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How much money does Syedna charge per Ziyafat

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:11 pm
by Aarif
Does anyone know the approximate amount that Syedna charges per ziyafat? According to me he is the highest paid consultant in the world during a meal break. He visits bohra families, eats a lavish meal and charges exorbitant amount of money for eating their food. This privilage will envy even the likes of Bill Gates..

Re: How much money does Syedna charge per Ziyafat

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 5:02 pm
by JC
The old man charges like hell..!!!!

And even his sons are in this lucrative business of ziyafat and qadambossi and earn millions..!!

Lately malik ul ushtar from houston has ASKED the toronto jamat to arrange his visit there. the toronto amil has started saying that they want to call him to toronto..!!! and it is on cards that he will be coming soon .... each family has to buy units - one unit is CAD 552. So another scam of loot and plunder - then they will have various functons and the taheris will be asked to do qadambossi, so here comes SALAMS and then they are being asked to have qadambossi and ziyafats at homes - another time and places to earn huge sums ......... and all this crap in the name of barakat (my foot barakat ...!!!)

Baray Mian tu baray main, chotay mian subhan allah .......!!!!!!!

Re: How much money does Syedna charge per Ziyafat

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 6:24 pm
by Al Zulfiqar
i have attended 3 ziyafats at relatives and friends houses over the years, where syedna was invited. the hefty salaams are taken much in advance, only then he agrees to give u the 'sharaf' of stepping into yr house. then the salaams of his big retinue are agreed, this can include his parasite sons, his grandsons, his diwan, the local amil and other local sheikhs and chamchas.

u are given a list of 'musts' beforehand. the type of safra, the thaal, the chilamchi loto, his bethak and other seating arrangements, the sharbat etc etc. all must be of a certain quality and all the protocol is explained. after screwing yrself getting all these things done to their satisfaction, when finally the thaal is served and the arzi is done by the members of the house, all bending over with folded hands and with fear and apprehension written large all over their tired faces, guess what.....?????

the rascally old man wont put his hand in the thaal! he sits there frozen! he wont budge! now extremely flustered and worried, when the family members wonder why and whats next, one of the shezaada's will skilfully call the hapless bakra aside and tell him that 'aqa maula naraaz che, tame su emaj emne bismillah karvane kaho cho? arey, shu kai fund ma hub nahi lakahavo aava mubarak moka upar? ..'

then whatever the chosen fund at that time is mentioned and the by now perspiring bakra who is ready to pee in his hijaar, is made to pledge another tagdi rakam to that fund. all this while the old man sits there enjoying yr discomfort, embarrassment and public humiliation.

only when the last drop of blood is sucked out of you that he starts to eat. (its like him and his family eating your flesh like cannibals)

this is quite common and the kothar is a master at such techniques.

finally after the ziyafat, the bakra is called for personal qadambosi, and he is rewarded with a lousy shawl, some insignificant gift and the crowning achievement of title of sheikh, and if his salaam has been really heavy, then his son/s are awarded with 'mulla'...

wah kya business hai!

laat aur bukke bhi maaro, aur uparse paise aur malida bhi khaao!!!!!!!!!!!

tell me, is there any such unique business like this anywhere in the world, where when the customer walks in, you screw, torture, insult and abuse them and they still give you money and kiss yr feet and hands?......

Re: How much money does Syedna charge per Ziyafat

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 7:07 pm
by Aarif
I know this unique tradition of our community. That's why I mentioned that even the likes of Bill Gates will feel envious when they come to know about these privilages enjoyed by Syedna and his family at the expense of community... Someone once told me that he charges around 15 lakh Rs. per ziyafat. I don't know whether this is true.. Just out of curiosity want to know what is his billing rate for that ONE HOUR??? :D :D

Re: How much money does Syedna charge per Ziyafat

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 8:54 pm
by Safiuddin
I've attended about 8 - 10 ziafats in Us and abroad, and what I have heard is that the salaam is typically $21,000 04 $52,000 for the TUS, and then salaams for everyone else in tow. Zulfiqar you're quite correct the mandatory donations are agreed upon in advance.
Once you get past your local aamil, then you go to the shehre-zaada. After he approves your arzi, they take you into the divine presence of Bhagwaan, and plead a ziaafat in your behalf.
If you've made it to that point, it's understood that you've already pledged your money.
Bhagwaan looks at you and nods, and that means you're pre-approved for a divine visit.
Please make sure to bring a suitcase full of cash to your ziafat.

I once did the arzi personally, and our family's pre-arranged salaam was $17,252 (dollars). Our bill for the subsequent hujoom was another thousand bucks or so to update all of the kitchen towels, get new thaals, new silverware, new dishes, food, 5 or 6 different kinds of soda, a deep freezer, sharbat, mango juice,new clothes, a red carpet for the sidewalk, and payment to a hired maid and dishwasher for the night. (And we were specifically told to hire only "khudaa na logo".

Re: How much money does Syedna charge per Ziyafat

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 8:59 pm
by Aarif
So $21 K is the billing rate. Now tell me who else in the world makes this kind of money during lunch hour??? :D

Re: How much money does Syedna charge per Ziyafat

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 4:03 am
by like_minded
Originally posted by Aareef:
Does anyone know the approximate amount that Syedna charges per ziyafat? According to me he is the highest paid consultant in the world during a meal break. He visits bohra families, eats a lavish meal and charges exorbitant amount of money for eating their food. This privilage will envy even the likes of Bill Gates..
Last year when syedna was here (Bangalore) each ziyafat fetched him 60 lakhs.. there were about 50 ziyafats in total, The aamil's salaam was 1.52 lakhs for each ziyafat (given to him as brokerage charges) Sheikh titles were sold to 53 individuals, each fetching him in the range of 30-35 lakhs. Besides this, there was a fund collected by the local jamat in the name of "Tashreef Awari" where each family in the city was shrewdly targetted and maximum cash exorted.

Re: How much money does Syedna charge per Ziyafat

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 4:58 am
by makberi
Originally posted by Safiuddin:
I once did the arzi personally, and our family's pre-arranged salaam was $17,252 (dollars). Our bill for the subsequent hujoom was another thousand bucks or so to update all of the kitchen towels, get new thaals, new silverware, new dishes, food, 5 or 6 different kinds of soda, a deep freezer, sharbat, mango juice,new clothes, a red carpet for the sidewalk, and payment to a hired maid and dishwasher for the night. (And we were specifically told to hire only "khudaa na logo".[/QB]
please dont get me wrong .......but considering the opinions u express on this forum just wanted to know y did u bother with a ziyafat

Re: How much money does Syedna charge per Ziyafat

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 5:30 am
by Alislam
Last year, Syedna visited Hyderabad (after Bangalore) and ziafat rate started with 27 lakhs and went upto 40 lakhs.More than 50 ziafats happened and the broker (Aamil Juzer b******) made more than a crore.

Gullible bohras had to cough up lots of money for the "Tashrif" fund.

Many who got the sheikh titles are habitual drinkers and are least involved with anything to do with deen

Re: How much money does Syedna charge per Ziyafat

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 5:30 am
by like_minded
When syedna visits a country/city/town.. Its money making time for the local aamils/jamat officials and other chamchas attached to the so called dawat ni khidmat.

This was clearly evident when he was here in Bangalore.. Money was literally flowing in their coffers from all direction.. In the bargain people close to corrupt Kothar also got a fantastic chance to make fast bucks.

Different money making schemes were introduced to reap maximum benefits.. All in the name of religion and barakat... Disgusting!!!

Re: How much money does Syedna charge per Ziyafat

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 5:39 am
by like_minded
Well... the aamil of bangalore (sheikn Zohair Qasimali) is a multi-millionaire now.. He has properties worth crores in bangalore alone. He swindles the jamat funds and uses for his personal investments, best part is, the jamat officials are well aware of this, but do not have the BALLS to stop him.. Its high time these guys grow some BALLS and stop this thief from further loot.

Re: How much money does Syedna charge per Ziyafat

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 1:59 pm
by Aarif
Thanks Br. LM, Alislam and others for the info.

If we average the rate of one ziyafat as 50 Lakhs then each ziyafat will fetch $125,000. I was not aware that the chamchaa aamils also become millionaires.. The aamil might also gain lot of respect in the eyes of community for being instrumental in getting Syedna to bless the mumins... According to me this is the best business anyone can think of. Syedna is even smarter then Bill Gates... He really knows how to make money.. ;)

Re: How much money does Syedna charge per Ziyafat

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 4:13 pm
by JC
Is there no fool among fools to stop this foolishness? How can there be such fools??!!

Haram kee kamayee haram may je jatee hay

If ziyafat givers have hard and honestly earned money they will never waste it like this. These ziyafats are funded by black money, givers think they will whitewash their balance and Allah will forgive them - the burhani b****** use this guilt in milking these people ...

Re: How much money does Syedna charge per Ziyafat

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 5:57 pm
by Al Zulfiqar

actually that is a very relevant point. the majority of those who give ziyafats and such astounding sums as salaams are those with big amounts of black money.

so, its like this, hoarded black money is given in cash to syedna, the kothar then takes this black money and uses it: 1. to bribe politicians, police, goondas and influential people, 2. to maintain their own lavish lifestyle and for travel purposes, 3. convert to diamonds and precious stones and gold etc, which they smuggle abroad and sell-off to reconvert to foreign exchange and transfer to india or uk or wherever. 3. invest in large no. of cash deposits with high rates on interest, 4. buy properties where the component of black money is high and so on...

this conclusively shows that the syedna is an integral part and parcel of all thats illegal, exploitative and unpatriotic, as he is depriving govts of india and most other govts wherever TAHERIS live and pay moneys to their local jamaats. this same syedna then goes around mouthing platitudes like, 'je des ma raho cho, ene wafadar baneene rehjo'... crap.

why do you think they employ non TAHERIS and non-muslims to manage their accounts worldwide in all jamaats? even a fool with a 1/4 brain can see why!

and at their HQ in mumbai, it is said that they employ some of the finest brains at massive salaries, all non-muslims, who advise them on money laundering, investments, hera-pheri, taxation and more..

all this high level skullduggery while the innocent and simple TAHERIS sleep, little aware how they are being milked and made use of in the name of a sham religion!!!!!!!!

Re: How much money does Syedna charge per Ziyafat

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 4:30 am
by like_minded
Haram kee kamayee haram may je jatee hay

If ziyafat givers have hard and honestly earned money they will never waste it like this. These ziyafats are funded by black money, givers think they will whitewash their balance and Allah will forgive them - the burhani b****** use this guilt in milking these people ...

Bro JC

Very true!! It is the black money which flows from the safes of Bohras to the Burhani coffers. Bohras lack integrity which is very evident by the way they conduct their businesses, Most bohras in my city have made enormous wealth in the last 1 or 2 decades.. by way of duplication in products, not paying due taxes to the government, bribing officers at high level in exchange for favours and so on...

Once I had an argument on this subject with an ortho.. and was shocked at his response.. he said.. moula farmave che ke deen ma bhi raho ane duniya ma bhi raho.. obviously which means.. do chamchagiri, pay money to kothar and accept them as their masters which is deen.. at the same time, swindle money by any means, and in the process throw integrity, honesty out of the window.. simply make enough money to feed these parasites..which is duniya..

This is precisely the reason why syedna insists on his followers to do "vepaar" because there is great potential in it.. especially bohras being masters in manipulation and fraud.. and it also keeps an individual occupied, one tracked, hence no time for free thinking.. which is what these thugs want.

Re: How much money does Syedna charge per Ziyafat

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 4:46 am
by like_minded
Kothar is now targetting young bohras.. age groups between 18 & 40.. In bangalore alone, out of 53 sheikh titles sold last year.. more than half were sold to blokes who are below 35 years old.

Now imagine, these 20-25 sheikhs below 35 years of age.. They are surely going to influence atleast 500 more youngsters.. which is what they (kothar) ultimately want. Young submissive minds.. who are ready to display their fidagiri for their aqa moula and his shahzadas on a drop of a hat.. young jihadis,, with only one goal in their minds... moula par jaan ane maal si fida thai javu che... hahahahaha!!!! pathetic!!!!!!!

Re: How much money does Syedna charge per Ziyafat

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 8:22 am
by Alislam
Kothar has really made bohras "A Cult" and it is nothing but a "highly Profitable Corporation".

where has the simplicity and values of earlier dais gone ?

They are Yezidis exploiting in the name of Hussain (AS)

Re: How much money does Syedna charge per Ziyafat

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 8:35 am
by Hussain_KSA
Safi bhai,

Just wondering out of Curiosity, Did they offer you title of shaikh or mulla? :)

Re: How much money does Syedna charge per Ziyafat

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 1:13 pm
by Al Zulfiqar
i still do not understand why all u guys still call these TAHERIS as bohras, when they have drifted far away from the original bohra principles of faith and have accepted taher saifuddin and his son as their khuda?

please refer to them as TAHERIS, so atleast that distinguishes them from the reformist bohras.

Re: How much money does Syedna charge per Ziyafat

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 1:00 pm
by Smart
Great fund of information!

But where are gulf, jayanti, truebohra et al.?