When is our Dai going to do the same

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
Kaka Akela
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When is our Dai going to do the same


Unread post by Kaka Akela » Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:10 pm

its about time!!!! Don't you think?

Francis calls for less pomp and hierarchy and a focus on the original mission of the church

Pope Francis delivers a speech during a meeting with young people on Sept. 22, 2013, in Cagliari, Italy. Franco Origlia/Getty Images
As Pope Francis opened a landmark meeting on reforming the Roman Catholic Church, he lashed out at Vatican pomp and bureaucracy in an interview published Tuesday in the Italian newspaper La Repubblica, and called for a less hierarchical church.

"The (papal) court is the leprosy of the papacy," Francis said. "It looks after the interests of the Vatican, which are still, in large part, temporal interests. This Vatican-centric vision neglects the world around it, and I will do everything to change it."

In an interview containing some of his strongest public language to date, the outspoken pope also said too many of his predecessors in the church's long history had been "narcissists" who let themselves be flattered by courtiers and aides instead of concentrating on the wider mission of the church.

Francis has shunned the spacious papal apartment and many other trappings commonly associated with his office and lives in small quarters in a guesthouse.

Despite his stinging criticisms, he said in the interview that the eight cardinals he chose to make up his advisory board did not have selfish motives.

"They are not courtiers but wise people who are inspired by my own feelings. This is the start of a church with an organization that is not only vertical but also horizontal," he said.

The pope also explained his affinity with his namesake St. Francis, whose tomb he will visit on Friday during a visit to Assisi, the hilltop town where St. Francis preached his gospel of poverty and caring for the most destitute.

Francis said he wanted a missionary church like that sought by St. Francis. He said, "We need to give hope to young people, help the aged and open ourselves toward the future and spread love."

Al Fateh
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Re: When is our Dai going to do the same


Unread post by Al Fateh » Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:52 am

it wont happen until spineless Bohra throw away present dai and his leech family and elect some sensible person to lead community.

Al Fateh
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Re: When is our Dai going to do the same


Unread post by Al Fateh » Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:54 am

Bohra leaders have carefully and smartly created myth of ilhaam of Imam, which may have been true in ancient times but we all know these days this is all just fairy tales to keep spineless bohra stick with one family and follow them blindly.

Al Fateh
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Re: When is our Dai going to do the same


Unread post by Al Fateh » Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:56 am

fact is Imam(s) or ahlul bayt(s) wont be interested to appoint any one, until people are educated enough about the quraan and islaam.

Kaka Akela
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Re: When is our Dai going to do the same


Unread post by Kaka Akela » Wed Oct 02, 2013 1:08 am

Pope says, "The (papal) court is the leprosy of the papacy," Francis said. "It looks after the interests of the Vatican, which are still, in large part, temporal interests. This Vatican-centric vision neglects the world around it, and I will do everything to change it."

We say, " The Kothar is the leprosy of the Dawat, which looks after the interests of the Royal Family, which are still, in large part Temporal interests. This Royal Family-centric vision neglects the world around it. and Dai should do everything he can to change it."

Wherever the Dai and now Mansoos goes the preparations are so lavish at such great expense and so much burden on the people both physically (exhausting) and financially. all this before his arrival. After he has arrived then there s total financial rape of the community with najwas and ziafats and hadiyat , nikah, misaq najwas, ad infinitum. Then people are happy to see them depart. With all the money they have why do they need so much more money?? I suspect a big portion what is collected is stolen by the Kothar Lepors.

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Re: When is our Dai going to do the same


Unread post by think » Wed Oct 02, 2013 11:19 am

They need the money to bribe the politicians and other organizations who want to speak up and take them to task, just like they did with some of the hindu priests who were looting the public. The politicians and other advocacy groups are not doing it because they are very well fed by the kothar machinery from the mumineens money.

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Re: When is our Dai going to do the same


Unread post by think » Wed Oct 02, 2013 3:02 pm

what affiliations do you think a religious leader would have in common with a politician like N.Modhi. or even george bush or prince charles to have photo shoots with these people? Even during the wedding ceremony of Dai Tahir .S and Dai Burhanuddin ,the movers and shakers of the indian govt. were invited, but no religious leaders. Why do you think it is so?

Bohra spring
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Re: When is our Dai going to do the same


Unread post by Bohra spring » Thu Oct 03, 2013 5:55 pm

If the Christian churches led the renaissance where separation of church and politics was forced. The they are leading the change to become relevant in social progress. They are responding to public feelings and modernity around religious psychology . More intellectual Christian born people are questioning the initial concept of organised religion.

Similarly Muslims will in future ask why their Diais and Mullahs should be relevant if they are causing pain, division and preaching false hood that has no present day basis. All ideologies have reformists. Our Prophet was a reformist in his era.

So diai will not initiate reforms, he will respond to public demand for reform. So if we are used to him coming up with ideas to reform, forget it. If you desire change then become the issue.

Bohra spring
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Re: When is our Dai going to do the same


Unread post by Bohra spring » Mon Nov 18, 2013 4:07 pm

Now Muffy try the test of holiness trump this !

The time starts now !

Or are you too busy cuddling gold plaques, receives bundles of US$ joy and wearing the gold Rolex , saw it on your hand when reciting the waaz.
Rome (CNN) – The photo roused emotions and sparked conversations around the world - but the man at the center of the image says the moment left him speechless.

"I tried to speak, to tell him something, but I couldn't: The emotion was too strong," says Vinicio Riva, the disfigured man embraced by Pope Francis in images that went viral.

"It all lasted not more than a minute, but it seemed an eternity," Riva told the Italian magazine Panorama this weekend.

Riva, whose head and neck are covered with tumors due to a rare disease, said his unusual appearance has led to a lifetime of living on the margins.

That is, until he showed up at St. Peter's Square on November 6.

Riva went to Rome on the advice of a friend with whom he travels to Lourdes, the Catholic shrine in France visited by thousands of ailing and infirm pilgrims each year.

After meeting Francis, Riva said he kissed the Pope's hand. Then the Pope pulled Riva toward him, hugging the 53-year-old Italian and kissing his face.

Riva continued, "I tried to speak, to tell him something, but I couldn't: The emotion was too strong. It all lasted not more than a minute, but it seemed an eternity."

MORE ON CNN: Why the Pope's embrace is so powerful

Riva, who lives in Vicenza in northern Italy, said he suffers from neurofibromatosis Type 1, which causes painful tumors to grow throughout his body. His younger sisters and late mother also suffered from the rare disease, Riva told Panorama.

The first signs of the disease began when he was 15, Riva said, and since then, he has often felt ostracized because of his unusual appearance.

But the Pope showed no sign of discomfort as he approached, said Riva. Instead, the pontiff's face broke into a calm smile.

"But what most astonished me is that he didn’t think twice on embracing me," Riva said. "I’m not contagious, but he didn’t know. He just did it; he caressed all my face, and while he was doing that, I felt only love."

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Re: When is our Dai going to do the same


Unread post by seeker110 » Tue Nov 19, 2013 1:13 am

A smart Dai would leave behind children who are useful, productive and helpful members of society. Not parasites and leech. Unearned money will take away the joy in their lives.

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Re: When is our Dai going to do the same


Unread post by Smart » Tue Nov 19, 2013 10:43 am

The problem is that the present Dai has installed an incompetent son as his successor. Look how he is responding to various situations. The fact is that they are self destructing. Good for all of us.

Bohra spring
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Re: When is our Dai going to do the same


Unread post by Bohra spring » Tue Nov 26, 2013 9:12 am

Pope Francis has called for power in the Catholic Church to be devolved away from the Vatican, in the first major work he has written in the role.

In the document, he says he is open to suggestions to changes in the power of the papacy.

He also warns that rising global economic inequality is bound to explode in conflict.

Since becoming Pope in March, Francis has struck a markedly different tone to his predecessor on several issues.

In his "apostolic exhortation", Pope Francis said he preferred a Church that was "bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather than a Church which is unhealthy from being confined and from clinging to its own security".

"As long as the problems of the poor are not radically resolved by rejecting the absolute autonomy of markets and financial speculation and by attacking the structural causes of inequality, no solution will be found for the world's problems or, for that matter, to any problems," he wrote.

Denying this was simple populism, he called for action "beyond a simple welfare mentality" and added: "I beg the Lord to grant us more politicians who are genuinely disturbed by the state of society, the people, the lives of the poor."

Since his election, Francis has set an example for austerity in the Church, living in a Vatican guest house rather than the ornate Apostolic Palace, travelling in a Ford Focus, and last month suspending a bishop who spent millions of euros on his luxurious residence.

He chose to be called "Francis" after the medieval Italian saint of the same name famed for choosing a life of poverty.

Stressing cooperation among religions, Francis quoted the late Pope John Paul II's idea that the papacy might be reshaped to promote closer ties with other Christian churches and noted lessons Rome could learn from the Orthodox such as "synodality" or decentralised leadership.

He praised cooperation with Jews and Muslims and urged Islamic countries to guarantee their Christian minorities the same religious freedom as Muslims enjoy in the West.

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Re: When is our Dai going to do the same


Unread post by seeker110 » Tue Nov 26, 2013 10:04 am

Religion is soul sucking business. It doesn't excite young and brilliant of due to mind numbing daily rituals. This family is perfect machine to produce wealth and power for two bit thieves and people like themselves . It wont be long before a new and improved package is delivered. Just more of the same. Fear is a valuable commodity . Dai will do whatever it takes to keep grip on this Rakshash, until it consumes him.

Strange all those mojizas has turned into ziafats and circus.

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Re: When is our Dai going to do the same


Unread post by dawoodibohra5253 » Tue Nov 26, 2013 12:37 pm

i really dont understand you guys... why do we bohra have to change our dai and y do we look at other communities when we are so successful in life we are proud of ourselves ...we are happy in our life of whatever we are doing...yes we follow our dai blindly but that give us happiness and satisfaction ...then why does it matter to you....if you dont like it keep it to your self and take out all your frustration on this site....this forums and sites are nothing but a way of taking out all your frustration and hatred towards sayedna....why should we look what POP is doing when our dai is teaching is so much and doin so much for us just to change our living standards...i can proudly say many of us have changed our life in a good way after listening to sayedna...yes their could be many small loops as well but what matters to me is the positive side of it and i am sure you guys dont even look at it...you are so busy finding out what wrong they are doing and how can you blame them..get a life guys..do something better for yourself...

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Re: When is our Dai going to do the same


Unread post by Humsafar » Tue Nov 26, 2013 12:47 pm

dawoodibohra5253 wrote:our dai is teaching is so much and doin so much for us just to change our living standards
It is a good thing that the Dai is changing your and his family's living standards. This site and this forum is urging him to change your and his family's moral standards too.

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Re: When is our Dai going to do the same


Unread post by dawoodibohra5253 » Tue Nov 26, 2013 1:00 pm

humsafar beleive me this is site doing nuthing but just a time pass for few people like you ...i am sure you guys must be sitting all your day here finding reply from followers of sayedna and then you put your views on that and prove your point .....i dont want to compare our moral standards with yours but i am sure our moral standards are on a higher level.

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Re: When is our Dai going to do the same


Unread post by Humsafar » Tue Nov 26, 2013 2:01 pm

My personal moral standard may be the lowest of the low, but the dai who speaks in the name of Islam and claims to represent its glorious tradition must do better than live in palaces, pocket millions of people's money for personal ayyashi, and celebrate his birthday milad with more pomp and ceremony that that of the Prophet.

Bohra spring
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Re: When is our Dai going to do the same


Unread post by Bohra spring » Wed Nov 27, 2013 6:27 am

dawoodibohra5253 wrote:humsafar beleive me this is site doing nuthing but just a time pass for few people like you ...i am sure you guys must be sitting all your day here finding reply from followers of sayedna and then you put your views on that and prove your point .....i dont want to compare our moral standards with yours but i am sure our moral standards are on a higher level.
DB what are you doing here , I can count numerous commentary from you...you also enjoy coming and debating your view point. Everyone with an opinion is here.

There have been countless cases , issues, experiences shared to justify our resistance motives..You can read for your self

Yes we do get emotional and abusive , but I don't know which country you come from to claim you are are offended or surprised ...this is common democracy style.

If someone kept a score I would say the reformist have won more arguments then abde so logic says one side has more facts and ideas compared to the other.

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Re: When is our Dai going to do the same


Unread post by dawoodibohra5253 » Wed Nov 27, 2013 11:31 am

@ humsafar - now this is what you call ayyashi ????celebrating grand birthday in a royal way is ayyashi???people like you who hate him call ayyashi whereas we enjoyed every moment of it and more happy to see such celebration...your problem is they have billions of money where you have not contributed anything but you are jealous they are just getting too much money???? in other forum you have already asked y do priest/kothar need money ????now that's a silly question i would say if you study little bit about whats going on in bohra community you will understand how much money is required....i will just name few of the millions ....No. Of masjids / school / karze hasanat / muwasat / musafir khanas / jaman /living standards and many many more..i am sure you know it more then me ..so to do so much for the community you really need money....and its used in for good work ...now their full day goes in praying and waiz ..that you can't c but he celebrated his birthday royally which you didnt like it .....:) ..funny isn't it ???

@bohra spring - you seems to be some genius who is winning all the debates where you are the player and you are the umpire as well :) ...anyways i know you live in democracy and speak what you want but when you talk abt you friend and you abuse sounds normal. ...when you talk abt your or your friend father or grandfather you need to mind your language coz of their age and relation...so you need to be gentleman when you talk no matter your are talking for or against someone.yes i am really new here and have gone through many if not all of your forums and understand your forum are baseless where you are just showing your hatered towards sayedna and community and wants to prove your point that they are wrong and they have got lots of money and they are steeling money from poor people????i want you to go and attend few of majlis and see how people are dieing to give more and more money and mind you you cant call them stupid as nobody in this world will give money so easily no matter how poor or rich he is ...yes and their are people who doesn't want to contribute but are forced to do so to stay in community ...and i wud accept that ...being such a big community their can be exceptions ...but i m sure those people wants to use all the facilities provided by community want to attend all the functions but at the time of giving money its hard....
and i do not enjoy putting my points here but as you said you are winning all arguments i thought of showing you all the real picture :)

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Re: When is our Dai going to do the same


Unread post by think » Wed Nov 27, 2013 2:19 pm

52,53, you blabber a lot. Let us put you to the test . why don't you ask your goonda jamaats to open the books of accounts . That is the whole issue. The kothar is nothing but play and amusement for the abdes. Lavish birthdays, first class travel, bungalows with swimming pools, etc.etc. You most certainly have been duped.
In which god fearing religion of the world do the preists ,their wives, their children, their grand children, their great grand children enjoy all this free luxurious living and claiming to be religious priests with drummed up titles to impress.
The word of God is the quran and the working of god is science.

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Re: When is our Dai going to do the same


Unread post by Fateh » Thu Nov 28, 2013 12:25 am

dawoodibohra5253 wrote:@ humsafar - now this is what you call ayyashi ????celebrating grand birthday in a royal way is ayyashi???people like you who hate him call ayyashi whereas we enjoyed every moment of it and more happy to see such celebration...your problem is they have billions of money where you have not contributed anything but you are jealous they are just getting too much money???? in other forum you have already asked y do priest/kothar need money ????now that's a silly question i would say if you study little bit about whats going on in bohra community you will understand how much money is required....i will just name few of the millions ....No. Of masjids / school / karze hasanat / muwasat / musafir khanas / jaman /living standards and many many more..i am sure you know it more then me ..so to do so much for the community you really need money....and its used in for good work ...now their full day goes in praying and waiz ..that you can't c but he celebrated his birthday royally which you didnt like it .....:) ..funny isn't it ???

@bohra spring - you seems to be some genius who is winning all the debates where you are the player and you are the umpire as well :) ...anyways i know you live in democracy and speak what you want but when you talk abt you friend and you abuse sounds normal. ...when you talk abt your or your friend father or grandfather you need to mind your language coz of their age and relation...so you need to be gentleman when you talk no matter your are talking for or against someone.yes i am really new here and have gone through many if not all of your forums and understand your forum are baseless where you are just showing your hatered towards sayedna and community and wants to prove your point that they are wrong and they have got lots of money and they are steeling money from poor people????i want you to go and attend few of majlis and see how people are dieing to give more and more money and mind you you cant call them stupid as nobody in this world will give money so easily no matter how poor or rich he is ...yes and their are people who doesn't want to contribute but are forced to do so to stay in community ...and i wud accept that ...being such a big community their can be exceptions ...but i m sure those people wants to use all the facilities provided by community want to attend all the functions but at the time of giving money its hard....
and i do not enjoy putting my points here but as you said you are winning all arguments i thought of showing you all the real picture :)
Bhai what is the meaning of LIVE LIKE ALI & DIE LIKE HUSSAIN?
celebrating grand birthday in a royal way is ayyashi? .,No this is not ayyashi but who is doing that is very imp.,bhai hunting the animal in every year after muhurrum by wasting the money of blind followers is not ayyashi then what?please trust but do not trust blindly.

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Re: When is our Dai going to do the same


Unread post by humanbeing » Thu Nov 28, 2013 12:46 am


I total agree with you ! there are bohras who are eager to give money to Sayedna . then why :

Masalla spaces are sold in masjids !
Kadambosi is sold at exoribitant rates !
Kadam cost a lot !
Ziyafats are never free !
Mafsusiyat & hadiyat is a costly investment !
Ekrams are vulgarly negotiated !
Iftedaas of masjid are talked in millions !
Janaza Formalities are denied upon non payment of taxes !
Wajebaat amounts are coerced under any circumstances !
Kothari representatives do not shake hands without Salaam (money) !
Misaaks are not done without emposing Laagats !
Ziyarat tours come with Laagats apart from all other expenses paid !
Najwa is compulsory at Salgiraahs !

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Re: When is our Dai going to do the same


Unread post by Maqbool » Thu Nov 28, 2013 2:01 am

dawoodibohra5253 wrote:now that's a silly question i would say if you study little bit about whats going on in bohra community you will understand how much money is required....i will just name few of the millions ....No. Of masjids / school / karze hasanat / muwasat / musafir khanas / jaman /living standards and many many more..i am sure you know it more then me ..
OMG, I think you are living out of the world of DB. Do you know that the masjid, Jamatkhana and other you have mentioned are maintained not by Sayedna but the local jamats. For madresa do you know that the fees are for one hour tuition is almost double then the good school fee for six hours of tution ? The jamatkhana and masjid is maintained by local jamat and they do not hire required staff because of sort of fund, but cleaned by jamat members. Why jamat is always short of fund? because almost income of jamat is consumed by Amil's vajifa and the rest is taken by the visits of shazadas and other royals during the year.

Please don't be so dishonest to defend the kothar who are doing ayyasi on some ones money.

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Re: When is our Dai going to do the same


Unread post by محمد » Thu Nov 28, 2013 4:48 am

my grandfather use to say, how previous Dais would ask people to wear modest and simple clothes and remain humble and to make no show off of money.

today dawat teaches to wear BEST CLOTHES, live in BEST houses and to eat BEST FOOD.

this is all against teaching of aahlul bayt.

I am not against luxury or good life, but atleast it has to be on our own money and not on money which exorted by innocent community members.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: When is our Dai going to do the same


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Fri Nov 29, 2013 5:23 pm

dawoodibohra5253 wrote:celebrating grand birthday in a royal way is ayyashi???
OK, The Dai has full rights to celebrate his birthday but let me give you an example....... do you know that his Birthday which was celebrated in Surat had fetched him a whooping Rs.500 crores ?? Every tom, dick and harry abde across the world were asked to attend the celebrations and then dole out millions in hard cash !!
dawoodibohra5253 wrote:your problem is they have billions of money where you have not contributed anything but you are jealous they are just getting too much money????
I suppose you live in India so let me ask you a question........... Do you agree with the corrupt politicians amassing huge wealth by robbing the exchequer ?? The news channels, the NGO's, the human rights regularly grill them and demand an explanation, now can the corrupt politician dodge the question by saying that its none of their business as they have not paid them any bribe in various scams like 2G, commonwealth games, mining scam, fodder scam etc etc ??
dawoodibohra5253 wrote:No. Of masjids / school / karze hasanat / muwasat / musafir khanas / jaman /living standards and many many more..
Masjids ??? Do you know who pays for its construction ? Do you know that they collect an amount which is almost 50 times more then the actual cost of construction ?? And lastly, the Dai does not give it a religious sanctity unless it is Wakfed to him and that too after giving him an amount equal to the cost of Masjid ??
School ??? Name a few good schools of international standards established by the Dai's personal money.
Karze Hasanat ?? Give me names of genuine poor bohras who have availed of this facility ? The ones who enjoy this scheme are the wealthy sheikhs, businessmen especially from countries like Dubai, USA and Africa.
Musafirkhanas ??? Go to places like Galiakot and Burhanpur and see the various rooms donated by some bohra families. Moreover, it is not free and over and above the room charges, one has to give hoob under various headings and not to forget the "Gallas" which are overflowing much beyond its capacity, where does the Galla money go ??
Jaman ?? In almost every city, all the Jamans in Mohurrum and Ramzan are sponsored by wealthy bohra families except one Jaman each in Moharrum and Ramzan which is sponsored by the Dai and even that is taken care of by abdes indirectly !!
dawoodibohra5253 wrote:i want you to go and attend few of majlis and see how people are dieing to give more and more money and mind you you cant call them stupid as nobody in this world will give money so easily no matter how poor or rich he is ...
I want you to attend Satsangs of the various Babas and Tantriks who appear on Aastha channel and see how businessmen, professionals, politicians, sportsmen etc. are dying to give money. Vijay Mallya had donated a diamond studded crown worth Rs.7 crores to Balaji temple and the scam tainted reddy brothers had donated Rs.44 crores to the same temple. Even the rape accused Asaram Bapu is worth over 10,000 crores and inspite of such grievious charges of rape and murder levelled against him people still worship him. So as you rightly said......."Nobody in this world will give money so easily no matter how rich he is" hence as per your logic even these crook babas have the right to loot people in the name of religion............ Hence it is rightly said "Religion is the opium of masses" !!

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Re: When is our Dai going to do the same


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Fri Nov 29, 2013 6:34 pm

Pope issues manifesto for reform-oriented papacy

The 224—page "apostolic exhortation" called The Joy of the Gospel summarised many of the themes and ideas that the Argentine—born Jorge Mario Bergoglio has raised since his election in March.

The Catholic Church should concentrate less on procedures and liturgy and get “dirty” and “bruised” by reaching out to people in the street, Pope Francis wrote in a document that was released on Tuesday and is seen as a manifesto for his papacy.

The 224—page “apostolic exhortation” called The Joy of the Gospel summarised many of the themes and ideas that the Argentine—born Jorge Mario Bergoglio has raised since his election in March.

“I prefer a church which is bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather than a church which is unhealthy from being confined and from clinging to its own security,” the pontiff wrote.

Francis, who has consistently shunned Papal pomp and protocol, railed against an “ostentatious preoccupation for the liturgy... without any concern that the Gospel have a real impact on God’s faithful people. In this way, the life of the Church turns into a museum piece or something which is the property of a select few,” he warned.

http://www.thehindu.com/news/internatio ... epage=true

Bohra spring
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Re: When is our Dai going to do the same


Unread post by Bohra spring » Sat Nov 30, 2013 5:11 am

The advantage Christians have they did not get conned by a con artist son of a previous pope....they had to select the best from their most learned. I am not aware if absolute knowledge is genetically transferable ..it is by natural selection.

The purpose to relay this examples is to compare the character, pious ness , purpose of two holy men.

I hope abdes open their eyes and mind that what a pity ..phatela naseeb

ghulam muhammed
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Re: When is our Dai going to do the same


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sat Nov 30, 2013 4:54 pm

Is the Pope Getting the Catholics Ready for an Economic Revolution? (Maybe He Read Marx)

In 1992, the Catholic Church officially apologized for persecuting 17th-century astronomer Galileo, who dared to assert that the Earth revolved around the sun. In 2008, the Vatican even considered putting up a statue of him.

Could a certain 19th-century atheist philosopher be next?

http://www.alternet.org/economy/pope-fr ... -karl-marx

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Re: When is our Dai going to do the same


Unread post by seeker110 » Tue Dec 03, 2013 9:05 am

When the young man was asked to lay in bed so that the enemy soldiers would be fooled into thinking that the leader is occupying the bed is the person giving his all for the benefit for all. This beloved companion sacrificed everything , everyday including food and family to teach us a lessons in faith, freedom and sacrifice. This young man learned all the lessons of life from his teacher, who then passed it on to his children. They , themselves passed on the teachings to their children.

When will our Dai learn ,understand and practice this simple lesson. Practically easy to understand, and person any moral can understand it. Why cant the Dai do the same. Dai is supposed to be a beacon for the lost souls. Our poor and old needs to be taken care off, not robbed.

Simple living kills fear and misery. Extravagance invites it in life.

ghulam muhammed
Posts: 11653
Joined: Tue Oct 07, 2008 5:34 pm

Re: When is our Dai going to do the same


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Wed Dec 11, 2013 5:05 pm

Lets get back to the topic "When is our Dai going to do the same"................ Inspite of being one of the richest Indian (he may probably be THE RICHEST), where does he stand viz a viz the people mentioned below with regard to Philanthrophy ??

India's top 10 philanthropists

The Hurun India Philanthropy List is a ranking of 31 Indians who donated more than Rs.10 crore cash or cash equivalent during Apr 1, 2012 to March 31, 2013.

Real Estate moghal, Kushal Pal Singh, CEO of DLF donated Rs 200 crore

PNC Menon of Sobha Developer contributed Rs 270 crore

Mining major Vedanta Resources Chairman Anil Agarwal donated Rs 290 crore to support the cause of healthcare.

Ratan Tata donated Rs 310 crore to various charitable organisations for the underprivileged through the JRD Tata Trust and Sir Ratan Tata Trust

Biocon Ltd Chairman and Managing Director Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw donated Rs 330 crore to various charitable organisations for the underprivileged

Ronnie Screwvala who contributed Rs 470 crore to achieve rural empowerment came in fifth

Head of the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), Nandan M. Nilekani stands fourth in the list with a contribution of Rs 530 crore

Group Chairman of GMR group G. M. Rao donated Rs 740 crore for the education of underprivileged children,

Shiv Nadar (68), chairman of HCL group, is the second highest contributor in the list with a donation of Rs.3,000 crore. The Shiv Nadar Foundation, which completed 20 years in philanthropy this year, works towards educational initiatives and expansion programmes, directly benefiting 15,000 students across India.

Wipro chief and IT tycoon Azim Premji tops the list of Indian philanthropists with donations amounting to Rs.8,000 crore in the past year. Premji, 68, who owns 57 percent of Wipro, has donated 10 percent stake in the company to Azim Premji Foundation that promotes education in rural India, China-based Hurun Report Inc. said in its HurunIndia Philanthropy List 2013. "To him (Premji) goes the credit of becoming the first Indian to sign up for the Giving Pledge, a global philanthropic initiative spearheaded by Warren Buffet and Bill Gates," it said.