The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
Al Zulfiqar
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Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Wed Apr 30, 2014 5:53 pm

i am incensed enough to come back and post this. having too much on my plate prevents me from contributing here more often much as the cause of reform deserves.

some few days ago, my mum who is 87 years old and stays alone, was having her aftrenoon nap when someone rang her doorbell. being old, infirm and considerably arthritic, she made her way slowly to the door to find 2 young bohras in std's. she was quite startled to see them there as except my sisters, no one ever comes to visit. an occasional knock from a neighbour who only pauses to drop in a wayward letter or the garbage collector, are the only events she expects.

these young fellows proceeded to inform her that she should open the door and prepare herself as the 'saheb e dawat' was visiting from mumbai and will soon be coming to visit her as well. my mum asked what about and why was she being troubled when she has no means to welcome him or entertain him. the fellows insisted that it would be no trouble and they would make the arrangements themselves. they barged in and asked her to prepare sherbet! my mum had the presence of mind and strength of character to dismiss their suggestion that she had no such thing and did not drink sherbets at her age and with her health. these guys had come prepared with a wadhawani thaali - 2 nariyals, sweets and silver barkati coin. they took it upon themselves to re-arrange the furniture to suit the SED rascal, without the least thought to her convenience. soon, having stationed themselves at the windows, they proclaimed that the brigand had arrived and rushed around, spreading a special cloth to cover one of the sofas for the 'royal backside', which apparently has an allergy to plain upholstery.

the leach then walked in with 2 other spare parts and seated himself. my mum was seated and refused to get up or do salaam. after he was wadhawofied by his own slaves, he commenced asking questions to my mum, ketla jana ahiya tamara saathma rahe che? tame eklaj raho cho? kevi reete manage karo cho? kem koi tamara saathma rehtu nathi? tame pottey pakavo chho?! basically trying to judge her ability to cough up money and size up the 'prey'. she was told to prepare salaams by those idiots before this pompous ass arrived, but my mum did no such thing. she drew 50 rs from her purse lying nearby and gave it to the ass most unceremoniously. no envelope, no doing salaam to him or anything. they then asked her for mola no salaam, this inspite of learning that she is a widow, is in poor health, stays alone and her biggest expense is on medicines. she was interrogated on why she does not go and stay with her daughters (fortunately the leach did not ask about any sons) or why she does not take in a paying guest, all ridiculous suggestions and most insensitive about her circumstances or needs.

finally the arrogant sob insisted that why she doesnt get the thaali, it is mola's noorani jaman, full of shifa, blah blah and more b.s. my mum categorically informed him that she has tried it and it was not suitable for her health and meagre appetite. she cannot take oil and grease, spices and so much sodium. she has to be diet conscious on medical advice. discussing her health she could not control her tears and sobbed, but the bas#@%d showed no emotion. clutching her money and realising that not much loot was to be extracted at this deserted station, they departed post haste!

my mum was mystified how they found where she stayed since no one except our closest relatives know and there are no bohras around her neighbourhood. later she learnt that they stop bohras on the street and enquire about any bakras they might have missed. luckily, none of the 5 goons who visited my mum were known to her.

in an even more flabbergasting development, my masi who too stays alone at the other end of town, but in a comparatively upscale neighbourhood, was visited by.... guess? 21 bohra males accompanying the rascal SED!!!!! she had been forewarned by my mum, but nothing in the world could have prepared her for this onslaught! in her case, a few of those haramkhors were known to her and were aware that her son stays abroad, so she was probably fleeced for a substantial sum.

this sort of behaviour violates all norms of decency and is not just an invasion of privacy. its a virtual intimidation when a whole brigade of male adults barge into a lonely widow's house and bully her with their overwhelming presence. this smacks of extortion, extreme insensitivity and merciless persecution. this whole episode would be perfect grounds for a very strong police complaint and reported to the human rights commission. but would these ladies do it?
to force themselves in such large numbers into a widow's house is completely against humanity, they are all ghair mehramdaars and subjecting a lonely old lady to such pressure and stress is serious cruelty and abuse by these haramkhors. btw, what was the purpose of this parasite's visit? what service did he provide, did he offer any solutions to their problems, did he help them financially? did he facilitate their medical care? how dare they take money from widows when this swine should be instead helping them???

by pocketing their money and subjecting them to such cruelty and stress, this rascal from mumbai and his boss muffy, who has let loose such unsavoury robbers onto the community, may allah shower his choicest laanats on them. if they continue in this vein, the doomsday for this entire bunch of thugs is not far off. if this is not kothari goondagiri, then what else is it? will the shameless kothari defenders of muffy and his gang of cut throats have the guts to respond to this?

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Unread post by SBM » Wed Apr 30, 2014 7:44 pm

Could your mother file an FIR against those Goondas for harassing the senior citizens
I know in USA if they pull that on a senior citizen, they will be answering to a judge and jury

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Unread post by bohri » Wed Apr 30, 2014 9:36 pm

First of all, good to see you back as always!

And secondly, very sorry to hear of this harassment. How shameless is the Kothar and shamefully they behaved.p

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Unread post by humanbeing » Thu May 01, 2014 4:27 am

AZ welcome back !

It was entertaining to read your post, limited to description of the SED and his pompousness. Prayers for your mother’s wellbeing and good health !

SEDs imposing themselves on houses like these are deplorable. It does get uncomfortable for a below middleclass family to host such SEDs. The perception of Amil or anyone Kothari Inc employees coming home is awkward situation for a struggling family. These parasites lay such importance on expression of walaayat in terms of money, that they will extract any monies possible. It is because they need to set an example that respect needs to be tangible in form of money. If they start a trend to let go monies, it may set a damaging example for their big plans of extractions with fat rich abdes !

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Unread post by Ozdundee » Thu May 01, 2014 5:23 am

monginis shut the f%%k up you bloody idiot could not hold your tongue....AZ has tried to explain a major issue with personal experience in the community and you have the audacity to divert the topic by picking something out of context

Comrades dont give this fool the privilege to explain or justify anything whether the Mother is 87 , alone , not in the west with the children etc.

Mong I cannot understand what is the reason you would put your foot...is it you cannot tolerate that SED is a con scammer out to loot , or it exposes the the tyrnats at grass root levels.

AZ by the way I can now see where you get your rebelious nature from...my greetings and well wishes to the honorable Lady. Tell her someone in Oz is her fan !

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Unread post by true_bohra » Thu May 01, 2014 5:44 am

When I along with zinger and others was saying that this person is a stooge then all reformist were cold blooded. And just with his comments on AZ's post, people are out to show concern.

Well I am least interested in this but just showing you all a mirror for your double standards.

-We have raised our voice time and again to ban this idiot but admin is deaf ear to this.
- His post are completely non sensible and unrelated.
- He can easily beat a chameleon in changing colours.
- How can I forget his multiple id disorder.

@monginis aka incredible
you know what you are a liar. Few days back you were shouting about SED and how your mother in India is an orthodox and she pays easily to jamaats and all. Now all of sudden she happens to live with you and she is on vacation also.
What about your wife??? With incredible id, your wife was a french. Is she the same or the nationality changed with the new id???

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Unread post by humanbeing » Thu May 01, 2014 6:58 am

Duhh !! what a silly conversation going on ! why is monginis given so much importance ! he seems to be a teenager with no other tasks, amount of useless crap he keeps posting is quiet an eyesore ! moreover he posts whatever random and moody thoughts that comes to his mind.

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Unread post by soulsurvivor » Thu May 01, 2014 7:53 am

It is always the case..when u point a finger on others three points at yourself. Kothar is no doubt a mafia ideology. But it shows when too many people gather on one platform they are more susceptible to indifference and blame games. Let this forum be to prove ourselves more sensible and use rational thinking & some control on our words, expressions. Otherwise I don't see any distinguishing characteristics between today's corrupt politicians or so called abde kothars or shk's whatever u wanna name them.
If you need help please step out and watch some good intellect motivational video of gurus who have been successful in life rather than trying to remove frustrations.
Sorry if I have hard hit some one here but it is all to help you all see where we should align for avoiding these modern day cults that castrate men mentally and oppress women.

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Unread post by shapur » Thu May 01, 2014 8:19 am

Hi brother Zulfiqar ! Its good to see you back . I am a bit surprised that you choose to hold yourself back at a time when theres a lot on the plate here too. Your comments and info would help one make some sense of the current situation. Stick on, now on. Monginis I guess is DB Londoner with his ingrained habit of "lolling" at everything- his "lol" pattern gives his game away.

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Unread post by Humsafar » Thu May 01, 2014 10:50 am

What type of low-breed these bhikari e dawat are, they won't spare even an old woman? Weren't they ashamed to take Rs 50 from her, even beggars would hesitate to accept such a paltry amount these days. AZ your mother is a gutsy woman, even the best of us can be flustered and lose our presence of mind by such a sudden and intimidating invasion of our privacy.

The question needs be asked is what right and authority these crooks have to invade people's home and violate their privacy, and not only that but also shamelessly extort money from them. One knew that the Bohras had lost it long ago, but one never knew they were gone so far out, have become so completely spineless that these beggars are forcing themselves in their homes and they say nothing. Not a peep, not a word protest. Is there nothing this clergy beggar mafia will stop at? Is there nothing that will awaken the slumbering Bohra slaves?

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Unread post by anajmi » Thu May 01, 2014 11:10 am

The question needs be asked is what right and authority these crooks have to invade people's home and violate their privacy
I am sure Adam will be able to find an answer in one of the books written by these same crooks, unless he has a little bit of decency to voice decent against such acts. But hey, he knows Arabic and it is more important for him to get the About Us page changed on this web site than the plight of an old woman. There are too many of those old women, and they are of no use to the kothar, what with a paltry 50 rupees. That is like less than a freaking dollar!!

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Unread post by think » Thu May 01, 2014 11:31 am

for your manoranjan, here in some circles what mufaddal mr. mojeza stands for
m= mansoos of mohammed
u= umat na chalavnar
f= fiaz na denar
a= anwar ni jari na karnar
d= dai ul mutluck
d= dawoodi qom na rehbar
a= ala qadir
l= lailatul qadar na maulud

of course i can turn and twist this sort of language with all the trickery in the world but will it serve the purpose of changing the thinking of abdes.but any one can give it a go.

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Unread post by saminaben » Thu May 01, 2014 2:06 pm

There are many women who despite pleadings and requests from their sons and daughters to come and stay with them CHOSE to live in their own space, on their r own territory, in their own terms, even when they get very old and frail. You have to learn and respect that, even if it I might seem to be against their own best interests - Best to not be judgmental about others.

Al Zulfiqar
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Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Thu May 01, 2014 5:14 pm

first off, thanks to all those who sent me heartfelt greetings.

secondly, the issue here is not why my mother is alone, although saminaben has hit the nail on the head, she has been almost intuitive in her response. the main issue is the tyranny and dadagiri of the kothari goondas that they can come barging into any and every bohra's home without any prior permission or notice and expect to be served and paid handsomely for making an unannounced visit, for doing........ nothing, except inconvenience people going about their lives. the sheer arrogance, insensitivity and presumptousness of it all is beyond comprehension of any sane person.

there are many hundreds if not thousands like me in this painful situation, whereby parents continue living in their native lands, towns and ancestral homes, whereas the children have migrated abroad in search of better climes and pickings. i have tried settling my mother where i live, went to great lengths to get her paperwork done and make her a landed immigrant, with the added benefits of free access to one of the best healthcare systems in the world, her own little apartment etc, but she found the winters too severe, add to that the difficulty of communicating in an alien language and seperation from all those near and dear to her, her own siblings, daughters, grandkids, the familiar environment and climate back home and the comfort of finding her way around on her own.

my mother and my wife are the best of friends, they are so alike in every way that its uncanny. she has daughters with large houses and very loving son-in-laws who would be absolutely elated at having her move in with them. they have even equipped a room ensuite with all amenities suitable for her age and physical condition in their houses for her, but she still prefers her independence, peace and quiet. perhaps its that fierce spirit and indomitable will that keeps her going. her energy and determination are an example to lazy lards like us, who will probably not be able to accomplish half of what she does at her age!

at my insistence she stayed almost 9 months with me, but i finally caved in when she literally begged to be sent back to her own little piece of paradise. it is a very sad situation and one which i would love to change with a magic wand, but this is how it is. we cannot force our parents against their will, neither can we uproot ourselves from the course we have chosen, work, business, employment where we live and the conditions back home.

our community has gone to the point of no return. slavery has become so deep rooted that abdes now literally line up to be willingly slaughtered, or have no courage to speak up. each one looks to the other for guidance and leadership. for the cowardly faint hearted, either the reformists are stupid idiots or are bigger villains for not coming to their aide, a' la knights in shining armour riding a snow white steed. this is no exaggeration, but i have been approached by 2 groups of friends, all talking of forming a secret society, informal groupings which will observe 'bohra' religious practices - urus', ramzan, moharram and misc events privately, away from the ortho jamaat. this has made no sense to me at all. what do they want from me...??? i have advised them to stop beating around the bush, take courage in their own hands, leave this unislamic extortionary cult and join up with the reformists. but as someone has commented elsewhere, the word reformists is anathema to them, as if its a curse or abuse.

well, i wish to have nothing to do with such people who seek the slimy way out. they start with noble intentions but eventually water down their aspirations to match their level of cowardice. this community of fearful slaves is getting what it deserves, duniya jhukti hai, jhukanewala chhahiye.

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Unread post by marabu » Thu May 01, 2014 5:46 pm

Am in Toronto area .Am black sheep of family as I have question the hierarchy since 1960's when local control of jamaat was taken over by someone appointed by Dai.
Kudos to Al Zulifiqar 's mum for not bowing down to to immense pressure to confirm.Most of the people I associate with in Mississiauga jamaat have expressed their opinion but herd mentality continues.Also do not want to be judgemental as many truly believe in SMS....no problem with me.Want to have a jamaat which is responsible to local one and there is accountability in funds raised...including how much it take to support present Amil....my 2 cents worth and happy to see Al Zulifiqar back in this forum

ghulam muhammed
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Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Thu May 01, 2014 6:12 pm

Kudos to AZ's mother who inspite of her advance age was able to do what even the younger ones wouldn't dare to do. Normally the women are the ones who first succumb to these goondas pressure tactics but here we have a woman who dared to put her foot down at the age of 87. Wish there were more such brave and courageous women in our community who would be a moral boost to others in the family.

Sufi monk
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Unread post by Sufi monk » Fri May 02, 2014 3:13 am

may Allah keep all our elders safe, very unfortunate news came today in Indian media.

http://www.ndtv.com/article/south/84-ye ... -517106?fb

Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala: In a shocking incident, an 84-year-old woman today died at a hospital in Kerala after she was allegedly molested at her residence.

The woman, who lived alone, was found in an unconscious state at her house by her neighbours at Chavara in Kollam district in Kerala yesterday, police said.

She was admitted to the Medical College Hospital in Thiruvananthapuram, where she died later. A post-mortem conducted on her body revealed that she was molested, hospital sources said.

Investigations were on to trace the person who molested the woman, police said.

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Unread post by Smart » Fri May 02, 2014 3:55 am

Bhai AZ, I am coming to this forum after a long time and was shocked to read about your Dear Mother. My heart goes out to her. Forget ethical behaviour from these mafia, now you cannot even expect common courtesy from them. I am really ashamed to have even been born in this community.

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Unread post by james » Fri May 02, 2014 7:18 am

Al Zulfiqar wrote: i am incensed enough to come back and post this. having too much on my plate prevents me from contributing here more often much as the cause of reform deserves.

some few days ago, my mum who is 87 years old and stays alone, was having her aftrenoon nap when someone rang her doorbell. being old, infirm and considerably arthritic, she made her way slowly to the door to find 2 young bohras in std's. she was quite startled to see them there as except my sisters, no one ever comes to visit. an occasional knock from a neighbour who only pauses to drop in a wayward letter or the garbage collector, are the only events she expects.

these young fellows proceeded to inform her that she should open the door and prepare herself as the 'saheb e dawat' was visiting from mumbai and will soon be coming to visit her as well. my mum asked what about and why was she being troubled when she has no means to welcome him or entertain him. the fellows insisted that it would be no trouble and they would make the arrangements themselves. they barged in and asked her to prepare sherbet! my mum had the presence of mind and strength of character to dismiss their suggestion that she had no such thing and did not drink sherbets at her age and with her health. these guys had come prepared with a wadhawani thaali - 2 nariyals, sweets and silver barkati coin. they took it upon themselves to re-arrange the furniture to suit the SED rascal, without the least thought to her convenience. soon, having stationed themselves at the windows, they proclaimed that the brigand had arrived and rushed around, spreading a special cloth to cover one of the sofas for the 'royal backside', which apparently has an allergy to plain upholstery.

the leach then walked in with 2 other spare parts and seated himself. my mum was seated and refused to get up or do salaam. after he was wadhawofied by his own slaves, he commenced asking questions to my mum, ketla jana ahiya tamara saathma rahe che? tame eklaj raho cho? kevi reete manage karo cho? kem koi tamara saathma rehtu nathi? tame pottey pakavo chho?! basically trying to judge her ability to cough up money and size up the 'prey'. she was told to prepare salaams by those idiots before this pompous ass arrived, but my mum did no such thing. she drew 50 rs from her purse lying nearby and gave it to the ass most unceremoniously. no envelope, no doing salaam to him or anything. they then asked her for mola no salaam, this inspite of learning that she is a widow, is in poor health, stays alone and her biggest expense is on medicines. she was interrogated on why she does not go and stay with her daughters (fortunately the leach did not ask about any sons) or why she does not take in a paying guest, all ridiculous suggestions and most insensitive about her circumstances or needs.

finally the arrogant sob insisted that why she doesnt get the thaali, it is mola's noorani jaman, full of shifa, blah blah and more b.s. my mum categorically informed him that she has tried it and it was not suitable for her health and meagre appetite. she cannot take oil and grease, spices and so much sodium. she has to be diet conscious on medical advice. discussing her health she could not control her tears and sobbed, but the bas#@%d showed no emotion. clutching her money and realising that not much loot was to be extracted at this deserted station, they departed post haste!

my mum was mystified how they found where she stayed since no one except our closest relatives know and there are no bohras around her neighbourhood. later she learnt that they stop bohras on the street and enquire about any bakras they might have missed. luckily, none of the 5 goons who visited my mum were known to her.

in an even more flabbergasting development, my masi who too stays alone at the other end of town, but in a comparatively upscale neighbourhood, was visited by.... guess? 21 bohra males accompanying the rascal SED!!!!! she had been forewarned by my mum, but nothing in the world could have prepared her for this onslaught! in her case, a few of those haramkhors were known to her and were aware that her son stays abroad, so she was probably fleeced for a substantial sum.

this sort of behaviour violates all norms of decency and is not just an invasion of privacy. its a virtual intimidation when a whole brigade of male adults barge into a lonely widow's house and bully her with their overwhelming presence. this smacks of extortion, extreme insensitivity and merciless persecution. this whole episode would be perfect grounds for a very strong police complaint and reported to the human rights commission. but would these ladies do it?
to force themselves in such large numbers into a widow's house is completely against humanity, they are all ghair mehramdaars and subjecting a lonely old lady to such pressure and stress is serious cruelty and abuse by these haramkhors. btw, what was the purpose of this parasite's visit? what service did he provide, did he offer any solutions to their problems, did he help them financially? did he facilitate their medical care? how dare they take money from widows when this swine should be instead helping them???

by pocketing their money and subjecting them to such cruelty and stress, this rascal from mumbai and his boss muffy, who has let loose such unsavoury robbers onto the community, may allah shower his choicest laanats on them. if they continue in this vein, the doomsday for this entire bunch of thugs is not far off. if this is not kothari goondagiri, then what else is it? will the shameless kothari defenders of muffy and his gang of cut throats have the guts to respond to this?


Al Zulfiqar
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Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Fri May 02, 2014 3:05 pm


if you didnt understand the 'story' the first time, then you will never understand it even if it is hammered into your brain like a foundation bolt. the problem is not with your confused brain, it is with your spineless back and posterior perennially raised in reverse sajda.

su eni niraali shaan chhe, ena karam ane ehsaan beshumaar chhe...!

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Unread post by james » Fri May 02, 2014 3:37 pm


Akhtiar Wahid
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Unread post by Akhtiar Wahid » Fri May 02, 2014 6:36 pm

James Ji,
You came out of your rats burrow!!

Bohra spring
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Unread post by Bohra spring » Fri May 02, 2014 10:14 pm

This is fantastic story for history Admin please create a testimonial site and store it. We need such first hand examples of oppression.

More reformists need to come out and share their personal experiences.

It is so much better than speculation guessing or accusations

When I relayed the story to my parent and family they all could relate to it that they have been victims of similar actions by Zada or Amils

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Unread post by humanbeing » Sat May 03, 2014 3:37 am

Narrate the experience of the lady to an abde and they will despise the lady’s response as disrespectful towards the SED. When abdes have the tendency to crawl when asked to bow cannot empathize.

Struggling for deedar and kadambosi is considered a pious activity to attain salvation. It is hilarious to see abdes running/jumping/crawling over each other to get a glimpse of their idols and boast about their heroic experiences, secret shortcuts, strategies and strength to fight off burhani guards. Such discussions are the benchmark of an abde group’s intellect to which an amte will drool over his wannabe groom who would flaunt his count of deedar and kadambosi !!

How does one count the number of deedars ?

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Unread post by canadian » Sat May 03, 2014 5:21 pm

Long ago when I was young, I was told that the beauty of Islam is that we are free and that when we pray namaaz we stand shoulder to shoulder, which signifies that we are all equal, there is no body above us or below us and that there is no one intermediary between us and our Allah. Now when I am about to meet my maker, I see that the dai is not a missionary inviting people to the true religion of God, but he is our lord and master and that not only we are expected to do sajda to him but also to his sons, daughters, siblings as they all are our superiors (royals) and that we, his slaves (abdes), have no right to ask any awkward question or challenge their misdeeds.
I have been thinking as to how we, a smart, business savvy, educated community allowed this transformation to take place and then I thought of the following poem by the German priest, Martin Niemoller:-
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me.

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Unread post by JavedhJuma » Sat May 03, 2014 8:25 pm

Dear brother AZ,

ASAK. Was sorry to hear about the incidents with your mother and aunt. I am not a Bohora so I am an outsider. I am a Nizari Ismaili.

I have a lot of respect for the Bohora community and other sister communities. However, I was surprised that the "goondas stooped to that level to take advantage of an old lady. What good is a dollar to the goondas. That is why I find it hard to believe that those goondas were "Kothari goondas".

In the west a lot of goondas take advantage of senior citizens in name of religion, charities, etc. India is not exempt from that. Those may be bohora goondas, but not Kothari goondas but they were probably posing as Kothari goondas. Jamat has to find out and go after them, because they are giving bad rap to the community.

As for the parents wanting to live independently, I agree with you. Especially in Canada, where the government doles out money, what parent would like to live with a bahu or jamai. They have their own apartments, courtesy of govt. and monthly stipends, healthcare, etc. They have free transport and community volunteers to run their errands. They can travel with jamati organised trips with their own age people.

I am happy that we are in the west. I am not sure what the conditions are in the East. But I have heard time and again parents refusing to stay with their children because they love their independence.

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Unread post by soulsurvivor » Sun May 04, 2014 3:54 am

People love power. Power pulls money. Money is barakaat...khuda tamney maaala maal kare...This is the punch line of this community. Why would kothaar spare an old lady esp if they have bunch of grapes like abdes at their command??? No books no script no spirituality can effect such people they are immune to your and my critics...only wait for doomsday!! Allah subhanahu knows best!

Al Zulfiqar
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Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Wed May 07, 2014 4:00 pm

JavedhJuma wrote:Dear brother AZ,

I am not a Bohora so I am an outsider. I am a Nizari Ismaili.

I have a lot of respect for the Bohora community and other sister communities. That is why I find it hard to believe that those goondas were "Kothari goondas".

Those may be bohora goondas, but not Kothari goondas but they were probably posing as Kothari goondas. Jamat has to find out and go after them,
jj, considering your profound respect for bohras and your unshakeable faith in them, i would strongly suggest that you take misaq and convert to 'abde bohraism'. then talk to the concerned jamaat and urge them to go after these goondas. you need a strong dose of reality, the only way is by becoming a slave of the great bohra missionary leader muffy.

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Unread post by Rebel » Thu May 08, 2014 2:33 pm

I can't understand why even the educated people such as doctors and other professionals can tolerate being called themselves "ghulams" by illterate, harsh and tyrannical Amils and mullahs. I have seen many professionally educated completely brain washed and I wonder if their liberal and scientific education did not allow them to open their minds and hearts from the self destructive path they took into believing blindly in this cult.

Posts: 403
Joined: Sun Mar 30, 2014 2:47 pm



Unread post by JavedhJuma » Sat May 10, 2014 1:05 am

Al Zulfiqar wrote:
JavedhJuma wrote:Dear brother AZ,

I am not a Bohora so I am an outsider. I am a Nizari Ismaili.

I have a lot of respect for the Bohora community and other sister communities. That is why I find it hard to believe that those goondas were "Kothari goondas".

Those may be bohora goondas, but not Kothari goondas but they were probably posing as Kothari goondas. Jamat has to find out and go after them,
jj, considering your profound respect for bohras and your unshakeable faith in them, i would strongly suggest that you take misaq and convert to 'abde bohraism'. then talk to the concerned jamaat and urge them to go after these goondas. you need a strong dose of reality, the only way is by becoming a slave of the great bohra missionary leader muffy.
AZ, I do understand your frustration about the incident with your mother and aunt. If I were in your place I would feel the same. I am sorry if I sounded insensitive to you.

However, I did not "show my profound respect for bohoras" only. Please read above. Let's face it. Bohoras are respected in other sister communities in the west.
My point of contention is that elderly people are targets of chores, irrespective of religious affiliation. I am sorry, I do not know much about your leaders, and I was not defending them to the point where I would like to convert. I am happy where I am.

My apologies again if I sounded insensitive.