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London Sabeel raised from £390 to £500 per person

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 11:31 am
by fayyaaz
As recd:

My friend from UK sent the below
A petition is already up and running
Sabil increase\uD83D\uDC46

Our sabeel has increased from £390 to £500 per person. It's hard for a middle class family as such a big jump.

Re: London Sabeel raised from £390 to £500 per person

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 5:58 pm
by Mkenya
With apologies to Mir Taqui Mir:

Karwaan-e-loot hai rota hai kya
Aage aage dekhiye hota hai kya

Re: London Sabeel raised from £390 to £500 per person

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 7:53 am
by Smart
If you cannot afford it, just leave the Club. Why complain?
Abdes and other apologists like Adam and James have always likened the community to a club where you pay the dues to stay in. The only difference is that unlike any club around the world, we don't elect the authorities, nor can they be removed. The only option is to get lost, just like the huge numbers that already have left and gone and are happy for that.

Re: London Sabeel raised from £390 to £500 per person

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 12:20 pm
by Biradar
Smart wrote:If you cannot afford it, just leave the Club. Why complain?
Abdes and other apologists like Adam and James have always likened the community to a club where you pay the dues to stay in. The only difference is that unlike any club around the world, we don't elect the authorities, nor can they be removed. The only option is to get lost, just like the huge numbers that already have left and gone and are happy for that.
Actually, I suggest to London amil to increase sabil to 1000 or even 2000 pounds. Why not? If Dawedar Mr. Muffadul (LA) owns everything of yours anyway, all he is doing is asking for what is his. So, bohras should give him 100% of their income and then patiently wait for amil to give them a few pounds as pocket money. Mr. Muffadul (LA) is already providing them with "free" food, health, wealth and a place in heaven. Why do bohras need more? Tell these London bohras that they must pay more and more and more, and not complain.

Incidentally, I am being very serious. Recently, a mad-Muffadully mullah sent an email from Isblis Dawaat headquarters in LA, that even your children are "amaanat" of more-la, and hence must be brainwashed to worship him. So, if your children are his property, you money is also his property. Just give to him and be done with it.

Re: London Sabeel raised from £390 to £500 per person

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 12:32 pm
by SBM
Agree with Biradar, Increase the Sabil and as a matter of fact their paychecks should be deposited directly in Kothar's account and Aamil can provide pocket expenses May be that is not even necessary, Free Thaali, Madressa for children, Majlis for social get together and Stitched Rida, Saya and Topi from Jamaat, Medical care from Saify Hospital and for legal advice, Aaamil's services what do they need pocket money for

Re: London Sabeel raised from £390 to £500 per person

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 5:28 pm
by jungle999
Biradar [wroteActually, I suggest to London amil to increase sabil to 1000 or even 2000 pounds. Why not? If Dawedar Mr. Muffadul (LA) owns everything of yours anyway, all he is doing is asking for what is his. So, bohras should give him 100% of their income and then patiently wait for amil to give them a few pounds as pocket money. Mr. Muffadul (LA) is already providing them with "free" food, health, wealth and a place in heaven. Why do bohras need more? Tell these London bohras that they must pay more and more and more, and not complain.]
SMB [wrote Agree with Biradar, Increase the Sabil and as a matter of fact their paychecks should be deposited directly in Kothar's account]
DONT put all bohras in one basket .NOT all of them are die hard abdes and do you pay any sabil if not why are you so heyper about this matter it is none of your consen .LET them pay if they what to.

Re: London Sabeel raised from £390 to £500 per person

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 10:44 am
by Akhtiar Wahid
We need a mad max in our community to break the jaw of this hogging beast called Muffadal, his entourage and his scamming dawat e hadiya company.

If you have seen Mad max movie it has a perfect script with the ongoing reality of Dawoodi Bohra community, each and every abde is enslaved and ask for barkat and this warlord Muffy blows off a barkati phoonk and everybody is awestruck.

We have a revolutionary inbred SKQ saheb who is just like furious feriosa, who wants people to get free of this enslavement and look for the greener side of life, instead of aimlessly growing beard, bloating up, being dressed in STD 24/7 and instead doing all haram activities.

Re: London Sabeel raised from £390 to £500 per person

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 1:15 am
by Mkenya
[Jungle999 wrote: DONT put all bohras in one basket . NOT all of them are die hard abdes and do you pay any sabil if not why are you so hyper about this matter it is none of your concern. LET them pay if they want to.]

I agree with Jungle999 that not all of them are die hard abdes. They have been brought up as Bohras for generations and for them going to the mosque, jaman and other occasions is part of their lives and upbringing. They live in a very close-knit society where the Dai, kothar, and so on are and have been the most important part of their lives. Admittedly sabil, wajebaat, najwa, salaam for 21, 51, 52 etc. are levied with yearly increasing amounts; but what can they do? They can plead and maybe, may be, some Amil may listen to him and give him a break but the rest have to pay. Pay they must because they know of no other way of life. These people know of nothing except the Dai, waeez, the ziarat of Dais, thaali, mohabbat ni roti, etc.

The mosques in the UK fill to the rafters during Ramadhan, Muharram and other days of significant importance. The income there is in English Pounds (1 pound is equal to approximately 100 Indian Rupees.) The cost of living is very high and to make ends meet many families have two people working to make ends meet. Irrespective of whether they are able to save, the money for sabeel etc. must be paid. The ever-present threat of denial of attending for prayers or events in mosques and darees, stopping your children from attending madarasa, and so on.

It is a laughing matter that some hotheads have floated a petition. Petition to which authority? The local MP or the British Parliament! What can it achieve? It is foolhardy to think that some lowly MP is going to take up their case. Let us say, by some miracle, they win. What then? The jamaats in England will be forced to rescind and uphold the judgement. And do you think that Jamaats will knuckle under and reduce the sabeel! Dream on!

Die hard Bohras are destined to wallow in this quagmire whether they like it or not. They have made their bed and they must lie in it. Everyone from the Dai, the dawedaar, and kothar exist to extract money from die hard abdes. And rightly so. Look at the lavish royal lifestyles they live. They need millions of rupees to maintain themselves and their ever increasing Kasre Ali or whatever, palatial homes, luxurious cars, chartered planes or first class seats, servants galore, and so on.

God speed to Dai and Kothar in increasing sabeel and other dues. Die hard abdes have unswerving faith on you. What is money after all. They will do overtime, eat peanuts, drive less, shop less often but their Dai has to be satiated. After all he is the one who is going to hold our hand and take us to jannat.

Re: London Sabeel raised from £390 to £500 per person

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 7:29 am
by Bohra spring
Mr. Muffadul (LA) is already providing them with "free" food, health, wealth and a place in heaven
since when and where does " the hunter" provide health and wealth...I will be surprised which free medical or job upliftment program he has promoted to help the poor. most of his schemes are for the rich to get richer

to fair and square people are complaining the wrong aspect £500 sabeel is not too much to ask for services rendered what is bothering is this is in addition to wajebat, lagats, salams, fmb, silats , etc which add up to £5000 per annum. and further insult no transparency. if wajebat collection remained in local jamat then there would not be need for more the £2000 per annum in total. people would see value . there would be enough to add to help the less fortunate in the west and poor countries

now regarding MP, Mkenya is right ...Bohras are not forced to join or remain members. ..the better way is for people to leave in droves and join SKQ, that will create shortage of funds and collapse of the powers.

Re: London Sabeel raised from £390 to £500 per person

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 9:48 pm
by kimanumanu
Looks like petition has bitten somewhere ... something brewing in good ole London!

Re: London Sabeel raised from £390 to £500 per person

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 2:18 pm
by SBM
I got a text
Qaid Jonny was in London and he was very upset that some of the Abdes informed the Charity Commission about increase in Sabeel and he left London along with the Aamil as a form of punishment and left a Wali Mullah in charge to conduct Ramadan.
He has asked for a Maafi Naama from the Jamaat to send the Aamil back to London
Please verify

Re: London Sabeel raised from £390 to £500 per person

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 3:27 pm
by Al-Noor
If this is true then this is best time for Londoners to get free from [DELETED] muffy and his gang trap, let the walimullah continue with imamat and life a happy life. each and every town/city/jamaat is well off without an amil.

pray namaz in masjid and continue with daily life like nothing has happened.

Re: London Sabeel raised from £390 to £500 per person

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 6:00 pm
by New
Several things with regards to the QJ story:

1. That is good the Wali Mulla will command less salam and other wajebaat.
2. QJB should be giving Mafi to the Jumaat and not the other way.
3. Why is QJB afraid if he is honest. The investigation would show nothing and on the top of the things Allah will protect him.
4. For Bohras, Maafi is common. It is given and taken at the drop of a Paghree. Even SMB gave Mafi on the TV and also in writing.

Re: London Sabeel raised from £390 to £500 per person

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 7:47 pm
by think
I say good riddance. Without mafi nama I challenge you all, you will soon see that q.j. will return by himself without mafi nama. Mumineen of london should not fall for this type of acting by q.j. sooner than you think , he will realize he is missing all the pampering and money flow and will come back home just like the lost son.

Re: London Sabeel raised from £390 to £500 per person

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 11:35 pm
by SBM
Received thru text
SKQ's daughter-in-law Rabab bensaheb and one SKQ's loyal follower Went to do ziyarat of Amatullah aAi saheba Busaheb in glaring daylight, in front of die hard MS Followers and did ziyarat comfortably,took their time, prayed yaseen, and left everyone gawking at them. They were surrounded by SMS folks, who just gaped and gawked at the SKQ people. The SMS die hard followers were completely mesmerized by the boldness of these SKQ people - that they were frozen. However after they left, the Amil or Raza na Saheb was so ticked off, that now all hell broke lose. The Londoners are now being demanded to completely sanitize the Roza of Busaheb, wash the Qabar, the gilafs, and everything else in the Qubbah.

This is on top of the forced written and verbal "MAAFI" that Londoners are being forced to do Tonight and tomorrow to Mufaddal maula for the survey and the objections to the sabeel . The average bohra in London is in deep turmoil over this and to top it all they now have to clean up the Qubbah too. People are planning to stay home and not go to masjid until things cool down and they can avoid signing this stupidity.

Evidently a few people also greeted Rubabben Saheb and showed her respect. All this is driving the Aamil crazy, so now the aamil is driveling The people crazy.

Re: London Sabeel raised from £390 to £500 per person

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 8:38 am
by Bohra spring
SBM wrote:Received thru text
SKQ's daughter-in-law Rabab bensaheb and one SKQ's loyal follower Went to do ziyarat of Amatullah aAi saheba Busaheb in glaring daylight, in front of die hard MS Followers and did ziyarat comfortably,took their time, prayed yaseen, and left everyone gawking at them. They were surrounded by SMS folks, who just gaped and gawked at the SKQ people. The SMS die hard followers were completely mesmerized by the boldness of these SKQ people - that they were frozen. However after they left, the Amil or Raza na Saheb was so ticked off, that now all hell broke lose. The Londoners are now being demanded to completely sanitize the Roza of Busaheb, wash the Qabar, the gilafs, and everything else in the Qubbah.

This is on top of the forced written and verbal "MAAFI" that Londoners are being forced to do Tonight and tomorrow to Mufaddal maula for the survey and the objections to the sabeel . The average bohra in London is in deep turmoil over this and to top it all they now have to clean up the Qubbah too. People are planning to stay home and not go to masjid until things cool down and they can avoid signing this stupidity.

Evidently a few people also greeted Rubabben Saheb and showed her respect. All this is driving the Aamil crazy, so now the aamil is driveling The people crazy.

This is really the best news...UK breaks away from chains ...this action shows glimmer signs of decent. also UK is not india, scuffles can be reported to the police and dawaat can be in big trouble .

Londeners keep it up don't submit to sms consequences, where you succeed the rest of western world will follow.

Re: London Sabeel raised from £390 to £500 per person

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 10:23 am
by jungle999
Bohra spring ] Londeners keep it up don't submit to sms consequences, where you succeed the rest of western world will follow.]
I realy hope this happens and london jumaat dont give up now is the right time to fight back dont give up to this rotten kothars

Re: London Sabeel raised from £390 to £500 per person

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 5:56 pm
by ghulam muhammed
watsup msg

Forwarded as Received :

The inspector of taxes are now investigating Dr. Idris. There is more and bigger LOCHA then this. Amil raza has been revoked because they failed to honour Qaid Johar properly. He was not entertained and did nothing to stop the Sabeel survey going viral. Big problems in London Jamat. No Raza for anything. And Amil has been summoned to Mumbai. London ni chithi band che.

Zulm pukare ga ek din,
Bahut hai li Haai tuney bebas garibo ki,
Chukana padega hisaab ek din,
Uss waqt na Modi ka Ghoos
na vaseela kaam aayega !
Yaad rakhna e Bad bakht !

Re: London Sabeel raised from £390 to £500 per person

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 6:26 am
by saminaben
This Rubabben Saheb whoever she is - should come out here and there and surface like the Virgin Mary and show her appearances everywhere and empower the bohra women worldwide.

Re: London Sabeel raised from £390 to £500 per person

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 4:53 pm
by ghulam muhammed
watsup msg

Forwarded as Received :

There is a BIG issue.... Mola is very khafaa.... all Ayaans have been suspended... because of the recent increase in Sabeel, people have complained, protested and the publicity is in newspapers... Namaz Raza has been given to Shk Hamza bhai Jiwanji (Atlanta.. Tasnim Malik's mamaji).... Qaid Johar's son-in-law has been sent from India for Ramzan khidmat... No sign of Dr. Idris bhaisaab and his son who both are Amils of London !!

Re: London Sabeel raised from £390 to £500 per person

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 10:33 am
by think
idrees and his son are hiding from the long arms of the tax collector by running away to india. It will not help. The tax man will get them and then the cat will be out of the bag. Just wait and see. kudos to london jamaat for standing up for what is right. More power to the london jamaat. And do not worry at all about who will take your wajebaat money. There are many honest organizations that serve humanity's needs with selfless devotion. You will find some among your nearest and dearest that need a lift in life. Needless to say , no rapture or evil will befall you if q.j. or his goon is not there to accept your wajebaat money. secondly, you do not have to give wajebaat only during ramadaan. It can be any month, the sawaab is the same. Help your brother in need, whether it is Monday , Tuesday or Friday.

Re: London Sabeel raised from £390 to £500 per person

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 12:36 pm
by dawedaar
Well, that is not a punishment but victory for London people!
SBM wrote:I got a text
Qaid Jonny was in London and he was very upset that some of the Abdes informed the Charity Commission about increase in Sabeel and he left London along with the Aamil as a form of punishment and left a Wali Mullah in charge to conduct Ramadan.
He has asked for a Maafi Naama from the Jamaat to send the Aamil back to London
Please verify

Re: London Sabeel raised from £390 to £500 per person

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 12:49 pm
by dawedaar
Is surveymonkey added to list of dushman of dawat now :P
fayyaaz wrote:As recd:

My friend from UK sent the below
A petition is already up and running
Sabil increase\uD83D\uDC46

Our sabeel has increased from £390 to £500 per person. It's hard for a middle class family as such a big jump.

Re: London Sabeel raised from £390 to £500 per person

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 10:15 pm
by alam
this London Jamaat issue is such a blessing in disguise. People are unhappy and they took action, and of course the powers to be in Badri mahal will bring out their iron fists. The more they do, is a step further in digging a bigger hole for themselves. Once the people are empowered by taking action and a step toward resistance, it is changed forever. They say - "once you stretch a rubber band, it's never the same again". THe current unhappiness and turmoil is just a tip of the iceberg for that sense of empowerment and fight for justice.

Of course it's going to take more than just one rubber band.

Re: London Sabeel raised from £390 to £500 per person

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 1:37 am
by Biradar
People are all getting worked up for no reason. London bohris are as submissive and spineless as any others. Yes, they may have done a survey, but when the face the wrath of the monster that is Kothar, they will fall to their knees and beg for forgiveness. Bohris love their jamaan and fun times in the markaaz and masjid. They are terrified of loosing their access to the non-stop fun and drama, so lovingly served by Kotharis and Mr. Muffadul. They will pay up and shut up. Thats all. I mean, look at the last 70+ years. The progressives have made almost no dent in the power of the Kothar, in fact, have served to make it even stronger. So, don't get your hopes up. Nothing will change. Things will only get worse. Mr. Muffadul will come out stronger, and the London bohris humiliated, beaten and even weaker than before.

Re: London Sabeel raised from £390 to £500 per person

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 1:48 am
by New
I agree with Mr. Biradar. Kotharis can and will get away with a murder. Look at their leader Mr. Idris, he has ruled over them for decades even though he got away with a runaway accident instead of rendering assistance to the victims. So?

Re: London Sabeel raised from £390 to £500 per person

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 6:14 am
by alam
Biradar and New, how bitter! How hopeless. In your frustrations you seem unable to acknowledge steps and bold steps , granted there are few. My friend, study a bit of history and revolutions - they don't always happen in leaps and bounds. They start in steps and boldness. It took a bold step for a few in London to have the audacity to shake things up and the majority of so- called "spineless" to take the survey and express themselves. How dare you lump this action on the part of a few bohras, in a snapshot of time as spineless? For those who did this it was an enormous first step or second or third.

Why do you complain about reformists not making a dent- change is not going to happen in leaps and bounds - udaipur was a local concentrated effort and they continue to struggle.

Such a pessimist and negative view does no good - but if you wish go ahead continue to blame the spineless and continue to ignore efforts of those who on occasion stand up and have a spine, if that's your choice.

Bohra Spring and a few others are at least more encouraging when change does happen.

I understand that it is easy to be bitter - I go there too - but biradar you are sounding like a broken record - sometimes untimely, and jaded with bitterness, a naysayer.

Re: London Sabeel raised from £390 to £500 per person

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 10:07 am
by dawedaar
Well said alam.

@ Biradar - A fatass shehzada (Read QJ) had to rush to London in the midst and peak of Ramdaan and take Idris away. If this is not a shakeup, then what it is. This surely shows that the rulers got uncomfortable and worried and had to take some action immediately. The initiation of a survey and so many people responding is also a good sign. What do you want to happen otherwise. Do you want that Saifee Mahal be bombed up at once and everything coming to an end?
alam wrote:Biradar and New, how bitter! How hopeless. In your frustrations you seem unable to acknowledge steps and bold steps , granted there are few. My friend, study a bit of history and revolutions - they don't always happen in leaps and bounds. They start in steps and boldness. It took a bold step for a few in London to have the audacity to shake things up and the majority of so- called "spineless" to take the survey and express themselves. How dare you lump this action on the part of a few bohras, in a snapshot of time as spineless? For those who did this it was an enormous first step or second or third.
Biradar wrote:People are all getting worked up for no reason. London bohris are as submissive and spineless as any others. Yes, they may have done a survey, but when the face the wrath of the monster that is Kothar, they will fall to their knees and beg for forgiveness. Bohris love their jamaan and fun times in the markaaz and masjid. They are terrified of loosing their access to the non-stop fun and drama, so lovingly served by Kotharis and Mr. Muffadul. They will pay up and shut up. Thats all. I mean, look at the last 70+ years. The progressives have made almost no dent in the power of the Kothar, in fact, have served to make it even stronger. So, don't get your hopes up. Nothing will change. Things will only get worse. Mr. Muffadul will come out stronger, and the London bohris humiliated, beaten and even weaker than before.

Re: London Sabeel raised from £390 to £500 per person

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 10:15 am
by SBM
It took only one street vendor in Tuinisa to immolate himself and that caused the Arab Spring and bring democracy in that part of world.
That Street vendor was an INSIGNIFICANT one while the entire nation was SPINELESS followers but one small act changed the hearts and minds of everyone
Like Br Alam said it is a slow and tedious process and it takes patience. Gandhi did not get freedom overnight from a mighty army either

Re: London Sabeel raised from £390 to £500 per person

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:24 am
by Biradar
Alam et. al: I am not bitter, just realistic. Mr. Quadi Johar spends a lot of time in London. Hence, his being there does not mean anything. As New said, Mr. Idris is lording over London bohras for decades. Nothing has happened to him, and nothing will. Things will only get worse.

You guys are making unwarranted comparisons to revolutions. The revolution in Udaipur served to isolate the progressives, marginalize them and strengthen the Kotharis. The momentum which the Udapuris built was lost and the movement never actually made a positive impact in the larger Bohra community. In fact, the impact was negative. This schism has left the progressives in a worse situation. They are neither here nor there, and slowly fading to irrelevance, as far as larger bohra community is concerned. Yes, Udaipur keeps going, but Kotharis don't care.

I can make a suggestion to bring about real change. Abandon Mr. Muffadul and his Iblisis toli and join the Fatimidawat movement. This the only real way forward. There is little chance of change in the Muffadually Bohras and things will not get better. Just worse.