Erasing the memory of past philanthropists

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
S. Insaf
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Erasing the memory of past philanthropists


Unread post by S. Insaf » Sat May 21, 2011 7:43 am

Dawoodi Bohras are made to be proud of the majestic building standing opposite Charni Road Railway Station in Mumbai. They are told that this is “Saifee Hospital” that their late Syedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb had dreamt of. But on this majestic building there is no sign board saying “Saifee Hospital” anywhere. This is something unusual, especially in a city like Mumbai, and for Dawoodi Bohra establishment, as they leave no opportunity in glorifying the name of their last two Syednas!

This is because the Supreme Court of India in its judgment delivered in 2000 has categorically stated that:

"The gates and entrances to the Sanatorium and Mosque portion of the building shall bear only the name of Sir Adamji Peerbhoy Sanatorium. The gates and entrances to the Hospital portion of the building will bear the name of Saifee Hospital on the gate posts and name of Sir Adamji Peerbhoy on the opposite gate posts, in letters of equal size and prominence. If the name of Saifee Hospital put up on any exterior surface of the Hospital Wing then the name of Sir Adamji Peerbhoy shall be placed alongside the same or one after the other with due regard to the aesthetics of the building with equal size and prominence."

This means that if Syedna Saheb's trustees put up a sign board of “Saifee Hospital” then they will also have to put up a sign board of "Sir Adamji Peerbhoy", a name which they are trying to erase from public memory and space.

Not only this, the cunning and dishonest trustees have played another trick. In the plans submitted to the Supreme Court the entrance to Sir Adamji Sanatorium was given in the rear of the building. Hence the Supreme Court had to order in its judgment that:

"The plans annexed to the Affidavit dated 8.10.1997 at Volume XIV pages 2237 to 2262 shall be amended to bring the entrance of the Sanatorium Wing to the front of the building facing Maharishi Karve Road."

The entrance of Sanatorium was shown in the plan at the rear of the building so as to make sure that it was not visible to the public. The Supreme Court had also imposed one more condition:

"Wings A and B of the Adamji Peerbhoy Sanatorium shall not be demolished unless and until a sum of Rs. One Crore is deposited by the trustees of the Saifee Hospital in a separate Bank Account to be opened for this purpose. The Trustees of Saifee Hospital are directed to complete the construction of the Sanitarium of minimum built-up area of 16,000 square feet within five years from the date of demolition of Sir Adamji Peerbhoy Sanatorium Trust's property"

From such specific and strict orders it is evident that the Highest Court of this country did not trust Sayedna Saheb's dishonest trustees, and was suspicious that they will do every thing possible to erase the memory of Sir Adamji Peerbhoy. That is why at one stage of the trial the Supreme Court even asked the trustees of Saifee Hospital to build the “Sir Adamji Peerbhoy Hospital” on the land of Sir Adamji Peerbhoy.

We know that till year 2000 an equally majestic sanatorium stood on this land which was built by the legendary Dawoodi Bohra philanthropist Sir Adamji Peerbhoy. He had purchased the land and constructed this sanatorium and the adjoining mosque in 1885 with his own money for the use and benefit of the members of his community. For his outstanding charitable work the 49th Dai, Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Saheb (the father of Syedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb) had conferred the title of “Rafiuddin” (high in religion) on Sir Adamji Peerbhoy.

During First and Second World Wars when prosperity came in the Dawoodi Bohra community due to increase in trading activities, many Dawoodi Bohra philanthropists like Sir Adamji Peerbhoy, Hasanali Dholkawala, Nooruddin Moriswala, Abdul Tayyab Maskati, Lukmanji Bootwala, Ismailji Machiswala, Adamji Jhanjaria, Karimjees, Jivanjees etc etc., created trusts and built several sanatorium, hospitals, musafarkhanas, mosques and educational institutions in the community. In last 100 years their names have been intentionally erased from the memory of Bohras, even though Bohras continue to enjoy the benefits their charities. Today these institutions have been named either "Saifee or Burhani" and are projected as "Ahsanat and Karam of Aqa Mola." Today Bohras hardly remember the names of our pioneer philanthropists. Their names have been successfully erased from public memory and public space.

It all began with Syedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb who actively downplayed the importance of past philanthropists in order to glorify his own image as "Shamshul-Duatul-Mutlaqueen" (Shining like Sun among all other Dais) and mark his era as “Golden Era”. And all this without contributing a penny from his side or from crores of rupees collected from the Bohras every year.

Sir Adamji Peerbhoy is lucky that his name still survives today albeit through court orders. His grandsons, late Advocate Abid Merchant and late Mr. Mansoor Jani fought in the courts of law for more than 30 years bearing considerable expense against the Bohra establishment’s devilish design to erase the name of their grandfather. But in the case of other philanthropists, they were not so lucky. Their heirs, willingly or unwillingly submitted to the coercion of the establishment. Thanks to the efforts of Sir Adamji's grandsons, Saifee Hospital trustees are still Sir Adamji's lessee and even today Sir Adamji Peerbhoy is the actual owner. Sir Adamji Peerbhoy's sanatorium also exists in his own name. His mosque and his dargah in the compound of his mosque are still in existence.

That is why in the final judgment the Supreme Court thought it necessary to define the Dawoodi Bohra beneficiaries of Hospital and Sanatorium. The order thus specifies:

"......Dawoodi Bohras regardless of whether they have taken the Oath of Allegiance (misaq) or not and regardless of whether they have been excommunicated or not."

Syedna Saheb's dishonest trustees are trying to hide this fact from the community as you can see from a huge board put up on the front façade of Saifee Hospital building on the occasion of so-called 100th Birthday of Syedna Saheb. It reads as:-

Medical Staff
and Employees
Respectfully offer
on his 100th Milad (Birthday)
25th March, 2011-20th Rabi-al-Akhar

Please note the mention of “APS TRUST”. The dishonest trustees of Syedna Saheb want to hide the name of Adamji Peerbhoy Sanatorium from public by abbreviating it as APS Trust. They would have omitted mentioning APS TRUST altogether, but they were under compulsion to do so. According to the Supreme Court order they cannot mention '”Saifee Hospital” anywhere without mentioning “Sir Adamji Peerbhoy” with it. But still it is a violation of the court order as the court has asked to write the name of Sir Adamji Peerbhoy Sanatorium Trust in full.

We are seeking clarification for this under the Right to Information Act, and our solicitors in New Delhi already working on it. It would be interesting to see how they wriggle out of this one.


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Re: Erasing the memory of past philanthropists


Unread post by Doctor » Sat May 21, 2011 8:55 am

Dear brother Insaf sahab,

Thanks a ton for bringing above to the knowledge of common Dawoodi Bohras.

May Almighty Allah bless you for this.

Hope you have started working on your promise to write a book - the collection of all ills and evils and anti-Fatimi Dawat acts of Kothar.

Best regards,

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Re: Erasing the memory of past philanthropists


Unread post by labbaikyaHussain » Sat May 21, 2011 10:20 am

shezada's room are renovated every 3 months in this saifi hospital(I know this coz one of couzin work with the contractor who does this renovations)...I wonder how on earth they need this renovation and on which money they are doing all this aiyashi?

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Re: Erasing the memory of past philanthropists


Unread post by labbaikyaHussain » Sat May 21, 2011 10:38 am

if this is all zakat money then i am sure they are in big shiit...

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Re: Erasing the memory of past philanthropists


Unread post by ozmujaheed » Wed May 25, 2011 6:27 am

SI excellent article , what a sad situation we are in,

even in Husains Karbala zikr we acknowledge the shaheeds sacrifice yet the 51st wanted to get all the glory for himself

who ever fought the case for Sir AP what an achievement

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Erasing the memory of past philanthropists


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Wed May 25, 2011 6:20 pm

Insaf saab,

It will be interesting to know as to how the 51st dai grabbed saifee mahal which was once Adamji Peerbhoy's residence. A detailed account of the same will create awareness amongst the present day abdes, especially the youngsters who know nothing about the contributions of the past bohra philanthropists.

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Re: Erasing the memory of past philanthropists


Unread post by accountability » Thu May 26, 2011 1:33 pm

Insaf saheb you are doing an excellent job, acknowledging your perseverence, courage, and determination to stand alone and tall against goliath empire. Many people like me do not gather enough courage to call spade a spade, and are restrained by social and cultural and kinship obligations.
Our community has lost true identity and now just members of a personality cult. we have killed our self respect and adopted slavery and degradation.
OUr administration has successfully suppressed Adamji Pirbhoy syndrome. They will not let any road or bridge built to any free place, as do the Sardars and Khans of Balochistan. Voices like yours are rare.
Please get them to cough up the abreviation of APS. When you get that letter kindly publish it on this site.

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Re: Erasing the memory of past philanthropists


Unread post by londonwala » Fri May 27, 2011 4:18 am

The dawat discourages philanthropy by any bohra unless it is channelled through the dawat. When rich bohras give large sums for a project the name of the resultant project or building is usually that of the dai. When syedna gives large sums to projects it is with money that has been collected, sometimes forcefully, from ordinary bohras, rich and poor. Of course, large amounts of the money donated are siphoned off to the bhai sahebs and kothar.

Dawat has forced most orthodox bohras to lose the quality of true generosity. That is because we give so much in wajibaat, sabeel, jaman contributions, and other contributions that we have nothing left to give. Orthodox bohras are brought up thinking that generosity is only shown by giving money to bhai sahebs and kothar and their schemes. I often hear bohras being derided as stingy by other bohras because they did not participate in a ziyafet, they do not do enough darees, do not do salaam to the bhai sahebs and sheikhs on Eid, do not give enough wajibaat, etc. All these are money making schemes for the establishment. It would be nice if bohras could spend their own hard earned money on themselves and on their homes and families, and in giving donations to good causes. They can show generosity and hospitality by inviting people to their homes. I mean ordinary people, not kothar. Ordinary people show gratitude at being invited, they invite you back to their home in return. If you give a darees then kothar demand money to come to your house, treat you like a servant and give you nothing in return.

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Re: Erasing the memory of past philanthropists


Unread post by labbaikyaHussain » Fri May 27, 2011 5:15 am

londonwala wrote:The dawat discourages philanthropy by any bohra unless it is channelled through the dawat. When rich bohras give large sums for a project the name of the resultant project or building is usually that of the dai. When syedna gives large sums to projects it is with money that has been collected, sometimes forcefully, from ordinary bohras, rich and poor. Of course, large amounts of the money donated are siphoned off to the bhai sahebs and kothar.

Dawat has forced most orthodox bohras to lose the quality of true generosity. That is because we give so much in wajibaat, sabeel, jaman contributions, and other contributions that we have nothing left to give. Orthodox bohras are brought up thinking that generosity is only shown by giving money to bhai sahebs and kothar and their schemes. I often hear bohras being derided as stingy by other bohras because they did not participate in a ziyafet, they do not do enough darees, do not do salaam to the bhai sahebs and sheikhs on Eid, do not give enough wajibaat, etc. All these are money making schemes for the establishment. It would be nice if bohras could spend their own hard earned money on themselves and on their homes and families, and in giving donations to good causes. They can show generosity and hospitality by inviting people to their homes. I mean ordinary people, not kothar. Ordinary people show gratitude at being invited, they invite you back to their home in return. If you give a darees then kothar demand money to come to your house, treat you like a servant and give you nothing in return.

S. Insaf
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Re: Erasing the memory of past philanthropists


Unread post by S. Insaf » Fri May 27, 2011 9:16 am

Dear Ghulam Mohammad,
I have already written about Peerbhoy Palace converting Saifee Mahal in some other thread. I remember you had ask me earlier also.

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Re: Erasing the memory of past philanthropists


Unread post by seeker110 » Fri May 27, 2011 4:22 pm

I never get tired of reading about our giants

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Re: Erasing the memory of past philanthropists


Unread post by like_minded » Sat May 28, 2011 12:58 am

Superb work Insaf bhai!!! Well done!!

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Re: Erasing the memory of past philanthropists


Unread post by dawak » Mon May 30, 2011 1:25 pm

Nice article and info ... all these years in the bohra community and I had never heard of the name before ....

I guess this wikipage is about the same person??

If yes, then it would be great if you could update this article, since when I tried to search for more info on Sir Adamjee on web after reading your article, I could find none, and this wiki page doesnt have enough info.

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Re: Erasing the memory of past philanthropists


Unread post by Admin » Mon May 30, 2011 1:37 pm

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Re: Erasing the memory of past philanthropists


Unread post by Humsafar » Tue May 31, 2011 1:06 pm

Found this news item on the Internet. It show how the mafia clergy has been after the sanitorium property for a long time.

Syedna accused of `commercialising' charity
S Hussain Zaidi

July 9: The head priest of the Dawoodi Bohra community, Syedna Burhanuddin, and some of his relatives have been accused of forging documents to usurp a prime property admeasuring 5,278 sq yards opposite Charni Road station. The property is worth over Rs 250 crore. The property, which belongs to the Sir Adamjee Peerbhoy Charitable Trust, comprises Saifee Hospital, a sanitorium, two dilapidated buildings, the tomb of Sir Adamjiee Peerbhoy and a mosque. The trustees have been accused of trying to commercially exploit the property.

Syedna and his family members, who hold important positions on the trust, however have denied the allegations and have accused vested interests of making such charges out of personal animosity to His Holiness Syedna Burhanuddin.

Established in 1884 by a philanthropist, Sir Adamjee Peerbhoy, the trust was declared bankrupt in 1930 and was taken over by Saifee Hospital Society. Surprisingly, the trustees of both Peerbhoy Trust and the Saifee Society are the same: Sayed Ebrahim Saifuddin, Dr Yusuf Najmuddin, Ali Asgar Kalimuddin and Ismail Kanga. Most of them were either relatives of the Syedna or his close friends.

Soon after the takeover, the society interpolated two paragraphs in the constitution of the Adamjee Peerbhoy Trust. This interpolation, apart from regularising the occupation of Wing C of the sanitorium (a property of the Adamjee Peerbhoy Trust) by the Saifee society, also gave overwhelming powers to the Syedna to run the trust. It empowered him to unilaterally dismiss or appoint a trustee. Though Syedna is not part of either the trust or the society, he heads both of them by virtue of being a religious head.

Having established a vice-like grip on the trust, in 1963 (20 years before the expiry of the original lease), the trustees applied for renewal of lease on commercial terms. This was unusual for a trust which had restricted its activities to charity for a long time.

Two years later, another application was made to the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (then the Bombay Municipal Corporation) to build a commercial complex-cum-hospital. However, the plan was rejected by the BMC as it required demolition of a mosque and desecration of Sir Admajee's Tomb. The increase in the floor space index (FSI) sought by the trust by including 2,544 square yards of a Bohra cemetery and a freehold plot in the construction plan was also denied by the BMC.

In 1972, the Saifee Society sought permission from the charity commissioner to sub-lease the trust's land to it. However, this move was objected to by Advocate Abid Merchant on behalf of the Dawoodi Bohra Jamaat and a stay was obtained in 1976. However, the Saifee Society came up with a back-dated agreement with the Adamjee Peerbhoy Trust which included a clause that empowered it to lease the trust's properties ``to any person or persons, including a limited company or a cooperative housing society or other incorporated body nominated by the lessees or their assigns.''

The matter went to the high court and then to the Supreme Court in 1993. The apex court upheld the stay, which continues till today.

While the crime branch is seized of the case, senior officials are not willing to talk about it. The jamat had filed a case against the Syedna and his relatives in September last year. Joint Commissioner of Police (crime) Ranjit Singh Sharma told Express Newsline, ``The case is very much under investigation, though we have not been able to decide about the course of action to be's a sensitive matter.''

Copyright © 1997 Indian Express Newspapers (Bombay) Ltd. ... 50823.html

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Re: Erasing the memory of past philanthropists


Unread post by dawak » Tue May 31, 2011 6:36 pm

Admin wrote:You can find more information about Adamjee Peerbhoy here: ... f=1&t=4235

Thanks Admin, for the links. I had already found these while browsing, and they are very informative. However, I still feel that a good update of the corresponding wiki page might make info about Sir Adamjee more accessible. It is good to know that there have been great men among DB's who have helped the community at large, without any desire for higher status or establishing themselves as god-on-earth etc. I wish more people from the community knew about his efforts.

S. Insaf
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Re: Erasing the memory of past philanthropists


Unread post by S. Insaf » Sun Jun 26, 2011 2:24 pm

Late Syedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb living in a small room of dilapidated house in the dark and dirty lane of Zanpa Bazar Surat could have not become a multimillionaire with a vast financial empire in a short time without claiming the ownership of the Dawoodi Bohra Community’s trusts and properties and wealth. Though this claim was out rightly rejected by Bombay High Court in 1917 but he continued to have his absolute control over the Community’s trusts and properties and wealth.
Since no Dai before him had ever made such fantastic claim and tried to control communal wealth and properties it was not easy for late Syedna Saheb to get them in his absolute control without using pressure tactics and force.
After taking control of the community’s fund and properties their original documents were destroyed and their history erased. I had obtained a list of Dawoodi Bohra (or Daudi Vohra) Trust registered with the Charity Commissioner – Bombay in 1998. There were more than 273 Charitable Trust and 3 public Trust namely His Holiness Dr. Syedna Taher Saifuddin Memorial Trust, Saifee Foundation Trust and Dawat-e-Hadiyah Property Trust. In the files of these 273 Charitable Trusts schedule 1 and schedule 2 papers have been removed. The trustees, purpose and movable and immovable assets are recorded in these schedules.
But I was lucky to get a copy of book of 182 pages from late Rustom bhai Mamooji. This is “The Report of Dawoodi Bohra Waqf and Trust properties for 4 years” prepared by The Dawoodi Bohra Waqf & Trust Welfare Association in 1937. It was compiled and published by the Association’s secretary Mr. T. M. Mandviwala.
This book has record of some important Dawoodi Bohra Trusts and Properties that were usurped by 1937.
I will give in brief the forgotten history of these trusts and trust properties on by one.
First let us see the brief history of Faiz-e-Husani Trust:
Sir Adamji Peerbhoy went to Macca for Hajj and then to Madina, Najaf and Karbala with Miyasaheb Enayat Husain Mubarakpuri and others. He personally experienced hardships that common Bohras used to face in these places – passport, permission, travel, boarding and lodging in foreign land. Allah had given Sir Adamji wealth along with extraordinary qualities of heart and mind. So on one hand he ordered construction of Bohra Rubats in these holy places on other hand from Karbala he went to Karachi via Yemen and inspired Seth Alibhoy Karimji Alvi and Shaikh Esabhoy Adamji to form a trust which can provide all basic facilities to Bohra pilgrims and contributed a sum of twenty five rupees from his pocket.
Thus in 1897 Seth Alibhoy Karimji Alvi and Shaikh Esabhoy Adamji established “Faiz-e-Husaini Trust” which was registered on 6th August 1897. The initial unmovable properties of the trust were worth Rs. 1,53,150 which increased to more than 30 laks rupees by 1937. The trust had already established offices in Karachi, Bombay, Basra, Baghdad, Karbala, Madagascar and Zanzibar.
To show the modus operandi employed by the late Syedna Saheb to get the communal properties in his name and ownership I am quoting the following from the Memorandum submitted to the Governor to Bombay, Sir Leslie Wilson:

There is in Karachi a Trust by name Faiz-e-Huseini, which was founded about 35 years ago on a small scale. A trust Deed with really fine conditions was drawn up by some honest and sincere good Bohra gentleman of Karachi. During the last 35 years its management was so good, and it did such an enormous amount of good to the community and the Trustees created such confidence in the Community, that within the short period of 35 years the Trust, through it was started on a small scale of about 10 to 15 thousand rupees, has grown today enormously, become possessed of properties and other things of the value of 30 to 35 lacs of rupees. The trustees themselves carried on their affairs quietly and peacefully without interference or authority over them from any of the three predecessors in title of the present Mullaji. About 6 months ago, when the Mullaji last went to Karachi, he sent round his agents to the Trustees, firstly in asking to insert a clause in the Trust Deed that the Trustees cannot do any on a vacancy of trustee no trustee could be appointed without his approval. As the trustees had no authority to do this, the Mullaji started coercion. The trustees to save the Mullaji’s molestation and wrath took legal advice, and the advice was that their action would be illegal and they would be civilly and criminally liable as the Trust Deed prohibited the interference of any one other than the Trustees. The threat of the Mullaji increased and he demanded that the trustees should transfer the whole concern, including all estate and properties, to his name. As the Karachi legal advisers of the trustees did not advise them to comply with the Mullaji’s demand, the Mullaji instructed his solicitors in Bombay on behalf of the Trustees to draw up a deed transferring all properties and everything to the Mullaji’s name. When the document went to Karachi, the Mullaji’s emissaries went to the Trustees, coercing and threatening them to sign the deed under the pain of ex-communication. To save himself from the Punishment of the Mullaji prescribed in the manipulated Meesak, the president of the Trustees, Yusufaly Alibhoy Karimji, resigned. There after the feast of the Community was held at the Jamatkhana and a crier loudly proclaimed that no Bohra should go out of the Jamatkhana. There were only two trustees in the Jamatkhana out of none. One of them under Meesak said that the “Mullaji was Malik and Dhani and we hereby transfer the whole concern of Faiz-e-Huseini to our august Master Mullaji.” Within a minute it was declared that the Jamat had passed a resolution, and 10 or 15 Bohras waited upon the Mullaji and told him that by their resolution the whole concern of Faiz-e-Huseini was transferred to him. The memorandum further continued. “Thus the biggest charitable institution is swallowed up by the Mullaji. We humbly request you, Excellently to inquire into this matter by reference to the Collector of Karachi, and Your Excellency and the Government of Bombay will be horrified to learn from the Collector of Karachi what kind of tricks and dangerous games were played by the Mullaji with Faiz-e-Huseini knowing full well the law of the country.”