ancestral worship.
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2020 6:04 pm
To readers at large, following is Khutba number 225 from Nahj-ul-Balagha, which I came across and am posting it here for those who may not be aware and to get the views of the learned in religion. This is an English translation of the original khutba as stated by moula Ali. The compiler of the khutbas is syed Razi and he states;
In pre -Islamic days ancestor worship was greatly in vogue. Among the polytheists, great kings, mighty Tyrant, and even singers were raised to the status of dieties and thus new thrones were added to the pantheon of Gods. People often glorified heads of their families, eulogizing their deedsin songs and ballads and bards were paid to sing their praises.
Hazrat Ali referencing the quraan drew attention of the people towards the futility and baselessness of such vaunts.
Following is the actual khutba, as stated by moula Ali,
Just look, think and take a lessonfrom those people who are boasting about their deadancestors. What a foolish and irrational action. Those who boast about their deads or who go to the graves of their ancestors merely as a sign of reverence to their deads,how indifferent they are to death itself. They do not realize how difficult is the task before them. They have tried to remember such lives and such deeds as they think fit to boast and brag. They pride over the glories of their ancestors : and the more they can enemurate such forbears the more enhanced are their pride and vanity. They eel that numerical superiority of their forefathers will place them in proud position, mentally , morally and socially.. They want to bring their dead back to life and see their lifeless bodies once again. Cannot they realize that lives of those dea persons deserve more to serve as instances of warnings and lessons of history than as minarets of light to be proud of. Dimmed and confused visions have made them see great things in their progeinetors and thus instead of improving their minds from the account of their lives they started ancestor worship.
The sermon goes on to another two pages, but this will suffice to make my point and that is that is it right for the bohris to hang pictures of dai umbers 51, 52 and 53 in the homes. Could this be termed as ancestoral worship and if so then we would be displeasing Moula Ali .
This is the way I perceive and leve it open for your inputs. You can read the sermon in its entirety in Nahj- ul- Balagha and if you think that this sermon relates to some other matter to which Hazrat Aliu was referring to , then please say so.
thanks for your time.
In pre -Islamic days ancestor worship was greatly in vogue. Among the polytheists, great kings, mighty Tyrant, and even singers were raised to the status of dieties and thus new thrones were added to the pantheon of Gods. People often glorified heads of their families, eulogizing their deedsin songs and ballads and bards were paid to sing their praises.
Hazrat Ali referencing the quraan drew attention of the people towards the futility and baselessness of such vaunts.
Following is the actual khutba, as stated by moula Ali,
Just look, think and take a lessonfrom those people who are boasting about their deadancestors. What a foolish and irrational action. Those who boast about their deads or who go to the graves of their ancestors merely as a sign of reverence to their deads,how indifferent they are to death itself. They do not realize how difficult is the task before them. They have tried to remember such lives and such deeds as they think fit to boast and brag. They pride over the glories of their ancestors : and the more they can enemurate such forbears the more enhanced are their pride and vanity. They eel that numerical superiority of their forefathers will place them in proud position, mentally , morally and socially.. They want to bring their dead back to life and see their lifeless bodies once again. Cannot they realize that lives of those dea persons deserve more to serve as instances of warnings and lessons of history than as minarets of light to be proud of. Dimmed and confused visions have made them see great things in their progeinetors and thus instead of improving their minds from the account of their lives they started ancestor worship.
The sermon goes on to another two pages, but this will suffice to make my point and that is that is it right for the bohris to hang pictures of dai umbers 51, 52 and 53 in the homes. Could this be termed as ancestoral worship and if so then we would be displeasing Moula Ali .
This is the way I perceive and leve it open for your inputs. You can read the sermon in its entirety in Nahj- ul- Balagha and if you think that this sermon relates to some other matter to which Hazrat Aliu was referring to , then please say so.
thanks for your time.