Ways to make people aware of this Forum

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
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Re: Ways to make people aware of this Forum


Unread post by Conscíous » Thu Aug 22, 2013 1:27 pm

SBM wrote:Any response to my post about making Narendra Modi as your brother.
:mrgreen: lol

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Re: Ways to make people aware of this Forum


Unread post by badrijanab » Thu Aug 22, 2013 2:25 pm

Admin wrote:
Truth_Seeker wrote:I have a suggestion which is worth giving a thought:

How about creating a section which has information on the Bohra literature, rituals, practices, etc - sort of an open forum where people can post their queries (limited to Bohra doctrine and beliefs) openly and get authentic replies and information from fellow Bohras and non-Shia hating Sunni brothers as well on the forum. This section wont have anything to do with the current corrupt daawat etc - the topics which are already covered in other sections.
As an example - I have some queries like why do we pray Washek's in a particular manner, what is the significance of no. of times a particulay surat has to be prayed (eg. for Thamm Washek, we pray 'Alhamdo' 14 times, Qul Hu Wallaho Ahad 14 times, etc) and so on. Currently i dont know where exactly these queries can be posted. Other information like Misaak translation in english and other literatures which are also covered currently in the 'Bohras and Reform' section can be covered here. So, while we expose the current administration in other sections, with this new section we would be introducing a knowledge bank which would be useful to all Bohras in general.
Now, this section would definitely be something that people would like to visit as it would help them understand the 'Why' part of everything that we do. I know some of my Abde brothers would reply back saying that these information can be obtained from the local Amil or Raza na Saheb - however everyone (including them) knows very well what the real situation is.
This site, in the form it is currently, is a tremendous achievement i would say - however the above addition can make it more popular (IMHO).
This is really a good idea, thank you, We will create a sub Forum for this. Although many such topics have been discussed already in the "Borhas and Reform" forum, we can move them over. We would appreciate if anyone can identify such topics and send us a link through PM.
When Bohra mumineen (both Abdes and Youth/Progressives) will post queries -
a. Who will answer them - either authentic Dawat books can be quoted or a "KNOWN" knowledgable mumin will reply; again quoting the Dawat books.

b. Real ulama in Shabab (abdes) will not participate here. There are no religiously educated people in Abdes, except few 'chhupa rustam'. TS was having good knowledge and he went against the Shariyat a Mohammadi and proclaimed his false claim over Dai Mutlaq seat. But MB is illiterate in ilm of Fatimi Dawat. MB is like 3rd, "khana, lootna aur kutumb paalna", he is master only in field of conning and looting masses.

c. Ulama in Youth (Progressives) community do not participate here. So who will answer the deenyaat queries?!!!

Note: Ismail Poonawala is though knowledgeable about our Fatimi Dawat but he is akin to Engineer Asger Ali. Burhanuddin sahib is worst enemy of Dawoodi Bohras but former two are worst than later one.

The idea above in the quoted text is good. Correct the intentions: the right approach should be to promote the correct principles of Fatimi Dawat than promoting this website. Later will automatically be achieved as by product of former.

So who will answer to queries of Mumin per Shariyat a Mohammadi (= Fatimi Dawat)?

Admin and party has to approach the knowledgeable Bohra Youth (PDB) mumin in Malegaon, Udaipur, Mumbai, Surat, Canada, Karachi, Kuwait and London. Whose profile will be public and he/she will quote the authentic Fatimi Dawat books and reply. This will be great service to all Bohra mumineen (Shabab and Youth) minus parasite Kothar. Allah will help in this noble work with grace of Panjatan, progeny of Prophet Mohammed s.a.w.w.; the Fatimi Imams and their authorised "nus" rightful Dai Mutlaq.

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Re: Ways to make people aware of this Forum


Unread post by SBM » Thu Aug 22, 2013 2:34 pm

Would you consider ADAM to be knowledgeable enough to reply to any Bohra related inquires on this forum

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Re: Ways to make people aware of this Forum


Unread post by badrijanab » Thu Aug 22, 2013 3:06 pm

SBM wrote:Badrijanab
Would you consider ADAM to be knowledgeable enough to reply to any Bohra related inquires on this forum
Janab SBM bhai,

When we were discussing, if Dai Mutlaq in the era of 'satr' is masoom or otherwise. We referred book "Tanbeeh'ul Ghafeleen" by 3rd rightful Dai Mutlaq of daur-a-satr Syyedna Hatim a.q. (Yemen) where he categorically wrote, the only masoom designation are: 1. Nabi, 2. Wasi and 3. Imam.

Adam falsely contended: that their is 4th category "Abwab". And he further misrepresent that "Baab" = Dai Mutlaq.

Baab is a different title in hierarchy of Islam. Molana Salman Farsi a.s. was the "Baab ul abwaab" of Ameer al Momineen Mola Ali a.s. So "Baab" or "Abwaab" is not same as "Dai Mutlaq" but Adam misrepresent things to falsely justify character like MB as "Masoom"!

The difference between Imamat and all other designation in hierarchy of Islam is: Imamat is matter of inheritance, son after father from first Aadam (Qulli) till last Quaim (Qulli) i.e. from first man till last man. But all other titles like Hujjat, Babul Abwaab, Dai Zazeera, Dai Balagh, Dai Mutlaq, Mazoon, Mukasir, etc are appointed by Imam - their is no inheritance. In daur-a-satr the Dai Mutlaq seat has changed hands from different families.

Adam conveniently speak lies and intentionally misrepresent to fool and mislead readers thus he cannot be OUTRIGHTLY trusted. He can only be trusted, if he post the answers with scan copy of book and same is verified by ulama in PDB.

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Re: Ways to make people aware of this Forum


Unread post by porus » Thu Aug 22, 2013 3:20 pm

badrijanab wrote:But all other titles like Hujjat, Babul Abwaab, Dai Zazeera, Dai Balagh, Dai Mutlaq, Mazoon, Mukasir, etc are appointed by Imam - their is no inheritance.
badrijanab bhai,

I understand that the office of Dai al-Mutlaq was created by Hurrat al-Malika. I am not sure about the offices of Mazoon and Mukasir. But I think they were created by one of the first 3 Dau'aat. Could you verify this?

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Re: Ways to make people aware of this Forum


Unread post by porus » Thu Aug 22, 2013 3:24 pm

badrijanab wrote:Ulama in Youth (Progressives) community do not participate here. So who will answer the deenyaat queries?!!!
Perhaps you can answer them on their behalf as you appear to have access to them.

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Re: Ways to make people aware of this Forum


Unread post by badrijanab » Thu Aug 22, 2013 3:36 pm

porus wrote:
badrijanab wrote:But all other titles like Hujjat, Babul Abwaab, Dai Zazeera, Dai Balagh, Dai Mutlaq, Mazoon, Mukasir, etc are appointed by Imam - their is no inheritance.
badrijanab bhai,

I understand that the office of Dai al-Mutlaq was created by Hurrat al-Malika. I am not sure about the offices of Mazoon and Mukasir. But I think they were created by one of the first 3 Dau'aat. Could you verify this?
I will check and revert. Inshallah.

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Re: Ways to make people aware of this Forum


Unread post by badrijanab » Thu Aug 22, 2013 3:45 pm

porus wrote:
badrijanab wrote:Ulama in Youth (Progressives) community do not participate here. So who will answer the deenyaat queries?!!!
Perhaps you can answer them on their behalf as you appear to have access to them.
That project require specialist. Their are definitely good knowledgable people in Malegaon, Udaipur, Indore, Mumbai, Karachi and Canada - they are eligible I am not.

The fact of matter is I don't know most of the things. I am zahil indeed. However, behamdolillah what ever something I know, that I know for sure to be correct and same I try to share. With my full sincerity I love Dawoodi Bohra Ismailiya Shia maslaq. I'm a khidmatguzar but surely not the appropriate person to answer on behalf of knowledgable mumineen.

Admin have to take lead to approach them and recruit them for this project. I know some one in Indore city of India, a great scholar, but he is observing 'taqiyat' cannot reveal his identity fearing persecution by parasite Kothar. But others in places above are accessible, Admin have to approach them.

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Re: Ways to make people aware of this Forum


Unread post by zinger » Fri Aug 23, 2013 12:28 am

Al Zulfiqar wrote:
zinger wrote:
i told you ive been around for a long long time. even before you joined.

BTW, i have it on record from another member on the reformist side, and i am obviously not going to divulge his/her name out of respect, that you are doing more damage to this forum and to the PDB cause that everyone else put together.

i made a promise to ignore you, that is the best way to deal with people like you, but if you cross your lines, i'll forget my promises, i promise you that.
somehow i missed this gem from zinger.

so you admit that you are a chameleon who has kept changing his identities over the years. what were you before mustafa nalwala? and why the need to come back with new id's everytime? you have made it a habit of putting your foot in your mouth, getting hammered and embarrassed and then realising you have no recourse except burying your old i.d. and re-inventing yourself with a new one. but try as you may, you are a moron and will always remain a 'dai-loving' moron.

btw, stop that pathetic attempt of creating bogeymen and creating fictitious 'reformists' when its obvious you are the only dai-loving abdesyedna with an axe to grind here.

you make a lot of promises, which is another comic trait you possess. apparently your promises are as worthless as the dua's of syedna. you promised to leave this forum and not come back, then you 're-worded' your 'promise to reduce your participation', then you promised to ignore me but replied anyways, as you will do again for this post. you were born a dai-loving buffoon and will always remain one.

as for your threats to wreak death and destruction, well, why not instead send in an arzi into hazrate aaliyah imamiyah qudsaniya burhaniya and appeal to his powerful mojiza's to make me disappear from this forum? remember it worked for you, it saved your sorry behind from getting sacked at work for indulging in lustful peccadiloes.
you're still at it arent you, you jackass??? have fun chasing the mice in your head. :mrgreen:

BTW, i am not going to reveal the reformists name. if you want, you can put an open statement on this board asking this person to come forward, but i will not reveal it. you see,i have something that u lack. integrity!

will you believe me if i told you before zinger i was musyafa nalwalla and before that i was incredible, labbaiyahussian, sufi monk, incredilbe etc ??? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Re: Ways to make people aware of this Forum


Unread post by seeker110 » Fri Aug 23, 2013 1:37 am

One is better off ignorant than peddling false knowledge.

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Re: Ways to make people aware of this Forum


Unread post by Truth_Seeker » Fri Aug 23, 2013 5:32 am

Admin wrote:
Truth_Seeker wrote:I have a suggestion which is worth giving a thought:

This is really a good idea, thank you, We will create a sub Forum for this. Although many such topics have been discussed already in the "Borhas and Reform" forum, we can move them over. We would appreciate if anyone can identify such topics and send us a link through PM.
Dear Admin,
Thank you for considering my suggestion, and i am equally glad that some members liked the idea. For starters, i have few queries/topics that can be discussed as below:
1. Why dont we give 'Sujood' after completing the 'Asar' farj Namaaz (instead we recite a dua by keeping our palm facing down on the Masallah and then move the hand over our face?
2. What is the significance of no. of times a particular Dua/Ayah is recited in Namaaz - eg. for some Washek's we recite ayahs 7 times or 10 times or 14 times in every Rakaat? (I know most of these have been documented in the various Sahifa's created by earlier Imams - however i am just curious to know 'Why' is it so? Does reciting a particular ayah a said no. of times increases its effectiveness or pleases ALLAH more or is there any other reason to it)?
3. Why does Maghrib Farz has only 3 rakaats (an odd no., as compared to other Farz where we have even no.of Rakaats constituting a Salaam)
Some other topics that could be moved over to this sub-forum are:
1. Translation of 'Ya Saiyyada Shohhadai' - I saw it is already on the site in Pdf format, however could be moved to this section
2. Some other literature which we have available already either in the site or with some members - Nahjul Balaga, etc
3. Translation of the Misaak (Original and also the adulterated one :wink: )

Another thing - I have personally made attempts (through google) to search for translation of some commonly used Quran Ayahs like 'La Hawl Wa La Kuwwat', 'Al-hamdo-Lillah' etc and realized that when you know te meaning and then you recite it, the experience is totally diffferent and more satisfying and effective. Thus, for the common benefit of Bohras, we can think of translating these regualrly used Quranic Ayahs (It would also open some 'eyes' and 'minds' of people towards the beauty of ALLAH and Islam)

Honestly, I dont know if the above queries are like the basic ones that I should know already being a Dawoodi Bohra or something that most other members dont know as well. In either case, it would be good to have people share their knowledge on the same.
Another thing i wish to clarify here is that I am not questioning our basic belief system here and not trying to get into the 'Us' v/s 'them' mode (and hope other members follow the same for this sub-forum). All I am intersted in is to understand the rationale behind things which will help strengthen my faith even further - INSHA ALLAH.