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Bohra Jamaat Trusts and Constitutions

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 8:44 am
by Ozdundee
As part of multinational investigations into operations of Dawoodi Bohra institutions. Extracts of how the various jammats around the western world are constituted can now be released for public viewing.

Slowly and gradually details will be posted here. The intent is for the community members to challenge the control by Amils and Trustees. This also implicates the Diai Mutlaq directly accountable for actions by Amils and Jamaats.

This posting is also for public, media and secondary partner authorities to access for their own investigation. Should the admin be threatened with blocking access to these extracts. It should be advised the release of extracts are protected under relevant freedom of information regulations and the extracts are from non classified sections of documents under regulatory records that are public in nature.

Law enforcement review of these documents have resulted in conclusion the constitutional terms of statements in the trusts are not enforceable, can be challenged in courts as breach of civil liberties, liable for lawsuits for fraud and likely money laundering and breach of publuc trust , breach of privacy , criminal intent of operating a state within state and promoting public disorder. The trust's, trustee and jamaat officials now if found guilty can be charged , jailed and or fined. The trusts unregistered and assets seized.

Should community members report cases against the trust's for harrassment, discrimination or abuse the authorities will act with punitive measures.

However authorities can only act when crime is created and not on intent, requires someone from the community somewhere to lodge official complaint and file reports of illegal activity.

Note above is simple English summary of detailed report and terms have been simplified for basic reader. OzD will be in shadows and empower with ideas of grass root rise of a bold and courageous public voice.