Press Conference by Central Board
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 1:36 pm
To clarify reformists' stand on the present Succession controversy
Press Conference by Central Board of Dawoodi Bohra Community
Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin did not openly declare his successor in his long lifetime, therefore this Succession dispute was a foregone conclusion. His second son Mufaddal and his half brother Khuzaima Qutbuddin have claimed to be his successor, and they are at loggerhead with each other. This controversy has greatly confused the community members.
In these circumstances the Central Board of Dawoodi Bohra Community, a central organisation of the world-wide reformists thought it fit to clarify its stand on the present controversy over the succession of Sayedna Burhanuddin who died on 17th January 2014.
Central Board of Dawoodi Bohra Community organised a Press Conference on 30th January 2014 at the Press Club near Azad Maidan in Mumbai. At the same Azad Maidan and same day and the same time around 30,000 Bohras were gathered as a show of strength Mufaddal Saifuddin who remained absent and the gathering was addressed by his brother Qaid Johar. Both these meetings were preplanned without knowledge of each other. Keeping in mind the track record of violent attacks by Kothari goons many well-wishers advised the brother Saifuddin Insaf not to hold Press Conference at Azad Maidan and risk his life.
The Press Conference was addressed by the Central Board's general secretary, Brother Saifuddin Insaf and Brother Irfan Engineer, son of reformist leader Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer. More than 60 English, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati and Urdu, media reporters including UNI and PTI were present to cover this Press Conference. The copies of Press Release in English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi and Urdu and other literatures were distributed among them. The Press Release said that:-
"Over the last ten days we have been witness to the ugly dispute over the right successor to the late Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Saheb. This was not unexpected, as the late Syedna Saheb had been unable to clearly nominate his successor for nearly 50 years while he was alive. The claim of both his so-called successors is shrouded in mystery and ambiguity, as there are no reliable and disinterested witnesses to their nomination. The community is therefore both in a dilemma and distress, and is greatly agitated. For nearly 200 years there was no such problem, as the succession was monopolized within one family, with either the brother or the son being nominated by his predecessor. However, now, the stakes are quite high. An unbelievably large amount of wealth has been accumulated over the last hundred years through extortion and exploitation. The dispute is, therefore, not religious as claimed by both the claimants, but for the control of this wealth. Nathwani and Tewatia Commissions in the 1970s and 1990s have fully documented the various modes of this accumulation, and how this wealth is spent on the luxurious lifestyle of one family, and not for the benefit of the community. The Central Board warns both the claimants that if they do not change with the changing times, become liberal, stop malpractices and loosen their control over a docile and peaceful community, they will be consigned to the dustbins of history."
When the conference was going on seven eight orthodox Bohras in their traditional dress entered the conference hall and set down on the back chairs. When a reporter of Urdu newspaper asked "You, the handful of reformists are struggling against powerful establishment of Syedna for last 40 years, what have you achieved?"
In reply Brother Saifuddin Insaf pointed at these orthodox Bohras sitting and listening patiently on the back chairs and said "Look at the difference in the attitude and behavior of these gentlemen. Few years back they were so intolerant, so full of hatred that used to furiously attack us without allowing us to open our mouth. Last 100 years history of the Bohra community is full of violent attacks by the misguided Bohras on the reformists, especially when they used to come in big numbers. But today when they are gathered here in Azad Maidan in thousands and these gentlemen here are peacefully attending this conference.
One question was asked on the custom of "Nuss" among Shia Muslims and "concept of priesthood in Bohra community," as they are not practiced among majority Muslims all over the world.
It was briefly explained that "The Sunni Shia division had taken place on Holy Prophet's death on question of his Successor. Concept of Imamate was formulated during the lifetime of the Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq. Division between Shia Asna-Asari and Shia Ismaili took place on the question of Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq. Further split among Islailis Imam Mustaali.
According to shias each Imam was required to appoint his successor Imam by "Nass".
Nass can be defined as chain of succession in line from Hazrat Ali with the principle of a clear divine inspiration and designation. The same principle applies for the succession of Dais, which is missing in the present succession claim and counter claim.
Press Conference by Central Board of Dawoodi Bohra Community
Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin did not openly declare his successor in his long lifetime, therefore this Succession dispute was a foregone conclusion. His second son Mufaddal and his half brother Khuzaima Qutbuddin have claimed to be his successor, and they are at loggerhead with each other. This controversy has greatly confused the community members.
In these circumstances the Central Board of Dawoodi Bohra Community, a central organisation of the world-wide reformists thought it fit to clarify its stand on the present controversy over the succession of Sayedna Burhanuddin who died on 17th January 2014.
Central Board of Dawoodi Bohra Community organised a Press Conference on 30th January 2014 at the Press Club near Azad Maidan in Mumbai. At the same Azad Maidan and same day and the same time around 30,000 Bohras were gathered as a show of strength Mufaddal Saifuddin who remained absent and the gathering was addressed by his brother Qaid Johar. Both these meetings were preplanned without knowledge of each other. Keeping in mind the track record of violent attacks by Kothari goons many well-wishers advised the brother Saifuddin Insaf not to hold Press Conference at Azad Maidan and risk his life.
The Press Conference was addressed by the Central Board's general secretary, Brother Saifuddin Insaf and Brother Irfan Engineer, son of reformist leader Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer. More than 60 English, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati and Urdu, media reporters including UNI and PTI were present to cover this Press Conference. The copies of Press Release in English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi and Urdu and other literatures were distributed among them. The Press Release said that:-
"Over the last ten days we have been witness to the ugly dispute over the right successor to the late Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Saheb. This was not unexpected, as the late Syedna Saheb had been unable to clearly nominate his successor for nearly 50 years while he was alive. The claim of both his so-called successors is shrouded in mystery and ambiguity, as there are no reliable and disinterested witnesses to their nomination. The community is therefore both in a dilemma and distress, and is greatly agitated. For nearly 200 years there was no such problem, as the succession was monopolized within one family, with either the brother or the son being nominated by his predecessor. However, now, the stakes are quite high. An unbelievably large amount of wealth has been accumulated over the last hundred years through extortion and exploitation. The dispute is, therefore, not religious as claimed by both the claimants, but for the control of this wealth. Nathwani and Tewatia Commissions in the 1970s and 1990s have fully documented the various modes of this accumulation, and how this wealth is spent on the luxurious lifestyle of one family, and not for the benefit of the community. The Central Board warns both the claimants that if they do not change with the changing times, become liberal, stop malpractices and loosen their control over a docile and peaceful community, they will be consigned to the dustbins of history."
When the conference was going on seven eight orthodox Bohras in their traditional dress entered the conference hall and set down on the back chairs. When a reporter of Urdu newspaper asked "You, the handful of reformists are struggling against powerful establishment of Syedna for last 40 years, what have you achieved?"
In reply Brother Saifuddin Insaf pointed at these orthodox Bohras sitting and listening patiently on the back chairs and said "Look at the difference in the attitude and behavior of these gentlemen. Few years back they were so intolerant, so full of hatred that used to furiously attack us without allowing us to open our mouth. Last 100 years history of the Bohra community is full of violent attacks by the misguided Bohras on the reformists, especially when they used to come in big numbers. But today when they are gathered here in Azad Maidan in thousands and these gentlemen here are peacefully attending this conference.
One question was asked on the custom of "Nuss" among Shia Muslims and "concept of priesthood in Bohra community," as they are not practiced among majority Muslims all over the world.
It was briefly explained that "The Sunni Shia division had taken place on Holy Prophet's death on question of his Successor. Concept of Imamate was formulated during the lifetime of the Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq. Division between Shia Asna-Asari and Shia Ismaili took place on the question of Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq. Further split among Islailis Imam Mustaali.
According to shias each Imam was required to appoint his successor Imam by "Nass".
Nass can be defined as chain of succession in line from Hazrat Ali with the principle of a clear divine inspiration and designation. The same principle applies for the succession of Dais, which is missing in the present succession claim and counter claim.