How can we help this PDB website

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
Bohra spring
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How can we help this PDB website


Unread post by Bohra spring » Sat Jun 08, 2013 5:20 am

The PDB sponsors of this site have done a wonderful job keeping this site up running and available . They have done a service without favour, bias or leaked our privacy.

The site has been attacked by hackers, brought down through denial of service and traffic sniffing. Yet the admin has done a fantastic job keeping it up. My complements.

The site is very valuable to the reform strategy and used in discussion in courts, government circles, mentioned in media reports, it is an honest reflection of the discussions and thinking of the community.

This topic is to dedicate to the god work of all the main contributors , sponsors, directors and support team of this site.

It will be good to understand what the sponsors went through to create this site, what issues they have, how they finance its operations , do they need financial support or are well budgeted.

What is that they want to improve , do they have plans , aspirations, about the site and content , but are held back due to expertise, volunteered or financial support.

May Allah bless and reward the PDB site team in helping us have a voice . Shukran. We sometimes take favours for granted.

Bohra Spring is not a PDB member.

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Re: How can we help this PDB website


Unread post by Admin » Sat Jun 08, 2013 11:30 am

Thank you for your kind words of appreciation. There is only one Forum member who regularly gives donation to support our effort. Apart from that this site is self-financed and is run purely on voluntary basis. Of course we could do with more funds. We want to upgrade this site and make it mobile friendly and modern, and add more features - videos and presentations, misri calendar, namaz timings, more bohra literature (transcribing/translating of Fatimid literature etc.), recipes, lifestyle and culture and a host of other features. We could do with more funds and resources.
We want to thank all contributors from both sides of the divide for keeping this forum alive, and for their generosity whenever we appealed for their financial support. Ideas and funds on how to improve this site and make it more relevant are always welcome.
Thank you.

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Re: How can we help this PDB website


Unread post by SBM » Sat Jun 08, 2013 11:56 am

I hope forum members can be generous let us walk the walk and open up our check books now

Bohra spring
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Re: How can we help this PDB website


Unread post by Bohra spring » Sat Jun 08, 2013 4:36 pm

That is so exciting and aspirational. May Allah help you achieve your ambitions.

If I may ask how much as in budget you need to do all that. Having a specific number makes it easier to assist and when you give a progress of how much is collected so far gives that motivation to stragglers . Example if you need $10,000 then logically 100 contributors need to give $100 and motivates the others to give more that $5.

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Re: How can we help this PDB website


Unread post by SBM » Sat Jun 08, 2013 10:28 pm

Br Bohra Spring
Admin has never asked for any financial help and they did not even start this thread, You started this thread .
Since Admin never asked money to begin with it, it is not fair to ask for accountability, They are not KOTHAR collecting wajebaats and they are doing the best with the available resources, It is their love and compassion which is keeping this forum alive. By asking them to provide, you are increasing their workload and burden

Bohra spring
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Re: How can we help this PDB website


Unread post by Bohra spring » Sat Jun 08, 2013 11:25 pm

SBM you have taken my statement the wrong and not the intent! All I am suggesting is to achieve their goal do they need $100 or $10,000 ? Anyway lets not use this topic for attacking the idea or diverting to an accountability debate.

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Re: How can we help this PDB website


Unread post by Ozdundee » Sat Jun 08, 2013 11:37 pm

BS great reminder of the value of this site. Well d one all involved

I have checked that an idea is during Ramadhan this sites work is eligible for receiving zakata contributions as it is in service of the faith.

So reformists who have a zakat figure in their mind can send a portion to this site.

As a humorous example ...say you need to give $1000 as wajebat , go negotiate hard and if you come out at $900, you have saved $100. This $100 can be split between the Ahmedabad charity and The site. Good luck. every dollar an liberal Bohra saves in negotiating wajebat with a kithari Amil should be flowing through.

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Re: How can we help this PDB website


Unread post by humanbeing » Sun Jun 09, 2013 12:34 am

Admin wrote:. We want to upgrade this site and make it mobile friendly and modern, and add more features - videos and presentations, misri calendar, namaz timings, more bohra literature (transcribing/translating of Fatimid literature etc.), recipes, lifestyle and culture and a host of other features. We could do with more funds and resources..
Suggestions sounds very good. Making the PDB website a lot more informative and interactive will help attract more visitors, not only to vent out frustration but a knowledge source.
Promoting bohra culture from its past glory will be very helpful.
Wish PDB website all the very best !

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Re: How can we help this PDB website


Unread post by Qutbi-Hero » Sun Jun 09, 2013 6:37 am

I wouldn't get too carried away Brother Bohra Spring, the Kothar aren't worried at all about this place, nor is there any reason they should be. Very few people post here and there is hardly any activity whatsoever! Nothing has changed in all the years it has been around.

From what I've seen, all this place seems to be is a rumour-mill. It's also a haven for Sunnis to come and trample all over Shia beliefs.

Admin, if you want people to donate money (which this place sorely needs) then you've got to get rid of all the Non-Shias. You've also got to take part more in the discussions and answer peoples questions. This place is far too complacent and desperately needs direction.

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Re: How can we help this PDB website


Unread post by abde53 » Sun Jun 09, 2013 9:05 am

I wouldn't get too carried away Brother Bohra Spring, the Kothar aren't worried at all about this place, nor is there any reason they should be. Very few people post here and there is hardly any activity whatsoever! Nothing has changed in all the years it has been around.
Really Londoner bhai
Many mumineen were helped in Ahmedabad, now none of our Raza Wali website like zeninfosys-malumaat show any ZIYAFAATS after many on this forum showed it here. Hindustan times mentioned this website about all the Nuss problem
I am not in agreement with this progressives here but we should be honest. I am not as blind as you are. I am abde in my name but this site has opened my eyes of the soul.
and what are you doing on this site, Moula and many Shezaadas have repeatedly asked people like us not to visit but you are the biggest writer lately
I will try to help as much as I can since I live in Mumbai I will ask my friends in Canada to donate on my behalf.IF YOU CAN NOT HELP ATLEAST DO NOT LIE. this website has educated many and exposing corruption unless you are part of that corruption too

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Re: How can we help this PDB website


Unread post by SBM » Sun Jun 09, 2013 9:56 am

And what do you get by paying the Wajebaats to your Kothari Masters. They are the biggest jokers and you and YES YOU are the biggest dummies
who pay the wajebaats and tell your Masters, GIVE ME MORE KICK IN MY ARCE-- and I love it. What does Kothari Goons have done to you, yes oh I forgot after taking the money from you , they ask your wife to make ROTI for entire community so Kothari Masters get the credit.
So Londonerm why do not you got back to your ARCE kissing instead of vising here and just bad mouthing good work., IT IS YOUR KIND OF PEOPLE WHICH KOTHARI MASTERS WOULD LOVE AND SCREW YOU FROM ALL SIDE AND YOU AS AN IDIOT ABDE ENJOYS EVERY MINUTE
Admin: Just to bring to your attention, Kothari Agent have tried to divert this topic to make sure that you do not get any help and Londoner is nothing but an agent and let us watch

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Re: How can we help this PDB website


Unread post by Grayson » Sun Jun 09, 2013 10:25 am

Please do not throw labels so freely particularly when they're inaccurate or based on assumption. Londoner doesn't seem to be a Kothari sympathizer, let alone an agent.

His points aren't completely invalid, in that a lot of contribution is more towards an ideal and commentary/suggestions by users rather than updates on an actual movement in progress. Or atleast updates that aren't frequent enough. Which is to be expected as this is a Forum where people of different views and ideas have congregated to discuss issues related to Bohras rather than it being a direct mouthpiece for any absolute view. In regards to PDB, I highly recommend more official responses on matters by people that can.

On topic, let's leave the contributions as voluntary (as Admin stated it currently is) and appreciate the perks this forum has to offer. We don't need to ask for a budget unless Admin shares it. A topic in regards to monetary and financial matters could be started by actual people involved in running this forum if needed with an outline of goals rather than us individual users wondering (even if well-intentioned) how much is needed to sustain it.

The greatest way to help the PDB website is to increase awareness among progressive-minded people, as unfortunately, for a forum that's been open for over a decade and with an ideal that many people should be able to sympathize with, the activity (atleast on the forum) is rather thin.

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Re: How can we help this PDB website


Unread post by humanbeing » Sun Jun 09, 2013 11:00 am

DB-Londoner wrote:I wouldn't get too carried away Brother Bohra Spring, the Kothar aren't worried at all about this place, nor is there any reason they should be. Very few people post here and there is hardly any activity whatsoever! Nothing has changed in all the years it has been around.
DB-L, you are going too fast on your assumptive horse ! missing the scene around. Jumping to hasty and casual conclusions in your personal capacity ofcourse.

Kothar is indeed a lot worried about this forum. They mention it in their sabaks; hidayats and farmans are mentioned not to visit this website or participate even to defend or abuse, as they know truth will shine out.

‘Kothari websites par taale pad gaye’; when their ziyafat marathons and other depressing acts were exposed on this forum.

Very few people post, but thousands read ! Because many are scared fence sitters or shy writers.

A lot has been changed since many years, if it wasn’t working out, this website would have shut shops long ago. In any case, this forum is one last hope of free voice.
DB-Londoner wrote:From what I've seen, all this place seems to be is a rumour-mill. It's also a haven for Sunnis to come and trample all over Shia beliefs.
This forum is far better than mojiza factory kothar is. Members have posted their personal experiences and in many cases have provided proofs photo, audio or links.

This forum allows a free debate over any news, automatically clearing rumors, rather than enforced mojizas dished out by ponga pundits of kothar.
DB-Londoner wrote:Admin, if you want people to donate money (which this place sorely needs) then you've got to get rid of all the Non-Shias.
No one is asked to pay or stay, one is welcome - Ya - ‘Bheed Kum’ (less crowd)
DB-Londoner wrote:You've also got to take part more in the discussions and answer peoples questions. This place is far too complacent and desperately needs direction.
In my opinion, admin have enough jobs to regulate this website, their role is not to take part in discussion but just observe/monitor like a third empire in cricket.

Yet occasionally they do rise up to justify their actions.

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Re: How can we help this PDB website


Unread post by Sikander » Sun Jun 09, 2013 10:53 pm

non shia brother like anajmi are more informative then people shia like badri and progtiside and adam...

atleast they dont run away when some thing is asked to them, like welknown adam..

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Re: How can we help this PDB website


Unread post by Aymelek » Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:10 am

humanbeing wrote: This forum is far better than mojiza factory kothar is. Members have posted their personal experiences and in many cases have provided proofs photo, audio or links.
This forum allows a free debate over any news, automatically clearing rumors, rather than enforced mojizas dished out by ponga pundits of kothar.
Agreed. Free debate and open forum such as this not only helps one educate but also disseminate awareness. As Aristotle said - It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

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Re: How can we help this PDB website


Unread post by Qutbi-Hero » Mon Jun 10, 2013 1:49 pm

Calm down my Brothers, I'm on your side lol!

I have many relatives from India who've visited London and were shocked at the zoolum we suffer here. The amount of corruption and theft we have in the UK is far worse than anywhere else. Trust me, I have no love for the Kothar!

The point I was making is that this website has not produced any difference whatsoever in the big scheme of things. In my Jamaat, things get worse and worse with every passing day, and I'm pretty sure this is the case with most Jamaats around the world. It's good that certain stories have made it to the press in India, but did it have any kind of major impact? No. I bet the Kothar read those articles and had a good laugh, then blew their nose in the newspaper and threw it away. The Kothar still rule over us like a criminal Mafia organisation.

They have too much hold on our community and know full well that there's nothing we can do about it. We are a very weak force against a super powerful enemy. We must understand and accept this fact instead of denying it. Pretending that we are winning the fight is foolish when we can plainly see how quickly they are growing bigger and stronger. We have to live in reality, only then will we learn to defeat them and do the hard work it requires.

We need to become as big and as strong as them, we need to attract the manpower and the resources to make a difference, we need to develop clear aims and goals, we need to be practical and strategic, we need concrete plans of action that produce results, we need all this and much much more. What do we actually have? Sadly, very little.

As for being some kind of 'secret agent' lol. You're looking in the wrong direction Brothers. We do indeed have several 'agents' here, they are the Sunnis who are freely propagating Anti-Shia propaganda, all with the full consent of Admin. It's really no surprise that this forum is deathly quiet when you have this happening. In fact I've seen more posts here made by Sunnis than Bohras! Do you really think there will be any progress in our community when you have poisonous snakes like this ever present?

We need brave and intelligent Bohras with money and contacts, who love our community enough to take risks and join the fight against the Kothar. Will the kind of Bohras we need ever join us when they see this kind of Anti-Shia nonsense here? Will they think we are worth their support? NO!

Firstly, any Bohras who find this site will be disgusted at reading some of the stuff these Sunnis spout. They may even mistakenly get the impression that destroying all respect for the Prophets family is what the Progressive movement is all about. Most Bohras want to 'Reform' our community and make it better, they do not want to become Sunni and make it worse. These Bohras will look at this website once and never come back.

Secondly, most Bohras who do join this place will eventually get tired of the constant battling with Sunnis and also decide to never come back. We should be talking about Bohra issues and ways to bring sanity back to our community. Instead Sunnis have pretty much taken over the forum, and are intent on distracting and dividing and making sure no progress is made by anyone.

The above two reasons are precisely why certain people have joined the site. They came here with the agenda to push everybody away, and they have obviously been very successful.

The forum has a registered member count of 2,650. Of those about 90% never come here (as the number of views on threads confirms) which leaves us with only 200-300 people who still regularly visit. Of those it seems 90% don't even bother to contribute by posting. We literally have only a couple of dozen active members here (and the most active seem to be Sunnis lol) so the idea that this website is somehow going to bring about a revolution is nothing more than a childish fantasy.

I say this with great sadness as I want change more than anyone, unfortunately I just don't see it happening. There may be a few small things taking place in other countries, but I personally haven't seen anything positive here in London at all, and there seems to be nothing significant going on overall worldwide. The Kothar still treat us like dirt and steal our money at will.

If Admin truly wants to see Progress, and genuinely wants this website to be taken seriously by people so it attracts as many Bohras as possible, then he has to remove all the Sunnis asap. Otherwise nothing much will change over the next decade, just like nothing much changed over the past decade.

Okay, end of speech lol!

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Re: How can we help this PDB website


Unread post by Humsafar » Mon Jun 10, 2013 3:14 pm

You say that the corruption and zulm in the UK jamat is the worst. And I'm assuming you're part of that jamat and a victim of that zulm. You did not need this site to know of Kothar's zulm and you don't need this site to help end it. What you need is guts. What every Bohra needs is guts to end Kothar's tyranny. Everything else is excuse. Yes, sunni-shia fracas do get out of hand here sometimes, but don't tell me its the sunnis on this forum who are preventing you from standing up for your dignity and your rights. Don't find excuses for your inability to act.
Whether this site and forum have made any difference in the larger scheme of things is moot, but what it has done is to bring the horse to the water. It has brought you here and hundreds of others. To expect that it will also make the horse drink the water is ridiculous lol. If people like you, educated, aware, intelligent are not able to make any difference to the miserable situation you find yourself in what do you expect this website to do? If people like you - in western countries where individual rights and choice are at a premium - so sheepishly submit to tyranny what can we expect from poor, common Bohras in small towns and villages in India? When we in Udaipur revolted against Kothar's tyranny we did not have a forum to put fire in our belly. Our circumstances and our guts put us on the warpath. Nothing is holding you back, individually or collectively, from doing the same.

This is not to say this site and forum are perfect, of course there is lot more they can do but what they can't do is give you guts to act. That must come from your own self, and if doesn't then you have no one but yourself to blame.

Awakened woman
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Re: How can we help this PDB website


Unread post by Awakened woman » Tue Jun 11, 2013 12:25 am

DBL - This is for you.
Main akela hi chala tha janibe-e-manzil magar
Log sath aate gaye aur karavan banta gaya

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Re: How can we help this PDB website


Unread post by humanbeing » Tue Jun 11, 2013 12:52 am

This forum will not change kothar, it strives to change commoners who wish to change for good !

Kothar will continue to rule, wherever there is a fool with lot of money, idea is; if you want to to continue getting fooled feeling victimized and oppressed.

Kothar rules bohras for several reasons, one of them is dependence out of hatred for other muslim sects. If one really wishes to liberate oneself from any manipulation by religious thugs ( shia sunni, hindu etc ) rise above these dependents and be a individual thinker.

Shia-sunni debates are based on hatred. What happened to Islamic personalities 1000 year should serve as a lesson for us to become better, not worse by torching each other.

Islamic personalities endured hatred and rose above hard times to set an example. We so called shias beating our chest in full fury miss the lesson Ahlebait live & died for.

We shias defend those Islamic personalities who did not asked to be defended, we accuse / abuse others as if they had perpetrated atrocities against us. We abuse accuse/others as if we are sinless and pristine from any impurity.

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Re: How can we help this PDB website


Unread post by Sikander » Tue Jun 11, 2013 2:39 am

brothers u are taking history whole wrongly, I was staunch hatter of abu bakar, ayyesha umar and what not, but slowly i realized there is some big blunder and lies in history, it is highly possible fatema(s) never died coz of umar and the tragedy which is explained in shia majlises, her death might be coz of her father loss trauma.

Allah knows the best, but still the way ALI kept silent for years and kept friendship with umar and abu bakar shows what ever is feeded in majlis is lies, ALI also named his kids and gave his daughters to to umar and abu bakar.

what I believe is, now we are in such age were we need to move ahead of hate and start working of ISLAAM and nothing else.


fights and hate have brought nothing but destruction.

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Re: How can we help this PDB website


Unread post by Qutbi-Hero » Tue Jun 11, 2013 2:12 pm

I have already said that Reform can only come from within the Bohra community, nobody else will help us, we have to do it ourselves.

As for having 'guts' - did Gandhi kick the British out of India all by himself using just guts? No.

Gandhi forged a movement, which was followed and supported by countless people, who all worked together to gain their independence. It takes an army to defeat another army, especially one vastly more powerful than you.

This place could be the focal point for such a campaign against the Kothar. Most Bohras complain about how bad things are and would offer their support, but only if they felt this forum was 100% serious and the people here had the best intentions. Having Sunnis crawling all over the place, mocking our beliefs and calling Shias, stupid cowardly Kafirs, will obviously make most Bohras think there is nothing positive here and they will stay away.

When I found this forum, I immediately told my friends and family about it, both in the UK and abroad. They are all intelligent and educated and successful Bohras, mostly in the medical field like myself and also a couple of lawyers, several accountants and engineers and many businessmen etc. These are exactly the kind of people we need to make us stronger; professionals and entrepreneurs who have money and contacts and influence.

Have any of them joined the forum? No.

Why? Some of them looked at this place and thought it was just some idiotic Sunni propaganda website, which was only pretending to be about Bohras lol! The rest of them consider this place to be joke as it's so small and inactive, with little organisation and even less achievement. It's impossible for me not to agree with their appraisal, which I find heart-breaking.

Over the years, thousands and thousands of other Bohras must have come here and felt the same. Which is why they didn't get involved, and why the forum hasn't grown big enough to make a difference or bring about any real change.

If Gandhi only had a small number of supporters, the British would have continued ruling over India - If the Progressive Movement only has a small number of supporters, the Kothar will continue ruling over us. This is a plain and simple fact.

We will only beat the Kothar if we can gather an army of people to fight them. A few dozen people (half of whom are Sunnis) are not going to accomplish anything of significance.

Admin has to try a new approach now, because what he's been doing so far, is obviously not working. It's been over a decade so there should be an army here, but there isn't. He needs to Reform the way the forum is run, so it can attract the majority of Bohras who want to Reform the way our community is run, and have the capacity to actually achieve it. He needs to help us build a Progressive Dawoodi Bohra Army, instead of pandering to Sunnis who do more harm than good.

Okay, end of another speech lol!

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Re: How can we help this PDB website


Unread post by Humsafar » Tue Jun 11, 2013 3:04 pm

DB Londoner,
Again you're repeating the same old tripe that this forum is not doing enough. What exactly do you want it do? How do you suppose it can form a Progressive Dawoodi Bohra Army lol? Let's suppose that such an army is already in place, what do you want it do, storm Saifee Mahal lol? Don't get carried away by Ghandiji and British analogy. It is relevant only up to a point. Agreed, one individual can't do anything, and as I've always maintained we need collective action, but not some fanciful outside army.
You need an army at your local jamat. You say you informed your friends - doctors, engineers, businessmen, accountants, intelligent and successful Bohras all - about this site and forum, and what did they do? They came here and got put off by the Sunnies? But zulm and corruption in your UK jamat does not put them off lol? You must tell them not to come to this fourm, instead what you all educated and intelligent people should do is organise, get together, form your own little army at your own jamat level and march to the corrupt aamil and tell him enough is enough. This is the only way to do it, and this is the only way it works. The ragtag PDB army can do nothing so long as people at local level are not ready for change. Bohras are socially/politically structured through their local jamats, and each jamat is separate and isolated from the other. It has its own aamil, jamat committees and chamchas and hangers-on. This is an ingenious political structure to keep control. What happens in one jamat remains confined to that jamat. In such a structure the outside PDB army will get no support and can do zilch. This is the reason the revolt in Udaipur remained confined to Udaipur.
If you can get over your sunni obsession, you will find that this site and this forum offers a wealth of knowledge about our faith and tradition which you can use to question your aamil and other religious grandees. You and your friends can also use this forum to organise your little army and plan your strategy. There is a lot you can do. If there is a will there is a way. Stop finding excuses. Don't tell others what to do. Ask yourself what you have done or what can you do.
Still, if you expect that this Forum should spoon-feed a revolution, can you at list some specific ideas and action points that the Admin can take?
Also, so far as I know, this site and forum has never pretended to bring about full-blown revolution. It's purpose and focus is to create awareness, provide knowledge about our faith and tradition, expose the wrongdoing of Kothar and above all provide people like you a platform to speak freely and without fear. These are the tools you have, educated and intelligent people should learn to use them. Let me repeat, without guts nothing can be achieved. So ya all that and guts.

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Re: How can we help this PDB website


Unread post by SBM » Tue Jun 11, 2013 3:15 pm

by DB-Londoner on Mon Jun 10, 2013 1:49 pm
Calm down my Brothers, I'm on your side lol!
With friends like you who needs enemy or like they say, Aastin Kaa Saanp
DB Londoner
You are nothing but a HOT AIR who just huffs and puffs. You have very successfully diverted the original topic, THE TOPIC IS HOW WE CAN HELP THIS PDB site and all you are huffing about HOW THIS SITE CAN HELP COWARDS like you who can not even stand up to his Aamil and can not convince his EDUCATED family and friends about the corruption of the local Aamil and Jamaat and comes here to lecture us.
You are just another Coward Abde who wants to use some one else to do your lifting, a typical abde, SU KARYE BHAI SANSAR MAA REHVO CHEY.

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Re: How can we help this PDB website


Unread post by humanbeing » Wed Jun 12, 2013 12:53 am

Lets not be so harsh to a visitor on this forum.

Humsafar and other members have summed up enough approach and idea how to face kothar tyranny. Lets save ourselves first, then we can look at world. Change yourself and whole world will change.

As I mentioned earlier, clear your heart of hatred and focus life on raising yourself spiritually to a level that you don’t need religious thugs to take you to heaven. Get over your fixation with Sunni, wahabi, hindu, Christian, focus on being a muslim. Oppose wrong practices of today, don’t worry about Ahle Bait, they don’t need anyone’s defense.

This forum helped me clear my mind and then my actions. I m not leading an army nor I m using any quick fix violent technique to bring sweeping reforms. Having reformed myself with god given intellect to separate rights and wrongs with basic common sense, humanity and preaching of Islam one can do great.

You need to act at local level, from family friends to social circle. Do it slowly and steadily. First and foremost cut the money supply, pay to extent you feel justified of the services.

Jo Jaage Uska Savera ! ….. So wake up !

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An elixer to sequel your anger


Unread post by think » Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:17 am

This website has helped me in voicing my opinion about the gross violation of human rights at the hands of the bhaisahebs, amils ,mullahs and zadas. At one time it was taboo to speak any ill of these so called religious leaders. To day ,thanks to this web site ,the wrongs of the religious leaders can no longer be shoved under the carpet so as to speak. Through this website the world can notice the attrocities , injustices and gross human rights violations metted out to the bohra community at the hands of the so called royal family in the name bohra religion which is supposedly Islam but is exploited fully by this royal family by issuing various fatwas for their own selfish interests.

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Re: How can we help this PDB website


Unread post by Qutbi-Hero » Wed Jun 12, 2013 2:07 pm

You ignorant and pathetic Sunnis don't have a clue! Bohras don't want to leave the community and become Yazeed Lovers, we want to Reform the community and remain Ahlul Bayt Lovers.

You'll never understand the Dawoodi Bohra community and in particular will never understand why Reform is so difficult, as we all love our families and do not want to cause any trouble for them. We are all forced to pay money to the Kothar, however in the West we are lucky enough to be able to afford it, so even though we hate the rampant extortion, it doesn't really affect our lives too much. The main reason we need Reform is because of the countless Bohras who live in poverty, so cannot afford this constant theft of theri hard earned savings, and suffer under the intimidation of Kothar goondas. Their lives are made a misery, and it is these people that suffer the most, and need help the most.

The internet has global reach. By now this forum should have tens of thousand or even hundreds of thousands of Bohra members. It should be thriving with activity and have attracted a large number of wealthy Bohra businessmen willing to donate money to the cause, we should have gained top Bohra accountants who endevour to investigate the Kothars illegal cash-flow and report it to the authorities, we should have gathered a fantastic group of Bohra lawyers ready to fight the Kothar in court, we should have built up a network of Bohra journalists who expose the wrongdoings of the Kothar on a daily basis etc etc etc. Should have, could have, would have...

Sadly, we don't have anything like this at all, which is no surprise. People who can really make a difference would only join a forum which is dedicated to Dawoodi Bohras. They would never join a place full of Sunni Snakes, telling us we are cowards and kafirs while trying to persuade us to join their deviant and poisonous cult lol.

None of you ugly Sunnis belong here, yet you remain like an incurable disease lol. Instead of lecturing Shias on how we should improve ourselves, why don't you go muster the 'guts' to root out all the murder and mayhem, the rape and pillage, the crime and terrorism in your own house? Solve this problem and Islam might not be dragged through the mud on a regular basis by the entire world.

Anyway, you Sunnis Snakes took over this forum a long time ago, and ever since, have made sure that it doesn't gain a big following or achieve anything important. You've been very cunning and extremely successful in completing your evil mission. Congratulations to you, and to Admin for allowing it to happen.

However the Sunni Snakes overall objective, of convincing Shias to hate the Prophets family, will not be so successful lol. Every day is Ashura, every land is Karbala!

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Joined: Sun May 09, 2004 4:01 am

Re: How can we help this PDB website


Unread post by SBM » Wed Jun 12, 2013 2:42 pm

Time to get rid off DB Londoner. He has no place on this forum

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Joined: Thu Dec 13, 2001 5:01 am

Re: How can we help this PDB website


Unread post by porus » Wed Jun 12, 2013 2:43 pm

I must say that I have a great deal of sympathy with the sentiments expressed by DB-Londoner.

He echoes my past exasperation at having innumerable threads on this forum being hijacked by Wahhabis and turning them into sectarian mud-fests.

Included among Bohras are people with many shades of beliefs ranging from devout believers all the way through to outright unbelievers. Yet they all share the desire to bring reforms to the community and circumscribe the powers of the Royal Family and their appointees, the clergy. It is not the intention of Bohras to overturn their creed and become Sunnis, or worse, Wahhabis.

Looking beyond simply a financial contribution for this website, there clearly is a need to attract many more viewers. They are most certainly going to be put off by strident attacks on fundamental beliefs of Bohras all the time.

I have made this point many times before, but non-Bohras whose sole aim is to denigrate Bohras and the Shia should, in some manner, be reined in.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: How can we help this PDB website


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Wed Jun 12, 2013 2:51 pm

DB-Londoner claims to be an intellectual, a doctor but his comments are no better then the ignorant, dumb and brain washed abdes whose faith hinges on pure hatred, no wonder kothar is so successful in politicising religion. It is like the gujarati hindus following Narendra Modi like a pied piper whose success hinges on communalism and sheer hatred of Muslims.

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Re: How can we help this PDB website


Unread post by Humsafar » Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:11 pm

I beg to disagree with you. As I said before, there are times when shia-sunni issues dominate but that is bound to happen in an open and free forum. Why should this be construed as attack on shia beliefs alone? Shias also attack sunni beliefs. For the most part it is the actions of Dai (who apparently acts with the authority of the Imam) which open up our beliefs to attack and ridicule. And it is not just sunnis who do it, but also many Bohras. Considering the way Dai and his royal family behave it ibecomes very difficult to defend Shia/Fatimid beliefs. Before blaming sunnis I think it is important that the shias - and especially the representative of Imams - should put their house in order.
For the most part this site and forum are devoted to reform and bohra issues. The whole shia-sunni issue is a sideshow, and is being used as an excuse by people like DB-Londoner who cannot and will not even move their little finger to change the pathetic situation they are in.