Mukasir Qasimbhai Saab's Son & Bahu Involved In Major Defense Fraud in USA

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ghulam muhammed
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Mukasir Qasimbhai Saab's Son & Bahu Involved In Major Defense Fraud in USA


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Jun 02, 2015 6:58 pm

Muffy's newly appointed MUKASIR, QASIM BHAISAAB HAKIMUDDIN'S son and daughter-in-law (MUKARRAM and MARIA) were involved in some very serious fraud with the U S Government's sensitive department of Military & Defence in the year 2008 wherein the Saifee Mahal mafias got into overdrive mode and got the matter swept under the rug using their enormous clout and money power. Sensing the gravity of the situation, the Mukasir's son Mukarram than ran away to India and got himself transferred to Mumbai (Sattad Masjid) as Aamil. Now that things have quietened down he is going back to USA as the new Aamil of Los Angeles Jamaat where he would be heading the Dawat treasury and will have access to millions of dollars and will have a free hand to do more frauds.

Kindly go through the following article to get a sense of the FRAUD committed by the son of the 3rd in command of the cult known as Dawoodi Bohras who claim to be the ONLY true Muslims who are the ONLY ones entitled to enter Jannat, a confirmation of which is given in writing (Ruku Chithi) by the Cult leader which is counter signed by Mukasir which in the present case happens to be the father of the fraudster Mukarram. Instead of reprimanding the Mukasir and his fraudster son Mukarram, Muffy has now given the Mukasir, a self glorified title which funnily reads as Al Syyedul Ajal Wal Humamul Mubajjal Seqatut Dawatut Tayebiyah Mukasero Dawat il Haq Syedi Qasim BS Hakimuddin Saheb (DM) The important portions of the article are highlighted :-

Dangerous Fakes

October 01, 2008

How counterfeit, defective computer components from China are getting into U.S. warplanes and ships

The American military faces a growing threat of potentially fatal equipment failure—and even foreign espionage—because of counterfeit computer components used in warplanes, ships, and communication networks. Fake microchips flow from unruly bazaars in rural China to dubious kitchen-table brokers in the U.S. and into complex weapons. Senior Pentagon officials publicly play down the danger, but government documents, as well as interviews with insiders, suggest possible connections between phony parts and breakdowns.

In November 2005, a confidential Pentagon-industry program that tracks counterfeits issued an alert that "BAE Systems experienced field failures," meaning military equipment malfunctions, which the large defense contractor traced to fake microchips. Chips are the tiny electronic circuits found in computers and other gear.

The alert from the Government-Industry Data Exchange Program (GIDEP), reviewed by BusinessWeek (MHP), said two batches of chips "were never shipped" by their supposed manufacturer, Maxim Integrated Products in Sunnyvale, Calif. "Maxim considers these parts to be counterfeit," the alert states. (In response to BusinessWeek's questions, BAE said the alert had referred erroneously to field failures. The company denied there were any malfunctions.)

In a separate incident last January, a chip falsely identified as having been made by Xicor, now a unit of Intersil in Milpitas, Calif., was discovered in the flight computer of an F-15 fighter jet at Robins Air Force Base in Warner Robins, Ga. People familiar with the situation say technicians were repairing the F-15 at the time. Special Agent Terry Mosher of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations confirms that the 409th Supply Chain Management Squadron eventually found four counterfeit Xicor chips.


Potentially more alarming than either of the two aircraft episodes are hundreds of counterfeit routers made in China and sold to the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines over the past four years. These fakes could facilitate foreign espionage, as well as cause accidents. The U.S. Justice Dept. is prosecuting the operators of an electronics distributor in Texas—and last year obtained guilty pleas from the proprietors of a company in Washington State—for allegedly selling the military dozens of falsely labeled routers, devices that direct data through digital networks. The routers were marked as having been made by the San Jose technology giant Cisco Systems (CSCO).

Referring to the seizure of more than 400 fake routers so far, Melissa E. Hathaway, head of cyber security in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, says: "Counterfeit products have been linked to the crash of mission-critical networks, and may also contain hidden 'back doors' enabling network security to be bypassed and sensitive data accessed [by hackers, thieves, and spies]." She declines to elaborate. In a 50-page presentation for industry audiences, the FBI concurs that the routers could allow Chinese operatives to "gain access to otherwise secure systems" (page 38).

It's very difficult to determine whether tiny fake parts have contributed to particular plane crashes or missile mishaps, says Robert P. Ernst, who heads research into counterfeit parts for the Naval Air Systems Command's Aging Aircraft Program in Patuxent River, Md. Ernst estimates that as many as 15% of all the spare and replacement microchips the Pentagon buys are counterfeit. As a result, he says, "we are having field failures regularly within our weapon systems—and in almost every weapon system." He declines to provide details but says that, in his opinion, fake parts almost certainly have contributed to serious accidents. When a helicopter goes down in Iraq or Afghanistan, he explains, "we don't always do the root-cause investigation of every component failure."

While anxiety about fake computer components has begun to spread within the Pentagon, top officials have been slow to respond, says Ernst, 48, a civilian engineer for the military for the past 26 years. "I am very frustrated with the leadership's inability to react to this issue." Retired four-star General William G.T. Tuttle Jr., former chief of the Army Materiel Command and now a defense industry consultant, agrees: "What we have is a pollution of the military supply chain."

Much of that pollution emanates from the Chinese hinterlands. BusinessWeek tracked counterfeit military components used in gear made by BAE Systems to traders in Shenzhen, China. The traders typically obtain supplies from recycled-chip emporiums such as the Guiyu Electronics Market outside the city of Shantou in southeastern China. The garbage-strewn streets of Guiyu reek of burning plastic as workers in back rooms and open yards strip chips from old PC circuit boards. The components, typically less than an inch long, are cleaned in the nearby Lianjiang River and then sold from the cramped premises of businesses such as Jinlong Electronics Trade Center.

A sign for Jinlong Electronics advertises in Chinese that it sells "military" circuitry, meaning chips that are more durable than commercial components and able to function at extreme temperatures. But proprietor Lu Weilong admits that his wares are counterfeit. His employees sand off the markings on used commercial chips and relabel them as military. Everyone in Guiyu does this, he says: "The dates [on the chips] are 100% fake, because the products pulled off the computer boards are from the '80s and '90s, [while] customers demand products from after 2000."

BusinessWeek traced the path of components from Guiyu to BAE Systems Electronics & Integrated Solutions in Nashua, N.H. The company's confidential reports to the Government-Industry Data Exchange Program were critical to this research. A unit of BAE's $15 billion U.S. division, the electronics operation makes a variety of sophisticated equipment, ranging from missile-warning systems for fighter jets to laser-targeting devices for snipers. It has reported far more counterfeiting incidents than its rivals: 45 over the past three years. Industry executives say that large figure may reflect BAE's candor or its aggressive pursuit of low-priced chips from China. The Justice Dept. is investigating BAE's military electronic-parts procurement, a company spokesman confirmed.

In a statement, the company said that it "has attempted to pursue the origin of components provided through the supply chain, [but] has no further insight, nor certification to the origins of components that are provided by supply-chain distributors." Only a "small percentage" of its parts have turned out to be counterfeit, BAE said. It now has restricted its purchases to original chipmakers and their approved distributors "except in very limited circumstances," such as when it needs a hard-to-find component.

BAE isn't unique. Other contractors that have reported counterfeit microchips to GIDEP include Boeing (BA) Satellite Systems, Raytheon (RTN) Missile Systems, Northrop Grumman (NOC) Navigation Systems, and Lockheed Martin Missiles & Fire Control. The companies all said they take the threat of counterfeits seriously but wouldn't comment on specific incidents.

The flood of counterfeit military microelectronics results largely from the Pentagon's need for parts for aging equipment and its long efforts to save money. In the mid-1990s, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Clinton Administration launched an initiative, continued during the Bush years, of buying all sorts of components off the shelf. In addition to the traditional pattern of purchasing equipment from original manufacturers and their large, authorized distributors, the Pentagon began doing business with smaller U.S. parts brokers that sprang up to offer low-cost items, including microchips. Federal affirmative-action goals have further encouraged the military to favor suppliers that qualify as "disadvantaged." The chips wholesale for as little as 10 cents and as much as $2,000 each, depending on their complexity and quality. The Pentagon spends about $3.5 billion a year on spare chips, many of them for planes and ships that are 10 or 20 years old.

Name-brand manufacturers and well-established distributors, some of which acquire the rights to make obsolete chips, say they mark up prices 10% to 30%. Smaller brokers settle for far less generous margins. The number of small brokers increased sharply after 1994, when Congress stopped requiring government contractors to certify that they were either original manufacturers or authorized distributors. The brokers have to obtain a contractor code but receive little or no oversight. Hundreds are now operating, some out of suburban basements and second bedrooms. A BusinessWeek analysis of a contracting database identified at least 24 active brokers that list residential homes as their place of business. Several have won chip contracts for "critical applications," which the Pentagon defines as "essential to weapon system performance...or the operating personnel." In many cases these entrepreneurs comb Web sites such as and, which connect them with traders in Shenzhen and Guiyu. The brokers sell either directly to Pentagon depots or via suppliers to defense contractors such as BAE.


Mariya Hakimuddin owns IT Enterprise, a company she runs with her mother out of a modest one-story house in Bakersfield, Calif. Rosebushes line the street, and a basketball hoop hangs in the driveway. Hakimuddin, who is in her 40s, says she has no college education. She began brokering military chips four years ago, after friends told her about the expanding trade. Since 2004 she has won Pentagon contracts worth a total of $2.7 million, records show. The military has acquired microchips and other parts from IT Enterprise for use in radar on the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan and the antisubmarine combat system of Spruance-class destroyers.

Hakimuddin says she knows little about the parts she has bought and sold. She started her business by signing up on the Internet for a government supplier code. After the Defense Dept. approved her application, with no inspection, she began scanning online military procurement requests. She plugged part codes into Google (GOOG) and found Web sites offering low prices. Then she ordered parts and had them shipped directly to military depots. "I wouldn't know what [the parts] were before I'd order them," she says, standing near her front door. "I didn't even know what the parts were for."

The Navy's Ernst became concerned about IT Enterprise in March 2007. His team found a suspicious transistor—a basic type of microchip—supplied by the firm for use in the AV-8B Harrier, a Marine Corps fighter jet. The transistor, which turned up during an inspection of a military depot in Cherry Point, N.C., was supposed to contain lead in its solder joints, but didn't. That defect could cause solders to crack and the flight control system to fail, Ernst explains. When a member of the team telephoned IT Enterprise in Bakersfield, he heard children chattering in the background, Ernst recalls. "It was the 'Aha!' moment for me on counterfeit parts," he says

Unknown to Ernst, a separate Defense inquiry later found that at least five shipments from IT Enterprise since 2004 had contained counterfeit microcircuits, including those intended for the USS Ronald Reagan, according to Pentagon records. During her interview with BusinessWeek, Hakimuddin denied any wrongdoing and blamed her suppliers, but she wouldn't name them. In January the Defense Dept. banned IT Enterprise, Hakimuddin, and her mother, Lubaina Nooruddin, from supplying the military for three years.

The Hakimuddins weren't deterred. A month after Mariya was barred, her husband, Mukerram, received his own supplier code, using the same home address with a new company name, Mil Enterprise. This time the Pentagon caught on more quickly, banning Mukerram for three years as well. He couldn't be reached for comment. People familiar with the matter say the Defense Criminal Investigative Service is looking into IT Enterprise.

In written responses to questions about kitchen-table brokers, officials at the Defense Supply Center in Columbus, Ohio—a major Pentagon electronic-parts buyer—said they don't inspect brokers or conduct background checks. "The law does not prohibit" work-at-home brokers or using the Internet to find parts, the officials said. "Is there risk? Yes, there is risk," Brigadier General Patricia E. McQuistion, the center's commander, says in an interview. She estimates that "less than one-quarter of 1% of what we buy is compromised."


Nevertheless, after BusinessWeek's inquiries, the center in August issued new contracting rules for microchips. Suppliers now must document the "conformance" and "traceability" of chips when they place bids. Previously such records didn't have to be filed at the bidding stage and were sometimes missing or faked, industry and government officials say.

Even after the likes of IT Enterprise are identified, it can take time to clean up the mess. On Feb. 5, 2008, a manager at Tobyhanna Army Depot, the Pentagon's largest electronics maintenance facility, in Stroud Township, Pa., notified the supply center in Columbus that his unit had discovered counterfeit chips supplied by IT Enterprise for use in global positioning systems on F-15 fighters, according to internal Pentagon e-mails reviewed by BusinessWeek. The e-mails show that, as late as July, the Columbus center was still trying to locate parts purchased from IT Enterprise.

In a July 24 e-mail, an F-15 engineer, whom BusinessWeek agreed not to identify, wrote: "Suppose that a part like that makes it onto a flight-critical piece of hardware or mission-essential piece of hardware. The[re] is a very good chance that the part may work...but what happens at 40[,000] ft and -50 degrees? Hardware failure. Not good."

Ernst says the Hakimuddin episode helped him realize how blind the military has been: "We don't know how big the counterfeit problem is, and, to me, that is irresponsible." Now he's trying to get others in the bureaucracy to confront what he considers to be a crisis: "The risk of counterfeiting is so high, and the cost to our weapon systems is so great, that we need to take action." Glenn Benninger, a senior civilian engineer at the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Crane, Ind., concurs: "Counterfeiting has literally exploded over the last few years, but not a lot of people have been paying attention."

The pending investigations could force the Defense Dept. to heed such warnings. In addition to the Justice Dept.'s probe of BAE, there is the Pentagon's in-house criminal inquiry. "The DoD takes this threat very seriously," John J. Young Jr., Defense Under Secretary for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, said in a statement. "This security threat will require great vigilance by DoD to defeat, but we will do everything within our power to do so."

Policies aimed at promoting "disadvantaged" businesses have apparently encouraged dealings with brokers that otherwise might seem questionable. Federal affirmative-action goals require the Pentagon to seek to make 22% of its purchases from small contractors—as measured by staff and revenue—including those run by women, military veterans, or members of certain ethnic minority groups. A contracting database refers to IT Enterprise as a "Subcontinent Asian American Owned Business." Hakimuddin wouldn't discuss her ethnicity but says she was born in the U.S.

Daniel Spencer designated his wife, Brenda, as the legal owner of his brokering business, BDS Supply. "I thought we'd get some kind of benefit [from being woman-owned]," says Spencer, 54, who acknowledges that he runs the company with his wife. Working from home in Great Falls, Mont., he says, he buys from legitimate suppliers and has parts shipped to him before sending them on to the Pentagon. But he admits that, despite a background in computers, he doesn't have the expertise to identify fake chips. Promod Dubey, who runs Phoenix Systems Engineering, a broker in Lake Mary, Fla., complains that military procurement offices "want the cheapest possible s--t they can get." Dubey, who lists Phoenix as a "small disadvantaged" business on Pentagon documents, says he acquires parts from China only as a "last resort" because "sometimes the quality is questionable." Neither he nor Spencer has been accused of impropriety in their military work.

Contractor reports to the GIDEP counterfeits database show a total of 115 incidents over the past six years. But "everybody believes the [GIDEP] reports are just the tip of the iceberg," says Brian Hughitt, manager of quality assurance for NASA. Hughitt says that, during testing, NASA inspectors have identified two shipments of counterfeit chips in the past 18 months. One lot was installed in flight hardware. "That's something that is going to be launched into space," Hughitt says, declining to elaborate. "It could have been real bad." NASA, which helps launch military satellites and missiles, is investigating the shipments. ... rous-fakes

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Re: Mukasir Qasimbhai Saab's Son & Bahu Involved In Major Defense Fraud in USA


Unread post by zinger » Wed Jun 03, 2015 12:05 am

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Last edited by zinger on Wed Jun 03, 2015 12:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Mukasir Qasimbhai Saab's Son & Bahu Involved In Major Defense Fraud in USA


Unread post by zinger » Wed Jun 03, 2015 12:10 am

Allow me to poke holes in your post and show how you are cleverly trying to cast aspersions on the character of some people, just cause they are from the family of Syedna, somebody you hate:

ghulam muhammed wrote:Fake microchips flow from unruly bazaars in rural China to dubious kitchen-table brokers in the U.S. and into complex weapons. Senior Pentagon officials publicly play down the danger, but government documents, as well as interviews with insiders, suggest possible connections between phony parts and breakdowns.
They are being made in China, but being supplied by someone else. Go after the source. not the channel

ghulam muhammed wrote: A sign for Jinlong Electronics advertises in Chinese that it sells "military" circuitry, meaning chips that are more durable than commercial components and able to function at extreme temperatures. But proprietor Lu Weilong admits that his wares are counterfeit. His employees sand off the markings on used commercial chips and relabel them as military. Everyone in Guiyu does this, he says: "The dates [on the chips] are 100% fake, because the products pulled off the computer boards are from the '80s and '90s, [while] customers demand products from after 2000."
Proof that the corruption is at the source

ghulam muhammed wrote: BusinessWeek traced the path of components from Guiyu to BAE Systems Electronics & Integrated Solutions in Nashua, N.H. The company's confidential reports to the Government-Industry Data Exchange Program were critical to this research. A unit of BAE's $15 billion U.S. division, the electronics operation makes a variety of sophisticated equipment, ranging from missile-warning systems for fighter jets to laser-targeting devices for snipers. It has reported far more counterfeiting incidents than its rivals: 45 over the past three years. Industry executives say that large figure may reflect BAE's candor or its aggressive pursuit of low-priced chips from China. The Justice Dept. is investigating BAE's military electronic-parts procurement, a company spokesman confirmed.
Look at who is actually in charge of procurement!!!!

ghulam muhammed wrote: The brokers have to obtain a contractor code but receive little or no oversight.
Now who's fault is this???

ghulam muhammed wrote: Hundreds are now operating, some out of suburban basements and second bedrooms. A BusinessWeek analysis of a contracting database identified at least 24 active brokers that list residential homes as their place of business. Several have won chip contracts for "critical applications," which the Pentagon defines as "essential to weapon system performance...or the operating personnel." In many cases these entrepreneurs comb Web sites such as and, which connect them with traders in Shenzhen and Guiyu. The brokers sell either directly to Pentagon depots or via suppliers to defense contractors such as BAE.
Again, shouldnt the US militairy be held directly responsible for this?

ghulam muhammed wrote: Mariya Hakimuddin owns IT Enterprise, a company she runs with her mother out of a modest one-story house in Bakersfield, Calif. Rosebushes line the street, and a basketball hoop hangs in the driveway. Hakimuddin, who is in her 40s, says she has no college education. She began brokering military chips four years ago, after friends told her about the expanding trade. Since 2004 she has won Pentagon contracts worth a total of $2.7 million, records show. The military has acquired microchips and other parts from IT Enterprise for use in radar on the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan and the antisubmarine combat system of Spruance-class destroyers.

In law, there is a concept called Caveat Emptor - Let the buyer beware. The buyers need to do a more thorough check on what they are buying

ghulam muhammed wrote: Hakimuddin says she knows little about the parts she has bought and sold. She started her business by signing up on the Internet for a government supplier code. After the Defense Dept. approved her application, with no inspection, she began scanning online military procurement requests. She plugged part codes into Google (GOOG) and found Web sites offering low prices. Then she ordered parts and had them shipped directly to military depots. "I wouldn't know what [the parts] were before I'd order them," she says, standing near her front door. "I didn't even know what the parts were for."

When it is so easy to do business, then who can blame anyone for trying to make money? Last when i checked, making money was not illegal. Neither is lack of knowledge a crime!!!

ghulam muhammed wrote: In written responses to questions about kitchen-table brokers, officials at the Defense Supply Center in Columbus, Ohio—a major Pentagon electronic-parts buyer—said they don't inspect brokers or conduct background checks. "The law does not prohibit" work-at-home brokers or using the Internet to find parts, the officials said. "Is there risk? Yes, there is risk," Brigadier General Patricia E. McQuistion, the center's commander, says in an interview. She estimates that "less than one-quarter of 1% of what we buy is compromised."

There. So technically, they have been given a clean chit, albiet blacklisted

ghulam muhammed wrote:Nevertheless, after BusinessWeek's inquiries, the center in August issued new contracting rules for microchips. Suppliers now must document the "conformance" and "traceability" of chips when they place bids. Previously such records didn't have to be filed at the bidding stage and were sometimes missing or faked, industry and government officials say.

Again, who's fault is this now?

ghulam muhammed wrote: Even after the likes of IT Enterprise are identified, it can take time to clean up the mess. On Feb. 5, 2008, a manager at Tobyhanna Army Depot, the Pentagon's largest electronics maintenance facility, in Stroud Township, Pa., notified the supply center in Columbus that his unit had discovered counterfeit chips supplied by IT Enterprise for use in global positioning systems on F-15 fighters, according to internal Pentagon e-mails reviewed by BusinessWeek. The e-mails show that, as late as July, the Columbus center was still trying to locate parts purchased from IT Enterprise.

So someone in the supply chain was equally corrupt, trying to make a quick buck. Why not go after them too?

ghulam muhammed wrote:Ernst says the Hakimuddin episode helped him realize how blind the military has been: "We don't know how big the counterfeit problem is, and, to me, that is irresponsible." Now he's trying to get others in the bureaucracy to confront what he considers to be a crisis: "The risk of counterfeiting is so high, and the cost to our weapon systems is so great, that we need to take action." Glenn Benninger, a senior civilian engineer at the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Crane, Ind., concurs: "Counterfeiting has literally exploded over the last few years, but not a lot of people have been paying attention."
i believe there is something about 23 other suppliers

ghulam muhammed wrote:Daniel Spencer designated his wife, Brenda, as the legal owner of his brokering business, BDS Supply. "I thought we'd get some kind of benefit [from being woman-owned]," says Spencer, 54, who acknowledges that he runs the company with his wife. Working from home in Great Falls, Mont., he says, he buys from legitimate suppliers and has parts shipped to him before sending them on to the Pentagon. But he admits that, despite a background in computers, he doesn't have the expertise to identify fake chips. Promod Dubey, who runs Phoenix Systems Engineering, a broker in Lake Mary, Fla., complains that military procurement offices "want the cheapest possible s--t they can get." Dubey, who lists Phoenix as a "small disadvantaged" business on Pentagon documents, says he acquires parts from China only as a "last resort" because "sometimes the quality is questionable." Neither he nor Spencer has been accused of impropriety in their military work.
They were plain lucky to get away you see

I hope i have not blasted your post to smithereens.
Please do understand. Trying to do business and making shady deals and making some more money is ultimately a universal truth, not applicable to one particular class of people just cause you hate them!

Also, in no way am i defending anyone here. im just pointing out the flaws in your post. something i have told you about in PM too many a times

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Re: Mukasir Qasimbhai Saab's Son & Bahu Involved In Major Defense Fraud in USA


Unread post by araz5253 » Wed Jun 03, 2015 12:19 am

dawedar is also responsible for this

Kaka Akela
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Re: Mukasir Qasimbhai Saab's Son & Bahu Involved In Major Defense Fraud in USA


Unread post by Kaka Akela » Wed Jun 03, 2015 1:08 am

Bro Zinger: I am not buying any of your reasons for defending the fraudsters. Even if I did, Please explain to me why Mukerram immediately continued doing the same fradulent thing once his wife was barred by starting a new company???? what happened to his ethics?

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Re: Mukasir Qasimbhai Saab's Son & Bahu Involved In Major Defense Fraud in USA


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Wed Jun 03, 2015 2:05 am

when common people do, it is their nature as everybody here tries to make some quick money.
but if divinely appointed members of family do, it is very serious, coz they have an obligation towards everyone to set and example.
there is a difference between a leader and masses.
leaders have to lead by example, and masses have to follow

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Re: Mukasir Qasimbhai Saab's Son & Bahu Involved In Major Defense Fraud in USA


Unread post by zinger » Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:13 am

Kaka Akela wrote:Bro Zinger: I am not buying any of your reasons for defending the fraudsters. Even if I did, Please explain to me why Mukerram immediately continued doing the same fradulent thing once his wife was barred by starting a new company???? what happened to his ethics?
Kakaji, i believe i ended my post with the words "Also, in no way am i defending anyone here. im just pointing out the flaws in your post. something i have told you about in PM too many a times"

I have no interest in defending anyone from the Kothar or the family

As for why the husband continued doing what his wife was stopped from, that is something that you need to ask him. im not here to defend him so i have no answers. but like i said, the point of the post was to show them as criminals, which i have pointed out is wrong

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Re: Mukasir Qasimbhai Saab's Son & Bahu Involved In Major Defense Fraud in USA


Unread post by zinger » Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:17 am

qutub_mamajiwala wrote:when common people do, it is their nature as everybody here tries to make some quick money.
but if divinely appointed members of family do, it is very serious, coz they have an obligation towards everyone to set and example.
there is a difference between a leader and masses.
leaders have to lead by example, and masses have to follow
agreed, but in 2008, he was nothing. he was just the son of someone who was not even well-known. so claiming that he was a leader is nonsense.

divinely appointed ke liye bhi, same argument. he was an unknown 7 years ago

again, like i told kaka akela, im least bit interested in defending anyone. im just pointing out a defective proposition in an article where the accused have been let go anyways

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Re: Mukasir Qasimbhai Saab's Son & Bahu Involved In Major Defense Fraud in USA


Unread post by kimanumanu » Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:27 am

zinger bhai, I think one point you are missing is that, and especially in this day and age, anyone connected with the family is automatically seen as a leader and a moral compass. This is how our community is structured. I agree with you that they did not commit a crime otherwise they would have been jailed, but you cannot sweep under the carpet the fact that they behaved unethically. Yes, the blame lies with the supplier and the gov't for being lax about it but equally they knowingly exploited a loophole. It's the same as people who find ways to avoid paying tax - legally nothing wrong, morally/ethically it is not right.

I expect people with religious authority to behave ethically and act as a moral compass for the rest of us. If they are not, then what does it say about their character?

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Re: Mukasir Qasimbhai Saab's Son & Bahu Involved In Major Defense Fraud in USA


Unread post by zinger » Wed Jun 03, 2015 5:49 am

kimanumanu wrote:zinger bhai, I think one point you are missing is that, and especially in this day and age, anyone connected with the family is automatically seen as a leader and a moral compass. AGREE SOMEWHAT This is how our community is structured. I agree with you that they did not commit a crime otherwise they would have been jailed, but you cannot sweep under the carpet the fact that they behaved unethically WHETHER WHAT THEY DID WAS UNETHICAL OR ILLEGAL IS QUITE SUBJECTIVE. THEY HAVE NOT BROKEN ANY LAWS BY SUPPLYING FAKE GOODS OF WHICH THEY HAVE NO KNOWLEDGE. YES, THEY REGISTERED UNDER A NEW NAME, BUT AGAIN, THAT IS NOT ILLEGAL . Yes, the blame lies with the supplier and the gov't for being lax about it but equally they knowingly exploited a loophole. It's the same as people who find ways to avoid paying tax - legally nothing wrong, morally/ethically it is not right.AGREE SOMEWHAT AGAIN

I expect people with religious authority to behave ethically and act as a moral compass for the rest of us. If they are not, then what does it say about their character? AGAIN, MY SAME ARGUMENT. HE WAS PROBABLY AN UNKNOWN 8 YEARS AGO, SO THEN, THE ARGUMENT THAT HE IS SOMEONE WITH RELIGOUS AUTHORITY DOES NOT HOLD TRUE

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Re: Mukasir Qasimbhai Saab's Son & Bahu Involved In Major Defense Fraud in USA


Unread post by SBM » Wed Jun 03, 2015 10:30 am

Br Zinger
Since you reside in India you must be aware of Maggi Products. Now all of sudden the Brand Ambassadors are running for cover even though they had no idea about the contents. These spokesmen who benefited promoting these products are now being hold responsible since the ultimate users believed in their endorsement similarly the end users believed in Mariya and her husband and they have fiduciary duties to check the sources.
There is something called CO CONSPIRATORS in every fraudulent schemes.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse

Kaka Akela
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Re: Mukasir Qasimbhai Saab's Son & Bahu Involved In Major Defense Fraud in USA


Unread post by Kaka Akela » Wed Jun 03, 2015 12:23 pm


Again I don't buy your argument that he was an unknown 8 years ago, he may be an unknown to you but we in the USA (yes even in Houston) we all knew him as an Aamil of Bakersfield for last 20 years which has a sizeable community and in addition he is the head of ATTALIM office and all deeni madrassas come under him. So what kind of moral compass he is providing to the people with his religious authority??? He knew what his wife did was wrong but he let her continue in his new company doing the same unethical act. He is not an ignorant man in deen or duniya and has an MBA from USA and has given sabaqs.

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Re: Mukasir Qasimbhai Saab's Son & Bahu Involved In Major Defense Fraud in USA


Unread post by Biradar » Wed Jun 03, 2015 1:32 pm

All of these people, Mr Qasim, his nephew Dawedar Mr. Muffadul etc. are corrupt and will do any shady deals to make a quick buck. I mean, what did they do with the SMB (RA) and his mazzon?

Zinger is a lap dog, and he will defend any nonsense (even if claims he is "not defending anyone"). However, he is not a very smart lap dog. He claims that so-and-so is not illegal so it is okay. He says that making shady deals is a universal thing. I mean, come on. Perhaps people are corrupt. However, those who lord it over the Bohras masses, being all holier-than-thou should be held to much higher standards. If they have the same human weaknesses as everyone else, then they should not expect common Bohras to fawn and genuflect in front of them.

Also, in case Zinger has forgotten, given that he is deeply influenced by Dawedar Mr. Muffadul. SMB (RA) and our dua't, following the example of the Prophet, have alway advised to earn halal income. Even if something is legal (this fraud is not, BTW), it is not halal. For example, prostitution is legal in many European countries. So it is okay for shehzadis to be prostitutes and then come to the masjid and boss around everyone? Selling alcohol is legal. So should a shehzada sell alcohol and be allowed to lord it over all and sundry?

The concept of halal is much more restrictive than mere legalism. We should adhere to much higher standards of honesty and fair play, and hold our so-called leaders to even higher standard. Of course, Zinger won't understand this, and it is pointless to argue with him.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Mukasir Qasimbhai Saab's Son & Bahu Involved In Major Defense Fraud in USA


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Wed Jun 03, 2015 6:06 pm

zinger wrote:Allow me to poke holes in your post and show how you are cleverly trying to cast aspersions on the character of some people, just cause they are from the family of Syedna, somebody you hate:
Allow me to poke BIG holes in your arguments and show how cleverly you are trying to cover up the nefarious activities of the Saifee Mahal mafias just because they are related to SMB, the ex-Dai in whom you had a blind faith.
zinger wrote:I hope i have not blasted your post to smithereens.
You have desperately tried the above but have failed miserably in your attempt to do so !
zinger wrote:Trying to do business and making shady deals and making some more money is ultimately a universal truth, not applicable to one particular class of people just cause you hate them!
According to your yardstick it is permissible for any member of the Dai's family to enter into "Shady Deals" even though these white robed mafias project themselves as holier then thou. And what about the stereotyped bayans of every Dai (including your beloved SBM) that "Je desh ma raho eh desh na wafadar thai ne raho". Is supplying "Counterfeit" equipments a part of "Wafadari" to ones country ? That too, supplying critical components which are used in military aircrafts and failure of which could result in plane crash.
zinger wrote:Also, in no way am i defending anyone here. im just pointing out the flaws in your post. something i have told you about in PM too many a times
Knowingly or unknowingly, you are definitely trying to defend the indefensible and you have also failed in pointing out the alleged flaws which I will elaborate further. With regard to your PMs, you will appreciate that I have always replied to the same successfully and you had to take back your words, details of which I will not mention as those were private conversations between us.

Bro zinger,

I thought you were more smart then what you project but it seems that in your zest to defend the Saifee Mahal mafias you have miserably failed to defend their nefarious activities as ALL your arguments are simply flawed and absurd. Your MAIN contention is that Mukarram has not done anything illegal, now if that’s the case then why was his company banned from doing business for 3 years ? Read the opening comment of the article which states “How counterfeit, defective computer components from China are getting into U.S. warplanes and ships”, this means that Mukarram has knowingly supplied products which are not genuine. So according to you, supplying “Counterfeit” components anywhere in the world is not a crime ? Please explain as to how did you come to this conclusion.

When you were asked as to why did he start another company immediately after his earlier company was banned, you plead ignorance and say “As for why the husband continued doing what his wife was stopped from, that is something that you need to ask him”, now c’mon, don’t be so naive !! Even a child would conclude that the new company was started only to continue the business done by the earlier company as Mukarram wanted to continue the fraud for which his earlier company was banned for 3 years. If that was not the case then why didn't he wait for a clean chit from the US government before supplying the same "Counterfeit" components under a new name ?

You other defense is "but in 2008, he was nothing. he was just the son of someone who was not even well-known."...... Do you even know that "even in the year 2008" he was the son of Qasim BS who is the BROTHER of the Ex-Dai, SMB ?? And aren't you aware as to how powerful was Qasim BS all throughout ? He is a notorious guy known for his cunningness which got him the important post of Mukasir.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Mukasir Qasimbhai Saab's Son & Bahu Involved In Major Defense Fraud in USA


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Wed Jun 03, 2015 6:16 pm

Bro zinger,

Be it known that Qasim BS is the REAL brother of the main fitnati, Yusuf Najmuddin...... need I say more ??

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Re: Mukasir Qasimbhai Saab's Son & Bahu Involved In Major Defense Fraud in USA


Unread post by alam » Wed Jun 03, 2015 8:04 pm

Mukarram acted unethically and immorally - no ifs ands or buts. End of story. Anything to make a quick buck, even if it involves compromising the national security of mukarrans homelands of America.

Legally right or wrong, morally inexcusable.

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Re: Mukasir Qasimbhai Saab's Son & Bahu Involved In Major Defense Fraud in USA


Unread post by zinger » Wed Jun 03, 2015 11:27 pm

Biradar wrote:All of these people, Mr Qasim, his nephew Dawedar Mr. Muffadul etc. are corrupt and will do any shady deals to make a quick buck. I mean, what did they do with the SMB (RA) and his mazzon?

Zinger is a lap dog, and he will defend any nonsense (even if claims he is "not defending anyone"). However, he is not a very smart lap dog. He claims that so-and-so is not illegal so it is okay. He says that making shady deals is a universal thing. I mean, come on. Perhaps people are corrupt. However, those who lord it over the Bohras masses, being all holier-than-thou should be held to much higher standards. If they have the same human weaknesses as everyone else, then they should not expect common Bohras to fawn and genuflect in front of them.agreed on all points except of me being a lap dog

Also, in case Zinger has forgotten, given that he is deeply influenced by Dawedar Mr. Muffadul. SMB (RA) you have got to be kidding me and our dua't, following the example of the Prophet, have alway advised to earn halal income. Even if something is legal (this fraud is not, BTW), it is not halal. For example, prostitution is legal in many European countries. So it is okay for shehzadis to be prostitutes and then come to the masjid and boss around everyone? Selling alcohol is legal. So should a shehzada sell alcohol and be allowed to lord it over all and sundry sorry, but your arguments are of tangent. there is no proof of fraud in the entire article. please do go through it with a fine tooth comb AGAIN?

The concept of halal is much more restrictive than mere legalism. We should adhere to much higher standards of honesty and fair play, and hold our so-called leaders to even higher standard. Of course, Zinger won't understand this, and it is pointless to argue with him actually, i do, and i agree with you.

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Re: Mukasir Qasimbhai Saab's Son & Bahu Involved In Major Defense Fraud in USA


Unread post by zinger » Wed Jun 03, 2015 11:27 pm

ghulam muhammed wrote:Bro zinger,

Be it known that Qasim BS is the REAL brother of the main fitnati, Yusuf Najmuddin...... need I say more ??
Ok, THAT, i did not know.

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Re: Mukasir Qasimbhai Saab's Son & Bahu Involved In Major Defense Fraud in USA


Unread post by zinger » Wed Jun 03, 2015 11:33 pm

GM bhai

Firstly, in my defense (mine, not the Kothari goons mind you), i have absolutely no interest in defending anyone. i frankly do not give 2 hoots about the present system anyways. The one person who did matter to me is no more and now i care not who comes and goes.



Secondly nowhere in the of the article or the title does it constitute "knowledge of counterfiet goods being knowingly sold" suggest you read the article again yourself

thirdly, nowhere have i said " supplying “Counterfeit” components anywhere in the world is not a crime" Please explain as to how did you come to this conclusion from what i have written yourself.

Fourthly, yes, ask the husband why he started the same deal under a new front. i dont know him from Adam, why ask me? the same nonsense goes on here where the same people pop up under different names. are you going to ask me why they do that too?

Finally, im sorry, but you actually have been able refute none but one point of mine. For that matter, except for the point of making money at all costs and that he is perhaps not as unknown as i thought he is, no one else has

This is the end of the debate from my end. others are free to carry on to build this up
ghulam muhammed wrote:
zinger wrote:Allow me to poke holes in your post and show how you are cleverly trying to cast aspersions on the character of some people, just cause they are from the family of Syedna, somebody you hate:
Allow me to poke BIG holes in your arguments and show how cleverly you are trying to cover up the nefarious activities of the Saifee Mahal mafias just because they are related to SMB, the ex-Dai in whom you had a blind faith.
zinger wrote:I hope i have not blasted your post to smithereens.
You have desperately tried the above but have failed miserably in your attempt to do so !
zinger wrote:Trying to do business and making shady deals and making some more money is ultimately a universal truth, not applicable to one particular class of people just cause you hate them!
According to your yardstick it is permissible for any member of the Dai's family to enter into "Shady Deals" even though these white robed mafias project themselves as holier then thou. And what about the stereotyped bayans of every Dai (including your beloved SBM) that "Je desh ma raho eh desh na wafadar thai ne raho". Is supplying "Counterfeit" equipments a part of "Wafadari" to ones country ? That too, supplying critical components which are used in military aircrafts and failure of which could result in plane crash.
zinger wrote:Also, in no way am i defending anyone here. im just pointing out the flaws in your post. something i have told you about in PM too many a times
Knowingly or unknowingly, you are definitely trying to defend the indefensible and you have also failed in pointing out the alleged flaws which I will elaborate further. With regard to your PMs, you will appreciate that I have always replied to the same successfully and you had to take back your words, details of which I will not mention as those were private conversations between us.

Bro zinger,

I thought you were more smart then what you project but it seems that in your zest to defend the Saifee Mahal mafias you have miserably failed to defend their nefarious activities as ALL your arguments are simply flawed and absurd. Your MAIN contention is that Mukarram has not done anything illegal, now if that’s the case then why was his company banned from doing business for 3 years ? Read the opening comment of the article which states “How counterfeit, defective computer components from China are getting into U.S. warplanes and ships”, this means that Mukarram has knowingly supplied products which are not genuine. So according to you, supplying “Counterfeit” components anywhere in the world is not a crime ? Please explain as to how did you come to this conclusion.

When you were asked as to why did he start another company immediately after his earlier company was banned, you plead ignorance and say “As for why the husband continued doing what his wife was stopped from, that is something that you need to ask him”, now c’mon, don’t be so naive !! Even a child would conclude that the new company was started only to continue the business done by the earlier company as Mukarram wanted to continue the fraud for which his earlier company was banned for 3 years. If that was not the case then why didn't he wait for a clean chit from the US government before supplying the same "Counterfeit" components under a new name ?

You other defense is "but in 2008, he was nothing. he was just the son of someone who was not even well-known."...... Do you even know that "even in the year 2008" he was the son of Qasim BS who is the BROTHER of the Ex-Dai, SMB ?? And aren't you aware as to how powerful was Qasim BS all throughout ? He is a notorious guy known for his cunningness which got him the important post of Mukasir.

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Re: Mukasir Qasimbhai Saab's Son & Bahu Involved In Major Defense Fraud in USA


Unread post by asad » Wed Jun 03, 2015 11:49 pm

Shouldnt we appreciate that atleast some one tried to earn something (unethically) instead of looting Bohroas and living off wajebaat and other monies collected. I believe its a welcome change.

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Re: Mukasir Qasimbhai Saab's Son & Bahu Involved In Major Defense Fraud in USA


Unread post by SBM » Thu Jun 04, 2015 12:05 am

Asad :) :)

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Re: Mukasir Qasimbhai Saab's Son & Bahu Involved In Major Defense Fraud in USA


Unread post by zinger » Thu Jun 04, 2015 12:19 am

asad wrote:Shouldnt we appreciate that atleast some one tried to earn something (unethically) instead of looting Bohroas and living off wajebaat and other monies collected. I believe its a welcome change.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: LIKE

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Re: Mukasir Qasimbhai Saab's Son & Bahu Involved In Major Defense Fraud in USA


Unread post by Maqbool » Thu Jun 04, 2015 11:30 pm

asad wrote:Shouldnt we appreciate that atleast some one tried to earn something (unethically) instead of looting Bohroas and living off wajebaat and other monies collected. I believe its a welcome change.
But here he is doing both.

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Re: Mukasir Qasimbhai Saab's Son & Bahu Involved In Major Defense Fraud in USA


Unread post by Smart » Fri Jun 05, 2015 8:12 am

Let us understand the how and why of this crooked business.

The family has always been into extortion, blackmail and looting of the Dawoodi Bohras. This is something that everybody will agree. Now with Bohras leaving and going away, the catchment area has reduced and the income is under pressure. The limits of what they can loot from abdes is reaching its limit.

On the other hand, the family mafia is breeding like rabbits, practically each of them having a dozen children, in this time and age. The per capita share of the loot is reducing because of this factor.

This has created a pressure to create greener pastures for the parasites to survive. With not having ever done an honest day of work, they are forced into such schemes and businesses. They have been trying to do businesses for the last 60-70 years ( remember Asian Electronics and Asian Dehydrates), but have failed. In desperation they are now into these sort of things.

In gujarati it can be said, "Ae logone khali topi pehnavta aavde chhe".

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Re: Mukasir Qasimbhai Saab's Son & Bahu Involved In Major Defense Fraud in USA


Unread post by alam » Fri Jun 05, 2015 10:12 am

Don't forget, They are into real estate, SBUT DAWATE-Hadiya properties and a corporate subculture that reserves the highest income bearing franchises, corporate divisions (amalat, schemes, etc) to the "old boys' network". It is the people who are in the Qasre-Aali and other so called upper echelons of the Bohra corporation whose morality, spirituality and ethics, (AKA tamarau deen, tamarau walaayat) have been most compromised.

Of course there are many (among the upper echelons) who at one time or another also engaged in legitimate ethical business. not all apples are stale or remain stale.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Mukasir Qasimbhai Saab's Son & Bahu Involved In Major Defense Fraud in USA


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Fri Jun 05, 2015 6:26 pm

zinger wrote:Secondly nowhere in the of the article or the title does it constitute "knowledge of counterfiet goods being knowingly sold" suggest you read the article again yourself
Do you believe that people who supply "Counterfeit" material are not aware about it and in this case Mukarram and his wife have been supplying the same for almost 3 years clocking a turnover of 2.7 million dollars and are still unaware of it... are they so bhola bhaala and ignorant ??
zinger wrote:Fourthly, yes, ask the husband why he started the same deal under a new front. i dont know him from Adam, why ask me?
A member asked you this question because you were defending Mukarram as if you were his PRO and who purposely floated a new company which in Indian terms is called "Benami" company, a company deliberately started to "Continue" the fraud for which his earlier company was banned !!
zinger wrote:The one person who did matter to me is no more and now i care not who comes and goes.
Iam glad that you don't believe the deceased Dai to be "Al-Hay" :lol:

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Re: Mukasir Qasimbhai Saab's Son & Bahu Involved In Major Defense Fraud in USA


Unread post by alivasan » Sat Jun 06, 2015 5:36 am

Smart wrote:Let us understand the how and why of this crooked business.

The family has always been into extortion, blackmail and looting of the Dawoodi Bohras. This is something that everybody will agree. Now with Bohras leaving and going away, the catchment area has reduced and the income is under pressure. The limits of what they can loot from abdes is reaching its limit.

On the other hand, the family mafia is breeding like rabbits, practically each of them having a dozen children, in this time and age. The per capita share of the loot is reducing because of this factor.

This has created a pressure to create greener pastures for the parasites to survive. With not having ever done an honest day of work, they are forced into such schemes and businesses. They have been trying to do businesses for the last 60-70 years ( remember Asian Electronics and Asian Dehydrates), but have failed. In desperation they are now into these sort of things.

In gujarati it can be said, "Ae logone khali topi pehnavta aavde chhe".
Excellent post...quite true.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Mukasir Qasimbhai Saab's Son & Bahu Involved In Major Defense Fraud in USA


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sat Jun 06, 2015 6:50 pm


2006 Government Contracts
Awarded to this Contractor/Location
Defense Department

Government Contractor/

Dollar Amount of Defense Contracts Awarded to this Contractor from 2000 to 2014--- $2,800,617
Number of Defense Contracts Awarded to this Contractor from 2000 to 2014--- 267
Industry Classification--- Gasoline Engine and Engine Parts Manufacturing
Type of Business Entity--- Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB) Performing in the United States
Women-Owned Business--- Yes
HUB Zone Representation--- No
Ethnic Group Subcontinent--- Asian American Owned Business ... g=18&yr=06

ghulam muhammed
Posts: 11653
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Re: Mukasir Qasimbhai Saab's Son & Bahu Involved In Major Defense Fraud in USA


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sat Jun 06, 2015 7:08 pm

ghulam muhammed wrote:HAKIMUDDIN, MARIYA

2006 Government Contracts
Awarded to this Contractor/Location
Defense Department

Government Contractor/

Dollar Amount of Defense Contracts Awarded to this Contractor from 2000 to 2014--- $2,800,617
Number of Defense Contracts Awarded to this Contractor from 2000 to 2014--- 267
Industry Classification--- Gasoline Engine and Engine Parts Manufacturing
Type of Business Entity--- Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB) Performing in the United States
Women-Owned Business--- Yes
HUB Zone Representation--- No
Ethnic Group Subcontinent--- Asian American Owned Business ... g=18&yr=06
One more :-

IT Enterprise
- Hardware Stores

Founded in 2003, IT Enterprise is a small home center & hardware store in Bakersfield, California. It has 2 full time employees and generates $50,000 in annual revenue

Employees :-

Mariya Hakimuddin Owner
Lubaina Nooruddin Manager ... rsfield-CA