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Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:10 pm
by modernbhen
Being a member of the Dawoodi Bhora community in modern-day America while juggling a full-time job in the corporate world, a thriving social life, and family obligations is a tall order for anyone. Being a woman makes it all that much more challenging.

Being an American women in today's world is difficult. There is the well-discussed expectation that the modern woman be capable of seamlessly managing a thriving career, a successful marriage, and happy family -- all while maintaining an effortless aura of calm beauty and control.

These expectations hold true of the modern Bhora women as well... with a couple of additional hurdles thrown in along the way, just to make life extra interesting!

I have created a blog for the purpose of exploring some these challenges, and all the crazy, hilarious, frustrating and fulfilling moments that come along with it...

I invite you to visit my blog at to join in my laughter and chagrin.

Re: Humor

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 2:17 pm
by AgnosticTheist
A small suggestion. Do not use ALL CAPS in your blog posts. That amounts to shouting and it is also very hard on the yes. Thanks.

Re: Humor

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 2:45 pm
by modernbhen
Dear Agnostic Theist,
Thanks for the suggestions! I've updated the font so that (hopefully) it's not more legible!


Re: Humor

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:47 pm
by M Taha
My wife has studied in Cambridge Uni and I am glad she is modern yet Islamic, she doesn't visit this forum, but I will share your blog with her.

Thank You

Re: Humor

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 7:36 pm
by modernbhen
Visit to read Modern Bhen's latest post on the Bhori wedding!

Re: Humor

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 8:37 pm
by modernbhen
M Taha -- Thanks for your post, I hope your wife enjoys my blog!

Re: Humor 12 Adabs

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 3:33 pm
by New
12 Adabs of Masjid
1. when you enter a masjid, forget about reciting any dua to allah, just think about getting your smart card scanned by the volunteers stationed at the door
2. also have your entry pass scanned and then be told which color coded section of the masjid you have to be seated in.
3. be prepared to pay 'voluntary compulsory' hoob, hoob for what, is not yours to question, but pay you must or face eviction, public humiliation and future degradation
4. watch movies on safar mubaraks of mola or mansoos, relays of past bayans or his meetings with politicians, celebrities, actors, leaders etc
5. pray only fard namaaz, sunnat namaz be damned.
6. listen to bayaans around mola so that the aamil can get plum postings in bigger and richer towns where the pickings are plentiful, chances to accumulate wealth are stronger and he can retire early after amassing great fortune
7. have a nice and pleasant nap and be woken up when the zakereen or amil suddenly raise their voices into shrill shrieks, and. once the short bouts of hysteria are over,fall into a warm reverie again...zzzz
8. once all the mandatory yelling, shrieking, gesticulating are over, rush to form thaals, looking frantically for your usual thaal gang as if it's a matter of life and death
9. fall upon the niyaaz jaman as if there is no tomorrow, like hungry wolves who would tear apart the volunteers from limb to limb and rend them asunder. demand more boti's, icecream, kharaas, etc from that close upri friend of yours, specially cultivated for that purpose
10. follow the namaaz pecking order, i.e. do not encroach on the 'reserved' spaces of the milk shaikhs, mullas, jamaat committee and tanzeem members, amil's chamchas, the wealthy and the privileged etc etc. know your place, you fool!
11. participate in devotional shows by kids and adults who fall over and compete with each other in demonstrating their love for mola, with huge greeting cards, cakes, madehs, winning the tulul umr dua max. no recited etc etc.
12. and finally, lining up in front of the dreaded amil for annual payment of wajebaat, where you will be publicly shamed and humiliated, belittled, reduced to a quivering jelly, a nervous chattering wreck, returning home in tears, your pockets and bank account lightened by a few thousands..