Farman Al Vazarat us Saifya for Women

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
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Re: Farman Al Vazarat us Saifya for Women


Unread post by Reporter » Tue Jul 23, 2013 11:52 am

Here is an email and audio clip doing the rounds on the Internet. I'm reproducing it here:

I know a lot of people are not going to agree or may have some criticism of what I am going to write, but this message has to be put out in the open, with what this Maula is talking.

Click here to listen to the audio.

I urge everybody to listen to the audio and make their own decisions. For me this sounds totally ridiculous and those supporting this kind of behaviour should also feel ashamed. What a shame people go to listen to this kind of nonsense !!!!!!!!!!!! I am listing point by point what can be done ( to start with )
  1. These utterances for degrading women's intelligence should be condemned in public by sending these to news media around the world
  2. We have some of the biggest corporations who have women as CEO's in the world and this person is talking that way, should try to pass on this message to corporations headed by women, he wants women to to do cooking and stitching and other household chores !!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a wasted person and a wasted statement
  3. A movement should be started by like minded people to inform all kinds of women's activist around the world to the utterances by this person about women, also if you listen to the last sentence he emphatically utters that (forcefully) that "will you implement this"
  4. Need somebody to translate this verbatim in English so that we can pass it on to organizations around the world and to news media ( I don't mind doing it though)
  5. Please feel free to forward this to as many people as possible
  6. If this person plans a trip to the USA we should mobilize and send this audio organisations and corporations which are headed by women
There are many avenues we can contemplate to refute these statements , but at least we can make a beginning
Thank you

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Re: Farman Al Vazarat us Saifya for Women


Unread post by SBM » Tue Jul 23, 2013 1:23 pm

It is disturbing to hear how head of our community Syedi Muffadal BS can ask a very progressive community to regress. While Malala Yousafai who took bullets on her life and found the courage to stand up to Talibans (worst of the worst in current Muslim Society) we have a leader who is asking women to sit back and go back in the history. What do all these learned and educated Dawoodi Bohra women think. Is our Mansoos now taking a cue from TALIBANS. All those defenders like Adam/Progticide who blast Wahabis for their back ward thinking, TELL US WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT IT I wonder how many RIDAS are being made by Shezaadis and how many ROTIS they are making?
Mazoon's family is highly educated and Bazat Tahera Bhen Saheba is an Associate Professor of Arabic in Chicago University, is she now going to start doing Rida and Roti
and how about Shamim (aka Lamia) Dahodwala, who along with her her husband contributed millions to the coffer of these Morons in Kothar, is she going to quit her practice of medicine in Boston and start doing RIDA and ROTI?

Bohra spring
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Re: Farman Al Vazarat us Saifya for Women


Unread post by Bohra spring » Tue Jul 23, 2013 3:06 pm

I am so disturbed by his tone, shouting and arrogance. What I want draw attention to is his attitude when he mentions that women and daughters are to be prepared to serve their husbands!

So women are to be slaves to the males who are his slaves so this shows how he classes his slaves.

To help the cause of the reporter it may be sufficient to Create a certified written transcript since it is audio. Or play it as audio visual and have subtitles and mount it on you tube under the title Bohra anti women tube will create its won publicity.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Farman Al Vazarat us Saifya for Women


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Jul 23, 2013 3:21 pm

How many rotis does Muffy's wife cook ? How many ridas does she stitch and how many does she donate to the poor bohra women residing in Mumbra, Dharavi and Sion Koliwada ? She and her extended family of females are busy shopping, renovating their homes in saifee mahal every 6 months and busy going to beauty parlours. In the audio clip Muffy says "Bairo ne ghar no kono pakdi ne besvu joiye", wonder in which 'kona' his wife sits all day long.

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Re: Farman Al Vazarat us Saifya for Women


Unread post by Humsafar » Tue Jul 23, 2013 3:46 pm

Apart from the retrograde and antiquated message, what is astounding about Muffadal Mazoon is how unbelievably inarticulate he is. He is practically yelling his fatwas in half-finished sentences and poor abdes are grunting in approval. This is the Dai in waiting, the one who will inherit the mantle of infallibility, the fount of esoteric knowledge, the natiq Quran and haqiqi Kaba who can't put a half-decent sentence together that makes a logical, contextual sense. This is worse than mediocre material. His message, his style and delivery are all rotten. To be bamboozled is one thing, but to be bamboozled by such unsophisticated and uncultured leader is a real shame. Maybe Bohras - themselves a philistine community - deserves such a leader. One can only despair for the future of this community. If the Imam does not come out of hiding soon, Bohras are doomed.

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Re: Farman Al Vazarat us Saifya for Women


Unread post by humanbeing » Tue Jul 23, 2013 4:12 pm

Argh ! Muffy Maula needs good lessons and practice in public speech ! He talks like a local town sheikh trying to make am impression with his haphazard lisan-e-dawat and common words. Quiet similar to sidhpuri / ratlami accent/slang !correct me if wrong !

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Farman Al Vazarat us Saifya for Women


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Jul 23, 2013 5:36 pm


Women 'banned from shopping alone' in northern Pakistan

Islamic clerics and tribal elders in Pakistan's north-west Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province have barred women from shopping without a male relative.

The step is reportedly aimed at keeping men from being distracted during the holy month of Ramadan.

"Those who will visit markets without male relatives will be handed over to police.

"They spread vulgarity and spoil men's fasting in Ramadan."

The clerics have requested police help enforce their ban and called on shopkeepers not to serve unaccompanied women.

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Re: Farman Al Vazarat us Saifya for Women


Unread post by zinger » Wed Jul 24, 2013 2:21 am

i dont wish to comment on Muffadal bhaisaabs oratorical skills

On the content.... i dont know who has written it but i would have hoped that he would have put it in modern context and re-read what he is going to say.

its sad... everyday i pray to Allah that may our community improve and may sudhaar come in.... but with bayaans like this, i know im ashamed.

He is the Dai-in-waiting, so i am not going to question him, maybe he has reasons and ilm which is why he said what he did, but i dont think i wish to accept what he commands.

As a community, i used to pride myself in saying that within Muslims, we truly believed in equal rights for women... but now... :?: :?: :?: :?:

Bohra spring
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Re: Farman Al Vazarat us Saifya for Women


Unread post by Bohra spring » Wed Jul 24, 2013 7:38 am

Zinger Bhai

Mashallah am I seeing "progress" so only one sticking point...inshallah we will slowly help you replace that notion
He is the Dai-in-waiting, so i am not going to question him, maybe he has reasons and ilm which is why he said what he did, but i dont think i wish to accept what he commands.
Sincerely I am pleased that you have opened your heart. :P

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Re: Farman Al Vazarat us Saifya for Women


Unread post by as2153 » Wed Jul 24, 2013 1:57 pm

Im disappointed by what I heard on that audio.

Bohra spring
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Re: Farman Al Vazarat us Saifya for Women


Unread post by Bohra spring » Wed Jul 24, 2013 3:10 pm

as2153 wrote:Im disappointed by what I heard on that audio.
More progress .... :)

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Re: Farman Al Vazarat us Saifya for Women


Unread post by think » Wed Jul 24, 2013 8:08 pm

surpising is the fact that this same muffy and his cronies collect thousands from each female doctor in houston , and other places. Anytime muffy has a wish list the first line of bakras are the doctors of houston and other cities.

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Re: Farman Al Vazarat us Saifya for Women


Unread post by seeker110 » Wed Jul 24, 2013 10:12 pm

This man would starve even if he just sold soap.

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Re: Farman Al Vazarat us Saifya for Women


Unread post by zinger » Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:14 am

Bohra spring wrote:Zinger Bhai

Mashallah am I seeing "progress" so only one sticking point...inshallah we will slowly help you replace that notion
He is the Dai-in-waiting, so i am not going to question him, maybe he has reasons and ilm which is why he said what he did, but i dont think i wish to accept what he commands.
Sincerely I am pleased that you have opened your heart. :P

Bohra spring bhai, thank you for your kind words, but in all honesty, the last thing i want is to earn brownie points from the reformist side and to be labelled as "one of you". No hard feelings but i think we are both on opposite sides of the fence and just like you are loath to come over to our side and see our point of view, the same applies here.

That said, let me reproduce part of a conversation that i have had with another member from your side, names obviously being withheld

"my stance has always been very clear, there is no question of it changing. i have always accepted that our Maula is a human being, i have never denied it, he is mortal, with feet of clay and hence, succeptible to all vices that you and i are in. but yes, the fact that he is a Dai certainly means that he is morally, spiritually, and ethically on a higher level, maybe just by 1 or 2, than me.

I really appreciate your concern, im honoured and touched even, but fact remains, my faith in the position of Dai is not going to be shaken. Yes, as far as Muffadal bhai saab goes, its an open fact in the community that he has neither the charisma nor the influence nor will he be able to command the adoration that Syedna Mohammad Burhannudin does.

When he becomes a Dai, and assuming i dont become a Qutbi Bohra ( :wink: ), i will continue to respect him as the Dai, but maybe, for sure actually, i doubt he will be able to command my affection the way Burhannudin Maula does."

The opinion expressed above is purely mine and my like-minded brothers from our jamaat. it does not, and i repeat IT DOES NOT represent the view of our community

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Re: Farman Al Vazarat us Saifya for Women


Unread post by as2153 » Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:38 am

I agree with Zinger on his thoughts. This is also my current view of Aqua Moula. That he is a human being, capable of errors like all other humans but a man of very high piousness, high moral character and a man immensely well suited to providing religious guidance to the dawoodi bohra community. This too is my personal opinion and not an official DB community position. I dont believe in miracles or supernatural hocus pocus but I do think that SMB moula has the moral qualities suited to leading our community moreso than any alternatives. Im interested in seeing modernity and progression in our community and improvements in transparency and how people are treated but these changes dont require revolutions.

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Re: Farman Al Vazarat us Saifya for Women


Unread post by Nietzsche » Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:48 am

Pathetic. Such hypocrites, all of the nobility in this community.

They tell their followers to do "purjosh matam" and then they sit there stone faced. They tell people to let go of worldly wealth and live more religiously, while they drive expensive cars and fly first class. And their foolish wives are the same.

Women should not be cooking or sewing unless they choose to do such, they should be getting a quality secular education. It takes a very thick person not to understand this in the 21st century. Why ancient cultural beliefs still dominate over so many people, I don't understand.

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Re: Farman Al Vazarat us Saifya for Women


Unread post by as2153 » Thu Jul 25, 2013 1:21 am

Our DB community probably has the strongest record of women getting secular educations relative to other equivalent communities. I think this should be a matter of pride in our community and something we build on.

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Re: Farman Al Vazarat us Saifya for Women


Unread post by like_minded » Thu Jul 25, 2013 1:29 am

The motive behind this pathetic speech is simple, This guy does not want the women in our community to progress, He wants to ensure they remain confined within the four walls of their homes.

Progress in the overall status of women in our community is a direct threat to him and his notorious establishment,

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Re: Farman Al Vazarat us Saifya for Women


Unread post by shapur » Thu Jul 25, 2013 3:48 am

SBM wrote:It is disturbing to hear how head of our community Syedi Muffadal BS can ask a very progressive community to regress. While Malala Yousafai who took bullets on her life and found the courage to stand up to Talibans (worst of the worst in current Muslim Society) we have a leader who is asking women to sit back and go back in the history. What do all these learned and educated Dawoodi Bohra women think. Is our Mansoos now taking a cue from TALIBANS. All those defenders like Adam/Progticide who blast Wahabis for their back ward thinking, TELL US WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT IT I wonder how many RIDAS are being made by Shezaadis and how many ROTIS they are making?
Mazoon's family is highly educated and Bazat Tahera Bhen Saheba is an Associate Professor of Arabic in Chicago University, is she now going to start doing Rida and Roti
and how about Shamim (aka Lamia) Dahodwala, who along with her her husband contributed millions to the coffer of these Morons in Kothar, is she going to quit her practice of medicine in Boston and start doing RIDA and ROTI?
The talk is based clearly on the incidence of Bohrawomen taking up jobs at call centers wherein they have to spend specific hours at night away from home and in the company of male colleagues which, he says , could give room to undesirable intimacies over a period of time and a good instigating oppurtunity for the satan. His references to the first priorities of a woman being her home, her husband and children, and to alternative time-occupations like sewing, ridamaking,etc are also made in the context of females who opt for jobs at callcenters and other such careers. I think its an exemplary stand and a bold statement which is completely in tune with Islamic directives . A highly commendable discourse and initiative. He is not generalising and speaking against all career-based women but merely cautioning against such careers which could expose them to illicit, tempting conditions and one has to see this in its proper perspective and appreciate the sincere good content of the message.

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Re: Farman Al Vazarat us Saifya for Women


Unread post by zinger » Thu Jul 25, 2013 4:47 am

shapur wrote:
SBM wrote:It is disturbing to hear how head of our community Syedi Muffadal BS can ask a very progressive community to regress. While Malala Yousafai who took bullets on her life and found the courage to stand up to Talibans (worst of the worst in current Muslim Society) we have a leader who is asking women to sit back and go back in the history. What do all these learned and educated Dawoodi Bohra women think. Is our Mansoos now taking a cue from TALIBANS. All those defenders like Adam/Progticide who blast Wahabis for their back ward thinking, TELL US WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT IT I wonder how many RIDAS are being made by Shezaadis and how many ROTIS they are making?
Mazoon's family is highly educated and Bazat Tahera Bhen Saheba is an Associate Professor of Arabic in Chicago University, is she now going to start doing Rida and Roti
and how about Shamim (aka Lamia) Dahodwala, who along with her her husband contributed millions to the coffer of these Morons in Kothar, is she going to quit her practice of medicine in Boston and start doing RIDA and ROTI?
The talk is based clearly on the incidence of Bohrawomen taking up jobs at call centers wherein they have to spend specific hours at night away from home and in the company of male colleagues which, he says , could give room to undesirable intimacies over a period of time and a good instigating oppurtunity for the satan. His references to the first priorities of a woman being her home, her husband and children, and to alternative time-occupations like sewing, ridamaking,etc are also made in the context of females who opt for jobs at callcenters and other such careers. I think its an exemplary stand and a bold statement which is completely in tune with Islamic directives . A highly commendable discourse and initiative. He is not generalising and speaking against all career-based women but merely cautioning against such careers which could expose them to illicit, tempting conditions and one has to see this in its proper perspective and appreciate the sincere good content of the message.

Shapur bhai, thanks for pointing out the call center bit. i heard it, but didnt make the connection that this was being explicitly pointed at. dont know how i missed it out. like i said before, Roza's taking a toll on me :)

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Re: Farman Al Vazarat us Saifya for Women


Unread post by progticide » Thu Jul 25, 2013 6:03 am

zinger wrote: Shapur bhai, thanks for pointing out the call center bit. i heard it, but didnt make the connection that this was being explicitly pointed at. dont know how i missed it out. like i said before, Roza's taking a toll on me :)
Besides the above, you may someday wonder what other connection you missed out on the spiritual level. Thought fasting is a means of elevating the follower in the path of faith, means of strengthening the faith not weaken it. In your case if fasting is having reverse effects than to be cautious you should be withdrawing yourself from this forum and contemplate your actions.

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Re: Farman Al Vazarat us Saifya for Women


Unread post by zinger » Thu Jul 25, 2013 6:47 am

progticide wrote:
zinger wrote: Shapur bhai, thanks for pointing out the call center bit. i heard it, but didnt make the connection that this was being explicitly pointed at. dont know how i missed it out. like i said before, Roza's taking a toll on me :)
Besides the above, you may someday wonder what other connection you missed out on the spiritual level. Thought fasting is a means of elevating the follower in the path of faith, means of strengthening the faith not weaken it. In your case if fasting is having reverse effects than to be cautious you should be withdrawing yourself from this forum and contemplate your actions.

Progticide bhai, chill, dont worry about me missing out anything at a spiritual level. Appreciate your concern but dont see how my faith is weakened by fasting.

Anyways, why did it take a reformist to point this out to me and not someone from our side??? Is fasting taking a toll on all of us then, that a reformist has to get up and tell the others to shut up and not mistake the woods for the trees???

anyways, will take your suggestion as advise from a concerned brother and try and refrain from this site as much as i can.

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Re: Farman Al Vazarat us Saifya for Women


Unread post by shapur » Thu Jul 25, 2013 8:39 am

zinger wrote:
progticide wrote: Besides the above, you may someday wonder what other connection you missed out on the spiritual level. Thought fasting is a means of elevating the follower in the path of faith, means of strengthening the faith not weaken it. In your case if fasting is having reverse effects than to be cautious you should be withdrawing yourself from this forum and contemplate your actions.

Progticide bhai, chill, dont worry about me missing out anything at a spiritual level. Appreciate your concern but dont see how my faith is weakened by fasting.

Anyways, why did it take a reformist to point this out to me and not someone from our side??? Is fasting taking a toll on all of us then, that a reformist has to get up and tell the others to shut up and not mistake the woods for the trees???

anyways, will take your suggestion as advise from a concerned brother and try and refrain from this site as much as i can.
Zinger, if there is one person who needs serious reforms here it is you. So rather than trying to categorise and identify other people here as "us" and "them" like as if you are an aalim-ul-ghaib, its better that you take a big , long break and first try to identify anf find out as to who YOU are , in the first place.
A true, well-meaning, well-intentioned and well-wishing mumin will have only one vision which is to see perfection and goodness in the helm and in the society and will always learn to give the good its due.

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Re: Farman Al Vazarat us Saifya for Women


Unread post by think » Thu Jul 25, 2013 9:43 am

he is talking but at the same time he wants a vote of confidence from the crowd. He keeps asking "che ke nahi" America has more women than men, and women work as ceos to even hair dressers. It all depends on how dirty your mind is. If you are desciplined and a human in control of your actions such things never happen. To day women are shoulder to shoulder with men. Which world is he in. His relatives study in universities and teach as professors and go to hairdressers for their design. The sad part is the public is buying it and singing" hidayat apo cho"

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Re: Farman Al Vazarat us Saifya for Women


Unread post by SBM » Thu Jul 25, 2013 10:23 am

Shapur bhai, thanks for pointing out the call center bit. i heard it, but didnt make the connection that this was being explicitly pointed at. dont know how i missed it out. like i said before, Roza's taking a toll on me :)
Br Zinger and Progticide
This is such a weak argument. So you do not trust women can behave themselves BUT YOU TRUST A SHAIKH AND TRUSTEE OF A JAMAAT APPOINTED BY MOULA WHO HAS ILLICIT SEX AND NO CONDEMNATION FROM KOTHAR. What a double standard.
I would trust hard working female any day then a APPOINTED AND ANOINTED SHAIKH FROM KOTHARI GOONS

Based on what happened in Bradford Jamat I suspect Muffadal Moula will ask people not to become Treasurer and no more Shaikh panu because that corrupts them too.
BTW we used to have an ardent Abde on this forum who confessed to misbehave at his work place. He has repented and I do not want to drag him but the point is why only women, the HIDAYAT from the Aqalmund Moula should have gone to every one instead of women only. And the best we all saw picture of Muffadal Moula smiling at Qatari air-hostess, how come he did not keep his eyes down as per Shariah specially after finding that she was a MOMINA. This reminds me how people blame the Rape victim and never the Rapist with the claim of her dressing inappropriate if only the Rapist could control his desires too.

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Re: Farman Al Vazarat us Saifya for Women


Unread post by Humsafar » Thu Jul 25, 2013 10:52 am

Shapur and his ilk are clutching at straws (and zinger has grabbed it for his dear life) trying hard to find redeeming features in an unthinking and incoherent outburst. The reference to call centres only occurs somewhere down the middle of his confused drivel, and even if based on actual incidents it is a gross generalisation to declare fatwa against working in call centres. Bohra women work among men during daytime also, and are as vulnerable to shaitan's instigating tendencies. So how come the Mansoos is only concerned with shaitan's nocturnal shenanigans? The outburst was regrettable and now the attempts to gloss it over is even more so. If abdes really care about the Mansoos and his reputation they should forget the whole episode in a hurry. Do not try to dignify it by invoking Islam and honour and other such virtues because it's only going fly back in your faces. The track record of Dawat speaks for itself and we all know how much it cares about Islam and honour and integrity.

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Farman Al Vazarat us Saifya for Women


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Thu Jul 25, 2013 2:22 pm

zinger wrote: He is the Dai-in-waiting, so i am not going to question him, maybe he has reasons and ilm which is why he said what he did,....
nothing more need be said about the mental capabilites of blind believers like zinger after this statement above... :roll:

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Re: Farman Al Vazarat us Saifya for Women


Unread post by askz » Thu Jul 25, 2013 3:01 pm

And the best we all saw picture of Muffadal Moula smiling at Qatari air-hostess, how come he did not keep his eyes down as per Shariah specially after finding that she was a MOMINA.
can anybody post that photo again om the forum or guide as to where in which topic it has been posted?

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Farman Al Vazarat us Saifya for Women


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Thu Jul 25, 2013 3:07 pm

admin deleted that thread in the interests of the larger focus on reform. muffy's dilletante's do not generally concern the reformists as it is superflous, but his latest bayan now gives us second thoughts on his agenda. perhaps admin may see fit to copy those pics here again if they still have them in their archives?

Bohra spring
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Re: Farman Al Vazarat us Saifya for Women


Unread post by Bohra spring » Thu Jul 25, 2013 3:16 pm

Humsafar wrote:Shapur and his ilk are clutching at straws (and zinger has grabbed it for his dear life) trying hard to find redeeming features in an unthinking and incoherent outburst. The reference to call centres only occurs somewhere down the middle of his confused drivel, and even if based on actual incidents it is a gross generalisation to declare fatwa against working in call centres. Bohra women work among men during daytime also, and are as vulnerable to shaitan's instigating tendencies. So how come the Mansoos is only concerned with shaitan's nocturnal shenanigans? The outburst was regrettable and now the attempts to gloss it over is even more so. If abdes really care about the Mansoos and his reputation they should forget the whole episode in a hurry. Do not try to dignify it by invoking Islam and honour and other such virtues because it's only going fly back in your faces. The track record of Dawat speaks for itself and we all know how much it cares about Islam and honour and integrity.
Abdes are embarrassed and backflip is in order so they are hiding behind and claiming that only women working in call centre were targeted. But the issue opens a bigger front. He clearly made the attack while in position of power and went as far as saying jamaats implying other cities at states take actions to enforce his Farman.

In the recording it is very clear he attacked multiple issues such as

Women socialising with men
Girls working in night shift
Women working in call centre
Girls getting educated in modern professions where he challenges parents not to take pride in professional achievements of their daughters
Girls and women being cause of his so called shaitan as if it is only the woman's fault for any adultery

Then he goes on to say hence forth women should be kept in homes and diverted to home science so they prepare to serve their masters that is husbands to be. He specifically states they train to be cooks, sew, etc

So please don't backtrack the horse has bolted. I can understand the abdes blind faith is trying to convince them he has not erred, that is your choice. But in the eyes of independent observation he clearly meant what he stated. If by any chance he used the wrong tone or words and we have misunderstood his intent this also raises an important question whether he is fit to lead and communicate sensibly. Why is he misguided , and these recent outbursts and his recent actions and lifestyle choices really emphasises he has been the wrong choice. If in 2 years he has gone astray can we imagine in 10 years how he will impact the communities progress or should I say regress.