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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 7:00 am
by james
SBM wrote:
Do you endorse his views?
By all means, I am part of that group with Bohraji who works with him helping the poor in Ahmedabad.
Do you have multiple ids ? That was a question posed to DisillusionedDB.

If not,I would rather watch paint dry than ask you about your weird opinions. :wink:

Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 7:01 am
by SBM
Like I said
Moron like you can only compare the Caliphs and their life style with the current life style of Syedna.. Kapish..

Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 7:05 am
by SBM
james wrote:
SBM wrote: By all means, I am part of that group with Bohraji who works with him helping the poor in Ahmedabad.
Do you have multiple ids ? That was a question posed to DisillusionedDB.

If not,I would rather watch paint dry than ask you about your weird opinions. :wink:
I deleted my comment since it was addressed to DisilussionedDB which is 99% of the ABdes and AMtes...

Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 7:06 am
by Bohra spring
Why drag the Prophet. SAW in our tussles especially when making examples. The Quran forbids us from mocking the Prophets.

Please use another example . And please don't use the the word Auzobillah haters before the honourable Prophets name.

Secondly don't ever raise the calibre or compare the respect of a mortal human priest Mufadal to that of the Prophet. SaW .. He does not even remotely resemble Him !

Now you may ignore my caution ..then Be prepared for the consequences. I can only remind you...but the Quran is my witness.
Sahih International
And already were messengers ridiculed before you, but those who mocked them were enveloped by what they used to ridicule.
But, [on the contrary], We have provided good things for these [disbelievers] and their fathers until life was prolonged for them. Then do they not see that We set upon the land, reducing it from its borders? So it is they who will overcome?

Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 7:51 am
by DisillusionedDB
james wrote:
DisillusionedDB wrote:Let's assume for a moment that the wajebat funds are not misused and each and every rupee is used for the welfare of the bohra community. Even in this scenario, we still have to admit there is poverty (abject poverty, in some cases) in our community and even all the funds at the Dai's disposal are not enough to remove the poverty. So, if some people wish to contribute over and above their wajebat and sincerely help the momins in need, then what's the harm ? Charity does not need any raza nor does the person receiving charity bothered about its source as he/she is busy struggling to eke out a living.
If you believe the receiver wouldn't care then what is the harm in telling them that the money comes from people who believe that the Syedna TUS is misusing zakah (Nauzobillah) ?

The problem is putting down others to legitimize one's own pet project.bohraji is trying to take people away from Haq by saying don't pay zakah to Maula TUS because it gets misused.(Nauzobillah) Do you endorse his views?
My dear friend ... Don't tell me that whenever you give anything in charity, you always tell the receiver your details and sources of funds. Charity is charity ... one does not need to divulge the source. I still cannot understand why you want to doubt / question / derail good work done by others. If you wish to gain barakat by involving yourself in this charity work, you are most welcome and if you don't want to be a part of it, the least you could do is NOT abuse others who are doing it. And by the way, everyone here (including you) "know" how they are used or misused in reality. You don't need special glasses to see the ultra lavish lifestyles of the community heads when there are poor people struggling even for one square meal a day.

Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 7:56 am
by DisillusionedDB
And yes, I do wish to be a part of the commendable charitable work done by Bohraji et al.

Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 11:04 am
by Humsafar
Welcome to the forum, DisillusionedDB. Hope you stick around and don't get scared by jimmy boy.
People like him will keep snapping at your heels. If you can't ignore them at least feel pity for them, for their's is a lousy calling: defending the indefensible. They also unintentionally provide entertainment for us - how they jump through hoops of reason and logic and common sense and how they twist themselves into pretzels when it comes to Bohra scriptures and traditions. They perform all these trick for free to defend their master and his many failings. Life has not been kind to them. At least we can be.

Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 11:09 am
by fustrate_Bohra
Ok james let say ms is not using our hard earned money on his lavish lifestyle so tell us from where he earn money to do following

1) Purchase properties across globe
2) Travel on Private jets
3) Hunting in his liesure time
4) Expensive cars
5) Investment done in multiple projects the biggest eg is SBUT

Secondly you compare ms with rasoolallah please give us one and only one quality of ms which you think matches with rasulallah.

Jamesbhai reply logically and honestly because there are thousands of readers on this forum who are interested to know their source of income and lavish lifestyle (which is opposite to that of rasulallah and ahlebait).

I know jamesbhai may require help so others like-minded can help him to come up with LOGICAL reasoning.

Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 11:19 am
by anajmi
Unfortunately for jamea james, the one thing that he cannot say in defense of his corrupt master is - "My Master will help all the mumineen in Ahmedabad who have immense love for him and there is no need for my master's haters to help them".

Cause he knows his master better than we do and he knows that his master will die before he will part with his ill gotten wealth for his immense loving mumineen!!

Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 11:48 am
by DisillusionedDB
Humsafar wrote:Welcome to the forum, DisillusionedDB. Hope you stick around and don't get scared by jimmy boy.
People like him will keep snapping at your heels. If you can't ignore them at least feel pity for them, for their's is a lousy calling: defending the indefensible. They also unintentionally provide entertainment for us - how they jump through hoops of reason and logic and common sense and how they twist themselves into pretzels when it comes to Bohra scriptures and traditions. They perform all these trick for free to defend their master and his many failings. Life has not been kind to them. At least we can be.
Scared ? LOL .. that's a laugh riot. I am not new to this forum and am very well aware of some people who try to derail every topic with nonsensical arguments which are sometimes so absurd that they couldn't even stand on crutches if they wanted to. Actually, you are right .. I do pity them because of the sin that they commit by abusing anyone and everyone who doesn't subscribe to their views.

Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 1:26 pm
by james
DisillusionedDB wrote:
james wrote: If you believe the receiver wouldn't care then what is the harm in telling them that the money comes from people who believe that the Syedna TUS is misusing zakah (Nauzobillah) ?

The problem is putting down others to legitimize one's own pet project.bohraji is trying to take people away from Haq by saying don't pay zakah to Maula TUS because it gets misused.(Nauzobillah) Do you endorse his views?
My dear friend ... Don't tell me that whenever you give anything in charity, you always tell the receiver your details and sources of funds. Charity is charity ... one does not need to divulge the source. I still cannot understand why you want to doubt / question / derail good work done by others. If you wish to gain barakat by involving yourself in this charity work, you are most welcome and if you don't want to be a part of it, the least you could do is NOT abuse others who are doing it. And by the way, everyone here (including you) "know" how they are used or misused in reality. You don't need special glasses to see the ultra lavish lifestyles of the community heads when there are poor people struggling even for one square meal a day.
Again,my objection to bohraji's post was regarding his baseless false accusations regarding Maula TUS.

How hard is it to stop at "Hey people,I personally know some mumineen who have fallen in hard times in Ahmedabad where I reside.There is so and so person needing such and such surgery.There are x number of people requiring z medicines regularly.ABC cannot afford school textbooks and whatnot.If anyone of you can partake in this noble deed to help fellow mumineen,you are most welcome to.In fact,I implore you to help me with this project.If you are worried about your identity getting compromised,don't be.If you are worried regarding the accountability,then so and so fellow forumer (SBM in this case ) will answer all your questions and it will be 100% transparent.I beseech all of you again to take a glance and spread the word for the rewards in helping fellow mumineen are countless."


One doesn't need to go on the whole Anti-Maula Charade to do charity.And I would appreciate if you wouldn't speak on my behalf.You feel your zakah is being misused,There is only one solution.Stop giving it.Don't be two faced.You know what Quran says about being two faced.Perhaps if Bohra Spring could oblige by posting the relevant ayah about being two faced.He is on a spree! I kid you not. :lol:

Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:22 pm
by alam
James, it's people like you and your comments that trigger far more "anti-maula" sentiment. You add far more fuel to the fire to turn it into a spiraling blaze.

You are your own worst munaafiq.

Save yourself from more ghunaa.

Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:25 pm
by alam
Admin, kindly block this thread from further comments, until bohraji is ready to give out info on How To Donate

Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:43 pm
by SBM
To all
Asalam U Alekum
I and other members who in the past have worked to collect donations to help less fortunate amongst us have received many inquiries about donation.
In the past Admin had opened a special DONATE for poverty and people were able to donate it thru PayPal. In the past we were able to transfer all the funds without any problem but due to recent regulations in India and many Western Countries, we are working to find an organization (which we can trust) in India who can legally accept our donations. Inshallaha we should be able to get some response in next few days.
In the meantime people who reside in India can make donation by contacting Bohraji on PM and he will provide the necessary information for deposits. The problem right now is for people who are based in Western as well as Middle Eastern Countries.
Despite all these negativeness by James, mashallaha almost ONE LAKH rupees have been collected and efforts are being made to distribute food packets as well clothes for deserving families so they can have new clothes to celebrate Eid.
I want to thank everyone who is writing and pledging and others who have already deposited. Currently Brother Hussain_KSA, Admin, myself and Br Asad are the overseers of the account beside Bohraji who is playing the major role of identifying the needy and make sure they receive every penny donated.
May Allaha reward all of those who are generously contributing and others who are waiting to contribute once our logistics are in place.
SBM and others

Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 12:52 am
by Maqbool
james wrote:
Maqbool wrote:All who are concerned about poverty in our community, I request ignore james. He is here to do fitna. He knows very well that major part of vajebat money is not reaching to the needy and he also knows that if mumeneen start giving charities like this his master's income will be reduced. This is the reason he is discouraging.

Those who are in need of money for medical, food, education or for any other purpose will never bother that where this money has come from. they only see the intention of the donor and nothing else.

Do you believe Anti-Maula tirade is necessary to encourage people to give to charity of your choice?Like I said,it is one thing to appeal people to give to charity but quite another to put down others based on hearsay and wild allegations.

Here,I have an experiment for you.Go to any Masjid (Not necessarily Bohra's),say you want to make a donation and tell them the said money has come from Rasulullah SAW haters. Do report back with your findings.
Yes you are right if I go to donate by saying this is from Rasulullah SAW haters they will not spare me. But you are forgetting that Rasulullah SAW is not alive and his life time he has never avoided query against jakat he has collected. He has not even spared his family members to even eat a single khajoor from baitul mal. Your comparison with to days diee is sin.

Please go to your jamat and ask how much vajebat they have collected and how much they have received from daee to distribute as muvasat? In first place you are not suppose to ask such questions and if you ask you will be treated as munafakin. This is the reality.

What Bohraji has said in his post is nothing wrong. Every body knows that from jakat money it is not reaching to the needy, and by knowing if we keep silence it will be gunah and you are doing the same.

The needy who except the donation are well aware that their haq is not distributed properly by their diee and because of people like bohraji they get some relief in their day to day strangling.

I appeal to all like minded people to give a thought on this matter and act as per you conscious. Remember by knowing that the money you are giving is not used for the purpose and giving will not attract any swab.

Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 4:54 am
by Dr Fatema
Some straight forward questions by "fustrate_Bohra" . Need straight forward answers "James".
fustrate_Bohra wrote:Ok james let say ms is not using our hard earned money on his lavish lifestyle so tell us from where he earn money to do following

1) Purchase properties across globe
2) Travel on Private jets
3) Hunting in his liesure time
4) Expensive cars
5) Investment done in multiple projects the biggest eg is SBUT

Secondly you compare ms with rasoolallah please give us one and only one quality of ms which you think matches with rasulallah.

Jamesbhai reply logically and honestly because there are thousands of readers on this forum who are interested to know their source of income and lavish lifestyle (which is opposite to that of rasulallah and ahlebait).

I know jamesbhai may require help so others like-minded can help him to come up with LOGICAL reasoning.

Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 3:42 am
by james
Dr Fatema wrote:Some straight forward questions by "fustrate_Bohra" . Need straight forward answers "James".
fustrate_Bohra wrote:Ok james let say ms is not using our hard earned money on his lavish lifestyle so tell us from where he earn money to do following

1) Purchase properties across globe
2) Travel on Private jets
3) Hunting in his liesure time
4) Expensive cars
5) Investment done in multiple projects the biggest eg is SBUT

Secondly you compare ms with rasoolallah please give us one and only one quality of ms which you think matches with rasulallah.

Jamesbhai reply logically and honestly because there are thousands of readers on this forum who are interested to know their source of income and lavish lifestyle (which is opposite to that of rasulallah and ahlebait).

I know jamesbhai may require help so others like-minded can help him to come up with LOGICAL reasoning.
Dr Fatema,

There was a reason for ignoring that pathetic post.The reason being the onus/burden of proof lies on the person who is making such accusations.Speculation and heresay gets you nowhere.One allegedly receives 2-3 pictures of a bungalow on whatsapp and then another with intent of mischief adds a caption to it claiming it has been purchased for 170 crores.And based on that propaganda,it gets concluded without evidence that money gets misused.Logical fallacy is just that,logical fallacy.

And regarding private jets and whatnot,one can also assume it has been taken care by a khidmatguzar.But at the end of the day,it will be an assumption and nothing more.

Even if I knew the name of so and so person performing khidmat of say,so and so hunting trip or travel expenses,I will not disclose because the next retort by the likes of fustrate_Bohra will be w.r.t posting proof of the same.When it should be the other way around.

I have deliberately avoided the question on comparison of quality because it is a subjective matter.

A very simple way to avoid all this heartburn is to look inwards and answer a very simple question. "Do you believe in the seat of Dai Mutlaq and that the Nass has been conferred upon him ? "If your answer is No,then find a different person of authority to follow.If your answer is Yes, then rest assured lest you become the likes of Dhul Khuwaisara.

Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 4:47 am
by zinger
James bhai,

Do you know what causes even more heartburn???

It is to believe in the seat of Dai Mutlaq and that the Nass has been rightfully conferred upon Mufaddal Maula but even then wonder why is he doing what he is.

Burhanuddin Maula (RA) always asked people on the fringes to come back to him, Mufaddal Maula is doing the opposite.
Burhanuddin Maula (RA) always wanted women to get educated and Quom nu naam aagal kare, Mufaddal Maula is doing the opposite.
Burhanuddin Maula (RA) always preached love and togetherness, Mufaddal Maula is doing the opposite. We hate the reformists, agree, i have ideological differences with them too, but did Burhanuddin Maula ever talk about them the way Mufaddal Maula does?
Burhanuddin Maula (RA) never had to force people to prove their loyalty to him. Mufaddal Maula had to with his signature campaign. Why did he have to force people to sign?
Burhanuddin Maula (RA) never sent Saheb E Dawat to peoples houses asking people to pay money Mufaddal Maula did.

Mind you, im not rooting for ex-Mazun Maula. Far from it, i have given my Misaq to Mufaddal Maula, but then i cannot overlook these points. and this is what gives me more heartburn

Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 7:41 am
by humanbeing
zinger wrote: Do you know what causes even more heartburn???

It is to believe in the seat of Dai Mutlaq and that the Nass has been rightfully conferred upon Mufaddal Maula but even then wonder why is he doing what he is.

Burhanuddin Maula (RA) always asked people on the fringes to come back to him, Mufaddal Maula is doing the opposite.
Burhanuddin Maula (RA) always wanted women to get educated and Quom nu naam aagal kare, Mufaddal Maula is doing the opposite.
Burhanuddin Maula (RA) always preached love and togetherness, Mufaddal Maula is doing the opposite. We hate the reformists, agree, i have ideological differences with them too, but did Burhanuddin Maula ever talk about them the way Mufaddal Maula does?
Burhanuddin Maula (RA) never had to force people to prove their loyalty to him. Mufaddal Maula had to with his signature campaign. Why did he have to force people to sign?
Burhanuddin Maula (RA) never sent Saheb E Dawat to peoples houses asking people to pay money Mufaddal Maula did.

Mind you, im not rooting for ex-Mazun Maula. Far from it, i have given my Misaq to Mufaddal Maula, but then i cannot overlook these points. and this is what gives me more heartburn
One of our previous Daai preached / advised in his books / risala to do maatam-e-hussain with dignity and upon genuine grief and not make a ritual of worship or a ritual within worship devoid of genuine grief. But Mufaddal maula is doing the opposite by preaching to mumins to go all out loud expressing grief of Gam-e-hussain, beat chest, head and cry loud ( vavela paadhi ne rovo)

Many/Most of our previous duaats lived a simple, austere, humble life in-spite of similar fan following and love from his followers, in-spite of funds available to lead a lavish life. Yet those duaats chose to dedicate their time, resource, efforts for betterment of people. But Mufaddal maula is doing the opposite by high-flying in chartered aircrafts, first class, sadistic leisure hunting trips, affinity to gold gifts, unnecessary over zealous re-construction of shrines with gold, silver and gems etc.

Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 7:47 am
by silvertongue
Hey he can do whatever he want k.. He is zameen na Khuda... :-)

Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 9:31 am
by alam
zinger wrote:James bhai,

Do you know what causes even more heartburn???

It is to believe in the seat of Dai Mutlaq and that the Nass has been rightfully conferred upon Mufaddal Maula but even then wonder why is he doing what he is.

Burhanuddin Maula (RA) always asked people on the fringes to come back to him, Mufaddal Maula is doing the opposite.
Burhanuddin Maula (RA) always wanted women to get educated and Quom nu naam aagal kare, Mufaddal Maula is doing the opposite.
Burhanuddin Maula (RA) always preached love and togetherness, Mufaddal Maula is doing the opposite. We hate the reformists, agree, i have ideological differences with them too, but did Burhanuddin Maula ever talk about them the way Mufaddal Maula does?
Burhanuddin Maula (RA) never had to force people to prove their loyalty to him. Mufaddal Maula had to with his signature campaign. Why did he have to force people to sign?
Burhanuddin Maula (RA) never sent Saheb E Dawat to peoples houses asking people to pay money Mufaddal Maula did.

Mind you, im not rooting for ex-Mazun Maula. Far from it, i have given my Misaq to Mufaddal Maula, but then i cannot overlook these points. and this is what gives me more heartburn
Zingerbhai, It is clear in this post that you are pressing the pause button every once in a while, weighing and considering unfolding of events, and therefore staying In touch where the rubber meets the road.

It is unfortunate that some critics here (currently Alihaq) are bound on gaali galuchi and abusive language.
Admin, take note

Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 12:33 pm
by fustrate_Bohra
james wrote:
Dr Fatema wrote:Some straight forward questions by "fustrate_Bohra" . Need straight forward answers "James".
Dr Fatema,

There was a reason for ignoring that pathetic post.The reason being the onus/burden of proof lies on the person who is making such accusations.Speculation and heresay gets you nowhere.One allegedly receives 2-3 pictures of a bungalow on whatsapp and then another with intent of mischief adds a caption to it claiming it has been purchased for 170 crores.And based on that propaganda,it gets concluded without evidence that money gets misused.Logical fallacy is just that,logical fallacy.

And regarding private jets and whatnot,one can also assume it has been taken care by a khidmatguzar.But at the end of the day,it will be an assumption and nothing more.

Even if I knew the name of so and so person performing khidmat of say,so and so hunting trip or travel expenses,I will not disclose because the next retort by the likes of fustrate_Bohra will be w.r.t posting proof of the same.When it should be the other way around.

I have deliberately avoided the question on comparison of quality because it is a subjective matter.

A very simple way to avoid all this heartburn is to look inwards and answer a very simple question. "Do you believe in the seat of Dai Mutlaq and that the Nass has been conferred upon him ? "If your answer is No,then find a different person of authority to follow.If your answer is Yes, then rest assured lest you become the likes of Dhul Khuwaisara.

Mr.James, you had made very nice point of khidmatguzar and somewhere in my mind while posting this question was expecting such kind of reply.

Ok jamesbhai on that note tell me if you give gift or token of love to your nearest or dearest one be it your father,mother,wife,children or x,y,z what it will be, simple it will be one which they like the most and make them happy. Similarly have you ever wonder why khidmatguzar give him such expensive gift, sponsor him lavish lifestyle etc... because they know this will make his maula more happier but they will never give a thought why on the earth why our maula loves worldly things?

Coming to your next question "Whether we believe seat of dawat" so my answer is YES being a dawoodi bohra i believe seat of dai but NOT ms reason is simple every great person are known by their deeds and not because position. How can we(non brain dead) believe ms after experiencing so many negativity he had created amongst the fellow bohra. If i ask any follower of rasullallah about his achievments they will have long list to reply similarly if i asked any shiah including us about ahlebait they will also answer to this. But, But my dear bohra brother WE STILL NOT GOT ANY REPLY FROM UR SIDE WHY YOU ALL FOLLOW MS.

Remeber all muslim follow rasuallah AND shaih follow rasulallah and ahlebait because of their deeds and each of these followers have REASONS behind it but for us unfortunately no valid reason.


Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 7:46 pm
by zinger
alam wrote:
zinger wrote:James bhai,

Do you know what causes even more heartburn???

It is to believe in the seat of Dai Mutlaq and that the Nass has been rightfully conferred upon Mufaddal Maula but even then wonder why is he doing what he is.

Burhanuddin Maula (RA) always asked people on the fringes to come back to him, Mufaddal Maula is doing the opposite.
Burhanuddin Maula (RA) always wanted women to get educated and Quom nu naam aagal kare, Mufaddal Maula is doing the opposite.
Burhanuddin Maula (RA) always preached love and togetherness, Mufaddal Maula is doing the opposite. We hate the reformists, agree, i have ideological differences with them too, but did Burhanuddin Maula ever talk about them the way Mufaddal Maula does?
Burhanuddin Maula (RA) never had to force people to prove their loyalty to him. Mufaddal Maula had to with his signature campaign. Why did he have to force people to sign?
Burhanuddin Maula (RA) never sent Saheb E Dawat to peoples houses asking people to pay money Mufaddal Maula did.

Mind you, im not rooting for ex-Mazun Maula. Far from it, i have given my Misaq to Mufaddal Maula, but then i cannot overlook these points. and this is what gives me more heartburn
Zingerbhai, It is clear in this post that you are pressing the pause button every once in a while, weighing and considering unfolding of events, and therefore staying In touch where the rubber meets the road.

It is unfortunate that some critics here (currently Alihaq) are bound on gaali galuchi and abusive language.
Admin, take note
i wish once in a while you people would use simpler language. it becomes a little difficult to understand what you mean :) :wink: :lol:

what does "staying In touch where the rubber meets the road." mean?

As for people like Alihaq and Rebel, i dont let them bother me :)

Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 2:22 am
by alam
zinger wrote:
alam wrote: Zingerbhai, It is clear in this post that you are pressing the pause button every once in a while, weighing and considering unfolding of events, and therefore staying In touch where the rubber meets the road.

It is unfortunate that some critics here (currently Alihaq) are bound on gaali galuchi and abusive language.
Admin, take note
i wish once in a while you people would use simpler language. it becomes a little difficult to understand what you mean :) :wink: :lol:

what does "staying In touch where the rubber meets the road." mean?

As for people like Alihaq and Rebel, i dont let them bother me :)
what does "staying In touch where the rubber meets the road." mean?
"Staying in touch with reality, the naked truth, without any fluff".

Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 6:10 am
by zinger
ok.. sorry, in ramzan im a tubelight when normally im a bulb :D

Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 6:12 am
by SBM
zinger wrote:ok.. sorry, in ramzan im a tubelight when normally im a bulb :D
Zinger-Be prepared Very soon the bulbs are going to be extinct and tube light or florescent is the future :)

Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 6:13 am
by zinger

Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 10:26 am
by bohraji
Salaam ALaikum Everyone.
SBM bhai and I have been receiving PM's regarding donations. Since Admin has a problem of sending funds to India. We are looking at different methods. One method is through a trust here in India, I have given the details to Admin and they are trying their best. Hopefully this issue will be sorted out soon, Inshallah.

While Mumineen have poverty

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 6:24 pm
by abde53
Wah rey Moula Wah, su shaan na Moula chey, Appna Mumnin naa pasey Dawa naa paisa nathi panna Hamara Moula ney Adiwasi ney Mobile Charge ni fikar chey

Solar Installation for a Hindu Community in Madhya Pardesh
11th Shawwal, 1435
MP, India, Dongre, Dongre

Rabeha Solar installation for a Hindu community in Dongre, Madhya Pardesh

Rabeha has installed a unique solar system in an Aadiwasi Hindu community, in the village of Dongre, near Kuksi in Madhya Pardesh.
This village of 30 Aadiwasi Hindu families get very little electricity. Most of them have mobile phones but to charge the phones they have to travel many kilometres to the town of Kuksi.
Rabeha Solar has installed a unique system for them, it will allow them to recharge (ten) phones at a time, Rabeha donates these systems to them.
See the attached phtographs.

If you know of any Aadiwasi community near your towns who need this kind of help, inform us.
We plan to install many such systems in Hindu Aadiwadi towns, Cost of one system is US$ 150.

If you wish to donate in this noble cause, please contact us

Mumineen in North America may send us donation cheque, payable to:
Rabeha Solar (America) Inc
1157 Old Canyon Road, Fremont, CA 94536
If you want to pay thru paypal- go to our website-, and click on donation button. Or go to paypal and type payee as

Mumineen in U.A.E. May send donation to our representative, Mustafa Bhai Fefco phone-507867872 or email on

Mumineen in U.K. And France may send donation to our representative in London Shaikh Hamza bhai Jiwanji- +447713022671 or email on

For more information on rabeha you may visit our website
Abde Sydna T.U.S.
Hatim Aliasger Bhai Saheb Shakir
President- Rabeha Solar
And Amil Saheb - San Francisco
Khuda Taala Syedna Aaliqadr Mufaddal Saifuddin T.U.S. ni umr Shareef ne qayamat lug daraz Kare. Ameen.

Re: While Mumineen have poverty

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 7:37 pm
by wise_guy
dude abde53, stop being cynical and criticizing in each and every thing done by the bohra community.. Criticizing each and everything is not good for health.. :P
abde53 wrote:Wah rey Moula Wah, su shaan na Moula chey, Appna Mumnin naa pasey Dawa naa paisa nathi panna Hamara Moula ney Adiwasi ney Mobile Charge ni fikar chey

Solar Installation for a Hindu Community in Madhya Pardesh
11th Shawwal, 1435
MP, India, Dongre, Dongre

Rabeha Solar installation for a Hindu community in Dongre, Madhya Pardesh

Rabeha has installed a unique solar system in an Aadiwasi Hindu community, in the village of Dongre, near Kuksi in Madhya Pardesh.
This village of 30 Aadiwasi Hindu families get very little electricity. Most of them have mobile phones but to charge the phones they have to travel many kilometres to the town of Kuksi.
Rabeha Solar has installed a unique system for them, it will allow them to recharge (ten) phones at a time, Rabeha donates these systems to them.
See the attached phtographs.

If you know of any Aadiwasi community near your towns who need this kind of help, inform us.
We plan to install many such systems in Hindu Aadiwadi towns, Cost of one system is US$ 150.

If you wish to donate in this noble cause, please contact us

Mumineen in North America may send us donation cheque, payable to:
Rabeha Solar (America) Inc
1157 Old Canyon Road, Fremont, CA 94536
If you want to pay thru paypal- go to our website-, and click on donation button. Or go to paypal and type payee as

Mumineen in U.A.E. May send donation to our representative, Mustafa Bhai Fefco phone-507867872 or email on

Mumineen in U.K. And France may send donation to our representative in London Shaikh Hamza bhai Jiwanji- +447713022671 or email on

For more information on rabeha you may visit our website
Abde Sydna T.U.S.
Hatim Aliasger Bhai Saheb Shakir
President- Rabeha Solar
And Amil Saheb - San Francisco
Khuda Taala Syedna Aaliqadr Mufaddal Saifuddin T.U.S. ni umr Shareef ne qayamat lug daraz Kare. Ameen.