Forced Female Genital Mutilation in Colombo

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Forced Female Genital Mutilation in Colombo


Unread post by Reporter » Fri Apr 26, 2024 11:25 am

Forced Female Genital Mutilation Unveiled in Dawoodi Bohra Community Center in Colombo.!

(Lanka-e-News -21.April.2024, 9.30 AM) In a startling revelation, reports have emerged of forced female genital mutilation being conducted within the confines of the Dawoodi Bohra Community Center in Colombo. This heinous crime, shrouded in secrecy, has come to light amid allegations of a cover-up involving the Muslim Cabinet Minister and his cabinet powers.

The majority of Sri Lankan Muslims, who predominantly adhere to the Sunni sect, are not associated with such barbaric practices. They have been an integral part of Sri Lankan society for generations, upholding traditions that are deeply rooted in the country's culture and ethos.

In stark contrast, the Dawoodi Bohras, a Shia Muslim sect originating from Gujarat and now residing primarily in Colombo, it also not known how Bhoras became Sri Lankan Citizens, have been accused of not only conducting these illegal rituals but also enforcing strict segregation within their community centers. Shockingly, they go to the extent of washing areas tainted by the presence of other Sri Lankan Muslims with yellow water, reflecting an egregious form of discrimination.

Recent attention has been drawn to the prevalence of female genital mutilation within the Dawoodi Bohra community, a sect belonging to the Ismaili branch of Shia Islam. This practice, condemned by the wider Muslim community, is estimated to affect up to 80% of Bohra girls globally. Despite mounting evidence of its harmful effects, Bohra leaders persist in justifying it as a religious obligation, under the guise of a ritual known as "khatna" or female circumcision.

During a recent ritual held at the beginning of April, eight young girls reportedly suffered severe injuries, yet the Bohra leaders callously refused to seek medical assistance. It also reported one of the Two Sinhalese women and Three Tamils also forced to under the rituals, if was not known, why that women was forced to do so by Bhoras leaders in Colombo. The method employed involves the excision of a portion of the clitoral hood, a practice vehemently denied as genital mutilation by Bohra proponents. However, the term "female circumcision" does little to mask the physical and psychological trauma inflicted upon these innocent victims.

The complicity of high-ranking officials, including the Muslim Minister, in concealing these atrocities only exacerbates the plight of these vulnerable girls. By abusing their positions of power, they perpetuate a culture of silence and impunity, allowing such abhorrent practices to persist unchecked.

As the international community continues to condemn female genital mutilation as a violation of human rights, it is imperative that decisive action be taken to hold accountable those responsible for its perpetuation. The voices of these young girls, silenced by tradition and oppression, must be heard, and justice must prevail to ensure that no girl suffers the indignity of forced genital mutilation ever again.

In a recent revelation, a purported connection has emerged between the Dawoodi Bohra community in Sri Lanka, the election campaign of President Gotabaya Rajapaksha in 2019, and the alleged assistance provided by individuals linked to covering up criminal activities within the community.

Reports suggest that members of the Dawoodi Bohra community, primarily residing in Colombo, played a significant role in supporting Gotabaya Rajapaksha during the 2019 presidential elections. It is alleged that financial contributions to Rajapaksha's campaign were facilitated through Ali Sabry, a prominent figure associated with the Bohra community in Sri Lanka.

Ali Sabry, known for his legal expertise and close ties within the community, has been implicated in assisting the Dawoodi Bohras in concealing criminal activities, including the illegal practice of female genital mutilation (FGM). Despite mounting evidence and international condemnation of FGM, Sabry's purported involvement in shielding the community from accountability raises serious concerns about the rule of law and justice in Sri Lanka.

The nexus between political support for Rajapaksha and the alleged cover-up of criminal activities within the Dawoodi Bohra community underscores the need for transparency and accountability in governance. The intertwining of political interests and communal affairs raises questions about the integrity of the democratic process and the protection of human rights in Sri Lanka.

Furthermore, the silence of the authorities and the lack of decisive action against those implicated in facilitating criminal activities within the Bohra community signal a troubling disregard for the rights and well-being of its members, particularly women and girls who are the primary victims of FGM.

As calls for accountability grow louder, it is imperative for Sri Lankan authorities to conduct a thorough investigation into the alleged ties between political figures, community leaders, and criminal activities within the Dawoodi Bohra community. Upholding the principles of justice and the rule of law is essential to safeguarding the rights and dignity of all individuals, regardless of their affiliations or social standing.

The revelations surrounding the Bohra community's support for Gotabaya Rajapaksha and the alleged cover-up of criminal activities serve as a stark reminder of the challenges facing Sri Lanka in its quest for justice, accountability, and democratic governance. Only through concerted efforts to address systemic issues and hold perpetrators accountable can the country move towards a future founded on principles of equality, transparency, and respect for human rights.

Explosive allegations have surfaced implicating leaders from the Dawoodi Bohra community in Sri Lanka in a purported conspiracy with Ali Sabry, a prominent figure within the community, to target Sunni Muslim political leaders. Reports suggest that these concerted efforts aimed at imprisoning and silencing prominent Sunni Muslim figures have raised serious concerns about the abuse of power and the erosion of democratic values in Sri Lanka.

Among the targeted individuals are Rishard Baddudeen, Azad Sally, and attempts to remand Muslim Congress leader Rauff Hakeem and Hijaz Hisbullah. These leaders, known for their advocacy on behalf of the Sunni Muslim community, have long been vocal about issues pertaining to religious freedom, minority rights, and social justice.

The alleged collusion between Dawoodi Bohra community leaders and Ali Sabry, a lawyer and political figure with close ties to the government, underscores the dangerous nexus between communal interests and political power in Sri Lanka. By weaponizing the legal system to target dissenting voices within the Sunni Muslim community, those involved in the conspiracy have demonstrated a blatant disregard for the principles of democracy and the rule of law.

The targeting of Sunni Muslim political leaders not only undermines their fundamental rights to freedom of expression and political participation but also perpetuates a climate of fear and intimidation within the broader Muslim community in Sri Lanka. Such actions threaten to further exacerbate existing tensions and deepen communal divisions in the country.

Calls for accountability and transparency have intensified in the wake of these allegations, with civil society organizations and human rights advocates demanding a thorough investigation into the alleged collusion between Dawoodi Bohra community leaders and Muslim Cabinet minister Upholding the principles of justice and the rule of law is essential to ensuring that all individuals, regardless of their religious or ethnic background, are treated fairly and afforded due process under the law.

As Sri Lanka grapples with the challenges of building a more inclusive and equitable society, it is imperative that steps be taken to address the root causes of communal tensions and confront the systemic discrimination and marginalization faced by minority communities. Only through genuine efforts to promote dialogue, reconciliation, and respect for human rights can the country move forward on a path towards lasting peace and stability.

Explosive claims have emerged, suggesting that leaders of the Dawoodi Bohra community in Sri Lanka have been given assurances of protection by the Indian High Commissioner in Colombo, in the event of any prosecution by the Sri Lankan government. This revelation has sparked concerns about the abuse of diplomatic privileges and the potential interference in the domestic affairs of Sri Lanka.

According to reports, senior members of the Dawoodi Bohra community have allegedly been assured by Indian diplomats that they will receive support and protection should they face legal action or prosecution by Sri Lankan authorities. These assurances, reportedly conveyed in private meetings, have raised questions about the extent of India's involvement in the internal affairs of Sri Lanka, particularly regarding the legal proceedings against members of the Bohra community.

The Dawoodi Bohra community, predominantly comprising Shia Muslims of Indian origin, has faced scrutiny and criticism in Sri Lanka, particularly in relation to practices such as female genital mutilation (FGM). The alleged assurances of protection from Indian diplomats suggest a concerted effort to shield the community from accountability for these controversial practices, further exacerbating tensions between the Bohra community and other religious and ethnic groups in Sri Lanka.

The purported intervention of Indian diplomats in support of the Dawoodi Bohra community raises broader questions about the role of foreign powers in influencing domestic affairs and legal processes in Sri Lanka. Such actions not only undermine the sovereignty of the Sri Lankan government but also erode trust and cooperation between neighboring countries.

Calls for transparency and accountability have mounted in response to these allegations, with civil society organizations and political leaders urging the Indian government to clarify its stance on the matter. The independence of Sri Lanka's legal system and the rights of all individuals, regardless of their religious or ethnic background, must be respected and upheld without undue influence or interference from external actors.

As the controversy surrounding the alleged diplomatic assurances continues to unfold, it underscores the need for greater transparency and adherence to diplomatic protocols in the conduct of international relations. Building trust and fostering mutual respect between neighboring countries is essential for maintaining stability and promoting cooperation in the region.

Recent revelations have shed light on the close relationship between the Dawoodi Bohra community and the Iranian regime, raising concerns about the implications of this alliance on both domestic and international fronts. The Bohra community, a Shia Muslim sect with a significant presence in various countries, including Sri Lanka, has faced scrutiny over its connections with Iran and the potential consequences of such affiliations, where Bhoras might using their influence to Sri Lankan Foreign Minister to support Iranian Regime, in the Middle East conflict.

The Dawoodi Bohras, known for their adherence to religious traditions and hierarchical structure, have cultivated a relationship with the Iranian regime that spans decades. This relationship, characterized by mutual interests and shared religious beliefs, has manifested in various forms of cooperation and collaboration, ranging from cultural exchanges to economic investments.

However, the Bohra community's association with the Iranian regime has also sparked controversy and criticism, particularly in light of Iran's geopolitical ambitions and human rights record. Iran's support for militant groups and proxy wars in the Middle East, as well as its crackdown on dissent and religious minorities, have raised alarms about the Bohra community's alignment with such a regime.

Furthermore, the Bohra community's close ties with Iran have implications beyond the realm of religious affiliation, impacting geopolitical dynamics and regional stability. Iran's influence in South Asia, coupled with its ambitions for regional hegemony, could potentially exacerbate tensions and destabilize the delicate balance of power in the region.

In addition to geopolitical concerns, the Bohra community's relationship with the Iranian regime has raised questions about its commitment to democratic values and human rights. The regime's repression of dissent, persecution of religious minorities, and disregard for basic freedoms stand in stark contrast to the principles of equality and justice espoused by the Bohra community.

As calls for accountability and transparency grow louder, it is imperative for the Dawoodi Bohra community to reassess its relationship with the Iranian regime and uphold the principles of independence, neutrality, and respect for human rights. By distancing itself from authoritarian regimes and prioritizing the well-being of its members and the broader community, the Bohra community can demonstrate its commitment to democratic values and international norms.

Ultimately, the Dawoodi Bohra community's close relationship with the Iranian regime underscores the complex interplay between religion, politics, and identity in the modern world.

Sheikh Ali sadiq
Posts: 160
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2021 12:44 pm

Re: Forced Female Genital Mutilation in Colombo


Unread post by Sheikh Ali sadiq » Sat Apr 27, 2024 11:02 am

Its high time for MS to stop this non sense