Bohras fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too

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ghulam muhammed
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Re: And the Bohris fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sat Nov 02, 2013 5:22 pm


ghulam muhammed
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Re: And the Bohris fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sat Nov 02, 2013 5:28 pm


ghulam muhammed
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Re: And the Bohris fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sat Nov 02, 2013 6:11 pm

Spinning Lies about Muslims in Gujarat, Modi Style

By Teesta Setalvad

It is the voter that is the ultimate arbiter and it will be the politically shrewd and savvy north-Indian voter of Uttar and Bihar Pradesh that will unequivocally decide the nation’s future in 2014. Unlike the two party options available in western India, the north has, post the BJP-driven bloody politics of the 1990s carved itself viable options that allow discontent to be channelized elsewhere. One divide or "laxman rekha" that seems non-negotiable is the secular-communal divide, never mind the BJP’s Goebellian talent for anointing a lies, several times spoken, as their version of the truth.

Five thousand caps and "burqas" we are reliably informed went waste as none, or very few Muslims turned up for Modi darshan last Saturday. Kanpur where the rally was held has eight lakh Muslim votes. The BJP desperate and wily, in playing its double-games cannot escape the harsh questions that internet, television etc make difficult:- questions like BJP and VHP "what’s the rishta?"

Ram Mandir *yes or no? But Mandir apart what do Shah or Modi or Rajnath Singh or Jaitley have to say about the demolition of the Babri Masjid, an illegal and criminal act under Indian Law? Any answers? What about the party’s defiance of its own assurance to the Supreme Court?

In short does the BJP believe in the rule of law and the writ of the Constitution?

To win minority hearts and minds, a pamphlet is doing the rounds in UP that attempts to paint more Goebellian lies about Muslim safety, Muslim development and Muslim growth (not population!!) in Gujarat.

As a counter, here are some interesting facts:-

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) assessing the goals for poverty reduction in India among different sections of the population (February 2013) has analysed that the poverty head count for Muslims is “very high in states of Assam, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and Gujarat”. In these states, nearly 50 percent of agricultural labourers and 40 per cent of other labourers are below the poverty line in rural areas where households with primary level and lower education have the higher poverty ratio.” This certainly does not absolve other parties especially the
Congress, Communists but it does not show the BJP or Modi up well either.

More specifically, there are recent studies that are interesting. Comparing the literacy rate of Gujarat’s Muslims which is at 73.5 per cent to Andhra Pradesh where it was 68 per cent, Kancha Iliah attributes to the fact that in Gujarat, Muslims study in Gujarati whereas in AP, education is divided into two languages. Telugu and Urdu. Hence while the basic literary level of Muslims was slightly better overall, in terms of each level of education Muslims in AP were doing much better. Up to primary school, in terms of school attendance, the community in both states were at the same level – 74.9 per cent in Gujarat and 74.7 per cent in AP. Those Muslims who made it to middle school in Gujarat constituted 45.3per cent whereas in AP it was 52.6 per cent. Worse, as they move upto matriculation, only 26.1 per cent of the Gujarati Muslim population passed Std X whereas in AP, 40.6 per cent succeeded. The dropout rate in Gujarat was higher but most surprising was the fact that barely 5 per cent of Gujarat’s Muslims completed graduation whereas in AP the figure was higher at 9.6 percent.

Gujarat surprisingly given other economic growth indicators emerges as a state with high levels of hunger while at the same time boasting of higher per capita income and consistent income stability. Gujarat’s hunger levels stand side by side with Orissa and Bihar, only Jharkand, Chhatisgarh and Madhya Pradesh having worse levels.

Abu Saleh Sharief evaluating comparative data from the NSSO and NCAER sets right the false propaganda put forward by the BJP related to Muslims, Sachar Committee and Gujarat. Poverty among urban Muslims is eight times i.e.800 per cent more than high caste Hindus, about 50 per cent more than Hindu OBCs and the SC/Sts. Over 60 per cent of Gujarat’s Muslims live in urban areas and they stand today as the most deprived social group in Gujarat. Rural poverty amongst Gujarat Muslims is 200 per cent more. While Muslims have bank accounts proportionate to the size of the population, the depth of institutionalised bias and prejudice is evident from the figures related to access to bank loans, microcredit. Poor financial inclusion is evident from the fact that of the total, barely 2.6 per cent loans dished out by banks are the beneficiaries Muslims. So much for equality, fair play and a level playing field. Muslims are also much more vulnerable to theft and burglary.

The most successful way to assess security and integration is through the quality of life for one and all, the depth of societal integration, mixed neighbourhoods and classrooms. The schools within urban Gujarat, especially in the majority dominated areas rarely allow admission to a child from this minority. Ghettoised existence has become a reality within large sections of urban Gujarat as the term ‘borders’ is used to define to segregation of neighbourhoods.

Pertinently, let’s ask, how many Muslims are part of Modi’s government, how many Muslim candidates did he field in 2012? Modi has not a single Muslim Minister; infact during his 12 year old term in office in Gujarat, he has never trusted a Muslim as a ministerial post. But then how could he? When he has never fielded a single Muslim candidate in the three elections in Gujarat that he has lorded over!!

Though 9.1. per cent Gujaratis are Muslim, they play no part in Modi’s government or state legislature party. It is arguable and debatable how many actually support him and his policies (this column will bring details on this one).

Today, as he desperately runs to keep in the race for2014, a moot question to him would be, why not a law to prevent targeted communal violence? A law that punctures the culture of impunity for the perpetrators of hatred and violence ?

A law that helps victims and complainants access the law and ensure that the guilty are punished? A law that actually recognises the culpability of public servants and modifies the limiting provision under section 197 of ‘sanction’ that acts as a barrier against prosecuting public servants guilty of criminal acts? (Under the proposed law ‘deemed sanction’ will be given by a judicial authority if s state government does not act; in2002, Modi as Gujarat’s home minister, despite the recommendations of senior police officers like his own ADGP Intelligence RB Sreekumar and SP Bhavnagar Rahul Sharma, refused to grant sanction for the criminal prosecution of the VHP/RSS pamphlets containing hate speech and the Sandesh newspaper for spreading hatred and venom and violating sections 153a and 153b of the IPC) ?

A law that recognises command responsibility of political, bureaucratic and non-state actors? Will Modi’s BJP support such a law? To ensure that no Muzaffarnagars, no Gujarats, no Bhiwandi’s, no Hashimpuras, no Dellhis (1984) ever happen?

So far he has not let on what he thinks of such a law when violence could be prevented and the guilty readily punished. So far he has said not a word on the violence perpetrated by BJP elected representatives in the four districts of Muzaffarnagar, Shamli, Baghpat and Meerut. No prizes for guessing at the motives behind Modi’s mysterious silence.

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Re: And the Bohris fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Nov 05, 2013 6:28 pm


ghulam muhammed
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Re: And the Bohris fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Fri Nov 08, 2013 5:17 pm

The reality of Narendra Modi’s politics

Let’s look at the myth of Narendra Modi as a development candidate. There is no problem with the idea of him being projected as a candidate, or even as THE candidate, for development. This is because it is a good and positive approach in what is generally a country where politics is done on the basis of identity, not policy or governance. However, is the claim true?

Many in the BJP — Smriti Irani is one — have said that nobody else in India has ever campaigned on development alone. Modi is the only man not to divide the electorate by talking of identity issues.

Let us assume that this is the case, and that Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi, others in parties like the CPI(M), and Jawaharlal Nehru and Atal Behari Vajpayee before them, demanded votes purely on the basis of caste and religion.

But even if we were to accept that this were so, it must be recognised that development is only a part of Modi’s appeal and attraction.

In Gujarat, as elsewhere, the BJP is essentially a caste-based party. Its primary votebank is the peasant Patel, whom the rebel Keshubhai tried unsuccessfully to break in the last elections. To illustrate this, let’s look at the numbers. Four out of nine ministers in Modi’s previous Cabinet and three out of seven in his current one are Patels. This is votebank politics, not development politics, because in choosing his ministers, Modi looks at their caste. And so it’s wrong to say that the Gujarat BJP, including Modi, spurns caste politics. The second aspect of identity politics is the politics of religion.

It is difficult to be convinced that Modi’s appeal to a segment of the Gujarati population is not because of his tough and uncompromising Hindut-va. Let’s look at examples here. When his minister Maya Kodnani was convicted for the killing of 95 Gujarati Muslims last year, Modi did not condemn her. Actually when most Gujaratis knew of her involvement in the massacre at Naroda Patiya, Modi first gave her a ticket to contest and then made her minister.

She has been sentenced to 28 years in jail for her actions, but he has avoided taking questions about her crimes. When his deputy home minister Amit Shah was jailed after being charged in a case where a Muslim man and his wife were wrongly killed, Modi backed him. In fact, he had him elevated a few weeks ago to the post of general secretary in the BJP.

The signal that Modi has consistently sent out is that he is going to be tough on Muslims, and if his team makes an error, and even if they are convicted of crimes against Muslims, he will not back off from supporting them and he will not condemn them.

He doesn’t disown them, and doesn’t distance himself from their awful actions because this is an achievement that has brought him the admiration of many in the Gujarati middle class. Modi doesn’t need to advertise this side to his divisive politics because the media does it for him. He says that he is unfairly accused, but the facts are quite clear, as we can see. We can continue to talk about him as a development candidate, but the reality of his politics does not validate that claim ... map=%5B%5D

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Re: And the Bohris fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sat Nov 09, 2013 5:20 pm

Are you a ‘pappu’ for propaganda doctors?

An army of 2,000 people is disseminating propaganda for Narendra Modi and against his rivals

I have tried and failed to find a video in which, no matter what he says, Rahul Gandhi is approved of by the users of the Internet. Even when he says something that the public are likely to approve, for instance attacking the ordinance protecting convicted politicians as “complete nonsense”, twice as many people disapprove of his saying it.

Similarly, I have not found a video with over 100,000 views where what Modi says is disliked more than liked, and that by a large multiple.

What’s going on? How are the leaders of India’s largest and most popular political party so hated on the Internet? What explains such unanimous love for the chief minister of Gujarat?

On 10 June, The Indian Express filed a report (“The men behind Narendra Modi”), in which five people were listed as being close to Modi and in charge of executing his 2014 campaign. Along with hatchet man Amit Shah, senior minister Anandiben Patel, an RSS man, and Modi’s principal secretary, is a man called Hiren Joshi.

What is his job? The paper says he heads a team of more than 2,000 volunteers that manages Modi’s portal and social media. 2,000 people!

An April report in Times Crest said Joshi’s team “also has senior executives from companies like PricewaterhouseCooper and Deloitte who quit their corporate jobs to join Modi’s team. He is also supported by an army of tech-savvy fans, some of whom live abroad”.

In an interview in The Economic Times, Rajeeka Kacheeria, who heads the BJP’s IT cell and manages its website, said: “Everything that happens on the Internet and social media is done under the guidance of Mr Narendra Modi. Hiren Joshi, a senior party professional clears even the smallest of our doubts on anything related to the Net. It is not possible that conversations can happen as per the whim and fancy of a single individual. It’s a collective effort.”

Indeed. It is not easy, and I would suggest it is not possible, today in India to put forth a view in the public space that is critical of Modi and not be shouted down.

The opposite is true for the Congress and especially Rahul and Sonia Gandhi.

The Congress is dynastic and arrogant. That is true. Their chamchas (sycophants) in the party act with a sense of great entitlement. It is difficult to say that the party doesn’t deserve the treatment it is getting in the social media.

But we must recognize that we are being played. An army of 2,000 people is disseminating propaganda for Modi and against his rivals.

If Indians cannot see through this, then we are the real Pappus. ... ctors.html

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Re: And the Bohris fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by Reporter » Mon Nov 11, 2013 5:20 pm

Momin-Modi bhai bhai...
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Re: And the Bohris fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by Mkenya » Fri Nov 15, 2013 3:13 pm

I have been following the posts on this topic with waning interest.
Many of the posts are rebuttals or differing on finite points. One
observation that I had made was when watchuing photos of Bohra
women were lining up to tie 'rakhi' around Modi's wrist. One particular
photo was particularly intetesting in that Modi's wrist was so full of
'rakhi' that no flesh was visible. What 'akida' of the Bohra women and
what a 180 degree 'turn around' on Kothar's part! There were also photos
of Bohra men hugging Modi as if to show Modi all is forgiven.

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Re: And the Bohris fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by Mkenya » Fri Nov 15, 2013 6:41 pm

Further to my post I have other concerns and would be pleased if
Reformists or Abdes would like to enlighten me.

In the wake of the riots against Muslims I would like to know if
any of the rioters inflicted structural damage or arson to Bohra institutions like,
mosques, mausoleums, jamaat halls, devris, madrassas, kabrastans and so on.
Were any Shehzadas or Kasre Ali members present in any location in Gujarat
during the riot. Or had they evacuated themselves to safety. I know there are
a few posts listing losses of lives, businesses and homes but does anyone
have 'numbers', even if approximate as to how many Bohras were affected and
what remedial measures was offered by Kothar. I would suspect Kothar would have
done a repeat performance of so-called help after the earthquake in North
Gujarat where not very much was done. Please correct me with facts on this

Kothar by taking the step to brown-nose with Modi and creating a self-serving
charade of 'all is forgiven and forgotten' strategy the question that comes to mind is
how was this move perceived by the greater Muslim community; the Shias and
Ahle-Sunnat. What are they thinking as to what Kothars' motive. Have they raised concerns
as to why this renegade break from the feelings the Muslim unity in Gujarat.

Since the riots how has Kothar helped Bohras rebuild their lives. What kind of financial
and other aid has been given to get Bohras back on their feet again.

As someone who does not live on the Indian sub-continent and as such not really knowing
much about the aftermath of the riots I would welcome posts from Reformers and Abdes.
I, and I am sure many in similar situations to mine, would like to know. Let us not degenerate
this topic into a debate but please make an effort to enlighten all.

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Re: And the Bohris fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by humanbeing » Sat Nov 16, 2013 2:35 am

Gujarat Riots of Feb 2002, was bloodbath permitted by Modi. It would be insensitive to speak in isolation about loss of lives and property / livelihood ( which is worse then being dead) of bohra only. Scores of innocent unaware uninvolved lives perished from nook and corners, cities and villages due to drunk, hate filled maniacs.

Streets were filled with terror. Disturbing slogans of “Lungi ko Kato – Topi ko lutow” , it may sound humoruous to some, but in those times these would send a shiver down one’s spine in the streets of town in Gujarat.

I may not have right statistics. But for sure hundreds of bohras lost their livelihood, shops were looted and burnt in front of their own eyes. They stood watching helpless while the goons tore apart their decades of hardwork, laughing, mocking as if no law , no god existed to stop or punish them. Some dint even spare the doors and windows, switches and hangers which were pulled apart from the walls.

After the riots, sayenda condemned actions in Gujarat and I particularly remember he criticized Modi for his actions. He had called for a consolation gathering in Hasanpeer to heal emotional wounds of mumins.

TO my surprises, the wajebaat collection followed from the victims of the riots at the next Ramadan. I personally know people who had to pay up wajebaat less or more whatever they could afford. Kothar had propogated a theory that, wajebaat is so much wajib that even in such times it cannot be spared and with barakat of paying wajibaat at such difficult times will make the returns prosperous.

It was another surprise/shock when Sayedna shook hands with Modi, but the whole episode was played brilliantly by PR of kothar to hoodwink common abdes in believing that sayenda is playing smart politics to safeguard abdes, by comparing the actions with that of Prophet muhammad’s times.

It is evident to logical thinkers that, kothar is playing heavily in politics to safeguard and enforce its control over its own community with help of powerful outsiders. Common abdes are not realizing that they are closing all possible doors of exit from this oppression when they will be further squeezed and pressed to extract every ounce of income. Kothar knows this well, that they cannot control a rebellion from inside. They are ensuring absolute and total fencing of abde sheeps by hiring / maintain wolves like modi.

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Re: And the Bohris fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun Nov 17, 2013 6:25 pm

Please watch and forward this video on the shocking stalking of a young woman in Gujarat under verbal orders of Minister of State for Home, Amit Shah, and dutifully executed by top police officers. Shah was acting in the interests of someone he called 'Saheb'. ... ture=share

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Re: And the Bohris fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun Nov 17, 2013 6:41 pm

Modi and Madhuri – more details of the alleged relationship. And no, this is not a father-daughter relationship.

This statement by suspended IAS officer Pradeep Sharma is from the following source. I'm sure more will come out fairly soon. This whole thing is getting quite ugly.

Note that Modi is a married man. The issue of his extra-marital alliances should be of concern, but this is much more than that: the case of misuse of the taxpayer machinery to spy on "Madhuri". Modi may have a problematic personal life, but he has no business to use TAXPAYER FUNDS to support his private relationships.

Note that Madhuri's father's statement needs to be taken with a strong pinch of salt, since Madhuri is an adult and she is not necessarily expected to talk about her private affairs with her father.


It was in between 2003 to 2006 that the Petitioner, in the capacity of District Collector of Kutch, commissioned a series of projects toward the beautification of Bhuj city and overall development of Kutch district. A site was selected for developing a hill garden in 2005, for which [MADHURI] —name removed—from Bangalore was selected as the Landscape Architect. The Chief Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, visited Kutch to inaugurate the hill garden project upon its completion, and was at this time introduced to Ms. [MADHURI]–name removed—. Thereafter, Ms. —name removed— communicated to the Petitioner her decision to return to Bangalore as well as shared her ongoing interaction with the Chief Minister. The fact of the intimacy between Shri Modi and Ms.—name removed— was confirmed when the Petitioner was in close proximity of the two and overheard their conversation during one of the official functions. Subsequently, Ms. —name removed—further revealed to the Petitioner that when she called Shri Modi in his office, he would freely interrupt scheduled meetings, walking out of his office on senior officials in order to speak to her privately.

During the second week of March 2006 at approximately 5:00 PM, Ms. —name removed—called the Petitioner and conveyed that she had just landed in Ahmedabad city and was planning to visit Bhuj. Shortly thereafter, when the Petitioner attempted to telephone her, Ms. —name removed—’s cell phone was switched off and remained so for the next 48 hours. Two days later at approximately 11:00 AM, Ms. —name removed— called the Petitioner and conveyed that she was at the residence of Shri Modi, and had spent the duration of the previous two days at his residence. Subsequently, she met the Petitioner in Bhuj and described in detail her stay with Shri Modi.

Ms. —name removed—described that the next day being Holi, many people visited Shri Modi for the festival and played with colour. Shri Modi attended to them briefly and returned to his quarters. In the meantime, Ms. —name removed— had developed fever and requested a physician, but Shri Modi conveyed that calling a physician was impossible, given the peculiarity of their situation. The following morning she left for Vadodara in a car sent for by Shri Modi.

In November 2008, while the Petitioner was posted as Municipal Commissioner, Bhavnagar, Ms. —name removed—contacted the Petitioner to inform him that Shri Modi had asked her to do a project on Alang Shipyard for which she would like to come to Bhavnagar. She came to Bhavnagar and, during that time, the Petitioner observed that she was constantly in touch with Shri Modi, who was abroad and probably in South Africa. She also conveyed to the Petitioner that Shri Modi had asked her about the Petitioner and whether the Petitioner knew about her intimate relationship with Shri Modi. In one conversation, Ms. —name removed—showed the Petitioner a text message that the Chief Minister had sent to her from abroad. The Petitioner made a note of the cell phone number from which it had originated. The number was 9909923400.

It is submitted that the Petitioner had two cell phones at the time, with Nos. 99251 99799 and 98240 01729. On one of these, the Petitioner had saved the aforesaid number from which Ms. —name removed— had received personal message from Shri Modi. Once, the Petitioner accidentally dialed Shri Modi’s number, thinking that he was actually calling someone else, but the Petitioner got no reply on Shri Modi’s phone. The Petitioner realized his mistake and promptly disconnected. The Petitioner verily believes that Shri Modi must have found out the address of the holder of the SIM card from which his personal number was [accidentally] dialed, and placed it under observation either with the help of State CID (Intelligence) or illegal phone tapping methods involving the use of electronic equipment through unauthorized collaboration. Shri Modi could then have found that Ms. —name removed— was speaking to the Petitioner often over phone.

Around this time, the Petitioner received an anonymous letter conveying that a video of sexual activity between Ms. —name removed— and one person, was available on an internet website, and the letter advised the Petitioner to desist from contacting Ms. —name removed—, as her character and actions were not befitting of her company with Gujarat State officials. The Petitioner did indeed come across such a video clipping and it now appears to the Petitioner that Shri Modi, who was monitoring the Petitioner’s cell phone calls, started believing that videos involving Ms. —name removed— perhaps included him i.e. Shri Modi…”

See more at: ... NrfOy.dpuf

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Re: And the Bohris fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by zinger » Mon Nov 18, 2013 2:46 am

have a look at this
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Re: And the Bohris fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by zinger » Mon Nov 18, 2013 2:46 am

and this
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Re: And the Bohris fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by zinger » Mon Nov 18, 2013 2:48 am

and this too
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Re: And the Bohris fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by zinger » Mon Nov 18, 2013 2:49 am

this one takes the cake
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Re: And the Bohris fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by zinger » Mon Nov 18, 2013 3:02 am

i have a lot more, couple of them really sensational.

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Re: And the Bohris fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by abde53 » Mon Nov 18, 2013 8:53 am

Bhai Zinger
Two wrongs do not make one right..

ghulam muhammed
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Re: And the Bohris fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Nov 18, 2013 4:03 pm

Bro zinger,

The cozy relationships of some Mullahs with Modi is quite well known and they should also be condemned in the harshest possible manner but by posting these pictures are you justifying the Dai's One crore cheque and shawl to Modi ?

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Re: And the Bohris fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by zinger » Mon Nov 18, 2013 11:57 pm

abde53 wrote:Bhai Zinger
Two wrongs do not make one right..
no. you got me wrong. i only want to show that even the Sunni muslims loose no opportunity to shower love on NaMo.

They why single out our community?

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Re: And the Bohris fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by zinger » Tue Nov 19, 2013 12:00 am

ghulam muhammed wrote:Bro zinger,

The cozy relationships of some Mullahs with Modi is quite well known and they should also be condemned in the harshest possible manner but by posting these pictures are you justifying the Dai's One crore cheque and shawl to Modi ?
GM bhai, completely agree with you.

i have relatives who bore the brunt of this bastard's genocide in Ahmedabad.

i am not justifying anything, i am only showing you proof that Muslims all over the country are tying to create ties with Modi. Some for their own benefit and some, like our Dai, to safeguard our community.

Why do you think they said "lungi ko kaato aur topi ko looton" or whatever it was that Human being said. it could have easily been kaaton for both.

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Re: And the Bohris fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by SBM » Tue Nov 19, 2013 10:47 am

So Br Zinger
You say it is ok for political expediency to shake hands with the enemy of Islam, Wish you were there to offer the same advice to Imam Hussain and today we would not be going thru this grief. Remember at the time of Prophet Mohammed SAW, many in Muslim Ummah (abu Sufiyan) did the same political games and that is why Allah said in Quran about those Munafeqoon and what kind of punishment is waiting for them from Allah.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: And the Bohris fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Nov 19, 2013 4:05 pm

zinger wrote:i am only showing you proof that Muslims all over the country are tying to create ties with Modi.
The so called Muslims who are trying to create ties with Modi DO NOT REPRESENT their sect whereas the Dai by his actions has conveyed the message to Modi that the entire Dawoodi Bohra community is with him and the world knows that no bohra can go against the word of Dai in public ! Hence he has painted the entire Bohra community with the same brush. The other sectarian leaders who hugged and behaved friendly with Modi have been reprimanded by other followers of that sect in public. Can any Bohra afford do that after the Dai has given the green signal with regard to Modi no matter how infuriated they are ?? Followers of other sects can freely criticize, humiliate and even abuse their Mullahs for his actions because they have no fear of being boycotted by their Mullah or not getting a place in Masjid or being refused burial or being refused Nikah whereas Abdes don't enjoy that privilege.

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Re: And the Bohris fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by think » Tue Nov 19, 2013 5:17 pm

what a hypocrisy is this dawaat. sucking up to anyone . The kothar is a wolf in sheeps clothing

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Re: And the Bohris fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by zinger » Wed Nov 20, 2013 12:32 am

SBM wrote:So Br Zinger
You say it is ok for political expediency to shake hands with the enemy of Islam, Wish you were there to offer the same advice to Imam Hussain and today we would not be going thru this grief. Remember at the time of Prophet Mohammed SAW, many in Muslim Ummah (abu Sufiyan) did the same political games and that is why Allah said in Quran about those Munafeqoon and what kind of punishment is waiting for them from Allah.
Imam Hassan did it did He not??? You cannot say "ignore it, the reasons and circumstances were not the same". If you do, show how!!! Period.

Show me proof, then we continue this discussion.

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Re: And the Bohris fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by asad » Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:08 am

zinger wrote:
SBM wrote:So Br Zinger
You say it is ok for political expediency to shake hands with the enemy of Islam, Wish you were there to offer the same advice to Imam Hussain and today we would not be going thru this grief. Remember at the time of Prophet Mohammed SAW, many in Muslim Ummah (abu Sufiyan) did the same political games and that is why Allah said in Quran about those Munafeqoon and what kind of punishment is waiting for them from Allah.
Imam Hassan did it did He not??? You cannot say "ignore it, the reasons and circumstances were not the same". If you do, show how!!! Period.

Show me proof, then we continue this discussion.
Br. Zinger please Understand the difference between what Hassan did and what Syedna is doing. Hassan did a truce with Muawiya so that he can preach his followers in peace, he didnt go and enjoyed the fruits sitting in Muwiya's lap he hated him and didnt leave any chance to show him his place, he put some conditions for truce which Muwaiya didnt fulfill.

Now compare the behavior of Syedna who hob nobs with all the butchers of the world, including Modi. Other Muslims in the state have called in a truce with him but they have not called him in their Masjids and offered 1 crore cheque nor their sons have cut cakes with him nor do they call him for birthday celebrations.

see the difference between Hassan and Syedna and than introspect.

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Re: And the Bohris fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by zinger » Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:45 am

Fair enough Asad bhai, point well made and graciously accepted.

But, do you know for sure what the reasons are behind Aqa Maula doing what he did? Are you implying that he did it so he can enjoy the fruits? Do you not feel that it is this very move that has spared the lives of so many Dawoodi Bohras during the riots?

Also, just for my information really, where did you get the information on what Imam Hassan really felt and was thinking while he entered in a truce? have you heard it somewhere? where did you get the information that you shared with me?
This is merely for my knowledge for me to understand better

i dont wish to argue, i just want to point out that there was a reason that is at best, known only to them.

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Joined: Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:54 am

Re: And the Bohris fall at the feet of Narendra Modi too


Unread post by asad » Wed Nov 20, 2013 3:05 am

zinger wrote:Fair enough Asad bhai, point well made and graciously accepted.

But, do you know for sure what the reasons are behind Aqa Maula doing what he did? Are you implying that he did it so he can enjoy the fruits? Do you not feel that it is this very move that has spared the lives of so many Dawoodi Bohras during the riots?
Its a misconception that Bohras were spared in riots, more than 50 bohras lost their life, its a relatively very high number comparing there population. Bohra women were even raped in the most brutal ways, if you want more details on which bohra businesses were targeted and where were they raped you can read a book "Gujarat: The Making of a Tragedy" written by by Siddharth Varadarajan published by Times of India publication.
zinger wrote:Also, just for my information really, where did you get the information on what Imam Hassan really felt and was thinking while he entered in a truce? have you heard it somewhere? where did you get the information that you shared with me?
This is merely for my knowledge for me to understand better
My sources are many but as of now you can rely on the book "After the Prophet" by Lesley Hazleton. And more over you must have made a thorough idea of how and what Hassan felt and did through bayans you hear in regular waez.

i dont wish to argue, i just want to point out that there was a reason that is at best, known only to them.[/quote]