Sharif ar-Radi - left Abbasids and served Fatimids

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Sharif ar-Radi - left Abbasids and served Fatimids


Unread post by Doctor » Fri Jan 18, 2013 8:14 am

Book name: Kitab Ikhtilaf Usulil Madhahib of Qadi Numan B. Muhammad
By: S.T. Lokhandwala
Published by: Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla. - Year 1972.
Page# 6

"Fatimids had become a sanctury and refuge for the Ithna 'Asharis who were naturally drawn towards their sultanate.

The Shias, in general, found in the new dynasty of the Fatimids a pivotal point for their political activites and the Fatimids, in their turn, acted as champions of Shi'ism and Shias.

The Shias of all denominations were naturally attracted towards this Shi' centre. Even the prominent Ithna Asheri Shi'i leader of the period, Sharif ar-Radi, the compiler of Nahjul-Balagha, who enjoyed eminent position with Abbasids of Baghdad, in one of his odes, longed to be in Cairo where an Alid was ruling rather than go on serving Abbasids."

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Re: Sharif ar-Radi - left Abbasids and served Fatimids


Unread post by KhalifatulRahman » Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:09 am

there is no doubt IMAMMAIN were great, but its important what great are we doing by following them?

I am neither shia nor sunni but I am very much sure and satisfied that I am more closer to Imam then any of you ****

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Re: Sharif ar-Radi - left Abbasids and served Fatimids


Unread post by KhalifatulRahman » Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:11 am

ISLAM is not about proving each other, we are better then you, islam is about showing people what is better for them.....

Muslim First
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Re: Sharif ar-Radi - left Abbasids and served Fatimids


Unread post by Muslim First » Sat Jan 19, 2013 9:13 am

I am neither shia nor sunni but I am very much sure and satisfied that I am more closer to Imam then any
Do you really know how good Muslim are others?

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Re: Sharif ar-Radi - left Abbasids and served Fatimids


Unread post by badrijanab » Sun Jan 20, 2013 3:16 pm

Muslim First wrote:
I am neither shia nor sunni but I am very much sure and satisfied that I am more closer to Imam then any
Do you really know how good Muslim are others?
The good Muslim are those who lead by character like: Mohammed (s), Ali (a), Fatima (a), Hasan (a), Hussain (a), Imam Ali Zainul Abideen (a), ...Imam Quaim (a), ... Imam Moiz (a), ... Dai Hatim (r), ... Dai Qutbuddin Shaheed (r), etc

Fatimi Imams and rightful Dai's = inspirational greatest character = answer to how good Muslims are.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Sharif ar-Radi - left Abbasids and served Fatimids


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun Jan 20, 2013 5:42 pm

badrijanab wrote:Fatimi Imams and rightful Dai's = inspirational greatest character = answer to how good Muslims are.
What about the revered Sufi saints like Khwaja Garib Nawaz (r.a.), Hazrat Nizamuddin Aulia (r.a.), Hazrat Baba Farid (r.a.) and scores of others who have had the maximum impact on the lives of not only Muslims but even non-muslims accross the globe and who were instrumental in the spread of Islam worldwide ? Most of them were from the progeny of Mola Ali (a.s.).

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Re: Sharif ar-Radi - left Abbasids and served Fatimids


Unread post by badrijanab » Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:53 pm

(1) Has any of your Sunni's/Sufi's died in name of Islam in Hindustaan?

There are scores and scores of Shaheed in Bohra faith saints/aalim's who died for Islam.

(2) Have any of your Sunni's/Sufi were torchered in name of Islam?

Molana Taj Khan (Baroda) was thrown alive in burning oil by your new jaat wala's. Hundreds of Aalim's were torchered to death in your jaat wala's lockup!

(3) I know few Sufi Baba's of your, they do not bathe regularly! keep themselves claded in untidy clothes and stink!

Fatimi followers treat "Taharat" as one of the pillar of Islam. As world rightly adage: CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS.

(4) Khawaja Moinuddin is slave of Fatimi Imam, a secret agent. Proof: His poetry, ".... Haq'qa ke binaye La Ilaha ast Hussain" is against the core tenets of Sunni's but is in line with Fatimi's.

Names you took are respected personalities like Nizamuddin Auliya. However, in general, almost all (barring few) the leaders in Fatimi Maslaq have lead mumineen by living themselves an exemplary life full of character reflecting true Sunnat of Prophet/Ahle Bayt.

(5) Your leaders promote hate and terrorism for all who do not buy their faulty religious fanatism.


(6) Sunni and alike faith in Hindustaan was forced upon terrorised non-Muslims with death threat; either they adopt Sunni faith or die - your leader (terrorist king like Ghori, Aurangzeb, Temoor, Ahmed Shah Abdali, etc) forgot the core of Islam: LAKUM DEENOKUM WALAYDEEN.

Where else Fatimi Dawat was establised on appeal to reasoning and most intelligent people of time like king, vizeer, parliamentians, the noblest among Brahmins: Nagori Brahmins - all got convinced with missionaries of Fatimi Imams and became Mumin's - CONVINCED NOT BY FORCE BUT OUT OF THEIR FREE WILL.

Simply: The true Islam is only represented by Fatimi Dawat; whose leaders tolerated all the hardship including sacrifice of their life.

[Note: Kothar is not DB.]

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Sharif ar-Radi - left Abbasids and served Fatimids


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:35 pm


You have time and again proved to be the most idiotic and dumb person who only spits loads of venom the moment he opens his filthy mouth. You are the biggest fool on this forum who has ZERO knowledge of any sect outside your tiny well which is built by by your guru Mr.Ahmedali Raj, an insignificant person who is unknown to the world.

Your hollow and senseless praises of a miniscule and insignificant sect which has further split into a microscopic cult of a handful of so called rebellious followers like you sounds more boring, disgusting and childish rather then words of wisdom and more like the donkey praising his own tail. What can a stupid fool like you who is full of hatred understand the impeccable qualities of Sufis who put humanity above everything else. There was no discrimination in sufis with regard to caste, culture and creed which is the reason that they are still revered, followed and visited by people of EVERY religion in lakhs. How many people visit the shrines of your insignificant bohra leaders ? How many people even know that they exist ? What impact have they made on the lives of people accross the board ? Now dont come up with the crap that quality always comes in small numbers because if that was the case then parsi religion would be the most "Pristine" (in your language) and the Yazidi sect which claims to be muslims should be role models for the muslim world.

The history of sufi saints is like an open book which has been researched minutely by scores of authors and scholars from all walks of life and which are available at every bookstore. How many people have studied indepth the life of your bohra dais ? The jahils like you can only rely on pieces of literature penned down by people of your own sect who will obviously heap praises on their leaders and the authenticity of which is never scrutinised or counter checked by neutral observers as no one worth his salt is even interested in wasting their time over people who have never mattered to the world at large and their contribution to Islam and humanity is negligible.

It is way above your empty head to contemplate sufism and understand their role in spreading the true message of Islam which convinced lakhs of people to embrace Islam by displaying qualities of humanity, compassion and austerity as preached by the torch bearers of this great religion.

Regarding 'Taharat', you need to go to kindergarden classes to understand its true meaning. If a perfect taharat could be achieved only by wearing clean and spotless white clothes with expensive perfume sprayed on it then as per your logic the present day Dai and his zaadas should be perfect examples as they wear the cleanest and best of fabric and drown themselves in the most expensive agar/oodh attars, it is said that the dai puts attar which is priced at over Rs.5 lakhs per tola. For a perfect taharat, only an outer display is mandatory for fools like you as you dont have the sense to smell the pungent and filthy odour which emanates from their souls !!

No wonder you are a person who is definately led astray by "Padha likha jaahils" as you cannot even understand sufis like Hazrat Garib Nawaz (r.a.) and scores of others who are from the progeny of Mola Ali (a.s.) although you claim to be his so called true followers and moreoever you had the audacity to say earlier on this forum that Hazrat Garib Nawaz (r.a.) was a bohra. This statement of yours, like many others is enough to guarantee you a permanent place in the world's best mental asylum !!

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Re: Sharif ar-Radi - left Abbasids and served Fatimids


Unread post by badrijanab » Tue Jan 22, 2013 3:54 am

Janab Ghulam Mohammed sahab,

"Chakki chal rahi he, bahut zor-shor se awaj aa rahi he - magar fayada kya jab usme se aata hi nahi nikal raha"! Your post above is like that 'Chakki' - empty barrel sounds more!

The six points I wrote - where are direct answers to them? Or have you accepted the matter of facts and in your inability to counter truth you are making noise pollution?!!!

Conisdering smaller size of our community and big sacrifices of lives and torchers tolerated for Islam - Fatimi Dawat followers RATIO wise in compare to giant size of your populaiton with no life or torcher sacrifices - Bohras are superior than all sects of Islam.

[Note: Kothar are not Dawoodi Bohras].

Muslim First
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Re: Sharif ar-Radi - left Abbasids and served Fatimids


Unread post by Muslim First » Tue Jan 22, 2013 8:09 am

badrijanab Saheb
Conisdering smaller size of our community and big sacrifices of lives and torchers tolerated for Islam - Fatimi Dawat followers RATIO wise in compare to giant size of your populaiton with no life or torcher sacrifices - Bohras are superior than all sects of Islam.
badrijanab Saheb, AS
How many are in your superior sect?
What is name of your Imam? Where is he located? Why is he hiding? Who is your in charge Dai? How does he get guaidence from Imam?
Is there a Superior Dawoodi Bohra Jamat (SDB Jamat) in USA ? Where is SDB Jamat Maria's in USA?

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Re: Sharif ar-Radi - left Abbasids and served Fatimids


Unread post by badrijanab » Tue Jan 22, 2013 9:20 am

How many are in your superior sect?
May be few thousands; less than 10K. But does higher number proves anyone to be correct and lower number as incorrect? If we go by size of number then Christians should be the right religion and Islam otherwise; mazallah.
What is name of your Imam?
We have name list from first Imam Hasan (a) till 46th Imam. There after we do not have name related details.
Where is he located?
I do not know. But he is accessible to his all selected missionaries. He marries, gets sons, dies after living his age, doing his duty like you cannot see sun during night but sun is present and doing its job.
Why is he hiding?
Why Prophet was hiding in on occasion of Hijrat? Why angle Gibraeel was hiding from all? Why Allah is hiding - do u have proof if Allah is there? (Logical derivation is not allowed, bring proof of Allah). Why one cannot see satan; why he too is hiding?
Who is your in charge Dai? How does he get guaidence from Imam?
No one.

Is there a Superior Dawoodi Bohra Jamat (SDB Jamat) in USA ? Where is SDB Jamat Maria's in USA?[/quote]

Br. MF, I answered precisely answers to your query. Why don't you for the sake of honesty answer only following single question: "Prove from your own sihah-sitta if Prophet Mohammed s.a.w.w. has appointed 1/2/3 as authorized representative/ameer of Islam after him?" As you cannot prove; thus you all are astrayed! And what is benefit in running far away when at first place (1/2/3) you chose wrong path?!!!

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Re: Sharif ar-Radi - left Abbasids and served Fatimids


Unread post by anajmi » Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:15 am

May be few thousands; less than 10K. But does higher number proves anyone to be correct and lower number as incorrect? If we go by size of number then Christians should be the right religion and Islam otherwise; mazallah.
Are all in your superior sects liars like you?
We have name list from first Imam Hasan (a) till 46th Imam. There after we do not have name related details.
Is that because the Imam found their followers to be liars and decided to desert them?
I do not know. But he is accessible to his all selected missionaries.
Which means you were not selected by him. I guess he does know you!!!
Why Prophet was hiding in on occasion of Hijrat? Why angle Gibraeel was hiding from all? Why Allah is hiding - do u have proof if Allah is there?
Why was Saddam Hussain hiding before he was caught? Why was Osama hiding before he was caught? Why are all the top 10 on FBI wanted list hiding?

If you say that Allah is hiding, then your Imam had no choice but to hide from people like you!!
"Prove from your own sihah-sitta if Prophet Mohammed s.a.w.w. has appointed 1/2/3 as authorized representative/ameer of Islam after him?"
How many times do people have to tell you that 1/2/3/4 were not appointed by the Prophet (saw) and no one claims they were expect nut-jobs and liars.

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Re: Sharif ar-Radi - left Abbasids and served Fatimids


Unread post by sixfeetunder » Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:29 am

"Why don't you for the sake of honesty answer only following single question: "Prove from your own sihah-sitta if Prophet Mohammed s.a.w.w. has appointed 1/2/3 as authorized representative/ameer of Islam after him?" As you cannot prove; thus you all are astrayed! And what is benefit in running far away when at first place (1/2/3) you chose wrong path?!!!"

I'd like to know his answer on this one. Let us see how he juggles this. My guess: It was the will of Allah. Full stop. If Allah 'made' them Caliphs, who cares about the Prophet's will, eh?! Prophet did not appoint anyone, as per the Ahl-e-Sunnah, so God did it. They appointed themselves and it became God's will. This was the Umayyad line of defense as well. This became the Sunni interpretation of predestination. It is a catch-22 situation. As per Ahl-e-Sunnah's interpretation of the Quranic verse about Allah's will, not a single leaf moves without his will, so how will someone become Caliph without Allah's will? Who killed Hussain (a.s)? Allah killed him. Not Yazid. Not the Umayyads. Allah made them do it. Freewill can go to hell. I rest my case.

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Re: Sharif ar-Radi - left Abbasids and served Fatimids


Unread post by anajmi » Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:40 am


You should've rested your case a long time back. We've had this discussion about the difference between the "Will" of Allah and the "Commands" of Allah, but you've chosen to remain ignorant.

Allah made them the khalifas just as much as Allah made Aga Khan the Imam or Mohammad Burhanuddin the Dai of a different hidden Imam!!
Who killed Hussain (a.s)? Allah killed him. Not Yazid.
According to some shia scholars, the killing of Imam Hussain was wanted by Allah because it replaced the blood of Ismail (as) which Allah wasn't able to get. Go figure!!!

Muslim First
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Re: Sharif ar-Radi - left Abbasids and served Fatimids


Unread post by Muslim First » Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:59 am

I do not know. But he is accessible to his all selected missionaries.
Can you name "selected missionaries"?

Is it Maulana Burhanuddin, Maulana Muffadal, Alvi Dai, Dr Engineeror, purus, humsafar Roshan baag or your Professor?
Last edited by Muslim First on Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:07 am, edited 1 time in total.

Muslim First
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Re: Sharif ar-Radi - left Abbasids and served Fatimids


Unread post by Muslim First » Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:04 am


Please read this

Succession to Muhammad

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Sharif ar-Radi - left Abbasids and served Fatimids


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Jan 22, 2013 4:54 pm


Although I have given all the answers to your stupid logic in a nutshell, I would like to state that in a country where people are free to believe and worship rats as incarnation of God (there is a rat temple in Rajastan), it is no surprise that lunatics like you too exist and have their own fairytale version of their Godly leaders !

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Re: Sharif ar-Radi - left Abbasids and served Fatimids


Unread post by badrijanab » Wed Jan 23, 2013 7:38 am

Janab GM Sahab,

Where are answers to below? Not in your posts above!!!

(1) Is any of your Sunni's Aalim / Sufi's martyred for Islam in Hindustaan till date? (don't quote your terrorist sucide squad list; they will not qualify as answer).

(2) Is any of your Sunni's / Sufi were torchered in name of Islam in Hindustaan?

(3) I know few Sufi Baba's of your, they do not bathe regularly! keep themselves claded in untidy clothes and stink - how are they following 'Taharat', when all believe, CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS?

(4) Khawaja Moinuddin is slave of Fatimi Imam, a secret agent. Proof: His poetry, ".... Haq'qa ke binaye La Ilaha ast Hussain" is against the core tenets of Sunni's but is in line with Fatimi's.

(5) Sunni and alike faith in Hindustaan was forced upon terrorised non-Muslims with death threat; either they adopt Sunni faith or die - your leader (terrorist king like Ghori, Aurangzeb, Temoor, Ahmed Shah Abdali, etc) forgot the core of Islam: LAKUM DEENOKUM WALAYDEEN!!!

Muslim First
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Re: Sharif ar-Radi - left Abbasids and served Fatimids


Unread post by Muslim First » Wed Jan 23, 2013 9:51 am

Br bj Saheb, AS

Once again let me remind those who hide behind "LAKUM DEENOKUM WALAYDEEN!" (That includes your holiness) that this sura is addressed to kaffiruns. One must strive for pristine Islam as per Quran and authentic Sunnah of Prophet SAW. Read and understand Q 2:208.

BTW who is your leader who is capable to receive "ilham"" from your hiding Imam.

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Re: Sharif ar-Radi - left Abbasids and served Fatimids


Unread post by badrijanab » Wed Jan 23, 2013 10:12 am

Once again let me remind those who hide behind "LAKUM DEENOKUM WALAYDEEN!" (That includes your holiness) that this sura is addressed to kaffiruns.
So, Sunni rulers in Hindustan who forced Kaafirs with threat of life to convert them into Sunni Islam have committed sin against commands of Quran.
BTW who is your leader who is capable to receive "ilham"" from your hiding Imam.
I already answered: "I do not know".

MF Sahab, how about answering five questions in last post of mine? :)

Muslim First
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Re: Sharif ar-Radi - left Abbasids and served Fatimids


Unread post by Muslim First » Wed Jan 23, 2013 4:39 pm

badrijanab wrote:
Once again let me remind those who hide behind "LAKUM DEENOKUM WALAYDEEN!" (That includes your holiness) that this sura is addressed to kaffiruns.
So, Sunni rulers in Hindustan who forced Kaafirs with threat of life to convert them into Sunni Islam have committed sin against commands of Quran.
BTW who is your leader who is capable to receive "ilham"" from your hiding Imam.
I already answered: "I do not know".

MF Sahab, how about answering five questions in last post of mine? :)
Br Bj

Please study real history of Islam.

Most of Hindus were converted to Islam by saints, fakirs and scholarly travelers visiting Inda for trade.
You are trying to paint majority of Muslims of as product of sword, rape, pillage etc. etc., while paint yourself as product of atrocity from fellow Muslims.

As I see that most of Ismaili Khojas were converted to Nizari Islam by missionary by mixing Hindu Bhajns etc etc. read their Ginan and Dohas. Your clan still practicing lot of Hindu "rit riwajs" and are stubbornly clinging to it.
Once again I urge you to read, understand and implement Q 2:208.

Your 5 questions are trash, not worth wasting time.


Muslim First
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Re: Sharif ar-Radi - left Abbasids and served Fatimids


Unread post by Muslim First » Wed Jan 23, 2013 4:45 pm

So, Sunni rulers in Hindustan who forced Kaafirs with threat of life to convert them into Sunni Islam have committed sin against commands of Quran.
What are you? Member of RSS, Hindu Mabhasaba or Bajarang Dal?

You seem to be kutter Dushman of Sunni Muslims.

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Re: Sharif ar-Radi - left Abbasids and served Fatimids


Unread post by Muslim First » Wed Jan 23, 2013 4:54 pm

BTW who is your leader who is capable to receive "ilham"" from your hiding Imam.
I already answered: "I do not know"
So why do you keep repeating this fairytale that some of your missionaries receive guaidence from hiding Imam?

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Re: Sharif ar-Radi - left Abbasids and served Fatimids


Unread post by badrijanab » Thu Jan 24, 2013 1:54 pm

Muslim First wrote:
I already answered: "I do not know"
So why do you keep repeating this fairytale that some of your missionaries receive guaidence from hiding Imam?
To whom I know in history, they do receive 'Ilham'. Presently besides Imam-uz-zaman who receives it, I don't know.

It seems above 5 questions have loosen all nut-bolts of your faith!

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Re: Sharif ar-Radi - left Abbasids and served Fatimids


Unread post by badrijanab » Fri Jan 25, 2013 2:51 pm

Janab Ghulam Mohammed sahab and Janab Muslim First sahab,

You are enjoying the pinch of 5-6 queries raised above :)

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Sharif ar-Radi - left Abbasids and served Fatimids


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Wed Jan 30, 2013 3:15 pm

badrijanab wrote:Janab Ghulam Mohammed sahab and Janab Muslim First sahab,

You are enjoying the pinch of 5-6 queries raised above
Actually my initial post was such a rude spank on your backside that the after effects are still visible in your rhetoric replies.

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Re: Sharif ar-Radi - left Abbasids and served Fatimids


Unread post by badrijanab » Wed Jan 30, 2013 6:12 pm

ghulam muhammed wrote:
badrijanab wrote:Janab Ghulam Mohammed sahab and Janab Muslim First sahab,

You are enjoying the pinch of 5-6 queries raised above
Actually my initial post was such a rude spank on your backside that the after effects are still visible in your rhetoric replies.
Your rudeness cannot substitute for answers to unanswerable 5 questions raised. Dawoodi Bohras have always been 'mazloom' and your new jaat wala have always been zaalim.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Sharif ar-Radi - left Abbasids and served Fatimids


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Wed Jan 30, 2013 6:42 pm

badrijanab wrote:Your rudeness cannot substitute for answers to unanswerable 5 questions raised. Dawoodi Bohras have always been 'mazloom' and your new jaat wala have always been zaalim.
Hatred is to be necessarily countered by rudeness, hence my reply. With regard to your questions, they are senseless which is evident from the fact that no one even bothers to answer them as your stereotype rhetorics have become boring without a grain of wisdom in it. Further, your quotes are picked from pieces of literature which do not find any place in the larger world and they are not properly researched by any scholar or historian worth his salt. Hence you may claim that some 'X' person was put in boiling waters or a 'Y' person was beheaded without any authentic evidence, the ONLY authentic evidence that the likes of you have are some age old books alleged to have been written by some bohras who naturally wanted to propagate bohraism. It may not be surprising if your grandchildren may come up with some "Authentic bohra literature" claiming that the 51st and 52nd Dai were the most honest, compassionate persons who lived a life of austerity and showered their entire wealth on poor bohras. You may even find that the 52nd was in fact the real hidden imam. History is always distorted, fabricated and manipulated in order to propagate a particular school of thought and retain a firm grip on people. The Shiv sena and other maharashtrians changed Shivaji's history in a span of 40 years, the RSS changed Nathuram Godse's history and he is their role model although he assasinated the father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi. How many people know that Godse had disguised himself as a muslim and even performed khatna when he killed Gandhi in order to instigate Hindu-Muslim riots.

Regarding bohras being "Mazlum", it is by choice and not compulsion and todays abdes are a glaring example. With regard to "My new jaatwala", a quote you made out of sheer frustration, kindly note that my only jaat is Islam and my role models are Panjatan Pak (a.s.). You know this fact very well but still you choose to project me as anti-ahle bayt in order to gain sympathy from other like minded persons.

Let me conclude that you are the biggest mental case on this forum who doesnt know head nor tail of Islam nor of Mola Ali (a.s.), you are a "Padha Likha Jaahil" who badly needs a psychatrist.

Muslim First
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Re: Sharif ar-Radi - left Abbasids and served Fatimids


Unread post by Muslim First » Wed Jan 30, 2013 6:59 pm

Let me conclude that you ( badrijanab)are the biggest mental case on this forum who doesnt know head nor tail of Islam nor of Mola Ali (a.s.), you are a "Padha Likha Jaahil" who badly needs a psychatrist.
Bravo Br GM

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Sharif ar-Radi - left Abbasids and served Fatimids


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun Feb 03, 2013 6:38 pm

Abu-Jahal’s name was Umru Bin Hasham, he was very intelligent and educated and the people of Makkah used to call him; “Abu-Al-Hikam”, which means the father of wisdom. But Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said; he is not the Father of Wisdom but he is the Father of ignorance, “Abu-Jahal”.

In this hitech age too we have many of such Abu-Jahals around us.