid of any rational logic.I hope you do not hound me like you did with salaar and talk about cutting my pair next.

You keep harping about the Khuzaima being mazoon for 50 years whilst at the same time you believe Syedna RA lost control of his dawat (Nauzobillah).By your admission,Khuzaima was mazoon of the Shehzada's dawat (Nazuobillah) and was at the mercy of the Shehzadas.How does it feel to be hoisted by your own petard? :lol:

As it is customary to expose the idiocy and hypocrisy,I present a snippet of Crater Lake's *cough* Iman.

Crater Lake wrote:This whole bohra thing is beginning to feel like a bunch of BS. Looks like our souls are the merchandise in someone's business. How can they lead our souls to heaven in the afterlife when they cannot even manage a simple succession? Maybe the show does end when the lights go out. Let us enjoy the show!
Crater Lake wrote: A court's incorrect judgement (IMO brought about by pressure from the White House via Modi - thanks to the Pre-presidential-visit wheeling and dealing)
James please don't bother to judge my iman. Yes like most mumineen I did suffer extreme anguish in the early days after Burhanuddin Moula's wafat and I was honest about it. Like most Mumineen I had begun to question everything. However unlike most mumineen I have found peace and iman once again with Qutbuddin Moula. On the other hand, I see that many Mufaddalies only manage to stay with MS by ignoring his stupidity! I have heard these quotes from some "Aa Moula ma Burhanuddin Moula jeevi waat Nathi. Ghani waar ekdam buddhu laage Che." "Me to havey Kai ma pan manti Nathi, bas masjid Jav chu Aney char jan si waat Karu chu, eh Mara waastey Ghanu."

I am not speaking about the likes of you but of the masses who are still not too afraid to acknowledge that there is something wrong but are too weak to take action.

As far as the miscarriage of justice in the children's case. There is no doubt in my mind that there was interference.
I am surprised that of all my posts you chose these two. :roll:

Posts: 424
Joined: Mon Jan 20, 2014 6:12 pm

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court


Unread post by think_for_yourself » Fri Mar 27, 2015 8:26 am

Crater Lake wrote:
james wrote: I'm not surprised that you chose to reply to just 2 sentences of the post you quoted.After all,you have no leg to stand on. :lol:

You should stop proselytizing on this forum.Your iman is weak,blind and devoid of any rational logic.I hope you do not hound me like you did with salaar and talk about cutting my pair next.

You keep harping about the Khuzaima being mazoon for 50 years whilst at the same time you believe Syedna RA lost control of his dawat (Nauzobillah).By your admission,Khuzaima was mazoon of the Shehzada's dawat (Nazuobillah) and was at the mercy of the Shehzadas.How does it feel to be hoisted by your own petard? :lol:

As it is customary to expose the idiocy and hypocrisy,I present a snippet of Crater Lake's *cough* Iman.

James please don't bother to judge my iman. Yes like most mumineen I did suffer extreme anguish in the early days after Burhanuddin Moula's wafat and I was honest about it. Like most Mumineen I had begun to question everything. However unlike most mumineen I have found peace and iman once again with Qutbuddin Moula. On the other hand, I see that many Mufaddalies only manage to stay with MS by ignoring his stupidity! I have heard these quotes from some "Aa Moula ma Burhanuddin Moula jeevi waat Nathi. Ghani waar ekdam buddhu laage Che." "Me to havey Kai ma pan manti Nathi, bas masjid Jav chu Aney char jan si waat Karu chu, eh Mara waastey Ghanu."

I am not speaking about the likes of you but of the masses who are still not too afraid to acknowledge that there is something wrong but are too weak to take action.

As far as the miscarriage of justice in the children's case. There is no doubt in my mind that there was interference.
I am surprised that of all my posts you chose these two. :roll:
Crater Lake don't let James judge your iman. Your iman was strong enough for you to be disturbed when you saw Dawat veering away from Haq and to search for the truth and seek it out yourself. It is far better and superior than that of those who have chosen the easy way out. They would not know iman if it slapped them in the face...

Also it is funny that James accuses you of proslytizing when he is the one doing that with his pathetic "Please come back." I see that all you did was to give reasons for staying put. It is funny how these guys use the P word when it is they who are concerned with numbers (they point it out all the time!) and we who are concerned with truth.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court


Unread post by SBM » Fri Mar 27, 2015 9:52 am

As far as the miscarriage of justice in the children's case. There is no doubt in my mind that there was interference.
The judge in the case is a Republican party affiliate. Turab and his family and many other members of Dawat E Hadiyah contributed $ 250,000 to George Bush, a republican nominee and still are active with local Republican cadre

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court


Unread post by objectiveobserver53 » Fri Mar 27, 2015 11:52 am

James and Gang, it was obvious to most mumineen that dawat was hijacked in day-to-day operations and that there was a distinct disconnect in Burhanuddin Moula's simple ways and kind words and the high handed, down-right cruel ways of those around him. During the 101st milad I remember getting out of the parade because I could not stand the disrespect with which Qasre Ali spoke to mumineen from India. As an American, I had always been treated with more respect by the QA but seeing their behavior towards simple folk from India was a huge put-off. All the show-sha also seemed a little over-the-top and disconnected from Aqa Moula Burhanuddin's core message of deen consiousness.

Regardless, the fact that the the hijackers could not remove the mazoon is more to HIS credit and to Burhanuddin Moula's credit than to any generosity on the part of the Shahzadas. Also it was shocking to me that Mufaddal Moula pointed out in a waaz that SKQ had been creating mischief during Burhanuddin Moula's time... It was obvious he had entertained these views even during Burhanuddin Moula's time, while he took his qasam in misaq! That to me is showing disrespect towards the fundamental tenet of dawat which is why I refuse to give him my misaq despite currently being part of the community. Why should I believe that this misaq means anything at all when at some point, it did not mean anything to the "Dai" who is now asking for it for himself!

Crater Lake
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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court


Unread post by Crater Lake » Fri Mar 27, 2015 12:11 pm

objectiveobserver53 wrote:James and Gang, it was obvious to most mumineen that dawat was hijacked in day-to-day operations and that there was a distinct disconnect in Burhanuddin Moula's simple ways and kind words and the high handed, down-right cruel ways of those around him. During the 101st milad I remember getting out of the parade because I could not stand the disrespect with which Qasre Ali spoke to mumineen from India. As an American, I had always been treated with more respect by the QA but seeing their behavior towards simple folk from India was a huge put-off. All the show-sha also seemed a little over-the-top and disconnected from Aqa Moula Burhanuddin's core message of deen consiousness.

Regardless, the fact that the the hijackers could not remove the mazoon is more to HIS credit and to Burhanuddin Moula's credit than to any generosity on the part of the Shahzadas. Also it was shocking to me that Mufaddal Moula pointed out in a waaz that SKQ had been creating mischief during Burhanuddin Moula's time... It was obvious he had entertained these views even during Burhanuddin Moula's time, while he took his qasam in misaq! That to me is showing disrespect towards the fundamental tenet of dawat which is why I refuse to give him my misaq despite currently being part of the community. Why should I believe that this misaq means anything at all when at some point, it did not mean anything to the "Dai" who is now asking for it for himself!
It is quite obvious that James and his ilk have their work cut out for them. Instead of prosletyzing to those who support Qutbuddin Aqa, they should take care of the doubting thomases that are thronging their masjids. Their iman, it seems, is non-existent!

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court


Unread post by dal-chaval-palidu » Fri Mar 27, 2015 11:35 pm

Crater Lake wrote: A court's incorrect judgement (IMO brought about by pressure from the White House via Modi - thanks to the Pre-presidential-visit wheeling and dealing)

The above claim appears to be a stretch. The idea that Modi would talk amongst all the things with Obama about the children of two people and a court case in California !!? And ask him for that favor? He has far bigger issues. And that Obama would try to influence a family court case!! - if it comes out in public, would become a media story and an embarrassment for Obama. Come on bhen, you are way too smarter to believe that :-)

I beleive that likely Syedna Qutubuddin (TUS) is on the path of Haq, but the above is a crazy stretch of a claim. And that court case does not leave either of the 2 parties in a good light. The daughters claim abuse from their husbands and then hug and kiss in Walmart, a public place - no wonder it undercuts the claim.

By the way, I believe that the court ruling was fair. It may have been a bad marriage, however, based on the reporting on this web-site (my only source of info) it does not pass the claim of abuse.

And I am also baffled at the approach that they took: California law in the case of children's custody favors the mother. So why not just ask for separation and then ask for the primary custody of the kids? Now they lost this abuse case. Unless they have been advised that they can try this approach first, and if it fails, they will still be able to get custody based on the disolution of marriage? But why take such a risk?

My simple mind does not get it.

And then I wonder: Based on the logic that they used in this case, should I doubt their claims that they have proof about the nass on SKQ (TUS)? That is my serious concern. I am really hoping that they can share a convincing proof in public soon for all the Bohras to see.

The one thing that is clear from this court case is the firm belief of the 2 daughters of SKQ (TUS) saheb that thier father is the true dai. And I respect that.
Last edited by dal-chaval-palidu on Sat Mar 28, 2015 12:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court


Unread post by james » Sat Mar 28, 2015 12:04 am

Crater Lake wrote: James please don't bother to judge my iman. Yes like most mumineen I did suffer extreme anguish in the early days after Burhanuddin Moula's wafat and I was honest about it.Like most Mumineen I had begun to question everything.
Permission denied to Alter History! You really should stop lying now.It is embarrassing to watch.

You wrote the "bohra business merchandise" post on 21st May 2014 a good approx. 4 months after wafat.Would you call that "early days" ? You should quit talking on behalf of hundreds of thousands.There is no way you would be able to know what "Most Mumineen" think or believe.So it's better you don't throw in words like "most" and "early days". :wink:

Like most Mumineen I had begun to question everything. However unlike most mumineen I have found peace and iman once again with Qutbuddin Moula. On the other hand, I see that many Mufaddalies only manage to stay with MS by ignoring his stupidity! I have heard these quotes from some "Aa Moula ma Burhanuddin Moula jeevi waat Nathi. Ghani waar ekdam buddhu laage Che." "Me to havey Kai ma pan manti Nathi, bas masjid Jav chu Aney char jan si waat Karu chu, eh Mara waastey Ghanu."
Oh dear.Are we suppose to bring fairy tale conversations of real life to bolster our claims in this debate? I didn't get the Memo! Also,when you say "Some",what number do you have in mind? And I bet you took the opportunity to prosletyze to them. :lol:

I am not speaking about the likes of you but of the masses who are still not too afraid to acknowledge that there is something wrong but are too weak to take action.
Here we go again!

(Most,Some,Masses) Phew Big Words!

Are you gonna accuse the masses of being "buzdil" like you trolled salaar?
Crater Lake wrote: Good Lord man, how do you face your wife after that dismal display of buzdil behavior!
Or do you reckon the masses have already had their "pair" cut?
Crater Lake wrote:
salaar wrote:oh please no more PHD we have had enough of them somehow i am having a nausea feeling
You have nausea feeling from the anesthesia used when they cut your pair.

As far as the miscarriage of justice in the children's case. There is no doubt in my mind that there was interference.
I am surprised that of all my posts you chose these two. :roll:
Sore Grapes. :lol:

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court


Unread post by james » Sat Mar 28, 2015 12:08 am

think_for_yourself wrote: Crater Lake don't let James judge your iman. Your iman was strong enough for you to be disturbed when you saw Dawat veering away from Haq and to search for the truth and seek it out yourself. It is far better and superior than that of those who have chosen the easy way out. They would not know iman if it slapped them in the face...

Also it is funny that James accuses you of proslytizing when he is the one doing that with his pathetic "Please come back." I see that all you did was to give reasons for staying put. It is funny how these guys use the P word when it is they who are concerned with numbers (they point it out all the time!) and we who are concerned with truth.

+1 for Backslapping. :lol:

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court


Unread post by UnhappyBohra » Sat Mar 28, 2015 6:56 am

Dude what's embarrassing is to watch you troll Crater Lake. I agree with her. There are many mumineen who doubt and question the state of Dawat currently. They think MS is a fool and they hate the constant demands for money and streams of emails of "must dos" for coming and watching videos or paying up or traveling for ziyarats, MS waazes etc. After the third hour of any event, eyes start glazing over and the complaints start getting voiced.

As for Crater Lake's anguish of the early days, four months is still early days! That was the time she was probably still trying to determine the truth or her friends and relatives had begun abandoning her and her family. For those of us who have to frequently see MS in the glory of his bumbling ways, the trauma of Burhanuddin Moula's wafat will always be fresh. We feel his loss deeply. It's only MS and his cohorts who seem to be only too happy to be rid of him!

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court


Unread post by alam » Sat Mar 28, 2015 12:02 pm

Crater Lake wrote:On the other hand, I see that many Mufaddalies only manage to stay with MS by ignoring his stupidity! I have heard these quotes from some "Aa Moula ma Burhanuddin Moula jeevi waat Nathi. Ghani waar ekdam buddhu laage Che." "Me to havey Kai ma pan manti Nathi, bas masjid Jav chu Aney char jan si waat Karu chu, eh Mara waastey Ghanu."

I am not speaking about the likes of you but of the masses who are still not too afraid to acknowledge that there is something wrong but are too weak to take action.
Although I loathe the term "Mufaddalies" as any other name-calling on this forum, I concur with the essence of Crater Lake's above words, that it reflect what's in the hearts of people. I happen to be very much in touch with the pulse of the masses, through my varied and often colorful contacts and networks. There is a sense of disillusionment, disappointment with SMS that surfaces in expression, only when it is Safe to do so, when they are around "safe people", where they feel safe from being persecuted due to voicing their fears. CL has put it in their own words, and there are many many other shades to it.

"havey mein jaav chuu tow waapis aavu chu, to maaro jaan bhaari laagey chey, maaru dil halku nathi thaatu - Burhanuddin Maula na waqat maa eevu nohtu"

Or "maula maula, mufaddal maula, soonoo, chuu to maaraa dil maa kaiy bhi nathi laagtu, magar, maney dur laagey chey kay mein nahin bolu, to mara aaju baaju betha huwa Bhaio maaraa ooper taij nazar si dekhsey".

It is unlikely that this would be evident to most people who live in the bubble, or are perceived to be living in "the bubble. If one is perceived to be from saifee or Badri Mahal, or dawat or Jameeaa etc, nobody is going to voice these sentiments - they know the punishments doled out, as is clear from the silencing of dissent, laanats, etc in our communities.

Even some of the insiders fear the Bubble, even if they are living in it, and they may well be the minority - in isolation, in their minds.

If anyone truly wants to get to know whats in the heart of the Bohras, then disarm your weapons, (weapons of mass excommunication), talk, act and dress like a poor, insignificant Bohra, and you will be rich in gathering information. Masjid and Markez may not be the typical place where these sentiments get expressed, but you will be surprised, here too, what happens in hushed tones and whispers.

But I must stop now.

Crater Lake
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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court


Unread post by Crater Lake » Sat Mar 28, 2015 12:52 pm

dal-chaval-palidu wrote:
Crater Lake wrote: A court's incorrect judgement (IMO brought about by pressure from the White House via Modi - thanks to the Pre-presidential-visit wheeling and dealing)

The above claim appears to be a stretch. The idea that Modi would talk amongst all the things with Obama about the children of two people and a court case in California !!? And ask him for that favor? He has far bigger issues. And that Obama would try to influence a family court case!! - if it comes out in public, would become a media story and an embarrassment for Obama. Come on bhen, you are way too smarter to believe that :-)

I beleive that likely Syedna Qutubuddin (TUS) is on the path of Haq, but the above is a crazy stretch of a claim. And that court case does not leave either of the 2 parties in a good light. The daughters claim abuse from their husbands and then hug and kiss in Walmart, a public place - no wonder it undercuts the claim.

By the way, I believe that the court ruling was fair. It may have been a bad marriage, however, based on the reporting on this web-site (my only source of info) it does not pass the claim of abuse.

And I am also baffled at the approach that they took: California law in the case of children's custody favors the mother. So why not just ask for separation and then ask for the primary custody of the kids? Now they lost this abuse case. Unless they have been advised that they can try this approach first, and if it fails, they will still be able to get custody based on the disolution of marriage? But why take such a risk?

My simple mind does not get it.

And then I wonder: Based on the logic that they used in this case, should I doubt their claims that they have proof about the nass on SKQ (TUS)? That is my serious concern. I am really hoping that they can share a convincing proof in public soon for all the Bohras to see.

The one thing that is clear from this court case is the firm belief of the 2 daughters of SKQ (TUS) saheb that thier father is the true dai. And I respect that.
Oh Puhlese. Do not put words in my mouth. You know as well as I do that things like this are never achieved with the direct interference of the heads of state...There are various levels of negotiations that take place prior to the meetings of heads of state. This is a small thing that could have been slipped in to a minor official as a hint that, say, a fine point in the trade agreement would become easier if a certain court case in Kern County went a certain way. I know from a friend who works in the state department that this sort of deal making is quite common in negotiations with foreign governments. Much self interest of each individual government is furthered during negotiations over the more public agreements.

And we know very well that the modi government has a debt to pay to QJBS and gang for their foremost show of "Muslim Support" prior to elections. It is not hard to imagine that QJBS made his wish known to someone in the Modi government and things fell in place. I am actually surprised at the naivette of members here. Far from being shocking and unusual, this sort of thing is quite common.

All that said, I never proposed it as a fact but as a matter of an informed opinion. You are of course free to believe what you want. Stay naive and pull the blinders in closer!

I am not sure why one legal strategy was chosen over another in the childrens case. I was not privy to the decision making. It may have been that the course was determined by the rapid progression of events and suits and counter suits. Based on your comments, you seem to believe that SKQ will pull out some magic letter proving that nass was done on him. I don't believe that is the case. I think the proof will be based on arguments constructed from our doctrine. But I could be wrong. What happens in the court case will not change my belief that SKQ speaks the truth. The court case is subject to the judge's correct understanding of our doctrine. It's a tall order as Mufaddal Saifuddin, who claims to be Dai does not even understand the ABCs of it, given his bumbling attempts to say something intelligent or meaning ful without a script in front of him

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court


Unread post by objectiveobserver53 » Sat Mar 28, 2015 1:28 pm

I agree with Crater Lake and Alam about the disillusionment in the community! Get two or more bohras together at dinner parties or picnics and the current Dai will inevitably make an appearance in the conversation. At first there was much talk about his intelligence (or lack of) vs. that of Burhanuddin Moula and his anger vs. Burhanuddin Moula's kindness and his hard line attitudes vs. Burhanuddin Moulas tolerance. Lately however the talk is more about the ostentatiousness of his travels and the big show of money and power everywhere. People have begun to accept his fumbling...which is a sad commentary on the community.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court


Unread post by think_for_yourself » Sat Mar 28, 2015 1:39 pm

objectiveobserver53 wrote:I agree with Crater Lake and Alam about the disillusionment in the community! Get two or more bohras together at dinner parties or picnics and the current Dai will inevitably make an appearance in the conversation. At first there was much talk about his intelligence (or lack of) vs. that of Burhanuddin Moula and his anger vs. Burhanuddin Moula's kindness and his hard line attitudes vs. Burhanuddin Moulas tolerance. Lately however the talk is more about the ostentatiousness of his travels and the big show of money and power everywhere. People have begun to accept his fumbling...which is a sad commentary on the community.
Weren't you the guy that did not want to accept SKQ openly because of your friends...... Well I hope you are having a great time getting together and bitching about Mufs :roll:

Crater Lake
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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court


Unread post by Crater Lake » Sat Mar 28, 2015 2:21 pm

objectiveobserver53 wrote:I agree with Crater Lake and Alam about the disillusionment in the community! Get two or more bohras together at dinner parties or picnics and the current Dai will inevitably make an appearance in the conversation. At first there was much talk about his intelligence (or lack of) vs. that of Burhanuddin Moula and his anger vs. Burhanuddin Moula's kindness and his hard line attitudes vs. Burhanuddin Moulas tolerance. Lately however the talk is more about the ostentatiousness of his travels and the big show of money and power everywhere. People have begun to accept his fumbling...which is a sad commentary on the community.
James why don't you spend your time shoring up the iman of those thronging your masjids rather than trying to proslytize to us via your "Please come back..." pleas from Amate Syedna Zahra, whoever she may be.... :roll: or questioning our iman which is none of your self righteous business. Don't forget to use a ladder while getting off your high horse.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court


Unread post by objectiveobserver53 » Sat Mar 28, 2015 2:56 pm

think_for_yourself wrote:
objectiveobserver53 wrote:I agree with Crater Lake and Alam about the disillusionment in the community! Get two or more bohras together at dinner parties or picnics and the current Dai will inevitably make an appearance in the conversation. At first there was much talk about his intelligence (or lack of) vs. that of Burhanuddin Moula and his anger vs. Burhanuddin Moula's kindness and his hard line attitudes vs. Burhanuddin Moulas tolerance. Lately however the talk is more about the ostentatiousness of his travels and the big show of money and power everywhere. People have begun to accept his fumbling...which is a sad commentary on the community.
Weren't you the guy that did not want to accept SKQ openly because of your friends...... Well I hope you are having a great time getting together and bitching about Mufs :roll:
Touché. Despite your snarkiness, I am going to support your friend CL on the interference in court-case-point.
Crater Lake wrote: A court's incorrect judgement (IMO brought about by pressure from the White House via Modi - thanks to the Pre-presidential-visit wheeling and dealing)
Bartering of favors before high profile international agreements happens all the time. This kind of stuff is quite pervasive in politics. Just as "pork" is added to bills in order to gain votes for that bill, it is not too far-fetched to believe that there was some quid-pro-quo discussion happened at some level around the court case, especially since it was just before Obama's "breakthrough" nuclear agreement with the Modi government. It may or may not have happened but it is naive to think that it CANNOT.

Come on everyone, don't you watch Madam Secretary! :wink: Right back attcha think-for-yourself! Only half joking though guys...

Crater Lake
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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court


Unread post by Crater Lake » Sat Mar 28, 2015 3:03 pm

objectiveobserver53 wrote:
think_for_yourself wrote: Weren't you the guy that did not want to accept SKQ openly because of your friends...... Well I hope you are having a great time getting together and bitching about Mufs :roll:
Touché. Despite your snarkiness, I am going to support your friend CL on the interference in court-case-point.
Crater Lake wrote: A court's incorrect judgement (IMO brought about by pressure from the White House via Modi - thanks to the Pre-presidential-visit wheeling and dealing)
Bartering of favors before high profile international agreements happens all the time. This kind of stuff is quite pervasive in politics. Just as "pork" is added to bills in order to gain votes for that bill, it is not too far-fetched to believe that there was some quid-pro-quo discussion happened at some level around the court case, especially since it was just before Obama's "breakthrough" nuclear agreement with the Modi government. It may or may not have happened but it is naive to think that it CANNOT.

Come on everyone, don't you watch Madam Secretary! :wink: Right back attcha think-for-yourself! Only half joking though guys...
Thanks Objective! I think I know where all the incredulity comes from. It's because I said "Modi" instead of "the Modi Government..." giving the impression that I suspected Obama and Modi discussed MS's grandkids :wink: I must catch up on Madam Scretary!

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sat Mar 28, 2015 5:48 pm

While on the subject of influencing the judiciary, not many people may know that in the case filed by KQ in Gujarat court regarding the fraud committed by Muffy and associates wherein Muffy transferred ALL the dawat properties of Gujarat in his name in just 24 hours was heard by Justice Trivedi or Tripathi (I don't remember the exact name) who was assigned the case OVERNIGHT and the rest is history. It is obvious as to who pulled the strings and why ! People can check the exact date when this judge was transferred to that particular court which was hearing the case !!

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court


Unread post by dal-chaval-palidu » Sun Mar 29, 2015 5:12 pm

GM Bhai,

So what exactly happened in the Gujarat High Court Case? Is it over and dismissed? Where does it stand?

I see that we don't hear anything about it.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun Mar 29, 2015 6:40 pm

dal-chaval-palidu wrote:GM Bhai,

So what exactly happened in the Gujarat High Court Case? Is it over and dismissed? Where does it stand?

I see that we don't hear anything about it.
The first round was won by Muffy but Iam not aware if KQ has filed an appeal or not although there is every likelihood that he would have gone in for an appeal.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court


Unread post by Adam » Mon Mar 30, 2015 10:05 am

Very well written by Brother James.
The Qutbis above haven't even tried to respond to it. Instead, just like the Proggies, they stray away and divert the conversation.
Isn't that why Mu'wiyah LA was termed one of the قاسطين ? To move away from Haq?

james wrote:
kimanumanu wrote: I have not agreed with you. I extended your argument by stating that if I were to agree then it leads to more questions and the inevitable conclusion that either Syedna RA or Mufaddal BS is wrong. That then is compounded further by either Mazoon or Mukasir being wrong as well.
You have agreed upon the fallibility of the office holder inspite of being appointed by the Dai Mutlaq with the Ilham of Imam uz Zaman AS.The fallible nature of office holder has absolutely no bearing upon the Ta'eed of Imam AS.Every person is responsible for their own actions.Rasulullah SAW did not err by keeping the likes of Abu Bakr close. The actions of the usurpers in that era had absolutely no bearing on the infallible nature of Prophet Mohammed SAW.

To summarize,at present one of 2 rutba holders whom you used to take name in meethaq has gone astray.This is a fact and there are no two ways about it.If one believes Khuzaima has gone astray,it has absolutely no bearing on Syedna's or the Imam uz Zaman's infallibility.In the same vein,if one believes Syedi Husain Bs Husamuddin DM has gone astray (Nauzobillah), it has absolutely no bearing on Syedna RA's decision to keep him as his Mukasir till his last breath.

Syedna RA's tenure as a Dai Mutlaq has been a glorious era where Mumineen said Labbaik to hundreds of Syedna's farman.Be it,purifying oneself from interest,keeping beard uncut,giving qardan hasanah,gathering for Majlis-e-Husain(AS),Wearing Quomi Libas and Rida,Muwasaat amal,Mazaraat Upkeep and Maintenance, Building of New Masajids and Renovation of Old Masajids,Adhering to amal of Zakat,etc. The list is endless.To claim that he was afraid (Nauzobillah) is absurd and downright insulting to his glorious tenure,

However way you look at it,your opinions seem illogical and devoid of any rational thought.

On one hand,you have Textual Evidence,Audio Video Evidence,Witness testimony of various Living Individuals, all in accordance with past Dawat rusumat of conferring Nass.

On the other hand,you have one fallible person saying something which is benefiting his ownself.

Some more facts for you to ponder.

The alleged Nass was supposed to be disclosed after the passing away of the Dai Mutlaq.Yet it is proven that the son of Khuzaima knew because he was doing "taqiyat" attending sermons of Mufaddal Moula TUS.Khuzaima's website was registered way before the passing away of Syedna RA.His followers were stopped at his Thane Residence and were prevented from attending the Janaza Mubarak of Syedna RA. His own daughters kidnapped the children and took them far away from the Janaza Mubarak of Syedna RA. Didn't Khuzaima and his family have full faith in the Indian Judiciary then? Did they gain full faith only when trying to fight for Dawat Properties?

If you believe that Dawat was hijacked (Nauzobillah),then Syedna RA didn't keep Khuzaima but the Shehzadas did.Don't you think they could have easily removed Khuzaima from his position after Syedna RA's stroke?

Every single argument you put forward has been easily debunked. Your goal was to cast aspersions on the Ilham of Imam uz Zaman and Syedna RA's decision making by attributing the burden of Khuzaima's actions on them.It was entirely Syedna RA's prerogative to keep him in his position.That doesn't mean Khuzaima's word is infallible or that Syedna RA was wrong (Nauzobillah).

Mumineen are in awe of the farsightedness of Syedna RA's actions.What wonderful ways he chose to do nass upon his Qurrat Ul Ain Aqeequl Yemen Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS.Only the blind,ignorant and dissidents will choose to deny Nass as it has been seen in the pages of history.

To do san'aa of the Dai Mutlaq is a great honor.Here I present the words of Al Hayyul Muqaddas Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA said in praise of his Mansoos Aqeequl Yemen Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS.
Aqa Moula al-Hayy al-Muqaddas RA mentioned these words every time he inaugurated a masjid. In fact, during the iftitah of London’s Huseini Masjid he said, “Because of the inauguration of al-Jami‘ al-Anwar our masjids have flourished, our houses have flourished, our souls (نفوس) have flourished. There is no need for an argument here – just the translation of Aqa Moula al-Hayy al-Muqaddas’s RA bayan which he delivered on the eve of the ifititah of Masjid al-Juyushi in Cairo on the night of Imamuz Zaman’s Salgirah in 1416 H. (1995).

Aqa Moula RA read a zikr from Kitab al-Taharat about a man from the Ansar of Medina who sullied the qibla of Rasullullah’s masjid with his phlegm thus receiving Rasullullah’s SAW laanat. He compared this historical occurence to the restoration of al-Jami’ al-Anwar. The riwayat ends with the actions of the Ansari man’s wife who cleaned the area and applied saffron to it. Rasullullah did dua for this woman and said بارك الله فيها! – May Allah bring barakat towards her! Aqa Moula RA then said,

“Likewise, al-Jami‘ al-Anwar’s qibla had such an amount of stench coming from it due to the excessive amount of trash surrounding it. The door of the Jami‘ had been made into a dumping ground. Every type of garbage was placed there. Then the iftitah of Moulatena Zainab’s Zareeh took place. After that, Mamluk Aale Mohammed went to Kuwait from Misr. At that moment, I told my son, the consolation of my eyes, Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS to stay in Misr. I said, “Stay here and start the cleansing effort of al-Jami‘ al-Anwar.” He himself, started to clean the trash in attempt to find the source for where the stench was coming from around the mihrab. Finally, one person said, ‘come with me, I will show you where the stench is coming from.’ He took them behind the qibla and mihrab to a wakalat where people had taken up residence. They stayed there, placed their trash there, and even defecated there. Forty families lived there and all these things would collect there.

They had dug a hole behind the qibla of al-Jami‘ al-Anwar where all these unsanitary wastes and trash would collect. When they went to take a look at it, it was so horrible that it was almost impossible to stand there because of the immense stench. An effort was made the entire day to find some workers who would clean the area, however, after seeing the state of the place even they were not ready to do anything. Then, in front of the khidmat guzaaro present at the time, my son Mufaddal said, “I will go down and clean this. The mihrab is in such a state! We were unmindful for so long. It is a grave error on our part.” So when he intended to do this, in that moment other workers also came and began to clean. The hole was between two to three meters deep. They cleaned it and fragranced it with bukhur.

From that day onwards the impact of the injustices upon this Jami‘ Anwar began to fade. Now look Mumineen! How fragrant is the mihrab of Jami‘ Anwar!

This Husain al-Hakim is honoring his Da’i with the saffron of barakaat and the sa‘aadat of misk. Today, I, Mamluk Aale Mohammed, am doing dua for the khidmat guzaaro. I am also doing dua for my son Mufaddal. As Rasullullah SAW did dua for that woman (the Ansari’s wife) and said the luminous words of “barakallaho fiha” – I, Mamluk aale Mohammed am saying that – he (Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS) did the khidmat of these Jawami‘, may Allah make his effort appreciated!” (Lailat Milad Imam iz Zaman SA – Jami‘ Juyushi – Cairo 1416 H./ August 1995) ... -al-anwar/

What a wonderful tasawur has been shared by Amate Syedna TUS Zahra! Subanallah!

While re-reading this post, a thought came to mind, and I felt I should share it with everyone

Jiware Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA ni wiladat thai, Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA ye farmayu thu ke (don’t know if these are the exact words or not) : je din si aa maulood janaya che, te din si da’wat ma barakat aam thai che.

And Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA ye jame ul anwar ni iftitah baad farmayu ke: je din si aa jame ul anwar bani che, te din si da’wat ma barakat aam thai che.

Both Naas, Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA and Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA attributed barakat in da’wat to their mansoos.
In Syedna Taher Saifuddin’s RA zamaan, nas was known from an early period, and thus He attributed it directly by name to His mansoos.
In Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin’s RA zamaan nas was not known publicly until recently, and thus the attribution of barakat in da’wat was not done by name, but deed, and was hidden, just like nas was hidden.
It is said that a meaningful gesture is enough for the wise… This is one such example.
I implore to those who do not believe Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS, please see the light and come back. Barakat is with Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS only, as is najaat.
Please come back

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court


Unread post by Adam » Mon Mar 30, 2015 10:16 am

As per our Dawoodi-Bohra doctrine (and it has been said umpteem times in Waaz) , when Imam-uz-zamaan comes out of seclusion and proclaims himself as the Imam, then at that time a mumin should not do sajda to Imam untill the dai-ul-mutlaq accepts him as the true imam.
Now lets say the Dai does not accept him as the Imam , (due to some unknown reason) and the Mazun accepts him as the Imam , would a mumin listen to the Mazun or the Dai? ..It is obvious that the mumin will listen to the dai since he is of the higher Rutba.

Similarly , when Mazun declares that the Nass is void and fake, but the Muqasir(for whatever unknown reason) supports the nass , then as per the above Doctrine of obeying the higher Rutba , a reasoning logical mind(which most DMBS abdes lack) must and should go with what the Mazun has to say, since he is of the higher rutba then Muqasir.

False equivalence/ False analogy. Incorrect Deduction for the following reasons:
1) The Imam and Dai Mutlaq are infallible (Ma'soom). The Mazoon on his own, is not.
2) The Imam very clearly appointed the Dai Mutlaq for the people of Satr as their leader. Hence, the people will only follow the guidance of the Dai. How else will they know whom to follow?
In the same way, the Dai must CLEARLY inform the people who his Mansoos is. He cannot leave it vague (without Tawqeef) or any witnesses or evidence. For example: The Imam did not just vanish without any appointment, and leave the people to follow the highest position after him. The Imam clearly told the people whom to follow.
The Dai hasn't said that for anyone else except his Mansoos.
3)The relationship between Dai and Mazoon, greatly differs from the one between Mazoon an Mukasir. The rutba may be higher but each individual has to ascertain whether obeying that rutba does not lead to disobeying the creator. Its not a matter blindly accepting
whatever the Mazoon says, whereas for the Dai it is unconditional acceptance.
Denying the (Wrong) Imam is something only the Dai can do, no one else has that authority, whereas
for nass, if the Dai himself has clearly said it, if there are multiple witnesses and documentary evidence the word of the Mazoon is inconsequential.

For accepting the Imam the Dai's word is final. The word of the Mazoon is not so when it comes to nass.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court


Unread post by SBM » Mon Mar 30, 2015 10:56 am

For accepting the Imam the Dai's word is final
And for accepting Dai--Judge Patel's word is going to be final :roll:

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Joined: Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:50 am

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court


Unread post by Adam » Mon Mar 30, 2015 11:12 am

SBM wrote:
For accepting the Imam the Dai's word is final
And for accepting Dai--Judge Patel's word is going to be final :roll:
Yes, for KQ.
He's the one who "had full faith".