The Jew the Christians Hater.

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ghulam muhammed
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The Jew the Christians Hater.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Aug 16, 2011 6:33 pm

The Jew the Christians hater

The Zionist Israel's cruelty against Palestinians is not a secret anymore. The world knows it distinctly. But the ones accused as terrorists are Muslims instead.

But what's rather unbelievable is the attitude of Christians toward the atrocities of the Zionist Israel. Especially the attitude of the Christian religious figures. What denouncements are made by the Pope or Protestant chaplain against Ariel Sharon? Tzipi Livni? Or the founding fathers of Israel, David Ben Gurion, who openly admitted that the State of Israel can only be established as a result of the massacres of Muslim Palestinians in Deir Yassin. "Without Deir Yassin the State of Israel could never have been established" said David Ben Gurion- Israel's Prime Minister.

Why do the Christians always support every Jewish (Zionist) movement in the Islamic world? The latest fact that we can see is the alignment of the Vatican, the Western (Christian) countries and the various Christian communities in various parts of the world, with every barbaric act of the Zionist Israel. Didn't the Jews murder the Christian god (Jesus) on the cross?

Jewish-Christian Relation

Actually, for anyone who claims to be a Christian, if he has read the verses in the book of Talmud which talk about Jesus and his religion but is still supporting the Zionist-Jews, still helping Israel, still agreeing with the political attitudes of the Zionist Israel, then he has actually been engaging himself in despising his own religion, he has been engaging himself insulting Jesus.

The following are some excerpts from the book of Talmud, the Jewish holy book, with regards to Christianity and Jesus:

"On the eve of Passover, Jesus was hanged. For forty days before the execution took place, a herald went forth and cried, 'He is going forth to be stoned because he has practiced sorcery and enticed Israel to apostasy... he is a trickster, and therefore you should not pity him or condone his behavior.'" (Sanhedrin 43a).

"Jesus is in hell, being boiled in "hot excrement."" (Gittin 57a).

"Christians ("minim") and others who reject the Talmud will go to hell and be punished there for all generations." (Rosh Hashanah 17a).

"Those who read the New Testament will have no portion in the world to come and Jews must destroy the books of the Christians, i.e. the New Testament." (Shabbath 116a)

These are true "expressions of the day" of the Talmud regarding Jesus and the Christians. Allah SWT has said in many verses of the Qur'an, of how the Jews are an arrogant people, self-important, hostile to the believers, etc. Even the historical facts presented the Jews as known murderers of the prophets, the messengers of Allah SWT. The same goes with Prophet Isa (AS), who was fought against and had to endure the persecution by the Jews. A Hollywood director has made a film about the tyranny of the Jews in his work, "The Passion of Christ". In that film, we can see how Iblis (the devil) is always in the midst of the Jewish priests who had accursed Jesus.

The teachings of Jesus or Prophet Isa (AS) is nothing but to continue the teachings of Prophet Musa (AS) that has been so distorted by his people. Allah sent Prophet Isa (AS) only for the children of Israel, his teachings are not meant to be spread around the world.

And [mention] when Jesus, the son of Mary, said, "O children of Israel, indeed I am the messenger of Allah to you confirming what came before me of the Torah and bringing good tidings of a messenger to come after me, whose name is Ahmad (Muhammad)." (QS. Aş-Şaf: 6)

However, Paulus or Saul, a Jew from Tarsus, infiltrated the community of Prophet Isa (AS)'s disciples and changed the teachings of Prophet Isa (AS), which originally was only meant for his own people, to become an expansive religion.

Christian Alliance With Zionism

The gospel is the gospel of Scofield, invented by Cyrus Ingerson Scofield (born 19th August 1843). He was a veteran of the American civil war and not a religious expert, pastor or scholar at all. Scofield was no more than an adventurer who knew how to speak and thus could easily convince people. Typical of people like this that was later deemed suitable by the Zionists in fulfilling their mission to change the Christians' interpretation of the Bible, which would make the Christian world become an obedient sheep to anything done by the Zionist-Israel. Scofield's background itself shows that he came from a broken family, had criminal records and always deceived people.

In his Bible, Scofield was actually continuing the view of John N Darby which had generally been accepted by the mainstream evangelicalism and American Protestant fundamentalism. The Scofield Reference Bible later became the Bible of the Christian fundamentalists in America and in the world. In 1924, Scofield's most influential disciple, Lewis Sperry Chafer, founded the Dallas Theological Seminary, the American Theological School that was so eager to defend the Premillennial Dispensationalism view of Darby and Scofield's Bible, and what is also obvious, they are heavily defending the interests of Zionism. It is this kind of interpretation of the Bible that are produced in America, which are now spreading all over the world, including Indonesia, making Christians into supporting Israel.

Original article in Indonesian by: Hj Irena Handono*

*Irena Handono is an expert in Christology. She is a former nun who had converted to Islam and now heads the Irena Center institute, as well as being active as a female dai'e.

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Re: The Jew the Christians Hater.


Unread post by Thai » Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:50 am

this article may not be correct....? far as I know....Christians do not have any great love for Jews or Isreal----they simply believe that Jesus' secound comming will only happen when the Jews regain Israel and then Jesus will destroy all Christian Zionism is about making the 2nd comming happen----and has nothing to do with Jews (other than they will all be destroyed---along with every non-christian)

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Re: The Jew the Christians Hater.


Unread post by feelgud » Wed Aug 17, 2011 2:01 am

where were you thai,plz stay here and participate regularly.

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Re: The Jew the Christians Hater.


Unread post by Thai » Wed Aug 17, 2011 2:18 am

:D thanks

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Re: The Jew the Christians Hater.


Unread post by feelgud » Fri Aug 19, 2011 9:40 am

Thai wrote:---they simply believe that Jesus' secound comming will only happen when the Jews regain Israel and then Jesus will destroy all Christian Zionism is about making the 2nd comming happen---)
what basis do you have to make this statement? I mean anything from bible,or church.

I often wonder how jews and christians have more friendly relation than muslim and christians should have.

Religiously we respect mary,jesus[peace be upon them] whereas jews simply abuse them.isnt it?

will u please explain in detail.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: The Jew the Christians Hater.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Fri Aug 19, 2011 5:11 pm

A few quotes from 'Talmud' -

Gittin 69a . To heal his flesh a Jew should take dust that lies within the shadow of an outdoor toilet, mix it with honey and eat it.

Shabbath 41a. The law regulating the rule for how to urinate in a holy way is given.

Yebamoth 63a. Declares that agriculture is the lowest of occupations.

Sanhedrin 55b . A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically, three years "and a day" old).

Baba Mezia 59b. A rabbi debates God and defeats Him. God admits the rabbi won the debate.

Gittin 70a . The Rabbis taught: "On coming from a privy (outdoor toilet) a man should not have sexual intercourse till he has waited long enough to walk half a mile, because the demon of the privy is with him for that time; if he does, his children will be epileptic."

Toilet and excrement obsessions are laced throughout Talmud and were exhibited in Spielberg*s Schindler's List where the Hollywood director shows a Jewish child jumping through a toilet seat in an outhouse and falling into a pool of liquefied excrement. There the child meets two other Jewish children partially immersed who inform the interloper that this cesspool is their hiding spot exclusively and that he must find his own. These are the kind of disgusting and morbid, psychotic images which Jewish kids are exposed to constantly in the cinematic liturgy of Holocaustianity and for that matter, in the Talmud as well.

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Re: The Jew the Christians Hater.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Fri Aug 19, 2011 5:15 pm

Thu Dec 17, 10:13 AM
A handout picture released by the St Matthew-in-the-City Anglican church in Auckland shows an apparently naked Virgin Mary and Joseph in bed together. The billboard has sparked the ire of conservative Christians in New Zealand.

And can you guess who designed this sacrilege Christmas billboard, Who could it be but the Jews, That's right M&C Saatchi advertising company owned and run by the Jews.

WELLINGTON (AFP) - A church billboard showing an apparently naked Virgin Mary and Joseph in bed together has sparked the ire of conservative Christians in New Zealand.
On the poster a sad-looking Joseph lies next to Mary, whose face is turned heavenwards under the words: "Poor Joseph. God was a hard act to follow."

The billboard was erected outside the progressive St Matthew-in-the-City Anglican church in Auckland on Thursday.

St Matthews' vicar, Archdeacon Glynn Cardy, said the billboard was meant to challenge stereotypes about the way Jesus was conceived.

In the bible, the Virgin Mary becomes pregnant after an angel appears to her and tells her she will give birth to the son of God.

Cardy said the billboard was meant to challenge literal interpretations of the Bible.

"It is intended to challenge stereotypes about the way that Jesus was conceived and get people talking about the Christmas story," he said.

Conservative Christians have criticised the billboard as offensive.
Auckland Catholic Diocese spokeswoman Lyndsay Freer said the poster was disrespectful to the church.

"Our Christian tradition of 2,000 years is that Mary remains a virgin and that Jesus is the son of God, not Joseph," Freer told the New Zealand Herald.

"Such a poster is inappropriate and disrespectful."

One protester was so incensed, just hours after the unveiling of the poster, he climbed on top of his car and covered the images of Joseph and Mary with brown paint.

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Re: The Jew the Christians Hater.


Unread post by Thai » Sun Aug 21, 2011 12:07 am

Christian zionism---there are many ideas about the 2nd comming---christianity is very diverse---there are different combinations of "millenialism". Each Christian sect seems to have their own interpretation ---the one I described is mostly from the Evangelical sect---many of whom are Christian zionists-----they also have the idea that their "anti-Christ" is going to come from the middle east---which is why they are also enthusiastic about U.S. military adventures in the middle east. Not all Christians agree with these interpretations---as I said each sect has their own understanding.

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Re: The Jew the Christians Hater.


Unread post by Thai » Sun Aug 21, 2011 12:15 am

from my understanding---some Jews would not have any problem considering Jesus Christ(pbuh) as a Rabbi (rebel rabbi)---they object to the concept of him as a mesiah, as son of God, and as God --- as it goes against their "Shema" (Shema---belief in One God----sort of like Tawheed)
Likewise---some Jews would not have a problem accepting the Prophet Muhammed(pbuh) as an Arabian Prophet (one sent to the Arabs by God)--but they cannot accept him as a "Jewish" Prophet---since they believe their line of Prophets already ended.

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Re: The Jew the Christians Hater.


Unread post by feelgud » Tue Aug 23, 2011 3:08 am

thanks again . your post made many things clear.
now plz read it-

82 You will find that the bitterest in their enmity to the faithful are the Jews and the polytheists;
the nearest in affection to them are those who say, ‘We are Christians.’
That is because there are priests and monks among them; and because they are free from pride.
83When they listen to what has been sent down to the Messenger, you see their eyes overflowing with tears,because of the Truth they recognize.
They say, ‘Our Lord,we believe, so count us among those who bear witness.
84Why should we not believe in God and in the truth that has come down to us? We yearn for our Lord to admit us among the righteous.’ 85And for their words God will reward them with Gardens through which rivers flow,wherein they shall abide forever.That is the reward of those who do good. 86 But those who deny the truth and deny Our signs will become the inmates of Hell.[5-82-86]

what are your thoughts on the above revelations?
take your time but do reply :)

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Re: The Jew the Christians Hater.


Unread post by Thai » Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:23 am

I think the Quran is brilliant in its observation of the relation between the nature of humans and their actions. The Pagan Meccans were fighting the Muslims because their economy was threatened---they did not want to let go of the wealth and identity created by the trade and pilgrimage. It was their pride that prevented them from seeing sense. Judaism also has a very strong sense of identity---they consider themselves the "chosen people". Their Pride prevented them from seeing that the Prophet(pbuh) is the messenger from the One God they worship. There are verses in the Quran that reflect intimate knowledge of the Torah, midrash, gemarrah and rabbinical works of the Jewish tradition----the (knowledgeable)Jews who heard the Quran would have known without doubt---that such deep knowledge of their tradition could NOT have come from the Prophet(pbuh)----It would have taken him years of study. (apparently not all arab Jews of the time were familiar with their scriptures)
On the other hand the Christian Abysinnian king provided sanctuary for the persecuted Muslims and the Coptic church extended its hand in friendship to the Prophet(pbuh). So the Quran is pointing out that when we have too much pride---we cannot see the truth, and if we do see it, then we cannot accept it---but humility allows us to accept and benefit from the truth.

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Re: The Jew the Christians Hater.


Unread post by feelgud » Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:11 am

thanks for your response,well said.

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Re: The Jew the Christians Hater.


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Mon May 16, 2016 10:59 am

Jewish groups unite to defend Muslims from discrimination

from a bid to overcome resistance to building a mosque in New Jersey to defending a Muslim student at a military academy who wants to wear a hijab, Jewish groups this week joined efforts to stop anti-Muslim discrimination.
Nearly a dozen Jewish groups are also backing legislation against banning entry to Muslims, prompted by a proposal for such a ban by presidential candidate Donald Trump.
Also Wednesday, the American Jewish Committee called on The Citadel, a military college in South Carolina, to allow a Muslim student to wear a hijab. ... imination/

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Re: The Jew the Christians Hater.


Unread post by anajmi » Mon May 16, 2016 8:02 pm

These groups should unite to liberate the Palestinians.

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Re: The Jew the Christians Hater.


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Sun May 29, 2016 8:07 am

The number of Jews around the world is no more than 15 million, and despite their small number, their presence internationally and their influence – politically, scientifically, technically and economically – is manifold their number.

So, Jews winning 180 Nobel prizes in various sciences is not an accident or due to the strength of the Zionist lobby, or the West’s support for them – rather it is because religious and intellectual freedom allows them a vast space for creativity without fear of punishment. So, it is not strange for us to be less able to create knowledge or spread it, as the late researcher Abdelwahab Al-Meseeri said in his encyclopedia. Despite the majority of Jews’ conviction in the correctness of their beliefs, they are not affected by the criticism and ridicule they and their religious symbols receive, and the portrayal of them comically by the most famous comedians of the world, mostly Jews. Despite this, their religion has survived over 3,500 years! But for us, we find that a simple drawing drives us crazy and makes our blood boil, which does not boil even a day over all this backwardness that we are going through

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Re: The Jew the Christians Hater.


Unread post by anajmi » Sun May 29, 2016 5:13 pm

And despite being people of this great religion, they have to steal land from the lowly Palestinians and kill them by the thousands every two years to steal more of their land!!! Maybe the half chaddi jew sympathizers should invite them to live in their own country instead of stealing land from others?

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Re: The Jew the Christians Hater.


Unread post by SBM » Sun May 29, 2016 6:32 pm

qutub_mamajiwala wrote:The number of Jews around the world is no more than 15 million, and despite their small number, their presence internationally and their influence – politically, scientifically, technically and economically – is manifold their number.

So, Jews winning 180 Nobel prizes in various sciences is not an accident or due to the strength of the Zionist lobby, or the West’s support for them – rather it is because religious and intellectual freedom allows them a vast space for creativity without fear of punishment. /
And Hinduism has over 1 billion adherents worldwide (15% of world's population) and how many Nobel Prize winner?
So relatively speaking More Muslims have Nobel Prizes then Hindus and it is not coincidence. Despite the best efforts from Muslim haters like you and casting Islam in very negative light, still Islam has produced more intellectuals and Nobel PEACE prize winners (despite the lack of the West’s support for them – rather it is because religious and intellectual freedom allows them a vast space for creativity without fear of punishment.) then your so called TOLERANT HINDU majority of India or the world
Now our RSS Sympathizer will come up with the theory of political influence and irrelevancy of Nobel Prizes :x

ghulam muhammed
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Re: The Jew the Christians Hater.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun May 29, 2016 7:04 pm

SBM wrote:Now our RSS Sympathizer will come up with the theory of political influence and irrelevancy of Nobel Prizes
Although 42 percent of Nobel Peace Prize winners in the past 12 years have been Muslims but he will come up with a fictitious article from the Saffron brigade propaganda site "Satyavijay" to refute that claim and brand Muslims as terrorists !

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Re: The Jew the Christians Hater.


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Mon May 30, 2016 2:02 am

ghulam muhammed wrote:
SBM wrote:Now our RSS Sympathizer will come up with the theory of political influence and irrelevancy of Nobel Prizes
Although 42 percent of Nobel Peace Prize winners in the past 12 years have been Muslims but he will come up with a fictitious article from the Saffron brigade propaganda site "Satyavijay" to refute that claim and brand Muslims as terrorists !
i am not branding muslim as terrorist, it is the world branding them.
same world who gives nobel prize to muslims as per you.
so either muslims are wrong, or the world is wrong giving them nobel prize.(though noble prize is not a criteria and i didnt say jews are intelligent coz of nobel prize)

bro gm
ur resident wahabi friend, in context of muslim mayor of britain when i said he is not practising muslim, says but world sees him as a muslim. so world sees muslims as a terrorist also. does he or u agree?

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Re: The Jew the Christians Hater.


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Mon May 30, 2016 2:28 am

ghulam muhammed wrote:
SBM wrote:Now our RSS Sympathizer will come up with the theory of political influence and irrelevancy of Nobel Prizes
Although 42 percent of Nobel Peace Prize winners in the past 12 years have been Muslims but he will come up with a fictitious article from the Saffron brigade propaganda site "Satyavijay" to refute that claim and brand Muslims as terrorists !
well bro gm
u too come up with fictitious articles of muslim mirror, sabringa and so.
so why hate if alternative view or different view is presented.
after all it is pluralistic democratic society according to u . isnt it?
or u too want according to ur wahabi resident friend to be a muslim society or country where other peoples view should not be considered?
he has gone on record to state that non muslim should not have any say in any matters and by that extension should be considered second class citizen-- do u agree with it?
if yes then better state it on record(atleast be honest like ur wahabi friend) and come out in open to wage a war. if not then two articles single out each other--why get irritated?

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Re: The Jew the Christians Hater.


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Mon May 30, 2016 2:32 am

SBM wrote: – rather it is because religious and intellectual freedom allows them a vast space for creativity without fear of punishment.) then your so called TOLERANT HINDU majority of India or the world
bro sbm
i would really like to beleive this.
but sadly the facts are otherwise.
gud luck

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Re: The Jew the Christians Hater.


Unread post by anajmi » Mon May 30, 2016 1:20 pm

It is a tradition of the prophet (saw) that there will come a time when the world will stand united against the Muslims. The Quran says that the jews and christians will be united against the believers. Well, guess who he said would be victorious in the end? And the half chaddi sympathizer has chosen to side with the jews and the christians and even the hindus and anyone who stands against the Muslims. Well, more space for us in jannah!!

ghulam muhammed
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Re: The Jew the Christians Hater.


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon May 30, 2016 4:37 pm

qutub_mamajiwala wrote:u too come up with fictitious articles of muslim mirror, sabringa and so.
so why hate if alternative view or different view is presented.
There is a VAST difference between "Fictitious" articles and articles based on facts, evidences and proof. You have only the RSS propaganda machinery like their site Satyavijay to defend your case and vilify muslims whereas my posts are based from various sources and Sabrang is only one of them. BTW, I can understand your hatred for Sabrang because it is the only media outlet which has been most vocal against atrocities committed by half chaddi RSS and its political arm BJP and its exposures have led to many convictions also. No wonder Teesta Setalvad of Sabrang and Communalism Combat was relentlessly targeted by Modi and his other Muslim murderer friends no sooner BJP came to power. Hence, your hatred for these fearless media persons is not surprising as you are a known BJP/RSS/BJP/VHP sympathiser, in fact any tom, dick and harry who is anti-Muslim. BTW, have you started a campaign for Donald Trump for your friends and relatives in USA ? After all he should be your next idol after Modi and Mohan Bhagwat !

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Re: The Jew the Christians Hater.


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Tue May 31, 2016 2:01 am

your publications show only one side?
and btw i am not worried about america what happens there.
friends living there can take care about it.
no need to interfere there like them who live there and always interfere here.

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Re: The Jew the Christians Hater.


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Tue May 31, 2016 2:04 am

anajmi wrote:It is a tradition of the prophet (saw) that there will come a time when the world will stand united against the Muslims. The Quran says that the jews and christians will be united against the believers. Well, guess who he said would be victorious in the end? And the half chaddi sympathizer has chosen to side with the jews and the christians and even the hindus and anyone who stands against the Muslims. Well, more space for us in jannah!!
Quran did not say about muslims but amenu was saalehin.--those who believe and do gud deeds.
but u do not fit into it.

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Re: The Jew the Christians Hater.


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Tue May 31, 2016 2:14 am

ghulam muhammed wrote:
qutub_mamajiwala wrote:u too come up with fictitious articles of muslim mirror, sabringa and so.
so why hate if alternative view or different view is presented.
There is a VAST difference between "Fictitious" articles and articles based on facts, evidences and proof. You have only the RSS propaganda machinery like their site Satyavijay to defend your case and vilify muslims whereas my posts are based from various sources and Sabrang is only one of them. BTW, I can understand your hatred for Sabrang because it is the only media outlet which has been most vocal against atrocities committed by half chaddi RSS and its political arm BJP and its exposures have led to many convictions also. No wonder Teesta Setalvad of Sabrang and Communalism Combat was relentlessly targeted by Modi and his other Muslim murderer friends no sooner BJP came to power. Hence, your hatred for these fearless media persons is not surprising as you are a known BJP/RSS/BJP/VHP sympathiser, in fact any tom, dick and harry who is anti-Muslim. BTW, have you started a campaign for Donald Trump for your friends and relatives in USA ? After all he should be your next idol after Modi and Mohan Bhagwat !
it is the same bro like taimiyya ideology.
we are only muslims, others all are kafir.
and kafir should be killed, by hook or crook.

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Re: The Jew the Christians Hater.


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Tue May 31, 2016 7:46 am

anajmi wrote: Well, more space for us in jannah!!
with 72 virgins?

u do not have enough here?

btw it is not about them verses muslims, but between good versus bad.
and ur quran says bad will go to jannah, coz that is very slight sin compare to shirk.

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Re: The Jew the Christians Hater.


Unread post by anajmi » Tue May 31, 2016 2:32 pm

Actually the Quran and the Sunnah are pretty clear. The jews and the christians (including the hindus and the half chaddi supporters like you) have united against the muslims. Which muslims is the Quran referring to? Is it referring to the bohras? According to the half chaddi the bohras have assimilated in the hindu mainstream. The jews and the christians do not even know about the existence of a muslim sect called bohras. Even if they did, the Islam of the bohras poses no threat to them. So the muslims the prophet (saw) and the Quran are referring to are the sunnis and more so the wahhabis. Looks like the we are pretty clear on who is who!!

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Re: The Jew the Christians Hater.


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Wed Jun 01, 2016 2:06 am

best luck to you and for ur jannah.
anyways you people are living in hell here, so atleast u deserve --to be fair.
dil ko behlane ke liye ye khwab acchha hai.

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Re: The Jew the Christians Hater.


Unread post by humanbeing » Wed Jun 01, 2016 3:14 am

anajmi wrote:It is a tradition of the prophet (saw) that there will come a time when the world will stand united against the Muslims. The Quran says that the jews and christians will be united against the believers. Well, guess who he said would be victorious in the end? And the half chaddi sympathizer has chosen to side with the jews and the christians and even the hindus and anyone who stands against the Muslims.
Muslims thinks everyone is against them
Christians think everyone is against them
Hindus think everyone is against them
Jews think everyone is against them

Guess what, everyone think they are going to win and other is going to loose. Guess what, everyone thinks they are going to heaven and other is going to hell.

Isnt it simple to see through, how politics and religion is mixed to achieve personal gains, and here we are making sweeping generalizations of whose against whom.
anajmi wrote:Well, more space for us in jannah!!
Why would one worry for more space in jannah .. heaven & hell is not going to get crowded anytime .. it is a eternal, unending, limitless place (correct me if wrong)

It is amusing to see human effort in describing heaven, Jannat, swarg etc.. every religion says they are different and superior to another. Yet they have similar concept of salvation. Heaven up in the sky and hell deep beneath the land, heaven is a scenic landscape filled with river of milk and wine, rubies and diamonds, silk and sapphire, pain free, young good looking people walking around. While Hell is place of fire, burn, ugliness, agony, pain & suffering. Interestingly how to define beautiful and Ugly.

These description of heaven and hell looks more like musings of human fantasy of comfort / discomfort from physiological, mental and emotional hardships that one faces in the world. A narcissist’s eternal utopia.

“Us Against Them” has been a classic strategy to promote any ideology, it has been successful since many centuries and will continue to remain so.. people were fighting who is better 1400 years ago and earlier and will continue to fight forever. No religion will reach absolutism, because some one at sometime is gonna enforce difference.